Wood drills: description of the characteristics, scope of use and design features of flexible, feather, spiral drills

Differences between a quality wood drill

It is sold in any hardware store or on the market in a special section. Used to create holes in wood-type materials. Its operational applications are generally limited by its performance.

Therefore, in case of excessive load, it quickly breaks. To extend the “life” of the drill, it is necessary to take into account the technical characteristics.

  • The wood kit is sold as standard. The instructions indicate the available types of wood and the maximum thickness of the material. For example, for a 20 mm drill, use based on oak, cedar or alder is allowed. Usually sold in the form of a hexagonal base and a volume in the region of 5 - 50 mm.
  • If the product is of high quality, it has a reliably sharpened surface. This helps to adhere it tightly to the material. If a large base is used, a reduced drilling speed is assumed. Acceptable operating parameters are based on mutual frictional force.

The high quality of the wood drill is distinguished by the yellow color of the surface of the consumable. Why?

The point is the presence of titanium dioxide based on the alloy used. Therefore, such a product lasts a long time in comparison with the gray one, which is considered virtually a disposable assistant.

Areas of use and design features

The market for tools and accessories is full of a variety of wood drill bits to choose from. Woodworking tools are used in accordance with the specifications, design and type of work being performed. The functionality of one drill can be limited; under heavy loads it can break and damage the part. To eliminate curious cases, a wood drill is used in accordance with technical parameters.

A home craftsman must distinguish between varieties and types in order to perform the safest and highest quality work possible.

When purchasing, you should pay attention to the quality of the gimlet; the main structure and cutting part must be free of chips and cracks, well processed and evenly sharpened.

Based on the color scheme, it is possible to determine the treatment and purpose:

  • A steel-colored product indicates a lack of processing.
  • A yellow-bronze tint is obtained by metal during processing to relieve metal stress.
  • The bright golden color indicates titanium nitride treatment, which is used for durability and reliability of the countersink.
  • The strength of the tool is increased by superheated steam; the black color indicates this when purchasing.

An example of using a wood drill

It is necessary to pay attention to the size of the drill. A long wood drill is not always useful for the farm, since the longer the drill, the larger its diameter. Long gimlets are used for processing soft wood at medium tool speeds. The larger the size indicators, the lower the revolutions should be, because there is a possibility of the drill breaking off and damaging the workpiece.

It is necessary to correctly select the ratio of weight to the required hole. The greater the length and diameter of the wood drill, the lower the drill speed should be.

Compliance with this rule will help preserve the instrument for as long as possible. If a twist drill cannot produce the required hole size in wood, a ring type drill is used. The appearance of ring drills for wood resembles crowns and has a ring with jagged edges. The length of this type of product does not differ in special parameters, and the width of the outlet hole can be made up to 60 mm. The tool is also allowed to work with soft materials - plastic and plasterboard.

Methods for making a wood drill

  • Made with a yellow-gold color, due to the stress relief of the metal, it is considered a quality product;
  • With a bright golden color, it is made with the addition of titanium nitrite, which increases its service life;
  • The steel gray drill is distinguished by the lack of finishing. This product is not reinforced with additional coatings. Therefore, it is considered not of particularly high quality.

Tips for choosing

An instrument of any form has its own criteria and must meet them. You can determine the quality of the instrument you are purchasing by its appearance, color, and also by the material from which it is made.

  • Material . It is impossible to visually determine the quality of the material. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to make sure that the product has a quality certificate. Chinese counterfeits are often sold without documents.
  • Appearance . A high-quality product has a flat, smooth surface. Various cracks, scratches and damage are defective. The cutting area must be carefully sharpened. Long drills must be straight. It is very easy to check their quality; just roll them on a flat surface. All irregularities will be immediately visible.

  • Color . To ensure that the tool has additional strength, it is manufactured using a special technology. You can find out which processing method was used by the color of the product. The steel color indicates that no additional processing was carried out. The yellow-gold spraying relieves metallic stress. A product treated with titanium nitride (a tool with a bright gold color) will have a long service life. The black drill has increased strength. Steam was used to process it.

  • Package . Products from well-known manufacturers have good, high-quality packaging. All fakes are poorly packaged, and the text is sometimes written with errors.
  • Price . The higher the price, the better the quality of the product. All budget tools have a short service life.

