How and whether it is possible to cut wood with a grinder. The working principle of the grinder. Nozzles

A grinder (angle grinder - angle grinder) can be found in the household much more often than a chainsaw or circular saw. In this regard, a logical question arises - is it possible to saw a tree with a grinder and how to do it correctly? There are several aspects that make woodworking non-standard, especially with regard to an angle grinder. Our article will give detailed explanations about whether it is possible to cut wood with a grinder, saw logs and vertically standing trunks, how and with what cutting devices this should be done.

Basic safety rules

Before cutting wood with a grinder, you need to familiarize yourself with the safety rules. The main ones of these rules are the following:

  1. Be sure to use personal protective equipment (safety plastic goggles, fabric gloves) and work in overalls.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to use discs that have defects.
  3. It is recommended to hold the grinder firmly with 2 hands.
  4. Always ensure that the electrical cord is not near the rotating disc.
  5. Place the grinder only after the cutting element has completely stopped.
  6. Do not remove the protective cover.
  7. Do not work while intoxicated.

You cannot use equipment that is not intended for working with angle grinders. You should not use cutting equipment for a circular saw for the following objective reasons:

  1. An angle grinder has a higher rotation speed than a circular saw. The disc is designed for lower speeds, so at high speed it can crack and fly apart. Flying fragments can cause harm to health.
  2. The wood has a more viscous texture and inclusions in the form of knots, which is why the teeth enter the material unevenly. If the blade becomes jammed, the tool may be pulled out of your hands, resulting in serious injury.
  3. Due to uneven loads, equipment overheats and may fail.

What are the dangers of working as an angle grinder?

Any power tool is potentially dangerous, especially for those who neglect safety and protection measures while working. What is dangerous about an angle grinder:

  • angle grinder attachments rotate at a very high speed: more than 10 thousand revolutions per minute;
  • most of the rotating disk is not protected by a cover;
  • when cutting material, small fragments and sawdust are often formed, which scatter to the sides at high speed;
  • The powerful device is quite difficult to hold in your hands, especially if the material to be cut has a complex structure.

When choosing cutting wheels, remember that they are quite fragile and can break and fly apart during operation.

Advice! When choosing attachments for an angle grinder, pay attention to their condition: they should not have any defects. The slightest unevenness or chip can lead to sudden destruction of the material during operation.

The slightest misalignment leads to jamming of the nozzle. Because of this, during operation there is a powerful jerk that can knock the tool out of your hands.

Advice! If you do not have experience working with angle grinders, do not strive to purchase powerful professional models. It is better to take a household appliance with a disk diameter of up to 125 mm.

We cut wood with a grinder

You can cut wood with a grinder in a relatively safe way. It provides for rigid mounting of cutting equipment on a frame with guide elements. This will be stationary equipment for sawing, in which the grinder is securely fixed. A self-made machine works on the principle of circular saws, where the material being processed is fed along guides.

You can cut firewood with a grinder, but you must use the devices necessary to ensure safety. More suitable for working with wood are a jigsaw, circular saw, and hand tools.

Preparing for sawing or felling

Any mature tree, large or small, even if it grows near a house on a private plot, is protected by law.

Therefore, before cutting it down, you need to get a felling ticket.

After this, you need to determine the state of the tree and choose a method for its removal, taking into account:

  • physical capabilities;
  • equipment availability;
  • experience in the field of tree felling.

Physical capabilities

To remove a tree, you need good:

  • coordination of movements;
  • endurance;
  • force;
  • flexibility.

If you have a problem with any of these parameters, it is better to invite a specialist.

Problems with endurance will lead to the fact that after each performed action you will have to rest, while the tree will be in an unstable state and can fall in any direction.

Lack of strength will prevent you from using an ax and chainsaw effectively, and problems with flexibility will force you to use all tools in an awkward position, which dramatically increases the likelihood of mistakes and injury.


The main tool needed for any method of cutting down a tree is a chainsaw.

