Chainsaws and electric saws from an angle grinder. Attachments, homemade products, alterations. Tips and instructions

The grinder turned out to be such a successful tool that the owners of this electrical device constantly want to expand its potential. For example, build a chain saw based on this power tool. Let's try to figure out how to assemble such a homemade product, and what “feats” a power saw from a grinder will be capable of. There are actually two options for solving this problem. In the first case, a homemade saw is assembled in a matter of minutes from a purchased adapter. The second way is more difficult and is suitable only for real designers with “golden” hands, capable of assembling a worthy “homemade” from scrap materials.

Grinder chainsaw: attachments, homemade products, alterations

The desire to improve an existing tool comes for a reason. The main goal of such an experiment is to save money. Indeed, why buy several tools if you can use different attachments and make a multifunctional tool.

The grinder is known to every household homeowner, because with its help you can cut metal, stone, and polish the surface. But trees cannot be cut with such a device; difficulties arise due to the small diameter of the disk. So craftsmen come up with various attachments that make working in the garden much easier.

Circular saw based on a grinder - preparation and manufacturing procedure

To assemble a garden tool, the designer will need:

  • electric drill with a set of drills of different diameters;
  • steel clamps;
  • toothed disc;
  • a pair of metal corners;
  • M3 bolt ties;
  • gearbox ready for operation;
  • steel rods;
  • wrench.

To avoid mistakes when making a power saw from a grinder, you need to act in this order:

  1. First, you will need to remove the standard cutting disc from the grinder;
  2. Then you need to take a toothed disk designed for processing wood and carefully tighten it using the corners. In this case, the manufacturer must leave a few millimeters of gap. Its value can be adjusted by bolting or tie;
  3. A power saw made from a grinder with your own hands must be equipped with a housing. To do this, you will need to assemble a box from sheets of steel or plywood and fasten them with clamps. The lower part of the body will need to be equipped with a double steel strip, the thickness of which should be at least 1.5 mm;
  4. Then you need to disassemble the gearbox and make 2 small holes in it for mounting the handle. It can be pre-machined from a piece of metal. The shape of the handle should be slightly rounded;
  5. After this, you will need to drill an additional 4 holes in the gearbox to adjust the required gaps between the main surface and the side stop of the electric saw;
  6. Then you need to attach the handle to the gearbox. Its end extended outside the housing must be installed in a horizontal position. Next, you will need to drill several holes that will allow you to secure the axle;
  7. The remaining steel rods must be cut into equal lengths. The length of each of them should be 6 cm. The finished blanks must be bent in the form of loops;
  8. After this, washers will need to be installed in the front part of the electric saw stop, which will be necessary to adjust the gap.

The finished circular electric saw must be equipped with a durable frame that can withstand heavy, damp logs. It can be made from a piece of chipboard, previously coated with clear varnish.

Why do they resort to a homemade option?

Often, homemade versions of tools or improvement of existing ones are done out of a desire to save money. Using improvised means and parts left over from equipment or machinery that has fallen into disrepair, craftsmen skillfully make various devices, such as, for example, a chain saw from an angle grinder.

The second reason can be considered the desire to have a multifunctional tool that will help facilitate numerous tasks on the farm. The undeniable advantage of such a homemade device is the space saving. After all, an additional attachment takes up much less space in a shed or garage than a full-fledged device.

For remodeling, you can use absolutely any brand of grinder. The only point worth paying attention to is that the factory attachments may only fit a limited number of models, so when purchasing, be sure to check whether your angle grinder is suitable for the selected attachment.

Stationary circular

Many different problems can be solved with the help of a homemade circular grinder. Such a machine will become an indispensable assistant when renovating an apartment, making furniture and for many other men’s tasks. You can buy a ready-made circular saw, or you can make it yourself.

You don't need to have any special skills to do this. It is enough to be able to use hand tools and have the necessary minimum materials. Before we talk about how to make a circular saw from a grinder, let's consider the general design of the machine.

The nozzle is a grinder and must be used according to the manufacturer’s recommendations and in compliance with safety precautions. In practice, these recommendations are neglected, which often leads to injury. Let's consider the main points that should be taken into account when working with a chainsaw - an angle grinder.

  1. The operator's hands and eyes must be protected during operation. Goggles and gloves are a must, but it wouldn't hurt to wear a suit made of rough material. Cutting discs are thin, fragile to break, and while they can be easily controlled with an ordinary grinder, it is not so easy to do this with a saw. The disc can wrap and break, and pieces can fly away and cause injury.
  2. It is not worth installing a large-diameter cutting disc on a chainsaw with a power of less than 1.5 kW; the engine will cope, but will work at the limit and there will be noticeable drops in speed.
  3. It is prohibited to work with the protective cover removed.
  4. The drive belt between the pulleys must be properly tensioned. You can check the tension as follows: grab the belt in the center and try to turn it around its axis. If the belt turns only 900, then it is tensioned correctly; if it is more or less, then adjustment is necessary.

