Chemical anchor: how to use it, types, how to choose, types of guns

The rapid development of construction technologies contributes to the emergence of new building materials and fasteners on the market. One such innovation is the chemical anchor. Although this fastener is not currently widely used, its popularity is steadily increasing.

This type of fastening was originally developed for use in the mining industry. Using chemical anchors, structural elements were fastened to porous and loose rocks that did not have sufficient strength for fastening with metal anchors. The new fastening method turned out to be so effective that it gradually became widespread throughout the construction industry.

This article discusses the principle of operation, main types, advantages, disadvantages and scope of use of chemical anchors. In addition, a list of leading manufacturers and recommendations for independent production of this type of fasteners are provided.

What is a chemical anchor?

A chemical anchor is an innovative fastening system that provides reliable fixation of various elements of building structures in loose, hollow and porous materials. Such materials include:

  • shell rock;
  • limestone;
  • various types of cellular concrete;
  • hollow brick.

By themselves, the materials listed above do not have sufficient strength to fasten loaded structural elements, but the use of chemical anchors can solve this problem.

Depending on the material in which one or another structural element needs to be fixed, the chemical composition of the mixture can vary significantly. The exact proportions of the composition, as a rule, are not disclosed by manufacturers, but with a high degree of probability it can be said that the composition of most chemical anchors includes:

  • polyurethane, acrylic or polyester resins;
  • fine quartz sand;
  • cement;
  • hardener.

The standard packaging of a chemical anchor resembles a syringe of liquid nails or silicone sealant, but the contents of the container are an effective fastening system that ensures reliable fixation of metal rods in any building material.

Briefly about the main thing

A chemical anchor is an initially liquid two-component composition, which, after hardening, is used as a reliable dowel for concrete and other mineral bases.

In terms of strength and practicality, chimankera is considered the best compared to its metal counterparts due to penetration into the walls of the hole, high adhesion to most materials, hardness and rigidity after drying.

Liquid dowels are made based on synthetic resins with the addition of ground quartz, cement and functional additives.

On trading platforms, products are presented in the form of a base and a hardener in three versions: capsules, cartridges with two or one tube.

Before using the working mass, it is important to properly prepare the hole - completely clean it of dust and dirt.

The fastener is ready for use only after the chemical composition has completely hardened.

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Operating principle of a chemical anchor

The principle of operation of the fastening system under consideration is that the working mixture, penetrating deeply into the pores and cavities of the material, hardens and ensures the fixation of metal rods even in cellular concrete and hollow brickwork.

Installing chemical anchors is not particularly difficult. The adhesive mixture is introduced into a pre-prepared hole, after which a threaded rod or conventional corrugated fittings are installed there. The filler tightly envelops the rod and hardens, thereby ensuring its reliable fixation. Depending on the type of chemical anchor, a special dispenser gun or a special capsule may be used to fill the hole with adhesive.

Chemical anchors are significantly superior to conventional anchor systems and dowels in their ability to withstand pull-out loads. The load-bearing capacity of chemical compounds allows the use of this method of fastening when installing balconies, canopies and even bridges, both above and below water.

It is especially advisable to use chemical anchors in cases where neither dowels nor conventional metal anchors are able to guarantee reliable fastening of structural elements to the base. Typically, this situation occurs if the base is a porous or hollow material, for example, shell rock, limestone, gas or foam concrete, cinder block, etc.

When using a fastener element, it must be remembered that the setting and complete hardening of the filler depends on its composition and can range from 5 to 24 hours.

Operating principle

Liquid anchor is quite easy to use. First, a hole is made in a concrete, brick or other surface, into which the adhesive mass is injected using a gun, and then a metal element is inserted - a rod, a pin, a corrugated reinforcing rod.

As a result, the chemical composition envelops the metal, filling even the smallest gaps between the turns of the thread and the pores of the base. The resins then harden, forming a dense monolith that securely holds the metal part inside the structure. The anchor connection can withstand the highest loads and in this respect is superior to conventional types of fasteners.

Application area

Let us consider in more detail in which cases it is advisable to use chemical anchors. According to reviews from builders and recommendations from manufacturers, chemical anchors are most often used for:

  • arrangement of highways and other road works related to the installation of signs, signs, advertising brochures, etc.;
  • installation of ventilation systems on loose, porous and hollow foundations;
  • reliable fixation of large metal structures;
  • installation of massive advertising structures characterized by increased windage;
  • restoration of various types of lifts;
  • erection of scaffolding and sheathing;
  • restoration of monuments;
  • carrying out installation work in port areas and construction of various water bodies;
  • installation of funiculars used at ski resorts;
  • arrangement of electrical facilities.

In domestic conditions, chemical anchors may be required to attach heavy hanging furniture and interior items to an insufficiently strong base.

Scope of application

A chemical anchor is most suitable for aerated concrete, stone, concrete, and brick (including hollow brick), although it can be used when working with a wide variety of materials.