If it is not there, you can use

  • axe;
  • two-handed saw;
  • hand saw (large-toothed wood saw).

Under no circumstances should you use a grinder (angle grinder) or any discs, because the wood will clamp the disc, after which the tool will be torn out of your hands, and given the enormous speed of rotation of the disc and the high power of the motor, serious injuries are possible. Also, you should not use a hacksaw for metal, because its shape and blade are not intended for such work.

Without a chainsaw, the process of felling a tree will require much more effort, and the likelihood of errors will also increase.

To cut down wood with a guy wire, a winch and door springs are useful, which can be replaced with a rubber band or tube.

For cutting with dropping or hanging, you will need strong ropes or cords with a diameter of 7–10 mm, which can be purchased at hardware or sports stores.

You will also need a mounting belt or a climbing harness, and the latter is preferable, because it will stop the body more gently when falling.

It is necessary to purchase various blocks and carabiners in construction or sports stores. When cutting down large trees, an aluminum folding ladder with a wide cross stop at the bottom is very useful.


We recommend that those who do not know how to confidently use an ax and chainsaw not deal with tree removal on their own, because you will have to not only cut wood, but cut out pieces of a certain shape.

In addition, it is necessary, at least in theory, to understand how parts of wood behave after sawing.

Otherwise, there is a high probability that, due to an incorrectly chosen location or cutting angle, the branch or trunk will begin to fall in the wrong direction.

There is also a high probability of jamming and damage to the saw, because the barrel at the cut site is a lever that creates enormous pressure on the working tool.

To cut down with dropping or hanging, you must be able to tie knots and use climbing or mounting belay.

In addition, experience in climbing trees is very necessary, because you will not only have to climb them or move along the thickest branches, but also carry a bulky, heavy tool with you.

Which attachments are suitable for working with wood?

And yet, manufacturers produce several options for components for grinders that can work with wood. These include:

  • chain disk;
  • saw wheel;
  • tungsten carbide;
  • grinding attachment.

All of them will help solve minor problems with cutting wood. However, experts advise working with a suitable device for this.

Milling cutter or chain disk

This option is quite expensive, but has a special mechanism in its structure that will prevent the tool from being knocked out of your hands. It can be turned when biting wood. Its diameter is at least 23 cm.

Saw blade with few teeth

Aerated concrete blocks are usually sawed in this circle. Also suitable for wood. Manufacturers apply markings on a special sticker. Using it you can find out the maximum number of revolutions and adjust the operation of the device.

Tungsten carbide

A durable universal disc that copes with any materials and does not knock out even at high speeds. The price often bites.

Sanding attachments

The machine is designed for grinding, so there will be no problems with the operation. Simply install the holder attachment and abrasive wheel. The grain size is chosen according to the size.

Difficulties when working with an angle grinder

We mentioned the discrepancy between the speed of the grinder and the circular saw, but users who have an angle grinder with speed control can say that this factor was taken into account, and any saw blade for wood will be suitable for their tool.

Of course, by setting the number of revolutions of the grinder's output shaft corresponding to that indicated on the saw blade, they significantly reduce the risk of injury during operation, but do not completely eliminate it. This is primarily due to the material itself, or rather its structure and heterogeneity.

Even in different places of one trunk, a tree has different hardness, not to mention inclusions of viscous resin, the possible presence of metal found in the thickness of the wood: from pellets and bullets that hit the tree during a hunt, to wires that had grown into it, which were used to tie branches. Don't forget about knots, which are present in almost all types of wood.

When encountering the listed obstacles, the saw blade sharply slows down and, by inertia, the grinder is simply torn out of the hands, and when passing a hard section, it rushes forward with redoubled force.

When encountering metal, there is a high probability of chipping a carbide tooth, which can be captured next and thrown out at the speed of a bullet. It’s good if it’s within the range of the protective casing.