You can use a grinder as a working mechanism in stationary conditions. The bed in this case will have a slightly different design. The stationary option implies the presence of free space and a large amount of work. Therefore, the entire structure can be made more solid, more massive, and, therefore, more reliable.

The frame of the bed can be made from a corner using a welded joint. Bolted and other types of detachable fasteners lose their grip due to constant vibration, and the structure begins to wobble.

A desktop made of a wide board or thick plywood is attached to the top of the metal frame. The workpiece will move along it. The stop angle is equipped with a movable mount for adjusting the cutting width.

Currently reading: How to make an angle grinder from a chainsaw at home, with your own hands?

On the side of the machine there are controls: a socket and on/off buttons. In the stationary version, it makes sense to exclude the key on the body of the angle grinder from the diagram. If there is enough space, a high-power sander can be used as a drive.

Many different problems can be solved with the help of a homemade circular grinder. Such a machine will become an indispensable assistant when renovating an apartment, making furniture and for many other men’s tasks. You can buy a ready-made circular saw, or you can make it yourself.

Factory attachments

Now on sale there are special attachments for grinders in addition to discs. The grinder comes with a device that can be used to turn it into a chain saw in a short time. Supplied in two separate boxes containing an angle grinder and a chain saw.

Set of nozzles

The estimated cost of this set is $83.

Required work items

At the moment, a lot has been said about how to make an electric saw from a grinder. We will touch on the most common method, for which you must have the following initial mechanisms:

  • grinder, which will be improved;
  • set of wrenches;
  • mount for a gasoline saw;
  • available arsenal of nuts and bolts of various sizes;
  • screw for fastening the tire and tensioning the cutting blade;
  • tire from an electric hacksaw;
  • cutting mechanism (chain itself).

Of course, to carry out such technical aggregation you will also need a drill with different-sized drills. Well, an experimental area where you can test your know-how for strength.

An electric chain saw from a grinder is made in 5 successive steps:

  1. Initially, you need to disconnect the sanding disc from the grinder. To do this, simply remove the bolted fastening that holds it stationary;
  2. We screw on a special screw element, which will subsequently hold the chain of the electric saw. To do this, take a wrench and tighten it as far as possible);
  3. We take a drill, install metal drills and make two holes directly in the protective shield of the angle grinder. Their diameter must match the size of the bolt. They are needed to secure the tire through them;
  1. Using careful movements, insert the fasteners for the tire into the holes obtained, and then thread the bolts through. They must be securely tightened on the opposite side with wrenches;
  2. At the final stage, the tire is put on, and after it - the chain itself, secured with adjustable screw clamps. But remember that in this case, over-tightening the bolt, as well as under-tightening, is equally unacceptable. Therefore, strictly ensure that the chain blade sags a little. This will be the optimal degree of tightening.

That's all, the manufacturing process is simple and can be done by any technician. The main task that needs to be solved before getting started is to purchase the appropriate tire and chain. But if you have the desire, it is not so difficult.

In less than an hour and at minimal cost, a do-it-yourself electric saw from an angle grinder can become your own invention.

  1. Initially, you need to disconnect the sanding disc from the grinder. To do this, simply remove the bolted fastening that holds it stationary;
  2. We screw on a special screw element, which will subsequently hold the chain of the electric saw. To do this, take a wrench and tighten it as far as possible);
  3. We take a drill, install metal drills and make two holes directly in the protective shield of the angle grinder. Their diameter must match the size of the bolt. They are needed to secure the tire through them;
  4. Using careful movements, insert the fasteners for the tire into the holes obtained, and then thread the bolts through. They must be securely tightened on the opposite side with wrenches;
  5. At the final stage, the tire is put on, and after it - the chain itself, secured with adjustable screw clamps. But remember that in this case, over-tightening the bolt, as well as under-tightening, is equally unacceptable. Therefore, strictly ensure that the chain blade sags a little. This will be the optimal degree of tightening.

Table saw

Trimming, that is, cross-cutting boards or bars at right angles, turns out better if you use a special device.

You can also make such a machine from a grinder with your own hands.

  1. To do this, a grinder with a disk for wood is fixed on a rotating bar perpendicular to the direction of the length of the board so that the plane of the disk is directed strictly vertically. One attachment point should be located in the area of ​​the gearbox, and the second should be at the opposite end of the machine.
  2. The gearbox housing has threaded holes for attaching standard handles. Using the corners and these holes, the grinder must be attached to the moving part of the machine.
  3. The back of the body is attached to the board with a clamp. The blade guard can be used on any power tool of a suitable size.
  4. Closer to the vertical support you need to secure the thrust angle. It should be located strictly perpendicular to the plane of the disk, both in the vertical and horizontal directions.

