How to use a laser level: select a device and find an application

How to check and set angles

It’s easy to check the angle with a construction square; you can buy it at the store; if you’re going to cut out the corners, you’ll need it.

A construction square is needed to check angles

Just lean the square against the inner corner. We will not consider external corners for now, for the sake of understanding the process itself. After understanding how to align internal corners at 90 degrees with your own hands, external corners will not be a problem for you.

Checking the internal corner

Let's see what happens. If everything is fine, there are no gaps between the square, then relax. If the gap exceeds 5 mm, then you should be wary and find out how to align such an angle in a straight line so that both the bathtub and cabinets hang well. The fact is that a gap of 5 mm under a small, even half-meter (the length of at least one edge) square, for the entire length of the wall turns out to be quite large and at the end of the wall can reach 5 cm.

Making a square yourself

You can build a square yourself, and of any size. It is most convenient to make such a square from 27*28 mm plasterboard profiles (rigid or semi-rigid).

We use the rule of the Egyptian triangle, in which: if the legs of an angle are equal to 3 and 4 parts, and the hypotenuse is 5 parts, then the angle will be rectangular (a right angle between the legs).

We cut and bend the profile in the middle to the required length (the sides of our square do not have to be equal to the 3 and 4 parts we have defined, the rule is only needed to make a right angle). We bend it and take it as 1 part, for example, 30 cm. The larger you make the part, the “straighter” the angle will be.

We measure 3 parts on one leg - 90 cm, on the second 4 parts - 120 cm. We make marks with a marker. Next, bending the corner, we measure the hypotenuse strictly from the marks - 5 parts - 150 cm. Our angle is right, all that remains is to fix it with the same profile using self-tapping screws. Here you should be careful not to knock the corner, check the correctness of the markings several times.

The video below clearly shows how to build such a square.

Checking the angle using a laser plane builder

Laser plane builders allow you to easily check verticals, horizontals, deviations of entire areas, as well as angles, if such a function is provided on it.

Laser plane plotter, with function of constructing right angles

Not all plane builders are suitable, but those that project two perpendicular vertical planes. It makes work much easier, but such a device costs from 15 thousand rubles. You can find cheaper ones, especially in China, but they may also have deviations, although often not significant, they are at least written in the device’s passport, and on cheap models the deviations may not at all coincide with the passport ones. Check this before use using a large square, as described above, or on known right angles.

Such devices allow not only to draw right angles, but also → plaster planes and → floor screed (the links tell you how to make beacon plaster and cement-sand screed).

The laser plane builder (level) just needs to be turned on, placed at the corner and drawn lines on the floor that it has projected. Next, I will tell you how to check the angles and build a rectangle on the area of ​​​​the room using a square and a rule, and how to work with a laser plane builder will become clear from this story.

How to use?

Laser levels are distinguished according to the following parameters:

  • type of power supply , rechargeable or from replaceable batteries;
  • the presence of a remote control that switches modes from afar;
  • self-leveling mechanism;
  • beam dispersion angle , the ability to project marks in a circle.

Comparing the characteristics, choose the most suitable option.

For floor

The laser level is useful for floor installation, starting from installing beacon slats when pouring screed or when installing a self-leveling floor. The projected lines will help you level the first row of laminate or floorboards and check the planes of the walls.

Lines crossed at right angles check the position and quality of the seams of ceramic floor tiles.

For walls

Horizontal lines are laid for tiling with ceramic tiles, installing a suspended ceiling, and hanging cornices . If for some reason it is impossible to place the device high, a parallel line is manually drawn above the projected line using a tape measure and a plumb line.

Vertical lines are convenient for gluing wallpaper, attaching a frame made of metal profiles for drywall, and installing window and door blocks. The circular mode will help when marking interior partitions, as well as for leveling and plastering walls.

Lines crossed at right angles achieve a combination of two operating modes - horizontal and vertical. In this way, the correct installation of ceramic or PVC tiles is monitored.

To obtain inclined lines , as, for example, when marking a flight of stairs on a wall, change the angle of inclination of the device using adjusting screws. The self-leveling mode is disabled.

