Construction hair dryer - which is better and what it is needed for, how to choose, types and their features

In the arsenal of professional craftsmen, in addition to the usual set of tools, there is always a construction hair dryer, which differs from a household hair dryer in the speed of air exchange and high operating temperatures. There are several types of this equipment, and each model differs in technical parameters and configuration.

A hot air gun is the best device for quick and high-quality repairs

Construction hair dryer - device, principle of operation, application

A device that produces a directed flow of hot air to solve technical problems is called a construction hair dryer. In this case, it differs from household models in the higher value of the following parameters:

  • Power ranges from 300 to 2500 W.
  • The temperature of the supplied air flow ranges from 300 to 8000C.
  • The volume of heated air produced is from 200 to 650 liters per minute.

The heat gun has a simple device and includes such working units as:

  1. Frame.
  2. Spiral heater.
  3. Fan with electric motor.
  4. Control elements – start button, setting operating modes, display.

The operating principle of the device boils down to the following algorithm:

  • When you press the start button, the heating coil and the electric motor are activated simultaneously.
  • Through the intake holes, air from outside is sucked in by a fan and passed through the heater.
  • An air flow of a given heating level is pumped from the outlet, the nozzle.

The device of a technical hair dryer Source
Setting the thermostat allows you to set the required level of air heating by increasing or decreasing the heat of the coil. At the same time, modern models have the ability to adjust the air flow speed, which makes it possible to solve various technical problems using the same device.

The main thing for which a construction hair dryer is needed is the ability to carry out the following series of operations:

  • Drying putty, glue, stucco elements, gaps between tiles, insulation joints.
  • Removing excess varnish or paint from furniture, windows, walls, parquet and other surfaces.
  • Forming and shaping products made of PVC, plexiglass, acrylic, polyurethane and other synthetic materials.
  • Defrosting locks, pipes, icy steps and cables.
  • Destruction of colonies of ants, wood-boring beetles and other insects in walls, floors and other structural elements.
  • Speeding up time and increasing the bonding area when gluing parts using contact adhesives.
  • Pressing, soldering, shrinkage of PVC-based pipes, hoses and handles.

Thermal gun is used for installation and repair of pipelines Source

  • Welding pieces of soft flooring for various purposes - film, linoleum, tarpaulin, roofing materials, etc.
  • Soldering pipes with tin or silver solder, as well as copper thin-walled pipelines, cables and wires.
  • Bending of wooden products.
  • Lighting fires in barbecues, fireplaces, barbecues.

Thus, with a construction hairdryer, you can do any suitable preparatory operations, which are based on heating up to several hundred degrees. In fact, it has all the capabilities that a standard blowtorch has. However, thanks to the power supply from the network, and not from the fuel tank, the use of heated air, not a flame, and the ability to adjust operating parameters, in contrast, a heat gun is much more convenient, safer and simpler.

Note! Despite the fact that a construction hair dryer is positioned as a universal device for solving various types of problems and in any conditions, you must not forget about following the rules for its operation. For example, it is unacceptable to subject the device to mechanical stress, shock, or even fall, especially when it is hot, since the heating element in working condition is very fragile and can break.

The use of a heat gun must comply with operating conditions Source

Where else can you use the device?

A construction hair dryer will become an indispensable assistant when performing the following work:

  1. Dismantling wallpaper and linoleum installed with glue. The latter loses its properties under the influence of hot air, which allows you to remove the coating without any effort.
  2. Performing soldering. If you are working with large elements that have a high degree of thermal conductivity, working with a regular soldering iron will take a long time and be difficult. A hairdryer allows you to perform soldering much better.
  3. Wire insulation and pipe connection. The device copes well with heating heat-shrinkable sleeves, couplings, and so on.
  4. Work with PVC, polyurethane, polyethylene. By heating these materials, it is possible to obtain elements of the desired shape, cut them, weld them, and solder them.

A hair dryer is also useful for motorists who want to remove the tint film from the front window.

Selection rules

In order to choose the right hair dryer, you need to consider the following number of characteristics:

  • Limit temperature. In most cases, household models produce an air stream heated to 600-6500C. There are specimens capable of heating air up to 8000C. However, due to the high cost, it is not rational to use them in everyday life; most of all, they are intended for the professional sphere.
  • Productivity, or the volume of heated air produced per unit of time. Mid-segment models produce from 200 to 600 liters per minute. In this case, the characteristic depends on the maximum developed temperature - the higher the heating, the higher the flow rate.
  • Power. Modern devices differ significantly in this parameter. Their value varies from 500 to 2500 W and is directly determined by the two characteristics discussed above. In addition, the greater the power, the larger the dimensions and weight of the equipment.
  • Air flow adjustment. This function may be useful when working with sensitive or light material. The parameter change can be either discrete (only 2 or 3 positions) or smooth.

