Propane weight of 1 liter: how much does a liter of liquefied gas weigh

Mass and volume of propane. From kilograms (kg) to liters (l)

Mass and volume of propane. From kilograms (kg) to liters (l)

Good afternoon dear friends. Owners of gas tanks are often faced with the need to measure propane in kg (kilograms), when the default volume of gas tanks and propane storage tanks is indicated in liters (l). There is also a need for a reverse conversion - from liters to kg.

The mathematics of converting the mass (kg) and volume (liters or m3) of gas is quite simple.

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Since there are a lot of people who ask this question in this form. We decided to write an answer for them too)))

Let's get started

From the school physics course, we know the formula for the relationship between the mass and volume of a substance through the third quantity - density. Mass = density * volume, or

m = p * V, where:

  • m is the mass of the substance (in the SI system, familiar to us from the physics classroom, measured in kg),
  • V is its volume (in the SI system it is measured in m3, but in the case of the volumes of gas tanks and gas cylinders, liters will be closer to us),
  • p – density (kg/liter).

The difficulty of the calculation lies in the fact that the density of propane and propane-butane mixture is not constant and depends on the ambient temperature. That is, propane weighing 1 kg will have a different volume at different temperatures (and occupy a different number of liters or m3).

Below is a table of the density (mass to volume ratio) of a propane-butane mixture depending on the air temperature (measured in °C) and the percentage of the pair of two gases in the resulting liquefied mixture.

The top line shows the ambient temperature (in °C), the left column shows the percentage ratio of propane-butane (that is, “90/10” means that the mixture contains 90% propane and 10% butane). At the intersection of the ratio and temperature values ​​is the density of the mixture.

Density table for propane - butane mixture.

That is, at a temperature of 10 °C and a gas ratio of 50/50, we have a mixture density of 0.549. And at a temperature of -15

°C and a gas ratio of 80/20, we have a mixture density of 0.561.

If we know the density of the mixture and one of the “mass-volume” parameters, then using the above formula m = p * V we can calculate the missing value.

For example, having a density of the gas mixture equal to 0.554, and knowing that the useful volume of the gas cylinder is 40 liters (any container containing liquefied gas cannot be filled more than 85% precisely due to changes in density and changes in the volume occupied by the mixture) , we can calculate the mass.

m = p * V = 0.554 * 40 = 22.16 kg.

We cannot help but remind you that the cylinder should be filled to no more than 85% of its total volume: 5l - 4.25l; 12l - 10.2l; 27l - 22.95l; 50l - 42.5l

The principle of connecting a gas cylinder to a stove

The safety rules that must be studied before connecting a gas cylinder to the stove are set out in SNiP 42-01-2002. Before connecting the container to the gas stove, you need to perform several preparatory operations.

The entire connection process must take place with a thorough inspection of each part:

  1. Inspect all the parts that are involved in the connection. There should be no dirt or traces of corrosion on them, especially at the threaded connections.
  2. It is necessary to inspect the hose especially carefully. In general, when connecting, it is advisable to use a special sleeve purchased for this purpose. In addition to the fact that it must be of a strictly defined length, there should be no cracks or other defects on its surface. In addition, it must not be twisted during assembly.

Connecting the gas cylinder to the stove is carried out in the following order:

  1. Install the gas stove in a predetermined place. The container is placed either in another room or at a distance from the stove body of at least one meter.
  2. The container must be installed on a level place; to increase the stability of the cylinder, it is advisable to install a fence made of slats for it.
  3. Before connecting the hose to the stove, you need to prepare a fum tape. Wrap it around the thread and attach the hose to the entrance to the stove.
  4. Before connecting the stove to the cylinder, it is necessary to install a reducer on it. People call this device a “frog”.
  5. The gas stove is connected to the cylinder using a hose.

All connections must be made airtight.

The principle of connecting a gas cylinder to a stove

After the system is assembled, it is necessary to check the quality of the assembly. The easiest way is to use soap foam. That is, it is necessary to apply soap suds to the joints, and if bubbles appear, it is necessary to disassemble the joint and reassemble it again.

How much does a bucket of tomatoes weigh?

How many cubic meters of gas are in a 50 liter propane cylinder?
The weight of a bucket of tomatoes largely depends on the variety, that is, the size of the tomatoes, their shape and their density. After all, there are denser and heavier tomatoes, and there are soft and lighter ones. But on average, a bucket of tomatoes pulls 9 kilograms.

A 10 liter bucket of tomatoes weighs 9 - 10 kg.

If there are fewer voids between the tomatoes, then the tomato can yield all of ten kilograms, if there are more, then eight. If you look at the reference tables, they show the volumetric density of tomatoes, that is, the density taking into account the air space between them, and indicate that exactly 10 kilograms of tomatoes fit in a ten-liter bucket. In practice, they fit a little less.

How much does a 5, 12, 27, 50 liter propane cylinder cost?

The price depends on the specific area in which the customer lives. How much an empty propane cylinder costs in our region, as well as the cost of refilling, is shown in the following table:

Cylinder volume (liters)5122750
Estimated cost of an empty new cylinder1080138015002250
Cost of refilled propane1155156019053000

Varieties of sand

How much horsepower does a KamAZ 5320 have? How much does a KamAZ weigh?

Experts in this field count several dozen varieties, but in everyday use the generalized concept of “construction sand” most often applies. For these purposes, the following types of this material are used:

  1. River sand
    . Contrary to popular myth, it is taken not from the shore, but from the very bottom of the river bed. This material is extracted by dredging and then either thrown ashore by an earthen shell or stored on barges. Next, it is dried, after which it is used for its intended purpose. This is pure sand, but does not require pre-treatment. The quality is not inferior to the next variety, but costs several times less.
  2. Alluvial sand
    . It is formed as a result of artificial washing of quarry sand with a large amount of water under pressure on sieves.
  3. Silicate sand
    . It has a dazzling white color. It can be used as a cheap drainage layer, but there is a limitation in its use - it can lime the soil, making it impossible for trees to grow on the site.
  4. Quarry sand
    . It is mined in specialized quarries using excavators and does not undergo any additional processing.
  5. Sea sand
    . It is completely unsuitable for concrete mixtures for two simple reasons. The first is that it is salted, and to wash off all the salt, you will need to spend too much water. The second is that it is ground by the surf until the grains of sand are rounded, which then negatively affects the overall strength of the concrete.

Calculation example

How much does a kilogram of diesel fuel weigh?

It is necessary to determine how many cubic meters of gas one cylinder with a 50-liter propane-butane mixture contains if you pass its contents through a gas meter:

  • the mass of the gas mixture pumped into it is about 21 kilograms;
  • volume in m³ is equal to 50/5 = 10;
  • after adjusting for the filling of the cylinder, we get 10 × 0.85 = 8.5 m³.

This indicator may vary depending on the ambient temperature, since when it decreases, the pressure inside the container decreases, with a corresponding decrease in the volume of fuel.