For the ceiling

Marking single-level and multi-level ceilings is not complete without a laser level.

We recommend: How to make an earth drill with your own hands? Do-it-yourself drill for pillars and wells

Built-in lamps are marked as follows:

  • mark the installation points of lamps on the floor;
  • transfer the points to the ceiling, directing the beam upward from the marking point.

Using the device as an electronic plumb line, they mark free-standing columns and holes for utility pipes in the ceiling.

Surface leveling

The laser level is capable of leveling the surface.

Leveling determines the position of the surface height at different points in the room.

The device is attached to the wall or floor using a bracket, directing the beam along the plane of the structure.

Using a ruler or a construction square differences and irregularities are measured , identifying plane errors or setting beacons for plastering work or screeds.

Making markings to align right angles

Since the work of making all the 90-degree angles with your own hands is quite labor-intensive and resource-intensive (plaster-intensive©), we will first look at the geometry of the room and then decide which corners we will make straight and which we will leave as is (two corners or all), if this decision has not yet been made. In any case, 4 corners will be more difficult and more expensive than 2.

Let's take the bathroom as an example and first check the corners with a square over the entire area and see approximately what kind of picture emerges.

Using a square to check the corners

Our picture is not at all happy; one corner (lower left) is completely gone. With the other corners everything is more or less, but the bathroom will not fit opposite the door, or rather, it will fit, but gaps will form between the bathroom and the wall. Small gaps can be covered with bath skirting boards (3-5 mm, even up to 1 cm), but nothing else can be used to cover them. More precisely, more is possible, at least 3-5 cm, but the quality... the quality will not be the same.

Condtrol MX2 – from 5000 rub.

An interesting solution is implemented in the Condtrol MX2 model with Russian roots, but made in China. This compact device builds only two lines, but what makes it really good is that it works for up to 30 hours on two AA batteries and has five different mounting options: strap, self-tapping screw, clamp, magnet, tripod. Despite the relatively small beam angle, it is more than enough for renovations in an apartment or small construction site.

The device can be called semi-professional, because it allows the use of a special receiver that increases the projection range. Lines can be built separately, which also simplifies work and saves battery. The durable, reinforced body, as well as the ability to install the device on 1/4″ and 5/8″ tripods, make this device truly indispensable in any man’s tool kit. The standard package includes a bag, mounting adapter, cable tie and batteries. By paying another 800-1000 rubles, you can purchase an extended version, which also includes a tripod, glasses, a target, a strap, and a case instead of a bag.

Technical characteristics of Condtrol MX2
Main characteristicsMeaning
TypeLinear (2 lines)
Accuracy0.3 mm/m
Range20 m (50 m – with receiver)
Working temperature0…+50 °С
Layout angle100° (horizontal), 120° (vertical)
Self-levelingYes (within 4°)

You can see the equipment in action and evaluate the number of possible mounting methods in the following video from the manufacturer.

We start marking from the first wall

First of all, let's check our first wall for verticality and plane. If we align 2 corners, then this is a wall parallel to the bathtub, if we align 4 corners (the entire area), then it is a wall with an opening. If the wall is blocked, it will need to be leveled first, but take your time, because we have not yet checked the entire area.

To begin with, let’s simply cut a straight line parallel to the first wall, as close as possible to it.

Let's draw the first line parallel to the first wall

Next, between the first wall and the second wall, we will install a square with one edge parallel to the first line, and apply a rule to the second edge of the square. We combine the edge of the rule and the square, thereby “lengthening” our square. Draw a line on the floor to the end of the wall as close as possible to the wall. We adjust and combine our enlarged square so that:

This is how we get the first right angle.

From the first line we will beat off the second one, perpendicular to it

Next, we go to the next corner to which we drew the line, and align the square with one edge parallel to the second line. We repeat the procedure with the rule (combine it with the square) and draw a third line perpendicular to the second, again as close as possible to the wall.

It requires some skill to combine the rule, the square and make a right angle with the lines as close as possible to the wall (this is done so that when plastering you don’t “eat up” the extra space). If the rule is not enough, we draw as far as there is enough, rearrange the rule, combining it with the line, and draw it to the end of the wall.

