DRL lamp 125,250,400,700 decoding and technical characteristics

DRL lamps, which are still actively used today, belong to gas-discharge lighting devices. Their distinctive feature is rich luminous flux and durability. Due to the mercury content, these products are used to organize artificial lighting of streets and industrial areas. But certain technical and operational nuances do not allow them to be used in domestic conditions. In the article we will look at what a DRL gas-discharge lamp is, how it works, the principle of its operation and where it is used.

DRL lamps.

The DRL lamp is an electric gas-discharge lighting device for artificial lighting. The abbreviation stands for Mercury Arc Lamps. The term “mercury lamp” or “RL” is generally recognized. It is used in technical documentation.

  • D – arc.
  • R – mercury.
  • L – phosphor (light source).

The physical principle of operation is an electrical discharge in mercury vapor.

The marking also includes a number indicating power. For example, DRL-250 - 250 Watt, Mercury Arc Lamp.

In the USSR and Russia, there are regulatory documents for the manufacture of mercury illuminators GOST 27682-88 and 53074-2008.


The main technical characteristic of sources of this type is power. It is indicated in the device labeling next to the abbreviation DRL. The remaining parameters should be considered separately. They are indicated on the box or in the equipment passport.

Technical characteristics are always indicated on the device packaging

These include:

  • DRL luminous flux. Determines the efficiency of the device when lighting a specific area.
  • Resource. Equipment service life if basic recommendations are followed.
  • Base. Designation of the method of integrating the model into lighting equipment.
  • Dimensions. A less important characteristic that determines the use of the model in specific lamps.

DRL 250

Technical characteristics of DRL 250 lamps

Power, WLuminous flux, LmResource, hDimensions (length × diameter), mmBase
25013 00012 000228 × 91E40

DRL 400

Technical characteristics of DRL 400 lamps

Power, WLuminous flux, LmResource, hDimensions (length × diameter), mmBase
4002400015000292 × 122E40

Types of DRL lamps

This type of illuminant is classified by the vapor pressure inside the burner:

  • Low pressure - RLND, no more than 100 Pa.
  • High pressure - RLVD, about 100 kPa.
  • Ultra-high pressure - RLSVP, about 1 MPa.

DRL has several varieties:

  • DRI – Arc Mercury with radiating additives. The only difference is in the materials used and gas filling.
  • DRIZ – DRI with the addition of a mirror layer.
  • DRSh – Arc Mercury Ball.
  • DRT – Arc Mercury Tubular.
  • PRK – Direct Mercury-Quartz.

Western markings are different from Russian ones. This type is marked as QE (if you follow ILCOS - generally accepted international marking), by the following part you can recognize the manufacturer:

HSB\HSL – Sylvania,

HPL – Philips,

HRL – Radium,


HQL - Osram.


The design includes the following elements:

  • glass container;
  • threaded base;
  • mercury-quartz burner filled with argon. Additionally, a drop of mercury is added;
  • main cathodes;
  • additional electrodes;
  • additional carbon resistor.

Helpful information! The purpose of the additional electrodes is to facilitate lighting of the lamp. They are also responsible for stable operation.

The elements are discussed in more detail below:

  • base It receives electricity from the network as a result of contact of the current-carrying parts of the lamp with the contacts of the lamp socket. As a result, electricity is transferred to the burner electrodes;
  • quartz burner. It looks like a flask with two electrodes on each side (two are main, two are additional). The burner is filled with argon and a drop of mercury;
  • glass flask. This is the outer part of the light bulb. Inside there is a burner with connected electrical conductors coming from the contact base. To pump nitrogen into the flask, all the air is first pumped out of it.

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The first models of DRL lamps had only two electrodes. Such lamps were more difficult to light - an additional starting device was required. The modern, throttle version is equipped with four electrodes.


Operating principle and connection diagrams of DRL

The connection diagram for a two-electrode DRL is not discussed in the article, since this type of lamp is obsolete and is no longer produced.

The schematic diagram shows:


C – capacitor (not a mandatory element).

LL – choke (inductor).

FU – fuse.

When voltage is applied, gas ionization occurs between pairs of main and ignition electrodes. Since they are located in close proximity, ionization of the gas occurs easily between them. After ionization of the gas, a breakdown occurs between the main electrodes - an arc discharge is formed. The light from the discharge itself has a blue or violet tint.

The phosphor itself gives a reddish tint, thus mixing primary colors and producing cool white light. The visible shade may vary slightly depending on the applied voltage.

