Wood disc for an angle grinder: choosing the right tool

The grinder, or angle grinder (angle grinder), is a very popular tool that is distinguished by its versatility. It is used in most construction work. Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to saw a tree with its help. To process this material, you need to choose the right wood disc for the grinder. There are many types of nozzles, differing in characteristics and purpose.

To process wood with an angle grinder, you need to choose the right attachment.

Types of grinder discs: the most suitable circles for wood

The range of attachments for this tool is quite wide. Products are classified according to purpose, depending on which 3 main groups of wheels for angle grinders can be distinguished:

Grinder discs are divided into three categories: abrasive, saw and diamond-coated.

  • saws;
  • with diamond coating;
  • abrasive.

Saws. They are similar to standard saws, but are made from different materials. The most common option is tungsten carbide discs. They are not suitable for working with wood.

Diamond coated. This group of circles for an angle grinder is the most extensive. The high popularity of diamond-coated nozzles is due to their wide operational range. With the help of such circles you can process metal parts, as well as elements made of stone and concrete. Such disks are not used for wood.

Note! The use of angle grinders requires compliance with certain rules. One of them states that you cannot use circles with a larger diameter than indicated in the device passport.

Abrasive discs are best suited for wood processing.

Abrasive. They are highly versatile. Abrasive discs are used not only for cutting, but also for grinding and polishing surfaces. Products from this group are also used for wood processing.

These products are differentiated by one more characteristic - dimensions. The modern market provides a wide selection of products, the sizes of which vary from 115 to 230 mm. The 115 mm wood grinder blade is the most compact and is used for quick and accurate cutting of material. It is worth noting that the largest discs are not suitable for working with wooden surfaces.

Types of wood discs for angle grinders: design options

Many experts do not recommend using a grinder for cutting and processing wood. This is explained by the operating principle of the device and the characteristics of the material itself. However, the variety of discs for angle grinders is growing every year. They can be divided into several types according to the characteristics of their work.

Circular saws. Such wood wheels for grinders are used, as a rule, for more technologically advanced equipment, but many install them on angle grinders. They are divided into two types: large diameter with soldering and more compact, without soldering.

Segmented discs are made of tungsten carbite, which is characterized by high strength

Chain. Ideal for working with wooden materials. Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to cut wood with a grinder. There is no clear answer to this, but chain products are best suited for this purpose. The edge of the circle in this case is equipped with a chain on which the teeth are located. This design has many advantages. This attachment is most often used for smooth cutting of boards. It can also be used to process other materials: chipboard, fiberboard, plywood.

Saws with a small number of teeth. This type of circle was specially invented to ensure maximum human safety when working with wood. Compact products belonging to this group have 3 teeth, and larger ones have 4. This group also includes cutting discs for an angle grinder for wood 125 mm. Such products do an excellent job of their functions. They can be used to cut wood along and across the grain. In addition to standard functions, such disks are used to organize grooves in workpieces.

Segmental (material – tungsten carbide). Such products appeared relatively recently, but have already gained enormous popularity. A distinctive feature of such products is the absence of teeth. The edge of the disc consists of segments that are characterized by high strength.

Wood discs are divided into chain, circular, segment and attachments with a small number of teeth

Helpful information! Using a segment nozzle, you can work with wood of any strength and viscosity. It is highly safe and can withstand even metallic inclusions present in some workpieces (screws, nails, etc.).

Chain saw blades for wood: advantages of use

In this case, the saw blade is made using a chain from a chainsaw. This attachment is the most suitable for working with wood, as it has the greatest efficiency. A chain disk for wood for an angle grinder is also considered the safest. The use of this attachment significantly reduces the likelihood of injury if the tool jams.

If the disk hits a hard element of wood during operation (for example, a knot), the chain is not destroyed. This happens by turning the base. Such attachments are very popular when it is necessary to strip a tree trunk of bark and knots.

Chain saw blades are considered the most suitable for working with wood

Wood saw blades for angle grinders with a chain are used for various types of work. With their help you can remove tree branches, as well as cut boards of small thickness. The functionality of chain products allows them to be used as roughing tools. They do an excellent job of removing bark.

Using a saw wheel, you can make an even cut of parquet boards, plywood, fiberboard, chipboard, as well as ordinary unedged and edged wooden products. It is important to remember that the thickness of the material that will be processed with such a nozzle should be no more than 4 cm. Otherwise, there is a high probability of the device overheating.

Precautionary measures

The master in the photo did everything right - he put on gloves, goggles, a respirator and clothes with sleeves.

When processing wood with hand tools, it is important to follow safety precautions and precautions. This is especially true for grinders, because the rotation speed of the circle reaches 13,000 rpm.

There is no such thing as too much protection.

