Business plan for production on a CNC milling machine

CNC machine is a high-performance hardware and software system designed for processing the following materials: metal, rubber, wood, plastic, leather.

The wide range of applications allows the equipment to be used for development in various business niches. If you are one of the craftsmen who know how to work on it, consider the option of starting a profitable business manufacturing a wide range of products at home.

Its advantages :

  • Low starting investments from 150 thousand rubles.
  • Availability of a minimum of equipment and tools
  • Small space requirement
  • Possibility of organization in your own garage or at home
  • Wide target audience
  • Freedom to choose a market niche


  • Having certain knowledge and skills
  • Independent search for sales channels
  • Seasonality in most niches

business plan will help you avoid making mistakes at the start and correctly organize the process . It will allow you to evaluate the idea and decide on the concept, calculate the cost of products and the profitability of the business. Let's look at its components and some nuances of its activity.

Demand and competition analysis

The first thing you need to do is study the needs of potential clients for Internet services: Wordstat, Yandex.Vzglyad, as well as the offers and pricing policies of competitors. Think about how you can stand out from them, what additional services you can offer. For example, free delivery of orders, furniture designer services, home measurement, and others.

The versatility of the machine allows you to work with different niches and target audiences, both in the private and corporate spheres. Therefore, gaining a foothold in the service market will not be difficult. The demand for products made from natural materials is growing from year to year. In demand: pieces of wooden furniture, interior parts, original souvenirs, toys, musical instruments and others. All this can be produced on a universal CNC machine .

Printer for nail art (Nail-art)

This device allows you to create a beautiful, original manicure in about half an hour. The printer interface is clear, convenient and does not need to be connected to a computer. The touch display allows you to quickly select a design. Nail art is completely safe and, by the way, will last about 3 weeks, like a regular manicure.

You can open such a salon at home and advertise through social networks. Another option is to install a 3D nail manicure in a large shopping center. The price of the printer is about $1,200 , the payback period for heavy loads is up to six months.

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organize a mini carpentry workshop in your garage or a separate room in the local area if you live outside the city or have a dacha. In the absence of such an opportunity, suitable premises can be rented.

Required area: 20-40 square meters . The room must meet fire safety requirements, be heated and have forced ventilation. When expanding production, additional space will be needed for storage and drying of products.

Cheese making machine

With this invention, you can open your own cheese factory with a small specially equipped room at home. This is a good option for a family business, and on the website of machine tools from China you will find several options for such equipment.

The cost of a car is on average from 1000-1500 dollars. , depending on the volume and power of the machine. Having high-quality natural products, you can produce delicious homemade cheese, which will be valued many times higher than store-bought cheese. You will find clients among your friends, at farmers' markets and in grocery stores.

What can be made on a machine

The milling machine allows you to work with various materials in addition to hard ones in automatic mode:

  • Carrying out curved and figured cutting of wood
  • Production of parts for furniture assembly
  • Cutting various materials, including composites
  • Decorating blanks
  • Manufacturing of complex shaped parts
  • Leather and rubber processing

This allows you to start a business by collaborating with entrepreneurs and third parties, supplying them with components, complex geometric elements, and miniature parts. In addition, on the machine it is possible to create unique goods in a single copy, products according to author’s sketches.

Work can begin in several directions:

  1. Cooperation with small and medium-sized businesses : furniture companies, construction and finishing companies, the advertising industry.
  • Manufacturing of furniture decor and assembled furniture, chairs, wooden stairs, doors, trim and shutters
  • 2D and 3D carving
  • Production of signs, logos, individual samples of outdoor advertising
  • Production of corporate, tourist and holiday souvenirs: decorative tableware, medals, memorial signs, magnets
  • Development of master models for foundries

2. Fulfilling orders for individuals

  • Making wooden toys, board games, kitchen utensils
  • Carrying out engraving work on precious metals and stones
  • Production of sculptures and souvenirs
  • Production of interior items: lamps, panels, stands, photo frames, boxes

3. Launching your own linear production of a specific product that is in demand on the market: cutting boards, coasters, rolling pins, photo frames, etc.

It is worth experimenting with different types of products, quickly switching to producing a wide range.