The spring at the rear end of the bar is used to return the miter saw to its original position after finishing the cut. The horizontal table must have a transverse groove into which the disk fits when cutting the board. The diameter of the disk is chosen based on the width of the boards. This way, trimming can be done in one go. The main thing is that the inner hole of the disk must coincide with the mount on the gearbox axis.

Sometimes there is a need to change the width of the board or the thickness of the block. The best option for such work is a circular saw, especially if there are a lot of boards. For cutting boards of short length (1-2 m), a tabletop version of a circular saw is very useful. It is not necessary to buy such a machine; you can make it yourself from the same grinder.

The design of a circular saw is much more complex than a miter saw. The contact time of the saw blade with the wood is quite long, therefore the reliability of attaching the grinder body to the frame should be higher.

Currently reading: Patriot ESP 1814 electric chain saw

This is what one of the options for a tabletop circular might look like.

The photo shows that the desktop consists of two planes:

  • the upper table is designed to advance the workpiece;
  • The lower one serves as a stop for the sander.

The disc passes through a groove in the top surface. If the angle of contact of the two planes is provided with rotary hinges, then it will be possible to adjust the working height of the saw blade to reduce the area of ​​rubbing surfaces.

The head of the bolt with which the angle grinder is secured is clearly visible on the top surface of the table. The protruding bolt limits the width of the board being processed. You can cope with this problem by laying another layer of plywood.

The stop angle must have the maximum possible length to prevent the board from deviating from the cutting direction. It is better to fasten the corner in such a way that you can change the working distance between it and the disk: then the width of the cut part will also change.

Additional Information

Compared to a regular saw, an angle grinder:

  • works faster;
  • takes up less space;
  • increases work productivity;
  • noticeably lighter;
  • lasts longer (if the tool is used correctly).

To cut wood, you can use special cutting discs with a chain. However, it is very difficult to find the type of nozzle suitable for a particular model. The sawing wheel, which combines the features of a disk and a special chain, is suitable for processing boards no thicker than 4 cm. Extreme care must be taken when using it. It will not be possible to run the angle grinder at higher speeds than the disk allows.

There is also a serious limitation on the size of the processed workpieces. To increase it, you have to use larger disks. However, their use is limited by the size of the insulating casing. And if it does not allow you to install a 125 mm nozzle, problems will arise. But peeling wheels connected to chainsaw chains allow you to remove bark and branches from the trunk.

This device will also help prepare a log house no worse than a high-quality ax. But you should not use such a disk instead of a cutting wheel. The cut line will be jagged and too much wood will be wasted. Another type of attachment - a disk with large abrasive grains - is no longer intended for primary processing, but for rough milling. This accessory is safer than a hand rasp.

For more information about chain saw attachments for an angle grinder, see the video below.

Compared to a regular saw, an angle grinder:

  • works faster;
  • takes up less space;
  • increases work productivity;
  • noticeably lighter;
  • lasts longer (if the tool is used correctly).

Assembly of the structure

We clamp the eccentric in the screwdriver chuck.

The screwdriver itself will need to be secured to the support platform, secured with U-shaped brackets made of steel wire.

At the end, all that remains is to install the jigsaw file, securing it with a homemade clamp. The homemade hand-held power saw is ready.

DIY cordless chain saw

Good day, dear homemade friends. In today's article we will take a detailed look at how to make a useful garden tool. Namely, let's look at how to make a chain saw. This homemade product will be a good home helper for sawing and cutting down garden trees, and will also help you in preparing firewood. This homemade product will be assembled from ready-made and available factory components, and the cost of our homemade saw will be lower than its factory analogues. The assembly itself is not particularly difficult, and therefore anyone can probably repeat it. It is worth noting that this tool is intended for home use, and using it for professional purposes will not be entirely convenient.

Advantages and disadvantages

Why make this homemade product if you can simply insert a longer file into the jigsaw? How are the efforts justified?

Well, firstly, even the longest electric jigsaw file is inferior in size to a reciprocating saw file. This modification makes it possible to saw thicker objects. Secondly, sawing fairly thick bars is simplified by the fact that this product allows you to cut downward and away from you, while a jigsaw, for example, can only cut forward and away from you.

Of course, this homemade product also has some disadvantages. For example, a small amplitude value for a fairly long “Sabre” canvas. An electric jigsaw has a less comfortable handle when used as a converted piece of equipment.

In any case, if the use of this tool is required only occasionally, then it is quite suitable as a worthy replacement for the original, thanks to which you will not have to spend money in vain.

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