Draw a third line perpendicular to the second

We draw the fourth line, by analogy. As a result, we should end up with a rectangle

inside our premises. We check it along the first edge - along the wall with the opening, also by applying a square and a rule.

We check the resulting rectangle along the 1st edge

If everything is smooth, you can relax a little. If not, we repeat the procedure and/or look where we made a mistake.

Floor installation

When installing a level, you need to choose the right space for it. On the path of the rays there should not be any objects that can refract or distort the ray. In addition, there is no need to place the laser level further than the maximum distance indicated in the instructions (for household models it is usually about 20 m).

When placing the tripod, ensure its secure placement. The level should not swing, and it is especially necessary to protect it from the risk of falling. So that the markings made by the device correspond to the real lines (horizontal and vertical stripes), the device is leveled. This is done as follows:

  • If the device does not have automatic adjustment, you will have to level it using bubble levels. By sliding the tripod support legs in and out, the device body is moved until the level bubble is in the center of the scale.
  • If the level is equipped with an automatic smoothing function, it is enough to set it approximately level, and then press the key that launches the position adjustment program. The end of the process is indicated by an LED indication.

Interesting read: How to attach sandwich panels to the wall

After the level is level, all that remains is to fix its position by tightening the tripod screws. Now everything is ready to start working.

How to create corners in a bathroom: all corners are 90 degrees or just two

Now that we know what threatens us, we can try to make markings at 2 angles and see what threatens us in this case. We do everything the same, only for the main, first wall we take the one opposite the opening (the wall parallel to the bathtub).

Let's see what happens if we align 2 corners

This is what happened. We place the wall with the opening and the wall opposite only in the vertical and 2 corners of 90 degrees, where the bathtub is. The consumption of plaster and labor costs is less. The corners adjacent to the wall with the opening are not so scary. If there is a gap, it is small.

Deciding on the angles

Let’s decide whether we will draw right angles only where the bathtub is or in all corners. We pay attention to the other side of the wall, which is in the corridor. If the wall with the opening is blocked, then the second side of the wall will need to be plastered in the same way and brought vertically, otherwise the door will not be able to be installed smoothly.

Important point

, if you start from the wall with the bathroom, then it will no longer be possible to bring out the corners with the wall with the opening, because starting from the wall with the bathroom, all the irregularities will “crawl out” onto the wall with the opening and it may turn out that on one edge of the opening the thickness of the wall will be 10 cm, and on the other 15 cm. And how to install a door in such an opening is completely unclear...

You need to start leveling the walls from the wall with the opening, if you are leveling all the corners, and if only two corners, then the wall parallel to the bathtub should be leveled first.

Where is it used?

Before using a level, you should find out what problems it can help solve.

  1. It is used when installing suspended ceilings, interior partitions, niches and other plasterboard structures.
  2. You cannot do without a laser level when designing wardrobes, built-in furniture, determining the location of kitchen unit modules and various shelves.
  3. The level is useful when constructing parallel and perpendicular lines necessary for laying wiring and cables. You can also use it to mark the locations of lighting fixtures on the ceiling and walls.

Outside the walls of the house you can also find applications for this device. Using a level, you can mark the boundaries of your garden plot and build perfectly straight beds. It will be useful when building a gazebo or laying the foundation of a greenhouse. It can be used when leveling a site, laying paths and filling a parking space.

Checking the verticality of the walls

Now that we have built our rectangle, let's check the walls. The point here is that the resulting square may not work out due to the curvature of the walls and you will have to move its edges away from the wall. We check using a rule with a bubble level or a rule with a bubble level or plumb line leaning against it, which is not entirely convenient. Let's see how to check a wall with a rule and a bubble level.

From the edges of the rectangle we look at the possibility of vertically aligning the walls

The bottom edge of the rule is placed on the edge of the rectangle. The rule is set vertically, the bubble level is closely adjacent to the rule. It is important that the rule and level are clean, that there are no layers of dry plaster - this is a priori.

