Choosing the right electric chain saw for the garden and home - examples of good and inexpensive models

The most important things about electric chain saws for wood

This is a popular power tool in carpentry workshops, construction sites, and household work at home. The design is similar to chainsaws, but with an electric motor instead of an internal combustion engine. These are the advantages over chainsaws:

  • no exhaust gases, you can work in enclosed spaces without the risk of poisoning.
  • There is no roar from the operation of the internal combustion engine, you can work without disturbing others.
  • always ready for work, do not require preparation of the gasoline/oil fuel mixture.

Disadvantages compared to gasoline saws:

  • Lower revs and power.
  • Depends on the presence of an electrical outlet nearby (does not apply to battery models).

Otherwise, they do the same work as gasoline saws: they cut any workpieces, including large ones - beams, logs, blocks, slabs, carriages, boards, etc. When using special chains, you can saw through piles of cardboard, linoleum, ice and even hard materials, including concrete.

Main parts: engine, body and saw set - bar and chain. The chain is sharpened and lubricated in the same way as on all chain saws.

Advantages over circular saws, reciprocating saws and jigsaws: the ability to cut workpieces of any depth (thickness), even stacks. The length of the cut is significant and depends on the length of the tire.

Despite their simplicity and compactness, modern electric chain saws incorporate the latest developments in the field of mechanics and electronics - soft start, speed control, overload protection, etc.

The main advantages of a jigsaw

It is often called a pendulum electric saw. The main area of ​​application is longitudinal, shaped and transverse cutting of sheet materials. The depth to which the cutter penetrates varies in the area of ​​6-10 cm. For steel, this parameter is 4-6 mm. Using a jigsaw, you can cut laminate, boards, loose metal, and pipes. It also allows you to make a hole of any diameter in the workpiece.

The jigsaw performs its functions using reciprocating movements. The frequency depends on the set of characteristics and can range from 500 to 3000 strokes/min. Many jigsaws are equipped with a pendulum mechanism for blade movement, which is in addition to the reciprocating one. Their operating speed is higher, and the operating period of the cutting element is longer.

The cutting angle is considered one of the most important parameters of a jigsaw. This determines how widespread its application is and whether it can reach hard-to-reach places. Most models have a 45 degree cutting angle.


Electric chain saws are divided into several groups: household, professional or industrial, and as a subtype - battery-powered.


These include the cheapest, budget models with minimum and average power and service life. Well suited for occasional housework. They are also successfully used as an auxiliary tool at construction sites and in workshops. If you don't need to run an entire shift of power saws for months or years, household models from brands with a good reputation for quality can serve well.

Approximate characteristics of household options.

  • Power – from 1500 to 2500 W.
  • Weight from 3.3 to 7.5 kg.
  • Price for mid-2022 – from 3,000 to 12,000 rubles.

Moreover, in terms of characteristics, there are no clear boundaries between household and professional models. There are models that are positioned.

There are lightweight models that are highly reliable and durable and can be used professionally for many years. But they can't be cheap. As a result, the main feature of household models is low and average price and power.

Patriot household electric saw

Professional or industrial

These are electric saws that are designed to be used for many hours per shift over several years. They are reliable, hardy and unpretentious.

As a rule, these are power saws from well-known brands with a good reputation for the quality of their products. Industrial chain saws are sometimes labeled without a brand name. For example, EHR 3.0 -2.

A long service life does not negate the regular replacement of individual parts - chains, tires, sprockets. The latter are changed less often, but the saw set (chains and bar) on all chain saws is practically a consumable item (subject to regular replacement).

Depending on production and professional needs, tools of different power are used. For construction and finishing work, carpentry work, carpentry workshops, where most of the workpieces are small and medium in size, medium power is sufficient. At sawmills and logging sites, where you have to cut stacks and logs, powerful options do a better job.

Average parameters of professional electric saws:

  • Power from 1800 to 2700 W (industrial - up to 8000 W).
  • Weight from 4.5 to 6 – 7 kg (and higher for industrial ones).
  • The price range is wide, as of mid-2022 – from 8-9 to 150 thousand rubles.

Industrial and professional electric chain saws are also used for longitudinal sawing, manually or on sawmill stands, including homemade ones. For this, a special saw set is used:

  • Narrower bar and chain.
  • The sharpening angle of the chain tooth is 10 degrees.

Professional chain saw powered by electricity - Husqvarna 420EL


No power extension cord required. They can work completely autonomously anywhere, until the batteries run out. More convenient than networked options for pruning gardens and construction work at heights, where the cord will get tangled and interfere.


