Why can't a cordless impact wrench unscrew a wheel?

People whose line of work constantly deals with the repair or maintenance of various mechanisms note that most of their working time is spent on actions with fasteners. A large number of nuts or bolts requires effort that could be spent on more useful and efficient work. The emergence of devices that mechanize the process of working with threaded connections has radically changed the specifics of the work of technicians and mechanics. The speed of repair operations has increased, the quality and accuracy of tightening connections has improved, and it has become possible to work with connections in hard-to-reach places. Impact wrenches quickly became widespread and recognized by users, who were able to significantly speed up work and increase the accuracy of tightening connections.

Types of impact wrenches and their features

Currently, the hand tool market is ready to offer consumers a very large number of different models of impact wrenches from trusted domestic and foreign manufacturers. Differences in the price category and technical characteristics make it much more difficult to independently select such a tool, so before purchasing it is important to familiarize yourself with the specific features of the impact wrenches.


The battery version is characterized by mobility and complete autonomy in operation, as well as the ability to quickly fix or unscrew fasteners, including even old and rusty bolts or nuts.

The device consists of:

  • handles;
  • housings;
  • cartridge part;
  • battery

The models differ in shape, and the angular version is in demand for performing work in the most inaccessible areas. The greatest popularity has deservedly been gained by the cordless impact tool, which is distinguished by rotational movements in the form of a series of fairly powerful blows that help increase torque indicators.

An additional battery is usually included

The advantages of a cordless tool are its mobility and ease of use by both professionals and amateurs. The expansion of basic functionality is facilitated by the use of modern additional accessories. The only obvious disadvantages include the need to timely recharge the battery.


Corded or electric impact wrenches have an increased level of performance, which is why they are in demand mainly in private enterprises or in conditions of fairly large volumes of work.

The main difference from a cordless tool is greater power, but with minimal mobility of operation. The impact type of device has an impressive torque caused by impulses transmitted from the motor part to the socket chuck. Thanks to the presence of a hexagonal hole in the design, the device easily screws and unscrews fasteners or other parts.

Mains-powered models are more powerful than battery-powered ones, but the length of the cord limits their mobility

Advantages of electric models:

  • relatively low noise;
  • high power;
  • quite affordable cost of the most popular models;
  • increased efficiency.

The disadvantages of network equipment are limited use and quite strong heating, even if the device is equipped with its own effective internal cooling fan.


The hydraulic type tool is designed for loosening and tightening threaded connections with a controlled torque. The drive of the unit is represented by a reliable hydraulic pump with a distributor. The switching component of the system includes high-pressure hoses, as well as standard quick-release coupling halves.


  • frame;
  • reaction shoulder;
  • hinge;
  • square for the head;
  • durable handle.

The internal part of the device body is equipped with a reliable double-acting hydraulic cylinder, the piston part of which is connected to a ratchet or planetary gearbox. The supply of hydraulic fluid is ensured by the hinge, as well as by a rigid oil-conducting axis.

A hydraulic wrench can be used to unscrew even coked fasteners.

Hydraulic model impact wrenches are distinguished by their high power and the ability to work with rusty fasteners, maintainability and smooth clamping adjustment, as well as resistance to high humidity. The disadvantages of hydraulic tools include the high cost of accessories, a somewhat limited selection of models and unprofitability of use in domestic conditions.


Pneumatic equipment is shaped like a pistol with a start button. A hose is used to connect to the compressor. The body of pneumatic models can be made using high-strength plastics or metals, but it is the second option that is considered more reliable and does not overheat too much.

The force of compressed air masses drives the rotation mechanism, as a result of which the fastener is quickly and efficiently tightened by the tool head. The handle is distinguished by the presence of a special screw, through which the air supply is regulated and the highest quality of tightening is ensured.

For pneumatics to work, a connection to a compressor is required.

Pneumatic impact wrenches are the optimal solution if there are no too stringent requirements for tool mobility.

This type of pneumatic has the following advantages:

  • lightweight body;
  • high performance;
  • reliable clamping force;
  • shockproof and very comfortable design;
  • does not heat up much during operation;
  • relatively affordable.

The main disadvantage of pneumatic tools is the need to connect to a compressor, which noisily pumps air masses.

Working principle of the impact wrench

The shank with a nut head is driven by a motor through a gearbox, which are installed inside the wrench body.


