Sandblasting gun for compressor - purpose and use of the tool

To clean a metal surface from varnish or paint, you can use special attachments for angle grinders. Appropriate hand tools are also used for such purposes. In addition to angle grinders and hand tools, metal surfaces can be cleaned with a sandblasting gun for a compressor. Let us find out in detail why it is worth using this tool and how effectively it copes with the assigned tasks.

What is a sandblasting gun and its purpose?

A sandblasting gun is a nozzle for a compressor, which is designed to clean car body surfaces from stubborn dirt and paintwork. The sandblasting attachment is popular in auto repair shops for painting cars, but nothing prevents a home craftsman from buying a gun for a compressor and using it to clean any metal surface, which is often done before painting, patination and anodizing.

Externally, the nozzle almost completely resembles a gun for blowing or painting a compressor, but there is still a difference. The main structural elements of the device are:

  1. Metal body in the form of a pistol
  2. Channel - hose for supplying abrasive substance to the gun
  3. Nozzle - a hole through which sand flies out under pressure and hits the surface being treated.
  4. Handle with trigger - designed to hold the tool body, as well as to start the sandblast feed
  5. Adjustment screws for adjusting air pressure and abrasive feed rate

The most important element of the device is the nozzle, which must be made of high-strength materials such as tungsten or ceramics. If you choose sandblasting guns for a compressor with a nozzle made of plastic or thin metal, then such a tool will not last long. The nozzle will very quickly fail under the influence of abrasive substances.

The operating principle of a compressor sandblasting gun is that fine sand flies out of the nozzle under the pressure created by compressed air. This removes paintwork and other contaminants from metal surfaces.

This is interesting!
Sandblasting is intended not only for processing metal surfaces, but also for removing contaminants from plastic, wood and other materials.

Homemade pistols

Effective use of a sandblaster depends on a quality gun. The main element is the nozzle, which is difficult to make at home. There are a lot of tools available on the market. To save money, it is possible to make a gun from a plastic bottle, fittings of different sizes, and other available materials.

Homemade sandblasting gun

Before starting assembly work, it is necessary to prepare a container for the abrasive composition. The best option is to use a cylinder that previously contained freon. For safety, before making the container of the sandblasting unit, it is necessary to release the remaining gas, which can be done with a compressor. Two holes are cut in the container, the first is for supplying abrasive to the system, the second is for loading it into the cylinder. When mobility is required during work, wheels are connected to the legs.

Any modification of a sandblasting machine consists of an attachment - a gun. Mixing of the material occurs through this element, on one side of which compressed air is supplied, and on the other, sand.

The working principle of sandblasting

The nozzle for the sandblasting gun is used according to the required performance. The output power of the jet depends on the diameter of the nozzle; the larger the nozzle, the higher the performance. The length of the nozzle plays a role in the degree of cleaning. A short tool in a gun is used for minor work, longer ones for large volumes of work and the thickness of the metal layer.

How does a sandblasting gun work?

If you decide to use a sandblasting gun for the first time, it will not hurt to first understand the question of its operating principle. Knowing the principle of operation of the nozzle, it will not be difficult to learn how to use it. First, let's find out how a sandblasting gun from a compressor works:

  1. The gun is connected via a hose to the compressor through the receiving fitting
  2. The air enters a special chamber where its pressure can be adjusted
  3. The air is directed through the channel to the nozzle
  4. Due to the passage of air through the channel, sand and abrasive are sucked from a special container (due to the pressure difference)
  5. The amount of sand sucked in by air can also be adjusted with a special screw, which depends on the tool manufacturer
  6. Not only compressed air is supplied through the nozzle, but also sand with abrasive particles, which have a cleansing effect on the surface

The operating principle of the tool is somewhat similar to the functioning of a spray gun. Often these two tools are used simultaneously when performing paintwork. Initially, the surface is cleaned and then painted. Moreover, this applies not only to car bodies, but also to various structures on the farm, for example, gates, fences, poles and others.

What to pay attention to

Before you start purchasing, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with some factors that will make it easier to determine the performance of the device:

  • The kit must contain hoses that connect to the container and the gun. It is important that they have thick walls, as this will allow them to withstand high loads and not break.
  • It is important to pay attention to the size of the nozzle, since the feed rate of the working material depends on it.
  • If the design contains plastic parts, you can forget about durability. Most experiments confirm that these are the models that break first.
  • The handle must be made with high quality to make it more convenient to work.

