7 secrets of using roulette. Roulette - calculator, compass, marker.

A construction tape measure for an electrician is as essential a tool as a voltage indicator.
Even those professionals who have axle builders and laser rangefinders in their tool kits always have an ordinary tape measure in their pouch. You can’t do without it either when marking electrical wiring routes or when installing socket boxes. However, not everyone is familiar with all the secrets and additional features when using a construction tape measure.

It turns out to have a lot of hidden abilities that will help you replace several tools at once and significantly save time on repairs.

By the way, one of the important tips for those who use cheap Chinese tape measures is the following - if you have just such a copy, then try to take all measurements with one tape measure.

The same size may not match when measured with different tape measures.

One friend measured the distance of walls in a house with a Chinese tool, and in a store he used their tape measure when buying materials. As a result, at home I was very surprised by the result of the purchase.

Movable hook on roulette

A movable hook is found on almost every roulette today. And this thing is not at all for conveniently scratching your back.

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