But the use of liters of gas in cubic meters is only relevant as an approximate calculation. When purchasing this type of fuel, kilograms of the gas mixture and the pressure inside the container are important, and when using individual metering devices, a standard unit of measurement is used - cubic meters, the conversion procedure of which does not depend on the composition of the gas and is determined by a simple arithmetic calculation in the ratio of 1 to 1000.

How to convert cubes to liters? You will find out the answer to this question by reading this article.

  • How many liters are in 1 cubic liter?
  • Formula for converting the volume of a cube into liters
  • Formula for converting liters to cubic meters
  • Examples of converting liters to cubes
  • Examples of converting cubes to liters

How to convert cubes to liters?

Students often have difficulty converting one unit of measurement to another. Hence a lot of questions like:

  • How many liters are in a cube?
  • 1 cubic meter - how many liters is it?
  • How many liters are in a cube of water?
  • How many liters of gas, propane, gasoline, sand, earth, expanded clay are in a cube?
  • How many liters of methane, liquefied gas are in a cube?
  • How to convert cm cubed (cm 3) or dm cube (cm 3) to liters?
  • A cube of concrete, gasoline, diesel fuel, diesel fuel - how many liters is that?

What is domestic gas

Let's remember the basics of school organic chemistry.
The first saturated hydrocarbon is methane. The molecule of this gas consists of one carbon atom surrounded by four hydrogen atoms. If you slightly lengthen the chain - instead of one of the hydrogen atoms, “attach” one carbon, and attach hydrogen atoms to the remaining three of its bonds - you get the next member of the family of saturated hydrocarbons, ethane.

Starting from the beginning of the chain, we have:

  • methane CH4;
  • ethane C2H6;
  • propane C3H8;
  • butane C4H10.

The last two compounds - propane and butane - are the contents of household gas cylinders.

How many kilograms of gas are in a 50-liter cylinder?

  • According to the norms, a gas cylinder is filled with 30 kilograms of gas, but if you really ask (although they are unlikely to agree to it), they can fill more: 35-40 kilograms, but the responsibility in the event of an emergency will be yours alone.
  • The weight of the gas cylinder along with the gas will depend on what kind of gas is pumped into it. If you take a regular 50-kilogram cylinder with propane gas, then its weight will be about 43-45 kg, of which 22.5 kg will weigh the cylinder itself, and the gas can be pumped from 20 to 22 kg, more is simply dangerous for safety reasons.
  • If a 50-liter cylinder was filled with propane, then in kilograms it will be exactly 21, if in liters, then the volume is 40 liters. According to other data, a 50-liter cylinder holds 42 liters of propane-butane mixture and exactly 23 in kilograms. The volume of oxygen will be slightly different .
  • I don’t know where they fill gas cylinders more than required according to the standard, at our gas stations, and I often fill cylinders for the dacha, even video surveillance has been installed for the gas refuelers, so that God forbid, they don’t pump more. Because there have been cases of explosions, even with fatalities, and now such refueling threatens serious trouble for the owners. They began to demand not only the presence of a plug, but even rubber rings around the body of the cylinder. Now to the essence of the issue. an empty 50-liter propane tank weighs 22.5 kilograms. They fill it with 21.2 kilograms of gas - this is the maximum. The total weight of the full cylinder is 43.7 kilograms.
  • I have the following data: a 50-kilogram cylinder contains approximately 20 kg of propane. Well, give or take the uneven filling. But a 27-kilogram cylinder holds 11 kilograms of propane. or are you talking about another gas?
  • I thought about this question myself, because I myself want to buy a gas cylinder for my summer house and a gas stove to save on electricity. An empty 50-liter gas cylinder weighs about 22 kilograms. The mass of the gas in nm is approximately the same as the weight of the cylinder itself. That is, one liter of gas weighs a little less than half a kilogram.
  • Not so much. A little more than twenty kilograms according to the standards, this is how it should be filled. Considering that the empty cylinder itself weighs 22 kilograms, it turns out that a cylinder filled with gas will weigh around 43-44 kilograms.

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Gas weight in cylinder 27l

How many kilograms of household gas are in a 27-liter cylinder?
depends on the filling pressure and the type of mixture

type of domestic gas mixture:

summer – 50/50 propane and butane

winter – 90% propane and 10% butane

should fill a 27 liter cylinder (weight 14.5 kg) not “under the cap”, but 23 liters. Then the weight will be:

if you tuck it “under the cap” the weight will be:

Much depends on what kind of gas the cylinder is filled with. It may be filled with propane (most often) or butane (less often). The density of gases varies slightly. Gas pressure may also vary. Approximate figure – 12kg.

The peculiarity of refilling any gas cylinder is that it must be filled (according to current standards) with liquefied gas no more than 85% of the total volume of the cylinder. In addition, for summer and winter there are different standards for filling a cylinder with gas:

  • the summer gas mixture consists of 50% propane and the same amount (50%) butane (such a mixture has a calorific value of 6470 kcal/l (11872 kcal/kg), and its density will be 0.545 kg/l);
  • The winter gas mixture contains 90% propane and only 10% butane (has a calorific value of 6175 kcal/l (11943 kcal/kg), and a density of 0.517 kg/l).

As a result, we find that a 27-liter cylinder (with its own weight of 14.4 kg) will contain 22.95 liters of gas, which will be:

  • in summer: approximately 12.5 kg);
  • in winter: about 11.86 kg.

Well, in order to evaluate the transportability of such a cylinder, you can estimate its mass when completely filled:

Cylinders for liquefied hydrocarbon gases. Designed for storage and transportation of liquefied petroleum gas - propane (propane-butane mixture).

50 liter propane cylinder with valve: Volume – 50 liters. The highest working gas pressure is 1.6 MPa. Dimensions – 300x920 mm. Wall thickness – 3 mm. Operating temperature – From -40 to +45. Permissible mass of liquefied gas (max.) – 21.2 kg. Empty cylinder weight – 22.5 kg. The weight of a full cylinder is 43.7 kg.

27 liter propane gas cylinder with valve: GOST 15860. Volume – 27 liters. Dimensions – 300x600 mm. Wall thickness – 3mm. The highest working gas pressure is 1.6 MPa. Operating temperature – From -40 to +45. Permissible mass of liquefied gas (max) – 11.3 kg (20 liters). Empty cylinder weight – 14.4 kg. The weight of a full cylinder is 25.7 kg.

12 liter cylinder for liquefied gas (propane) with valve: Shut-off device – valve VB-2. Dimensions: diameter/height – 220x540 mm. The highest operating gas pressure is 1.6 MPa (16 atm). Operating temperature – From -40 to +45. Permissible mass of liquefied gas (max) – 5.3 kg (6.8 liters). Empty cylinder weight – 6.0 kg. The weight of a full cylinder is 11.3 kg.

