What kind of circles are there for an angle grinder?

Discs belong to the category of replaceable elements. Designed to work with various materials. Experts recommend that before you go shopping, you understand the classification of circles. All popular models of nozzles are selected based on the following parameters:

  • type of work performed;
  • appointments;
  • type of cutting;
  • design features;
  • size;
  • manufacturing material.

Based on their purpose, wheels are produced to perform the following work:

  • on wood;
  • for metal;
  • by paint;
  • on concrete;
  • on stone;
  • on marble;
  • universal.

Based on the assigned tasks, consumables are divided into the following groups:

StrippingThey belong to the category of universal elements. They are particularly durable. They handle rough operations quickly and efficiently. They can easily and simply remove a large layer of metal, do household rough cleaning, and free the surface from rust and the old layer. Even under maximum loads they are very stable. Suitable for work in adverse conditions.
Cut-off (abrasive)The most popular type of product. Abrasive grains are silicon carbide or electrocorundum. On sale you can find products made from vulcanite or bakelite bonds. The marking indicates the area of ​​use (steel, concrete, stone, stainless steel, aluminum, cast iron, and so on). The shelf life does not exceed one year.
RoughingIncluded in the group of grinding products. The main task is to prepare the product for grinding work. Capable of cleaning dirty surfaces. Composition: abrasive and binding component. They can be hard and flexible. The degree of surface cleaning depends on the grain size. The main feature is the same size of the landing diameter. It is 22 mm. Thickness and outer diameter may vary. This group also includes brushes.
GrindingThe name speaks for itself. Often purchased for sanding metal or wood. The quality of work depends on the size of the grains. The smaller they are, the higher the quality of actions. Products are sold with a variety of grain sizes: from 50 to 3000. The surface can be sandpaper, felt, fabric, felt, sponge.
MillingDesigned for accurate cutting of bowls and grooves, as well as edge processing.
PolishingThey differ in coating. The main products are felt and felt nozzles.
SawingA design feature is that the cutting edge is equipped with fine teeth. This helps to obtain a clean and accurate cut on wooden parts, gas silicate, plasterboard, plywood and other materials.
SharpeningDistinctive properties - performs operations through the side surface. The edges of cutting equipment are brought into working condition. Able to clean welds. There are two types: flat and cup-shaped. Minimum thickness – 5 mm.
For cutting joints in asphaltSpecial elements characterized by significant strength.

Disc sizes are standardized. A specific outside diameter presupposes a corresponding thickness and bore diameter. Manufacturers can deviate from the established rules only if they carry out an individual order. According to buyers, when choosing a product you need to take its technical characteristics seriously. Otherwise, a positive result will not be achieved.

Types of attachments for grinders

The classification of grinders for an inexperienced consumer is a dark forest. If we consider the issue in general terms, the distribution of nozzles is made according to 3 criteria - purpose, material of manufacture and size. You can find out about the purpose of the consumable material through the marking of the nozzle.

ParameterElementsDistinctive features
PurposeCut-offThe shape is a circle with teeth for cutting or cutting the workpiece. The circle edge is divided into 2 types - solid and segmented.
SawingThe scope of use is clear from the name of the nozzle - a cut of the base, which can be chipboard wood or other material. The edge is always serrated, but the shape of the serrations may vary depending on the operational characteristics of the wheel.
RoughingPurpose: grinding work. The nozzles are excellent at removing layers of paint, primer and paintwork.
StrippingThe attachment is a peeling version. A special feature is the placement of a metal wire attachment along the edge of the circumference. The intended purpose is to remove dirt and rust.
PolishingThe purpose of such attachments is to polish workpieces or finished products. The circles are most often attached with Velcro, which significantly saves time on changing them.
MaterialDiamondCircles are used for precision work with workpieces made of metal, glass, concrete and ceramics. The nozzle has two layers - a metal base + a layer of diamond dust.
"Turtle"A more flexible analogue of the diamond nozzle. The sprayed layer here is located on top of the rubber layer + fixation to the base is done using Velcro.
Hard alloysThe nozzle is based on metals that are capable of forming a high-strength connection. High carbon steel solders are added along the edges. The purpose of the attachment is to cut wood.
AbrasiveThe circle is based on latex paper. For greater strength, a reinforcing mesh is included in the base. Attachments are popular in material sanding processes.
WireThe nozzles in the working base have a metal wire of small or medium diameter. Wheels are popular for grinding and cleaning workpieces before major work.

