How and from what to make a vibrator at home

Vibrator: what can be replaced at home?

Thanks to the sexual revolution in the society of almost all countries, the topic of sex and pleasure from sex is no longer taboo.
Intimate goods stores are expanding their networks, and now it’s no longer so embarrassing to shop in them. In recent years, the problem of women achieving orgasm has been openly discussed. Hence the invention of many special accessories for this matter. Thematic journals publish educational articles on these topics. Therefore, while studying them, ordinary women often think about purchasing a vibrator. But if you can’t buy a vibrator, what can you replace it with? After all, not every woman can afford to spend a substantial amount of money on a device of dubious effectiveness. By the way, cool Mini Vibrators at low prices. Vibrators appeared in the 18th century in England. At that time it was believed that tears, hysterics and fainting in women were caused by an overly diseased uterus. To treat this organ, a special massage was prescribed. That's why vibrators were invented. As a result, the toy received greater recognition among the female population.

Today, medicine recommends the use of artificial penises to relieve pain during menstruation, since orgasms allow the blood vessels to dilate. After childbirth, using a vibrator, you can improve the tone of the vagina and heal scars.

How can you replace a vibrator at home? Available materials

If a woman wants to independently explore the facets of her sexuality, intimate toys will help discover erogenous zones. And vibrators serve precisely to achieve orgasm. Can be used as improvised means. contents of the refrigerator.

For example, bananas. Before use, rinse it thoroughly in warm water, put a condom on top and turn on an erotic movie. Using a banana for deep penetration can help you achieve orgasm.

Items in the bathroom can also help in finding the answer to the question of what can replace a vibrator. Take a close look at the shelves. If you have an electric toothbrush, it can easily replace a sex object. Since it has several switching speeds, it can easily be used for vaginal sex and clitoral stimulation, as well as for massage of erogenous zones.

Making a vibrator with your own hands

If you don’t know what you can replace a vibrator with, photos of finished products may suggest the answer. After all, by and large, it consists of a body and a motor. The latter can be easily purchased at a radio equipment store. But you'll have to tinker with the rest.

First option: sculptural plasticine. With its help you can sculpt a penis of any thickness and height. The main thing is to leave room for the motor. Then follow the instructions on the material packaging and bake the unit. Then attach the remaining parts and use the device. This option can easily replace a purchased vibrator. How can you replace sculptural plasticine if you don’t have it on hand? Don't rush to use regular children's plasticine. As it heats up, it will begin to melt and lose its properties.

Products made of ceramics and plasticine are fragile and short-lived. Therefore, it is better to choose other materials. For example, if you need to make an “eternal” vibrator, what can you replace the body with? A good option is wood. You can cut a penis of any thickness and height from it. It is important to polish it thoroughly with sandpaper to remove any splinters. Don't forget to make room inside for the motor and batteries. Afterwards the product can be painted and varnished. The hole for the parts can be closed with sealant. What else could a vibrator be like instead of wood? The answer is simple: any durable material - clay or metal.

A more difficult option is to collect some materials and make a store copy. For example, you can use liquid silicone. It is used for the construction of aquariums. You can use a condom, elastic tube or metal pipe, hose, etc. as a mold. The motor can be pulled out of an old toy. It will need to be placed inside the “mold” together with the batteries and filled with silicone. All that remains is to wait for the silicone to dry, and the device can be safely used.

If you want to have a vibrator in your home, what can you replace it with at home, you know, be careful. Many people forget about the safety of the materials they use. For example, long aromatic candles can be used as the body of a vibrator, but the vagina has sensitive microflora and the use of such material can cause negative consequences - allergies or irritation. Therefore, be careful when choosing a “home” vibrator.

Do not forget about caring for your device, even if it is made by yourself. Wash it in warm water, dry it and use it with a condom. Carefully inspect the item for cracks, chips, etc. Check the item for an allergic reaction before use.


In order to fill a monolithic base or process a large volume of solution, it is recommended to use flat equipment. In order to be able to perform such work, it is important to have a high-power hammer drill, as well as a steel frame on which it will be mounted. We must not forget about preparing a special platform made of stainless metal.