A person who decides to cut a tree is exposed to even greater danger, because in this case the grinder must be placed on its side, which changes the usual and comfortable grip, which means the grip weakens.

We categorically do not recommend cutting wood with an angle grinder that does not have speed control, or with saw blades for circular saws. But there are special discs for angle grinders designed for working with wood.

Grinder discs designed for cutting wood

1. Chain disks and cutters based on them.

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Structurally, they are designed in such a way that even when biting the chain, which is similar in structure to saw chains for chainsaws, the base can rotate, so the tool will not be pulled out of your hands. Such discs are primarily intended for external processing of wood: sawing cups in logs, removing bark, modeling, but they can also be sawed, especially with a 230-size disc, which costs a lot, but compensates for its cost with the safety of work.

2. Saw blades for wood with a small number of teeth.

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Such discs indicate the maximum rotation speed and should be selected based on the parameters of your tool. Such a large pitch between the teeth compensates for the high speed of the grinder and makes sawing much safer than working with standard saw blades, but you should also be wary of metal in wood. You will see their work in the video:

In addition to wood, they can also handle plastic and aerated concrete.

3. Tungsten carbide discs.

This is a new product in the field of tools for angle grinders, allowing you to freely saw wood without fear of metal inclusions, operating at rotation speeds of up to 12,200 rpm. She is the only one that gives an absolutely positive answer to the question: is it possible to cut wood with an angle grinder? You can see this for yourself by watching a short video about the operation of this disk:

Needless to say, these blades cut more than just wood.

4. Another tool, to one degree or another, suitable for cutting or other processing of wood using a grinder.






First things first:

a) Rotarex produces discs for cutting wood. In terms of their performance, primarily safety, they are inferior to those listed above, but are clearly more suitable for sawing wood than circular saw blades;

b) wood cutters designed for external processing of wood with angle grinders can also cut thin wood;

c) plane disk – attachment for an angle grinder.

d) a saw for creating wooden sculptures with a configuration of cutting elements vaguely reminiscent of the links of a saw chain; it is not entirely intended for sawing, but will cope with it to some extent.

Why is it difficult to process wood with an angle grinder?

First of all, it should be noted that the high speed of rotation of the disk distinguishes an angle grinder from a circular saw. And even the presence of a compensating ring that comes with the disc does not completely solve the problem. But if your angle grinder has a speed adjustment, then this partially makes the task easier.

You can adjust the tool so that its speed matches the speed of the circular saw, this will also reduce the risk of injury to the process

But the main difficulty lies not in this, but in the structure of the wood itself, which is often heterogeneous and knotty. In addition to multidirectional fibers, the wood contains resin, and there may be pellets or ingrown wires that you will not immediately notice. In general, wood is an unpredictable material. While working, you may encounter an unexpected obstacle and, as a result, a jerk that can knock the tool out of your hands and send it along a dangerous vector.

If the disc meets a piece of metal, a tooth may fly out of it, which, like a bullet, can also rush in an unpredictable direction. You'll be lucky if it encounters a protective casing on its way

If you plan to cut a tree on your property with a grinder, you will have to keep it in a horizontal position. This will make your grip uncomfortable and increase the risk of injury.


The level of safety is perhaps the only criterion that makes you think about whether it is possible to cut a tree with an angle grinder without risk to yourself and others. The problem with the grinder is that the disc cannot stop if there is an obstacle on the way, since the grinder gearbox is not frictional. Even an incorrect cutting angle can be a problem - there is a risk of clamping or twisting of the disc, which means there is a danger of a sudden jerk of the tool.

Not a single model of an angle grinder has a physical or electrical stop, unlike the same circular saw (tension belt) or an electric circular saw (saw electric brake). This means that when the disk is buried in wood, the danger of its sudden stop when colliding with an obstacle or from a sharply increased load on the nozzle area increases.