Meat Ball Making Machine

With this equipment you can prepare delicious meat balls with cheese, as well as snacks for a buffet table. The machine is easy to operate and cleans very well. The machine's productivity is high - 120 pieces per minute .

For such production you need a fairly spacious room equipped for preparing snacks. Cheese balls can be made with any filling - meat, fish, vegetables. You can supply ready-made buffet products to ready-to-eat supermarkets and catering companies, or you can make a website for buffet snacks and receive customers from the Internet. The cost of the car is 4000 dollars.

Search for clients

In order for consumers to know about you and your business to develop, you need to launch advertising . This type of activity allows you to search for clients in both the private and corporate spheres. Due to the wide range of work performed, the following can be used as sales channels for products:

  • Access to construction and finishing companies
  • Servicing small furniture businesses
  • Cooperation with advertising agencies

Sale of products to private individuals: owners of dachas, houses, families with children and other groups of the population

They promote products using their own website, groups on social networks , and specialized Internet sites. Word of mouth works great, distributing visits and booklets in places with high traffic, placing advertisements in elevators and entrances of houses. Be sure to use multiple marketing channels to attract as many customers as possible.

Vaquform Vacuum Forming Machine

Vaquform is a manually operated vacuum forming machine with digital display that can produce industrial grade plastic models. The machine is quite compact and fits on a desktop. This machine is the first of its kind with such an advanced user-friendly user interface. Vacuform management is easy to understand.

The built-in hybrid vacuum ensures high precision and detail in the shape of each production run. In a few minutes you can produce plastic moldings with a maximum height of 200 mm.

This machine can produce plastic products in various shapes , such as spare parts, building materials molds, mannequins, masks and highly detailed facial images.

The cost of a vacuum machine is about $1000.


If you organize a mini carpentry shop, you will need to hire a machine operator, a technologist, a carpenter, an auxiliary worker, and a driver to deliver orders. You can perform many functions yourself, and use the services of an accountant online, through outsourcing.

Knowing how to operate a machine, at the initial stages it is enough to have one assistant or perform all operations alone. You must register as a self-employed person or individual entrepreneur . The best option would be individual entrepreneurship.

To do this, contact the tax office with a passport, TIN, application, and pay a state fee of 800 rubles. Tax regime: simplified tax system with deduction of 6% from all income or 15% from net profit. Specified OKVED code: 43.32 suitable for joinery and carpentry work.

To receive large orders from enterprises, registering as a legal entity is more suitable. This will require the charter of a company with a capital of 10 thousand rubles, opening a current account and paying a state duty in the amount of 4 thousand rubles.

Smart press for preparing natural oil

Every year natural products and one of these products is vegetable oil, which we use every day. Sunflower, peanut, flaxseed and many other types of oils.

Unlike store-bought oils, homemade oils retain much more nutrients and vitamins, and less cholesterol, which is what actually gives them value. You can open a small homemade oil production by purchasing this equipment.

Oil press costs from $470 . To start a business, it is enough to install a 1500 W press, which processes from 3 to 5 kg of raw materials per hour. By purchasing such equipment and raw materials, you can make oil at home.

How much do you need to invest at the start?

The initial investment depends on the range of work performed and specialization. With a narrow list of services, you can get by with an inexpensive machine model and a minimum of tools. The costs in this case will be 150 thousand rubles, of which:

  • To purchase a machine you will need at least 100 thousand rubles.
  • For the purchase of equipment for processing materials - 10 thousand rubles.
  • To pay for the rent of the premises - 30 thousand rubles.
  • For advertising – 10 thousand rubles.

Current expenses will include: purchase of consumables, payment of utility bills, rent, advertising, which will amount to about 40 thousand rubles.

For greater productivity, you will need a complex machine model costing 200 thousand rubles. and equipment with furniture for 25 thousand rubles. Monthly expenses will also increase to 100 thousand rubles.

Having suitable premises and tools and purchasing used equipment will allow you to save. When purchasing a machine, study its technical and operational characteristics and operational capabilities. Choose equipment from reliable manufacturers who are responsible for the quality of the product.

Optimus 3 in 1 machine with smart modular design

This is a new Optimus machine, in which 3 tools - a 3D printer, a laser cutter and a CNC machine.

