Vacuum spraying. Ion sputtering. Vacuum deposition chambers. Vacuum spraying plants

A coating is a shell of a plane, the characteristics of which differ from the qualities of the base (sublayer). This zone is formed either by a modified base substance - diffusion or chemical. conversion spraying, or the deposition of another substance on the plane of the sublayer - coating spraying. The formation of the 1st type of sputtering is controlled by the thermodynamic data of the matters entering the system. At the same time, coating coatings, including metallization, are virtually independent of various thermodynamic limitations and, therefore, have extensive elasticity capabilities when used in high-tech industries. The material - the layer/covering lining - can have an abundance of all sorts of (necessary) qualities, some of which are formed by the substrate, and others by the coating. This is not feasible in the case of a simple, monolithic substance.

Previously, the implementation of coating coatings was often entrusted to electrical technologies. Long processing times, peeling and flaking unreliable coatings, exorbitant consumption of expensive coating substances, difficulties in processing manufacturing residues are completely inconsistent with current conditions. Electroplating workshops, which are extremely polluted and occupy vast territories, have become hopelessly irrelevant. They are being replaced by vacuum coating, which has a number of undeniable advantages, including:

  • Environmental flawlessness of the process;
  • Significant reduction in processing time: alloy coating is a short-term procedure, in contrast to long-term electrical deposition;
  • Improving sputtering properties due to adhesion of the multifunctional layer to the substrate at the atomic level;
  • Reducing the consumption of coating material.


The essence of the technology is that, under vacuum conditions, special equipment transfers the smallest metal particles to the working surface of the workpiece. During the formation of coatings, the starting metal evaporates, condenses, is absorbed and crystallizes in a gaseous environment, creating a durable coating. Depending on the type of workpiece, the properties of the metal film and the selected deposition mode, a wide variety of effects are obtained. Almost any metal can be sprayed: aluminum, nickel, chromium, copper, bronze, gold, titanium, etc. Taking into account the specific properties and features, each metal requires different modes and techniques. For example, due to low wear resistance, a special technology requires vacuum deposition of aluminum. That is why our company employs exclusively highly qualified and experienced specialists. Metallization is carried out in different ways.

Areas of application

The technology of surface treatment using vacuum metallization is used in the production of many products:

  • Plumbing fittings - bellows, flush buttons, etc. The most common metallization is aluminum, giving the products a chrome-plated appearance.
  • Furniture fittings – handles for furniture doors and drawers, decorative finishing parts, clothes hangers, etc.
  • Mirror coatings. Unbreakable mirrors are made by metallizing polymer films stretched over frames.
  • Leather goods - belt buckles, buttons, eyelets.
  • Packaging materials – caps for perfume bottles, cosmetic dispensers, decorative boxes for jewelry, etc.
  • In the production of costume jewelry, decorative souvenirs and similar products.
  • In the manufacture of heraldry items - coats of arms and other items.
  • Radio electronics – TV dashboards, monitor covers, buttons, etc.
  • Microelectronics – manufacturing of integrated circuits, semiconductors and other parts. Copper plating is usually used.
  • Automotive industry - internal reflective part of headlights and many decorative parts on the outside and inside of the car.
  • Lighting products – for decorating lamp parts.

Visually, you can make an imitation of any precious or semi-precious metal. Vacuum metallization gives products not only beautiful decorative properties, but also creates a protective layer against corrosion for metals and wear for other materials. Metallization of plastics allows you to create practical and beautiful products from cheap materials. Durable coating ensures long service life of products.

Vacuum plasma spraying

In such systems, under a certain gas pressure, a metallized coating is created by strongly heating the metal source, as a result of which it evaporates and the particles settle on the workpiece. The chamber can be metal or glass, always with a water cooling system. The following evaporators are used to heat the sprayed element:

  • direct-heat wire or strip tungsten or molybdenum evaporator;
  • electron-radial, creating heating using electrical bombardment.

In accordance with the source metal or alloy that needs to be sprayed onto the part, the heating temperature in the heat exchanger is set; it can reach 20 thousand °C. If the sprayed metal does not have very good adhesion to the workpiece material, a primary layer of metal with higher adhesive properties is first applied.

see also

Comments 51

Hello. How do the reflectors behave there? Is there a photo of the assembly on the car?

Hello! I’m ashamed to say - I haven’t done it yet))) first one thing, then another... but for the guys with whom I did it at the same time, everything was fine. Now the second batch is being assembled in St. Petersburg for restoration.

And the photos - what is there to see? Visteon and Visteon... full staff, looks like full staff! =))

Is there anyone there you can cooperate with? Only mondists or Mercedes headlights are also possible?

It makes no difference, the main thing is that the reflectors are made of metal... well, and not the size of a saucer)) so that they fit into the camera

Write a personal message to Vlad (aka Belumba), he’s throwing a banquet there today) maybe you’ll still have time to join

Plastic in the trash! no options((

Congratulations. Drank the replacement report!

I still have to live))

The car is sick)) you need to fix one thing first

Congratulations. Drank the replacement report!

I installed the same ones today, although it’s light outside and I still don’t understand how light they are

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