I would like to note that about 10% of the market range of attachments for grinders belong to the universal category. The remaining 90% can be used exclusively in a narrow area of ​​solutions. For example, a nozzle for primary processing of steel cannot be used for stainless steel, and vice versa.

Important: support plates for an angle grinder are also a type of attachment. Such products, consisting of polymer and rubber, are often used in combination with polishing and grinding wheels.

If you calculate the frequency of use of attachments depending on the tasks, then cutting will come first. Grinding will be in the second position and the third will be the process of removing rust with paint and varnish materials from the surface of the workpiece. Next, I want to pay attention specifically to the grinding attachments of angle grinders.

Features of circles

Produced consumables for grinders differ in characteristics, functionality, number of teeth, degree of sharpening, and average price. Everyone's selection criteria are different. It is worth determining for yourself which option is most suitable for completing the tasks. The main types of products produced are:

  1. Abrasive. They are distinguished by their versatility. The scope of application is wide. Able to perform any operations on sharpening and grinding surfaces. A positive result is guaranteed. Also intended for polishing.
  2. Diamond. Quite in demand among professional craftsmen. Type of spraying – diamond dust. The main properties are durability and strength. The quality of the cut is excellent. They can handle not only metal, but also concrete and stone. An indispensable thing for those who are engaged in construction work at a professional level.
  3. The main component is tungsten carbide. Belongs to the category of new products. Innovative technologies are used in production. It is quickly gaining popularity among domestic builders due to its strength, good quality and durability. Used for finishing and sanding operations.
  4. Twisted cones. The main purpose is to peel and sharpen tools. Work with stone and metal coatings. They will quickly and efficiently remove the old layer of paint or other coating from the surface. Equipped with bowl-shaped nozzles made of durable steel. There is a twisted metal wire around the perimeter. Based on the purpose of the tool, you can choose either thick or thin wire.

Grinding wheels for grinders

They are considered equipment for angle grinders. The main area of ​​use is working with metal. Available in medium-grain and coarse-grain. The choice depends on the intended operations. The product is used in the following cases:

  1. To remove scale.
  2. For preliminary surface preparation for welding work.
  3. Chamfering.
  4. Cleaning up the weld.

The product belongs to the universal category. You can work with it on a plane, along an edge or on corner joints. Can handle any materials (metals and alloys), simple and complex shapes. Proven technologies are used in production. The result is the creation of a multifunctional abrasive tool with expanded functionality and scope of application.

Working with the consumable is easy and simple. No special skills, experience or ability are required. A few minutes are enough, and the treated surface will become clean, even and smooth, ready for further operations. All defects are eliminated quickly and efficiently. We are talking about removing protrusions, removing surfacing, removing scale and other defects that may form during welding.

Without a grinding wheel, it is impossible to remove burrs and tarnish. To make a grinding edge, you need to set the disk at an angle of 35 - 45 degrees relative to the surface.

The diameter of stripping consumables is similar to that of cutting consumables - from 115 to 230 mm. Thickness – from 6.10 to 20 mm. The product is durable. No reinforcement is used during manufacturing. The size of abrasive particles varies. The larger they are, the faster the work goes. Particularly large grains are able to free the surface from scale and rust in a matter of minutes.

How to choose the right product

The question of where to buy wheels for angle grinders is not difficult. The market is filled with appropriate products for every taste and budget. It is advisable to visit a specialized retail outlet. There, the sales manager will help you decide on a purchase if any difficulties arise, introduce you to the assortment, and give practical advice. You can order products online in an online store, after first reviewing reviews regarding the supplier of the product and its integrity. Otherwise, you may encounter cheap, low-quality Chinese counterfeits.