The discharge in the burner gains brightness within seven to eight minutes. This is due to the fact that initially mercury is in the form of a ball in a liquid state. As the temperature rises, the mercury gradually evaporates and the discharge improves. As soon as the liquid metal completely transforms into a vapor state, the brightness will reach its maximum. At the same time, the pressure also increases. Maximum brightness is achieved in ten to fifteen minutes. The ambient temperature affects the time it takes for the light source to return to normal mode.

The choke is necessary, it is the simplest ballast - ballast. It also limits the current passing through the electrodes. If a DRL lamp is connected directly to the network, then its failure is inevitable. Usually this happens instantly. The polarity of the inductor connection does not play any role. Its main purpose is to stabilize the operation of the illuminator.

The selection of a choke for a specific DRL lamp is discussed in the table

DRL 125 W DRL 250 W DRL 400 W DRL 700 W
Rated choke current (ballast) In=1.15 A In = 2.15 A In = 3.25 A In = 5.45 A

Selection of a specific inductor by current

You can study the design and operating principle of the throttle in detail here

The capacitor used is selected based on the power of the lamp. Recommendations are presented in the table.

DRL lamp type Capacitor capacity
DRL-125 1.15 A 12uF
DRL-250 2.15 A 18uF
DRL-400 3.25 A 25uF
DRL-700 5.25 A 40uF

With the current development of electronics, the choke is an archaic element. Electronic arc stabilization units can now be found on sale. These devices can withstand the precise power conditions required to start and maintain combustion, regardless of changes in voltage in the lighting network.

If you cannot purchase electronic ballast, you can make it yourself. Here Ф is phase, 0 is zero.

A few words about the throttle

The characteristics of the DRL 250 choke are such that it is used to limit the current supplying the lamp itself. You should understand that if you turn it on without a choke, it will burn out instantly because too much electric current will pass through it. Experts say that a capacitor should also be introduced into the lamp connection circuit, but not of the electrolytic type. Its presence will make it possible to influence reactive power, and this in turn will lead to almost double energy savings.

Scope of application

DRLs are designed for lighting large areas. They are usually used in street lighting, gas stations, and roads. They are often used in warehouses. Those. where high quality color rendering is not needed.

They are not used for permanent use in residential premises. This is explained by the low color rendering coefficient and the long time to reach normal mode. At home, at a minimum, it is inconvenient to wait about ten minutes after clicking the switch.

Very often they are found in lighting installations for exhibition complexes. Here their advantages are fully revealed - the maximum power can be 1 kW, while the luminous flux reaches 52,000 lumens. Their glow is usually the same color - 5500 Kelvin.


The lighting devices in question are classified as hazard class 1. Therefore, the number of places where these are prohibited for use is now growing. It is possible that in a few years mercury lamps will be phased out everywhere, as government policies are aimed at reducing the amount of equipment containing mercury. In compliance with government orders, utilities are reducing their use of DRLs.

Unfortunately, not everyone thinks about the issues of decommissioning such light sources. By doing this, they harm not only themselves, but also those around them.

Soon their sale will be completely stopped. Devices containing mercury will be left only in medical equipment until a safe analogue is found.

Currently, recycling of mercury lamps is a licensed service. On September 3, 2010, a corresponding decree of the Russian government was adopted. The document describes the requirements for the disposal process and contains information on the procedure for dealing with mercury contamination. The process of demercurization - removal of mercury is described.

Now all legal entities of the Russian Federation are required to create a waste passport for fluorescent lamps and keep strict records of mercury-containing waste. The presence of mercury is already a potential danger.

Recycling and recycling refers to the recovery of used metals from devices containing them. Including mercury. A damaged flask will allow liquid metal to escape into the environment.

In Russia, the Federal Law No. 187 is in force (Article 139). According to it, a fine will be collected for improper disposal or placement of a hazardous waste container in an inappropriate place. Unauthorized removal from the storage area is also punishable.

Device types

DRL lamps come in several types. Their form factor is almost always a classic base-bulb lamp, but sometimes gas-discharge lamps are made tubular (DRT). Sometimes tungsten filament is used instead of mercury in lamps. By emitting light, it also limits the maximum voltage supplied, which is why these devices are classified as inductorless.

By modifying the flask in which the working mechanism of the device is enclosed, it is possible to obtain bactericidal ultraviolet lamps or light that illuminates plants for better photosynthesis. If, instead of mercury, sodium is pumped into the tube, then such a lamp will produce light of an orange or golden hue.

The main parameter by which classification occurs is power. On sale you can find products of the following names:

  • DRL 125;
  • DRL 250;
  • DRL 400;
  • DRL 700;
  • DRL 1000.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any light source, DRLs have their positive sides. But, unfortunately, there are more negative sides.