We walk along the walls, especially in the corners, and look at the possibility of leveling them. If somewhere it is impossible to set the rule vertically from the edge of the rectangle, because a wall is in the way, the edge of the rectangle must be moved to the distance required to level the wall and install the beacons.

It should be remembered that the beacons are 6 mm thick. Look through the walls based on the fact that beacons will need to be placed on it.

The edge is moved away from the wall parallel to the opposite edge by the same distance at both ends.

Methods and materials for measuring floor level

Each owner of an apartment or house independently chooses the scheme according to which the surface of the lower part of the room will be transformed.

The question of how to set the floor level takes on special significance in the case of:

  • If the surface was previously leveled, but excess raw materials remained on it and were not removed;
  • If mistakes were made during construction and the surface was initially uneven;
  • If the floor level in a private house is not sufficient to introduce a new coating;
  • If the house or apartment is old and the surface has been damaged due to chemicals or the influence of external factors (flooding, fungi, dampness).

In any of these situations, you can fully determine how to check the floor level to completely transform the premises of an apartment or house. Based on the photo of the future renovation of the space, it is necessary to draw a conclusion how much the level of the lower surface of the room needs to be raised.

There are various options for how to measure the floor level, the main ones are:

  • Level measurement using a hydraulic level (water level);
  • Measuring errors in surface flatness using a laser (pro

Checking a right angle using a laser level

Today you will learn how to check a 90° angle using a laser level. To do this, you just need to follow the step-by-step instructions prepared by a specialist from our company.

Step one

. Place the laser level along the first wall, to do this:

1. From one edge of the wall being tested, measure 10 cm using a tape measure. Make a mark on the floor or wall with a pencil. If the finish is clean, use masking tape as a marking surface (stick it to the floor or wall and mark along it).

2. Using a tape measure, set aside 10 cm from the other edge of the wall being tested. Make a mark with a pencil on the floor or wall.

3. Place the laser level in the corner of the junction of the two walls being tested, at a distance of 30-35 cm from the second wall being tested.

4. Turn on the display of vertical planes.

5. Aim the vertical plane at the nearest mark.

6. By moving the plane builder towards or away from the first wall to be tested, align the laser level so that its vertical plane passes through both marks.

Step two

. On the laser level, turn on the display of the perpendicular vertical plane.

Step three.

Along the surface of the wall being tested, use a tape measure to measure the distance from the first wall being tested to the first constructed plane.

Step four.

Now check this distance with the original one (10 cm). If the distance is more than 10 cm, then there is a hole in this place. If the distance is less than 10 cm, then there is a bump in this place.

Step five.

Then, using a tape measure, measure the distance from the first wall being tested to the first constructed plane along the height of the first wall being tested

Step six.

And check this distance with the original one (10 cm). If the distance is more than 10 cm, then the wall being tested is blocked from you. If the distance is less than 10 cm, then the wall being tested is piled on top of you.

Step seven.

We repeat points 3,4,5,6 of this instruction in relation to the second wall being tested.


If the distances between the edges of the first and the edges of the second walls are equally located in pairs from the given planes, then the angle between these two adjacent walls corresponds to 90 degrees.

If at least one of the walls with the far edge is directed away from you, the angle is obtuse.

If at least one of the walls is directed towards you with the far edge, the angle between the walls is acute.

You can also watch how to check a right angle using a laser level in video format. It will take you a little more than 1 minute. Don't forget to like the video if you find it useful.


Expert advice

It’s easy to master the technique of constructing marking lines using a laser level. But any business requires some practical experience. We recommend several video clips that contain detailed, pleasant {instructions} on setting up, using and checking the laser level:

We hope that with the help of our advice and these videos, any person will be able to master a laser level. Then this necessary tool will become a reliable assistant during repair work and in everyday life. For the sake of saving time and effort, it is worth spending time mastering the latest technology.


When starting to work with a new tool for the first time, not everything is completely clear. It would seem that I looked in the instructions to see which button is needed for what, and that’s enough. But this attitude often becomes the cause of disappointment in the result of work.