Types of sandblasting guns for compressor

Today you can buy a nozzle for a sandblasting compressor quite inexpensively, which is due to the low quality of such a tool. However, for periodic use of such attachments in the household, they are quite sufficient. Professionals prefer to work with expensive sandblasting guns, which not only have high performance, but are also reliable.

Sandblasting equipment is divided into two types according to the principle of operation:

  • Pressure type - abrasive material is supplied from the reservoir through a hose to the nozzle of the gun, and flies out through the nozzle onto the surface to be treated. The principle of operation of the pressure system is based on the fact that compressed air is supplied into a sealed container with sand, which pushes the fine mixture through a special channel into the chamber. The finely dispersed consistency supplied under constant pressure is picked up by a stream of compressed air and transported to the nozzle, from where it flies to the surface. These types of equipment are classified as professional, and they are often used for processing ships, bridges, etc.
  • Ejector type (not to be confused with injection ones) - the operating principle is based on creating a pressure difference, from which the effect of suction of a finely dispersed consistency occurs. Sand and air are mixed in a special gun chamber and released through a nozzle

The operating principle of both devices is shown schematically in the photo above. The most popular are ejector-type devices, which are used not only by specialists in car services, but also by home craftsmen.

It is important to note that sandblasting guns differ in the type of location of the container with the abrasive substance.

  1. With a tank - the container is a component of the gun, which makes the tool similar to a spray gun. Nozzles with a tank have one significant drawback - the need to frequently interrupt to fill the container with sand. That is why such devices are used exclusively for processing small-sized surfaces. These attachments are also used for engraving on glass and other structures.

  2. With a hose - used when processing large surfaces. The material is supplied from a separate container, which can have different sizes, which is a great advantage, allowing work to continue until the sand is completely used up. Sand is supplied from the container to the gun using a special connecting hose. The nozzle without a tank for connecting the hose is similar to a conventional blow gun

Before choosing a sandblasting gun, you need to decide what size surfaces you plan to process. Often, tools with built-in capacity are enough for home use.

Equipment Manufacturers

The most famous manufacturers of dustless sandblasters are Clemco, Westers, and Blastse. Products of these brands are usually purchased by professionals because they are easy to use, high quality of processing and long service life. Inexpensive models of pistols are presented on the Russian market. All products are reliable and durable. Sandblasters of the AE&T brand (China) are sold at a low price - they are easy to operate, weigh little and have excellent performance characteristics.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a sandblasting gun?

Each tool has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. The situation is similar with sandblasting nozzles for a compressor. Their advantages include:

  1. Fast and effective processing of various types of surfaces - metal, plastic, wood, glass
  2. Ability to access hard-to-reach places, which is often impossible to do manually or with power tools
  3. The ability to independently manufacture nozzles. Many home craftsmen make sandblasting guns with their own hands from improvised materials.
  4. Large selection of nozzles, differing in external design, as well as the name of the manufacturer
  5. High productivity, which has a positive effect on saving time

With the advent of sandblasting guns for compressors, they have gained great popularity. However, if you are not familiar with this device, then do not rush to buy it until you know all the negative aspects:

  1. The service life directly depends on the quality of the tool, and the higher this indicator, the correspondingly more expensive the nozzle will be. Cheap models have a short service life
  2. Noisy operation
  3. The need not only to use high-quality nozzles, but also to periodically replace them when worn out
  4. Loss of abrasive material during operation

Another drawback that can be identified is the need for additional surface cleaning and sand removal. However, such manipulations must be performed after any type of processing.

Engraving glass using a sandblasting device

The glass engraving process is labor-intensive, but possible at home. Before engraving with a sandblasting device, the glass is sealed with self-adhesive film.

Engraving with a sandblasting gun

The following steps apply:

  • Outlining the design and cutting out with a blade.
  • Sandblasting treatment.
  • Removing the remaining film from the surface of the product.

The image should have clear contours and stand out against the background of the product. The processing depth can be adjusted during the process. The sandblaster is suitable for cutting holes at the base of the glass for possible fastening.

