I welcome everyone to our dacha blog Dacha-svoimi-rukami.com and today we will continue the series of articles devoted to wood splitters, we will consider their manufacturing, design features and the possibility of modifying the models.
So, today we will look at a hydraulic wood splitter with detailed diagrams and drawings, which was kindly provided to us by the Ukrainian inventor and Svyatoslav, who has been developing such devices for many years both for personal use and for sale. First, watch the video of this device in action:
Installing the motor and main shaft
After this, you can install the belts.
Having done this, check the trajectory of their movement - it should be straight. If this is not the case, drill new holes in the tabletop and install the shaft there. After this, check the trajectory again. Do this procedure until you get the desired result. The belts must move without beating, otherwise they may fly off. Place the cone on the shaft and secure it with screws. The cone must be installed firmly, without play. Make flats on the shaft. They can come in handy if the cone gets stuck in a log. You will have to remove it using a pipe wrench. The flats will ensure the key adheres to the shaft. After this, install the divider (an old hammer may be useful for making it).
Hydraulic wood splitter
The annual collection of firewood is hard, routine work that residents of regions of the country have to do where the pipeline with “blue” fuel has not reached. Store a potential source of heat in slender woodpiles, this storage method:
- allows you to minimize the volume of strategic reserves;
- eliminates the need for daily cutting;
- promotes good drying of firewood.
However, before putting the finished logs into the woodpile, it is necessary to chop more than one cubic meter of firewood, and a hydraulic wood splitter will help minimize the labor costs for this procedure.
Example of a foot splitter
Now let’s look at an example when you don’t want to pay for electricity and for gasoline or other fuel, but you want some simple hydraulic splitter. How to make everything work using human power? It's actually simple.
You can see how this works in life in the video:
Materials and tools for assembly:
- hydraulic jack;
- profile pipe 40x50;
- corners;
- steel plates 6-8 mm thick;
- rubber band;
- a piece of metal at least 30 mm thick (to create a wedge that will split the wood);
- M12 bolts;
- welding, grinder, measuring tool, drill, etc.
Manufacturing process
Step 1. Making the frame.
The base is a profile pipe with a diameter of 40x50 mm. But she can’t cope alone and may bend. There is option 2. Either we take a thicker pipe, or we strengthen the existing one. Everything is clear with the first option, but how to do the second can be seen in the photo. A simple farm is being made.
We weld the guide to the platform. Watch the quality of the seams, they must be of high quality and reliable. We weld a scarf onto the reverse side.
To make a slider you need to use a corner. We cut into the required lengths and weld. The main task is to make it slide freely along the guide, but make sure that there are no strong backlashes. To strengthen the place where the hydraulic jack rod will subsequently rest, the bevel of the plate is welded.
Step 2. Making the base for the jack.
A hydraulic jack with a lifting power of 10 tons is required. But you can choose a lower power, for example, 6 tons also copes quite well. But it is necessary to prepare a good support. To do this, take strips of metal 6–8 mm thick and weld them under the heel of the jack.
Step 3. Handle.
As planned, the jack is powered by the foot, so the handle has to be modernized. To do this, we simply weld the parts to obtain the necessary bend that is comfortable for the leg. You can also weld a special pedal to prevent your foot from slipping. To return the handle to its original position, you can use a spring. But the author took a more complicated route and welded the roller and tied a tourniquet to the handle.
Step 4. Knife.
The cutting part is made of steel of at least 3 mm. We sharpen it in the form of a wedge. For fastening to the guide we use M12 screws. Screws require periodic inspection.
Photo of a wood chopping knife
At this point, the foot press for chopping wood is ready. Its main advantage is that it does not require many resources; all suitable material can be found in the garage. Source https://sense-life.com/hands/drovokol.php
Types of mechanisms
Masters advise that before you start creating a wood splitter with your own hands, familiarize yourself with the features of the diagrams, instructions and watch training videos on specialized portals. This will help you navigate your choice and give preference to a truly high-quality design. You should also be familiar with the types of wood splitters. There are:
- By type of drive, a simple option is gasoline or diesel fuel. It will not depend on electricity and has high performance.
