Manual sheet bender LGS 26 – characteristics, features, common faults


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It is no secret for entrepreneurs working in construction that additional roofing accessories (ridges, wind boards, valleys, ebbs, etc.) bring much more profit than simple corrugated sheeting or metal tiles. But a problem often arises - how to obtain such products quickly, efficiently, and even without special costs? If you have never been in such a situation, then you don’t have to read the article further (although who guarantees that such a problem will not arise tomorrow?). Well, we recommend everyone else to read the entire material. After all, he tells you how to quickly, simply, efficiently and inexpensively obtain metal bent profiles even on a construction site, which means you will learn how to improve the quality of services and increase profits!

The secret here lies in a device with a simple name: a manual sheet bender. To put it simply, this machine allows you to bend steel, copper and aluminum sheets in almost any way, turning them into finished products of various shapes.

In practice this looks even clearer. For example, the corrugated roofing is ready, all that remains is to supplement it with drainage systems and finalize it with additional details. And this is where a sheet bending machine is an indispensable assistant. We bring it to the construction site in a regular Gazelle, install it on a level place, lay down a sheet, mark the desired profile configuration, bend it, and, please, we get the desired product. Just? Yes! Reliable? Still would! Economical? Certainly! And fast!!!

A logical question arises: where can I get a manual sheet bender? In principle, many companies make such machines, so there is a wide choice here. But not every manual sheet bender can boast such an important combination of characteristics as the products of the Lipetsk Roll Forming Equipment Plant (LZPO). We will tell you about manual sheet benders produced by LZPO. Let's start with the LGS-26 sheet bender.

Model features

The LGS 26 manual sheet bender is a lightweight machine that is used primarily for cutting blanks and creating from them simple-shaped elements of roofing structures, such as:

  • low tides;
  • valleys;
  • skates;
  • elements for finishing, etc.

Examples of parts produced on a sheet bending machine

The materials from which products can be processed on the LGS 26 sheet bending machine can be metals such as steel, aluminum and copper. The LGS 26 model machine, the design of which is considered by most experts to be easy to use, reliable and convenient, is also low in cost, which only adds to the advantages of this equipment.

The compact dimensions of the LGS 26 sheet bender allow it to be delivered to those sites where it is necessary to solve certain technological problems without any particular difficulties and significant financial costs. The design of this machine does not have an electromagnetic clamp, but this is not a big drawback.

Transportation of the sheet bender is possible even by car

If we talk about the most significant advantages of the LGS 26 sheet bending machine, then these include:

  1. expanded functionality, which makes it possible to successfully use such a cutting and bending machine for the manufacture of roofing elements of various configurations and purposes;
  2. increased length of the working area (this makes it possible to process metal sheets of even very long lengths on a sheet bending machine);
  3. the simplicity of the design of the LGS 26, the drawing of which clearly confirms this (which is why this sheet bender can be repaired even at the facility where it is used);
  4. the presence of a protractor, with the help of which the angle of bending performed on the workpiece can be easily controlled;
  5. fixation of all working elements on an all-welded steel frame, which is highly reliable;
  6. high processing accuracy (it is ensured by a high-quality and reliable mechanism for pressing the workpiece along its entire length);
  7. additional functionality determined by the presence of a rotating beam in the standard equipment of the machine;
  8. fairly light weight, facilitating high mobility of the sheet bender;
  9. the presence, in addition to the cutting mechanism, of a special ladder, which is necessary in order to prevent the equipment from tipping over due to the forces when bending sheet metal.

The quality of welding and assembly of sheet bending parts is at a good level

Cost of manual sheet benders LZPO

Well, now the most exciting question is the price of a manual sheet bender. And here the LZPO especially pleased consumers. After all, for example, a manual sheet bender LGS-26 costs only 45 thousand rubles , and this includes free delivery to anywhere in Russia! Available? Even more than that! What’s also important is that you won’t have to wait for weeks for the ordered machine. After all, manual sheet benders LGS-26 are always in stock from the manufacturer, so shipment will be made immediately after payment! And this despite the fact that to operate this machine, you only need a flat platform and a worker.