Caring about their reputation, well-known stores will not sell counterfeits. And no matter what kind of tool you buy, in order for it to be of high quality and last a long time, you should contact reliable and trusted suppliers.

How to choose the right drill

Before purchasing a drill, you need to study its characteristics. But it’s not enough to inspect the product to identify possible defects: chips, nicks, dents, scratches, cracks.

Any deficiency may affect the quality of work. It is important to realize that a defective tool will quickly become unusable and will not help create a straight hole.

Modern sets include drills for various materials, including universal products. But the necessary parameters are not always offered. It happens that other sizes are needed. Next, we will look at the existing types according to this characteristic.

To make the right choice, you need to understand the types of wood drills. Many people think that they are all the same? In fact, this is a completely erroneous opinion. Wood drills differ not only in the type of material, size, but also in shape.

Sharpening a wood drill is a useful skill

Intensive use of wood tools leads to loss of its cutting properties. Such a tool does not have to be sent for recycling; its ability to work can be restored by proper sharpening. In the absence of experience and small volumes of tools, it is possible to contact special workshops that provide sharpening services. To study the process on your own, you need to start with an unused drill, which, if damaged, can easily go to waste.

Methods for sharpening drills A device for sharpening drills at home

Head position when sharpening

Obtaining a result is possible only if several conditions are met. The process is carried out manually, using a suitable file or using a grinding machine. In the latter case, it is necessary to maintain the temperature regime of the product, constantly pouring a stream of water or oil. Overheating will lead to loss of metal strength, unimportant work, in the absence of the ability to provide constant cooling, you just need to dip the product in a glass of water or oil every couple of seconds. Only compliance with the factory geometry parameters will make it possible to operate the cutting set as if it were in new condition.

Spiral types of drill bits for wood

To work with wood, spiral drills with a diameter of 3 - 52 mm are used. They are produced with a pointed tip. This is necessary to ensure the stability of the tool on the surface of the workpiece, thus eliminating the possibility of slipping.

In addition, the cone-shaped tail will help to mark a point for future drilling.

  • It is important to realize that the drilling speed of such a drill is proportional to its diameter.
  • For example, if you are working on soft wood and using a 14mm drill bit, you should use a speed of 1,800 rpm.
  • For hard wood with the same tool, the optimal level is considered to be 900 rpm.

Every owner with more or less varied construction experience will agree that rare work on a construction site or even minor repairs can be done without drilling in wood. That is why any builder should have a drill in his arsenal, which is recognized as a universal tool necessary for performing construction tasks of any complexity and direction. Today's market offers the consumer a large number of different types of drills, and in order to understand such a wide variety and choose the right tool, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the materials offered.


  1. Drill. General recommendations for selection
  2. Wood drill. Select the required types. Twist drill bit for wood
  3. Long and feather drills. Looking for a compromise video
  4. Annular drills and Forstner drills. Tips for furniture makers
  5. How to sharpen a wood drill? Basic recommendations

Drill. General recommendations for selection

Before moving on to direct recommendations for choosing a drill for wood, we present to your attention standard recommendations for choosing a drill. A high-quality tool is characterized by the absence of all kinds of chips, scratches, dents and any other violations of integrity. When identifying cosmetic defects, we must not forget that the color of the drill is one of the important performance characteristics of the tool, as it allows you to determine the finishing option for the drill, which is intended to strengthen the tool. So:

1.Black color - the drill was treated with superheated steam in order to increase strength;

2.Golden yellow – drill treatment to relieve metallic stress;

3.The bright golden color indicates that titanium nitride was used when processing the drill, which is used to increase service life;

4.The shade “gray steel” indicates the absence of any processing.

Modern drills are mainly equipped with a set of drills, but they turn out to be mainly modifications of the same product, differing only in length and diameter. That is why you have to independently select different types of drills that will cope with various tasks.

Wood drill. Select the required types. Twist drill bit for wood

The first in such a set should be a twist drill bit for wood, the diameter of which varies from 3 to 52 mm.

This type of drill is equipped with a tip, which prevents the tool from sliding off the surface being processed.

The tapered shank also helps to mark where to drill holes. When choosing a drill, it is important to remember that the number of revolutions during drilling directly depends on the diameter of the product: when working with soft wood and using a drill whose diameter does not exceed 14 mm, it is recommended to set 1800 revolutions per minute, when working with hardwood, respectively, 900 revolutions . As a result, a relationship is obtained according to which the drilling speed is inversely proportional to the diameter of the tool. By adhering to this rule, you can extend the service life of your tool.