Important! The use of anchors is especially important in situations where traditional fasteners and dowels cannot ensure a reliable connection. This applies to work with materials such as limestone, expanded clay concrete, cellular concrete, sandstone.

Dowel for aerated concrete
Areas of application of chemical anchor:

  • house building – installation of roofing, balconies, building canopies, gazebos, gates;
  • fixation of any steel elements;
  • installation of handrails in tunnels and other work requiring electrical insulation;
  • installation of ventilation systems on weak foundations;
  • fastening of large-sized structures;
  • arrangement of various underwater structures;
  • installation of lifts at ski resorts, advertising elements, scaffolding;
  • strengthening the foundation of buildings, connecting to the foundation;
  • replacement of reinforcement in critical structures - bridges, stairs, ceilings, support columns, overpasses;
  • installation of auxiliary equipment - plumbing, satellite dishes, lights.

Installation of metal structures
The metal fastener itself, suitable for working with a chemical anchor, can be made of stainless steel, carbon or galvanized steel. The composition can be used in conditions of any humidity, including under water.

Types of liquid anchor

As mentioned in previous sections, chemical anchors are typically two-part formulations consisting of synthetic resins and a hardener. The ingredients are mixed immediately before using the anchor. There are three types of packaging for chemical anchors:

  • ampoule.
    They are a capsule with two compartments, one of which contains the adhesive mixture, the other contains the hardener;
  • single cartridge.
    Inside the cartridge there is a special partition separating the adhesive and hardener;
  • two-cartridge.
    The kit includes two cartridges, one of which contains an adhesive, the other a hardener.

The compositions produced in cartridges work on the same principle, however, to use them you will need various dispensing guns designed to dose the mixture into a pre-prepared hole (hole).

Ampoule anchors

The main feature of such fasteners is that the diameter of the ampoule strictly corresponds to the specific diameter of the prepared hole (borehole). One ampoule is intended to fix one rod (stud, screw, etc.). It is advisable to use ampoule anchors in cases where high accuracy and cleanliness of the hole can be guaranteed.

Capsule anchors are convenient to use because there is no need to control the degree of filling of the hole. Minor differences in the diameters of the hole and capsule are fully compensated by the expansion of the adhesive composition as it hardens.

As mentioned above, the ampoule has two capsules: with an adhesive mixture and with a hardener. The connection of these components occurs by screwing in a threaded metal rod, such as a stud or screw. It should be noted that mixing of the hardener and filler occurs more evenly than when using compounds packaged in one or two cartridges.

The disadvantages of capsule chemical anchors include the inability to use them in a vertical position. This is due to the fact that the filler will flow out of the hole much faster than setting occurs.

Cartridge anchors

As mentioned above, this type of anchor can be placed in one tube, separated by a partition, and in two separate cartridges.

When using one cartridge, the filler and hardener simultaneously enter the cavity of the mixing spout, where they are mixed using a special spiral insert. To work with such anchors, you can use a regular construction dispenser gun.

The two-cartridge system works a little differently. Mixing of components also occurs in a common spout, but they go there separately. To work with such packaging, you will need a special dispenser gun that ensures simultaneous supply of filler and hardener into the mixing spout.

Types of cartridge anchors

All cartridge anchors can be divided into two types:

  • universal;
  • for fastening metal rods in concrete foundations.

Universal chemical anchors

The popularity of this type of anchor fastening is due, first of all, to its ease of use. During installation work, there is no need to accurately calculate the volume of material required for one fastening.

Anchors designed for attaching metal rods to concrete foundations

Chemical anchors, the main purpose of which is gluing threaded or reinforcing bars into a concrete base, most often have a thick consistency. In addition to the main components, their composition includes corrosion inhibitors and deoxidizers, which significantly increases the reliability and service life of the fastener.

Some types of chemical anchors intended for concrete are used only in combination with special chemicals designed to treat the rods and drilled holes. In addition, special devices may be required to press the rods into the holes.

A significant disadvantage of cartridge anchors is the difficulty of controlling the filling of holes with adhesive. If the amount of working mixture is insufficient, it begins to flow out of the hole if the base is porous or hollow type without waiting for setting.

You can significantly reduce the consumption of filler and achieve its uniform distribution on all sides of the hole by using special mesh bushings. These elements can have different sizes and are selected specifically for a specific mount.

Instructions for use

Even a beginner can use chemical anchors. The work includes drilling a hole, preparing it and filling it with compound, as well as screwing in metal bolts. Installation of fasteners is carried out at a temperature not lower than -5 degrees, or using special frost-resistant compounds.

Rules for drilling and preparing holes

When making holes for a chemical anchor and rod, you need to remember: the higher the load on the structure, the more accurate and better all work must be done. In any case, the hole diameter is made larger than the stud or reinforcement.