Some models of impact wrenches only turn in one direction - for screwing, i.e. they do not have a reverse function.

On universal models, the reverse motion (for unscrewing) is activated by a switch on the body.

The tool can be powered from a household electrical outlet or battery.

Pneumatic options use the energy of compressed air, while hydraulic options use the energy of liquid under pressure.

Which tool to choose

The most important points that facilitate the independent selection and purchase of a wrench in the context of a huge variety of modern models are the following:

  • decide on the purpose of purchasing a wrench that can be used at home or for professional activities. The first option involves purchasing a device with 25–45 revolutions. Any professional work will require the purchase of equipment with a speed of up to one and a half thousand per minute;
  • select the power indicators of the tool and the maximum duration of work that can be performed without necessarily recharging the battery;
  • pay special attention to the presence of an electronic switch for regulating the speed of rotational movements and reverse motion, and also make sure that the device is equipped with a lever for quickly stopping work;
  • familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the battery, since voltage and capacity determine the performance indicators and duration of work performed by the tool on a single charge;
  • choose the optimal weight of the device, which also directly depends on the power characteristics;
  • make sure that there are additional handles with rubber pads that allow you to firmly hold the tool during the screwing process and reliably prevent your hands from slipping when operating the unit;
  • inspect the body of the hand tool, giving preference to metal models with free access to the brushes in order to facilitate the process of systematic cleaning.

    Purchasing a set is preferable and more economical than purchasing all components separately

It is recommended to hold the chosen device in your hand in order to independently and fully evaluate the convenience of the location and shape of the instrument’s handle. A special backlight located under the trigger allows you to work in poor lighting conditions. Some models are characterized by the presence of belts and brackets that make it easier to store equipment in a position fixed to the wall.

Table: comparative characteristics of different equipment models

Impact wrench typeMain differencesBest models
RechargeableHigh mobility and the ability to move to any distance to perform small jobs. They are used in buildings that have been built but are not yet fully ready for commissioning.
  • Ryobi R18IW3–120S;
  • Bosch GDR 120-L;
  • DeWALT DCF 880 M2;
  • Metabo SSW 18 LTX 400 BL;
  • AEG BSS18CB3 LI-502C.
NetworkThey are equipped with a built-in ventilation system to cool the engine during operation. Impact models work well with large elements or “stuck” joints.
  • DeWALT DW 294;
  • Hitachi WR 16 SA;
  • Makita TW1000;
  • Bort BSR-12 91270658;
  • Metabo SSW 650.
PneumaticThey have a tightening torque of 30–3000 Nm and are available in non-impact and impact models. Thanks to reverse, the direction of rotation of the head changes for quick unwinding and loosening of connections.
  • FUBAG IW900 100194;
  • JTC 1/2" JTC-5436;
  • Ingersoll Rand 1/2" 231GXP;
  • Inforce PW 880 01–14–02;
  • JTC 5006;
  • SATA 02131.

Penalty for crossing the stop line: how to avoid what is a violation

  • multipliers have a torque or gear ratio;
  • torque;
  • number of speeds;
  • dimensions;
  • weight;
  • number of heads;
  • sizes of heads used;
  • maximum load;
  • the strength of the metal and plastic used;
  • etc.

Also, depending on the design and technical features, devices are divided into:

  • movable;
  • motionless;
  • with bushings;
  • with bearings;
  • single speed;
  • two-speed.

Experts advise paying attention to the gear ratio. The most common meat grinders are 1:56 and 1:58. But there are also indicators at 1:78. Already heavy-duty models designed for huge trucks.

As for the torque, a maximum value of 2800 or 2500 Nm is offered here.

Manufacturers and models

If you look at various thematic forums, most often you will come across the following names and models of manual mechanical impact wrenches:

How to use it correctly

It should be noted that the operating technology of different types of impact wrenches differs, which is explained by the design features of such a tool. For example, the operation of a pneumatic impact wrench involves the following stages of work:

  1. Assemble all elements according to the included instructions.
  2. Installing an impact socket of the selected size onto the spindle.
  3. Connection to the compressed air system.
  4. Start the device by pressing a special lever.
  5. Applying pressure directed towards the twisted surfaces.
  6. Achieves optimal tightening torque in approximately six seconds.