Propane cylinder 5 l with valve: Volume – 5 l. The highest working gas pressure is 1.6 MPa. Dimensions – 220x290 mm. Wall thickness – 3 mm. Operating temperature – From -40 to +45. Permissible mass of liquefied gas (max) – 2.2 kg. Empty cylinder weight – 3.1 kg. The weight of a full cylinder is 5.3 kg.

Considering that pressurized cylinders are explosive vessels, they are made of structural steel by pressure treatment. Before empty cylinders reach the consumer, they undergo thorough testing and certification.

Random entries - how much does it weigh:

  • Volume:
    27 l
  • Height:
    590 mm
  • Diameter:
    299 mm
  • Propane weight:
    11.4 kg
  • Empty weight
    : 10.5 kg
  • Working pressure:
  • Wall thickness of the cylinder body:
    3 mm
  • Operating temperature:
    From -40 to +45 °C
  • Valve:
  • Country of origin:
  • Warranty:
    12 months
  • Characteristics
  • Detailed description
  • Instructions and certificates
  • Delivery
  • Pickup
  • Reviews
  • Calculator


  • Volume:
    27 l
  • Height:
    590 mm
  • Diameter:
    299 mm
  • Propane weight:
    11.4 kg
  • Empty weight
    : 10.5 kg
  • Working pressure:
  • Wall thickness of the cylinder body:
    3 mm
  • Operating temperature:
    From -40 to +45 °C
  • Valve:
  • Country of origin:
  • Warranty:
    12 months

Propane gas cylinder 27 l with valve

The cylinder is designed for storing and transporting propane. Made of high-alloy steel that can withstand external and internal loads without disturbing the original properties of the contents of the cylinder. It should be remembered that as the temperature increases, the pressure increases, so during storage and transportation, do not allow the temperature to rise sharply.

Never fill the tank more than 80%

This is especially important in winter at low negative temperatures! Download the certificate. Download certificate

Download certificate


Notes of a Traveling Locksmith – Malaga Truth

How much gas is in the cylinder

Oxygen, argon, helium, welding mixtures: 40 liter cylinder at 150 atm - 6 cubic mAcetylene: 40 liter cylinder at 19 atm - 4.5 cubic mCarbon dioxide: 40 liter cylinder - 24 kg - 12 cubic mPropane: 50 liter cylinder – 42 liters of liquid gas – 21 kg – 10 cubic meters.

Oxygen pressure in the cylinder depending on temperature

-40С – 105 atm-20С – 120 atm0С – 135 atm+20С – 150 atm (nominal)+40С – 165 atm

Welding wire Sv-08 and its derivatives, weight 1 kilometer along the length

0.6 – 2.222 kg0.8 – 3.950 kg1.0 – 6.173 kg1.2 – 8.888 kg

Calorific value (calorific value) of liquefied and natural gas

Natural gas – 8500 kcal/m3 Liquefied gas – 21800 kcal/m3

Examples of using the above data

Question: How long will gas and wire last when welding semi-automatically with a cassette of 0.8 mm wire weighing 5 kg and a cylinder of carbon dioxide with a volume of 10 liters? Answer: Welding wire SV-08 with a diameter of 0.8 mm weighs 3.950 kg 1 kilometer, which means on the cassette 5 kg approximately 1200 meters of wire. If the average feed speed for such wire is 4 meters per minute, then the cassette will go in 300 minutes. Carbon dioxide in a “large” 40-liter cylinder is 12 cubic meters or 12,000 liters; if you convert it to a “small” 10-liter cylinder, then it will contain 3 cubic meters of carbon dioxide. meters or 3000 liters. If the gas consumption for purging is 10 liters per minute, then a 10-liter cylinder should be enough for 300 minutes or for 1 cassette of 0.8 wire weighing 5 kg, or a “large” cylinder of 40 liters for 4 cassettes of 5 kg each.

Question: I want to install a gas boiler at my dacha and use cylinders for heating, how long will one cylinder last? Answer: A 50-liter “large” propane cylinder contains 21 kg of liquefied gas or 10 cubic meters of gas in gaseous form. We find the boiler data, for example, take the very common AOGV-11.6 boiler with a power of 11.6 kW and designed for heating 110 square meters. meters. The ZhMZ website indicates the consumption in kilograms per hour for liquefied gas - 0.86 kg per hour when operating at full capacity. We divide 21 kg of gas in a cylinder by 0.86 kg/hour = 18 hours of continuous burning of such a boiler on 1 cylinder. In reality, this will happen if it is -30C outside with a standard house and the usual requirements for the air temperature in it, and if outside If it is only -20C, then 1 cylinder will last for 24 hours (day). We can conclude that in order to heat an ordinary house of 110 square meters. meters of bottled gas in the cold months of the year you need about 30 cylinders per month. It must be remembered that due to the different calorific value of liquefied and natural gas, the consumption of liquefied and natural gas at the same power for boilers is different. To switch from one type of gas to another, boilers usually need to change jets/nozzles. When making calculations, be sure to take this into account and take the flow data specifically for a boiler with jets for the correct gas.


1.1. Cylinders must be manufactured for a working pressure of 9.8; 14.7; 19.6 MPa (100, 150 and 200 kgf/cm2) from carbon steel and for operating pressure 14.7 and 19.6 MPa (150 and 200 kgf/cm2) from alloy steel.

1.2. The main parameters and dimensions of the cylinders must correspond to those indicated in the drawing and table. 1.

Official publication Reissue (June 1992) with Changes N∙ ], 2. 3, 4, approved in October 1976, October 1980, February 1982. June 1986 (IUS 11-76.1-81, S-82. 10-86).

© Standards Publishing House, 1974

© Standards Publishing House, 1992

Rice. 1 1 – support shoe; 2 – cylinder body; 3 – neck ring; 4 – valve; 5 – safety cap.

Dimensions in mm
Table 1

Cylinder volume, lDiameter of cylindrical partWall thickness of pressure cylinders, MPa (kgf/cm2), not lessPressure cylinder body length, MPa (kgf/cm2)Mass of cylinders for pressure MPa (kgf/cm2), kg
carbon steelalloy steelcarbon steelalloy steelcarbon steelalloy steel
9.8 (100)14.7 (150)19.6 (200)14,7 (150)19.6 (200)9.8 (100)14.7 (150)19,6 (200)14,7 (150)19,6 (200)9,8 (100)14,7 (150)19.6 (200)14,7 (150)19.6 (200)


  • 1. The weight of cylinders is indicated without valves, caps, rings and shoes and is a reference value and a nominal value for the manufacture of cylinders with a weight limit.
  • 2. The lengths of the cylinders are indicated as reference and are accepted as nominal when manufacturing cylinders with a limited length.
  • 3. The approximate weight of the metal cap is 1.8 kg; fiberglass - 0.5 kg; rings - 0.3 kg, shoes - 5.2 kg.

1.1; 1.2. (Changed edition, Rev. N4).

