Proportion of oil and gasoline for a chainsaw: how to dilute

Household and professional chainsaws are powered by two-stroke internal combustion engines running on a dosed mixture of gasoline and motor oil adapted to difficult operating conditions. The correct proportions of oil and gasoline for a chainsaw are one of the important conditions for stable traction characteristics of the engine and low-cost development of its designated resource.

The need to obtain sufficiently high power from a small-cc power unit forces chainsaw engines to be operated at high-speed modes, so increased demands are placed on the quality of both components of the fuel mixture.


The main component of the fuel mixture for chainsaw engines is gasoline with an octane number of at least 92. Expired consumables made from gas condensate containing water and mechanical impurities are not suitable for preparing fuel.

  • The opinions of experts on the use of gasoline of different brands are ambiguous. On the one hand, it is recognized that domestic A-92 gasoline does not fully comply with European standards.
  • On the other hand, the quality of A-95 gasoline is questioned due to the high content of anti-knock additives. You can use this fuel to prepare fuel for a chainsaw only if you are completely confident in its quality.
  • The difficulty lies in the presence of various improving additives, with the help of which unscrupulous manufacturers and distributors increase the performance properties of motor gasoline with a lower octane rating.

Irreversible changes in the operating properties of fuel also occur when stored in plastic containers for a sufficiently long time, regardless of the level of its gasoline and oil resistance.

Proportions for Swedish Husqvarna chainsaws

Depending on how much power is required to be obtained from the units, select the appropriate component dilution:

One liter of fuel is diluted with 40 to 50 parts of oil. These are the ideal proportions of gasoline and oil.

Along the way, we inform you that only unleaded gasoline of the AI-92 or AI-95 brands is used. A leaded combustible product is considered a poor choice for internal combustion engines, as it shortens the engine's service life.

All chainsaws use unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of at least 90. That is, AI-92, AI-95, AI-98. Moreover, the most common and suitable option is AI-92. Gasoline with octane ratings of 95 and 98 is recommended in cases where the engine operates primarily at high speeds. We also recommend reading in more detail about choosing gasoline.

An example of preparing 1 liter of mixture in a ratio of 1:50.

  • The container is filled to about half (0.4-0.6 l) with gasoline.
  • Pour 20 ml of oil into a clean liter container.
  • Close the lid and shake the fuel until it becomes uniform in color.
  • Gasoline is added to a liter, the cap is screwed on, and the container is turned over several times.

Gasoline that has already been diluted with oil mixes with pure gasoline that has been added very easily, so there is no need to mix too much again.

Oils are colored in different colors, red or green. Therefore, by the homogeneity of the color of the mixture or clots of different colors, it is clearly visible whether the oil has been mixed or not.

When oil is overfilled, the engine smokes. But smoking immediately after a cold start in most cases is characteristic of an unheated engine. After several minutes of operation and heating of the combustion chamber, the smoke disappears.

How much oil per liter of gasoline should be poured into Champion chainsaws

For its chainsaws, Champion recommends using Champion oil for two-stroke high-speed air-cooled internal combustion engines. The proportion is 1:50, that is, 20 ml per 1 liter of gasoline.

In addition to branded Champion, it is allowed to use oils for the same engines of other brands. Moreover, it must comply with API TV/C or JASO FC/D standards, which must be indicated on the canister label.


More stringent criteria for selecting an oil component. The best option is a mineral or semi-synthetic motor oil recommended by the manufacturer, designed for use in high-speed two-stroke air-cooled internal combustion engines.

The advantage of mineral oils is their lower cost. Their more expensive semi-synthetic and synthetic analogues compare favorably with improved performance characteristics and compliance with environmental standards.


  • maintain performance properties over a wide range of operating temperatures;
  • do not form soot;
  • contain detergents, antioxidants, preservatives and other additives useful for the operation of the power unit.

Benefits of branded oils

Many domestic and foreign manufacturers specialize in the production of special motor oils, but the highest rating indicators are for branded products Shtil, Husqvarna and Makita.

Only in certain parameters the branded assortment is inferior to domestic motor oils of the Lukoil brand.
The list of advantages of branded motor oils:

  • economical consumption;
  • stability of performance characteristics under difficult operating conditions and during long-term storage;
  • minimal amount of toxic compounds in exhaust gases;
  • almost complete absence of soot.

According to the American classification, oils of the API-TB category can be used for work in household and professional models. The Japanese equivalent is JASO-FB and JASO FD. Preparation of a flammable mixture using oil for 4-stroke engines is strictly prohibited.

Red, green or any other color of the oil determines whether the product belongs to the range of a particular manufacturer, and therefore is not taken into account when determining the characteristics of the material. You should be extremely careful when choosing motor oil of unknown composition and origin.