Sandblasted engraving

Sandblasting gun with recovery or how to do dust-free processing

Tool manufacturers are constantly improving their creations, which is exactly what happened with compressor attachments - sandblasting guns. The modernization of these devices is that they are additionally equipped with special dust collectors. Such nozzles are called sandblasting guns with abrasive recirculation. These devices with an abrasive recycling system allow sandblasting to be carried out without waste and with minimal sand loss.

Unlike conventional sandblasting nozzles, guns with abrasive recirculation are equipped with a nozzle made of rubber material. Such nozzles not only ensure a long service life, but also allow dust-free processing. The operating principle of a dust-free sandblasting gun with recirculation is as follows:

  1. The sand released from the nozzle with air hits the surface to be treated, cleaning it
  2. After this, the sand is not sprayed, but returns to the nozzle, but accumulates in a special bag
  3. Once the bag is filled with sand, it can be reused

Loss of abrasive material does not exceed 5%, which is very convenient and economical. Closed cycle sandblasting nozzles are also produced based on the recuperation gun. A certain portion of sand is transported in a circle, performing useful work in the form of cleaning the surface. To use the nozzle for a sandblasting compressor with recovery, you should perform the following manipulations:

  1. Place a nozzle of the appropriate shape on the gun - square, triangular, round, etc. It all depends on the shape of the area being treated
  2. Bring the gun directly to the area to be sandblasted and apply it closely
  3. Press the trigger and perform the appropriate manipulations to clean the surface
  4. The length of time the trigger is held in one place depends on the complexity of the area being treated.

Manufacturers are silent about the fact that pistols with recuperation also have their drawbacks. The main disadvantage is that not only sand accumulates in the bag, but also particles of rust, paint, etc. That is why the sand that accumulates in the bag must be sieved regularly to prevent clogging of the nozzle and channels when reusing abrasives. The video below shows the process of how to work with a sandblasting gun with recovery.

Sand supply method

The abrasive can be collected directly from the attached tank or from another tank using a hose. What is the best sandblasting gun, hose-fed or barrel-fed? It all depends on the amount of work being done. For example, if you need to clean 1 - 2 m2 of sheet metal, then a regular tank will be enough. But it needs to be constantly replenished, which means downtime. The advantage is its mobility, that is, you will have to drag fewer hoses. We can say that a pistol with a barrel is intended for small-scale work in the garage.

For larger jobs, it is better to choose a hose sand supply. In this case, the hose is lowered into a sand reservoir, such as a large barrel, and the sand is fed until it runs out. This method of supplying abrasive is convenient when you need to clean a large area, for example, a car body. However, due to the hose, some of the mobility that a device with a tank has is lost. In general, this is not critical if the sandblasting machine is in our garage and we perform all the work in one place. Also, hose sandblasters have a higher air consumption and require higher pressure. If for devices with a tank approximately 3 - 4 bar is enough, then for hose devices you need 5 - 8 bar.

How to use a sandblasting gun - basic recommendations

If you understand the principle of sandblasting, then it will not be difficult to master the tactics of sandblasting the surface in order to remove corrosion, paint, varnish and other contaminants. Before starting work, you should prepare the workplace and put on protective clothing. Let’s consider in detail what the process of preparing for sandblasting is:

  1. Selecting a work location. It is best to carry out work indoors, since sand scatters over large areas, which complicates its assembly and is also harmful to the environment, depending on the type of abrasive used. Work can be carried out outdoors if it is necessary to remove rust or paint from a gate or fence, as well as other large surfaces
  2. Lay oilcloth or linoleum on the floor. This is necessary so that after finishing the work it is easy to collect the sand and use it again
  3. Provide good lighting in the room. This is very important, since working in a poorly lit room will result in untreated areas. During work, visibility is reduced due to dust clouds
  4. Remove all unnecessary items that do not need processing. If the flow from the gun gets onto the surface, it will damage it.

It is important to choose the necessary protective equipment when carrying out work:

  1. Special safety glasses. The following requirements apply to glasses: they must fit snugly to the body and be made of glass. Plastic glass will reduce visibility if sand gets on it.
  2. Respirator - and you need to use not a simple mask, but a full-fledged respirator, especially if the work is carried out indoors
  3. Thick clothing and hat

After this, you can begin sandblasting work. There are no difficulties with their implementation, since the essence is to remove the surface coating from the workpiece. Depending on the type of material being processed, you need to adjust the pressure and sand supply, and then begin processing. The gun must be held at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface being treated, since it is at this angle that the effect of particle separation from the surface is maximum.