Long and feather drills. We are looking for a compromise

An important tool in the set is a long wood drill. When choosing wood drills, the dimensions of which directly depend on their diameter, it is important to take into account the dimensions of the electric drill itself, since a tool with a diameter of 10 mm will reach a length of 45 cm and have a corresponding weight. A drill equipped with such a drill will hardly be able to make at least a few revolutions, and that is why, when working with such drills, builders recommend using low-speed mixer drills.

The presence of a screw drill for wood in the set is due to the fact that it is often necessary to drill holes in the material against the grain.

The diameter of drills of this type can vary from 10 to 50 mm, and the length from 400 to 1100 mm. At the end of such drills you can find a small screw, characterized by a fine thread, and the shape of the tool makes it easy to cope with the problem of chip removal.

In search of a compromise between the large diameter drill bit required for drilling large holes and the weight of the tool, you need to enrich your kit with a feather drill bit for wood. Such tools are sometimes called feather tools, since the hole is drilled thanks to a feather located at the end of a rod of a certain length. But such a compromise option is also characterized by its disadvantages, since the shape of the drill bit makes it difficult to remove chips, which is a very significant disadvantage when working with deep holes. Often, such tools are used when drilling thick boards or fiberboard and are produced with certain lengths, often not exceeding 20 cm.

However, thanks to the ability to install an extension, you can significantly increase the length of the core drill. The hexagonal shank, the presence of which is characteristic of feather drills, allows you to firmly hold the drill in the chuck. This is very useful when drilling holes for door locks.

Annular drills and Forstner drills. Tips for furniture makers

Ring drills for wood or so-called “crowns”, awarded this epithet due to their external and structural similarity to a crown, are indispensable in the drill set of an experienced builder. The ability to make holes of the largest diameter, which neither twist nor spade drills can handle, sets the core drill apart from other drill options. The crowns look like a ring equipped with teeth, and are sold in sets as attachments on one base equipped with a centering drill.

All furniture makers and people involved in the creation and repair of furniture will find Forstner drills useful, using which you can drill a blind hole with a flat bottom. The diameter of the tool, which is coated with a special protective alloy to extend its service life, varies from 10 to 50 mm. The recommended number of revolutions when working with this type of drill is from 2500 to 1000, depending on the hardness of the wood species being processed.

How to sharpen a wood drill? Basic recommendations

Do you know how to sharpen a wood drill bit? This question interests all sensible builders who want to extend the service life of their working tools. Sharpening the described tool is an undertaking that only an owner with extensive experience who has practiced this type of work more than once can handle. Therefore, before you start sharpening a new working tool, experts recommend getting your hands on sharpening old drills, which you won’t be so sorry for if they fail.

Sharpening a drill is not such a frequent event, since a sharpened tool has a long service life.

The most difficult moment in the sharpening process is considered to be compliance with the original geometric and configuration features of the drill, that is, the degree at which it was sharpened during the production process. However, drills for working with wood, unlike their counterparts for metal and concrete, are made from softer steel and can be sharpened by hand using a special file.

If you decide to use an electric sharpener, then you need to take care of organizing a stream of water, the flow of which will constantly flow onto the tip of the drill being sharpened, protecting it from overheating. The drill is sharpened with the edge of the disk, and after forming the desired “geometry” of the drill, you need to perform “finishing” by feeding the tool onto the disk at a very slow pace, which will ensure high quality sharpening and its sharpness.

If frequent sharpening is planned, then experts recommend organizing additional equipment in which the drill will be placed, thereby adjusting the sharpening angle and making it constant.

Author: Sergey and Svetlana Khudentsov


Long types of wood drills

Used for the deepest work. In this case, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the power tool and the drill itself.

  • The diameter of such a drill may not be large, about 10 mm, but the length reaches 45 cm, so the weight is 3 kg.
  • Although a household drill will allow you to secure such a tool, most likely it will not be able to make even one revolution.
  • This drill is suitable for a mixer-type electric drill intended to work at low speeds.

It is important to consider that at high speeds a drill of this length will quickly break. Therefore this cannot be allowed.