  • Low power.
  • The need to regularly charge batteries.

Most models use modern brushless motors, which increases service life. The power of such electric saws is not indicated in W, only the battery voltage (12, 16, 18 Volts). The main parameters by which they are assessed:

  • Weight, from 2 to 6 kg.
  • Tire length, from 25 to 40 cm.
  • Chain speed – from 4 to 20 m/sec.

The large difference in chain speed in different models is due to design features. When you gain speed, you lose strength. Some manufacturers rely on chain speed, others on strength.

High speed models are better suited for tree trimming. Reason: sawing branches and branches must be started at high speed, then there is less chance that a chain tooth will catch on a thin branch without sawing it, and the chain will get stuck. By entering a branch at high speed, the chain is less likely to get stuck.

Husqvarna electric chain saw

Principle of operation

Common to all types of hand-held electric saws for wood is the principle of wood processing - cutting fibers using metal cutting teeth. This principle applies to both hand and gasoline saws. The difference is in how the working parts of electric saws are arranged, how the teeth are secured and what shape they have.

The working parts of electric saws - the teeth of circular saws, hacksaw blades or reciprocating saws - are most often wedge-shaped or trapezoidal in shape, can be flat or complex in shape, and have one or more cutting edges.

Modern technologies for manufacturing electric saws make it possible to use special alloys and high-carbon steel grades for the production of saws, which make it possible to increase the service life of the tool and increase its productivity.

By design, the working bodies can be:

  • With a disk working body;
  • In the form of a saw blade, single or double-sided;
  • In the form of a saw chain mounted on a special bar.

Circular saws usually have triangular, wedge-shaped and trapezoidal teeth of complex shape. On the working surface, one or two cutting edges are sharpened with teeth set. The operating principle of this electric saw is to cut wood fibers by rotating the disk around its center. The teeth alternately bite into the wood, removing part of the fibers with the cutting edge of the tooth.

Reciprocating saws use a reciprocating movement of the working body. Depending on the saw setting, the movement can be either 3 cm or 5 mm. To use a reciprocating saw, saws are selected that differ in their purpose and are used:

  • for working with wood:
  • for cutting plastic and particle boards;
  • used for working with aluminum or thin sheet metal.

Chain saws are a closed flat chain with teeth of complex shape; it is driven by a chain drive gear from the saw motor. The saw chain moves endlessly along the guide bar. The cutting is carried out by teeth located in the form of linings on the chain on the right and left sides of the chain. For this type of power tool, chains are selected not depending on the direction of cutting the wood fibers, but depending on its strength.

What characteristics should you choose based on?

All models, even of the same brand, differ from each other in both significant and minor details. Below are the main qualities, the most important first. Then in descending order.

Engine power and location

The more powerful the engine, the easier the electric saw cuts the material. If two models have tires 40 cm long, but engines are 1.2 kW and 2.2 kW, both are capable of sawing a stack 35 cm long. But the more powerful one will do this easier, faster, without overheating and overload, which means it will last longer.

There is a pattern - the more powerful the electric saw, the heavier and more expensive it is, and consumes more energy.

Therefore, when choosing, you should choose the option that is suitable for the upcoming work . There is no point in sawing medium-sized workpieces with a heavy tool. Medium power chain saws are the most versatile.

Power type

Comparisons of corded and cordless electric saws are given above. Battery-powered options are chosen without hesitation when you need to work far from electrical outlets, at heights, or in hard-to-reach places.

This includes pruning the garden, preparing firewood for a fire in the forest, and construction work, especially at heights. That is, wherever there is no network electricity nearby or the wire will seriously complicate work.

Due to the weakness of the engine, the saw set on such a tool must always be in good condition. If with a powerful engine you can saw with a slightly dull chain, deformation and slight jamming of the chain in the tire groove, then the battery version will lose a significant part of the power and capabilities.

Kerf dimensions

What diameter of a log, or how wide a stack can be sawed in one pass, depends on the length of the bar and chain (saw set). A 25 cm long tire is capable of sawing a log with a diameter of 20-24 cm and a stack of the same width. Why not 25 cm - it’s better if the tip of the bar extends outward, so sawdust is easier to remove from the cut.

In this case, the height of the stack can be any. Therefore, the depth of cut for such a tool is not limited.

The thickness of the cut for different models is from 6 to 10 mm, always slightly thicker than the thickness of the saw set. A thin cut is preferable - when sawing, there is less wood resistance, higher cutting speed and accuracy.