Drilling is carried out with a hammer drill with a drill of the required size. For cone-shaped holes, special drills with an oscillating jig are used; for drilling concrete walls, hollow drills are used.

Drill with oscillating jig

The finished hole is thoroughly cleaned of dust, preferably using air under pressure. It is best to use a carbon dioxide cylinder. If it is not available, a regular rubber bulb will do.

Important! After blowing, be sure to clean the hole with a brush and blow through again so that no dust remains inside - this is a very important condition for reliable adhesion of the composition to the base.

Sequence of work when gluing

The ampoule is installed directly into the hole of the structure, the pin is inserted using an electric drill or manually. In porous or hollow materials, a mesh sleeve is pre-fixed, which will allow the composition to be distributed more evenly.

The cartridges are placed in a gun with a guide spout, which will squeeze out the mass under pressure. If the length of the metal pin is more than 50 cm, it must be installed mechanically - using a special jig. The fasteners are left until completely hardened (the time is always indicated in the instructions).

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other elements of building structures, chemical anchors have their advantages and disadvantages. To avoid unpleasant moments during installation and operation, it is necessary to take into account both the positive and negative features of this type of fastening.

The undeniable advantages of chemical anchors include:

  • complete sealing of the hole after installing the rod;
  • No tensile stresses in the concrete base.
  • Versatility and wide scope of application;
  • ease of installation. Installing a chemical anchor does not require experience or special skills;
  • high strength characteristics of the anchor fastening after its complete polymerization. In this indicator, chemical anchors are significantly superior to metal anchors and dowels with a plastic sleeve;
  • ability to withstand significant mechanical loads and tensile forces. In other words, the fastening element has a high load-bearing capacity;
  • chemical anchors are not susceptible to external atmospheric influences, corrosion processes, or the effects of aggressive chemical compounds;
  • special chemical anchor compounds can be used in conditions of high humidity and on waterlogged surfaces; in addition, installation of underwater structures is quite acceptable;
  • the service life of such fastenings is comparable to the durability of the base itself and is usually at least 50 years;
  • There are adhesives that do not contain any toxic compounds. It is advisable to use such fastenings for interior work. When purchasing chemical anchors, you need to make sure that the mixture is environmentally safe;
  • The thermal expansion coefficients of fasteners and base materials are approximately equal. This eliminates the occurrence of additional internal stresses during sudden temperature changes.

Along with the above advantages, when starting to use, you should keep in mind the following disadvantages:

  • Unlike metal anchors and dowels, chemical anchors require quite a long time until the installed anchor is fully ready to bear the load. The time for complete polymerization of the fastener depends on the ambient temperature:

— at a temperature of +200C, the time for complete polymerization will be from 25 to 40 minutes; will be 25÷40 minutes;

— at 50C this period will be 6 to 7 hours;

- with a further decrease in temperature, the polymerization process may stop altogether.

  • Limited shelf life of unopened packaging. When packaged, the composition can be stored for no more than 1 year;
  • Once the package is opened, its shelf life is significantly reduced. Based on this, it is necessary to plan installation work in such a way that the packaging is completely consumed at one time. In other words, it is not practical to print packaging for one or two mounts. In this case, ampoule anchors can come to the rescue;
  • The high price sharply reduces the demand for this type of fastening.

Characteristics of a group of fastening materials

Not all devices can be used for fixing various types of elements in critical construction, fastening heavy objects and other work of a similar nature. This is justified by the different loads that can be placed on the fasteners under certain operating conditions. Let's consider such a sample as a chemical anchor for concrete: what is it, what are they, what is better compared to the more familiar metal anchor bolts.

General information

In construction, anchors mean a seat for bolts, screws and self-tapping screws. There are ready-made “caps” with applied threads, texture, slots, and antennae. They are made from various types of plastic and metal alloys. Such products belong to the group of mechanical type fasteners.

The liquid anchor is also supplied to trading platforms in various designs. All subspecies have three things in common:

  • the initial state is liquid-like;
  • the final product after contact with air is a solid mass with high strength and rigidity;
  • form of operation - a seat for metal fasteners with external threads, which can bear a high mechanical load on tearing off (endurance indicators are higher than almost any metal analogue).

Types of metal anchors for concrete Source
In terms of composition, the chemical dowel is represented by a two-component mass with adhesive properties. The basic ingredients here are synthetic resins (derivatives of acrylic, polyurethane, polyester). The exact recipe is kept secret by each manufacturer, but the most commonly used functional additives are known:

  • ground quartz - responsible for the rigidity and hardness of the frozen mass;
  • cement – ​​provides mechanical strength and high adhesion of the composition to working bases of various types (usually from the mineral group);
  • hardener - necessary to speed up the hardening process of the liquid mixture.