1.3. Cylinders must be manufactured with normal and increased precision.

Cylinders of normal precision are manufactured with a limitation in volume; cylinders of increased precision are manufactured in terms of volume and outer diameter or length and outer diameter. Maximum deviations should not exceed those indicated in the table. 2. Table 2

Limit deviationsFor standard precision cylindersFor high precision cylinders
By volume:
for small volume cylinders+10% ‘. +5%
for medium volume cylinders+ 5%+5%
By lenght:
for small volume cylinders?6 mm
for medium volume cylinders?15 mm
By outer diameter:
for carbon steel cylinders?1,5%
for alloy steel cylinders?2,0%


  • 1. Maximum deviations in outer diameter for medium-volume cylinders made of carbon steel, which have been assigned the State Quality Mark, must not exceed ? 1.0%.
  • 2. The curvature of medium-volume cylinders is no more than 0.5% of the length of the cylindrical part of the cylinder.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 3).

1.5. At the customer's request, alloy steel cylinders can be manufactured with weight restrictions. In this case, the mass of the cylinders should not exceed by more than 10% the mass indicated in the table. 1. Examples of symbols:

cylinder with a volume of 4 liters for a pressure of 14.7 MPa (150 kgf/cm2), made of carbon steel, standard manufacturing precision, for air:

  • Air cylinder 4-150U GOST 949-73

the same, from alloy steel, increased manufacturing precision, volume limitation, no weight limitation, for nitrogen:

  • Nitrogen cylinder 4p-150L GOST 949-73

the same, with normal manufacturing precision, with a weight limit, for air:

  • Air cylinder 4-150 L-M GOST 949-73

the same, with increased manufacturing accuracy in terms of volume, with a limitation on weight, for medical oxygen:

  • Cylinder for medical oxygen 4P-150L-M GOST 949-73

the same, increased manufacturing precision, cylinder body length 400mm, with weight limitation, for nitrogen:

  • Nitrogen cylinder 4-150L-400-M GOST 949-73

the same, short volume 2 liters for a pressure of 14.7 MPa (150 kgf/cm2), made of carbon steel, increased manufacturing precision with a length limitation, without a weight limitation, for air:

  • Cylinder for. air K2-150U-330 GOST 949-78 (Changed edition, Amendment No. 4).

What is the weight of a cubic meter of water

The weight of 1 liter is usually taken as 1 kilogram, therefore, 1 cubic meter of water fits in one ton. But this is not entirely true. In fact, weight is influenced by many factors: pressure, temperature, the state of aggregation in which it is located. Therefore, a ton of water does not always contain 1000 kilograms.

Weight measureLiquid stateSolid state (ice from distilled liquid)Solid state (pure snow)
Glass (250 ml), g249,622912,5-112,5
1 liter, g298,291750-450
Twelve liter bucket, kg11,98115-15
Cubometer, kg998,2917100-450

The weight of snow directly depends on its density, which is influenced by the area in which the precipitation occurred and the time that has passed since the snowfall. The density of newly fallen snow is 0.05 gp/cm3 and compacted snow is 0.45 gp/cm3.

Even the force of gravity in different parts of the Earth and on different planets affects the weight of a liquid. For example, on Mars, a liter of water weighs 377 grams, therefore, 1 cubic meter is equal to 377 kg.

But let's not fly far and return to our earthly reality. As for the states of aggregation, in each of them it will have a different weight.

Requirements for marking gas cylinders according to GOST R ISO 14175

In order not to be misleading, we clarify that this marking has nothing to do with the data that must be indicated on the spherical part of each cylinder in accordance with regulatory documents for equipment operating at excess pressure (the date of the next technical inspection, the mark of the organization that carried out technical examination, etc.).

So, each vessel or gas cylinder must have a tag or label attached to it, which must contain the following information:

  • name of manufacturer or supplier
  • trademark
  • gas designation according to standard
  • health warnings
  • safety warning

Propane butane gas how to convert cubic meters to liters

When performing construction work, for example, when laying or repairing certain types of roofing, liquefied gas is used. When estimate documentation is drawn up for work related to the use of gas, estimators are sometimes faced with a problem: how to convert cubic meters into liters. The fact is that liquefied gas is most often supplied in cylinders, the volume of which is measured in liters. In estimate documentation, calculations most often use the international system of SI units, in which a cubic meter is taken as a unit of volume. To calculate the number of gas cylinders and determine their cost, you must convert m3 to liters.

Density is the quantitative value of mass in kilograms placed in a cubic meter. A very ambiguous value and depends on many factors. The main one is temperature. So, the density of propane-butane can vary from 490 to 619 kg/m3.

What do you need to know?

We must immediately make a reservation that a simple calculation based on how many liters are in a cube does not work in our case. 1 m3 contains 1000 liters of air, water or other substance in normal condition. However, the cylinders contain liquid gas, and it is there at high pressure and low temperature. To use the substance, it must be brought into the gaseous phase, and its volume increases many times over.

The parameters and dimensions of oxygen cylinders for propane, butane and their mixtures can be viewed according to GOST 15860-84. Currently, four types of these products are used, with volumes of 5, 12, 27 and 50 liters.

To convert propane butane gas from cubic meters of gaseous to liters of liquid gas, you need to know the density of the liquid gas and the specific gravity of the substance. Density depends on the temperature and proportions of the propane-butane mixture, and is easily determined using tables. The specific gravity of propane-butane is determined in laboratory conditions. In calculations we can use the average indicator.

How to perform the calculation?

Under normal atmospheric conditions and a temperature of 15°C, the density of propane in the liquid state is 510 kg/m3, and butane 580 kg/m3. Propane in the gas state at atmospheric pressure and temperature 15°C is 1.9 kg/m3, and butane is 2.55 kg/m3. Under normal atmospheric conditions and a temperature of 15°C, 0.392 m3 of gas is formed from 1 kg of liquid butane, and 0.526 m3 from 1 kg of propane.

Knowing the volume of a gas and its specific gravity, we can determine its mass. So, if the estimate indicates 27 m 3 of technical propane-butane, then multiplying 27 by 2.25 we find out that this volume weighs 60.27 kg. Now, knowing the density of liquefied gas, you can calculate its volume in liters or cubic decimeters. The density of propane-butane in the ratio 80/20 at a temperature of 10 0 C is 0.528 kg/dm 3. Knowing the formula for the density of a substance (mass divided by volume), we can find the volume of 60.27 kg of gas. It is 60.27 kg / 0.528 kg/dm 3 = 114.15 dm 3 or 114 liters.

How to convert propane-butane from kilograms to liters?

In order to calculate the number of liters in one kilogram of gas, you need to use the formula: Liter=Kilogram/Density

So, 27 cubic meters of propane-butane gas are equal to 114 liters of liquefied gas. In order to avoid using formulas each time when converting m3 to liters, we derive the ratio: 27 m3 = 107 l, therefore 1 m3 = 4.2 l. Using reference data and simple formulas, you can easily make calculations that help in drawing up estimates.

How to convert propane-butane from liters to kilograms?

