Grinder disc for wood. Myth or reality?

Changed and forgot | 03/28/2016

It's like the fairy tale about the unicorn, everyone has heard about it, but no one has seen it with their own eyes. The public of construction forums and authors of similar articles on the Internet is divided into two camps. The former say that during their lives they have cut through more than one cubic meter of wood with a grinder, the latter give strong arguments in favor of the fact that after such work you can lose your fingers or limbs, or even worse. Is there a disc for an angle grinder for wood, and if so, what does it look like and is it safe to use?

The author of this article kindly asks you not to consider this material as a guide to action. An angle grinder is not intended for working with wood; even those manufacturers that produce discs and cutters for wood write on their official websites that it is extremely unsafe to cut wood with an angle grinder. But you and I know that people rarely think about their health first.

A wood cutting disc for an angle grinder – an indispensable assistant, or a device dangerous to health?

A power tool familiar to working with metal, an angle grinder is also effectively used for processing other materials.
The question “Is it possible to cut wood with an angle grinder?” Many owners of this useful power tool ask themselves. There is no direct answer to this question. There are special wood cutting discs designed for this type of work, but this is rather the exception. In addition, such a disc is not suitable for every angle grinder. Let's consider several options.

Saw wheels, which are a kind of hybrid of a disk and a chain for a chainsaw

These cutting discs can be used to cut boards up to 40mm thick, with extreme caution. Rules, non-compliance with which lead to injury:

The saw blade has a metal base and a chainsaw chain attached around the perimeter

  1. It is strictly forbidden to remove the protective cover if the diameter of the disc exceeds the dimensions of the casing - your grinder cannot be used;
  2. The angle grinder should operate at the speed indicated on the disc.
    Otherwise, the chain may jump off and its components may fly apart;
  3. Safety glasses and thick gloves are required. It also doesn’t hurt to wear thick canvas clothing.

The same applies to diamond cutting discs for concrete. They are not suitable for sawing wood products and are dangerous.

Firstly, the operating efficiency is extremely low, especially considering the cost of the disk. Secondly, you can simply burn the workpiece.

And finally, such a disk can jam in the cut at any moment, and you will receive a blow from the body of the angle grinder. Here is an example of a grinder blade that can be used to cut wood with extreme care.

The design of the circle provides protection against jamming with the help of side teeth that expand the width of the cut. The disk has a diameter of 115 mm, and its dimensions allow you to work without removing the protective casing.

The wood blade fits completely under the protective cover

Some home-grown “masters” adjust standard circular saw blades to fit an angle grinder; the work is done with the protective cover removed. Most often, such experiments end tragically. The would-be master receives severe injuries, and possibly death.

At the same time, the construction markets are full of offers for grinder saws for wood. Sellers will assure you that in the hands of a professional, using such a tool is completely safe. This statement is true as long as these very hands are intact and unharmed.

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No self-respecting store will sell you a cutting blade for a circular saw that is supposedly suitable for an angle grinder, since if the buyer is injured, the seller may face criminal penalties.

Reasons why you should not use a circular saw with an angle grinder:

  • The disc is designed for low speeds; the metal of the circle is hard, but fragile. During operation, it may fly into pieces or soldered teeth may fall off the disk and fly away at the speed of a bullet;
  • Wood has a viscous structure, so the teeth bite unevenly. Due to this, the instrument bounces and vibrates. You can easily lose control of the tool and cause serious injury to yourself;
  • If the disk jams (and when working with wood, this situation will certainly arise), the angle grinder will simply be torn out of your hands. The further behavior of the switched-on tool with a rotating toothed disk is unpredictable;
  • During woodworking, due to uneven loads, the angle grinder overheats and may fail.

The only way out is to make a stationary sawing machine with a securely fastened grinder, as the master did in the video tutorial.

It makes no sense to consider the option of cutting wooden blanks using abrasive wheels, since it will still not be possible to use such a disc effectively. This is equivalent to trying to cut a log with a file. True, security will be at a high level.

Rough processing of wood using an angle grinder

However, it is possible to process wooden workpieces using an angle grinder. You just need to use special factory-made attachments and strictly follow safety precautions when working with an angle grinder.