It is imperative to protect your eyes, hands and respiratory tract, for which the following means are used:

  • Construction safety glasses or masks;
  • Work gloves made of fabric or canvas;
  • Respirators or gauze bandages;
  • Long sleeve robe;
  • Various protective covers for tools, suction and removal systems for chips and dust.

High-quality models of sanders are equipped with vacuum cleaners to remove sawdust.

Important! When working with an angle grinder using rigid attachments, the operator must be in an area that does not intersect with the plane of the scattering of fragments when the wheel is spaced apart during rotation.

Cutting disc for wood for an angle grinder: features

For the manufacture of such products, a special material is used - tungsten carbide. This is explained by the following: when working with an angle grinder, there is a possibility that it will break out of your hands, so the material of the circle must have high strength characteristics. The use of tungsten carbide can significantly increase operational safety, but the cost of such products is quite high.

Cutting discs for grinders are distinguished by a wide variety of types

Discs of this type can have different tooth patterns. A variety of product types based on this feature allows you to choose the most suitable nozzle for a particular situation. The shape and frequency of the teeth also play a very important role. The most common wheel size for working with wood is 125 mm. If you decide to choose the most versatile version of a cutting saw blade for wood for a 125 mm grinder, then it is recommended to purchase a product with beveled teeth.

Helpful information! Wheels that have straight teeth are best for working on soft woods. Coniferous boards are also processed using such attachments.

These products may have teeth that resemble a trapezoid in shape. They are characterized by a wider operational scope and are used for cutting boards of medium density. Using this wheel you can cut the following materials:

The most versatile cutting saw blade size is 125 mm

  • Fiberboard;
  • chipboard;
  • USB plates;
  • fibreboards.

Wood saw blades for grinders of this type have some design features that are determined by their purpose. For example, during operation, products easily overheat, so they have special slots, which can be empty or filled with copper. This measure allows you to compensate for the thermal expansion of the metal that occurs at high speeds. The width of such slots may vary, but not more than 2 mm. As for their depth, it does not exceed 20 mm.

Rules for working with the tool

Any tool can pose a serious hazard if the instructions for use in a particular situation are not followed. Angle grinders are no exception in this regard.

  1. Correct selection of circle size.
  2. Installing a suitable disc for an angle grinder.
  3. Selecting the appropriate operating mode for the angle grinder.
  4. Avoid using damaged disks.
  5. Use of personal protective equipment.
  6. The size of the nozzle should be easy to install under the protective cover of the machine.

When working on wood with angle grinders, you should only use special grinding wheels. Use of accessories designed for use with other materials may result in personal injury or damage to the tools.

To avoid the disc being damaged by the wood of the grinding wheel, the speed of the grinding wheel should be as indicated on the surface of the grinding wheel. Before starting work, you should check the wooden disk for defects and damage.

If they exist, it becomes dangerous to use them. When working with the tool, it is necessary to wear eye and hand protection. It would be better to wear tight-fitting work clothes.

When choosing equipment, it is advisable to take into account not only the diameter, but also any accompanying informative designations. The inscriptions will allow you to determine the purpose of the tool and follow the recommendations during operation. Marked discs, grinding wheels and accessories for grinders are the key to a successful result.

A modern grinder is a convenient and effective tool. For high-quality work, you need special accessories and discs that allow you to effectively process wood, metal and any other material of interest.

Wood sanding disc for grinder: characteristics

With the help of a grinder, you can not only cut and saw off wooden parts, but also carry out roughing work of varying degrees of complexity. The modern market offers a wide range of such attachments. They are classified according to several indicators: shape, design and purpose.

Peeling wheels are used to remove bark from logs or boards. Thanks to them, you can easily remove excess wood from the end surface of the board. They may have special spikes or crumbs.

Thanks to the grinder, you can also carry out roughing work

Wood grinding discs for grinders are also used to level the surface of boards. Such circles are equipped with special spikes that are placed on a flat surface. This function is very useful, as it allows you to polish the boards from which the floor covering is constructed.

On sale you can find stripping products consisting of twisted wire. They are usually called brushes. There are two types of such attachments for grinders for woodworking, depending on the features of their structure. The first option provides for a base in the form of a glass to which the wire is attached. The second type is a disk with a wire fixed along the edge.

Brushes are used to remove paint and varnish materials from wooden surfaces. It is important to note that most often such nozzles are used to remove paint and rust from metal pipes.

Note! For wooden parts, it is necessary to choose a thinner wire that will not damage the workpiece itself. These products are suitable for different types of wood.

Attachments for removing paint and varnish materials from wood are called brushes.

Wood sanding discs equipped with wire coils are also used for brushing. This event allows you to give the wood an unusual look and artificially age it. However, with the help of an angle grinder equipped with a wire stripping attachment, only small volumes of wood can be processed. Thus, this element is not recommended for brushing on an industrial scale.