Also, do not use a drill that is too thin and long. Its thickness should not be less than 10 mm, otherwise fracture and increased costs for creating a hole are inevitable.

Flat drill: features and characteristics

The tool has another name, it is called a feather drill. In addition to the central tenon, the drill has scoring edges and a different configuration. If you look at the first drill and the screw drill, you will immediately see the differences.

The tool is used to make through and non-through holes that have a shallow depth. For carpentry work, a set of 6 pieces is suitable, the parameters of consumables are from 10 to 25 mm in diameter.

Feather for wood

The feather-shaped drill bit helps create a large hole, but the problem is that the chips are not evacuated compared to the spiral version of the wood product.

Used for working with wood or chipboard based on a thickness of 20 cm. If additionally required, a specialized extension is used.

Features of wood drilling work

There are a huge number of products offered on the market. The varieties do not stop at the list presented; for example, to obtain conical tenons, plug-type drills are used. Holes in wooden structures can be made with any available material, even a milling cutter or drill.

Drilling technology depends on the thickness and density of the material. Usually the work is carried out initially with a drill of a smaller diameter to prevent chipping on the back side of the product. The process is preferably carried out on both sides according to the prepared markings. When this opportunity is not provided, a wooden beam is placed at the point where the drill exits the workpiece. To obtain the necessary recesses, the marks necessary to visualize the process are applied to the cutting element.

Forstner drill bit for wood

Used to make furniture. It is necessary to create a blind hole based on a flat bottom. There are modifications with different diameters. It is worth noting that an analogue of this element is considered to be a ballerina, created in the form of a centering drilling element with lateral incisors.

The model is distinguished by a device for creating the required diameter for the future hole.

How to drill wood?

For quality work, it is enough to follow a few recommendations:

  • Accurate markings. In order for the holes to be in the right place, it is necessary to make preliminary markings.
  • If you need to make a through hole, first use a small drill, then drill the workpiece with a large drill. This method will avoid chipping.
  • For blind holes, tape is wound around the drill from the desired edge.

Woodworking requires high-quality tools and adherence to technology. With a good tool, drilling into wood is easy.

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Countersink drill for wood

This type of drill is used to hide the head of fasteners when creating a hole based on furniture confirmations.

  • The countersink allows you to create recesses based on the required size.
  • As a rule, the equipment is equipped with a replaceable centering drill with a diameter of 3.5 - 4 mm.
  • It is secured with a clamping screw. In addition, the use of a length limiter is allowed.

We looked at drills designed for working with wood. Although there are also screw, ring and other types that are less commonly used for this material.

Now we know the difference between a high-quality wood drill and how to choose the right one. We looked at existing types for working with this material.

Getting a Big Hole

Home craftsmen are often interested in how to make a hole in a tree of large diameter. There are several ways you can do this:

  • A circle of the required diameter is drawn. A small drill is used to drill inside the circle of holes. Then, using a chisel, the jumpers are cut out.
  • Take a water pipe. One side is sharpened for teeth in the direction of the cut. In the second, a hole is made for the knob. The pipe is placed against the surface and slow rotation begins.
  • At the first stage, a through hole of smaller diameter is drilled. At the second stage, a crown is taken and inserted to the maximum depth. At the final stage, the under-drilled wood is knocked out with a chisel. Chips will not occur because the crown has already set the direction.

Wood drills have a broad classification. This is an important item at home. However, each type of work requires the use of a specific tool. With the help of one, holes are made, the other - countersinks, the third - grooves. Knowing all these subtleties, it is necessary to have sets of such drills that will never lie around the household.

This is interesting: Homemade sandblasting gun: device, instructions, video

Photos of the best wood drill manufacturers

Criteria for correct selection

For initial orientation in a wide range of proposals, it is important to determine the upcoming scope of work. For home or country use, universal sets with blocks of elements for wood, metal and other materials are more suitable. If necessary, you can purchase additional drills for specific work. Next, select the type of working part, which is described in detail above.

Important things to consider:

  • design;
  • material of manufacture;
  • alloys;
  • diameters.

The shank requires the correct approach according to the available tool. You should be guided by:

  1. per cartridge;
  2. capture;
  3. drill removal method.

The cost of all equipment ranges from 9 rubles to 18,000 rubles.


  • professional approach;
  • specific work;
  • required duration of operation.