A vibrator made by yourself, of course, cannot be used during large construction projects, but in private or personal use it is quite possible. The financial savings are absolutely obvious.

Homemade sex toys: DIY pleasure (18+)

Why is it normal to compare store-bought shower gel and homemade one, but taking on the challenge of creating your own sex toys is weird? We decided to restore justice. True, putting a condom on a banana and going all out with the fruit, which, it turns out, can not only be eaten at night - this is uncreative, and we will not count this as a successful experiment.

More than eight million times, humanity has watched videos on how to make a vagina, anus or even a mouth for home pleasures. Dr. Lindsey Do (American clinical sexologist, sex educator and host of the Youtube channel Sexplanations) clearly demonstrates eight ways to make holes from a roll of toilet paper, a rubber glove (or condom), lubricant and a pair of rubber bands or a glass, dish sponges and the same rubber glove with lubricant. It's no surprise that this video became the most popular on the channel.

Convenient form

When choosing a vibrator, you need to pay attention not only to the shape of the immersed (working) part, but also to the handle. Remember that the sex toy should not slip out of your palms. Very often, after using a lubricant, your hands can become wet and slippery, and it will be a shame if this interferes with keeping the rhythm or switching speeds. The relief on the handle is practical and convenient.

Modern models of vibrators are beginning to be equipped with a loop at the base. This detail was thought out by the developers; you can pull the toy out by the loop or immerse it inside the body. And such a detail really turns out to be useful and practical.

The power and speed change buttons must be accessible. It is advisable to be able to hold the toy with one hand and change modes. Before purchasing, it is recommended to take a sex toy in your hands to evaluate the convenience of the model. When purchasing from an online store, you should carefully watch the video and photo of the product so as not to make a mistake.

Operating principle and design

The vibrator increases the density of the concrete solution, which leads to an increase in the strength of the entire structure. The operating principle of the instrument is to create high-frequency vibrations that disrupt the bonds between the particles of the solution, thereby changing its parameters. This allows you to achieve the following effects:

  • Excess moisture and air are removed from the solution.
  • The strength of concrete increases due to the elimination of voids.
  • The fluidity and homogeneity of the mixture increases.
  • Ensures uniform filling of the form.
  • The concrete hardening process is accelerated.
  • The strength and durability of the structure increases.

The design of the tool is extremely simple, and a homemade vibrator can be made in a short time, spending a minimum of money. The design consists of a shaft with a motor, a vibrating tip and a special vibration mechanism.

Of course, the efficiency of work is largely determined by the quality of the base used for assembly.

When should you use a massager?

The device is necessary for people who suffer from the following diseases:

  • prostatitis in chronic form;
  • pathologies of the pelvic organs in a chronic form;
  • impotence caused by prostate dysfunction.

Doctors often perform prostate massage for diagnostic purposes.

Manufacturing recommendations

Various types of vibrators are used in construction. Depending on the method of influencing the solution, they can be surface or submersible. A home DIYer can use any of them. When answering the question of how to make a vibrator at home, it is necessary to note some features of this process.

It’s worth starting with the selection of materials and spare parts. Any power tool, for example, a drill or hammer drill, can be used as a drive. However, they are subject to one rather important requirement - the motor rotation speed must be at least 3000 rpm. The higher this parameter, the more productive the tool will be.

The vibration mechanism is a rather complex device when it comes to a professional surface-type tool. In a submersible vibrator, a fairly simple vibration attachment, consisting of a metal impact part, a rubber coupling, and a sleeve, will do this task perfectly.

Drill based

It should be noted that a homemade tool will be practically no inferior in terms of work efficiency to its factory-made counterparts. To make it you will need the following materials:

  • Drill for metal.
  • Steel rod of rectangular cross-section with a side size of 150 mm.
  • Rod with a diameter of 20 mm
  • Stainless steel tube with a diameter of 400 mm and a length of 40 to 60 cm.
  • A tube made of elastic material, such as rubber.
  • Flexible rod.
  • 2 bearings.
  • Sleeve.

Which extender is better, factory or homemade?

Homemade extenders are significantly inferior to their factory counterparts

To better understand which device is better, you should compare the advantages and disadvantages of home-made and factory designs. Naturally, these data are averaged, and therefore they are relative.