Until additional information about quality and operational parameters is obtained, it is better to temporarily abandon the use of such material.

It is allowed to mix motor oils of the same type in composition and purpose produced by brands known for the quality of their range. Under no circumstances is it permitted to mix mineral and synthetic oils.

What do the manufacturers recommend?

Pictured above is the oil I use to fill my tools. If you look from the back, the label contains information about preparing the fuel mixture, but it is quite vague.

The proportion can be from 1:25 to 1:50 depending on operating conditions and the recommendations of the tool manufacturer. Okay, so before I prepare the fuel mixture for my mower, I have to look at the proportions in the instructions.

I have a Chinese mower, like many others, I open the document and see the following.

Oh how. The manufacturer of my mower tells me to look at the proportions on the oil label. In general, everything is as always, some veiledly recommend using only your own for him in three ways. This is what Shtil does.

Others generally abdicate all responsibility by shifting it to the tool manufacturer, as is the case with my mower.

Self-selection criteria

A large assortment allows you to choose an oil that fully corresponds to the class and characteristics of the chainsaw, and the conditions of its subsequent operation.

  • For budget models, you can use oils of the Standard category; for professional chainsaws, consumable lubricants of the Super and Ultra categories are recommended.
  • To prepare a complete fuel mixture for a chainsaw, it is advisable to use branded oils or their branded analogues recommended in the operating instructions. In particular, Shtil and Husqvarna motor oils of the same type in composition and application are completely interchangeable.

Experts recommend that owners of chainsaws exclude from attention motor oils intended for two-stroke engines of mopeds, boat engines and other mechanized household equipment.

The power units of this equipment operate in more comfortable conditions, which makes the requirements for their performance characteristics less stringent.

Oil dosage in Chinese version

Many Chinese-made chainsaws are simplified copies of popular European-designed models. The lack of special materials and proprietary technologies contributes to the preservation of the outdated proportion of gasoline and oil in the ratio of 25:1.

The doubling of engine oil consumption is compensated by its lower cost. According to the developers, original components are introduced into Chinese oils that help increase the wear resistance of power units and actually extend their designated service life.

According to independent experts, the best brands of Chinese motor lubricants correspond in quality to analogues from European manufacturers in the mid-price range. This is the level of branded motor oils of the Standard group and partially Super.

What oil can be used to dilute gasoline for a chainsaw?

Only motor oil for two-stroke engines is added to chainsaw fuel. Oils for four-stroke engines are absolutely not suitable. The reason is that in two-stroke internal combustion engines, oil burns together with gasoline.

In automobile and other four-stroke internal combustion engines, it is poured into the crankcase, has many special additives, and is not initially designed for combustion. If you pour it into a chainsaw, it will smoke, will not burn out completely and will quickly form a thick layer of soot, which can ultimately damage the chainsaw.

In addition to the general specification “for two-stroke engines,” a chainsaw manufacturer may recommend using a specific brand of oil for its model. It may have special combustible additives and additives that extend the service life of the saw’s internal combustion engine.

This is what oil looks like for 2-stroke chainsaw engines from the famous Champion brand

Old two-stroke engines from the Soviet period used the same motor oil as four-stroke engines, for example the M8. Old motor oils did not contain as many fireproof additives as modern ones. In order for such non-specialized oil to provide sufficient lubrication of chainsaws, increased dosages were used.

When running in the engine, a proportion of 1:20 was used, after 1:25. Large quantities of universal oil, not designed for complete burnout, led to rapid coking and sticking of the piston rings, the formation of carbon deposits on the top of the piston, spark plug, cylinder exhaust ports and muffler. For the same reason, the spark on the chainsaw spark plug may disappear.

In advanced cases, the windows and muffler could be completely covered in carbon deposits. A thick layer of carbon deposits on the piston significantly reduced the volume of the combustion chamber.

Modern special oils for two-stroke internal combustion engines provide lubrication of components much more efficiently. Therefore, it is required almost twice as much as before - from 1:40 to 1:50.

At the same time, the engine remains clean for a long time and lasts a long time, despite the smaller margin of mechanical strength of modern internal combustion engines compared to old ones.

We also recommend reading an interesting article about what oil to use for a chainsaw chain and how it can be painlessly replaced.

Be careful - counterfeit!

Small private companies from China and other Asian countries specialize in the production of motor oils, which are sold at a lower cost in the markets under the brand names of leading manufacturers.

  • The characteristics of counterfeit products are an order of magnitude lower than the branded originals. The constant use of counterfeit products negatively affects the operation of the chainsaw and the durability of its operation.
  • Only an experienced specialist can determine the status and quality of the oil, so you can avoid possible risks by purchasing consumable components from a network of branded and licensed retail outlets.
  • The use of substandard lubricants by service technicians is a legal basis for depriving the owner of a faulty saw of warranty repair obligations.