Using an angle grinder as a plane

When roughing logs, for example for building a log house, special plane disks are used. This is a relatively safe way to process wood, subject to operating rules. It is a mechanized replacement for the carpenter's axe.

Arbortech TURBOPlane planer disc. The disc can be sharpened many times

The nozzle is used without a protective casing, since it cannot be destroyed during operation. It is prohibited to use such a disc with it facing up. When working on a grinder, be sure to install a handle to hold the tool with both hands.

Since during stripping of wood, large chips fly out from the working area, it is necessary to have tight overalls and protect not only your eyes, but also your face. A positive side effect of this tool is that you can easily chop shavings and large sawdust for a home smokehouse.

Popular: Safety glasses for working with an angle grinder, making the right choice

Roughing discs

To remove bark from logs and give them the shape of a primary workpiece, there are special peeling attachments for angle grinders.

An example of a peeling attachment using a chainsaw chain

Using such a chain wheel, you can not only strip the trunk of bark and branches, but also give the workpiece the required shape for subsequent processing with a more precise tool. Such a device can easily replace an ax for cutting out a bowl in a log when building wooden log houses.

You can use this disk as a cutting wheel, but the cut will be torn and the loss of wood is too high; the thickness of the cut is several centimeters.

Wood cutters for grinders

After rough processing, you can begin a kind of rough milling of the wooden blank. There is a special attachment for this.

Grinding disc with coarse abrasive

The abrasives on the disk can be of any size, it all depends on the purpose. Using such cutters, you can give the final shape to the workpiece. Some craftsmen use these attachments for finishing wood. The result could be quite interesting – just Papa Carlo’s dream.

Wooden hippopotamus made using a grinding wheel

In fact, such a disk is a mechanized rasp. This is a fairly safe tool that does not require special precautions or special requirements. It is enough to protect your eyes and respiratory organs.

The author of the article hopes that the reader received an answer to the question “is it possible to cut wood with an angle grinder?” It is possible, but only with the use of special attachments and compliance with all safety measures.

Milling with a grinder

Another dangerous tool, but permitted for use if precautions are taken, is a wood cutter for angle grinders.

The installation diameter of the wood cutter matches the mounting diameter of the angle grinder

Using such a cutter, you can make grooves, roughly level an edge, cut out bowls for a log house, and even saw workpieces.

The design eliminates jamming and throwing of the tool on non-uniform wood.

Before use, be sure to read the instructions, especially the sections about maximum speed and direction of rotation relative to the position of the angle grinder.

The range of cutters for an angle grinder is not inferior to the choice of attachments for a hand router. Of course, you won’t achieve the same exact processing, but you can choose a suitable attachment to give the workpiece any shape.

Grinder disc with high teeth

How to properly and effectively sand wood with a grinder

After giving the workpiece the required shape, you can begin finishing, final processing. Let's remember the correct name of the “grinder” - angle grinder.

Despite the fact that an angle grinder is most often used as a cutter, its main purpose is grinding and polishing. And for woodworking in this capacity, the grinder is an indispensable assistant.

Let's look at attachments for various types of sanding wood products

Cord brushes

Designed for rough sanding and leveling the surface of wood. With the help of such a tool, the workpiece is given its final shape.

Wood disc for rough sanding

End discs

Designed for leveling the end of the workpiece. Most often, this need arises when making bevel cuts. The operation of this disk resembles a file, only the performance is an order of magnitude higher.

End disc for aligning the edges of the workpiece. Installed on an angle grinder

Flap sanding attachments

The most common segment of accessories for grinders. Can be used to process any materials, including wood.

Flap sanding attachment

Depending on the size of the abrasive, either the uneven layer is quickly removed, leaving the surface rough, or all unevenness is smoothed out without removing a large thickness.

Correct use is a consistent transition from coarse-grained fraction to finer processing.

Thanks to the rigid base, they allow great pressure to be applied to the workpiece to increase efficiency.

Structurally, they consist of trapezoidal petals of sandpaper, overlapped with a three-quarter overlap. Due to this, when erasing the edges, the next layer works. The wear of the nozzle is quite slow. For cleaning wooden products with complex relief shapes, a petal nozzle with a radial arrangement of sandpaper strips is designed.