CriterionFactory deviceDo-it-yourself extender made at home
DimensionsErgonomic shape and compactnessBulky design
Quality of materialsHypoallergenic, medicalUnknown, may use toxic materials
ComplianceProducts have passed certain clinical tests and have certificates of quality and complianceAbsent
Side effectsNot identifiedOften
PriceFrom 1500 rubles and depends on the equipment of the deviceOften low, determined by the quality of components

As can be seen from the table, most homemade extenders are significantly inferior to their factory counterparts. At the same time, the cost of a budget model of a factory device is not high.

How to make your own deep concrete vibrator

Concrete is one of the main materials used in various fields of industrial, civil or military construction. A deep vibrator is used to remove emerging air layers in the solution. Even if you don’t have a factory tool at hand, you can easily assemble such a vibrator yourself, using scrap materials.


Massager The Hitachi Magic Wand

The manufacturer still supplies this device under the guise of an innocent massager, but everyone understands everything. People call it the Cadillac of vibrators. Due to the fact that it is powered not from batteries, but from the mains, random passers-by outside the window can also “fly away” from the force of stimulation. Beginners are advised to wrap the head of the vibrator with a clean sock. For experienced ones, purchase a variety of attachments.

Vibrator with Eva handles

A small vibrator with two antennae handles allows you to fix it in the right place and free your own hands for more interesting things. It won’t fall off anywhere, even if you twist your butt intensively.

Vibrator Jimmyjane Form 2

A small, irregularly shaped vibrator with two powerful motors. It is assumed that it is not applied directly to the clitoris, but as if grasping it on both sides (don’t ask how this is, we ourselves are not entirely sure). The result is indirect and very unusual stimulation. 5 levels of vibration strength and 4 modes give a set of 20 options.

Oral sex simulator for women Sqweel 2

Sqweel is a device with 10 small silicone tongues. They swirl, vibrate and tease. Must be used with a decent amount of lubricant. By the way, with silicone toys you need a water-based lubricant; silicone will spoil these things. We remind you of this just in case.

Double Ended Vibrator by Adrien Lastic

Essentially, these are two vibrators of different sizes connected by an elastic wire. You can stimulate yourself in different, although not too distant from each other, places. Remote control, 10 modes to choose from.

Special Afterglow vibrator

A vibrator of a standard shape, but with unusual effects. Manufacturers have added a pulsation mode to the vibration and claim that it gives an incredible experience. In addition, it has a function to block accidental activation so that, say, your suitcase does not vibrate on the road. And intimacy mode – minimal noise and turning off the button illumination.

Crystal Eggs Large Crystal Premium Glass Eggs

In fact, they are, of course, made of unbreakable material that resembles glass only in appearance. These beautiful things are supposed to be placed inside the vagina and used for Kegel exercises, during which, with proper training, you can fly away under your own efforts.

Deep vibrator: description, scope of application, device

Deep vibrators for cement mortar are specific equipment for construction work related to the compaction of various structures made of concrete or reinforced concrete. Such devices significantly improve the quality of the mortar, facilitate the construction of monolithic structures, and reduce running costs and the construction time of the building.

Device Description

When pouring concrete into a foundation, regardless of the method chosen, it is saturated with a large amount of air and this process is further enhanced if the solution is dry enough. There are many voids left inside the base, which significantly affect the strength characteristics of the foundation and its service life. Previously, they used the manual “bayonet” method, but it was not effective enough. An electric vibrator creates high-frequency vibrations that help the cement mixture “get rid” of excess air and moisture.

A deep vibrator helps remove excess air and moisture from the concrete solution

The principle of operation of the vibrator is to destroy the adhesion between the smallest elements of the concrete solution, during which voids and air bubbles are completely removed.

But do not forget about the inevitable shrinkage of concrete during its hardening, which can lead to the appearance of cracks that are dangerous to the structure.

Even low-quality concrete, after treatment with a vibrator, acquires the required degree of density and fluidity.