Grinding and polishing discs for wood for an angle grinder

Sanding and polishing wood is carried out using special attachments that are used for grinders. Such products include a metal base onto which the grinding wheel is fixed. Fastening is usually done using Velcro.

To use such an attachment on wood for an angle grinder, you need to fix it with a wrench (open-end) on the tool shaft. Quite often it is sold complete with a special adapter element, thanks to which it becomes possible to quickly attach it to a drill chuck. In turn, polishing requires the use of a more gentle material. Therefore, nozzles of this type are equipped with felt discs. They are also secured using Velcro.

Another option for a grinding wheel for an angle grinder is a flap wheel. Its design fully lives up to its name. It consists of a large number of sandpaper petals, closely spaced to each other. If desired, you can select the required paper grain size, which allows you to process wooden materials of varying degrees of density.

Grinding and polishing attachments can be used to work with wood.

Although the grinder is not considered the tool of choice for woodworking, sanding attachments are very common. It is worth noting that grinding in this way is not suitable for smooth surface treatment, since even the most gentle versions of discs for angle grinders leave small scratches on the wood. If you decide to carry out this process as efficiently as possible, then experts recommend purchasing a special device - a grinder. Angle grinders are usually used for materials that will subsequently be painted.

Grinding wheels for grinders on wood: rough grinding

Grinding wheels that are used for angle grinders differ in material of manufacture, shape and operational purpose. The wood processing process itself, as a rule, proceeds in two stages. First of all, rough grinding is carried out, after which the material is subjected to finishing. For rough polishing, several types of attachments are used:

  • peeling;
  • brushes;
  • end circles.

To perform rough polishing, brushes, end wheels and grinding discs are used.

Sanding wood with a grinder using a sanding tool is most often used to remove a layer of old paint. Sometimes nozzles of this type are used to remove varnish coating if it cannot be removed manually. Such circles can have different reliefs, the features of which determine the efficiency with which the product will function.

Brushes are used for sanding different types of wood. Products that belong to this group are classified according to their design, the direction of the wire bundles and their diameter. Depending on their hardness, they are also divided into types. If necessary, it is possible to select the necessary tool corresponding to a particular grinding option.

Helpful information! For rough processing, larger diameter wire is used.

End discs for grinding wood on an angle grinder are used when it is necessary to adjust the size of a part from the end. Often such products are used for regular leveling of the side surface during uneven cuts. The principle of operation of the end attachment resembles the operation of a file. The difference in this case is the high efficiency of the angle grinder.

End discs are used when you need to adjust the size of a part from the end

Using sanding attachments greatly simplifies the processing of wooden workpieces. Such products allow you to restore old furniture by removing paint and varnish compounds from its surface.

Grinding discs for grinders: flap wheels

After rough processing, finishing may be necessary. Of course, if the wood is subsequently painted, there is no need to bring its surface to a perfectly smooth state. However, in most cases finishing is a necessary step. To perform grinding, you can use a common attachment - a flap wheel.

The design of the petal disk model, as mentioned above, includes sheets of sandpaper that have a trapezoidal shape. Their grain size is selected depending on the type of wood and the specifics of the work. This type of wood sanding disc is one of the most common. It ensures gentle processing of the material and has a high degree of safety. It is almost impossible to get injured using this disc.

The efficiency and speed of wood processing, as well as its appearance, depend on the size of the abrasive coating on the petals. For maximum smoothness, it is customary to use fine-grained products. Experts recommend using several of these wood grinding wheels at once. This will make it possible to quickly carry out rough cleaning, and then finish the work with soft petals, bringing the workpiece to the desired degree of smoothness.

Flap discs are made of sandpaper and are used for gentle processing of the material.

The use of such an attachment requires a certain skill from a person. Therefore, before starting to use the petal circle, it is recommended to practice on wooden parts.

Grinding wheel for grinder: soft processing and polishing

To carry out soft grinding, special discs are used, which appeared on the market not so long ago - just a few years ago. Such circles are characterized by a high degree of functionality and can have different grain sizes.

Helpful information! Unlike flap attachments, abrasive particles are fixed with Velcro to the surface of the disc, and not to its end part.

A grinding disc for a wood grinder of this type has one advantage - ease of replacement. This procedure is performed without removing or disassembling the main nozzle, so using such discs is quite convenient. Sticky nozzles can be easily purchased at the construction market or ordered online. Selecting the desired grain size is not a problem in this case. With the help of such devices you can bring the wooden surface to the desired condition.

Using soft sanding attachments you can bring the wood surface to perfect condition.

Polishing, which is carried out after grinding, can be carried out using special felt wheels. Such attachments provide maximum smoothness of the working surface, which is difficult to achieve using other tools. A large number of rotations of the angle grinder promotes uniform polishing of the wood.