Probably, many people have a question: inexpensive, always in stock, fast delivery - just a perfect picture, but where is the catch? Perhaps surprisingly, there is no catch! The whole secret of this idyll lies in the fact that the machines are produced by a Russian company. In addition to the low price, prompt delivery and the availability of ready-made bending machines in stock, this gives buyers of sheet metal benders a number of advantages. Let's talk about them.

The fact is that LZPO engineers clearly understand what Russia, Russian construction and domestic workers are. Therefore, they adapt their products to existing, that is, real conditions with which they are familiar first-hand. This means that when purchasing LZPO sheet bending machines, you get not only excellent quality at an affordable price, but also guaranteed operation of the equipment for a long time even under the most severe operating conditions.

We bought an imported manual sheet bender. Stylish, all licked, cheerfully painted. In a word - handsome. Just admire it and that’s enough, let’s get to work! Oops, several months have passed and what do we see: the paint has become shabby, the structure of the machine has bent in some places (or could have been broken!), the accuracy of the products is no longer the same, the machine is all loose. The result is that this Western handsome man began to cope with his work much worse. Dropped by drunken movers? Broken? Try welding aluminum parts. Does not work? What remains - buy a new sheet metal bender?

Is this a familiar picture? For many - yes. Want to avoid this? Just choose a manual sheet bender made in Russia. It may not be as beautiful as its Western counterparts, but it works excellently and for a very long time in harsh Russian conditions!


The technical capabilities of the LGS 26 sheet bender (and the video of its operation demonstrates this well) allow it to effectively bend cold- and hot-rolled sheet metal, the thickness of which is in the range of 0.4-0.7 mm. In this case, the length of such blanks, as mentioned above, can be any, but their width should be in the range of 2500-3000 mm (models LGS 2500-3000).

Let us list the most significant technical characteristics of the LGS 26 sheet bender, which is produced at the plant in Lipetsk.

  • The minimum strip width that can be cut from a metal sheet using such a machine is 40 mm.
  • The performance of the equipment is as follows: cutting without preliminary marking - up to 5 m/min; if preliminary marking is carried out - up to 2.5 m/min; bending of metal blanks - 2 bends per minute.
  • The level at which the processed sheet is fed is 850-900 mm.
  • The cutting accuracy, which is guaranteed by the equipment manufacturer, is 1.5 mm per 1 meter.
  • The smallest shelf width that can be bent is 0.15 mm.
  • The total weight of the equipment is 160 kg.
  • The maximum bending angle without using a rotating beam is 135°, with a rotating beam - up to 180°.

In order for work on the LGS 26 sheet bender, which is equipped with a manual drive of the cutting and bending mechanism, to be as safe as possible, there must be two operators next to it.

The machine allows you to produce simple parts. This bending machine will not be able to make complex workpieces, for example, “tricky” starting strips for siding

The manufacturing plant, which is located in Lipetsk, supplies the LGS 26 model machine with the following configuration:

  • load-bearing steel frame of all-welded type;
  • a guide with which the cutting mechanism is equipped;
  • a matrix that ensures clamping of the workpiece;
  • pallet made of wood;
  • scenes that provide adjustment of the clamping force of the workpiece;
  • goniometer;
  • rear punch, additionally equipped with a stopper;
  • a device used to cut metal;
  • rotary type punch.


Equipment produced by manufacturers varies in type of design, dimensions, installation method, cost and performance. There are stationary and portable machines.

Depending on the method of bending sheets, equipment is divided into:

  • Pressed.
  • Rotary.
  • Rotary.

Machines can be:

  • Hydraulic.
  • Electric.
  • Manual.
  • Electromagnetic.
  • Pneumatic.

There are sheet benders with automatic and manual sheet feeding.

On your sheet bending machine, what is the sheet feed?