Base and hardener in separate containers Source
The principle of operation of the himanker is manifested in three points. First, the working mass is distributed over the prepared hole (borehole), filling microcracks and pores. Next, the process of penetration into the working surface occurs. Finally, the liquid hardens, maintaining the given shape with all branches from the main part of the seat. This result is especially relevant during installation work with loose, porous and hollow bases. It is also permissible to use the composition as an adhesive for anchors in concrete.

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in finishing materials and related work

Types of devices

When mentioning the two-component base of the fastener, it is worth noting that this is the state of the working mixture. In fact, chimankera comes to the market in the form of separate formulations, which are mixed using special devices before use. So, focusing on the form of product release, three types can be distinguished:

  • Ampoule . Here, a dosed amount of adhesive and hardening mass is placed inside a sealed capsule made of thin glass with a partition inside. Samples are made taking into account the specific diameter of the bolts used. This is how the work is done carefully and with high precision. Regarding use, the only drawbacks can be identified: liquid flows out of the vertical holes before setting, the material is not suitable for working with a porous base.

Capsule type himanker Source

  • Two cartridges . Here, two separate containers with different volumes of glue and hardener are combined by one outlet. To squeeze out the compounds, a special gun with two piston elements is used. Mixing of mixtures is carried out in a nozzle. This is a mixer cap with a spiral built inside.
  • Tuba . This is an analogue of the cartridge type, only in a sealed cylinder the mixtures are separated by a built-in partition. One of the advantages here is that you can use a regular sealant and liquid nail gun to squeeze out the working mass. The rest of the device is similar: a single outlet and a mixer spout.

Squeezable options are otherwise called injection options. They differ not only in design and application, but also in purpose. There are materials for gluing metal objects into the base and a universal type. The former, as a rule, contain inhibitors, anti-corrosion additives, and deoxidizers. They also have a thicker consistency. The latter are more convenient to use in the case of holes expanding deeper.

Sample of injection dowels with one cartridge Source

A common drawback for injection liquid dowels is the lack of control over the filling of the hole. Especially when it comes to hollow or porous bases - here, due to the pressure exerted on the composition, premature leakage of the mass often occurs. The solution may be to pre-immerse a special mesh sleeve into the seat. They allow the liquid to be distributed more evenly in all directions.

Types of guns for chemical anchors

The use of a cartridge chemical anchor is impossible without the use of special dispensing guns. If the material is packaged in one tube, there are no problems: you can use a regular mounting gun. If the filler and hardener are in different tubes, you cannot do without a dispenser gun of a special design, which ensures the simultaneous supply of ingredients into the mixer spout.

In order to effectively use the dual cartridge dispenser gun, some practical skills will be required. First of all, it is necessary to be able to determine with a high degree of accuracy the required volume of anchor mixture. It depends on several factors:

  • diameter of the fixed rod;
  • hole depth;
  • the presence of a mesh sleeve;

In addition, it is necessary to take into account possible losses of the adhesive mixture during the installation process.

The cost of a dispenser gun for chemical anchors can range from 1,300 to 7,000 rubles. The most expensive and versatile models from Hilti can be used at any ambient temperature. Models are distinguished by a wide selection of dispensers; in addition, the kit may include mounting rods.

Fisher pistols are a budget modification of the tool, and are usually used when carrying out repair work on a small scale.

Models from BIT United Ltd. have gained wide popularity among ampoule automatic dispensing guns. The main advantage of this tool is its affordable price, which, depending on the configuration, can range from 700 to 1000 rubles.

Installation of anchor bolts

Installation of anchor bolts and chemical anchors from HILTI Germany and BIT manufactured in England. We offer installation of anchor bolts from other manufacturers. Separately, we can provide a service for diamond drilling of holes for the installation of HILTI driven anchor systems as well as anchor systems and elements of the OMAX brand

You can find out the cost of an adhesive anchor by phone; you must indicate the diameter of the hole or the diameter and length of the pin and call Hilti.

How to choose a chemical anchor for aerated concrete, concrete and brick

Depending on the base material, different anchor mixtures are used. It is extremely important to ensure that the chemical composition of the anchor matches its characteristics and operating conditions. In order to accurately select a material, before purchasing it, you should carefully study the instructions included with it or located on the packaging. This document contains all the necessary information.

Most well-known manufacturers indicate in their recommendations the types of structures and materials for their manufacture, the optimal location of mounting holes and their sizes, the method of fastening, the range of humidity and temperature, as well as permissible loads for various bases. In addition, it is necessary to take into account possible limitations on operating conditions and the rate of polymerization of the mixture - this is of particular importance for chemical anchors with atmospheric polymerization.

Tips for use

Based on the properties of liquid dowels, let’s consider several examples where it is most advisable to use a chemical anchor for concrete:

  1. Installation of barriers on the finished road surface.
  2. For installation of floor railings and staircases.
  3. Fastening of utility networks, if their fastening was not provided for in advance.
  4. Installation of reinforcement outlets in ready-made concrete structures.
  5. Installation of monolithic structures, brackets on the facades of finished buildings.