- The mechanical type option is suitable for small volumes of work.
- Stationary structures operate on electricity. You can also buy a powerful unit for a large amount of raw materials or a small wood splitter that is more energy-efficient.
- In addition to the option with a vertical arrangement of material, according to design features, there are also rack and pinion types of raw material supply, screw (has high power and cutting speed) and hydraulic.
For domestic use, screw and hydraulic options are most often purchased. Their cost is high, but this is the price for quality and durability. Using the drawing of a wood splitter, you can make a homemade unit of a mechanical or gasoline type and save money.
Screw models
The use of a cone-shaped cleaver makes it possible to split the trunk due to mechanical pressure and the rotating movement of the tip of the element. At the same time, little effort is expended on the process, and fuel consumption is minimal. High operating efficiency makes the unit in demand and popular among other types of wood splitters.
The device is small in size, easy to install, and can be moved from one place to another. The unit consists of several parts. This includes:
- Motor with an approximate speed of up to 400 and an average voltage of up to 380.
- A bed in the form of a horizontal surface on which finished parts are folded.
- Gearbox. Thanks to this element, the number of revolutions is controlled and, if desired, the speed of the process is increased or decreased.
It’s not difficult to create an electric wood splitter with your own hands, but you need to follow the instructions and diagram so as not to miss an important detail in the process. You can find detailed video tutorials or master classes that not only describe the assembly process step by step, but also show the finished result in practice.
You can buy components for a woodcutter at hardware stores. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the quality of the screw. It must be metal, heavy and without irregularities on the surface, so that during the rotation process the spirals can freely penetrate the wood and saw through its dense, uniform texture.
Hydraulic option
This is an economical type of processing of raw materials, since the time required for large volumes is minimal. The process is carried out due to the presence of a high-power engine and special hydraulic pumping equipment. In order to assemble such a model at home, it is necessary to take into account the location of the logs, the desired design parameters and its location. It is also worth calculating the parameters of the cylinder and engine power.
It is more difficult to create a hydraulic wood splitter than a screw version, but due to its high productivity, the model is popular and in demand on the equipment market. Manufacturing takes place from ready-made elements; some components can be replaced with home-made parts, but they must match the parameters and dimensions of the main tool.
If you have access to electricity, you can assemble an electric wood splitter
Rack type
The design is of a complex type, since here, in addition to the cleaver, which performs the main function, a rail is used along which the logs approach the tool. The rack moves due to a gear transmission. The log must be fixed between the thrust device and the cleaver.
When you press on a special handle, the log splits, clutch occurs between the gears, and the rack itself moves forward to the splitter. Reverse movement is used to return the rack to its place and move the cleaver to its original position.
The split log is removed during the process, a new one is installed in its place, and the action continues. To start the device, electricity is required. You can find devices that run on gasoline or diesel fuel, but the electric option is the most economical and optimal.
In a rack-and-pinion log splitter, the following parameters are considered important:
- Required blade length for splitting logs.
- Varieties of cleavers. The speed of splitting and the ability to quickly install a new deck depend on this. If the element is massive, then this simplifies the process and makes it almost instantaneous. A long and thin cleaver is used for splitting small logs with an uneven surface.
- The force applied to the workpiece.
Experts advise choosing logs that will be placed freely on the canvas and will not create obstacles during the work process. It is better to buy this tool pre-assembled, since screw elements are difficult to find freely available on the market. In addition, the plant always provides a guarantee for its products, which reduces the risks of purchasing low-quality goods.
DIY hydro splitter
Making a hydraulic splitter for firewood is not difficult. The main snag is in its hydraulic part, circuit, connection methods and calculation of components, which we will consider.
We will not consider in detail the structure of the body, work table, wedge, transportation capabilities and similar functions, for the simple reason that they mainly depend on the imagination and needs of a particular master. They do not affect the main task of the cleaver in any way. But we will still provide a number of general recommendations below.