Some heat gun models allow you to adjust the strength of the air flow Source
See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in doors, windows and related work

  • Adjusting the degree of heating. Allows the technician to change the flow temperature for different jobs. The parameter adjustment in models is performed in different ways - both in several positions and smoothly.
  • Support of the set temperature mode. A special controller remembers and maintains the operating heating level of the air flow, which not only ensures stable operating conditions, but also protects the coil from overheating. Choosing a construction hair dryer with this function is for professionals, since the cost of the models is very high.
  • Cold air. Allows you to instantly cool the treated area to speed up subsequent procedures. Some models are equipped with a special separate nozzle for this purpose.
  • Air intake filter. Protects the spiral from contamination and rapid failure. This function is useful when work is carried out in dusty air conditions.
  • Control indication. For precise work, information on the heating level is especially relevant. Therefore, many models are equipped with displays that display the flow temperature. The devices may also have a conventional LED indication.

Technical hair dryer with a display showing operating parameters Source

  • Overheat protection. If the heating level exceeds a critical value, the device will simply turn off. Otherwise, the spiral may burn out.
  • Protective thermal casing. Protects the user and the processed material from high temperature exposure due to accidental contact. Can be removable or non-removable.
  • Type and shape of the handle. For comfortable holding, the heat gun can be equipped with various types of handles - pistol, cylindrical, rotary, closed, etc. To prevent the device from slipping out accidentally, the surface of the handle has anti-slip pads.
  • Elements for installing the device upon completion of work. This could be a loop at the base of the cord, or hooks on the side of the body. They allow you to hang or put the gun down after use, so that its hot surface does not touch objects.

A technical hair dryer should not be too heavy to allow it to perform the assigned tasks Source

Important! In order to determine which hair dryer is best suited for specific application conditions, it is important not only to choose it wisely based on its main technical characteristics, but also to take into account external parameters. This is primarily the weight, dimensions and length of the power cord. The device should not be excessively light, as this will indicate the poor quality of the materials of its parts. The optimal weight is 0.5-1 kg. For convenient operation, the cable length should be at least 2.5-3 m.

How to remove an old layer of paint or varnish?

A construction hair dryer is often used to remove paint and varnish coatings. It is much easier to clean paint from a wooden surface, metal is more difficult, and plastic is even more difficult. It is in the latter situations that it is best to use a heat gun, which makes the work much easier, because while you can remove varnish and paint from wood with a hand tool, doing it from plastic and metal bases without heating is a rather difficult task.

When working with a hair dryer for this and any other work, it is best to wear heat-resistant gloves and safety glasses, setting the device to maximum temperature and heat flow, and then pointing it at the area being treated. The heat gun should be kept at a distance of three centimeters from the surface. When the paintwork begins to bubble and melt, the hairdryer is removed. Next, take a regular scraper or spatula and begin to remove the coating. Thus, in just a few minutes they perform work that would have taken hours without a heat gun, resulting in a far from ideal result.


Modern models of thermoguns differ in one or more characteristic features - which primarily determine the scope of their application. Based on this classification, there are the following main varieties:

  • Rechargeable.

This type of thermal blower is equipped primarily with lithium-ion batteries. At the same time, the devices are distinguished by rather mediocre performance characteristics - a power of no more than 300 W and a heating level of 300-5000C with a productivity within 100 l/min. The main purpose is household work and short-term operations in hard-to-reach places.

Technical hair dryer with battery Source

Floor connection

The hot-melt gun becomes an indispensable tool for creating seams connecting linoleum, PVC, and rubber. Along with the tool, it is also necessary to have an additive harness, which must have similar properties as the floor covering itself.

The workflow itself takes place in several stages:

  1. parts of the coating are applied close to one another;
  2. the filler harness is placed at the joint;
  3. a construction hair dryer is set to a temperature of 300 degrees;
  4. a hot air gun is directed onto the tourniquet;
  5. Two minutes is enough for the tourniquet to melt.

When the seam cools, it will completely adhere to the floor covering, forming a single surface. To remove excess rope before it has time to set, go over the entire length of the seam with a spatula.

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Video comparison of popular manufacturers of technical hair dryers:
Main features:

  1. Large set of attachments for small operations.
  2. Minimum power consumption.
  3. Precise temperature control.

Negative qualities are manifested in the unsuitability of the device for large jobs, difficult battery replacement and the need for frequent breaks. The TOP best are HL 1400 S, Steinel HL 1810 S and Makita HG651CK.

  • Mini hair dryers.

Compact, convenient battery-powered models for small precision work with heating levels up to 300 degrees.


  1. Ease of use.
  2. Ease of transportation.
  3. Small dimensions and weight.

The disadvantages are manifested in the small amount of work, limited functionality, the need for constant recharging and the difficulty of selecting a battery. The best models include Intertool DT-2416, Intertool WT-1020 and Craft CHG 2200E.

Recommendation! No matter in what area of ​​construction, repair and home improvement a construction hair dryer is used, its operating conditions must strictly comply with safety requirements. For example, to prevent the heater from overheating and quickly failing, the nozzle during operation in relation to the surface must be directed at an angle of approximately 450, and not perpendicular.

