Glue gun - what is it, device, how it works, what can be glued, pros and cons

A tool that is used in repairs, handicrafts and in various everyday situations - a glue gun. It has a simple design and is easy to use. The main thing is to choose a suitable model and use it correctly, observing safety precautions.

What is a glue gun?

The product is a soldering-thermal tool of simple design, which is used for reliable connection of different materials, modeling, sealing and decorating objects. The glue gun has gained wide popularity due to the high bonding properties of its special composition, which hardens quickly and does not have an unpleasant odor. Among the many types, you can choose a model to perform work of any complexity.

Glue gun device

The functioning scheme is the same for all models. A glue gun for crafts and other purposes consists of the following elements:

  • plastic case;
  • guide coupling;
  • mechanism for advancing the glue stick;
  • thermal camera;
  • nozzles;
  • electrical cord.

How does a glue gun work?

The main purpose of the tool is gluing parts together. The principle of operation is to heat hot-melt adhesive with a solid consistency to a viscous state. After cooling, the structure becomes solid again, which forms a reliable connection. This process is called polymerization. An electric or battery-powered glue gun is refilled with a stick.

The device is turned on and left for a while to allow it to warm up. When the trigger is pulled, molten glue flows through the nozzle under pressure. The rod is a piston through which the composition is supplied. The device heats up to the desired temperature and then maintains it until it cools down. After finishing the work, place the tool on the stand and leave to cool completely.

How does a heat gun work?

Before deciding on a variety and buying a product, experts recommend studying the operating principle and, if you have questions, using consulting assistance.

The gluing of products to each other occurs as a result of heating the glue from a hard to viscous consistency. The strength and reliability of the connection of the glued elements occurs as a result of reverse solidification. This process is called polymerization.

For your information! After polymerization, the glue acquires special strength and hardness. It will take significant force to break seams or joints between bonded materials.

What can you glue with a glue gun?

To understand the uniqueness of this tool, you need to know what can be glued with a hot-melt gun:

  • paper and cardboard;
  • textile;
  • metal;
  • skin;
  • plastic;
  • ceramics;
  • stone;
  • tree.

What materials can be glued

Hot melt adhesive is suitable for a wide range of materials. Regardless of what needs to be glued with what . Be it paper, cardboard, textiles, ceramics, rubber, wood, foam, metal, flowers - the main thing is to choose the right adhesive composition. It is necessary to correctly determine the type of rod suitable for the task. There are even two-component adhesive mixtures for gluing some materials. The rods are marked by color according to their purpose:

  • transparent - the most popular and versatile consumable;
  • opaque in any color except black and white - universal rods for obtaining a colored adhesive seam or for decorative purposes;
  • white opaque - for gluing metal and glass;
  • yellow transparent - for working with wood, cardboard, paper;
  • black and gray - sealant and insulating material.

These are the main markers for the purpose of the cartridges. They are not always the norm for different manufacturers, so it always makes sense to read the instructions for the rods. If you have difficulty understanding what specific type of glue is needed for the job, the transparent rod is applicable in almost all situations.

Pros and cons of a glue gun

The product has positive and negative sides. The best glue gun has the following advantages:

  • wide scope of application;
  • fast gluing speed;
  • ease of grip;
  • does not leave glue residues;
  • compactness and lightness;
  • low cost of components;
  • the rods do not lose their quality over time.

The disadvantages of a glue gun include:

  • temperature restrictions;
  • inability to use in the absence of electricity;
  • waiting for complete warm-up before starting work;
  • impossibility of gluing on cement surfaces;
  • cannot be applied immediately to large areas.

Types of glue gun

The tool is classified depending on its design, functions and other indicators. According to the use of the product there are:

  1. Professional
    . A more powerful option, warms up within a few seconds. Can be charged with rods, pellets and cylinders.
  2. Household
    . These models melt the glue in about 4 minutes. Power does not exceed 60 W. Charged with rods.

According to the method of heating the glue:

  • gas
    – fueled with butane;
  • electric
    – heating source household network or batteries;
  • network
    - works only from an outlet;
  • cordless glue gun
    – mobile version that requires recharging;
  • pneumatic
    – professional glue gun.

Based on heating temperature, products are divided into:

  • low temperature up to +110ºС;
  • high temperature not less than +195ºС.

Criterias of choice

Do you think the glue gun is easy to use?


There are several important factors that you need to pay attention to when choosing a device, namely:

  1. Power and heating rate . The higher this indicator, the less time it takes to heat up to start using the tool. Professional gadgets have a power of about 300 W, while household ones vary from 100 W to 200 W.
  2. Melt temperature . The lower the temperature limit, the fewer adhesives can be used. Most appliances operate at 105 degrees. But in some professional models the melt temperature reaches 200 degrees. 165 – 170 degrees is the best option for working at home or for professional use.
  3. The performance of a hot-melt gun or an indicator of how much glue it squeezes out per minute . For different devices, this value will vary from 5 to 30 grams per minute and is usually indicated in the device passport. It is also worth paying attention to the flow time of the glue (especially when you plan to work on a large area).
  4. Type of power source . There are models powered by mains, battery, and semi-autonomous.
  5. Diameter and length of the glue stick . The optimal value is 7 – 11 mm for domestic use. If you plan to use a heat gun in the professional field, then it is better to choose devices that support a diameter of up to 45 mm. The length of the rods is standard and reaches 20 cm.
  6. Glue supply mechanism . If there is a trigger, you must press it to feed the gluing element. In its absence, feeding is carried out manually.
  7. Availability of nozzle attachments . Removable attachments will help expand the area of ​​use of the glue gun.

