What is share in accounting? How to calculate the specific gravity or structure of a phenomenon

Formula and algorithm for calculating specific gravity as a percentage

There is a set (whole), which includes several components (component parts).

Let us introduce the following notation:

X1, X2, X3, …, Xn are parts of the whole.

They can be expressed in various units of measurement - rubles, pieces, kilograms, etc.

To find the specific gravity of each part of the population (Wi), you need to use the following formula:

That is, the value of each part is divided by the total amount and multiplied by 100 percent.

Specific weight will indicate the value, importance or influence of each element in the aggregate.

To check the correctness of the calculations, you need to add all the specific weights together - their sum should be equal to 100 percent.

Example of calculating specific gravity as a percentage

The company produced 100,000 notebooks during the reporting period.

Among them:

  • notebooks 12 sheets - 30,000 pieces.
  • notebooks 18 sheets - 10,000 pieces.
  • notebooks 24 sheets - 10,000 pieces.
  • notebooks 48 sheets - 30,000 pieces.
  • notebooks 96 sheets - 20,000 pieces.

It is required to find the specific gravity of each type of product.

To solve this problem, we will use the formula given above.

1) W1 (notebooks 12 sheets) = (30000 / 100000) * 100% = 0.3 * 100% = 30%.

2) W1 (notebooks 18 sheets) = (10000 / 100000) * 100% = 0.1 * 100% = 10%.

3) W1 (notebooks 24 sheets) = (10000 / 100000) * 100% = 0.1 * 100% = 10%.

4) W1 (notebooks 48 sheets) = (30000 / 100000) * 100% = 0.3 * 100% = 30%.

5) W1 (notebooks 96 sheets) = (20000 / 100000) * 100% = 0.2 * 100% = 20%.

Let's sum up the obtained specific gravities:

30% + 10% + 10% + 30% + 20% = 100%.

This means that everything was calculated correctly.

Calculation of specific gravity in Excel (Excel)

If the population includes a fairly large number of elements, then the specific gravity of each element is very convenient to calculate using Excel.

Here's how you can do it (using the notebook problem as an example):

1) We create a table consisting of 3 columns: 1st column - name, 2nd column - value, 3rd column - specific gravity.

2) In cell D3 we write the formula for the specific weight of notebooks of 12 sheets:

Set the percentage format of the cell - to do this, click on the “%” button located on the toolbar.

3) To calculate the remaining specific weights, copy the formula from cell D3 to the lower cells (D4, D5, etc.).

In this case, the percentage format will be applied to these cells automatically and will not need to be set.

When finding specific gravity as a percentage in Excel, the “Increase Bit Depth” button can be very useful; it is located on the toolbar next to the percentage format button:

This button will be needed when the specific gravity is a fraction and you want to display tenths and hundredths.

4) The last step is to add up the specific weights using the SUM function.

Specific gravity is a physical quantity that shows the occupied part of something in the base mass. This indicator is used in many scientific fields. Let's consider how to find the specific gravity in different directions of using this concept.


Analyzing the financial independence ratio , we can come to the following conclusion: the higher this indicator, the more interest the company will be for potential investors.

At the same time, the coefficient being close to 1 is undesirable. This may indicate the presence of factors hindering the development of the enterprise.

To assess the company’s performance, it will be useful for potential investors to read the article “Calculation and formation of operating profit (formula)” .
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The meaning of the term "specific"

We can talk about two interpretations, physical and statistical:

  • In physics, this is the name given to a quantity measured in a unit of something. For example, let's take a room and calculate the amount of water vapor in it. Having obtained the value, A grams, we can say that the humidity here is A grams of water vapor for the whole room. Knowing the total amount of air in the room (B kg), we can find how much water is contained in one kilogram of air by finding out its specific humidity
    One kilogram of room air contains A/B g/kg of water vapor. Thus, the word relative
  • In statistical sciences, this is the name given to a particular indicator taken relative to a certain whole. As an example, let’s take the country’s annual budget of 500 million and calculate the share of spending on sports. Let’s assume that 1 million rubles are allocated for sports—that’s 0.2% of all planned spending. Not the most significant budget item.

