Why do you need an additional receiver for the compressor?

For my purposes, a 50L receiver was not enough.

We decided to make a receiver from a gas cylinder. 2 cylinders were found from relatives and taken away.

Next, it was necessary to weld the fir trees to attach the hose. There was an option to simply cut a thread there and return the purchased quick releases there, but that’s not it. At the market, where a lot of scrap metal is sold, the necessary Christmas trees were found. They found, again, a relative who could weld them, but he asked one reasonable question, and it’s not a big deal, that is.

Now, how to cook gas cylinders.

You need to pour water into it, it sounds simple, but in reality...

In principle, you can pour water into the tap that is installed in it, but this takes a very long time.

You can turn off the tap and then pour water into it more calmly.

But he is unlikely to turn away, since our cylinders are still Soviet, which means they were made to last. It's either thread sealant or just some kind of super glue.

Therefore, you can simply saw it off. The faucet is either copper or brass, I don’t know for sure, but the metal is soft. Take a METAL HACKSAW

, I emphasize this once again, no grinders or other power tools,
we work with our hands
, while asking someone to pour some water on us and read for peace, this is all just in case.
There should be no sparks
, and smoking is also not recommended.

Took a sip of tap and still alive? Handsome!

Fill it with water to the brim, freak out at the smell of gas, leave it overnight, just like that. More than enough adventure for one day. We actually sawed off the faucet first and drowned them in a barrel with the tap open; we threw in the empty ones, but the full water +50kg minimum... cough cough, we almost tore our belly buttons while we were getting them out.

Then they sawed off the tap and once again poured water to the brim, just like that, to be on the safe side.

We pour it where there are fewer people so that they don’t scream, because the water will smell of gas, but only water, our earth doesn’t stink.

After that, one lightly lights a match and, with a wild yell, brings it to the cylinder. Everyone is alive and well. We begin to drill out the remains of the tap, it’s very hemorrhagic. We clean the surface for welding with a grinder, and no one exploded.

We go to a relative, there he takes us at our word that everything is fine and begins to cook, we have moved further from sin. You never know, a match and an angle grinder are one thing, but welding... It worked out.

We've welded it, we're going home... to the garage. We didn’t get to the garage, we stopped at the store and bought paints to decorate this miracle.

We assemble the receiver in the garage and see if there are any leaks.

Everything is fine, we peel it off and paint it.

As a result, we get something like this.

Now the total volume is about 100 liters, it began to pump not even 2 times slower, but 2.5 times, or even 3 times.

hi all! Yesterday I posted pictures of the supercharger, today I decided to show off some of my little things))) 1.compressor! I made it from a Matrix 24 compressor and an OVP100 fire extinguisher. when the wheels swing the small balloon, and paint or turn the big one with a gun. 6 years old, normal flight))) 2. pistol! I found a recently dried foam gun, twisted it, turned it over, cleaned it as best I could and it turned out to be a blower gun) 1n munus, hose connection from above). 3.barbecue))). There was a problem in winter in the cold to start a car (gazelle), I thought and thought, I found a 2.5 kV heater and made this kind of heating. (I heat the pan, I wanted to warm it up or bitumen) I’ve been using it for 7 years, it’s weird, but it works!


Comments 17

Can you tell me more about the compressor, I also have one for 25 liters, but I want to install something larger, what do I need?

A blowing gun costs 200 rubles in an online store) but the compressor is cool) I also think everything is in the plans for 1000 liters per minute, put on a simple cylinder or directly on the receiver of a narrow gauge train. There are probably 500 liters or a little less

and for me a similar barbecue works as a barbecue.

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