The minimum that a simple hydraulic wood splitter can consist of is:
- hydraulic pump;
- hydraulic pump drive (engine);
- hydraulic distributor;
- hydraulic tank;
- hydraulic cylinder;
- sleeves;
- connecting elements.
Before constructing a homemade hydraulic splitter, you need to decide on its power, namely, how much hydraulic cylinder force is required. An error at this stage leads to the fact that the drive power may not be enough. Accordingly, the engine will jam on knotty wood or large logs.
You can see the hydraulic diagram of a simple wood splitter in the photo. It includes a minimum of components
It is worth paying attention to the presence of its own safety valve at the hydraulic distributor. Its presence will not help in any way to improve or simplify the main task of the device, but it should always be installed
It is necessary to clearly understand the rule of the inverse relationship between the performance of the hydraulic system and the drive power required for this. With such a calculation in this scheme, you always have to sacrifice the speed of the hydraulic cylinder in favor of lower engine power. But this is not always suitable. The industry requires a combination of high cycle speed and low power consumption. In this case, a unique type of load will help: a large idle stroke of the hydraulic cylinder and a short loaded mode. Here you need to divide the flows to the hydraulic cylinder according to performance depending on the operating mode.
A complete description of the process of making a cleaver with your own hands:
- The frame of the cleaver is made of a round pipe Ø102x6.
It has sufficient strength to withstand the loads from the hydraulic cylinder and sufficient rigidity to avoid deformation during operation. The frame consists of two parts.
The horizontal, long, pipe is the main part. The guides of the pushing piston, the knife, the engine and the support stand are attached to it. The pump intake flange is also welded into the rear part of the pipe.
The vertical, short tube serves as a bracket for the hydraulic cylinder, a filler neck and a mounting window through which the hydraulic pump is attached.
Both parts are welded together with a hermetically sealed seam, because our frame simultaneously serves as a hydraulic tank with a capacity of approximately 10 liters. This gives us the opportunity to save on making a special separate container for the oil and ensure good cooling, since the running engine directs the air flow from its own cooling along our tank pipe. It is very important to ensure the internal cleanliness of the tank since the system does not use a hydraulic filter. To drain the oil, a welded adapter for the drain hose is welded into the frame from below. The height of the support column is designed in such a way that the operator does not bend over during work and, accordingly, gets less tired.
- The pushing piston is made of 10 mm thick sheet steel.
On the back side of the working plate, two plates with holes for attaching the hydraulic cylinder rod are welded. In its lower part there are two pockets, the inner surfaces of which are covered with anti-friction plastic. By using plastic for the push piston guides, we significantly increase the service life of the guides and reduce the negative friction force.
- The knife for a hydraulic wood splitter is the main working part of the wood splitter, which plays a major role in the piercing process and takes the greatest load.
The forces that act on it try to bend it, erase it, blunt it, in a word, break it. Therefore, this is the part of the hydraulic splitter that requires the most attention during design.
Both the quality of the split firewood and the load on all working parts of the machine depend on the shape of the knife. After all, the knives of a hydraulic log splitter , according to their purpose, should chop the log along the fibers, and not cut these fibers at an angle or even across. A knife of the correct shape, cutting literally a few millimeters between the fibers, leads to splitting of the wood. Further movement of the log by the pushing piston through the knife blades should occur with virtually no resistance. If the shape of the knife is not perfect, then this leads to the fact that when passing through the blades of the knife, the log changes direction of movement, as a result we get a lot of chips (waste in the form of numerous chips and debris), as well as significant loads on the knife itself for a hydraulic wood splitter and other elements of the mechanism. Even if the knives have an ideal shape, not every log that we are going to split has the ideal grain direction for splitting. Basically, these are logs with knots or defects, which will one way or another lead to the above-mentioned loss of effort for cutting fibers at an angle, a large amount of chips, unwanted loads on the parts of the hydraulic splitter, and so on.