What to look for when choosing cleaning consumables? The material of manufacture plays a big role. Specific disks are purchased to perform various tasks:

  1. Made from silicon carbide. The scope of application is grinding materials that have low tensile strength, brittleness and high hardness. We are talking about glass, ceramics, cast iron, porcelain.
  2. Made from electrocorundum. Suitable for processing iron, steel (including chrome-plated) and cast iron.
  3. Elbor. Strength is not inferior to diamond. Designed for operations with high-alloy steel. Perfectly sharpens blades.
  4. Abrasive. The combination of grains into a single mass occurs through the use of a special binder. There are two options - ceramic and bekelite. The first is intended for interaction with carbide structures, the second is more suitable for limestone, concrete, granite, marble, brick.
  5. Diamond. Involves fine grinding and finishing of high-hardness materials: glass, ceramics, cast iron.

The diameter of the disk is also important. On sale you can find 125 mm and 230 mm models. Thickness varies from 4 to 10 mm. It is worth paying attention to the size of the abrasive particles. Products are produced with large and medium grains.

Which company is better to purchase a product depends on personal preferences. On store shelves you can choose quality products from both domestic and foreign manufacturers. It is worth keeping in mind that strong and durable products cannot be budget-friendly. Whether it is worth choosing disks with additional functions depends on the tasks assigned to the equipment. It is advisable to choose consumables with an ideal price-quality ratio. This will help you quickly achieve a positive result.

Grinder attachment for grinding: selection criteria + TOP best

The grinding process is considered one of the most popular for angle grinders. The equipment is often used for processing metals, wood and even stone. Any owner in his garage simply must have an angle grinder + a set of attachments for it for processing. But I want to discuss with you in more detail which discs you should take into your own set.

1) Criteria for selecting grinding attachments for an angle grinder

In the process of selecting the necessary attachment for an angle grinder, a person must be guided by 3 criteria - the basic parameters of an angle grinder, the power of the tool and the scope of application. The main values ​​​​for nozzles are always indicated on the product labeling; the main thing is to be able to understand the designations and do not hesitate to ask for advice from the seller of the consumables.

What to look for when selecting a nozzle:

  • circle diameter;
  • thickness;
  • form;
  • diameter of the additive site;
  • application area.

The shape of the nozzle is especially important, because the convenience and quality of processing the material with an angle grinder will depend on it. Depending on the geometry, disc, flat and cup shapes of grinding attachments for grinders are distinguished. The first ones are used on steel and cast iron, the second ones are used for high precision work, and the third ones are used for extremely hard structures.

Important: when purchasing an attachment, you should ensure that the rotation speed of the angle grinder corresponds to the stated limits in the marking of the replacement disc.

For large diameter discs, speed is usually limited to 8,500 rpm. In turn, discs with a diameter of 115 to 125 millimeters can easily withstand up to 11,000 rpm. Each diameter has its own speed mode, which the buyer of the nozzle can familiarize himself with from the product packaging.

2) The best grinder attachments for grinding

I wrote about disk classifications above.
In the context of grinding attachments, there are no fundamental differences - universal wheels for wood and hard materials, which include metal/concrete + natural stone. Distribution of grinding discs by type:

  • Velcro;
  • petal;
  • bolted.

The last category is a combined one, because the bolts can have both regular attachments for an angle grinder and petal attachments. I consider the highest quality bolt wheels for grinding to be 3M 57018 and Stayer 36228-150-6.0. I’ll tell you in more detail about attachments with Velcro fasteners and petal discs later.

A) Petal circles

According to the overwhelming majority of buyers, only flap attachments combine ease of attachment with high ease of control of the grinding process. Let’s not forget about the quality characteristics that flap wheels are considered to be the best in the field of grinding, and we get a standard version of consumables for angle grinders.

Advantages of flap attachments for grinding:

  • low fatigue rates;
  • Even a beginner can manage the process;
  • prevention of burn-through due to cold cutting;
  • circles last 12-17 times longer than usual;
  • you do not need to use a protective casing;
  • stable performance indicator;
  • optimal contact between the base and the circle due to geometry.