The tool requires certain skills. If handled carelessly, protruding parts of the workpiece can easily be “chipped off.” Before use, it is recommended to practice on unnecessary pieces of wood.

Sanding disc with radial sandpaper

Grinding wheel with Velcro

Most angle grinder owners associate this particular attachment with the concept of a grinding disc for wood. It is difficult to imagine a more universal device for sanding wood.

Round sandpaper with a special coating is attached to the work surface, and you can begin sanding surfaces of any area.

It is enough to purchase such an attachment once, and all that remains is to change the sanding wheels with any grit.

circle on a grinder for fastening sheetsAbrasive wheels with different sizes of abrasive

The work efficiency is many times higher compared to a conventional manual grater.

With the proper skill, such a disc can process edges no worse than with a molding cutter. And for updating furniture with cracked varnish or paint, you won’t find a better tool.

Surfaces can be cleaned with virtually no reduction in thickness. After painting, the product will look like new.

Without a special polishing machine, you can use this attachment to scrape parquet. True, it will be necessary to take care of removing dust and sawdust. And after varnishing, the floors can be polished using the same angle grinder and special polishing attachments.

Abrasive wheel for a grinder for wide applicationDisk for surface scraping


Cutting with an abrasive disc

Yes, you can cut wood with a metal disc; to be honest, I myself have done this more than once while working at a construction site. What can we say? Well, firstly, the speed of work with this method is low. Secondly, the smell of burnt wood is guaranteed even in the open air within a radius of 10 meters. And thirdly, the thickness of the sawn board should not exceed four centimeters. This is not to say that the abrasive disc is not a wood disc for an angle grinder; its main purpose is to cut metal. As for the advantages, in my opinion these are: the absence of sawdust, and a smooth, even cut.

Universal wood cutting disc for grinder. Safety disc for angle grinders. MYTH or REALITY??? Review

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In our progressive times, science moves at a fast pace, so it is not always possible to keep up with them. Some old dogmas are crumbling, some new ones are being put forward.

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In this section, you will certainly find something interesting, exciting and educational for yourself. Perhaps even someday you will be able to be one of the first to learn about a discovery that will not just change the world, but will change your mind.


Circular saw blade and its improved analogue

The vast Internet is full of videos on how to turn a circular saw blade or a diamond blade for concrete into a blade for working with wood. You can argue for a long time about whether this is worth doing or not? Even without considering myself a very smart person, I would not conduct such experiments. And that's why:

  • The circular saw blade is not designed for high speeds; yes, it is carbide, but no less fragile. One chipped tooth can pose a great danger to a person.
  • The edges of the toothed disk are not smooth; when cutting into a tree, the grinder will vibrate and crash into the branches of the workpiece. This type of work may cause the operator to lose control of the tool.
  • the likelihood of a kickback increases

There is an adapted blade for a wood grinder on sale; manufacturers claim that due to the shape of the tooth and special expanders that are located on the cutting part of the blade, all of the above concerns about the tool jamming disappear. One of the manufacturers is the Rotarex company; in its assortment you can find both grinding and cutting discs for grinders. Below is an image of a circular saw disc and a grinder disc from Rotarex, which is universal. They can cut not only wood, but also aerated concrete.

Grinder disc for wood. Myth or reality?

It's like the fairy tale about the unicorn, everyone has heard about it, but no one has seen it with their own eyes. The public of construction forums and authors of similar articles on the Internet is divided into two camps.

The former say that during their lives they have cut through more than one cubic meter of wood with a grinder, the latter give strong arguments in favor of the fact that after such work you can lose your fingers or limbs, or even worse.

Is there a disc for an angle grinder for wood, and if so, what does it look like and is it safe to use?

The author of this article kindly asks you not to consider this material as a guide to action.

An angle grinder is not intended for working with wood; even those manufacturers that produce discs and cutters for wood write on their official websites that it is extremely unsafe to cut wood with an angle grinder. But you and I know that people rarely think about their health first.