Availability of oil tank and its capacity

The chain requires lubrication during operation. That's why all models have an oil tank. The volume of the oil tank is specified in the operating instructions for each model (approximately from 100 to 180 ml). The larger it is, the less often you have to fill in oil.

An enlarged tank increases the size and weight of the tool. Taking into account the fact that the sizes of the tanks differ slightly, this parameter is of little importance when choosing.

Power cord

In many cases, work is carried out at a distance from the outlet. Therefore, you have to use an extension cord. The longer the wire of the saw itself, the more often an extension cord is not required. A wire 1.5-2 m long can be considered an advantage. But it turns into a disadvantage when storing and transporting the instrument.

It is easier to put a power saw with a short cord of 30-50 cm in a box on a shelf. No need to wind and unwind the cord. Long extension cords are wound on a drum or left permanently in place, making them easier to handle. There is no point in installing a drum under the cord on a hand-held instrument (dimensions, weight). That's why most models have short power cords.

Types of hand saws

Hand tools weigh little, do not require electricity or fuel, are relatively cheap, and have a long service life. But the speed of work depends on the user’s physical fitness. Types of hand saws are divided into universal ones, which are suitable for general purposes, and highly specialized ones, designed for specific processes. Let's take a closer look at them.

Standard saw

Belongs to the classic type. Can be purchased at any hardware store.


It has a high steel blade with teeth, gradually tapering towards the end. The teeth need to be sharpened and set periodically, otherwise the saw will bite into the material. The D-shaped handle was previously made of wood, but is now made of plastic. More expensive versions may have a two-piece handle that is better at resisting slippage.



Suitable for straight cuts of boards, timber, branches, laminate, MDF, chipboard and other wood materials with a thickness of 2-100 mm. Due to the flexible structure of the blade, which does not have a rigid frame, the cutting line easily moves to the side, so a standard saw is applicable only where strict adherence to dimensional accuracy is not required.

Bow saw

It got its name because of the arc shape of the frame and the tension of the canvas, like the string of a bow.


The U-shaped frame is made of a round steel tube. The ends are provided with a hook-shaped threaded fastening. Using the thumbscrew, the screw is tightened, and the short blade with teeth becomes rigid. There is a rubber-coated handle on one side. When the teeth are ground down, the blade is replaced with a new one. In this, a bow saw has a significant advantage over a standard one.

But when cutting a tall workpiece, there may not be enough depth, since the product will rest against the tool frame. Some manufacturers produce saws with a swivel mount so that the jumper remains on the side and not on top.

Bow saw.


Most often, a bow saw is used for sawing metal. This includes profile and round tubes, thresholds for fixing floor coverings, small brackets, etc. But changing the equipment to a blade with higher teeth allows you to saw wooden and plastic blanks.

Garden saw

It is small in size and designed specifically for gardening. Suitable for men and women as it is lightweight and easy to use.


The structure consists of a steel sheet with a height of 40-30 mm. There are teeth at the bottom, and the shape of the saw part is slightly curved in an arc for better cutting into wood. The handle is often L-shaped and molded from plastic. There may be a hole at the end for hanging the tool. The saw blade is not replaceable and requires periodic sharpening and re-wiring.

Garden saw.


Using a garden saw, they trim branches, twigs, and shoots on garden trees. You can even cut down a young tree or shrub. But it is not suitable for serious and precise tasks.


Designed for shape cutting. But working with it is more painstaking and time-consuming than with a jigsaw.


The jigsaw has a U-shaped frame, at the ends of which a cutting blade is attached. This can be a narrow file or a rod with an applied abrasive. The handle on the side is designed to be held with one hand. The large reach allows you to work with wide materials.

Hand jigsaw.


A hand jigsaw is used to cut foam, plywood, chipboard, and plastic. Suitable for filing small pieces when there is nothing more suitable at hand. You can perform longitudinal and cross cuts, as well as go along any curved lines. The main purpose is curly cutting in small volumes. Ideal for the DIYer.

Passing saw

A highly specialized tool for precision work.


The pass saw consists of a tall blade and small teeth on one side. Due to the large steel strip with reinforcement on the part opposite to the cutters, it is very rigid and does not bend during the cutting process. Early versions were equipped with a round wooden handle. With a short length they were called passing knives. Longer modern models have a D-shaped handle positioned at a 45-degree angle.

Passing hand saw.