The intended use of the attachment is based on the material from which the disc support plate is made. The composition varies, not only the base, but also the abrasive, which leads to a wide (sometimes even too much) variety of attachments on the Russian market.

The basisFiberglassThe most popular option in 2022. High strength, ease and safety in operation make fiberglass the basis for 50% of grinding wheels. Thanks to vibration absorption, even beginners can use such circles.
NylonA special feature is the ability to trim, so you can use the abrasive a couple of times longer. At cost, such a base is 50% -80% cheaper than fiberglass.
MetalAluminum is usually used. Due to the high cost, it is recommended to purchase only when working with stone and metal. The holder itself does not wear out, and therefore the plate is easily recycled.
AbrasiveAluminium oxideIt has been used for more than 50 years in a row. In terms of quality they are at the bottom of the top, but in terms of cost they are in first place. It is rational to use for basic grinding work.
ZirconiumHeat resistance, hardness, wear resistance - the 3 main advantages of the material. Used for processing hard materials. In popularity it ranks 1st among abrasives.
Silicon carbideMineral version of the abrasive. Suitable for use when working with natural stone and non-ferrous metals. If the process requires pressure on the disc, this abrasive will be low in efficiency.
CeramicsHomogeneous base with a microscopic structure. It has a wide range of uses, but if pressure and temperature are required, it is better not to use such disks.

To select the correct grinding flap disk, it is necessary to take into account the density of the abrasive and the working area created during rotation. When sanding uneven surfaces, high-density lamellas are a priority. Processing of smooth products can be carried out with standard discs.

You can see the top best petal attachments in the table below.

CategoryPositionName + photoDescription
Economy1.FIT 39554Rightfully the best nozzle in the economy segment. Ideal for processing stainless steel and steel. Usually used for cleaning welds. The disk has a straight shape. The diameter is 12.5 cm, and the fit is 2.2 cm. The grit level is P80. Thanks to the conical shape of the abrasive, it is well suited for processing surfaces with curves.
2.Stayer 36581Wide application nozzle. Wood and stone are polished with the same quality, but when it comes to metal, the model sag slightly compared to its competitor above. The abrasive of the wheel consists of aluminum oxide, and the base is fiberglass. Has increased processing speed due to the location of the lamellas.
3.Meadows KLTEnd-type disc that performs well in processing steel elements and wood. Some also use the nozzle for processing plastic, but here at their own peril and risk. One of the significant advantages I can highlight is wear resistance. Abrasive grit P60.
Norm1.KLT-1 36563The disc was developed specifically for angle grinders. Universal in purpose. Sands plastic, concrete, stone, metal and wood equally well. The petals are coated with aluminum oxide. The nozzle can withstand up to 12,000 rpm. Thanks to the electrostatic application of the abrasive element, the nozzle has an ideal grain distribution.
2.Matrix 74042The base is fiberglass. The abrasive part consists of cube-shaped grains with a radial arrangement. The attachment is mainly used on machines, but it will also work well on an angle grinder. The only thing is that beginners may not be able to handle the delicate grinding work using this disc.
3.Makita D-28553A Japanese variation of the consumable in a flat design, which works well when processing elements with a flat surface. The base consists of fiberglass. The lamellas are arranged radially, which improves the grinding process of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Most consumers order the attachment for removing rust and chamfering. The grain size is Ce80, and the permissible peak speed is 8,600 per minute.
Premium1.Vulcan NORTONNozzle grit P40. The disc is primarily used for finishing sanding. A distinctive feature of the nozzle is the abrasive base made of zirconium corundum. This solution increases the wear resistance value + gives a bonus to performance. Vulcan is manufactured by the Poles.
2.Skrab 35880An elastic circle with a special arrangement of flaps, due to which productivity in the processing of metal, wood and stone increases by 80% compared to the economy segment. The disc grit is P22, and the peak speed for processing can be at 13,000 rpm.
3.WurthGrinding wheel from a Chinese manufacturer. The holder is made of fiberglass, and the abrasive consists of a special polyester type fabric. The grain itself is made of aluminum oxide. Priority in use falls on stainless steel and steel at the final stages of processing.