There are also several additional features. Among them are the presence of a temperature regulator, a readiness indicator, backlight, viewing window, stand, and so on. You also need to pay attention to this when choosing a device.

How to choose a glue gun?

In order to use the tool for its intended purpose for a long time, you need to know how to choose a glue gun for needlework and other purposes. It is important to pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Product weight
    . The lighter the device, the easier it will be to use.
  2. Type of food
    . Depends on the place where the tool is going to be used. It can be powered by a wall outlet or battery.
  3. Productivity
    . The indicator fluctuates in the range of 5-30 g/min. For a home, low indicators are enough.
  4. Tool size
    . This parameter depends on the area of ​​application and the ability to work in hard-to-reach places.
  5. Stand stable
    . The bracket should be wide to prevent the glue gun from tipping over.
  6. Availability of consumables
    . The most common diameter of glue sticks is 7-11 mm.
  7. Working temperature of the melt
    . It all depends on future work. For paper and fabric, heating up to +105ºС is enough. The universal tool has an indicator of +165…175ºС.

Glue gun refills

They are plastic products that, when heated to the desired temperature, turn into a liquid state. The main component in the composition is a thermoplastic polymer, the rest are resins and plasticizers. Depending on the type of main component, the following types of rods are known:

  • ethylene vinyl acetate
    – low melting point;
  • polyamide
    - high heating rate;
  • polyester
    - the most refractory material;
  • silicone
    - can work at low temperatures;
  • rubber
    – characterized by moisture resistance;
  • polyurethane
    – long polymerization period.

Types of glue gun refills vary depending on color:

  1. Transparent colorless
    . Universal adhesive suitable for all surfaces.
  2. Transparent with yellowness
    . Used when working with paper, wood, some types of plastic and metal. The composition is able to withstand moisture.
  3. White
    . Used for joining glass and metal.
  4. Colored sticks for glue gun
    . The qualities do not differ from universal ones. With their help, you can make the seam on colored products as invisible as possible.
  5. Black and gray
    . Used to insulate electrical contacts.
  6. Decorative for creativity
    . Glitter glitter rods.

Glue sticks for heat gun

Glue guns differ not only in appearance, body size and different operating parameters, but also in the diameter of the glue stick (7 or 11 mm). A number of models work with rods with a diameter of 7 mm, while others use rods with a diameter of 11 mm.

For small decorative sewing and needlework work, it is better to use guns designed for glue sticks with a diameter of 7 mm. Firstly, the body size of such a gun will be smaller and more compact, and secondly, the glue will heat up faster. Accordingly, its price will be significantly lower than a pistol intended for professional installation and construction work.

Glue sticks intended for needlework are available not only colorless, but also colored. This allows you to glue rhinestones and jewelry without traces of the glued area. There are also special rods with various types of fillers, such as glitter. Consider all this when purchasing a gun and rods for it.

Glue gun rating

Among the assortment offered on the market, there are several brands that have proven themselves well. The best professional glue guns:

  1. Bosch PKP 18 E glue gun
    . Precise application of glue.
  2. Steinel NEO 1 334 109
    . Unique product shape.
  3. Hammer GN-06
    . Maximum convenient charging.
  4. Matrix 93015
    . High-quality temperature regulation.
  5. Simplelive 150 W 140-220
    . Glue gun with temperature control. Ideal comfort in use.

Best glue guns for crafts:

  1. Hobby and Pro DS-040
    . The best products with high heating temperature.
  2. UHU Creative
    . Excellent build quality.
  3. Elitech PKL 5015K
    . There is a power indicator light.
  4. Steinel Gluematic 5000
    . High performance glue gun.
  5. Dremel 930-18 Hobby
    . Comes with glitter sticks.

How to use a glue gun?

Before applying hot glue, the surface must be carefully prepared: clean, degrease and dry. The thermal gun is used as follows:

  • insert the rod;
  • place the instrument on the stand;
  • turn on the device;
  • wait a few minutes;
  • start work;
  • pull the trigger and apply glue to the desired place;
  • Fix the parts to each other for a couple of minutes.

Safety precautions when working with a glue gun are as follows:

  • do not leave the tool unattended;
  • do not place it on its side, but place it on a stand;
  • use only a working pistol;
  • do not touch the tip of the gun when it is in working condition;
  • Be sure to turn it off after finishing work.

How to remove glue from a glue gun?

Sometimes it is necessary to replace the rod. When the gun is cold there should be no problems. When heated, the glue for the glue gun is removed as follows:

  • firmly clamp the rod with your fingers;
  • scroll around its axis a couple of times;
  • carefully remove from the heating chamber.