    Idle operation of the device leads to premature wear

You cannot keep the impact wrench loaded for a long time, which can be the main reason for repairing the impact mechanism. During operation, you need to beware of reactive effects and prevent “idle” operation of the device. After completing the work, turn off the compressed air system, disconnect the hose and close the air supply hole.

The use of mechanical impact wrenches, which act as a torque amplifier according to known physical principles, is distinguished by its special features:

  1. Assemble the tool in accordance with the instructions supplied by the manufacturer.
  2. Select size and install head.
  3. Install the device on the fastening element.
  4. Place the body stop of the tool on the nearest nut.
  5. It is enough to actively rotate the handle.
  6. After removing the fasteners, remove the device.

When working with such a mechanical tool, the location of the wheel and the type of work being performed must be taken into account.

Technology of operation of network and battery devices:

  1. The start of work is carried out on long strokes.
  2. Pulling out rusted or jammed fasteners is performed in reverse mode.
  3. To change the direction of movement, a two-position switch is used.

It is necessary to complete tightening or unscrewing with the shortest and strongest strokes necessary for highly reliable connections with bolts.

Maintenance Rules

In order for a practical and very reliable tool to last as long as possible, it is necessary to follow the rules of operation and maintenance of such equipment.

  • cleaning and diagnostics of the impact wrench;
  • replacing lubricant;
  • checking electric motor brushes.

    When purchasing, you must check the completeness of the set and the presence of all certificates and warranty documents

Maintaining the technical characteristics and flawless operation of the impact wrench is also ensured by proper air preparation using a special filter, a pressure regulator and an oil sprayer, and the use of exclusively high-quality lubricants.

It is advisable to entrust the repair of complex breakdowns of the gearbox and gears due to wear or excessive loads, failure of the impact mechanism and reverse function, and the elimination of damage to the spindle, start button or chuck, to professionals. In addition, it is specialists who should deal with any failures in electronic monitoring or control systems, malfunctions of the charger or network device, as well as noticeable damage to the housing.

A screwdriver can also come in handy at home. What types of tools are there and how to choose the right one, you will find out in our article:.

Hose selection

When choosing a hose for an air impact wrench, you should take into account its main indicators. For example:

  • diameter (it should not be less than 8 mm);
  • length (as the length of the hose increases, the amount of air spent when escaping increases);
  • the material from which it is made (it must be durable, elastic and light).

The best option is a rubber oxygen hose with an internal diameter of at least 8 mm. It is not recommended to use framed or frameless rubber hoses. They wear out quickly and also harden at low temperatures. The possibility of using silicone or reinforced types of hoses cannot be ruled out.


As I said at the very beginning, the TW0200 impact wrench has been working properly for more than three years and the only drawback that has surfaced is the rather short original cord. If you want to change all four wheels from one outlet without moving the car, you can’t do it without an extension cord.

What can I say in conclusion? The thing is cool: reliable, powerful, convenient and saves time. Expensive? How to look: no more expensive than a good average smartphone, but it definitely saves time and effort. However, the dilemma here is classic: buy and forget, or buy a Chinese handicraft every year or two? On the other hand, when changing wheels (or brake pads, for example), I’m sure that I won’t have to turn the nuts by hand.



I want to write my review about the impact wrench. My father bought it three months ago. He bought it on sale for 6,900 rubles, with a 5-year warranty. This impact wrench came at just the right time, as a garage renovation was planned. There the structure is connected with fastenings with bolts and nuts. Well, what can we say, the impact wrench did not let us down. A very powerful tool. The battery lasted for 4–5 hours of normal operation. By the way, its speed reaches 2200 per minute. What’s also nice is that there is a backlight indicator, which came in handy for us, since we worked until late in the evening.

By the way, it fits very comfortably in the hand, and its weight is only 2.2 kg. But this weight is not felt at all when working. True, there was only one battery included. But what's cool is that it charges quickly. You put it on charge for 45-50 minutes, and again for 3-4 hours of work. Voltage 18 V.

Ivan 35


I purchased it in the spring of 2015 and immediately purchased drum heads for it. I’ll say this: I helped disassemble and reassemble the quad more than once. The wheels of the quad are unscrewed and tightened at once. The moment is enough. I tore the stuck nuts out of place. Helped a lot. But bad luck - literally immediately the lock of the replaceable heads (the same ball on the pulley) broke. And now, if you don’t watch, the head and the nut fly away very cleverly.

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