Due to the fine teeth and lack of setting, as well as the rigid design, pass saws provide precise and thin cuts. Suitable for fine cutting of wood, soft metals (aluminum, copper), plastic, chipboard. Popular with laminate floor installers and kitchen installers.

Grooving saw

High precision tool for cutting short grooves.


The design is similar to pass saws, only much smaller. A thick rectangular blade with fine teeth is used. The thickening on the upper rib provides rigidity. The handle can be on the side or in the middle of the top butt. The rubber pad on the handle prevents slipping.

Grooving saw.


Used for precision cutting of grooves in wood and soft metal. This could be cutting out a groove for a cable or gas hose in a kitchen countertop, cutting an aluminum table edge, or other critical cuts. The saw is not suitable for thick materials over 30 mm. Used only by professional carpenters.

Narrow (circular) saw

Hacksaw for specific tasks with circular cutting. It got its name because of its ability to bend while sawing the workpiece.


A circular saw consists of a saw blade that tapers greatly towards the end. And in the widest part, the hacksaw is also not very large. The work is carried out with one hand. The L-shaped handle with rubber pads promotes a secure grip. There are types with a straight two-component handle.

Circular saw.


A hacksaw is used for cutting circular and oval holes in wood and plastic. Due to its narrow shape, the blade can be easily tilted to the side and the cutting line can be rounded. Models with rectangular cutting blades break or bend under such pressure, but here everything is fine.

Plywood saw

Designed specifically for sawing plywood.


The plywood saw is notable for its tall, permanent steel blade and D-shaped handle positioned at a 45-degree angle. Fine teeth without setting contribute to fine cuts and high precision. The large area of ​​the steel sheet prevents deformation of the equipment and the line moving to the side. The end of the saw is rounded.

Plywood saw.


Makes straight cuts on plywood without painting the edges or breaking off the edges. Provides dimensional accuracy and minimal waste, which reduces cutting errors. Not suitable for curly cutting.

Folding mini saw

The smallest type of hand saw, which is why it got its name.


The design resembles a folding knife. There is a handle and a saw blade on a hinge. Instead of a blade, the lower edge has slightly set teeth. The end of the handle often has a hole for a lanyard to hang the instrument or wear on the wrist. Non-folding versions are available.

Mini saw.


It is convenient to carry a mini-saw with you for camping needs: cutting off an interfering branch, cutting slingshots for hanging a pot on a crossbar, creating a hut, preparing firewood for a fire. They are also convenient to use in hard-to-reach places where a standard hacksaw cannot reach.

Two-handed saw

In common parlance it is called “FRIENDSHIP”, since it requires two people and coordinated actions to use. Use by one person is difficult and not justified in terms of time and results.


A two-handed saw has a tall blade with large teeth. The length of the cutting part is a meter or more. The ends are provided with I- or D-shaped handles. The cut is carried out by alternately pulling the handle towards you. It is considered the largest hand-held non-electric tool.

The saw is two-handed.


Designed for sawing tree trunks and large logs, felling forests in conditions where there is no electricity or fuel. For small boards and timber, it is better to choose smaller saws.

Japanese saw

The name of the instrument indicates the birthplace of the invention. It has a specific shape and is suitable for neat jewelry cuts.


The canvas can be rectangular, but more often it is made in the shape of a trapezoid (resembles a long spatula). Sharpening with teeth is provided on one or two longitudinal sides. With a double-sided working part, the tooth pitch is different. The handle is straight or slightly turned down. The teeth are bent in one direction, which provides precise control of the cutting line. Cutting the wood fibers occurs when the user pulls the Japanese hacksaw towards himself.

Japanese saw.

Additional functions

Modern electric chain saws are equipped with electronic and mechanical safety systems for the operator and the mechanism itself. Some options are not available on all models.

overheat protection

An electronic device turns off the electric motor at critical overloads. With such a device, the engine will not smoke or burn out if, for example, the chain is caught in a cut or the engine overheats. Useful feature. But on budget models it may have its drawback - frequent shutdowns even under normal loads. On quality saws such “excessive vigilance” does not occur.


All electric chain saws, without exception, are equipped with basic safety systems. This is primarily a brake that stops the chain even if the engine is turned on. Until the operator turns it off, the chain will not spin. The brake is turned on and off with a protective handle, which simultaneously blocks the space between the hands and the chain.

Adjusting chain tension

It is impossible to use this tool without adjusting the tension, therefore the function is present on all models without exception. The principle of adjustment is the same everywhere.