This is interesting!
The duration of holding the tool in one area depends on the thickness of the layer being removed from the surface, and is established experimentally. After finishing the work, the surface must be degreased, and you can begin painting work.

Choosing sand for a sandblasting gun

An important question when treating surfaces with sandblasting guns is which sand to choose. Many inexperienced craftsmen use ordinary street sand for such purposes, which ultimately leads to rapid failure of the equipment. In addition to the fact that street sand contributes to the disabling of the nozzle, it can also damage the surfaces being treated. When choosing consumables for sandblasting guns, it is important to consider the following factors:

  1. Fraction size - depends on criteria such as nozzle diameter, compressor pressure and the desired result
  2. Material hardness - a 10-point scale is used for evaluation. It is not always necessary to choose sand of high hardness, as it depends on the type of material of the surface being treated
  3. Abrasive ability - this parameter characterizes the time during which the consumable material will cope with the task. The higher the abrasive ability, the greater the amount of work that can be completed in a short period of time.
  4. Recovery ability - this parameter is important to consider when using a special tool with a sand collector

Four types of sand are used for sandblasting:

When choosing sand, you also need to consider what type of sandblasting equipment is used. These can be closed or open type devices.

This is interesting!
Only dry sand should be used for sandblasting.

Sandblasting technique

Sandblasting equipment produces a mixture of air and sand under high pressure. The connection allows you to easily process various surfaces of metal, stone or glass materials. It is also possible to perform decorative design of parts.

Sandblasting works

Most models have jet adjustment, which makes it possible to process both large-volume materials and small surfaces. The composition of the produced mixture often contains quartz sand, small particles of glass, and iron shot. The particle size released should not exceed 0.5 mm to avoid equipment damage.

Which compressor to use for a sandblasting gun

Before using a sandblasting gun, you need to pay attention to the choice of compressor. It should be noted right away that a low-performance compressor is not suitable for sandblasting work. The minimum output pressure must be at least 5 atmospheres. The productivity should be at least 300-400 liters per minute, and ideally 500 liters per minute. When choosing the main device, it is important to consider the following parameters:

  1. Pressure
  2. Compressed air consumption level
  3. Consumption of abrasives
  4. Speed ​​of work
  5. Compressor type

We decide on these parameters, on the basis of which the compressor is selected. Below is a table from which you can roughly calculate the consumption of abrasive substances depending on the diameter of the hose for sand and air, as well as the size of the nozzle and the pressure of the compressor. The values ​​given in the table are approximate and allow you to navigate depending on the volume of planned work.

An important parameter of a compressor for a sandblasting nozzle is pressure. This parameter affects not only the speed of work, but also its quality. If the nozzle diameter of the nozzle is 6.5 mm, then a compressor with a minimum pressure of 4.2 atmospheres is suitable. For nozzles over 8 mm, equipment with pressure ratings of 6.6 atmospheres or more is required.

This is interesting!
It is necessary to take into account the fact that up to 15% -20% of pressure is lost in the connecting air hose.
Another important factor is the type of compressor. They come in piston and screw types. Piston compressors are more popular, but their disadvantage is that the compressed air contains particles of an oil mixture. This causes the sand to become wet, thereby reducing productivity and also reducing service life. To eliminate air humidification, you need to use special dehumidifiers.

If it is necessary to perform a large volume of work while maintaining high quality, then it is recommended to use screw compressors. They are not only reliable, but also efficient. When choosing a sandblasting gun, it is important to consider the suitability of the tool for the type and volume of work planned.

Comparison table of characteristics

For a visual representation, let’s combine the data on sandblasting into a table.

NameRecommended pressure, atmospheres consumption , l/minCompoundAbrasive supplyWeight, kg
Concorde SGB1000Q3,5142rapidbuilt-in tank0,65
Wester SSP-202-9250-350rapida tube1,2
Kraftool EXPERT QUALITAT 065835340threadedbuilt-in tank1
matrix 573285-8600rapida tube1,135
Metabo SSP 10005-8300rapidbuilt-in tank0,55
FORSAGE F-HSB-II6-8150-250built-in tank0,8
Sturm AU-1720-032,97-3,96164mountbuilt-in tank0,5
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