Purpose of the nozzles included in the heat gun kit

A construction hair dryer, when no attachments are not used, simply blows out hot air, which, reaching a distance of half a meter, cools down and becomes useless. To use the device and maintain the heating temperature, you must use nozzles, a typical set of which includes the following varieties:

  • wide-jet , that is, universal, which allows you to heat large surfaces and large elements, dry component glue and paint, as well as heat and remove coatings from paints and varnishes;
  • flat , designed for local removal of films with an adhesive base, as well as paint and varnish coatings;
  • reflex , which allows you to locally heat plastic parts before bending;
  • cutting , designed for cutting materials such as polyethylene, foam, plastic;
  • focusing , most often used for soldering and heating soured threads at joints;
  • welding mirror used for welding plastic pipes.

The more attachments included in a hair dryer kit, the more tasks it becomes possible to perform using this device.

Briefly about the main thing

A construction hair dryer is analogous to a conventional one, but differs from it in greater power up to 2.5 kW, temperature up to 8000C and productivity up to 600 liters per minute. The principle of its operation is reduced to passing air through the intake of a powerful motor with a fan through a hot spiral. It is used in various fields - for drying surfaces, removing coatings, shaping the geometry of products, defrosting pipes and wires, fighting insects, heat treatment, and welding soft-melting materials.

When choosing a device, the main characteristics should be taken into account:

  • Temperature.
  • Power.
  • Possibility to adjust air flow and heating level.
  • Performance.
  • Temperature support function.
  • Blowing with cold air.
  • Air intake filtration.
  • Overheat protection.
  • Parameter display.
  • Type of handle.
  • The presence of a thermal casing.
  • Installation accessories.

Heat guns differ primarily according to their intended purpose: mobile battery-powered, for concrete, for soldering, for welding floor coverings, for roofing, for removing paint, for welding PVC, for installing sound insulation, for tinting, mini-hair dryers. Each variety has its own best models, pros, cons and application features.

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Application of a device based on thermal effects

High temperatures allow:

  • heat soured threaded connections for dismantling old water supply networks and during machine repairs;
  • heat wax, bitumen, resin and any other sealants based on them when installing the roof, installing sound insulation;
  • stick stretch films onto textured surfaces;
  • solder polypropylene fabrics;
  • accelerate the hardening of multicomponent adhesive and other mixtures.

In other words, a construction hair dryer is capable of heating any building materials, with the exception of wood, as well as paint and varnish and even polymer compositions.

Terms of use

Experts recommend studying and strictly following the rules for operating the equipment. Productivity and the final result of work depend on this. The main points are as follows:

  1. The air is directed at an angle of 45 degrees. This helps reduce overheating and minimizes the possibility of tool failure.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to use the tool in close proximity to flammable mixtures.
  3. Monitor the temperature of the surface being treated and the device itself. It is not recommended to allow overheating.
  4. Do not touch the surface with bare hands. You may get burned.
  5. After finishing work, the equipment must be completely cooled. At low ambient temperatures this happens quickly, at high temperatures it happens more slowly. Do not touch the hot air gun with bare hands to avoid skin damage.
  6. Remove old paint using a scraper and wearing a protective respirator, otherwise small particles may enter the respiratory tract and cause illness.
  7. It is advisable to use the device in an open space or in a ventilated area.
  8. If you are forced to take a break from work, unplug the unit from the outlet. It is not recommended to leave the device under voltage unattended.

Recommended Manufacturers

When purchasing such serious and versatile equipment, you should under no circumstances skimp on its cost. There are several manufacturers that have proven themselves to be of very high quality materials used and have repeatedly confirmed their reliability and durability. Remember that cheap models from unknown manufacturers that you have never heard of will very quickly fail and will not work out even the money spent on them. The cost of the device is reduced due to the use of poor quality plastic, short-lived heating elements or electric motors. Such little-known manufacturers, which are unlikely to provide a long service life, include cheap models of the Zenit , Elprom or Proton . to avoid buying a hair dryer with this name .

Such brands as Bosch, Makita, DeWALT, Steinel, Stern, DWT have proven themselves well These companies produce not only high-quality construction hair dryers, but also much other equipment. In general, these brands are distinguished by high-quality assembly , the safety of their tools, high-quality materials, and reliable electronics. Naturally, the cost of such a hairdryer will be higher, but you will not have to regret the purchase, especially since you will definitely be provided with an official warranty card for all products.

Selection of configuration options

The tool can be supplied with several nozzles that change the parameters of the supplied air flow. As a rule, nozzles are low cost and can be replaced if desired. The list of required attachments includes :

  1. Round shaped focusing nozzles suitable for copper tubes.
  2. Flat nozzles designed for removing varnish, paint or wallpaper.
  3. Crevice nozzles, which are used for welding pieces of PVC.
  4. Nozzles with corrugation and frontal roundings. They are used when bending pipes made of polymers.
  5. A cutting nozzle that resembles a flattened tube.
  6. Side nozzles designed to clean the surface of windows or heated glass.
  7. Mirror nozzles. They are used for welding plastic.

There are also ready-made sets available for sale, presented in a combination of various attachments.


When purchasing an industrial hair dryer, you need to pay attention to the ability to regulate the volume of air that is pumped. Unfortunately, not all types of this device provide such a function.

However, its presence makes it possible to regulate the air flow if the workpiece is too light. In this case, there is a threat that it will simply be blown away by the forced flow. If there is adjustment, this can be avoided.

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