Therefore, recommendations from professionals will be as follows:

  1. Do not work on wood with soldered discs;
  2. Do not cut wood with an attachment that is not suitable for the material;
  3. Select the disk or length of the chain saw bar so that the cutting tool matches the radius or cross-section of the workpiece (log, trunk, timber, etc.);
  4. Cut thick wood only with a disk with large and sparse teeth; the forward movement should be progressively slow, away from you.

Cut thick wood only with a disk with large and rare teeth

Important! Under no circumstances should you remove the guard to capture more of the wood's body—it's better to make several circular cuts. Wear safety glasses when handling wood.

Discs for milling and grinding on an angle grinder - purpose and types

The capabilities of angle grinders do not end with cutting, sanding and polishing wood. To expand the range of tool capabilities, manufacturers produce grinder attachments for milling and peeling wood materials. Stripping attachments are designed to remove bark and remove the paint layer from wooden surfaces. Peeling circles are available in different types, and differ in design, shape and purpose.

  1. With an edge - their main purpose is to remove the top layer of wood, as well as grind the end part of wooden products.
    The applied edge made of carbide materials ensures a long service life of the nozzles. After processing wood with such attachments, you will need to additionally grind and polish the surface.
  2. Studded - and they are divided into products with large and small spikes.
    Nozzles with small spikes are designed for removing the paint layer from the surface of wood, and with large spikes - for leveling. If a wooden floor has a defect in the form of a different arrangement of boards in height, then sanding discs with large spikes allow you to quickly and effectively smooth the surface
  3. With a working part made of wire or brushes
    - such attachments are used not only for processing metal, but also wood. A cup-shaped disc with an angular wire arrangement is used to remove paint layers from large surfaces. A nozzle with an end wire arrangement is used to remove the paint layer in places with limited access, for example, in the grooves of processed wooden structures. Another type of attachment that craftsmen use to work with wood is a brush with a thin wire. Used for finishing roughing of wooden surfaces
  4. A disc plane is an alternative replacement for a conventional manual or electric plane.
    The disadvantage of the first option is that it takes a lot of effort and time to complete the work. It is rational to buy an electric planer only when large volumes of work are being carried out to remove the surface layer. Special discs for grinders, replacing electric planers, came to the aid of the home craftsman. The attachment is a massive circle with three flat knives. It is intended for removing bark from a tree, and the end result is achieved very quickly. Dull knives can be sharpened

A special class of attachments for grinders are milling wheels. Special disks, driven by the spindle of the angle grinder, are used for sawing and cutting grooves of different widths. It is also worth noting that the use of milling attachments on an angle grinder is not safe

Every year the number of options for cutter wheels for grinders increases, but you need to work with such attachments with extreme caution. Let's look at the popular options for milling wheels for angle grinders:

  1. The wheel rim has the appearance of a thickened circle with cone-shaped spikes located on the end part.
    Used for making grooves in wooden workpieces. The nozzle has teeth along the base, the main purpose of which is to obtain clean grooves without chips
  2. Serrated toothed disc - used for making shallow rectangular grooves in woodworking materials
  3. Toothed disc with additional tenons over the entire surface - allows you to make deep grooves in wood workpieces

The production of various attachments for grinders for the purpose of wood processing can significantly expand the functionality of an indispensable tool in the household. The grinder today replaces most hand and electric tools, so every master must have at least one type of this tool.

Structure and capabilities of the grinder

The structure of an angle grinder (angle grinder) is quite simple. The electric motor, through an angular gearbox, transmits rotation to a shaft on which replaceable attachments are fixed. The area of ​​use of the grinder is extremely wide. It is used for cutting, stripping, roughening, grinding and sharpening. The type of work performed is determined by the functional purpose of the replacement disks. Each angle grinder attachment has its own purpose.

This tool is used during construction work, in mechanical and repair shops, during rescue operations and in other fields of activity. The grinder is indispensable both in everyday life and at work. We also recommend this video:

Wood discs for grinders

An angle grinder is used to work with hard materials and is not a specialized tool for wood processing. But you can use it for these purposes, although you will have to comply with some conditions. It is strongly not recommended to use standard equipment, because... It is not safe.