A chemical anchor can be used to secure and monolith a lot of other things; all its properties and applications are countless.

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The best manufacturers

Currently, several well-known companies occupy leading positions in the chemical anchors market. Below is a list of these companies and the technical characteristics of their products.

R.M. “Reaktionsanker” is an ampoule with an adhesive mass, inside of which there is a compartment with a hardener. The manufacturer produces ampoules of different sizes - M8 (10×80), M10 (12×90), M12 (14×110), M16 (18×125), M20 (24×170), M30 (30×280).
FHP “Hammerpatrone” is an ampoule with glue and hardener for installing metal elements into a concrete base. Produced in the following sizes – 10 (13×90), 12 (15×110), 16 (18×125), 20 (24×180).
FIS V 360S “Injections-Mortel” Double cartridge, requires a special gun to operate. Main cartridge with a volume of 360 ml and two mixers.
FIS VS 150 "Injections-Mortel" One standard size cartridge. To work, you will need a regular construction gun for standard cartridges. The kit includes a 150 ml cartridge, two mixers and an adapter.
HVU "Adhisitive Capsule Anchor". Ampoule with methacrylic polyurethane resin, quartz sand and hardener. Capsules have the following volume: M8 (10×80), M10 (12×90), M12 (14×110), M16 (18×125), M20 (24×170), M30 (30×280), M33 (37 ×300), M36 (40×330), M39 (42×360).
HIT-HY150 "Fast Curinq Injection System". These are two dual cartridges with acrylic resin and hardener. A special gun is required for operation. Cartridge volume 330 ml and two hardeners, HIT-HY20 has one hardener.
MSP "Schlagpatrone". Ampoules with resin and hardener. Capsule volume: M8 (10×80), M10 (12×90), M12 (14×110), M16 (18×125), M20 (24×170).
MYA "Verbunanker". Ampoules with two components. Volume: M8 (10×80), M10 (12×90), M12 (14×110), M16 (18×125), M20 (24×170), M30 (30×280).
MIT-P One cartridge. A standard construction gun is used for the job. Cartridge volume 150 ml, two mixers.
MIT-P Double cartridge. Set: 235 ml and two mixers.
MIT-SF Double cartridge. Volume 380 ml and two mixers.
KEM “Kemiallinen ankkuri” – ampoules with polyester resin and hardener, volume M8 (10×80), M10 (12×90), M12 (14×110), M16 (18×125), M20 (24×170), M30 ( 30×280).
KEMLA “Kemiallinen lyontiampulli” – ampoules with polyester resin and hardener, volume M8 (10×80), M10 (12×90), M12 (14×110), M16 (18×125), M20 (24×170).
ITH "Injektointitekniika". Cartridge with injection mass based on polyester resin, volume 380 and 150 ml
TVA "Verbund-Anker". Ampoules with resin and hardener volume M8 (10×80), M10 (12×90), M12 (14×110), M16 (18×125), M20 (24×170), M30 (30×280).
THP "Hammerpatrone". Ampoules with resin and hardener, volume M8 (10×80), M10 (12×90), M12 (14×110), M16 (18×125), M20 (24×170).
TVM-K "Verbundmortel". Cartridge with injection mass, volume 380 and 150 ml.

Manufacturers rating

Compositions from different manufacturers are available on the market. At the same time, the chemical anchors described below can boast of proven quality.


The basis of the Titan EV-I composition is polyester resin. The dried mixture can work at temperatures up to +80 degrees, while complete polymerization at +25 degrees occurs in just 3 minutes. There is a winter version of Titan EV-W anchors on sale, which can be applied even at -18 degrees.


The Finnish company Sormat produces anchors in cylinders and ampoules of various sizes, as well as disposable nozzles for their application. The adhesive is made on the basis of polyester resin and is intended for fastening medium-heavy structures.


This adhesive composition is used even at sub-zero temperatures (down to -18 degrees). Its base is epoxy acrylate resin.

Main characteristics of the material:

  • capable of connecting even heavy concrete structures;
  • Suitable for underwater use;
  • has low viscosity;
  • easy to use;
  • does not have a pungent odor.


The chemical anchor “Moment Fastener CF-850” is used for fastening concrete, hollow and solid bricks, foam concrete, and holds heavy structures perfectly. It ensures rapid hardening and high reliability of fasteners and does not contain styrene.


The composition of this brand, called Adhisive Capsule Anchor, is based on methacrylic and polyurethane resins, hardener and quartz sand, and is available in capsules and cartridges. It is successfully used even in areas of high seismic activity and under water.

Chemical anchors are an excellent solution for organizing quick and high-quality fastenings during the construction of various structures and structures. Despite the high price, this material has many advantages and makes the task easier for the master.

Is it possible to make a chemical anchor yourself?