Errors in selection

An amateur or a professional who constantly deals with tools is bound to face the problem of a shortage of one or another equipment. It is impossible to purchase a set that will meet all needs once and for all. The additional purchase of piece drills can be called a pattern. A specialized process will require universal support. However, having several sets and piece equipment in your arsenal, you can cope with any task. When forming a private workshop, you should not strive to buy a set with the maximum number of units. Also, it is considered unprofitable to purchase expensive instrumental elements in the hope of “someday coming in handy.” It is important to gain experience in drilling, the ability to distinguish between the features of the process and the ability to make the right choice of consumables.

Wood ballerina: adjustable drill or how to make a large hole

Often when working with wood and wood-based materials, it becomes necessary to drill an even round hole. You can use a jigsaw or a router, but such a tool is not always at hand or it is simply inconvenient to do the work with them. A woodworking ballerina can make the task easier.

What is a wood ballerina

A circular adjustable ballerina drill is a device that is designed for drilling round holes of large diameter. The tool has a simple design.

It consists of a shank with a transverse rod on which movable carriages with cutters are attached. The rod has markings according to which you can set the required spread of the cutters relative to the center of the intended hole.

A core drill is fixed in the middle of the shank. It serves as a centering element and support when drilling.

In addition to designs with two cutting elements located symmetrically, there are ballerinas with one cutter or even three. In the latter case, they are located on the base in the form of a disk with grooves.

Tool functionality

A high-quality ballerina is made of high-strength steel, which makes it possible to use the device in working with soft and hard wood.

This tool has an adjustable drilling diameter. This allows you to make holes of almost any diameter. The limitation of the drilling range depends on the size of the ballerina. Manufacturers produce devices with the following cutter spread limits:

  • from 30 to 120 mm;
  • from 40 to 200 mm;
  • from 40 to 300 mm;
  • from 40 to 400 mm.

The maximum drilling diameter is limited by the rod on which the cutters are mounted. The minimum is the thickness of the shank.

A ballerina drill can be used in any places where using a jigsaw or a hand router would be inconvenient.

For example, this may be assembled and installed furniture, in the part of which it is necessary to drill a neat hole, given the limited space. Another example is an uneven (concave or curved) surface.

It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to do everything smoothly and neatly with a jigsaw or milling cutter. It will be difficult to control the inclination of the tool relative to the surface. A ballerina can easily cope with this task.

Features of working with the tool

The principle of working with a circular drill is simple. A hole is drilled using a centering drill, and then the cutters are put to work. They gradually make a narrow groove, gradually cutting through the material in a circle to the full depth.

The materials used in working with the ballerina are varied: wood, fiberboard, chipboard, MDF, plasterboard, plastic. One common point is that the thickness of the part should be no more than 15-20 millimeters. This parameter is limited by the length of the incisors. Usually the manufacturer indicates the maximum drilling depth on the packaging. If you try to drill into thicker material, you may experience problems with ragged edges.

The use of a tool with one cutter is characterized by runout. This is caused by a lack of balancing relative to the longitudinal axis of the drill. The beating will be especially noticeable when cutting large diameter holes. Cut holes using a drill at low or medium speed. When working on a drilling machine, such problems do not arise.

Also, a laminated or veneered surface can cause inconvenience when working. After passing through the decorative layer, drilling proceeds without problems.

A feature of the circular drill can be considered the ability to adjust the diameter. The distance between the cutters can be set using a scale on a rod or more accurately using a caliper. This is convenient if you need to make a hole without gaps for a pipe or round part.

The spacing of the cutters relative to the center is adjusted individually. It is necessary to align the cutting parts as accurately as possible. This will eliminate unnecessary effort during operation and extend the life of the tool.

How to choose and what to pay attention to

Choosing a high-quality circular drill is quite easy. The main thing is to know the main points that you should pay attention to first, but also not to lose sight of the little things.

The design is a very important point: a wood ballerina comes with one chisel or two or more. For frequent use, it is better to purchase an option with two or three cutting elements. It is easier to work with such devices and the quality of the processing performed will be at an acceptable level.

It would not be superfluous to be able to replace individual parts. Inexpensive circle drills can have a solid shank with a permanent center drill and rod.

Metal, its quality determines its strength and ability to withstand workloads. High-quality tools are made from high-strength steel or alloys. The shank and cutter holders are shaped using a machine tool. The rod is usually stamped and made of the same metal.

