11 useful tools for electronics engineers and radio amateurs

Everyone knows that working with a good tool in any business makes the process faster and more efficient. This fully applies to radio electronics. Of course, if a person thoroughly understands a subject, for example, in repair, or in the production of something, he will be able to do the job with a minimum of tools. But if you plan to do something regularly, you think about how to make this process easier. Finally, it’s simply a pleasure to work with a quality tool. Anyone who has ever used a soldering station, I think, can compare the process of soldering planar radio components, even the same transistors in an SOT-23 package, with a regular soldering iron, and a soldering iron from a soldering station with replaceable tips. Having realized the need to purchase a tool, even with some material costs, the radio amateur begins to gradually purchase everything he needs for his work. In this article I will talk about some of the tools that I use when working on the manufacture of electronic devices, and when necessary, during repairs.

Hacksaw blade cutter

With its help, you can make a board without etching, separating the tracks that are not connected to each other by a groove cut in the PCB foil. This method is available, if, of course, the board is simple enough. Also, when repairing or making changes to the device circuit, sometimes it is necessary to cut the tracks on the printed circuit board. A cutter is also used for this purpose.

Tabletop smoke absorber

While working, don’t forget about your health. Still, soldering is accompanied by the release of not the most useful substances, including all sorts of resins. This small portable smoke absorber will make the process of repairing circuit boards safer.

The set includes 10 sponge filters that capture harmful substances. According to the manufacturer, the device purifies the air by 80%. The device is not very powerful, so it is advisable to place it closer to you. It pulls best at a distance of up to 20-25 centimeters, then it is less effective.

When ordering, be sure to pay attention to the selection of the correct supply voltage (220 V) and plug version (EU). Well, I think you already understand it

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