The concrete vibrator can be equipped with attachments of various diameters

Vibrators based on the vibration transmission method can be:

  • deep - to create a compaction of the solution, the working part of the device is lowered into concrete poured from a concrete mixer into the formwork;
  • Vibrating presses - used for constructing floors and interior ceilings;
  • Vibrating presses for external work - installed on the formwork of reinforced concrete structures of vertical structures.

According to the method of vibration transmission, vibrators are deep, external and surface

Scope of application of the deep vibrator

Such devices are used in various fields of construction for installation, casting and construction of concrete and reinforced concrete structures. It is also used to fill strip, columnar, pile, screw, slab, shallow foundations, as well as monolithic columns and floor slabs.

During operation, the deep vibrator should not touch either the formwork or the reinforcement cage

Device design

The deep vibrator has three main parts in its design:

  • a drive that drives the vibration device;
  • flexible shaft with protective pad made of durable rubber;
  • the tip, which is a vibrating mace.

The vibrator works in this way: the vibrating attachment creates certain vibrations in the liquid concrete solution. The mass flows smoothly over the established shape, creating a homogeneous monolithic surface. Thanks to the forward movements of the device, air bubbles disappear and voids filled with water are removed. As a result, the degree of frost resistance and water resistance of the entire structure increases. The adhesion of metal reinforcement to hardened concrete improves.

  1. The vibrator electric motor can have a power of 1 kW or more with single or three-phase power.
  2. The bendable transfer shaft varies in length from 1 to 7 meters.
  3. The ends are provided with durable rubber elements between the motor mount and the vibrating tip.
  4. The working vibration part of the device can have a cylindrical shape or taper downward. The first is used with standard solution density, and the second with increased density.
  5. The tool may include several vibrating attachments, clubs Ø 25–80 mm and two or three bayonets.
  6. The design of the device consists of a housing made of a piece of stainless pipe, in which a metal shaft with a displaced center of gravity is mounted on roller-type bearings. During rotation, the device creates vibration vibrations of the required frequency, which depends on the speed of the motor.
  7. Immersion vibrators make from 10,000 to 20,000 rpm.
  8. The shaft is protected on top by a waterproof film made of polymer material.

The low weight of the vibrator allows one person to operate it. But if the shaft is more than one and a half meters long, then two craftsmen are involved in the work.

The diameter of the mace tip is selected depending on the density of reinforcement laying

Advantages of deep vibrators:

  1. Capable of compacting concrete that contains a large percentage of water. This allows you to increase the strength of the solution, increase its water resistance and resistance to negative temperatures.
  2. They improve the adhesion of concrete to reinforcement and ensure a tight fit around the seams.
  3. The classic instrument produces vibration vibrations with a frequency of 12 to 20 thousand rpm.
  4. Portable portable vibrators have a flexible shaft and a commutator electric drive. They have a low price, but a minimum resource to ensure a large volume of work.
  5. High-frequency vibrators are the most productive and produce special vibration vibrations.

When should you not use the device?

There are certain diseases for which it is prohibited to use a vibrating massager.


  1. Prostatitis in acute form, when the temperature rises, intoxication appears.
  2. Prostate cancer.
  3. Diseases that provoke the appearance of stones in the prostate. As a result, the outlet may become blocked.
  4. Problems with urination.
  5. The appearance of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system.
  6. Haemorrhoids.
  7. Severe stage of adenoma.

Assembling a vibrator with your own hands from a drill

If you need an internal vibrator, you can simply assemble it from an electric drill.

Before making a homemade vibrator for concrete, you need to understand what the operating principle of the device is based on.

An ordinary drill can be found in almost every home. The main driving force of such a device will be the transformation of rotational motion into oscillatory motion.

The main driving force of the device will be the most ordinary drill

Selecting material for vibrator assembly

To assemble such a device from a drill, any tool with a power of 1 kW or more is suitable. You will need an eccentric nozzle and a durable stainless steel tip. In addition, the following must be available:

  • stainless steel tube 55 cm long and Ø 4 cm;
  • metal rod Ø 15 mm;
  • a piece of rectangular metal rod;
  • two high-quality bearings and a bushing;
  • bendable reinforced hose with waterproofing or durable rubber tube;
  • internal rod for the tube (you can take the speedometer cable).