In order to calculate how many kilograms are contained in one liter of gas, you need to use the formula: Kilogram = Liter * Density

Example: It is known that a car is filled with 100 liters of gas with a density of 0.53. To calculate the number of kilograms of gas, you need to multiply 100 by 0.53. You will get 53 kg of gas.

How many m3 is in a cylinder?

Let's calculate the weight of the propane-butane mixture in the most common cylinder in construction: volume 50 with a maximum gas pressure of 1.6 MPa. The proportion of propane according to GOST 15860-84 must be at least 60% (note 1 to Table 2):

50l = 50dm3 = 0.05m3;

0.05 m3 • (510 • 0.6 + 580 •0.4) = 26.9 kg

But due to the gas pressure limitation of 1.6 MPa on the walls, more than 21 kg cannot be filled into a cylinder of this type.

Let's calculate the volume of the propane-butane mixture in the gaseous state:

21kg • (0.526 • 0.6 + 0.392 •0.4) = 9.93m3

Conclusion (for the case under consideration): 1 cylinder = 50l = 21kg = 9.93m3

Example: It is known that a 50-liter cylinder contains 21 kilograms of gas, whose test density is 0.567. To calculate liters you need to divide 21 by 0.567. The result is 37.04 liters of gas.

Dimensions and weight of 50 liter vessels

To determine how much an empty 50-liter gas cylinder weighs, you need to know the wall thickness and dimensions of the tank.

Since the production of gas cylinders is possible only in compliance with certain standards, all the necessary characteristics are already contained in them. According to GOST 15860, the metal thickness for a 50-liter gas cylinder intended for storing light hydrocarbons is 3 mm.

The standard diameter of a 50 liter cylinder in which propane or butane is transported is 299 mm. And the height of its body can vary from 840 to 1015 mm.

The most popular fifty liter cylinders for carbon gases measuring 299x960 mm. Vessels for transporting gases stored under higher pressure have other characteristics reflected in GOST 949-73

The standards for the manufacture of gas cylinders indicate that the steel thickness can be 2.5 mm. In this case, the manufacturer must reduce the diameter of the vessel to 292 mm and increase its height. The minimum height in this case starts at 876 mm.

Thus, the diameter of a standard 50 liter cylinder is 29.9 cm, and the height is 93 cm. At the same time, the mass of an unfilled, empty cylinder, taking into account a standard shut-off valve, is 22 kg. If the cylinder is correctly filled with the required amount of gas, the weight will be set at 43.2.

Gas cylinder capacity

According to the operating rules, a 50 liter gas cylinder can be filled with 42.5 liters of liquefied gas. This volume of contents for a 50 liter gas cylinder is established by regulatory documentation, which states that for safety reasons, the container can be filled no more than 85%.

In addition, the contents of the vessel should not be completely consumed.

In practice, cylinder refillers try not to take risks and often fill the container only 75%. Therefore, after purchasing a refilled cylinder, a summer resident or welder has 37.5 liters left at his disposal, which is equal to 18-19 kg

Let's try to calculate how many cubic meters of gas will be contained in a 50 liter cylinder. It is known that under standard conditions, 1 kg of LPG produces 0.526 cubic meters of propane or 0.392 cubic meters of butane. In this case, the percentage of the gas mixture is 60:40 (60% propane and 40% butane).

Let's calculate the volume of the propane-butane mixture, provided that the cylinder contains 21.2 kg of gas:

21.2 kg • (0.526 • 0.6 + 0.392 •0.4) = 10.01 m3

This means that a 50 liter cylinder contains approximately 10.01 cubic meters of gas.

How long will a gas cylinder last?

In order to determine how long a filled 50 liter propane cylinder will last, you will need to calculate how much gas a particular device will consume.

For example, your 4-burner stove has a gas consumption of 0.45 kg/hour (this information can be found in the technical documentation for the device). Next, divide the amount of gas in the cylinder by the flow rate: 21.5/0.45= 47.7. This means that if you turn on all 4 burners, the cylinder will last for about 47 hours.

Of course, all four burners will not work all the time, which means the cylinder will last for a longer period.

If you plan to use bottled gas for heating, then its consumption can be calculated in the same way as for gas stoves. For example, let's calculate how many days a 50-liter filled cylinder will last for heating a private house, if we know that the maximum gas consumption of a gas boiler is 1.5 kg/hour.

Before making calculations, it is worth considering that boilers operate on average for 10 hours. But, if the boiler is also supposed to be used for heating hot water, then gas consumption increases by almost 20%.

When designing an autonomous gas supply with the simultaneous connection of several cylinders, a gas train will be required. Using it you can connect up to 12 cylinders to the reducer

Divide the mass of gas in the cylinder (21.5 kg) by its consumption (1.5 kg/hour) and get 14.3 hours. Considering that a gas boiler does not operate around the clock, an LPG cylinder may last for a maximum of 2-3 days.

In addition, we should not forget that fuel consumption also depends on the degree of insulation of your country house and the average daily temperature outside. So, the less insulated the house is and the lower the ambient temperature, the more fuel the boiler will need to burn in order for the room to warm up to a comfortable temperature.

The calculations made indicate that a 50-liter cylinder is not enough for comfortable living in a country house, especially if both the boiler and the stove consume gas. Therefore, many owners of private cottages design a gas supply system based on 3-4 50-liter gas containers at once, which requires compliance with special conditions for their operation and storage.

Types of containers

Buckets are produced in volumes of 5, 7, 9, 10 and 12 liters. What exactly the gardener will use when digging potatoes depends on the physical form of the picker and the volume of tubers. The household classification of starchy fruit is given in the table.

NameComparative characteristicsWeight 1 pc. in grams Volume 1 pc. in cm3 Pieces per 10 l
Very largeWith ostrich egg450-50064315-16
BigWith a tennis ball210-25033030-31
AverageThe one that they used to call “from the market”160-18026038-39
SmallLike in a store, a little larger than a chicken egg50-8011486-88
Very smallPeas. Smaller than table tennis balls 20-3043233

Types of gas cylinders for methane

Today there are 4 types of natural gas tanks, these are:

  • Type I.
    All metal construction. It is cast in specialized tanks and has no seams. Robust and reliable design, proven over the years. The cylinder has a cylinder-shaped neck for a valve on one side, and a rounded bottom on the other. During the manufacturing process, all tanks are subjected to overpressure testing and ultrasonic testing to identify hidden defects. Despite more modern manufacturing technology for other types, many consider Type 1 to be the most reliable design.
  • Type II.
    Cylinders of the second type are made of metal-plastic construction. They are made of alloyed structural steel. The main part of the structure is covered with a reinforcing shell. It is stated that the steel used in this design does not change its physical properties at low ambient temperatures.
  • Type III.
    The design of the third type of derailment is similar to the previous one. A distinctive feature is the presence of an aluminum liner, which is reinforced with carbon fiber braid. The breaking force is about 140 kgf/mm2. The braid is impregnated with a specially developed composition based on epoxy resin. The advantage of this type of construction is its resistance to corrosion throughout the entire period of operation.
  • Type IV.
    The fourth type is similar in design to the previous two. A special feature of the design is the material of the liner. In this type, it is polymer, reinforced with a reinforcing shell made of carbon fiber or composite material. The main advantage of this type of cylinder is its low weight, due to the use of modern production technologies. The disadvantages include the high price of the product, rarity on the market, as well as the fragility of the product when exposed to mechanical damage.