Cheap options often use soft metal or alloys, which can be brittle. Under load, parts may become deformed or break. Such a tool will not last long and it will also be difficult to achieve accuracy from it.

The quality of workmanship, the main feature is the absence of backlashes and distortions. All parts must fit together and be securely fastened with fixing screws.

The markings of a high-quality ballerina's barbell are stamped. Sometimes the divisions are highlighted with bright paint for better visibility.

Cutters and high-quality cutting elements are made from hardened tool steel. They are secured to the holders with rivets or soldering. Solid cutters with holders (made of the same metal) quickly become dull and are not durable.

Manufacturer, when choosing any tool and consumables, preference should be given to well-known and long-proven brands and brands. The most common are Topfix, Stayer, Irwin, Strum.

Purchasing an adjustable circular drill for use at home, or if you need to drill several holes, is completely worth it. This eliminates the need to purchase an expensive tool that may only be needed a few times.

Source: https://prosto-instrumenty.ru/balerinka-po-derevu-reguliruemoe-sverlo-ili-kak-sdelat-bolshoe-otverstie/

Scope of application and operating features of wood crowns 50, 60, 68 mm

One of the quite frequently used ones is a crown with a diameter of 50 mm. It can be sold either separately or as a set. The nozzle is made of carbon steel, but you can also find products made of hardened metal. Number of cutting teeth – 30-34 pcs. Any type of this natural material, including wood boards with a laminated coating, can be treated with a 50 mm wood crown.

For hard trees (oak, hornbeam, beech, etc.), it is better to use circular saws made from carbon steel or bimetal. Such attachments will cope well with dense structures, performing a neat and correct cut, and will also last much longer.

The technical and operational characteristics of 60 mm wood crowns largely coincide with the properties of models with a diameter of 50 mm described above. This option is in demand and is used for various household needs, as well as in the manufacture of furniture. You can purchase bits with a diameter of 50 and 60 mm in any store that sells power tools, as well as directly from the manufacturer. The second option will not require overpayment for commercial services. The simplest metal models will cost 100-130 rubles.

A crown with a diameter of 68 mm is a “classic of the genre.” This is the most common and frequently used model, since it is used to make sockets for socket boxes in wooden walls and wall sandwich panels, which include wood boards. The attachments are made of alloy or carbon steel, which ensures an ideal cut of wood of any quality.

Wood bit: device and principle of operation

A wood hole saw, also called a hole saw, core drill or end mill, is shaped like a cylinder with one end ending in a shank and the other with a serrated cutting edge. This device serves as an attachment for the torque elements of drills, hammer drills, and screwdrivers intended for manual work. It is possible to use circular cutters for machine tools.

The crown is installed in a special glass and secured with a nut. Each hole saw comes with a drill bit that extends beyond the line of the cutting teeth, allowing you to accurately determine the center of the hole and ensure a perfectly straight cut.

The cutting head is made in the form of a solid cylindrical edge with sharp teeth.

The crown can be either a monolithic structure - a cylinder with a serrated edge, or a collapsible one - cutting rings of different sizes are inserted into a round seat.

If it is necessary to make a perfectly correct and clean hole, bimetallic wood crowns are used. They are made of high-strength steel and cobalt. This connection makes the tool durable in use.

On a note! When choosing a wood crown, you should carefully study its technical characteristics and compare it with the equipment available for the hammer drill (drill, screwdriver). A discrepancy can lead to both damage to the bit and damage to the power tool.

Wood crown 100 mm, 110 mm, 120 mm: types, prices, material of manufacture

Crowns with a diameter of 100, 110, 120 mm are more often used for the manufacture of decorative products. During repairs, they can be used to install distribution boxes for various communications. This diameter requires the corresponding power of the power tool to which the nozzle will be attached, and it should not be less than 800 W.

When using nozzles with a diameter of 120 mm, you need to select a tool that is appropriate in terms of power.

Wood crowns 110-120 mm belong to the medium-sized type, so all manufacturers have them, which allows you to choose the appropriate option both in terms of technical and price indicators.

Products can be sold as separate attachments or as removable rings as part of sets. High-strength steel is used as the manufacturing material. Some manufacturers (Bosh, Matrix, Biber) make bimetallic hole saws of this diameter, which are highly durable and have a good service life.