The mass of the eccentric creates a force that causes the attachment to oscillate at a certain frequency

Assembly tools

To assemble a vibrator you need to have a set of the following tools:

  • set of metal drills;
  • electric or gas welding;
  • hacksaw;
  • rectangular rod.

Stages of manufacturing a deep vibrator

The structure is assembled in the following order:

    We select a stainless steel tube about 40–60 cm long and Ø 3–4 cm. To construct the internal rod, you need to take a metal rod Ø 12–15 mm. It will shift the entire mechanism system in a certain direction and provide vibration vibrations. Since concrete is a very aggressive environment, stainless steel is the only suitable metal for making a vibrator.

A metal rod is used to make the internal axis

Bearings will allow the center piece to rotate freely

Bearings must be installed only of high quality

The quality of protection affects the durability of the vibrator

To make the job easier, you can use a cable from the car's speedometer

The hose must be tightly protected with a clamp

An electric drill is the optimal tool if you need to make a submersible concrete vibrator

Video: how to make a deep vibrator from a drill at home


Vibrator for two We Vibe

A vibrator designed specifically for couples. It is inserted with one side inside the vagina, held in place due to its shape and additionally stimulates the woman during sex. And a man, in general, can be pleasantly surprised by vibration. The latest model also connects to the Internet, in case you want to arrange a session on Skype.

Jimmyjane Hello Touch finger vibrator

Control panel on the wrist, two miniature silicone tips on the fingers. All together it looks somewhat manic-surgical. But you can stimulate everything that only your fingers can reach.

Anatomical vibration massager Fun Toys G-Vibe 2

The silicone “bunny” vibrates both the “ears” and the base. It can be inserted, massaged, both nipples can be stimulated at once, or the tips can be wrapped around the partner’s penis. In general, it’s great for developing imagination.

Minna Limon Vibrator

The peculiarity of this little vibrator is not so much in its original shape (lemon), but in its control. Power is controlled by the force with which you squeeze the device. Moreover, successive presses set the vibration rhythm. This results in an incredible variety of options.

Massage stone CONTOUR M

This is a device for foreplay, gentle erotic massage. Durable and pleasant to the touch, the stone can be pre-heated or cooled for a special sensation. One side is for wide soft pressure, the other is for massaging several points at once.

Vibratex Duet Vibrating Cock Ring

A ring with two small vibrators is placed on the penis and enhances the erection. Or it is put on a dildo and then the woman has fun with it. And, of course, two people can use it.

Shower Handles Dual-Locking Suction Handle

No, no, they definitely don’t stick this anywhere and don’t rub anything with it. These are secure mounts that attach to the wall in the shower so that the couple can comfortably hold on during sex in a standing position. The set includes a handle and a step. They support the weight of two people and are then removed from the wall without leaving any marks.

DIY vibrator from a hammer drill

It is much easier to make such a device from a hammer drill. And for this you will only need: the tool itself, a piece of iron rod and a thick round plate.

The power of the tool must be at least 1.5 kW. Then it will not overheat during operation for a long time. The length of the bending rod should be such that it rests against the bottom of the formwork, where the concrete solution is poured.

    We process one side of the nozzle for the tail part, which can be clamped into the hammer drill chuck. And to the second we weld a metal plate about 50–70 mm in diameter.

From a construction hammer you can make the simplest design of a concrete vibrator

When using a deep-hole vibrator based on a hammer drill, the concrete mixture is distributed as evenly as possible

Video: deep vibrator from a hammer drill at home

How to safely use a massager for men?

It is necessary to use a massager that you made yourself in the same way as one that is sold in a pharmacy. To prevent the sculpted device from causing damage to the rectum, a condom is used. With the help of such a contraceptive, a man protects himself from harmful microorganisms.

Doctors advise using a special condom, which is designed for diagnosis using ultrasound . It is smoother, has no wrinkles and grease. In this way you can protect yourself from allergies and irritation.

Before inserting the device into the anus, you need to lubricate it and the anal area with Vaseline or lubricant, which is sold in pharmacies.

If a latex condom was chosen, which is used for ultrasound examination, then Vaseline should not be used.