The above list is not ideal, but at the end of this year, finding something more intelligible in terms of price/quality will be extremely problematic. Despite the oversaturation of the market, truly high-quality grinder attachments for grinding can be listed on the fingers of your hand.

Analysis of popular options for grinding wheels for processing hard workpieces:

Rules for replacing a wheel on an angle grinder

There are no eternal consumables. Over time, they all wear out and require replacement with new ones. It's quite easy to do. You need to perform the following manipulations in turn:

  1. De-energize the instrument.
  2. Lock the spindle using the locking button located on the body.
  3. Insert key.
  4. One hand holds the latch, the other turns the nut.
  5. The circle is removed.
  6. A new disk is being installed.
  7. Fastening operations are carried out in reverse order.

Please note that the disk must be installed correctly. The side with the markings should be on the outside.

How to correctly change a disc on an angle grinder

Since grinder circles are consumables, sooner or later they have to be replaced. They are attached to the angle grinder spindle using a clamping flange (nut) with an M14 thread. To unscrew it, the grinder must come with a special open-end wrench that has pins on one side.

So, to replace the tool on an angle grinder, follow these steps.

  1. De-energize the device by unplugging the plug from the socket.
  2. Lock the angle grinder spindle using the button located on the front of the body. When you press the button, the stopper enters the hole of the disk installed in the gearbox, which fixes the spindle in a stationary position.

  3. Insert the key pins into the holes on the clamping flange.

  4. While holding the latch with one hand, turn the wrench to the left (counterclockwise) with the other hand until the nut comes off. Then it can be unscrewed without a key and removed from the shaft.

    In this case, the angle grinder spindle rotates clockwise. But in which direction should you unscrew the nut if your device’s shaft rotates counterclockwise? Remember: the pressure flange should always be unscrewed in the direction directly opposite to the rotation of the shaft.

  5. Now you can change the tool by first removing the old one.

    If you notice that dirt has accumulated inside the casing, you should remove the bottom flange and use a steel brush to remove dirt from all surfaces.

  6. Next, you should install the bottom flange in place. You need to install it correctly, making sure to align the grooves on the spindle and flange.
  7. Place a gasket on top of the bottom flange. It is not necessary to install it, but it is advisable, since it will ensure easy unscrewing of the clamping nut in the future if you need to change the tool.

  8. Install a new tool. Sometimes owners of angle grinders wonder: which side should the circle be placed on? The answer is simple: the disc is placed with the side with the markings on the outside.
  9. Place a pad on the abrasive wheel. If your grinder did not come with gaskets, you can purchase them at a specialized store, or cut them yourself from thin tin or cardboard.

  10. Screw the flange onto the shaft by hand. Tighten the nut until you can no longer turn it without a wrench. After this, holding the stopper, tighten this nut with a wrench, but no more than a quarter turn, otherwise the disk will begin to deform.

After carrying out the above steps, the replacement of the tool is considered completed.

Actions when a disk is jammed

This problem occurs quite often, so it should not be ignored. If such a situation arises, professional builders recommend taking the following actions:

  1. Use gas wrenches. Manipulations must be carried out confidently, but with a certain accuracy. Otherwise, the stopper may be damaged. It is necessary to free yourself from the remnants of the circle in order to get to the lower flange. Just use pliers. Then, using keys, clamp the lower and upper fasteners and turn them in different directions.
  2. Disassemble the gearbox. This method is used when the latch has become unusable. The disc can also be removed using pliers. The fastener and cover are removed. The shaft is secured using a vice. The fastener is unscrewed using a key.
  3. The circle is shrinking. Parts of the disk are deleted. A metal sheet is taken with a vice, the angle grinder is turned on and the remaining abrasive is ground off on the end of the sheet.
  4. The nut is warming up. You can't do without a blowtorch. You can use the services of a hair dryer or a gas burner. The heated flange can be unscrewed using the supplied wrench. It is worth thinking about safety precautions and carrying out manipulations with gloves to avoid touching a hot surface.
  5. Use WD-40 lubricant. The composition is applied to the junction of the flange and shaft. A five-minute interval is maintained so that the lubricant gets inside. Then try to unscrew the fastener.
  6. Cut the part using a hacksaw. It is imperative to hold down the stop button.
  7. Knock on the middle of the nut. You can use a hammer drill with an impact function. In this case, the stopper state must be active. A few movements are enough and the fasteners will be removed.