General definition

Economic indicators serve as micromodels of various phenomena in the financial activities of both the state in general and the business entity in particular. They are subject to various fluctuations and changes in connection with the reflection of the dynamics and contradictions of all ongoing processes; they can both approach and move away from their main purpose - assessing and measuring the essence of a particular economic phenomenon. That is why the analyst must always remember the goals and objectives of the research conducted using indicators for assessing various aspects of enterprise activity.

Among the many economic indicators compiled into a certain system, it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • natural and cost, which depend on the selected meters;
  • qualitative and quantitative;
  • volumetric and specific.

It is the latter type of indicators that will be given special attention in this article.

How to find specific gravity in physics?

A science such as physics represents specific gravity as the weight of a substance in any unit of volume. The indicator is measured in Newtons per square meter (N/m3). The formula for calculating specific gravity in physics is as follows:

  • Specific gravity = P/V

where P is the weight of the substance being measured, and V is its volume. In cases where it is necessary to calculate the specific gravity, but the total weight and volume are not available, the following formula is used:

  • Specific gravity = p*g

where g is the constant value of the acceleration of free fall, which is equal to 9.8 m/s2, p is the density of the substance. Usually the last formula in physics is used when calculating the specific gravity of metals, and the indicator is also measured in N/m3.

Difference between weight and mass

What is the difference between weight and mass. In fact, in everyday life, it does not play any role. In fact, in the kitchen, we don't make a difference between the weight of a chicken and its mass, but there are serious differences between these terms.

This difference is clearly visible when solving problems related to the movement of bodies in interstellar space and neither those having relations with our planet, and under these conditions these terms differ significantly from each other. We can say the following, the term weight has meaning only in the zone of gravity, i.e. if a certain object is located next to a planet, star, etc. Weight can be called the force with which a body presses on the obstacle between it and the source of attraction. This force is measured in newtons. As an example, we can imagine the following picture: next to a paid education there is a stove with a certain object located on its surface. The force with which an object presses on the surface of the slab will be the weight.

Body mass is directly related to inertia. If we consider this concept in detail, we can say that mass determines the size of the gravitational field created by the body. In fact, this is one of the key characteristics of the universe. The key difference between weight and mass is this - mass does not depend on the distance between the object and the source of gravitational force.

To measure mass, many quantities are used - kilogram, pound, etc. There is an international SI system, which uses the usual kilograms, grams, etc. But besides it, many countries, for example, the British Isles, have their own system of weights and measures, where weight is measured in pounds.

UV - what is it?

Specific gravity is the ratio of the weight of matter to its volume. In the SI international system of measurements it is measured as newton per cubic meter. To solve certain problems in physics, hydrocarbons are determined as follows - how much heavier the substance being examined is than water at a temperature of 4 degrees, provided that the substance and water have equal volumes.

For the most part, this definition is used in geological and biological studies. Sometimes, the HC calculated using this method is called relative density.

What are the differences

As already noted, these two terms are often confused, but since weight directly depends on the distance between the object and the gravitational source, and mass does not depend on this, therefore the terms shock wave and density differ from each other. But it is necessary to take into account that under certain conditions mass and weight may coincide. It is almost impossible to measure HC at home. But even at the school laboratory level, such an operation is quite easy to perform. The main thing is that the laboratory is equipped with scales with deep bowls.

The item must be weighed under normal conditions. The resulting value can be designated as X1, after which the bowl with the load is placed in water. In this case, in accordance with Archimedes' law, the load will lose part of its weight. In this case, the balance beam will warp. To achieve balance, a weight must be added to the other bowl. Its value can be designated as X2. As a result of these manipulations, a shock wave will be obtained, which will be expressed as the ratio of X1 and X2. In addition to substances in the solid state, specific values ​​can also be measured for liquids and gases. In this case, measurements can be performed under different conditions, for example, at elevated ambient temperatures or low temperatures. To obtain the required data, instruments such as a pycnometer or hydrometer are used.

Share in the economy - formula

Many people mistakenly take the specific gravity of density, but these are two fundamentally different concepts. The first is not one of the physical and chemical characteristics and differs from the density indicator, for example, like weight from mass. The formula for calculating specific gravity looks like this: = mg / V. If density is the ratio of the mass of an object to its volume, then the desired indicator can be calculated using the formula = g.