Principle of operation

The technological operation of sheet metal bending when using the LGS 26 sheet bender is performed in the following sequence:

  1. A workpiece is placed on the frame of the machine (under its matrix), the geometric parameters of which should not exceed the values ​​​​specified by the equipment manufacturer.
  2. The workpiece is placed on the frame in accordance with the markings and then securely fixed.
  3. Using a rotating punch, the workpiece is bent to the required angle.
  4. If it is necessary to bend not one, but several workpieces to the required angle, then for this you can use the rotation angle limiter of the punch, located on its handle.
  5. If the workpiece needs to be bent at a greater angle than the main bending mechanism allows (up to 180°), then for this you can use the bending device located on the back of the LGS 26.

In order to cut sheet metal on a machine of this model, you can use a special disk-type machine, which is included in the standard equipment of this equipment.

The cutting machine knives are designed for reusable use and can be sharpened on any surface grinder

The operating principle of such a machine, the design of which, in addition to circular knives, consists of lower and upper rollers, mounting bolts, which are also used to adjust the position of the device, is as follows:

  • The metal sheet, as before the flexible one, is pressed against the equipment frame by a matrix.
  • The machine with which the cutting will be performed is mounted on the bending guide.
  • By moving the cutting machine from right to left, the sheet is cut.

The process of cutting an edge using a cutting machine

In order for the machine model LGS 26 to provide high-quality results when cutting and bending on it, its mechanisms should be correctly adjusted before starting work. Thus, it is necessary that the axes of the matrix and the axes of the guide relative to the axis of the rotary punch are strictly parallel. For such adjustment, adjusting bolts are used, which also perform fastening functions. During processing, there should be no foreign objects on the working surface of the sheet bending machine that could not only interfere with the quality of processing, but also cause equipment failure. Of course, when working on the LGS 26 sheet bending machine, you should also strictly follow the general safety rules.

To ensure safe operation of the machine of this model, as well as to maintain it in working condition, it is necessary to regularly carry out its maintenance (TO-1 and TO-2). As part of TO-1, which is performed daily, the surface of the machine is cleaned of dirt, dust and metal residues. The correct operation of all structural elements of the equipment is also assessed. TO-2, carried out monthly, involves not only inspecting and testing all mechanisms of the LGS 26 sheet bender, but also tightening all fasteners in its structure.

Most common faults

Let's look at the most common malfunctions that the operator of the LGS 26 sheet bending machine may encounter.

  1. Incorrect operation of the cutting mechanism can lead to a shift of the cutting line to one side. This malfunction can be eliminated by simply adjusting this mechanism. In this case, you can be guided by the diagram available in the equipment passport.
  2. The formation of a gap between the bending machine frame and its matrix leads to uneven bending angle of the workpiece along its length. This kind of malfunction is also easy to fix: just adjust the resulting gap.
  3. There may also be disturbances in the convergence pattern of the knives and their dullness. This leads to difficulties in the process of cutting metal sheets. The first malfunction is eliminated by adjusting the convergence pattern of the knives, and the second - by removing them from the machine and thoroughly grinding them.

When the cutting machine is withdrawn, the adjusting bolts 1 are loosened and the roller 3 moves in the opposite direction from the withdrawal

In general, expert reviews of the LGS 26 sheet bending machine are positive. No special training is required to operate it, and its maintenance is not particularly difficult. The main thing is not to violate the operating standards of such a device and carry out its maintenance in a timely manner.

Tips for use

  • Care must be taken when working with metal. Minors and people without protective clothing should not be allowed into the equipment. Servicing of electric sheet benders is permitted only to persons with appropriate approvals.
  • The quality of the bend is achieved by adjusting the rotary traverse. Excessive force when working with soft alloy materials has a negative impact on the final result of the work.
  • It is necessary to install sheet bending machines on a solid, well-leveled base. For high-quality operation of the equipment, it is important to correctly adjust the clamping beam. The strength of the forces that will need to be exerted on the beam fixing the material depends on this.
  • The cutting surface must always be exactly parallel to the traverse during operation.
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