Such equipment is suitable for designers and developers of new technical inventions. Creative people are full of different ideas and always want to create something new. But the problem of all beginning and practicing designers and makers is the same: in order to produce something new, you need to purchase many tools, machines, study many instructions and understand how to work with them. This approach requires too much effort, time and investment.

So the developers of the new Optimus machine decided to change this and created one functional machine with three necessary tools.

Creating various 3D accessories, souvenirs and elements with a new invention is much easier, more profitable and more effective! The machine will take care of all production and technical aspects, and you will have more time for creativity.

The new Optimus is quite easy to operate, has high quality and is quite powerful. Create any 3D things with or without lighting - beautiful 3D models and figures, backlit chess, beautiful accessories, whatever you want.

The price of this equipment is several million rubles, but it is fully justified - you have to pay for high quality functionality. I think when the product goes into mass production, the price will drop, so take a closer look at this idea. By the way, you can study this product in more detail on the indiegogo website and make offers to several large companies, they will probably want to purchase this equipment, and you will receive your percentage.

How much can you earn

The amount of income depends on the cost of the processed material, which can range from 20 to 500 rubles. per meter and extra charges of 50-100% . At an average speed, up to 3 thousand meters of material can be processed per shift, which will allow you to earn 170 thousand rubles. per day, and the amount of net profit for the month will be 370 thousand rubles. Thus, the initial investment will pay off in 2-3 months.

The organization will bring additional income:

  • Thematic master classes, training courses
  • Video lessons on the Internet, consultations

Corn tube extruder

In Russia, this business has not yet been developed on a large scale, so take a closer look at this idea. These tubes are used to sell soft ice cream, but they can also be filled with delicious toppings, cream and other fillings. The production process is simple: you pour the raw material – corn – into the extruder and you’re done!

The price of the machine starts from $500 , but it depends on productivity and power. You can supply straws to ice cream shops, or you can open your own ice cream shop, but then you have to produce the entire product.

Possible business problems and risks

Since the machine is controlled by numerical control, the operator practically does not take part in its operation. Therefore, the influence of the human factor is not relevant for this business. Common risks include:

  • Material defects or poor quality: purchasing from a regular, reputable supplier will help you avoid the problem
  • Increased competition: high quality products, attractive prices, additional services, and product exclusivity will help minimize the risk
  • Lack of demand: indicates insufficient marketing activities, incorrectly chosen niche or pricing

With the right approach to business, risks can be avoided or their impact can be minimized.

The peculiarity of the business is that without ensuring stable sales volumes and established infrastructure, production should not be expanded. It is better to consolidate success by developing it, improving the quality of products, establishing production chains with partners, and retaining customers.

Dumpling making machine

Homemade products have always been valued in the market and are in great demand. The reason for this is simple - homemade dumplings and semi-finished products are much tastier and healthier than store-bought ones! The machine for making dumplings automates the modeling process and makes it several times faster.

Using the machine is easy; you can make several kg of dumplings at a time. The quality of the modeling is generally good; after cooking, the dumplings do not fall apart and the meat remains in the dough.

The price of such equipment is from 200 to 1000 dollars. By the way, you can produce not only dumplings, but also manti, scallops, dumplings and other homemade products.

You can deliver the finished product to grocery stores, farmers' markets and points in your city. I’m sure your friends will also appreciate these products and will be happy to buy dumplings from you, and not in the store.

Homemade pasta machine

True pasta connoisseurs trust only natural products. The main role here is played by a matter of taste, because homemade pasta is much tastier than store-bought! Only delicious pasta is suitable for making carbonara or bolognese. Therefore, you can arrange the supply of products to shops, restaurants, and cafes. You can make your own pasta at home.

The price of a paste production line is from 500-600 dollars in China. More productive machines cost several thousand dollars. The process of preparing the pasta is simple and is described in detail in the instructions. Try it!

Sushi production line

This business can be done in your own kitchen. The machine makes sushi perfectly, you will get smooth, beautiful rolls. Use natural, tasty products, vary the fillings, and customers will stand in line for you. In one batch you can prepare 100 perfect sushi rolls.

The cost of the machine is about $350, which is quite a reasonable price for a start-up business.

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