Soldering bronze with a gas torch! What solder should I use? What flux?

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To solder bronze at home, you should first acquire the necessary tools and materials, such as:

  • gas-burner;
  • crucible;
  • boric acid;
  • silver;
  • copper;
  • borax;
  • asbestos base.

Scheme of bronze submerged arc welding.

Ordinary tin-lead solder is not suitable for the job. It will leave distinct marks on the parts, and it is also ineffective. Bronze soldering can be destroyed after just a few hours of use. It is very important to make a really correct solder that is suitable for bronze and brass. It can be made using two materials - copper and silver.

Moreover, it is very important to maintain proportions. To work you will need 1 part copper and 2 parts silver. They must be melted using a gas burner, after placing the materials in the crucible. It is important to ensure that the alloy is uniform. Next, the crucible is placed in cold water. The result is a homogeneous solidified alloy. Next, you need to flatten it to form a thin cake that can be conveniently processed with a file. The result should be a crumb of alloy. This will be used as solder.

Rules for soldering copper parts

The soldering iron is used only for connecting small parts, and the soldering process itself is carried out at a temperature of +350 ℃. Large workpieces, due to their increased thermal conductivity, need to be soldered only with torches.

As for baths and stoves, there are two positions that differ from each other in filler. It could be solder or salt. It should be noted that salts perform two functions: a heating element as a source of temperature, and a flux.

That is, in technologies that use salt furnaces or baths, fluxes are not used.

In principle, regardless of the metal of the workpieces, the joining process itself is the same for all materials. And it is divided into six stages:

  1. cleaning copper blanks mechanically to remove the oxide film;

  2. degreasing;
  3. introducing flux into the soldering zone;
  4. heating zone.
  5. adding solder;
  6. cleaning the joint from flux and solder material.

Bronze soldering is also carried out. The main difference is the required brand of solder and flux. Since bronzes are an alloy of copper, tin and some other elements, choosing a solder is not difficult .

Bronzes also include alloys of copper and cadmium, copper and beryllium, alloys with lead and aluminum. It is necessary to pay attention to the composition of bronze, depending on which the properties of the material change.


This type of welding is fundamentally similar to manual arc welding. The only difference is that the process occurs in a protective gas environment. Argon is heavier than air, so it forms a protective zone through which atmospheric oxygen does not enter the weld pool. Argon arc welding can be carried out with non-consumable tungsten electrodes or consumable electrodes, the role of which is played by rods.

It is argon arc welding that is most often used when working with bronze and brass. This preference is especially given when the metal thickness exceeds 5 mm. Welding productivity is quite high, but the process itself requires the welder to have certain qualifications. An electric arc formed between the metal surface and the electrode partially melts the edges, after which a connection occurs to form a seam. As mentioned above, preliminary preparation of the edges is required.

There are a number of recommendations that allow you to obtain high-quality connections between parts made of copper alloys.

  • It is advisable to form the seam in small sections.
  • When the process is finalized, the voltage gradually decreases, and then the arc is moved to the side.
  • To prevent evaporation of alloying elements, special additives containing silicon, aluminum or boron are used.

Welding bronze and brass is accompanied by the release of toxic substances, so it is carried out in compliance with all possible safety measures. Argon welding has a number of advantages over other types of joints.

  • Obtaining an aesthetic seam.
  • Economical process.
  • There is no need to clean the part from slag.
  • For bronze, argon welding is the most preferable.
  • Argon welding can be used to fuse parts, restoring their previous shape (for example, when worn).
  • It is possible to work with thin sheet metal.

Selection of solder and flux

When soldering copper alloys at low temperatures, tin-lead and lead-silver solders are used.

Either rosin dissolved in alcohol or zinc chloride is added to the soldering zone. These are fluxes. Unfortunately, tin and lead additives are highly brittle compounds, which are formed due to the so-called intermetallic compounds. At low soldering temperatures, cracks form in them.

Therefore, to connect copper, solder materials are used that contain no more than 15% tin. The lead component increases the impact strength of the joint.

And if the material contains silver, then the copper compound becomes cold and heat resistant. But it is also necessary to take into account the fact that silver reduces the strength of the connection.

In diffusion soldering, solder for copper is made up of several metals: tin, lead, indium and gallium. If a low temperature process is carried out, high joint strength cannot be guaranteed. It is not higher than 70 MPa.

Capillary soldering can also be carried out with these solders. But with one condition - the gap between the workpieces should not exceed 0.5 mm, and the soldering temperature should not exceed +900 ℃.

For soldering tin bronze, silver, tin-lead and copper-zinc solders are used. When the tin content in the alloy is high, copper-zinc material is undesirable. During the soldering process, bronze should be heated gradually and the metal should be thoroughly fluxed.


Gas welding of copper alloys is used primarily in order to minimize the waste of alloying elements. The welding flame is adjusted so that three zones are clearly distinguished. The metal surface should be on the border of the second and third zones. Working with silicon bronze requires an oxidizing flame. It is obtained by burning a mixture of oxygen and acetylene, if the ratio of the first gas to the second is 1.2. Bronze containing aluminum causes many problems during welding, since a film of aluminum oxide is formed, thickening the contents of the weld pool.

In the absence of preliminary and subsequent heat treatment of the seam, the quality and strength of the joint obtained using gas welding is 85% of the strength of the base metal. A good result can only be obtained after forging the seam. Gas welding requires a lot of experience from the master. At low burner speeds, pores may form in the metal. It is necessary to correctly select the burner power, gas composition, based on the type of bronze and the thickness of the workpiece.