Review of oil manufacturers for internal combustion engines

Lubricant is one such oil that is used directly for chainsaws. They come to stores in bottles and canisters of 5 liters. This type is classified as mineral. They have a cheap selling price. However, they are of lower quality than synthetic ones.

Synthetic materials retain their lubricating properties for a long time. When the temperature increases, they are able not to burn out after the first heating. They do not emit toxic substances that can harm the health of the owner.

Husqvarna lubricant is used to lubricate engines of chainsaws of the same company. It must be diluted in gasoline in a ratio of 1:50. Or 20 grams per liter of fuel. Engine lubricant from manufacturers of other companies must be diluted in a ratio of 1 to 33. That is, 30 grams per liter of gasoline. This component for diluting fuel consists of seventy percent mineral elements. Synthetic impurities are also added. But their share is a small part - 30 percent. This lubricant is intended for CIS countries where there are problems with high-quality gasoline.

"Kreissman", an example of which was given above, is used for two-stroke chainsaw engines. The oil and fuel must be diluted in the same proportions as indicated above. Kreissman prevents carbon deposits from forming and perfectly lubricates pistons and other engine parts.

Tool manufacturers usually supply chainsaws with their own lubricant. This ensures the best balance of lubricating properties and increases the service life of the saw.

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Working proportions of the fuel mixture

The standard ratio of gasoline and oil in the fuel mixture for chainsaw carburetor engines of different models is 40:1 and 50:1. This proportion ensures complete lubrication of the rubbing parts of the crank mechanism and piston group, and also does not interfere with the complete combustion of the gasoline-air mixture.

Taking into account external factors, the fuel mixture can be adjusted to increase the amount of oil. This need arises at the stage of running in a new tool, as well as at high air temperatures. In this case, the standard dosage of oil is increased by 20%.

In practice, an increase in the percentage of oil in the fuel mixture is used if its characteristics do not fully meet the stated requirements. How much oil per liter of gasoline is needed in each specific case is determined by the sawyer himself.

How to refuel a chainsaw

Let's look at how to refuel a chainsaw. If the saw is not threaded correctly, this may pose a threat to the life and health of the operator of the device.

There are rules that must be followed when refueling the saw:

  • Do not spill oil or fuel mixture;
  • the place where the saw will be refueled must be level;
  • the place must be more than 2 m away from the area where the device will be used;
  • the area should be located away from fire; Smoking is prohibited in this area;
  • while the fuel tank is being filled, you need to fill the oil tank, which is designed to automatically lubricate the chain; You can distinguish containers by special icons;
  • Before pouring, wipe the necks of the containers with a rag;
  • During operation, lubricant and gasoline should not be allowed to spill, so you need to be careful when unscrewing the canister lids; When refueling, it is better to use a funnel;
  • Care should be taken when tightening the lid with a lock;
  • Experts advise not to fill the container completely, but to leave a little free space.

When operating a properly fueled chainsaw, you should regularly check the tightness of the containers and the operation of the motor. If the chain gets very hot, or the gas is being consumed too quickly (faster than oil), this should cause concern. Before starting work, the chainsaw is run in.

When the chain saw operates correctly, 1 gasoline tank should be enough for 30 minutes of operation of the device at maximum load. When the gasoline runs out, the lubricant still remains in the second container, but in small quantities.

Measuring containers

To maintain the correct proportion of gasoline and oil, a calculation table applied to the saw body can be used. Branded containers of leading motor oil manufacturers are equipped with built-in measuring devices that provide accurate dosage of oil for different volumes of the fuel mixture.

Measuring utensils are included in the factory kit of many budget chainsaw models. In some cases, a medical syringe with a volume of 20 cm3 will help to dilute gasoline with oil in a given proportion.

Can I mix oils of different colors and brands?

It is not recommended to mix oils of different brands. Firstly, they can be made on different, incompatible bases - synthetics, semi-synthetics, mineral. Secondly, different branded oils may contain different additives. How they can chemically react with each other and what is formed as a result is impossible to predict.

The main thing is that there is simply no need to do this. It is more rational to add the remaining oil of one brand to gasoline and create a mixture. And then start using another oil.

Pay attention to the inscriptions, these are 3 different STIHL oils, all different both in characteristics and color. They cannot be mixed with each other, as the manufacturer himself writes in his instructions.

Mineral water or synthetic?

Yes, just like for cars, there are both mineral and synthetic oils for chainsaws. Due to its lower price, mineral oil is used in most cases. However, synthetic provides a longer service life for the chainsaw, since it does not leave carbon deposits on the cylinder walls.

But don't be afraid of mineral oil if you can't get synthetic oil. Although there is carbon deposits with it, there is not much of it. However, the service life of a saw with such oil will be slightly lower (but not catastrophically).