But not everything is as bad as it looks! The crackling sounds produced by the tingling of logs with knots are an excellent material for ignition. All elements of the hydraulic splitter, as mentioned above, are adapted to heavy loads. It is able to perfectly split a log without knots, and also flawlessly withstand the extreme loads that arise when splitting logs with heavy knots, while ensuring the high-quality shape of the resulting firewood.
All this becomes possible thanks to the use of steel with extraordinary capabilities for making a knife. The wear-resistant Hardox 450 steel allows us to produce a hydrosplitting knife that can be guaranteed for life. Wood splitter blades made from Hardox 450 steel will NOT bend, break, wear off or become dull. Requiring no special preparation or heat treatment, this steel is excellent in welding and machining.
A few words about the main purchased components:
- electric motor 3-phase, 4 kW / 1500 rpm. (Belarus)
- six-part hydraulic pump GP-2K10L (Ukraine)
- hydraulic cylinder: piston Ø63, rod Ø40, stroke 400 mm (Ukraine)
- hydraulic distributor P40 (Italy)
- high pressure hoses: pressure DN8, drain DN12 (Poland)
- oil 10W40
- motor protection circuit breaker 25 A (Germany)
- wheels 200x50, load capacity 200 kg
If you wish, you can find analogues of these components to make a hydraulic splitter.
- productivity up to 30 m3/day
- electricity consumption 1.2 ÷ 1.5 kW ∙ h
- optimal log diameter 250 mm *
- optimal log length 330 mm (max. 390 mm)
- cycle time (stroke + return) 8 sec
- effort tingling 9 tons
- weight 135 kg
Drawings for making a hydro cleaver with your own hands:
A brief overview of the designs of mechanical wood splitters
Several types of mechanical devices for splitting firewood are sold in the retail chain. The main nodes are:
- The bed has fixed and movable elements attached to it. Along the way, a bed is placed on the bed, sawn blanks are placed in it.
- The fixed ax is a sharpened plate mounted perpendicular to the surface of the block.
- The moving part is the actuator. Usually a pusher is equipped, with its help a fragment of the log is moved onto the knife blade.
- The drive mechanism and energy device that creates the force to perform the main work.
It is customary to classify devices according to their operating principle:
- Rotating cones - these mechanisms are screwed into the wood. When the cone penetrates the body of the log, it pushes the fibers apart. The structure is destroyed and the workpiece breaks up into several logs.
- Dynamic action - the drive device is made on the basis of a flywheel. In this design, the moment of inertia accumulated during the rotation of a massive body is transferred to the pusher at the right moment. He pushes the fragment onto the cutting edge.
- Rack and pinion type - the transformation of rotation into translational motion occurs in a rack and pinion mechanism. The pusher makes a reciprocating movement.
- The hydraulic drive makes it possible to obtain significant force on the actuator from a small engine.
- The lever action mechanism allows you to develop high force due to the different lengths of the levers. By pressing on the long lever, a higher force is obtained on the short one than was initially applied.
According to the location of the split log on the firewood splitting machine:
- Vertical orientation allows for compact installation in limited space. Often small hydro wood splitters are mounted next to fireplaces or stoves, where they are burned.
- The horizontal position of the frame allows you to install large logs. Even workpieces of complex shape will be split into separate elements.
Pumps for driving wood splitting machines from tractor hydraulics are used for mobile installations. They are used in remote locations where there is no possibility of connecting to the power grid.
Devices used at sites with power supply are based on electric motors.
Do-it-yourself hydraulic cleaver for firewood, video:
Also read: DIY hydraulic wood splitter with video
Hydraulic log splitter review
Firewood splitters of the GT-5 series are intended, first of all, for the preparation of firewood in small volumes, namely: for households, small businesses, institutions, gardens, schools and the like. The productivity of these machines allows chopping up to 20-30 m3/day.
Hydraulic wood splitters of this series are available in two versions:
- GT-5E - with electric drive,
- GT-5D - driven by a diesel engine.