Storage and transportation of cylinders

Transportation of cylinders is permitted only on spring vehicles, as well as on special hand carts or stretchers. When transporting containers without containers, the following requirements must be met:

  • All cylinders must have safety caps screwed on completely;
  • oxygen cylinders must be placed in wooden sockets (it is allowed to use metal linings with sockets covered with rubber or other soft materials);
  • oxygen cylinders should only be laid across the body of the car so that the safety caps are on one side; it is allowed to lay cylinders within the height of the sides;
  • cylinders must be loaded by workers who have undergone special training.

Transportation of oxygen and acetylene cylinders in a vertical position is allowed only in special containers. The combined transportation of oxygen and acetylene cylinders on all types of transport is prohibited, with the exception of transporting two cylinders on a special trolley to the workplace. In summer, cylinders should be protected from sunlight with a tarpaulin or other covering. Cylinders within the workplace may be moved by tilting in an inclined position. At workplaces, cylinders must be firmly secured in a vertical position.

Calculation of the number of ceramites

Obviously, in one square meter of masonry with 1.5 bricks, the number of elements will be greater than with a wall thickness of one length of ceramite. Therefore, several calculations are performed if the structure includes partitions with different characteristics, including the shape of individual blocks. For example, you can calculate how many one-and-a-half bricks are in 1 m² of masonry in one ceramite. Sequencing:

  1. The dimensions of the one-and-a-half element are fixed - 250x120x88 and the wall thickness - 250 mm.
  2. Along the length of one meter, taking into account the filling of the seams, (1000/260)*2 = 7.69 pieces are placed.
  3. In height, the number of blocks is 1000/98 = 10.20. Here it is not multiplied by 2 - this is taken into account by the previous action.
  4. The desired result is 7.69*10.20 = 78 pcs.

Alternative way

It is based on determining the surface area of ​​a single masonry element and further shifting to establishing the quantity depending on the wall thickness. The initial data remains the same as in the previous calculation. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. The lateral surface area of ​​one element is determined to be 0.26*0.098 = 0.02548 m².
  2. For a half-brick wall, the number of blocks will be 1/0.02548 = 39 pieces.
  3. The required value according to the problem is that the number of ceramites in 1 m² of brick-thick masonry will be 39*2 = 78 pieces.

As can be seen from the result, both methods gave the same answer. To simplify the use of data when determining the need for the purchase of materials, special tables are compiled that summarize quantitative indicators for all options for ceramite masonry.

Table for determining the number of blocks in 1 m² of partitions

Wall thickness in bricks1NF - single, pieces per 1 m² of masonry: close / with a seam1.4NF - one and a half, pieces per 1 m2: close / with a seam2.1NF - double, pieces per 1 m2: close / with a seam

Using the table is simple: select a value suitable for the conditions of the brickwork and multiply by the estimated area of ​​​​the walls being constructed with a given thickness. When determining the volume of purchase, it is necessary to take into account that the amount of defects in the purchased ceramite reaches 5% of the total number of bricks.

Gas cylinders used in cars

The size of a gas cylinder for a car should be compact, since the container should be easily placed inside the trunk.

The developers took this circumstance into account. As a result, such containers are produced starting from a length of 66.5 centimeters and up to 121.5.

In terms of displacement, gas cylinders for cars can range from 50 liters to 100.

The use of such containers allows you to go several days without refueling your car.

Recently, the production of toroidal gas cylinders has been developed, which are also convenient for use in cars.

The specific shape of these types of containers allows them to be placed in the compartment where the spare tire is stored.

The size of the toroidal cylinder is 60 by 20 centimeters, the volume is 40-42 liters.

It can only be installed horizontally in the car. It can be mounted not only in place of the spare tire, but also outside the vehicle, usually under the car, to save space. With a special configuration of protective elements, such a cylinder can be secured in the passenger compartment, but not next to the driver’s seat.



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Standard sizes of a gas cylinder 50l

50-liter gas cylinder - its dimensions are standard. The height is 96, and the width in diameter is 29.9 cm. The thickness of the steel wall is 3 mm, and the weight is 22 kg. For cylinders of similar volume, the working pressure is up to 1.6 MPa (kg/cm2). Well suited for gas transportation, storage, and for work in bulk production.

40 liter gas cylinder and its dimensions

40 liter gas cylinders have the same diameter as 50 liter ones, but their height is different, and can reach 146 cm. It is also used for storage, transportation and large-scale work.
The working pressure in 40 liter cylinders can vary and be, in addition to 1.6 MPa (kg/cm2), also 1.47 MPa (kg/cm2). Gas containers with a volume of 27 liters are considered convenient and are used in everyday life. The height of the container is 59 cm with a diameter of 29.9 cm, which is convenient for location in the kitchen when a gas cylinder is connected to the stove.

The operating gas pressure in a 27-liter cylinder, as in a 50-liter cylinder, is 1.6 MPa (kg/cm2), which is standard for all household gas vessels.

The weight of an empty cylinder of 14.5 kg will not be an obstacle to its movement, but it is important to remember that it is better to immediately give the empty cylinder to a gas station than to store it at home.

Dimensions of household gas cylinders

Household gas cylinders vary in gas volume capacity and can be: 2, 12, 27 and 50 liters. The diameter of 5 and 12 liter cylinders is 22.2 cm. The height varies and depends on the capacity: 5 liter - 28.5 cm, and 12 liter - 48.5 cm. And since the gas cylinder has different dimensions, the weight of the empty container will be different. A 5 liter vessel weighs 4 kg, and a 12 liter vessel weighs 6 kg. Such small containers are very convenient for summer residents. They do not need to heat the house all year round, and for the cooking season these are quite suitable volumes.

Dimensions of gas cylinders for cars

One of the requirements for a car gas cylinder was initially that it be compact and that it could easily fit into the trunk. The developers took this requirement into account, and as a result, they produced gas tanks for cars with a length of 66.5 to 121.5 cm, and a diameter of 35.6 cm. The displacement of automobile gas vessels ranges from 50 to 100 liters, which allows you to drive without refueling not one day.

Dimensions of toroidal gas cylinders - new items on our market

There are also toroidal gas cylinders on the Ukrainian market, which are used to equip cars, and their shape fits very well into the spare wheel compartment, saving space in the trunk of a car. Their capacity ranges from 40 to 42 liters, and their dimensions are on average 60x20 cm.

Dimensions of new 40 liter gas cylinders sold by our company

  • cylinder diameter, mm 232;
  • capacity, l 40;
  • height, mm 1350.