Rating of quality products from 50 rubles

C 24/R Makita D/25292 (13349299)

Japanese brand, produced in the Middle Kingdom. The equipment is designed for manipulating stone. Purchased for angle grinders. It is in great demand among both professionals and beginners. Suitable for both domestic and commercial use. Breakdowns are rare due to the use of innovative technologies in the production process. It copes well with rough machining of stones, concrete and bricks. Thickness – 6 mm, diameter – 100 mm, weight – 100 grams. Type – grinding. Straight shape. Flange mounted. Sold in convenient packaging.

How much does the product cost? You can buy it for 39 rubles.

C 24/R Makita D/25292 (13349299)


  • reliability;
  • wear resistance;
  • strength;
  • long service life;
  • practicality.


  • not identified.

Professional (125*6.4*22.2 mm) Maxweld KRPR-12564 (16486904)

Cleaning consumables are purchased to bring metal surfaces into proper condition. Thickness – 6.4 mm, diameter – 125 mm. The disc is of the grinding type. Bore diameter – 22.2 mm. Concave shape. Attaches with a clamp. Installation location: flange. The packaging contains one item of the product. The weight of the structure is 140 grams. The Belarusian brand is manufactured at Chinese production facilities, but there have been no complaints about the quality.

The product is sold at a price of 81 rubles.

Professional (125*6.4*22.2 mm) Maxweld KRPR-12564 (16486904)


  • quality of materials used;
  • ease of operation;
  • wear resistance;
  • positive reviews;
  • can be ordered online in the online store.


  • not installed.

SP-Novoflex Metabo 617170000 (15869836)

An inexpensive grinding wheel is produced at a domestic enterprise. Durable steel is used in manufacturing. Installed on hand grinders. Designed for cleaning steel surfaces. A distinctive feature is high productivity and a huge working resource. Belongs to the grinding type. Diameter – 125 mm, thickness – 6 mm. The shape is concave. Flange mounted. The product weighs 0.170 kg.

The average cost is 87 rubles.

SP-Novoflex Metabo 617170000 (15869836)


  • practicality;
  • functionality;
  • versatility;
  • performance;
  • strength;
  • durability;
  • safety.


  • none.

Tsunami D-16110011562300 (15856003)

A six-millimeter metal cleaning wheel with a diameter of 115 mm is very popular among craftsmen. Straight shape. The seat is a flange. Weighs 150 grams. Sold at any specialized retail outlet. You can use the online store service. There is practically no defect on sale. The domestic manufacturer controls the quality of the product at all stages.

The purchase price is 93 rubles.

Tsunami D-16110011562300 (15856003)


  • strength;
  • long service life;
  • versatility;
  • wear resistance;
  • absence of marriage;
  • achieving a positive result in a short period of time.


  • not identified.

A21 R BF 14 A BU80 Luga-Abrasiv D/11201502260000 (15854285)

The sanding attachment is used with hand sanders. Ideal for power grinding of parts and structural elements made of durable steel. Quickly and efficiently puts welded seams in perfect order. The product is produced by a Russian company. The reviews are only positive. There are no complaints about quality and durability. They are purchased by both amateurs and professional builders. Thickness – 6 mm, disc diameter – 150 mm. Flange mounted. The shape is straight. Each circle has its own packaging. To extend service life, the manufacturer's recommended speed must be observed.

Purchase price – 98 rubles.

A21 R BF 14 A BU80 Luga-Abrasiv D/11201502260000 (15854285)


  • strength of the materials used;
  • application of innovative technologies;
  • versatility;
  • practicality;
  • reliability.


  • not installed.