Factory-made chemical anchors are quite expensive and also have a limited shelf life, especially after unpacking the cartridge. Meanwhile, it is quite possible to make a chemical anchor yourself at home.

The composition is made on the basis of epoxy resin. The physical and technical characteristics of this component fully ensure excellent adhesion to shell rock, limestone, brick, concrete and many other materials. Thanks to these properties, epoxy resin may well become the main component of a homemade chemical anchor.

To make liquid fasteners at home you will need:

  • epoxy resin ED-20;
  • hardener UP-583;
  • Cement or plaster. A small amount of fine quartz sand can be used as a filler;
  • Plasticizer DBP or DEG-1.

The preparation of the mixture consists of several stages:

  1. A plasticizer is added to the epoxy resin in a volume of 5 to 10% of the resin volume, after which the resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed.
  2. After this, filler (cement or gypsum) is added to the resulting composition. The resulting substance is mixed until a homogeneous mass without lumps is obtained. The amount of filler also ranges from 5 to 10% of the total volume of the mixture.
  3. The last step is to add hardener in a ratio of 1:10 or 1:8. The rate of polymerization of the composition and its strength will depend on the amount of hardener.

After thorough mixing, a ready-to-use mixture is obtained, which must be processed immediately after preparation. The setting time of the mixture is 1-2 hours, depending on the ambient temperature. Complete polymerization of the composition can last from 12 to 24 hours. The use of a plasticizer allows you to extend the life of the mixture, and the use of gypsum as a filler, on the contrary, speeds up the setting process.

Liquid nail for hollow bricks

A chemical anchor for hollow bricks reliably fixes the stud in the hole, filling all nearby voids with adhesive. A strong connection is obtained due to the large area of ​​​​adhesive, which seeps through the pores, cracks and voids in the base of the material.

For these purposes, injection formulations are used, which are loaded into an injection gun. Use the cartridges until they run out of substance. Tubes have a volume of up to 400 ml. Polyurethane, acrylic, phenol-formaldehyde and other types of glue are used as fillers.

How to use a chemical anchor

To use a chemical anchor, no special knowledge or practical skills are required. The procedure is quite simple and straightforward.

If an ampoule anchor is used, the ampoule should be placed in the hole and split with a metal rod. As a result, the components mix and harden.

When using the substance in cartridges, the required amount of adhesive mixture is squeezed into the cleaned hole, after which a metal rod is installed. After the time specified in the technical specifications, the mixture completely hardens, thereby ensuring reliable fixation of the rod.

Installation in hollow materials

Drill a hole of the required diameter and depth in accordance with the technical specifications. Insert the nipple of the required size. Fill the nipple with the compound. Install the threaded rod as far as it will go and turn it around its axis several times. Maintain the required time. Install the fastened product and secure it with a nut, taking into account the required tightening torque.

How can I replace a chemical anchor?

Considering the high cost of chemical anchors, the question often arises: what can replace them. It is indeed possible to replace the factory chemical version, but it is necessary to take into account the base material.

For heavy concrete, a classic metal anchor is best. To be fair. It should be noted that such bases do not really need liquid fasteners at all.

When it comes to cellular concrete, a homemade epoxy resin-based anchor can be a good alternative to a factory-made chemical anchor. In addition, the use of drywall adhesive and some other gypsum-based mixtures gives good results. To achieve maximum fastening strength, holes should be drilled in the shape of a reverse cone.

Despite their high cost, chemical anchors are increasingly used to fasten building structural elements to loose, porous and hollow substrates. In terms of their strength characteristics, such fastenings are significantly superior to conventional metal anchors and dowels with plastic sleeves, especially when fastening to weak foundations.

Areas of use

Chemical anchors for concrete are most often used where there is a need for reliable and durable fixation of fasteners in porous, loose foundations. The viscous mass of glue penetrates into all the pores of foam concrete or aerated concrete, hollow brick, and during the hardening process it forms a strong and reliable connection of a metal bolt with the monolith of the structure with which it is connected.

Today, there is no alternative to a chemical anchor in cases where it is necessary to create a reliable fastening to hollow structures of objects of large weight and dimensions. Due to the fact that the glue does not expand during the hardening process and does not provoke bursting or wedging loads, fastening anchor bolts is effective in concrete and aerated concrete structures with a small cross-section of the material.

Chemical anchors are considered one of the most reliable types of fastening, and therefore they are used when installing balconies and bridges. Injection anchors are relevant when working with foam, slag concrete, cellular and slotted concrete where there are heavy loads: in the installation of fences, wall lanterns, supports, staircases, ceiling lamps, plumbing fixtures, canopies, suspended air conditioners, boilers, etc.

Fastening anchor bolts allows antennas, road billboards, advertising banners, and radio masts to withstand dynamic loads. It is also important that the fastening is not afraid of moisture and water, therefore it is actively used in hydraulic engineering and underwater structures - dams of various types, large and small swimming pools, large water parks, piers, etc.