Cutting with an abrasive disc

Yes, you can cut wood with a metal disc; to be honest, I myself have done this more than once while working at a construction site. What can we say? Well, firstly, the speed of work with this method is low. Secondly, the smell of burnt wood is guaranteed even in the open air within a radius of 10 meters.

And thirdly, the thickness of the sawn board should not exceed four centimeters. This is not to say that the abrasive disc is not a wood disc for an angle grinder; its main purpose is to cut metal. As for the advantages, in my opinion these are: the absence of sawdust, and a smooth, even cut.

Circular saw blade and its improved analogue

The vast Internet is full of videos on how to turn a circular saw blade or a diamond blade for concrete into a blade for working with wood. You can argue for a long time about whether this is worth doing or not? Even without considering myself a very smart person, I would not conduct such experiments. And that's why:

  • The circular saw blade is not designed for high speeds; yes, it is carbide, but no less fragile. One chipped tooth can pose a great danger to a person.
  • The edges of the toothed disk are not smooth; when cutting into a tree, the grinder will vibrate and crash into the branches of the workpiece. This type of work may cause the operator to lose control of the tool.
  • the likelihood of a kickback increases

There is an adapted blade for a wood grinder on sale; manufacturers claim that due to the shape of the tooth and special expanders that are located on the cutting part of the blade, all of the above concerns about the tool jamming disappear.

One of the manufacturers is the Rotarex company; in its assortment you can find both grinding and cutting discs for grinders. Below is an image of a circular saw disc and a grinder disc from Rotarex, which is universal.

They can cut not only wood, but also aerated concrete.

Chain disk for wood for an angle grinder

At first glance, it may seem that this is a device for a horror film, but judging by the reviews of its owners, this disc is safer than the analogues presented above.

It is a solid circle, along the edges of which there is a chain from a chainsaw, everything is made of high-quality tool steel. The main purpose of such a disk is: milling, modeling, stripping wood of bark and cutting out cups in logs for log houses.

It is also possible to cut with such a disk, given that the cutting width will be about eight millimeters, since the thickness of the chain disk is six millimeters. Speaking of diameters, there are 125 and 230 wheels on sale. The service life of such a disk will be many times longer than that of others, because...

you can always sharpen it with a file. The price for them ranges from two to three thousand rubles, and with delivery from another region it will cost even more.

Remember safety!

No matter what kind of disc you work with and no matter what material you cut, you should always remember that following safety rules can save not only your health, but also your life. And before you start working, read the following points:

  • do not work while intoxicated;
  • use safety glasses and protective clothing when working;
  • Do not remove the protective cover under any circumstances;
  • It is prohibited to use a faulty cutting disc or a disc with any, even minor, defects;
  • When working with an angle grinder, hold it with both hands;
  • the electrical cord must be kept away from the rotating disk;
  • Do not put down the tool until the disc comes to a complete stop.

There are a lot of ways to cut wood, one of them is to make a cutting disc out of paper. How effective this is, of course, is up to you to judge, but please note that this is one of the safest options.

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Unusual disc for an angle grinder for size 100/115

I came across (in the mailing list) an interesting disc for an angle grinder, I bought it to see what it was,:) I won’t even say why I needed it - I was just wondering what it could do, I fell for the unusual appearance.:) Moreover, at the time of purchase, it cost almost twice as much - quite good price for experiments and report here;) By the way, pay attention to the picture in the header - I looked at it for a long time - does it bother you?;) :)))) I didn’t notice the joke right away, was it difficult to take a photo as well?.. I’ll have to try

Here it is larger, from the store

Brain explosion...

It took quite a long time to travel without tracking. I received this blister. I immediately noticed the chain sticking out crookedly, I thought it was defective and I would have to “butt” with the store.

At the top of the blister there are examples of using this “gadget” for an angle grinder, for which the Chinese thought of using it ;)

As I understand it, for the most part, for making sculptures from wood, ice, rubber and other soft materials. On the packaging there is an indication of the maximum rotation speed of 10000-13000, on the disk itself - 14000 :)

The reverse side of the blister, with a warning that working with this disc is “life threatening” :)

I unpacked the disc with some unpleasant foreboding - the appearance was somehow “not very good”...