The design solution may differ - loosening the cover and tightening it with or without a wrench, with a built-in regulator. The regulator is more convenient, no additional key is needed. The plastic regulator cap of quality brands is reliable. Not always with budget ones, so for them tightening with a wrench is easier and more reliable.

In general, the design of the chain tensioning system is not a decisive criterion when choosing a model. More important is the strength of threads and metals. When purchasing, it is impossible to visually evaluate this moment. Only indirectly, by brand reputation.

Smooth start

With this function, the chain does not gain momentum immediately, but smoothly. The system protects the electrical network from overloads when starting the electric motor. Plus, during a soft start there is time to correctly route the chain, which increases safety. The disadvantage of a soft start is that it takes several seconds until the engine reaches full speed. For those who are used to normal starting, this may be annoying at first.

Features of reciprocating saws

In addition to the three main electric saws, reciprocating models are known today. In its design features, a reciprocating saw resembles a jigsaw, but the body of this tool is longer.

A similar tool is used for rough cutting of materials, for example, when carrying out dismantling or rough construction work. The advantages of practical choice include versatility of application.

On sale you can find a number of different attachments that allow you to use a reciprocating saw for cutting foam concrete, metal and brick. To begin work, the master will need a support platform of sufficient size, which will increase the efficiency and productivity of this tool.


Most models are made “in length”. Only some have a transverse electric motor. For the user, the overall ergonomics, dimensions and weight of the tool are important.

It is important how the electric saw “sits in your hands.” It is advisable to hold the instrument in your hands before purchasing. Is there an overweight in one direction, is the instrument too heavy?

Impressive weight may mean using reliable parts of the required thickness, without trying to save on cost and reduce weight.

But “heavy” here does not always mean “reliable”. The ability of Japanese designers to make miniature, reliable parts is well known. In addition, heavy weight may mean that heavy ferrous metal was used instead of light and expensive magnesium-aluminum alloys. As a result, you cannot judge the quality of an electric saw by its weight. But a heavy tool is harder to work with.

Areas of application and options for electric saws for concrete

Electric saws for sawing concrete and aerated concrete are an indispensable thing in the construction and renovation of a cottage or apartment. Unlike their bulky prototypes - wall sawing machines for concrete, they are quite simple to operate, which is why they allow you to cut with minimal power costs:

  • cellular types of concrete, including aerated concrete, foam blocks;
  • concrete based on cementitious cements or polystyrene;
  • reinforced concrete;
  • brick;
  • wild or artificial stone;
  • chalk-containing building materials, etc.

Varieties of electric saws for foam blocks and concrete

By purpose there are:

  • manual – standard household appliances;
  • special – used as joint cutting or rope construction equipment.

Hand saws for concrete are divided into:

  • chain;
  • reciprocating hacksaws for concrete.

The common characteristics for these 2 groups are:

  • working with a replaceable cutting set - most often, this is a chain or a toothed blade with diamond tips;
  • large cutting depth;
  • quick change of saw component, which often does not require special tools;
  • low weight, correctly distributed between the units of the unit.

Knowing the scope of application, the volume of work and the material for which the saw is purchased, the question of how to choose such a unit is simplified, and the usefulness of the purchase increases significantly.


Together with the electric saw, the buyer receives:

  • Tire.
  • Chain.
  • A screwdriver key for tensioning the chain (for models with a key tensioner).
  • Operating instructions.

An example of a complete set of an electric chain saw from Champion; in addition, a plastic container for storing oil is supplied with the tool.

Electric saw is

An electric saw is a corded saw. This tool is a separate independent class, which includes several types of this tool.

What is a power saw?

Battery powered saw

Electric saws, as the name suggests, are powered by mains electricity. However, nowadays there are many models that have batteries.

Cordless saw

Note: Due to the battery, these models of electric saws are heavier.

Popular manufacturers

Among the many brands of electric chainsaws, the most popular are Makita, Huter and Patriot. This does not mean that you should only buy tools from these manufacturers, but they are purchased more often.

Today, none of these companies can be said to be, for example, German or American. All these companies are global. Production facilities, design bureaus, sales offices, and service centers are located all over the world, including in the Russian Federation. However, everyone has their own national origin. Makita started in Japan, Patriot in the USA, Hooter in Germany.

The easiest way to understand which country a particular electric saw was made in is when purchasing a Makita tool. After the serial number on the nameplate there is a letter designation, which is deciphered according to the following table:

  • E – made in Japan.
  • R – Europe, Romania.
  • Y or K - made in China.
  • D – made in Germany.

Makita is also produced in the USA (letter A) and England (G). But Makita products are not supplied to Russian markets from these countries.