Mounting methods

There are several main ways to install chemical anchors:

  1. Glass ampoule. Sold ready-made with threaded rod. The ampoule is inserted into the drilled hole. Then the pin is screwed in.
  2. Tuba. The chemical anchor is sold in a special plastic container for the glue gun. Inside the tube, the chemical reagents are separated. After squeezing into the hole, they mix.

The use of a chemical anchor for fastening into aerated concrete allows us to solve the main problem - tearing out the anchors. The adhesive composition completely fills the hole, securely clamping the pin.

It can be used to attach suspended structures to walls made of hollow or weakened ceramic bricks.

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Important options to select

So, we can summarize and determine which anchor for concrete is better and what characteristics of hardware are important to obtain a high-quality result.

Diameter, length and metal composition are the main qualities of concrete anchors. At the same time, do not forget that the fastener option is chosen knowing the quality of the concrete wall and the weight of the item being installed. The thicker and longer the bolt, the greater the load it can withstand.

A mandatory requirement for all hardware used for concrete is an anti-corrosion coating. It protects the metal from the aggressive alkaline environment of the concrete composition and moisture. The highest quality hardware that will last a century is made from stainless steel with a zinc coating. To avoid buying a fake, it is better to buy products from well-known manufacturers.

Popular brands and prices

Chemical anchors are not such a common fastener, so there are few well-known manufacturers on the market. The leaders are considered to be Great Britain and Liechtenstein.

  • HILTI is a well-known manufacturer in the field of chemical anchors, presenting capsules and double plastic tubes. An undoubted advantage is the large temperature range of use: from -18 to +40 C. Capsules are used for holes from 8 to 30 mm with a wide variety of fasteners, including fittings. Capsules are equipped with different dispensers and can be equipped with standard or special fasteners. The HILTI injection dowel allows you to do without a metal body. It is enough to fill the holes in the two parts to be joined through a syringe nozzle, and when it hardens, the adhesive composition provides the strongest fastener. The cost is determined by the type of composition and volume. So, 300 ml of HIT-RE cost from 4400 rubles. per package, and 1400 ml of it costs 10,014 rubles. The mesh sleeve is a HILTI offering and is now widely used.
  • BIT United Ltd produces both capsules and cartridges for working with a pistol. For the coaxial anchor, plastic tubes are made with double cavities for glue and catalyst. The cost of the product is much more affordable: 400 ml of the mixture costs from 650 to 950 rubles, and each cartridge comes with 2 mixers. In addition, BIT offers a cartridge with a spiral-shaped turbo divider for chemical anchors, which can be used without a gun. The portion is measured using a measuring scale marked on the tube.
  • "Chemofast" is the creator of a chemical anchor based on vinyl ester resin "Moment Fastener". Its variety, “Moment Fastener CF900,” is today the strongest anchor bolt for fastening in conditions of high humidity. 280 ml of this composition will cost 1,228 rubles.
  • Fischer – chemical anchors for use in old masonry, when installing or repairing facades, suitable for fastening in old weathered joints. The fastener includes a cartridge with an injectable composition and a mesh sleeve (plastic). And a profiled stainless steel rod. The cost depends on the volume of the mixture and the diameter of the anchor. So, 6 pcs. 100 ml will cost 856 rubles, and 6 pcs. 360 ml - 1190 rub.
  • Sormat – produces injection mixtures based on polyester, vinylester, epoxy resin. Release form: tube with a volume of 300 or 380 ml or glass ampoule. There are mixtures designed to work in the cold season - from -18 C. Galvanized pins are used as the metal body. The cost of an ampoule ranges from 95 to 115 rubles.
  • Mungo – injection mixtures based mainly on polyester and vinylester. Designed to work in both solid and hollow structures and materials. Studs, bolts, anchor bushings, and so on can be used as a metal body. The volumes of the cylinders are different - from 385 to 1400 ml, but, as a rule, such volumes are rare. Ampoule anchors are also produced. 400 ml of HA from Mungo cost from RUR 1,075.

Chemical anchor is an ultra-reliable fastener and is designed for use under the heaviest loads. Such fasteners must be used for appropriate work. When it is necessary to fasten heavy structures to hollow materials, it is simply irreplaceable.

This video will tell you about testing a chemical anchor on different surfaces:

Advantages and disadvantages

These devices are good because:

  • When used, no tensile stresses appear in the base;
  • The hole closes hermetically;
  • Easy to use;
  • Used in many industries;
  • Durable fasteners;
  • Increased load-bearing capacity;
  • The mixture used successfully resists chemical, atmospheric and corrosive influences;
  • There are anchors that are used even on wet surfaces;
  • Service life exceeds 50 years;
  • Some manufacturers offer products that do not contain toxic styrene;
  • Thermal expansion is within the same limits as the base material. This eliminates the risk of internal stress.