A typical example: the user did not know how to properly level the laser level before projecting the markings onto the wall, or did not want to do so. He simply placed the device on the table, turned on the laser in vertical line projection mode, and began drilling holes along it in the wall for attaching a metal profile. It later turned out that the line was not projected strictly perpendicular to the floor. I had to redo the work. But this is an extra waste of time, effort, working materials...

This is far from the only example of how neglect of basic rules for operating measuring instruments spoils the final result. We will dispel misconceptions that can cause serious mistakes made by a beginner. Let's start in order...

Laying tiles using laser

Here, of course, you cannot do without a regular bubble level; the laser level plays the role of an auxiliary device. Despite this, his role is very important.

When laying tiles, a laser checks the evenness of vertical and horizontal seams. Any tiler understands that when tiling a room in a circle (bathroom, bathroom), it is very important not to deviate the horizontal seam. Inexperienced tilers often deviate from the horizontal, resulting in a difference in horizontal seams in the corners. After all, for the eye to perceive it, it is enough to deviate by one mm and the difference will be striking.

To control horizontal seams, it is convenient to place the device on an improvised shelf (if the level system does not provide for another mounting on the wall). The shelf {moves} together with each laid row, with rearrangement to the opposite corner.

Vertical seams are controlled at times by installing a device opposite the seam.

Misconception 2. You don’t need anything other than a level for marking

A device that projects laser beams onto an object, although it performs the main task of helping to make markings, is not enough on its own to get an excellent result. There are a number of auxiliary devices that you simply cannot do without.

Retaining device



Laser Beam Receiver


Required equipmentDescription
This can be a tripod, mini tripod, wall mount or table mount. Using these devices, you can securely fix the measuring device to obtain the most accurate markings without displacement. Typically, a tripod is used for working in open areas or inside large construction sites. The remaining devices are suitable for use by finishing teams, furniture assemblers, installers, as well as for use at home.
It is applied to the surface on which laser beams are projected, and simplifies the laying of markings when you need to draw several straight lines at an equal distance from each other. Also, using a staff allows you to change the height of the level and then return it to its original position on the tripod.
These are special safety glasses, usually with colored lenses (red or yellow), that prevent the harmful effects of laser radiation if the beam accidentally hits the user's eye area. They also improve the visibility of the beam in daylight.
This device is useful when working with a laser level on the street. It allows you to recognize the beam even in bright sunlight, and also makes it possible to almost double the projection range. It is worth noting that the receiver and the level must be of the same brand, otherwise there is no guarantee of their compatibility. There is also a simpler device for improving the visibility of the beam - a reflective plate; it can be used if the device is not intended to work with a receiver, but it is necessary to improve the visibility of the laser.
Necessary as a consumable for laser levels, because dead batteries need to be replaced. As a rule, such measuring instruments use AAA or AA batteries (3 or 4 pieces). Sometimes it is better to have two sets - one working, the second as a spare. This way you will be insured in case of unforeseen work that takes longer than you planned.

Preparing the level for work

Before you start using the device, you need to follow simple rules. If the level is powered by a battery, it must be charged. If you have regular batteries, they must be inserted into the compartment provided for power supply. To check the functionality of the device, turn it on. If a laser beam or dot appears, then the device is functioning. Start preparing for work.

The quality of marking depends on the location of the laser level. Therefore, you need to find the most suitable place and install the device correctly. To do this, you must comply with certain requirements:

  • The laser line or dot must be projected without obstructions. The beam must not be interrupted;
  • Read the instructions for information about the maximum distance from the level to the object. It is not recommended to exceed it without a special receiver. As the distance decreases, the marking error decreases;

    The receiver is needed to increase the range of the level.

  • Place the device on a flat surface or secure it to a holder, such as a tripod. Do not allow the device to shake or move;
  • Before starting work, level the device horizontally;
  • If there are people nearby, warn them about the upcoming work. Isolate animals from the marking site. Do not allow the laser beam to come into contact with your eyes. This may cause injury.