Formula for converting kilograms of gas to liters – Gas Vector

Is there a formula for converting kilograms of liquefied gas (LPG) to liters and vice versa?

Yes, the formula exists, but in physics you cannot simply convert volume into weight, just as you cannot convert time into distance. The equality “l=kg” is relevant only for water, i.e. 1 liter of water is equal to 1 kg of weight.

Liters are a measure of liquid volume, and kilograms are a measure of mass. However, it is always possible to calculate the weight or mass of a substance filling a liter of volume. For other substances, be it liquid or iron, mass and volume are calculated using a physical formula using specific gravity:

p=m/V, where p is the density of the substance taken, m is its mass, V is its volume.

It turns out that to convert kilograms to liters or liters to kilograms, you need to know the density of the substance.

The volume is calculated using the formula: V=m/p.

And the mass is calculated by the formula: m=V*p.

We need to know the density of the propane-butane mixture; this can be done in various ways:

  1. calculate based on the tables given in GOST 28656-90, knowing the composition of the gas you filled.
  2. look in the LPG passport (but not all suppliers indicate density).
  3. look at the average value in the table floating around the Internet (the table is presented below).
  4. take for calculation a certain average value equal to 0.550 t/m3
  5. take the value corresponding to propane at 0ºС, as is done in GOST 15860-84

“Properties, gas density depending on temperature”

P/B - Propane/butane

In GOST 15860-84, the density value = 0.528 is adopted, which, according to the table, corresponds to pure propane at 0ºС, or mixtures 90/10 - 5ºС, 80/20 - 10ºС:

A 50 liter cylinder should contain no more than 21.2 kilograms of propane, which will correspond to 40.15 liters - 80% of the volume.

27 liter - 11.4 kg - 21.59l - 80%

12 liter - 5 kg - 9.47 l - 79%

At 20ºС propane density = 0.499

50 l - 21.2 kg - 44.49 l - 88.98%

27 l - 11.4 kg - 22.85 l - 84.6%

12 l - 5 kg - 10 l - 83.3%


Table 6

Name of gasesValve body materialSide fitting thread directionName of gasesValve body materialDirection of Side Fitting
AmmoniaSteelRightPropane and other flammable gasesSteel or brassLeft
ArgonBrassRightSulfur dioxideSteelRight
ButaneBrass or steelLeftCarbon dioxideBrassRight
HydrogenBrassLeftFreonSteel or brassRight

Editor L. I. Nakhimova Technical editor O. N. Nikitina Proofreader V. I. Varentsova

Delivered to embankment 02.09.92 Sub. in the oven 16.10.92 Conditional p.l. 1.0. Conditional cr.-ott. 1.0. Uch.-ed. l. 0.83. Shooting gallery 1247 copies

Orders ■Badge of Honor■ Publishing house of standards, 123557, Moscow, GSP, Novopresnensky lane, 3 Type. ■Moscow printer■. Myskva, Lyalin lane, 6. Zak. 1462

Note. When ordering cylinders for gases not listed in the table, the customer must indicate the type of valve in the order.

Alcohol consumption standards

The safe amount of standard alcoholic units is based on medical research but is only applicable to healthy adults of average height and weight. The disadvantage of the method is that these already averaged values ​​were obtained without taking into account the type of alcoholic beverage and the nature of consumption: the content of fusel oils, sugar and other substances in the composition, as well as the temperature at which alcohol was served, the rate of drinking and the presence of snacks.

The difference in the amount of alcohol for men and women is due to the fact that the average woman weighs less than a man, so the female body processes alcohol more slowly per unit of time. Another important point is that even with the same weight, height and age, women’s bodies produce less alcohol dehydrogenase, the main enzyme that breaks down alcohol.


Notes of a Traveling Locksmith – Malaga Truth

How much gas is in the cylinder

Oxygen, argon, helium, welding mixtures: 40 liter cylinder at 150 atm - 6 cubic mAcetylene: 40 liter cylinder at 19 atm - 4.5 cubic mCarbon dioxide: 40 liter cylinder - 24 kg - 12 cubic mPropane: 50 liter cylinder – 42 liters of liquid gas – 21 kg – 10 cubic meters.

Oxygen pressure in the cylinder depending on temperature

-40С – 105 atm-20С – 120 atm0С – 135 atm+20С – 150 atm (nominal)+40С – 165 atm

Welding wire Sv-08 and its derivatives, weight 1 kilometer along the length

0.6 – 2.222 kg0.8 – 3.950 kg1.0 – 6.173 kg1.2 – 8.888 kg

Calorific value (calorific value) of liquefied and natural gas

Natural gas – 8500 kcal/m3 Liquefied gas – 21800 kcal/m3

Examples of using the above data

Question: How long will gas and wire last when welding semi-automatically with a cassette of 0.8 mm wire weighing 5 kg and a cylinder of carbon dioxide with a volume of 10 liters? Answer: Welding wire SV-08 with a diameter of 0.8 mm weighs 3.950 kg 1 kilometer, which means on the cassette 5 kg approximately 1200 meters of wire. If the average feed speed for such wire is 4 meters per minute, then the cassette will go in 300 minutes. Carbon dioxide in a “large” 40-liter cylinder is 12 cubic meters or 12,000 liters; if you convert it to a “small” 10-liter cylinder, then it will contain 3 cubic meters of carbon dioxide. meters or 3000 liters. If the gas consumption for purging is 10 liters per minute, then a 10-liter cylinder should be enough for 300 minutes or for 1 cassette of 0.8 wire weighing 5 kg, or a “large” cylinder of 40 liters for 4 cassettes of 5 kg each.

Question: I want to install a gas boiler at my dacha and use cylinders for heating, how long will one cylinder last? Answer: A 50-liter “large” propane cylinder contains 21 kg of liquefied gas or 10 cubic meters of gas in gaseous form. We find the boiler data, for example, take the very common AOGV-11.6 boiler with a power of 11.6 kW and designed for heating 110 square meters. meters. The ZhMZ website indicates the consumption in kilograms per hour for liquefied gas - 0.86 kg per hour when operating at full capacity. We divide 21 kg of gas in a cylinder by 0.86 kg/hour = 18 hours of continuous burning of such a boiler on 1 cylinder. In reality, this will happen if it is -30C outside with a standard house and the usual requirements for the air temperature in it, and if outside If it is only -20C, then 1 cylinder will last for 24 hours (day). We can conclude that in order to heat an ordinary house of 110 square meters. meters of bottled gas in the cold months of the year you need about 30 cylinders per month. It must be remembered that due to the different calorific value of liquefied and natural gas, the consumption of liquefied and natural gas at the same power for boilers is different. To switch from one type of gas to another, boilers usually need to change jets/nozzles. When making calculations, be sure to take this into account and take the flow data specifically for a boiler with jets for the correct gas.