Disadvantages are observed when using chemical anchors:

  • Expensive;
  • The shelf life of printed packaging is short;
  • In a closed package, the composition can be stored for no more than 12 months;
  • Low hardening speed, it directly depends on air temperature.

Installation of anchor in concrete

If you can use a simple screwdriver to screw in a self-tapping screw, then to install the anchor in concrete we will need to prepare tools and consumables.

Here is a list of tools needed for the job:

  • Hammer (or drill with hammer function).
  • Drills for concrete.
  • Hammer and mallet.
  • Wrenches, pliers.
  • Vacuum cleaner (rubber blower or construction syringe for blowing holes).
  • Tools for marking.


Installation of fasteners of any type always begins with marking and drilling. Mark the installation location. Please note that the distance from the edge of the wall should be at least 2.5 times the length of the bolt.

To drill a hole of the appropriate diameter, first study the hardware markings. The bushing should enter the gap with some force, so that friction is felt. The length of the hole should be equal to the length of the sleeve. For convenience, make a color mark on the drill.

An important point in preparation for installation is to clear the drilled gap from dust and concrete particles. This can be done with a vacuum cleaner, or, in extreme cases, with a rubber bulb. If it is impossible or impossible to completely clean the hole, just make it a couple of centimeters longer.

Installation of anchor with nut

Let's consider a universal installation method that can be used for similar types of fasteners. Study the following diagram and, with practice, you will understand the principle of installing anchors for concrete.


Take the anchor and use a mallet to hammer it into the hole so that the edge of the sleeve is flush with the wall. Remove the nut and install on the stud the element that will hold the suspended structure. For example, let it be a metal corner. Install the nut and start tightening it

Please note that you need to tighten it as long as possible.

Chemical anchor installation

Here, during installation, approximately the same thing will happen as when installing a bolt and nut. But in addition to the listed tools, we will need a special chemical composition for fastening.

The diagram describes in detail the process of laying a chemical anchor. It is as follows:

  1. First you need to drill a hole and clean it well from dust. You can use a vacuum cleaner, a brush, or a can of compressed air.
  2. It is recommended to install a mesh sleeve inside, which will help retain the adhesive composition.
  3. You need to place an ampoule with glue into the hole or fill the hole from the dispenser to 2/3 of the length.
  4. Slowly screw in the bolt or stud, allowing the compound to distribute evenly.
  5. Next, you should wait the required time for the glue to set. This information is usually written on the packaging.
  6. You need to install the element to be attached to the rod and tighten the nut.

Please note that many chemical compounds do not work at low temperatures

Weight, dimensions and characteristics

As many people have probably noticed, it is usually customary to put hardware in boxes and stick some information on them. So, these labels, in addition to batch numbers, information about certificates and manufacturers, also contain markings of metal products. This is useful information. Let's understand its meaning.

And some more technical information. It will help you understand the principle by which metal types of anchor bolts for concrete are classified.

Main characteristics of hardware:

  • Weight. This value depends on the material, size and design of the hardware. The lightest ones are the driving elements. They can weigh as little as 4g. The largest wedge bolts can weigh up to 738g.
  • Screw cross-section diameter. The whole variety of fasteners can be divided into small (diameter up to 8 mm), medium (diameter from 8 to 12 mm) and large (diameter from 12 mm to 30 mm).
  • Rod length. For each screw diameter, there is usually a choice of 4-5 options of different rod lengths. The maximum length of large anchors can reach 220 mm, and the minimum length is 40 mm for products of small diameters.

Chemical-based fasteners also have their own classification. The main dimensions are the diameter and length of the capsule. The smallest ampoules have a diameter of 10 mm. The maximum capsule diameter reaches 42 mm. The length varies between 80-360 mm.

Another characteristic that distinguishes fasteners from each other is of more practical importance. This refers to the shape of the head of the bolts:

  • Using a hook or ring, you can install hanging structures.
  • The L-shaped end allows you to hang removable items.
  • Fastening with anchors to concrete with a screw-on nut and washer ensures a tight and durable fit of the structure to the wall.

The following are tables in which you can find the sizes of anchor bolts and their weight characteristics.

What are aerated concrete anchors?

For the construction of low-rise buildings, aerated concrete, or rather foam block, is increasingly being used. The material is light and porous and needs protection from external factors. For finishing houses made of aerated concrete, a hinged ventilated facade is used, the basis of which is load-bearing profiles. Anchors are used to attach the profile to the foam block.

An anchor is a cylindrical fastening element consisting of a spacer part and an internal rod.

  • Spacer part – fixes the anchor body in the porous structure of aerated concrete. The fastening method can be mechanical or chemical;
  • Rod – connects the spacer part and the profile.

The diameter of the fastening element is 8-30 mm. The length depends on the type of base, the weight of the suspension system and the thickness of the wall. Usually 40-300 mm.

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