The model of splitting axes with a hydraulic splitting mechanism GT-5E is advisable to use in cases where there is no need to move the ax over long distances, that is, when it is used within one territory (yard) and it is possible to connect to the electrical network at several points in this territory or have an extension cord. Hydraulic wood splitter GT-5E in electric version requires connection to a three-phase network. It is three-phase motors that make it possible, with low power, to obtain a high speed of movement of the pushing piston with a significant tingling force, which in turn ensures high performance indicators.
The hydrosplitting model GT-5D is specially designed to work in places where it is not possible to connect to the electrical network. It is for this purpose that the wood splitter is designed as a trailer for a car. A torsion wheel axle and a hitch with a support wheel make it easy to deliver and place your wood splitter anywhere you plan to harvest firewood. Reliable diesel engine with 12 hp power. provides high performance with low diesel fuel consumption. Also, with such a machine you can easily provide firewood collection services.
When designing the GT-5 series log splitter, special attention was paid to the aspects of maximum reliability and minimization of maintenance. We understand that our hydraulic splitters are mainly used in the private sector, where the possibility of qualified maintenance or repair is practically absent. The very simple design of hydraulic cleavers and at the same time the use of high-quality materials and advanced welding technology minimizes the possibility of breakdowns.
Appearance of a ready-made hydraulic splitter
Step-by-step guide to making a log splitter using a hydraulic jack
A home craftsman can independently make a simple structure from a hydraulic jack. You will need:
- I-beam No. 16, it will be used to make the frame and supports.
- Steel plate 8…10 mm thick. It can be used to make amplifiers, brackets and a knife.
- Tension springs 250…300 mm long (2 pcs.). They will be needed to automatically return the pusher to its original position.
- Hydraulic jack designed for a force of up to 6 tons.
- angle grinder with cutting discs and flap wheel;
- welding machine;
- measuring tool;
- electric drill with a set of drills.
Operating principle and drive options
The movement of the cleaver occurs using a hydraulic drive. It is capable of a force of up to 6 tons, so the splitting is done very smoothly, without jerking and quickly. There are 2 positions of the cleaver: for cutting wood into 2 and into 4 parts. There is no overload, no automatic operation occurs, the wood splitter can operate continuously for up to 10 hours. The weight of the model is 180 kg due to the heavy frame and hydraulic cylinder.
There are 3 drive options:
- in 2 models – electric drive (220 or 380 V);
- in the third modification - an internal combustion engine.
“Gorynych 6T” operates from a 380 V network. Power is 4 kW. It takes 2 s to split 1 piece 40 cm long. If the length of the workpiece is up to 45 cm, then the duration of 1 cycle is 2.5 s. The maximum possible length of the block is 50 cm.
The radiator of the log splitter is made of copper, so the device can operate in any weather. The characteristics remain unchanged even after harvesting 10,000 cubic meters. m of wood.
Installation of hydraulic device
Assembly of the mechanism is difficult. To create a wood splitter you will need a special cylinder, an oil tank and a fluid flow control unit. First, the frame is made; for greater convenience, it can be mounted on wheels or a special chassis. This will allow you to move the device from one point to another, making it mobile.
The main hydraulic part will be attached to the frame. You can make a pad made of noise-absorbing material under the base. It will help to slightly reduce the noise level in the process and remove excess friction between the frame and the hydraulic unit. A screw is installed in the center, which will move towards the log.
The presence of an electric motor in the device allows you to speed up the process and significantly simplify the step-by-step implementation. Such a device will work much faster than a mechanism with a conventional jack. When finishing wood, less manual force will be involved than when using a mechanism with a motor.
If we talk about the differences between the factory model and the unit made by hand, then there will not be much difference between them. The only exception is price indicators. Models from the factory cost several times higher than those made independently, but the former will also have higher power. Everyone chooses convenient options for themselves, but if it is possible to create a design on their own, this will help significantly save the family budget.
About homemade products
When familiarizing yourself with factory products, some might have a completely logical thought: “Why not save money and do something similar yourself?” With the right hands and a clear head, anything is possible. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most interesting wood splitter designs that you can actually make with your own hands.