Features of the behavior of gas cylinders in a fire

If a container of gas enters a fire, it heats up. As a result, the liquid in the cylinder boils and leads to an increase in pressure. In addition, the cylinder is heated unevenly and this weakens its strength. All this leads to rupture of the cylinder body.

By the way, the peculiarities of the behavior of gas cylinders in the source of fire include the following - if a container with a volume of 50 liters gets into the source of the fire, then depressurization and explosion will occur in 3.5 minutes. In this case, fragments can fly up to a distance of 200 meters.

Examples of converting liters to cubes

And now, armed with all the necessary knowledge, we can proceed directly to the calculations.

Problem #1: How many liters are in 0.5 cubes? Solution: Using the above formula we get: 0.5 * 1000 = 500 liters. Answer: 0.5 cubes contain 500 liters. Problem #6: How many liters are in 300 cubic meters? Solution: 300 * 1000 = 300,000 liters Answer: There are 300 thousand liters in 300 cubic meters.
Problem #2: How many liters are there in 1 cubic meter? (the simplest) Solution: 1 * 1,000 = 1,000 liters. Answer: 1 cube contains 1,000 liters. Problem #7: 5 cubes - how many liters? Solution: 5 * 1000 = 5,000 liters Answer: 5 cubic meters is 5 thousand liters.
Problem #3: 2 cubes – how many liters? Solution: 2 * 1,000 = 2,000 liters. Answer: 2 cubes contain 2,000 liters. Problem #8: 6 cubic meters is how many liters? Solution: 6 * 1000 = 6,000 liters. Answer: 6 cubes contain 6 thousand liters.
Problem #4: How many liters are in 10 cubes? Solution: 10 * 1000 = 10,000 liters Answer: 10 cubes contain 10 thousand liters. Problem #9: How many liters are 4 cubes? Solution: 4 * 1000 = 4,000 liters Answer: 4 cubes contain 4 thousand liters.
Problem #5: 20 cubic meters is how many liters? Solution: 20 * 1000 = 20,000 liters Answer: 20 cubes contain 20 thousand liters. Problem #10: How many liters are 500 cubic meters? Solution: 500 * 1000 = 500,000 liters Answer: There are 500 thousand liters in 500 cubic meters.

Propane cylinder device

Structurally, they are containers made of carbon steel 3 mm thick. A stamped bottom with a stand-shoe is welded to a single-seam welded cylinder on one side, and a hemispherical neck for installing a valve on the other. Various filling or dispensing equipment is connected to the latter. The majority of propane consuming devices (gas stoves, titaniums, welding torches, heating boilers) require reduced pressure. To do this, a reducer is installed on the valve (the most common is BPO-5-5).

On the upper part of the neck there is a passport on which the main technical parameters of the device are stamped. These include: name of the manufacturing plant, quality control department stamp, individual number, month and year of manufacture, inspection date (updated every 5 years), volume, weight in empty and filled state.

Weight and size of cylinders of various capacities

How many kg of propane are in 1 5, 12, 27, 50 liter cylinder? You can find this out in the product quality certificate or in the table below. Here you can also find out how much a 5, 12, 27, 50 liter propane cylinder weighs.

Volume5 liters12 liters27 liters50 liters
Empty cylinder weight, kg45,514,522,0
Propane tank weight, kg61125,943,2
Mass of stored gas, kg25,511,421,2
Cylinder height, mm290500600930
Cylinder diameter, mm200230299299

What is the thread on a propane tank?

Valves of the VB-2 type are installed on most household cylinders for propane-butane mixture. These shut-off devices are manufactured in accordance with GOST 21804-94 and are designed for pressures up to 1.6 MPa. The tap has a left-hand thread SP21.8-1 (6 turns), which allows you to connect any gearboxes with a union nut and a similar thread.

The valve provides a strong connection to the neck, complete tightness, has clear markings and a modern design. Threaded surfaces are lubricated with a special lubricant that reduces friction during operation. The screw plug with rubber gasket prevents gas leakage during transportation or storage. The device provides protection against unqualified repairs by persons who have not undergone appropriate training. The reliability of the locking device contributes to long-term and safe operation of the gas cylinder structure.

How many m3 of propane are in 1 5, 12, 27, 50 liter cylinder?

We have made special calculations that conditionally transform propane-butane into a gaseous state. Under standard conditions (100 kPa, 288 K), 0.526 m³ of propane or 0.392 m³ of butane is formed from 1 kg of liquefied gas. Taking into account the percentage of the mixture (60% prop.), the volume of combustible gas is calculated using the formula M*(0.526*0.6+0.392*0.4). How many cubic meters are in a propane tank can be seen in the table below. The last line shows the number of liters of propane-butane mixture (in the liquid phase).

Cylinder capacity (l)5122750
Capacity (cubic meters of flammable gas)0,952,595,3810,01
Liquid propane volume (liters)4,310,222,942,5

It should be borne in mind that the calorific value of the propane-butane mixture is three times higher than that of natural gas (methane).

What load can the container withstand?

Standard cylinders can withstand pressures up to 19.6 MPa. In this case, the wall thickness can reach up to 8.9 mm. However, not a single gas distribution or consuming device can withstand such a powerful pressure.

The standard pressure in a 50-liter container is always 1.6 MPa. This pressure indicator is optimal for the operation of all household gearboxes to which stoves, heaters, ovens and boilers are connected.

If you follow simple operating rules, which include vertical storage, installation of vessels in an iron box standing on the north side, as well as distance from wells, windows, doors and the presence of gearboxes, then gas cylinders do not pose any danger to others

Manufacturers of standard containers focus on a pressure of 2.5 MPa, because the vessel must withstand it during inspection, once every five years. If the seams do not hold up, the flask is immediately scrapped.

The locking unit must also withstand a pressure of 2.5 MPa. Although its device allows you to control pressure up to 19.6 units. Cylinders are subjected to this test in exceptional cases; they are usually filled with gas with a pressure of 1.6 MPa.

Specific gravity of natural gas, weight of 1 m3 of natural gas, table of values

Natural gas is a mixture of gases formed in the bowels of the Earth. This gas is classified as a mineral and is used everywhere. It is believed that this substance is formed due to the decomposition of the remains of living organisms due to high temperatures and pressure.

This type of gas is considered the most environmentally friendly type of organic fuel, because its combustion produces much less harmful substances compared to other types.

Natural gas is used everywhere. They heat living quarters and houses, and heat water. This gas is used to cook food. Used as fuel for cars and as a raw material in the chemical industry.

Chekushka in the Land of Soviets

This ancient term was so popular that it did not lose its glory even during the time of the Union. The word “chekushka” began to be used especially actively during the time of the notorious “prohibition” law. In those days, for safety reasons, people suffering from alcohol called a bottle of vodka this way, trying to designate prohibited products as safely as possible.

After all, at that time you could get punished even with just the mention of vodka. Therefore, any alcohol or moonshine bought under the counter was called “chekushka.” This word helped to instantly find a common language with moonshiners and plan alcoholic get-togethers with friends.

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