Application area

A glue gun is a universal device. It is designed for reliable and convenient connection of two surfaces, and is also popular among needlewomen, engineers, radio amateurs, fashion designers, florists and designers. Hot-melt adhesive can be used to bond homogeneous and dissimilar materials:

  • wood;
  • glass;
  • ceramics;
  • crystal;
  • faience;
  • polymers;
  • concrete;
  • metal;
  • stone;
  • Styrofoam;
  • PVC linoleum;
  • paper;
  • textile.

The gun glues products almost instantly. The heated glue hardens in a few minutes, but there is still time to adjust the result. Hot-melt adhesive is water-resistant, highly durable, and due to the absence of solvents, it is superior in environmental friendliness to two-component products, Moment. The advantage of using a hot-melt gun with glue is the ability to start using the product literally in 30-60 minutes, when the composition has already gained strength.

Crafts with glue gun

You can make many beautiful and original things with this tool. Interesting crafts using a glue gun:

  1. Corals
    . They are created from interweaving thin wire, which is treated with hot glue. You can use colored rods or then apply paint of a certain shade.
  2. Snowflakes
    . A diagram is drawn on paper, and all the contours are covered with glue. Then they are separated from the base. If necessary, use colored varnish or acrylic paint.
  3. Candlestick
    . Take a glass and cover it with film. Use a glue gun, apply patterns with glue, allow time to cool. Then remove the cellophane and use the craft for its intended purpose.
  4. Bracelet
    . Use a tin can. Glue is applied to the surface in any suitable pattern. Allow time to cool and decorate with decorative elements.
  5. Shoes for Dolls
    . The legs are covered with film and glue is applied to form the product. Cover with paint or varnish. Remove and clean sharp corners.
  6. Cat scratcher
    . Take ordinary rubber gloves and apply drops of glue. Leave until it hardens and you can pet your pet.

Lifehacks with a glue gun

You can do many useful things with hot glue:

  1. Stopper for the sink
    . Take a balloon, put it on the gun and release the glue. Place it in the hole in the sink and press tightly. After drying, the ball is removed.
  2. Eraser for a pencil
    . Apply a small amount of glue to the edge of the pencil. After hardening, it will completely replace the eraser.
  3. Knife case
    . Take a hot glue gun and apply the heated compound to the tip. When hardened, the glue forms a durable cover.
  4. Hemming clothes
    . Cut off the excess and apply glue to the edge. It will not only fix well, but will also prevent the threads from fraying.
  5. Case for phone
    . After covering the surface with film, draw any patterns with glue. When everything has hardened, the film is removed and the resulting accessory is put on the phone.

Using a heat gun to create decorative items

The universal polymer composition is very convenient to heat up and make various piece products from it, perform decorative work or paint with the molten mass of different colors. Often a glue gun is used in modeling, making frames and other structures.


If the device is purchased for handicrafts, special attention should be paid to its configuration - some models provide a number of different nozzles with different nozzle diameters or an elongated feed spout, which is convenient when working in “blind spots” or recesses.

How to fix a glue gun?

If used incorrectly, some problems may occur. Let's consider what to do if the heat gun fails:

  1. Trigger jamming
    . Often the problem is that the rod is too tight. They move it back a little and try to pull the trigger. If nothing is fixed, you need to disassemble the structure and align the parts to increase the gap between the heater and the rod
  2. No glue movement
    . The reason is that the gun is clogged. Everyone is disassembled and all parts are cleaned.
  3. There is no full heating of the glue
    . The reason is insufficient supply of electric current. Check the glue gun for the integrity of the wires and the internal fastening of all parts.
  4. The glue flows without pressing the trigger
    . Reasons: very high heating temperature, discrepancy between the diameter of the rod and the gun, poor quality. The device is disassembled and cleaned.

Safety precautions when working with the device

Despite the fact that the tool is quite easy to use, it must be remembered that this is a high-risk device. It operates at high temperatures and is connected to the electrical network, so during operation it is necessary to observe safety precautions:

  • Each model has its own continuous operation time. For industrial appliances it is greater than for household appliances, but it is also limited. It is forbidden to continuously use the heat gun for longer than the specified time, otherwise it will break. Professional devices most often have an automatic shutdown timer.
  • Do not touch the nozzle during operation. Molten glue leaks out from there, which can burn you. You can change the nozzle only after the device has been completely turned off and cooled down.
  • Substances not intended for it should not be poured into the heat gun. Only glue cylinders are inserted inside.
  • Children may use the heat gun only under adult supervision to ensure that all safety rules are followed. Contact of the skin and hot elements should be avoided, and glue should not get into the eyes, inside, or onto mucous membranes.

How to replace a glue gun?

When the glue gun is missing or broken, and you need to use hot glue, you can do the following:

  1. A piece of refill is inserted into a ballpoint pen and melted over a fire. The composition will cool quickly, so it needs to be constantly reheated.
  2. Place small circles of glue on the match. They melt everything by simply lighting a match. This is a suitable option for emergency situations.
  3. Pieces of glue are melted on a preheated surface, and then a small amount is taken with any stick and applied to the desired location.
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