What you just definitely cannot do is start using synthetic oil after you have previously used mineral water on your chainsaw for a long time (more than 100 operating hours). This is due to the fact that synthetics will wash away the accumulated carbon deposits and it can end up in pieces where it is not needed. Therefore, if you initially started using mineral oil , then use only that.

READ Which Oil is Better to Fill in a Gasoline Trimmer

Features of preparation and storage of the fuel mixture

Safety regulations require diluting gasoline and oil in a metal canister. This eliminates the risk of static electricity and fuel combustion.

Experts advise pouring oil into an incomplete container, stirring thoroughly, and then topping up with pure gasoline to the specified level. Saving working time by preparing the working mixture directly in the gas tank of the chainsaw should be excluded from everyday practice.

This technology is fraught with fuel system failures due to large amounts of oil getting into the carburetor, requiring disassembly and thorough washing.

What is the correct way to breed?

It is not for nothing that the numbers of dilution proportions are given with such accuracy. That is, it does not say that “take approximately this amount of oil.” It is impossible to maintain the exact proportion by eye, so you will have to use something that will allow you to measure the exact amount of oil and gasoline.

Some inexpensive chainsaws usually come with a measuring tank with marks. As a rule, there are several scales on it for different proportions. Or one, if the manufacturer implies that this tank will only be used with the saw with which it comes with. There should be two horizontal marks on this scale. The lower one shows the level to which you need to fill gasoline. Upper is the level to which the mixture should reach after adding oil to gasoline.

To measure the oil more accurately, you can use a medical syringe. Preferably no less than 20 ml.

Basically, pour gasoline into a measuring container, add the required amount of oil measured with a syringe and shake.

Preparing the mixture must be done in a separate container, and not directly in the tank of the chainsaw. Otherwise, the oil , without having time to be diluted with gasoline, may get into the carburetor, which will complicate starting, up to the need to remove the carburetor and clean it.

Sources: https://crast. ru/instrumenty/sootnoshenie-masla-i-benzina-dlja-benzopily

Storage recommendations

It is better to prepare the mixture in quantities that should be enough to complete one-time work. The problem is the irreversible deterioration of the working properties of the mixture during storage. It is recommended to use the finished composition over the next few days.

A mixture of gasoline and month-old oil impairs the traction capabilities of the engine. There is also the formation of resinous compounds in the fuel system and intense carbon formation in the combustion chamber, loss of mobility of the piston rings.

  • With minimal damage to quality, it is advisable to store gasoline and oil for no more than 2 weeks. At an ambient temperature of 25 degrees Celsius or more, this period is reduced to 8-10 days.
  • In order to save money, the expired mixture can be gradually consumed by mixing it into the fresh composition in an amount of no more than 10% of the total volume.

To avoid problems associated with fuel system failure, it is recommended to filter the prepared mixture through a non-fibre material such as suede, or a fine-mesh twill weave or metal mesh.

Instructions for refueling a chainsaw

  1. The fuel mixture is prepared in advance - a separate container is used and meticulously mixed during the process. It would be a mistake to produce more than you plan to use in the near future: in a month, chemical changes will occur in the compound and the workpiece will lose its qualities.
  2. The tool is cleaned of sawdust, dust, and other debris: excess elements should not get into the tank and system.
  3. The saw is installed on a horizontal surface, the neck of the tank faces upward.
  4. Refueling is done through a funnel, metal or plastic, suitable for flammable materials. The gas tank is not filled to the cap; some of the fuel may splash out when screwed on.
  5. The lid closes tightly.

Please note: when pouring the fuel mixture into a special tank, oil is added to lubricate the chain. They are consumed evenly, so they are poured at the same time.

After this, the saw starts and runs at idle for a while.

Features of running in a new tool

This concept includes a gentle operating mode of the chainsaw at the initial stage of its operation. The technology also provides for the engine to operate on a mixture with an increased content of motor oil by 20%.

The break-in time in engine hours is indicated in the attached instructions. In practice, to reach the working level of the tool, 3-5 refills of the saw’s gas tank are sufficient.

New models do not need to be broken in, but it is not recommended to use the chainsaw with heavy loads during the first hours of operation.

Recommended brands of fuels and lubricants for powering chainsaws

The specific brand of gasoline for the saw is always given in the manufacturer's instructions. It is recommended to strictly follow it.

  • for the engine,
  • for lubricating the chain and bar.

Do not confuse or misuse them. This is guaranteed to lead to tool failure. Repairing it can cost almost the same as a new saw.

The most popular lubricating oils for chainsaws are the following brands:

Each container with branded oil always indicates the proportion of oil and gasoline for a chainsaw (STIHL, Husqvarna, Partner , Ural), which must be adhered to when composing the mixture.

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