Typical disk sizes

When choosing a disc for an angle grinder, you need to make sure that the outer diameter of the attachment does not exceed the maximum permissible values ​​​​allowed for your angle grinder. For example, if a grinder is designed to use a circle with a maximum diameter of 125 mm, then a 230 mm circle cannot be installed on it. And there are several explanations for this:

  • the linear speed of the cutting edge will be exceeded, which can lead to destruction of the abrasive wheel and injury to the user;
  • a small grinder does not have enough power to work with a large tool;
  • installing a nozzle that exceeds the permissible dimensions requires removing the protective casing, and this is a violation of safety rules.

Discs for angle grinders have standard sizes: 115, 125, 150, 180 and 230 mm. In modern angle grinders, the mounting diameter (the diameter of the shaft on which the tool is installed) is almost the same and equals 22.2 mm. If you have an outdated model of an angle grinder lying around, you will need to use adapters - rings of different diameters.

All abrasive wheels of any size have special markings, from which you can find out the following information: the diameter of the disc and its thickness, the diameter of the seat, the maximum rotation speed, as well as what materials it is intended for processing.

Rating of grinding wheels for mid-price angle grinders

A24-P-BF (125*6*22.2 mm) Bosch 2608603182 (15455068)

A peeling device is purchased for use with grinders for the purpose of processing metal structures. Users note high performance and reliability, as well as value for money. Belongs to the grinding type. The shape is concave. Universal installation - on a flange. Each circle has individual packaging. Sold at any specialized retail outlet. It is extremely popular among domestic builders.

The average price is 107 rubles.

A24-P-BF (125*6*22.2 mm) Bosch 2608603182 (15455068)


  • German quality;
  • practicality;
  • functionality;
  • long service life;
  • safety;
  • easy to install and operate.


  • not found.

X-Lock Bosch (125*6*22.23 mm) 2608619366 (16144676)

The German brand is produced at Chinese production facilities. Reviews about the product are only positive. The manufacturing company controls the quality of products at all stages. Only high-quality materials are used in production. Purchased for cleaning metal structures. Belongs to the class of grinding. Concave shape. Own weight – 190 grams.

The average cost is 107 rubles.

X-Lock Bosch (125*6*22.23 mm) 2608619366 (16144676)


  • performance;
  • wear resistance;
  • versatility;
  • durability;
  • ease of operation.


  • none.

Trigger 7032 tov/157537 (15737808)

The German brand is produced in the Middle Kingdom. Product parameters – 115*6*22.2 mm. Designed for metal manipulation. Grinding type. Available in straight form. Flange mounted. Weighs only 115 grams. It is reliable and practical. It is very popular among amateurs and professionals. Often purchased for household use. An indispensable assistant when carrying out minor repairs.

Purchase price – 126 rubles.

Trigger 7032 tov/157537 (15737808)


  • functionality;
  • quality factor;
  • versatility;
  • practicality;
  • durability.


  • none.

Luga-Abrasiv D-11201802260000 (15854286)

A metal cleaning disc from a Russian manufacturer is very popular among domestic builders due to its good price-quality ratio. Bought to tidy up metal structures. Installed on the flange of hand-held grinding machines. Has a straight shape. It will quickly and efficiently deal with contaminants on various steel surfaces and remove defects resulting from welding seams. Disc diameter – 180 mm, thickness – 6 mm, seat diameter – 22.2 mm. The manufacturer provides personal packaging for each unit of product. There are no problems with the purchase. The product can be found at any specialized retail outlet or ordered online in an online store.

The sellers are asking 138 rubles for the consumables.

Luga-Abrasiv D-11201802260000 (15854286)


  • reliability;
  • practicality;
  • strength;
  • safety;
  • performance;
  • positive results from work.


  • not identified.

DeBever NWG-12560228/R (15702603)

The product is purchased in cases where there is a need to tidy up metal products using a manual grinder, freeing them from rust, paintwork or other composition. It will help to quickly and efficiently clean the base before welding work. A distinctive feature of the circle is its strength and wear resistance. The ideal combination of price and quality. Belongs to the grinding group. Parameters – 125*6*22.2 mm. The surface is concave. Attached to the flange. There are no complaints during operation. In a matter of minutes it will make any surface clean and smooth, ready for further manipulation. Own weight – 170 grams. Sold in separate packaging.