The industry produces a number of specialized wood blades recommended for angle grinders:

  1. Cutting discs have specially shaped teeth and expanders located on the cutting part, which help prevent the tool from jamming.
  2. Chain discs are intended for modeling, milling and stripping wood. They are a disk made of high-alloy steel, on the outer edge of which a chainsaw chain is installed.
  3. Flap sanding special attachments are designed for smoothing out uneven surfaces and cleaning. This attachment consists of several layers of sandpaper laid radially on top of each other so that they overlap each other.
  4. The plane disk is used for rough processing of wood blanks, for example, when constructing a log house. This attachment replaces a carpenter's axe.
  5. Wood cutters allow you to perform rough milling work.
  6. End discs are used to level the end surface.
  7. Sanding disc for wood with replaceable sanding wheels of different grain sizes.

Sanding and polishing

For grinding and polishing wooden products, there is no better tool than an angle grinder, because... it has good performance and is able to provide high quality work performed. Using a grinder, you can perform the entire cycle of operations on processing wooden surfaces: from rough processing to final polishing.

To perform this work, special grinding attachments are used. The quality of the product depends on how correctly the circle for the grinder is selected. These attachments vary in shape, material and purpose.

For roughing (grinding) the following types of attachments are used:

  • grinding wheel - a steel disk onto which pieces of metal wire are soldered;
  • cord brush - a disc with wire bristles (available in different hardnesses);
  • end disc.

Other attachments are used for polishing and final grinding of the nozzle:

  • petal;
  • grinding;
  • cup brushes - brushes made of special abrasive nylon.

The grinder is not intended for sawing and cutting wood. The use of an angle grinder for this work is not recommended, but subject to certain conditions, performing a small amount of work is allowed.

Sanding: attachments and process

Sanding pads are discs that are produced by layering several different covers. To improve the abrasion characteristics of the treated surface, the initial layer is made of rubber, sometimes replaced with hard plastic. The layer of the second level of the nozzle allows you to ensure that the plane of the working part adheres to the surface being sanded; it is made from foam rubber. The main, working layer is a sheet of sandpaper.

The use of sanding pads allows you to work efficiently on already painted surfaces. It is also possible to polish the untreated surface using a rough method.

Flap-type discs are suitable for the same purposes, only rough grinding is faster. This type of disc consists of sandpaper petals attached to the working surface of the disc.

To remove paint, it is best to use special devices with stripping functions. A steel cup with attached steel fibers made of hard wire abrades perfectly, additionally sanding the wood.

Disadvantages of processing wood with an angle grinder

The main argument against using an angle grinder when working with wood is safety. There are certain ergonomic nuances associated with the inconvenient direction of the cut, but it is the risks of injury that often stop specialists from such cutting tactics. Why is it dangerous to cut wood with an angle grinder? Compared to the same jigsaw or circular saw, an angle grinder does not have a stopper - a device that physically stops the cut when it passes a critical point. In other words, as the landing zone or center of the cutting blade approaches the surface of the workpiece, the likelihood of the tool snagging and flying out of your hands increases. This can happen completely unexpectedly, just like the direction of the grinder's throw. The second nuance is related to the nozzle itself. For example, it is strictly forbidden to use disks with soldered segments, as they can be destroyed during operation. But today manufacturers also produce special equipment for servicing soft building materials.

Is it possible to cut wood with a grinder?

Experts answer the question unequivocally: no, this absolutely cannot be done. The material is too heterogeneous. It is soft at first, but can easily change into a thick knot. Once on it, the disc will not fly apart, as a circle on metal would.

He will move the nozzle, snatching the tool from the master’s hands. A dangerous condition, given that the circle at this moment continues to spin at great speed.