Specific gravity is calculated in two ways:

  • using volume and mass;
  • experimentally, comparing pressure values. Here it is necessary to use the hydrostatic equation: P = Po + h. However, this method of calculating specific gravity is acceptable if all measured quantities are known. Based on the data obtained using the experimental method, we conclude that each substance that is in the vessels will have a different height and flow rate.

To calculate the specific gravity indicator, use another formula that we learned in school physics lessons. The Archimedes force, as we remember, is buoyant energy. For example, there is a load with a certain mass (we denote the load by the letter “m”), and it floats on the water. At the moment, the load is influenced by two forces - gravity and Archimedes. According to the formula, the Archimedes force looks like this: Fapx = gV. Since g is equal to the specific gravity of the liquid, we get another equation: Fapx = yV. It follows: y = Fapx / V.

Simply put, specific gravity is equal to weight divided by volume. Moreover, the formula can be presented in various interpretations. However, the content and calculation method will be the same. So, the specific gravity is equal to: divide a part of the whole by the whole and multiply by 100%. There are two important rules to remember when making calculations:

  • The sum of all particles must always be equal to 100%. Otherwise, additional rounding should be done, and calculations should be carried out using hundredths.
  • There is no fundamental difference in what exactly you are counting: population, income of the organization, manufactured products, balance sheet, debt, active capital, revenue - the calculation methodology will be the same: distributing the part by the total and multiplying by 100% = specific weight.

How to find specific gravity in medicine?

In medicine there is such a thing as specific gravity. It is often used in diagnostics and comparison of tests. The basis is the specific gravity of distilled water, the temperature of which is 4 C. The specific gravity of such water is equal to 1.000. By comparing the mass of a certain volume with a reference value of water, it is determined how many impurities and what concentration are contained in the volume under study. This technique is most often used in urine tests.

The method of calculating the specific gravity of blood is also widely used, using a solution of copper sulfate as a standard.

How to calculate the specific gravity of any substances or elements

Each thing or means has a certain set of characteristics. The main property of any substance is specific gravity, that is, the ratio of the mass of a particular object and the volume it occupies. We obtain this indicator based on the mechanical definition of substance (matter). Through it we move to the area of ​​qualitative definitions. The material is no longer perceived as an amorphous substance that tends to its center of gravity.

For example, all bodies of the solar system differ in their specific gravity, as they differ in their weight and volume. If we look at our planet and its shells (atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere), it turns out that they differ in their characteristics, including specific gravity. Likewise, chemical elements have their own weight, but in their case it is atomic.

Indicator analysis

The standard value of the financial independence coefficient should not be less than 0.5. The higher this indicator, the more attractive the company is to investors, because this means that it has the necessary funds to repay debts and is independent of external creditors.

However, if the resulting financial independence ratio is as close as possible to 1, then for investors this may be a signal that the company is developing at a very slow pace and there are some restraining mechanisms. If the company refuses to attract funds from outside, it loses additional sources of investment in its activities, which could ensure revenue growth and market expansion.

To conduct a more detailed analysis of the financial independence coefficient , you should compare the obtained value with industry average data.

How to automate calculations in Excel?

Specific gravity is determined by the ratio of the weight of matter (P) to the volume it occupies (V). For example, there are 85 students studying at the university, of which 11 passed the exam with “5”. How to calculate their share in an Excel table? You should set the percentage format in the cell with the result, then there will be no need to multiply by 100 - this, like conversion to percentages, happens automatically. We set in one cell (let's say R4C2) the values ​​85 in another (R4C3) - 11. In the resulting cell you should write the formula = R4C3 / R4C2.

how to calculate the share of accounts receivable formula Video.

The concept of specific gravity is found in many areas of science and life. This term is used in physics, medicine, metallurgy, economics and sociology. It is difficult to expect that such diverse directions will be interpreted in the same way, so the definition and formula of specific gravity taken from a physics reference book will differ from the formulations found in an economics textbook. However, the essence remains the same - determining the role and significance of a certain part in relation to the whole.

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