Before using bits of this size, there is no need to pre-cut the hole, and after drilling there is no need to treat the internal surface.

The price range for these attachments is significant. For example, a 120 mm Matrix wood crown costs 300 rubles, an analogue costs 80 rubles.

Crowns can be sold as individual attachments or as removable rings as part of sets.

Bosch wood crowns: types of attachments, applications, prices

Bosch tools have long been established in the domestic market and almost always occupy a leading position. Bosch is a brand that does not enjoy past merits, but confirms its status with constant improvement of technology. Products from this manufacturer have the following characteristics:

  • good quality material. Small-diameter bits are mainly made of high-speed steel, wood bits 110 mm or more are bimetallic (high-speed steel alloyed with cobalt), resistant to mechanical loads and ensuring an even cut when making holes;

Bosch bits are durable, do not overheat, and do not deform during the sawing process.

  • variety of species. The Bosch company offers saw bits with sizes from 14 to 152 mm, sets with a set of 5-13 attachments, saw blades for 5-8 elements. The latter are a convenient option for making rough holes in hard and soft materials;
  • optimal configuration. All drill bits from this manufacturer come with Power Change adapters: for drills it’s a hexagon, for hammer drills it’s an SDS Plus mount.

Bosch hole saws can be used to make holes in sheet metal, wood, laminated wood boards, plasterboard, plastic, laminate, and multi-layer materials. The price of crowns ranges from 400 rubles for a 14 mm nozzle, 1000 rubles for a 120 mm wood crown to 3500 rubles for a 300 mm bimetallic hole saw.

Note! Having chosen a Bosch hole saw, you should simultaneously purchase cutting oil and a spare centering drill (if you plan to use the hole saw intensively and for a long time) from this manufacturer. These necessary consumables will ensure high-quality operation of the tool for a long time.

Technological parameters and sizes of wood crowns

The operational capabilities of a crown directly depend on its technological parameters. They are the ones that are evaluated when choosing one type of attachment or another. The main indicators include:

  • height. It is equal to the distance from the surface to the lowest point of the sample that the cutter performs in one pass. Usually it is standard and equal to 40 mm;

The bit consists of a cutting head, a shank and a pilot drill with a pointed end.

  • diameter. Wood crowns vary depending on the outer diameter of the cutting part. Products from the sets have an indicator of 30-150 mm. The diameter of separately sold nozzles can reach 300 mm;
  • number and profile of teeth. The larger the diameter of the crown, the greater the number of teeth the cutting edge is equipped with. They can have the shape of a regular triangle or have a top inclined by 30-40° (the inclination is the same for all teeth);
  • additional tool functions. Some devices can perform reverse rotation, that is, change the direction of movement of the crown. This option is most often used by professionals in their work;
  • engine power and the ability to adjust the speed. These indicators should be comparable to the type of nozzle. For example, when using a 68 mm wood bit, the permissible speed is 950 rpm. For a 110 mm crown – 500 rpm. The larger the crown, the fewer revolutions are needed to perform the job well.

Note! If it is impossible to reduce the speed of a working power tool, you should use a special stand, which can be purchased at the appropriate stores.

Wood crowns 210 mm: selection of power tools, prices

A crown with a diameter of 210 mm is a reliable attachment. More often it is purchased by professionals to perform construction and repair work. Moreover, it can make holes not only in wood, but also in plaster, sheet steel, and plastic. The product is bimetallic, durable.

Not every power tool is compatible with such an attachment. This could be a hammer drill or a powerful drill. No screwdriver will ensure full operation of such a hole saw. The power of the device should not be lower than 1300 W. The function of changing the speed is required. A nozzle of this size is often used for stationary devices, since manually working with a hammer drill with such a cutter is quite problematic.

The price of crowns with a diameter of 210 mm varies significantly among different manufacturers.

For uninterrupted and high-quality operation of crowns on wood of large diameter (210-250 mm), the speed should be set correctly:

  • the optimal indicator for drilling soft wood is 350-400 rpm;
  • when making holes in hard wood – 500-600 rpm.

These attachments are often sold as a separate option rather than as a set. The price of crowns with a diameter of 210 mm varies significantly among different manufacturers. For example, a similar hole saw from the American company DeWalt will cost 630 rubles. A nozzle with absolutely identical technical and operational characteristics “Bison” costs 1030 rubles.

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