Functions of an angle grinder

The main direction of operation of the device is cutting something. Typically these are metal pipes, corners and profiles, as well as ceramic tiles or plastic panels. Wood is usually not included in the list of materials processed by angle grinders, although stores can find a special disc for this task.

Danger of working with wood

The main difference between a grinder and a circular saw or electric jigsaw is the absence of a stopper. This means that the cut is made by weight - without emphasis on a strong surface. As a result, the disc can “walk” a lot, and this will lead to the wheel getting stuck and knocking the grinder out of the master’s hands.

A critical situation always occurs suddenly. What’s most dangerous is that you can’t predict the angle at which the tool will be thrown.

Grinding accessories

The key to good grinding is a high-quality and correctly selected abrasive element according to the type of surface being processed.

Disc attachments for grinding

Disc grinders for grinding concrete are the most popular. Depending on the degree of processing, they are of two types:

turtles. This type is suitable for fine finishing of surfaces. They are distinguished by a flexible base, on which fine diamond chips with the addition of polymers are applied. They are quite convenient to use and quick to replace, thanks to their Velcro fastening system;

faceplates. A grinding disc of this type for concrete is used in cases of removing the first rough layer. The different grain sizes of diamond chips give complete freedom to choose the type of attachment in accordance with the type of stone or concrete floor base.


Concrete sanding cups of various sizes are a type of grinding wheel used to remove thicker layers of concrete. Depending on the level of processing, the types of cups differ:

  • double segment – ​​for removing the first thick layer;
  • square. If you need to remove large pieces of concrete during the roughing process, then it is best to use this bowl. It allows you to shoot decent segments without losing the quality of both the coating itself and the nozzle;
  • boomerang – provides more delicate grinding of the finishing layer due to fine abrasiveness.


If you need to polish the concrete finishing layer to a mirror shine, then the trapezoidal Frankfurt is what you need. It has an emery base of varying coarseness, which allows you to achieve completely polar results.

Features of some attachments used for grinding

As already written above, when performing sanding work on wooden surfaces using a grinder, one of the types of attachments is grinding wheels.

Grinding wheels can be made of solid material, or can be made in the form of a special disc-type design.

This type of device is a plate, on one side of which (at its center) there is a threaded connection with which the plate is attached to the angle grinder shaft.

On the other side there is Velcro, an adhesive layer with which sandpaper or replaceable discs (circles) are attached to the plate.

Petal nozzles also differ in their design; they are flat, disk-shaped and round, plate-shaped.

Cord brushes come in cup and disk types, which determines the possibility of their use for processing a particular surface.

Cutting wood with a grinder

In the absence of special equipment for working with wood, it is permissible to cut wood with an angle grinder. But the thickness of the material cut by the grinder should not be more than 4 cm. It is necessary to use special cutting discs and wood cutters recommended for working with the grinder.

The cutting tool must be held perpendicular to the surface being processed. If it is possible to adjust the speed of the angle grinder, then you should set the minimum value. The recommended maximum values ​​must not be exceeded (marked accordingly on the disc). When cutting at high speeds, the wood begins to burn and a large amount of smoke is released.

It is not recommended to use a button lock during operation in order to be able to turn off the device and minimize possible damage. To prevent the tool from jerking at the end of the cut, experts advise first filing the workpiece along the edges and only then cutting it.

Reminder when working on wood with an angle grinder

The main danger when working with an angle grinder is the sudden and unpredictable destruction of the disc when it encounters an obstacle or when the angle grinder is used incorrectly. Therefore, we recommend that you observe the following precautions and safety measures:

  1. Before work, check that the protective cover is securely fastened. When working, the casing should protect your face - turn it this way;
  2. Inspect attachments and discs for defects and wear;
  3. Install the side handle holder on the desired side. Turn on the angle grinder and check its operation at idle speed at different disk speeds;
  4. Inspect the material being processed and remember the location of large knots;
  5. When working, hold the tool with both hands, take a stable position;
  6. While sawing, inspect the blade for damage and watch the power cord;
  7. If the disk jams, turn off the grinder;
  8. When moving around the site, the wood saw must be turned off;
  9. Measure the diameter of the log - you should use it to choose the radius of the disk;
  10. Do not turn on the angle grinder with other people;
  11. Do not touch the blade or accessory immediately after it has stopped - the temperature of the cutting tool may be too high.