Spring log splitter
It is an evolutionary step in the development of classic cleavers. Using a spring log splitter requires the use of muscular strength, but to a lesser extent due to the spring mechanism, large arm and additional load. In the diagram it looks like this.
The design of such a homemade product includes a metal pipe or profile (this will be our shoulder, increasing the gain in strength, with a blade at the end), a metal support and a hinge connection between them. The return mechanism is spring type, you can use an old shock absorber. The video below shows an example of working with such a mechanism.
A mechanism with such a simple name also does not require the use of high-tech parts. To manufacture it, you need a drive, a simple gearbox with a belt drive, a pair of bearings, a shaft, a threaded cone and a table-frame. A drive with a power of more than 2 kW, at least from an old washing machine, is not a problem to find. Paradoxically, the most complex part of the system is the cone. You need to either buy it ready-made or order it from an experienced milling machine friend. The diagram of a screw splitter is shown in the figure below.
The splitting of the chocks is carried out by screwing in the cone, due to which the wood fibers are literally torn. The main thing is not to make money feeding logs - this is a rather unsafe design, and a carrot can just as easily screw on the sleeve of your clothes. How it works is in the next video.
Rack design
For all its effectiveness, a rack-and-pinion wood splitter is a controversial decision. And first of all, this concerns safety. It is necessary to carefully calculate the rotation speed of the gear, the force from which is transmitted to the rack. As a rule, splitting with such a wood splitter is carried out very quickly. By pressing the rack against the gear by pressing the handle, the operator sets it in motion. By releasing the handle, the contact with the gear is reduced due to the spring, the return mechanism is activated and the rack returns to its original position. The rail must be placed on a carriage that will move along the frame. Actually, it is necessary to fix the pusher plate on it. Schematically it looks like this.
It turns out that maximum attention should be paid to the frame, i.e. its stability, as well as the quality of the slats - it will not be possible to turn one without special skills
For the rest, at least some experience in welding and the use of electric drives will help. The end result may look like this craftsman in the video.
Hydraulic cleaver
In our opinion, this is the most technically complex solution, but it is also the safest. Armed with Pascal's law, a hydraulic cylinder, a drive, a pump and an oil tank, with the help of an experienced hydraulic engineer you can create a system that develops a force of 5 tons and above. Schematically, the structure of such a product looks like this.
The man in the video did it, maybe you can do it too?
Professional wood splitters: review of the champion lsh 5000 model
Along with the fact that it is quite possible to make a wood splitter with your own hands, you can also purchase a factory model. Products typically offer greater power, durability, and performance.
Let's look at the operating features and technical parameters of the device using the example of a champion lsh 5000 wood splitter operating on an electric motor.
The wood splitter is a hydraulic mechanism powered by electric traction with an engine power of 2700 W. Its main characteristics are as follows:
- Dimensions of the chock: diameter from 50 to 250 mm, length up to 520 mm.
- Product dimensions 950*280*520 cm (length, width, height, respectively).
- Product weight 43 kg.
- Oil volume 3.5 l.
- Pressure in the hydraulic system (average) 20 MPa.
Device diagram
The components of the structure are presented in the diagram.
The numbers indicate:
- A lever that controls the hydraulic drive.
- Protective surface.
- Pusher.
- A plate that guides the movement of the tree.
- Device for splitting lumps.
- Transport handle.
- Support elements.
- Electric motor.
- Lever to turn off.
- Block with control elements.
- Wheel.
The side view shows the bolt that controls the oil level in the system (1) and the screw that supplies air to the hydraulic system (2).
Terms of Use
The wood splitter is used under the following environmental conditions:
- temperature range from +5 to +40оС;
- 1 load cycle lasts within 10 minutes;
- The maximum operating time under constant load conditions is 4 minutes, after which a break is taken for 5-6 minutes.
It is better not to use a wood splitter in extreme weather conditions (severe frosts), as well as in places with constantly high air humidity. To take into account electrical safety, grounding is done using:
- metal pipe (diameter from 50 mm, length from 1600 mm);
- metal rod with a minimum diameter of 20 mm, a minimum length of 1600 mm;
- sheet of iron coated with zinc, with dimensions from 900*400 mm.