Today, production around the world is most often controlled by engineers and designers from these countries. Therefore, all brands still retain traditional Japanese miniature and thoroughness, German reliability, American rationalism and convenience.

How to choose a saw for your home

First of all, the future owner should determine the range of tasks for which he is purchasing new equipment.

You should also pay attention to a number of characteristics:

  1. The principle of operation of the saw.
  2. Performed tasks and purpose of electrical equipment.
  3. Availability of an organized place for sawing and carpentry classes.
  4. It is also necessary to ensure constant access to the electrical network.

Do not forget about the safety of the equipment used. It is better to protect all stationary saws with a protective casing or frame, and keep them away from children after use.

The best electric chain saws with a transverse engine

Models of this type do not have an angular gearbox in their design. This simplifies the design and improves the overall performance of the device, but shifts the center of gravity, which impairs balance.

An electric saw with a transverse engine is convenient to use in a vertical plane, for example, when harvesting firewood or processing parts while hanging.

Ryobi RCS2340B



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buyers recommend this product

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The model is easy to use and safe to use. It is equipped with a chain brake and bar lock that shuts off the engine when the operator removes his finger from the trigger.

The operating power of the device is 2300 W, the length of the guide bar is 40.6 cm. This allows you to saw large diameter logs at a blade rotation speed of up to 16 m/sec.

Automatic chain tensioning and lubrication, as well as an anti-vibration system, ensure ease of maintenance and operating comfort.


  • powerful engine;
  • long tire;
  • high performance;
  • easy setup;
  • long work.


  • small volume of oil tank.

The Ryobi RCS2340B is used for felling trees or on construction sites. Protection against vibration and sawdust entering the operator also allows the tool to be used indoors or in a small workshop.

Patriot ESP 1814



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buyers recommend this product

See review▶

The model is characterized by its small dimensions and high cutting quality. The rubberized handle prevents the device from slipping out of your hands and reduces vibration during intensive work.

The powerful motor, 200 ml oil tank and light weight of the device contribute to long-term use without operator fatigue. The compactness of the tool allows it to be used in tight spaces or hard-to-reach places.


  • engine power - 1800 W;
  • relatively light weight - 4.2 kg;
  • high quality sawing;
  • Ease of use.


  • short cable.

Patriot ESP 1814 is used for sawing wood of various densities. The high performance and compactness of the tool ensure its successful use for a wide range of tasks.

Daewoo DACS2500E



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buyers recommend this product

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This saw has a 2500 W motor and a large oil tank. Lubricant is supplied to the chain automatically, thereby reducing wear on the main structural elements. Its balance can be easily monitored using the built-in indicator.

Reliability of holding the saw in your hands is ensured by the presence of a convenient stop and two handles. The tool body is made of lightweight impact-resistant plastic, which significantly reduces its overall weight.


  • oil tank volume - 230 ml;
  • long service life;
  • high power;
  • low price.


  • need to tighten the chain.

Daewoo DACS2500E will be an excellent solution if you need intensive and high-quality sawing.

Long-term and stable operation allows the device to be used for logging or construction of wooden structures.

Huter ELS 2000P



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

See review▶

The main features of the model include fixing the connection between the socket and plug, which is useful when using an extension cord, as well as low noise operation. The oil reservoir is equipped with an indicator for easy monitoring of the lubricant level.

Operator safety is ensured by a saw chain stop mechanism built into the front fence. The motor power is 2000 W, which allows you to successfully saw thick workpieces.


  • quiet operation;
  • Ease of use;
  • oil level indication;
  • secure hold in hands.


  • difficulty in replacing the chain.

Low noise and comfortable use make it possible to use the electric saw without disturbing others. Huter ELS 2000P is worth purchasing for intensive indoor construction and renovation work.


12 Best Sawing Machines

Types of electric saws

Electric saws can also be of the following types.

Hand power saw

This is the most common type of electric saw used for household needs. Hand tools involve the use of physical force when working.

Hand reciprocating saw

Stationary saw

A stationary tool is not mobile, that is, it does not need to be constantly lifted and moved to a new place. Such saws are usually installed on a specialized table (platform).

Stationary circular saw

As a rule, stationary tools are used in production. This is special equipment (machines).

Stationary jigsaw

Note: Thus, we can say that the main difference between a hand saw and a stationary tool is that when working with a hand-held electric saw you need to change the position of the tool itself, while when working on stationary equipment you need to change the position of the material (the saw remains in its place ).

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