Important! Do not work with an angle grinder without a protective cover. When sawing, cutting or grinding, you do not need to exert much force on the tool. Do not point the grinder towards yourself - the movement of the cutting edge should be directed only away from you.

What is the difference between a grinder and a grinder?

The two devices that are used for sanding wooden products have significant differences. Not only in terms of the operating principle, but also in the final result. Experts say that an angle grinder will never be able to achieve perfection, unlike a well-chosen grinder.

Features of the grinder

An angle grinder or angle grinder is a multifunctional device that is used to implement various projects. Depending on the selected attachment, you can process surfaces, saw, cut, peel, and more.

When processing wood, use a flap sanding wheel or an attachment with sandpaper. At high speeds, the grinder rotates the disk, resulting in the processing of the log. The surface will become smooth and even, but only approximately. It will be possible to achieve the desired parameters for each beam only with the help of a grinder.

Note that the grinder works much faster. The disadvantage is the need to keep the machine suspended. In addition, the process generates a huge amount of dust and cuttings that fly towards the operator. You will need protective clothing, a respirator and goggles.

Characteristics of the grinder

Carpentry experts recommend using a sanding machine. There are three types of this device:

  • orbital;
  • tape;
  • vibration.

Orbitals are used for finishing to achieve a smooth finish. They rotate around their axis with a slight displacement. Tape strips are used at the first stage to carry out rough processing and remove a thick layer of wood. They look like two rollers that drive a special tape glued together indefinitely.

Vibratory grinders are used for intermediate grinding. The sole moves in a circle, grinding the material. Experienced carpenters use all types of devices.

Milling with a grinder

Another operation that many experienced craftsmen successfully perform using this tool is milling. Unlike a milling cutter, it will not be possible to perform truly high-quality processing. However, making a groove, as well as cutting a small part, will turn out quite tolerably.

Again, this operation is dangerous. I have already written recommendations for general action using this tool, so follow them exactly. The grinder needs a thick and high-quality cutter. Immediately dismiss the possibility of using homemade attachments and opt for an old brand that is insured against chips and breaks.

Even if you use all the tips, a beginner should not start milling alone without the supervision of a more experienced craftsman. As mentioned above, accidents happen to craftsmen all the time, given the instability of the tool.

We carry out rough processing of wood with a grinder

But, despite the existing warnings, it seems possible to process a wooden blank with an angle grinder. This requires the use of special attachments that are manufactured under production conditions, and strict adherence to safety rules when working with the tool.

Using plane discs for an angle grinder

Rough processing of a log house involves the use of special discs that allow it to perform the function of a plane. This method of processing wood using an angle grinder is considered one of the safest if you follow the operating instructions. The device is a good alternative to a carpenter's axe.

The nozzle is used without installing protective covers, since the fact that it can be destroyed during operation is completely excluded. You cannot use such a disk if it is in an upward position.

It is also necessary to have thick overalls and personal protective equipment that can protect exposed skin. When cleaning wood, you may encounter large chips flying away, which can easily injure your skin. One of the positive side effects of using such a power tool is the ease of chopping shavings or large sawdust, if necessary for household needs.

Application of grinding discs

To remove bark from a tree trunk and give it a primary shape for workpieces, a number of special peeling attachments for an angle grinder are used.

Thanks to such a chain wheel, it is possible to strip trunks of bark or small knots. The blank material is also given the required shape for further processing using a more precise tool. Such devices can replace axes for cutting out bowls in logs for the construction of log buildings.

It is also possible to use this disc as a cutting wheel, but the resulting cut will be jagged and the loss of material will be too high due to the large thickness of the cut.