The average cost is 158 rubles.

DeBever NWG-12560228/R (15702603)


  • wear resistance;
  • performance;
  • reliability;
  • long service life;
  • ease of use;
  • Innovative technologies are used in production.


  • not found.

Rating of expensive products

Standart 27 (230*6*22.2 mm) Totflex 125081100 (16092318)

Consumables from a domestic manufacturer are very popular among those who own a manual grinding machine and know how to use it. The main purpose is to clean metal products from rust, remove the old layer of paint, make the surface even, and bring the seams into proper condition after welding is completed. The production is based on a bakelite bond. Fiberglass mesh is used for reinforcement, which significantly extends the service life of the product. Dimensions – 230*6*22.2 mm. Type – grinding. The base shape is concave. Weighs 0.62 kg. Sold in individual packaging. There are no complaints about the quality of the products.

The average cost is 320 rubles.

Standart 27 (230*6*22.2 mm) Totflex 125081100 (16092318)


  • reliability;
  • durability;
  • versatility;
  • functionality;
  • performance;
  • value for money.


  • not identified.

NV, 27 (150*6.4*22.23 mm) Norton 66252925525 (15908435)

Product from an American manufacturer. An ideal assistant when cleaning stainless steel or metal structures. A distinctive feature is its greater thickness compared to other analogues. Belongs to the category of grinding. Has a straight shape. It's easy and convenient to work with. No experience or skills needed. Even a beginner can handle it. The weight is significant. Rarely found on sale.

The average price is 298 rubles.

NV, 27 (150*6.4*22.23 mm) Norton 66252925525 (15908435)


  • durability;
  • reliability;
  • strength of the materials used;
  • performance;
  • versatility;
  • safety.


  • not identified.

Klingspor 13402 (15544287)

The nozzle is produced by a German company, so there is no need to worry about its quality and wear resistance. It is considered a replacement element for an angle grinder. Ideal for cleaning aluminum surfaces. Famous for its large working resource. Users report excellent performance. Dimensions – 125*6*22.2 mm. Wheel type – grinding. Flange mounted. Available in concave shape. The manufacturer supplies products for sale in individual packaging. The reviews are only positive.

The purchase price is 264 rubles.

Klingspor 13402 (15544287)


  • reliability;
  • functionality;
  • versatility;
  • ease of operation;
  • wear resistance;
  • practicality;
  • durability.


  • not installed.

Trigger 70324 tov/157540 (15737810)

The homeland of the brand is Germany, but the nozzles are produced at a Chinese factory. There are no complaints about the quality. The products last a long time, completely exhausting their working life. Dimensions – 180*6*22.2 mm. Designed for cleaning metal structures. They will quickly and efficiently polish surfaces and carry out rough preparation for welding work. Manufactured in straight shape. Flange mounted. Own weight – 380 grams. Sold at any specialized retail outlet. When ordering a batch of goods worth up to 4,000 rubles, the manufacturer provides a discount.

Purchase price – 261 rubles.

Trigger 70324 tov/157540 (15737810)


  • long service life;
  • simplicity in operation;
  • reliability;
  • functionality;
  • large working resource;
  • absence of marriage;
  • positive reviews.


  • not found.

N-Omega 125*7*22.23 BF-27 A24-S Norton 66253370046 (15908437)

A durable and reliable circle is produced by an American company. The product quality is appropriate. There are no complaints. It is quite rare on the shelves of domestic stores, but you can order a batch of goods in an online store, having first checked the supplier for integrity. Otherwise, you can become the owner of a low-quality Chinese fake for good money. Purchased by professional builders for cleaning stainless steel structures, but can also be useful for domestic use. Available in straight form, installation is universal.

Retailers are asking 251 rubles for the product.

N-Omega 125*7*22.23 BF-27 A24-S Norton 66253370046 (15908437)


  • quality factor;
  • performance;
  • quality of the material used;
  • long service life;
  • reliability;
  • versatility.


  • not detected.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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