Some types of solders

Cadmium solders when soldering copper and steel require certain skills to work with them. Because the manufacturability of these materials is lower than that of previous ones.

It should be noted that such a connection is heat-resistant (up to +350 ℃), but not cold-resistant. In addition, a cadmium alloy joint will not be very strong.

Zinc solder materials are rarely used for soldering copper because the metal itself quickly dissolves into the solder material. This weakens the joint, hence the low tensile strength - up to 15 MPa.

Zinc solders alloyed with silver or copper also have low fluidity. Although these materials are doped with cadmium or tin, they have good fluidity, but the strength of the compound itself decreases greatly.

Copper-phosphorus grades with the addition of silver are a good option for soldering. The connection can withstand high loads, up to 300 MPa, and temperatures up to +800 ℃. But solder metal bonded to copper is not ductile. This means that it has low bending strength.

Silver solder materials have proven themselves well in high-temperature copper soldering conditions. True, they show their qualities if soldering is carried out with acetylene or in special furnaces where corrosive fluxes are used.

Solders with a high silver content are used in the process of joining copper blanks in a vacuum or when heated with argon. If the process is carried out under pressure, then either foil (silver) or silver coating is used for the connection.

Solder materials with a high copper content and a low silver content are used rarely and in exceptional cases. Because it is a refractory alloy that requires high heating temperature.

As for pure lead solders, the connections made with them are not strong enough, but they have high ductility. For example, such joints after soldering can be bent up to an angle of 130°, and in tension they can withstand up to 140 MPa.

Soldering Basics at Home

Once all the necessary components are ready, you can proceed to the soldering process itself.

Hard soldering diagram.

First, the details need to be prepared, otherwise the whole work may stall already at its initial stage. All parts must be degreased. You can use alcohol or gasoline for this. It all depends on what substance you have available. Next, the flux is applied in an even layer to the surface of the parts or assemblies being connected. They must first be laid on an asbestos base. Next, you need to take the powder, which acts as solder, and sprinkle it on the parts to be joined in the place where you plan to solder. Now you absolutely need to take a torch and start heating the place where the connection will be made.

At the same time, this place needs to be heated gradually.

Sudden heating can lead to the formation of not very high-quality soldering.

Scheme of high-temperature soldering of bronze: 1 – burner movement; 2 – movement of the rod; 3 – movement of the torch and rod.

In this case, you need to reach a temperature of 700 degrees Celsius. It is also very important to monitor the operating mode of the burner. It should not sharply heat the materials, as this leads to destruction of their structure. When it comes to working with large parts, they need to be heated slowly and gradually, but sometimes you have to work with thin materials. In this case, everything happens extremely quickly. Flux promotes rapid heating of materials over the entire surface, and they are connected to each other without any problems.

Of course, everyone understands that this type of soldering is much more difficult than conventional tin soldering, but the connection is stronger and more reliable. This is the only way to achieve a truly strong connection, which at the seam will not differ much from the general structure of the materials.

Use of borax

Soldering brown copper has always been considered the easiest way to connect copper pipes. Essentially, borax is a high-temperature flux in the form of a paste.

When heated to 700-900 ℃, it begins to melt, turning into a glassy mass. With its help, not only copper blanks are connected, but also copper and iron, for which solders made of copper, silver, gold or brass are used, that is, medium-melting alloys.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is the salts that are formed during the process of soldering copper with borax.

High-quality borax-based flux can be made at home, which is what most craftsmen do.

To do this, they mix boric acid and borax in equal proportions. Add water to it, mix and evaporate. The result is boron flux. To increase quality, chloride or fluoride salts can be added to the mixture.

The technology for soldering copper tubes is practically no different from the standard process. But it also has its own nuances.

For example, borax is applied both on top of the tubes and on its internal surfaces. Then the two pipes are heated for 15 seconds, and only after that solder is added to the heating zone.

Preparing for work

Today, welding of bronze, like other alloys containing copper, is carried out in three ways: manual arc welding, argon arc welding and gas welding. Preparatory work is defined for each type of work and does not depend on the choice of welding method. The need to prepare metal surfaces is dictated by the requirements for the weld.

First of all, by mechanical processing it is necessary to form edges that will adjoin each other with the maximum area. Then, using sandpaper or any abrasive tool, you will have to polish the ends until a characteristic golden shine appears. This procedure must be performed in any case, since bronze is quickly covered with a layer of oxide, which can prevent the formation of a high-quality seam.

If it is not possible to carry out mechanical treatment, and the edges are in normal condition, then you can get rid of the oxide using a solution of nitric or hydrochloric acid.

How to solder copper wire

At home, you often have to solder copper jewelry. Despite the apparent simplicity of the process, it is actually not simple. Firstly, you need to use a file to process the copper wire so that the connection of its two parts passes along a larger plane. It is imperative to secure the parts to be connected relative to each other so that mixing does not occur during the soldering process.

Liquid flux is added to the joint, after which the joint is heated with a burner. Next, solder is supplied to the heating zone. It is better if these are small pieces that are installed end-to-end with tweezers. You can lay them down before heating the copper wire.

Soldering of edible and non-edible copper is a standardized process based on two documents - GOST 1922249-73 and GOST 16038-80. That is, the norms and rules stipulate specifically how to carry out the work, with what and under what conditions.

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