Misconception 3. The device is perfectly accurate and does not require testing

Of course, most manufacturers indicate the maximum accuracy with which a laser level can apply markings. And since you buy products from this manufacturer, you probably trust him. But it is better to make sure that the declared characteristics correspond to yourself. A practical user, immediately after purchasing the device, can check its accuracy independently .
There are several ways, we will tell you about the simplest of them. You need to install the laser level in the middle of the room, for example, at a distance of 5 meters from the wall. After this, project a point or horizontal line on the wall and mark it with a pencil (point A). Move the device back at a distance of 1 meter without changing its height. Project a beam onto the wall and mark point B. The distance in millimeters between points A and B should be no more than the stated error. If this is not the case, then the device must be returned to a service center to have the defect eliminated. If you carry out construction or installation work that requires high precision, you must be completely sure that the error of the laser level does not exceed the value allowed by the manufacturer. Moreover, in some cases, official confirmation is required - a certificate. To do this, you need to verify the device in special certification authorities. The frequency of mandatory verification of measuring instruments is set individually.

How to check a laser level for accuracy

Since laser levels can provide erroneous readings even after being dropped, and for no apparent reason, it is recommended that they be tested before use in construction and repair. It does not take much time and is actually performed in the same ways as when setting up the device.

Horizontal beam accuracy check

Checking the level for horizontal accuracy is carried out using a sequential rotation method. The diagram looks like this:

  1. The device is placed at a short distance from the wall and a point is marked in the middle of the projection of the horizontal beam.
  2. The level is turned until the edge of the light line reaches the set mark.
  3. The coincidence of the beam and the point is assessed - if there is an upward or downward deviation, you need to calibrate the horizontal.

Warning! It is mandatory to check for accuracy even for new levels that have never been used.

Vertical beam accuracy check

There are two ways to check the level for vertical accuracy. One of them is usually used when setting up a laser - testing the plumb error. If a beam directed at a thread with a load illuminates it along its entire length, the building level works well, but if only partially, it requires calibration.

The second method requires a certain amount of effort, but is highly accurate.

  1. The laser is installed at the beginning of a long room, turned on and projected as a vertical line.
  2. Along the line, two marks are made on the floor and on the ceiling with a minimum distance of 1.5-2 m between them.
  3. The level is moved to the opposite end of the room and the beam is directed in the opposite direction.

Next, they check whether the new laser projection passes through the previously set marks. If there are no deviations, then calibration may not be carried out.

If the vertical in the rear projection does not pass through the starting points, the device requires adjustment

Misconception 4. No preparatory work is needed

This is not true, because if you initially place the laser level incorrectly, you will not be able to obtain even markings.
Therefore, you first need to find the optimal location for its location and install it in such a way that several conditions are met: Only after meeting all the listed requirements can you turn on the device and make markings. The responsible approach of the user at the preparatory stage guarantees the quality of the work performed, as well as the safety of people near the object.

What needs to be done before starting work?

A laser level is a simplified version of a level. The action of the tool is based on the emission of light from an LED , forming rays and dots. The beam changes position due to mechanical, optical, electronic changes.

Based on the construction principle, there are two categories of laser levels:

  • prism or positional, the beam is based on a prism, a line is projected onto the surface;
  • rotary , the beam is formed by a lens, capable of forming control points.

Prismatic laser levels are inexpensive and easy to use, the beam range is up to 20 meters. Rotary measuring tools are used by professional builders, have more capabilities, and the range has been increased to 500 m.

Before starting measurements , you must read the instructions and take care of safety precautions . When working outdoors, take into account the temperature range of the tool and the degree of protection from moisture.

Misconception 5. The device does not require maintenance

It is better to say that the laser level requires minimal maintenance. After all, there is nothing complicated in its maintenance. It is necessary to periodically clean the case from dirt and promptly replace batteries. It is also important to remember that careful handling of the device is a guarantee of its long service life . Store and carry it in a special bag or case, so you will reduce the risk of damage from accidental impacts. After all, mechanical impact can lead to the laser’s accuracy being lost, and calibration will have to be carried out. If this happens, do not try to fix the problem yourself; it is better to entrust it to professionals. This way you will be sure that everything will be done quickly and efficiently, and the device will again become your reliable assistant.