Using cutters on an angle grinder for working with wood

Having completed the rough processing, you should proceed to the next step in processing wooden blanks - milling. For this purpose, some types of special nozzles are used.

The size of the abrasive on the discs can be completely different. When using this cutting tool, its intended purpose should be taken into account. Using such cutters, it is easy to give the final shape to workpieces. Some craftsmen use such attachments to finish wood, and the results from such work are quite good.

Almost similar types of discs are a mechanized rasp

They are considered relatively safe instruments that do not require special precautions or certain conditions. You just need to take care of protecting your eyes and respiratory organs

If you need to carry out regular cutting of wood materials, then it is better to use simple circular, chain and reciprocating saws, rather than a grinder. The task can also be effectively completed with a jigsaw.

It is worth noting that an alternative to electric tools for cutting boards and logs is homemade equipment. Making a jigsaw with your own hands to perform simple tasks is quite simple, thanks to which it is not at all necessary to use dangerous and expensive tools for simple tasks.

Working with wood

We carefully examine the angle grinder, evaluate the reliability of all connecting elements and the correctness of the attachment.

The tool should start with a soft start, if provided in your model. The process should be carried out at low speeds, with periodic increases if necessary.

A wooden piece can only be cut with a grinder at a right angle. Oblique cuts are not allowed.

Important: Any tilt is excluded. If misalignment occurs, a dangerous situation may occur.

Wood carvings are made with other tools.

There are technical features of working with an angle grinder on wood:

  • Many people, in order to make it more convenient to work, do not use a protective casing for the angle grinder, and this is strictly prohibited. This is the only protective barrier between the disk and the trowel;

  • A special device called a supporting base helps to secure the tool more firmly in the hands of the master;
  • When working, be sure to use gloves with rubber pads.

Grinder for sanding wood

But this work, incl. on wood, specifically for this tool. Just a small photo selection of angle grinder attachments for grinding is evidence of this.

for rough grinding.

The most common type of attachments for grinding angle grinders, cleanliness depends on the size of the abrasive grain on the blades.

The simplest option for changing grinding wheels is to use a holder attachment with a sticky base, on which replaceable abrasive wheels with different grains or even polishing bristles are attached.

polymer abrasive nozzle made of silicon carbide with nylon.

belt attachment for sanding.

And instead of a conclusion. Is it possible to cut wood with a grinder? It depends on what and what. If you cut a thin dry twig, then there are practically no restrictions, but if you have to do more serious work, see above.

Choosing a suitable disc for an angle grinder

When selecting modern circles for an angle grinder, you need to take into account the properties and main functionality of each consumable. Many grinding wheels have standard diameters. The most compact model of tools includes a circle with a diameter of 115 mm, but the main demand among craftsmen is a grinder disc with a diameter of 125 mm. It is widely used among both professionals and amateur craftsmen.

Natural wood often has a specific and heterogeneous structure; therefore, it is necessary to use special wheels. A grinder disc that is designed for processing metal or concrete structures absolutely cannot be used for wood. During its operation, the angle grinder may be susceptible to breakdown and overheating.

When choosing grinding equipment, you should take into account the dimensions of the mounting shaft, as a rule, the standard is 22.2 mm

Therefore, you should always pay attention to the markings of the disc so that it fully matches the size of the shaft. Nowadays, the circumference of a standard saw blade is 125x22.2 mm

Despite the fact that the grinder has a maximum size for a circle with a diameter of 230 mm. It is better not to install such a large cutting tool, especially for wood processing. When using discs larger than 150 mm, the risk of injury increases significantly. Preferred values ​​are 115x22.2 and 125x22.2 mm. At the same time, using a 125 mm circle you can perform a fairly extensive list of tasks.

It is important to have a clear understanding of the specifics of the types of equipment used. This allows the most correct method to select discs for an angle grinder, in order to ensure safe and effective methods of wood processing

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