Felt discs for grinders include wool (densely compressed), which can have different characteristics (depending on need). On the modern market you can find different types of attachments:

  • fine-haired;
  • semi-coarse-haired;
  • rough-haired.

Attachments for wood processing are characterized by high efficiency and quality. Alternating use of these discs allows you to achieve incredible results. The wood surface after using them can be compared to a mirror.

According to their composition, grinding discs can be coarse-wooled, semi-coarse-wooled and fine-wooled.

Types of discs for working with wood

The rotation of the spindle on which the disk is mounted is used for various jobs: sawing, planing, milling and many others. Special wheels significantly expand the functionality of the angle grinder.

Circular (toothed)

circular saw blade

The oldest of all wood cutting discs. Their distinctive feature is the presence of triangular teeth with which wood is cut.

Often they come with win solder (tungsten carbide). This allows the discs to maintain excellent sharpness and hardness even under intense wear and heat.

Such discs cannot be installed on an angle grinder. They are designed for circular saws.


The design is simple: the thick-walled disk has an end groove in which the saw chain is located. At rest, it moves freely in the groove, but as soon as the speed increases, the centrifugal force jams the chain with special cams and begins to rotate along with the disk under the influence of friction.

chain disc for grinder

This arrangement provides unsurpassed security. When the chain bites, it simply rotates along the cam groove, giving the operator the ability to turn off the rotation. This does not affect her performance, but may save her from injury. Unfortunately, such disks have a significant drawback - their high price, since such equipment is much more difficult to manufacture.


universal disc for wood

It gets its name from the fact that it can work with a wide range of materials. This is not only solid wood, boards and timber, but also chipboard, fiberboard, MDF, and polymer products.

The universal disk is made of steel. It has a straight and even edge, with grooves in three places, on one side of which there are carbide cutters.

With only three cutting elements around the circumference, the high rotation speed is compensated for and the blade is much safer to handle than a traditional serrated blade.

For the first time such discs were produced under the Graff Speedcutter brand. Until now, they are considered the standard of quality, although many companies specializing in angle grinders have begun to produce them.

With cutting edge made of tungsten carbide chips

Externally, this disk is similar to a segmented metal disk - approximately the same thickness.

But there are also differences: the circle on the tree consists of a strong steel base, on the side of which a special abrasive is applied around the circumference - tungsten carbide chips. Due to this, the edge of the disk is rough.

tungsten carbide disc for wood

The tungsten carbide blade can be used on all types of wood and wood products, as well as hard plastics.

Tungsten carbide is heat resistant, so there is no need to worry about overheating during normal operation.

When working with such a disk, quite a lot of fine dust is produced, this is a kind of disadvantage.

Many companies produce such discs, but Bosch discs are considered one of the most reliable and high-quality.


Abrasive flap disc

These are circles designed for processing wooden surfaces. They have a combined structure: pieces of sandpaper are attached to the base, which overlap each other, like in a flower. The record got its name from this similarity.

Using it on wood gives the effect of sandpaper. It works no worse than a belt sander, so for one-time rough jobs, it’s a smart decision not to buy a separate tool.

Petal radial

Another type of circle that uses sandpaper fragments. Only now they are attached to the end of the base, spreading radially to the sides.

flap discs for grinding on an angle grinder

The disc touches the workpiece with its edge, providing grinding in hard-to-reach and critical places: grooves, channels, recesses. The radial petals wear out.


polishing disc for grinder

If sanding involves removing a significant layer of wood to level it, polishing is the final step. Polishing wheels are used to give the product a smooth finish.

Most often they consist of two parts: a hard base with a soft pad and a removable nozzle with a sticky layer.

The accessory consists of many fine-grained abrasive cubes. Due to their softness, they wear out quite quickly, after which the nozzle is changed, but the base remains - a significant plus for savings.

Brush (wire)

Brush (wire) discs for eyelash machines
The disc consists of metal wires that are tightly intertwined and collected into bundles (for rough processing) or secured at only one end, maintaining their shape due to internal elastic forces.

There are two types: corner and end. These attachments are often used to remove old paint or varnish. This is significantly faster and more efficient than sanding because the ends of the wire brushes not only remove the paint layer, but also grab the edges and remove, exposing the wood. After treatment with a rough brush-disc, the surface must be sanded and polished.


Milling disc for grinder

An original design that allows you to mill wood surfaces. In this case, there is a hollow toroid with several slots along the edge of the circle into which carbide blades are placed.

They can be combined into one with the base, or they can be removable. In the second case, the wear problem can be solved by replacing the cutting parts.

One of the most famous companies producing milling accessories for grinding machines is the Australian company Arbotech. Its products are expensive, but at the same time they are of high quality and excellent cutting characteristics.

The range includes not only round flat disks, but also cylindrical end disks, with which you can mill grooves, slots, and holes.

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