  • Great light output.
  • Great power (the main plus).
  • Small body dimensions.
  • Low price (compared to LED products).
  • Low power consumption.
  • Service life – up to 12 thousand hours. This parameter is determined by the quality of workmanship. Not all manufacturing companies carefully control the process. This is especially true for new Chinese firms.


  • Presence of mercury.
  • Long time to reach the regime.
  • Do not start a heated lamp until it cools down. It's about fifteen minutes.
  • Sensitivity to voltage surges (a voltage deviation of 15 percent causes a change in brightness of up to 30 percent).
  • Sensitivity to ambient temperature. The colder it is, the longer it takes to return to normal operation.
  • Light pulsation and low color rendering (Ra no more than 50, comfortable from 80).
  • Very high heat.
  • The need for special heat-resistant wires and cartridges.
  • The need for control gear.
  • The DRL illuminator makes a buzzing sound.
  • Ozone is formed during operation. According to sanitary standards, ventilation must be present.
  • All arc lamps are incompatible with dimers - devices for continuously adjusting illumination.
  • During operation, the phosphor layer degrades, the luminous flux weakens, and the emission spectrum deviates from the reference one. By the end of their service life, up to fifty percent of the luminous flux is lost.
  • Flickering may occur during operation.
  • Operation on direct current is not possible.

If you still plan to use DRL for lighting, then it is advisable to refrain from purchasing cheap lamps of unknown origin.

In European countries, Osram and Philips still hold the leading positions in the quality of manufacturing of lighting devices.

Which manufacturer should you prefer?

It is recommended to choose products from well-known brands; it is better to refrain from buying cheap “nameless” Chinese light bulbs.

The following ]mercury devices[/anchor] have won trust among buyers:

  • Osram (Germany);
  • Philips (Netherlands);
  • General Electric (USA/Hungary);
  • Next (Poland);
  • Eurosvet (Ukraine);
  • Lisma (Russia);
  • DeLux (China).

In the European market, two brands are considered leaders in the production and sale of lighting products: Osram and Philips. Both companies have many years of experience - more than a century, a wide range and a developed sales network.

The operating parameters of DRL lamps from leading manufacturers correspond to the declared characteristics, the devices have high efficiency - at a power of 250 W, the light flux reaches 12,500 lm. Estimated cost – 8-10 USD.

The American company General Electric has factories in Europe. The quality of the goods and service life are not inferior to previous brands, and the price is slightly lower. For a DRL illuminator with a power of 250 W you need to pay about 7 USD.

E.Next is an electrical engineering holding, where the main manufacturer of devices is the Tarel group of Polish companies. The product line includes numerous series of different lamps for home, street and industrial lighting.

E.Next 250 W illuminators, compared to German and Dutch-made lamps of similar power, are inferior to competitors in color rendering (Ra=40) and service life (12,000 hours). Approximate price – 5 USD

Mercury-arc lamps of Russian, Ukrainian and Chinese brand production are in the same price category, the average cost of products for 250 W is 3 USD. The disadvantage of lighting devices is their limited operation - according to the passport data, the light bulbs will last 5000 hours.

Before purchasing, you need to check the base for the quality and “accuracy” of the thread - some users note the difficulty of screwing Lisma lamps into the socket

Technology development

Technology has also improved. Metal halide lamps are now available. They have added iodine and other metal compounds to improve visible emission and color.

A new variety was created - DRV. This is a hybrid of a classic incandescent lamp and DRL. They have a tungsten filament added to them. It plays the role of a limiting resistor and a radiation source at the same time. The resistor is usually carbon. Here it is made of refractory tungsten. This design solution made it possible to abandon the use of a throttle. This lamp is connected like a regular incandescent lamp - it does not require additional ballasts.


Since DRL will soon be banned everywhere, the time has come to choose an alternative to them.

These lamps have been used for quite a long time, but their history is already coming to an end.

Currently, they are actively being replaced by LED products. Economically, LED lighting pays for itself in the first year of operation. The use of DRL can only be justified by dubious economic feasibility - low price at the time of purchase.

On September 24, 2014, the Russian Federation signed the Minamata Convention on Mercury. Since 2022, the import and export of mercury-containing devices is prohibited by law. Mercury vapor lamps are covered by this document.

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Discussion: 2 comments

  1. Vitaly:
    Thank you for the clarification, it became clear what DRL is, how they are structured, how they work, what are the types.



    Hello, Vitaly. I am very glad that you found this article useful.


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