Now that you know what mistakes ignorant users most often make when working with a laser level, you won’t repeat them yourself. You will find more detailed instructions and subtleties of using your device in the instructions supplied with it. By following what is written there, you can avoid problems when applying markings and, undoubtedly, get a high-quality result. Perhaps, for the first time, studying the instructions and preparatory work before measurements will take you a lot of time. But it’s worth it, because, having mastered the correct algorithm of actions, you can later bring it to automaticity and make even markings in just a few minutes.


Device Application

The method of determining measurements “by eye” is no longer relevant for a long time. For quite some time now, tape measures and water levels have been replaced by more accurate and convenient digital devices called levels. The use of such a laser level for a person engaged in repair and construction work is simply necessary.

The capabilities of a laser level are quite wide, since it can be used to identify defects on any surface. The level can be used to level the level of interior and exterior doors during their installation. The laser level is used not only for walls, but also for leveling floors, ceilings, and external structures.

Having heard about leveling for the first time, an ignorant person wonders, what is a laser level for? The water level copes with its task quite effectively, but the use of laser levels not only makes marking work easier, but also speeds up the process of identifying defects.

It is important to know! Despite the high cost of levels, they are able to pay for themselves in a fairly short period of time, which is important not only for builders, but also for workers in such specialties as landscape design, topography and others.

Preparing for work

Before using the laser level, it must be correctly positioned in a vertical position. More expensive models of devices have an automatic position adjustment function. If the device does not have such a function, then you need to level its position using a special tripod, in which each leg is adjustable. There are air bubbles in the device itself, which you need to focus on when setting the level. Only then should you turn on the device.

If the device is equipped with automatic adjustment, then deviations of up to 5 degrees are compensated independently. Such devices should be turned on before the level is leveled. While alignment is being carried out, the device emits a corresponding beep or flashes. As soon as it assumes the most even position, the signal will disappear or the beam will stop blinking.

It is important to know! In some models, the alignment process is accompanied by a change in LED color from green to red or vice versa.

If the device cannot automatically correct the deflection angle, then you must resort to manual adjustment of the tripod legs. Only after the level is correctly aligned can work begin.

How to check a laser level for accuracy

Before you begin marking, you need to check the device for accuracy. The instructions for each device provide its permissible error. Typically, error information is provided in units such as millimeter/meter. The smaller the error value, the better. But it is also important to note that the smaller the error, the more expensive the device. It is necessary to make sure of the permissible error before purchasing.

The check is carried out by applying two marks on different walls. The first mark is placed on the wall, which is located next to the device, and the second at a distance of 4-5 meters. Having placed marks on the near and far walls, you should move the level to the distant wall to the second point. Having aligned the laser beam with the second mark, you should direct it to the first and see if the markings match. If it does not match, then there is an error. The permissible error is not eliminated, but if the discrepancy value is higher than normal, then you should adjust the device or ask the seller for another one. For this purpose they are equipped with a special adjusting screw. The video shows the principle of error checking, as well as the features of setting up the device.

How to use a laser level

Working with a laser level will not be particularly difficult. Beginners may wonder how to operate the device, but in reality everything is quite simple. To find out how to operate the device, there is no need to read the instructions. If possible, it is better to ask a knowledgeable specialist, but if not, then you can figure it out yourself.

In order to find out how a laser level is used, it is necessary to consider its operation using specific examples.

And this is only a minimal list of tasks that a laser level can help you perform. When carrying them out, it is important to determine which position of the laser level is considered correct. Setting up a laser level involves removing all objects and things that will interfere with the reflection of the beam on the projected surface. When installing a tool, you need to know what range the device has. Increasing the distance reduces accuracy, while decreasing it, on the contrary, increases it.

In conclusion, it should be noted that when working with a level, the most important thing is not to look at the place where the beam is created. The laser beam is so strong that it can adversely affect vision. First of all, children should not be allowed to look at the beam, as it only takes a few seconds for vision problems to occur. The master working with the level is recommended to follow these recommendations.

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