How to calculate the diameter of a circle: formula and explanations

Circle and circumference

A circle is a set of points that are located at equal distances from the main point - the center. This distance is called the radius.

The distance between two points on a given line is called a chord. In addition, if a chord passes through the main point (center), then it is called a diameter.

Now let's look at what a circle is. The set of all points that are inside the outline is called a circle.

Basic Concepts

Before diving into the calculation sequence, it is important to understand the difference between the concepts.

A circle is a closed plane curve, all points of which are equidistant from the center, which lies in the same plane.

A circle is a part of a plane lying inside a circle, as well as the circle itself.

To put it simply, a circle is a closed line, like a hoop and a bicycle wheel. A circle is a part of a plane bounded by a circle, like an orange.

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