To get maximum relaxation, you should lie on your side with your knees pressed to your body. After this, the anus is gently massaged. After this manipulation, you are allowed to begin introducing the massager. You should not do this abruptly; it is better to screw the device in smoothly. It descends until it reaches the prostate gland, which is located on the inner surface of the rectum. It is approximately 5 cm away.

Before starting the session, you should empty your intestines. This is done naturally or using an enema. The massage lasts about 1-1.5 minutes. It must be repeated daily.

Note to craftsmen

When compacting concrete with an internal vibrator, you must adhere to the appropriate recommendations.

  1. The freshly poured solution may contain about 50% air. The percentage depends on the brand of cement and the degree of its mobility. These voids must be eliminated using a deep vibrator.
  2. The battery-powered vibrator must reach all places in the poured foundation, otherwise the remaining voids will cause trouble in the future.
  3. Remember that under no circumstances should you stop pouring the foundation, so you must constantly monitor the operation of the vibrator so that it does not break at an unforeseen moment.
  4. To avoid the formation of air voids in the solution, the foundation must be poured from a low height.
  5. It is recommended to immerse the tip of the device into the solution only vertically and not make horizontal movements.
  6. You must always monitor the distance between dive points. It should not exceed 10 sizes of the diameter of the tip itself.
  7. When pouring a layer-by-layer foundation, the tip must be immersed in each previous layer by at least ten centimeters to ensure the strongest possible adhesion of all layers.
  8. If you hold the vibrator at one point for too long, the concrete may delaminate. The operating time of the device is from 5 to 15 seconds. The frequency depends on the brand of cement and the power of the vibrating device.
  9. The working tip should not touch the walls of the formwork or reinforcement structure.
  10. The tip must be removed carefully, making slow “up and down” movements so that street air does not enter the place where it was located.
  11. If there are no bubbles on the entire surface of the concrete, then the work was done correctly.
  12. A factory vibrator cannot be turned on “idle”, as this will damage the device and shorten its service life.

Other options for making your own vibrator at home

Although making it from a drill or hammer drill is the most common, there are other options for assembling an internal vibrator at home. It is enough to select the appropriate vibration source and adapt a suitable vibrating tip to it.

Video: deep vibrator from a water pump motor

The main advantage of concrete vibrators made from improvised tools is that you do not have to spend money on the device, and after finishing the work it is dismantled, and the components can be used for their intended purpose.

Video: deep vibrator from a trimmer

In order to pour a monolithic foundation yourself, a vibrator made from a drill or hammer drill, assembled at home from improvised materials, is perfect. Such a tool is not suitable for large-scale construction, but will be simply irreplaceable in the construction of structures for a summer house or country house. It should be noted that if the length of the device exceeds one meter, you will need an assistant to work. When assembling a vibrator at home, you need to make all joints as reliable as possible, since the concrete solution creates strong pressure on the device and is able to actively counteract vibration vibrations.

Visual delight

A female vibrator is a device that should give not only physical, but also aesthetic pleasure. It is important that the external design of the toy is beautiful, sexy and exciting for you. A variety of colors and shapes allows you to buy a model that will be pleasant to hold in your hands, and it will also please the eye.

Like we said, sometimes it's worth buying a vibrator that doesn't look like a sex toy. This is especially true in a home where there are children or adult parents. If they accidentally stumble upon such an object, they are unlikely to guess its purpose. You can also take sex toys that don’t look like sex objects when traveling. And when checking your luggage, you won’t have to blush for the contents of your suitcase!)

The most dissimilar

The trick is in the form. Three little motors are hidden inside the innocent duck. Of course, the toy is waterproof. The main thing is that neither the children nor their grandmother will guess anything. Even if it vibrates – well, you never know, they don’t produce any strange toys these days.

Bijoux 21 Diamond Vibrator

Another vibrator with a non-standard shape. A rather large plastic “carat” is packed in a matching velvet box. His vibrating abilities are very ordinary, but a playful gift will turn out well.

Cupcake vibrator

A cupcake for sex, literally. The vibrator is shaped like a cute cupcake with a cherry on top and comes in a polka dot tin box. The non-standard shape will take some getting used to. The ribs of the cake and the bottom flat side are the most stimulating.

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