It turned out that I was worried in vain, the device turned out to be dismountable.:) It consists of three parts: two plates and a short chain. They are not fixed to each other in any way; they are held in place by being clamped with an angle grinder nut. The blue part is an “extra” part;) it was used to connect all the parts into a single whole during transportation.

Sizes declared by the store



In principle, it’s sharp, but the sharpening is kind of clumsy. If you wish, you can sharpen it yourself, this is of course important.

Putting everything together is quite simple. Place the chain on the bottom plate (the plates, by the way, are the same)

Place the second plate on top, adjusting the chain so that it is evenly distributed around the circle.

It is worth noting that the inner hole of the discs is smaller than the standard one used on cutting discs. Therefore, the lower plate rests on the centering bead on the lower washer “at random”

Centering occurs with an inverted nut tightening the disk. However, it is not possible to tighten it completely, because... The thickness of the sandwich is decent. Perhaps it makes sense to increase the size to the “standard” on the lower plate yourself

The depth of cut depends on the design of your angle grinder, I assume there may be a difference on different grinders

To work with the resulting device, I highly recommend wearing whatever protection you have. The rotation speed of the angle grinder is quite decent, and if the chain breaks (it hits a nail), I can’t imagine the consequences. Before turning it on for the first time, I would put on a helmet if I had it at hand :))))

It is necessary to tighten the disk well with the nut, otherwise, if the chain is not tightened tightly, when stopping/restarting it may be dislodged from the plates by centrifugal force.
This happened to me the very first time; when tightening, I probably didn’t lay the chain quite correctly (evenly) in a circle.
When installed correctly, the top plate drops a couple of mm and holds the chain quite tightly. In principle, nothing terrible happened, but the sensations were still unpleasant:)

During the testing process, I became completely bolder and did all the work by weight - in fact, it’s actually quite comfortable to work with.

Well, the test results - what I could come up with on the fly. Since I’m not a sculptor at all, I limited myself to a few different cuts...

Simple sawing - goes like clockwork.

you can make a groove for a tenon or a through hole

Cutting depth

you can make a selection, but it turns out not very convenient and productive

If you make side cuts for tenoning, it is possible to connect the boards with tenons in the manner of a floorboard or lining

And another “household” use - making stakes from vampires (there really wasn’t any aspen on hand :)

Seriously though, sawing not very thick twigs and branches after pruning trees turns out to be quite comfortable. I use similar “firewood” from peaches and other fruit trees in the grill.

Well, personal impressions of the purchase:

Perhaps a very convenient device for all kinds of wood and ice sculptors, due to the low weight of the tool.:) As an option when making wooden bathtubs (a fairy tale about a goldfish) For domestic use, we had to come up with options for use. Yes, you can cut branches. You can probably tenon the boards, but to do this you need to firmly fasten the angle grinder so that it turns out relatively evenly - in the examples I did everything by weight. The appearance is somewhat frightening - thinking about the possible consequences of breaking a chain or loosening a nut. However, while working I relaxed and didn’t think much about it; the work was quite comfortable. In short, draw your own conclusions! I can’t recommend it for purchase, I don’t see any particularly interesting use, but the danger of injury immediately comes to mind!

At the time of publication, it is not available on Banguda, but there are options on Ali - for example, here is the link (I couldn’t find a cheaper one)
Video of similar work (from comments from user 048)

Chain disk for wood for an angle grinder

At first glance, it may seem that this is a device for a horror film, but judging by the reviews of its owners, this disc is safer than the analogues presented above. It is a solid circle, along the edges of which there is a chain from a chainsaw, everything is made of high-quality tool steel. The main purpose of such a disk is: milling, modeling, stripping wood of bark and cutting out cups in logs for log houses. It is also possible to cut with such a disk, given that the cutting width will be about eight millimeters, since the thickness of the chain disk is six millimeters. Speaking of diameters, there are 125 and 230 wheels on sale. The service life of such a disk will be many times longer than that of others, since it can always be sharpened with a file. The price for them ranges from two to three thousand rubles, and with delivery from another region it will cost even more.

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