NOTE. The use of residues from pipelines containing flammable liquids (oil, gasoline, etc.) as grounding conductors is not allowed.
Preparing the wood splitter for work
Before turning on for the first time, you need to make sure that the protection plate is correctly installed and mounted securely enough. Next you need to prepare the wood splitter for work:
- First you need to inspect all elements of the equipment to make sure there are no bolts, nuts and other foreign elements.
- If faulty parts are found, it is better to replace them.
- The mechanism is installed on a flat surface approximately 50-70 cm high from the floor. The work area should be wide enough.
- Make sure that the wood splitter is secure and does not swing; if necessary, ensure its stable position using available means.
- Before starting work, you need to slightly loosen the position of the air plug (screw) so that air can flow into the oil tank. At the end of the work, the screw is accordingly tightened back.
- Before starting work (especially after a long break), you need to make sure that the device is functioning normally - to do this, you need to let it idle for 1 minute. If there are no extraneous sounds or noises, you can start working.
Features of working with a wood splitter
During work you need to follow several rules:
- When splitting wood, the control levers are turned on and held for a maximum of 5 seconds, otherwise the machine may break.
- It is important that the motor does not run in the opposite direction, as this will likely cause it to break. The log should only lie flat, no angles of inclination are allowed. The correct position of the log on the wood splitter and a comparison with the incorrect operation option are shown in the figure below.
- It is important to pay attention to the fact that the split is uniform and carried out using the entire surface of the blade, evenly, and not on one side.
- If a log gets stuck in the blade, stop working immediately and release the handles. If the lump cannot be removed manually, this must be done using a wedge that is driven into it so that it rises slightly above the work surface, as shown in the figure below.
NOTE. Knocking out a stuck block with a hammer, axe, crowbar and other similar objects is quite risky - such actions can lead not only to damage to the working surface of the device, but also to its accidental startup. In this case, the wood splitter may fail, and such a breakdown cannot be repaired with your own hands.
Change of oil
Along with periodic inspections and replacements of failed mechanism elements, maintenance of the wood splitter involves timely oil changes. This should be done in this order:
- The wood splitter is disconnected from the network.
- The bolt that controls the oil level is removed.
- Next, the wood splitter must be tilted towards the support and the remaining oil must be drained into a previously placed container, as shown in the figure.
- To fill in new oil, you need to tilt the wood splitter in the direction on which the engine is located, as shown in the figure.
- After the oil is poured, you need to make sure that its level lies between the two grooves of the control bolt.
- Next you need to tighten the bolt tightly.
- To check that the system is tight, you need to install the mechanism in the working position, horizontally, and make sure that no oil is spilled.
NOTE. During operation, it is important to regularly check the oil level. The reference position is between two grooves on the bolt surface.
Possible faults
A list of possible malfunctions and recommendations for eliminating them are presented in the table.
type of problem | probable reasons | remedial measures |
wood does not split | incorrect position of the chock | The block should be placed flat on the work surface |
the chock exceeds the permissible dimensions | you need to take a log of a different size or reduce the block | |
the blade of the cleaver is worn out | sharpen the blade | |
the pushing element does not move evenly, but with jerks, extraneous noises are heard | insufficient amount of hydraulic oil | check the level and add until the oil reaches the line between the grooves of the control bolt |
Air has accumulated in the hydraulics | bleed air from the system | |
the engine runs normally, but the cleaver does not move | valve does not open | check. how does the valve work |
levers are deformed | give them the correct shape or replace them with new ones |
You can clearly see how to work on this model of wood splitter with your own hands:
The main technical parameters of hydraulic wood splitters are the type of drive, mobility, pressure on the wood and the possible permissible diameter and length of the workpieces. It is worth familiarizing yourself with them in more detail.
- The piston pressure on a log is on average 100–200 Bar, which in force equivalent corresponds to 50–60 kN. This value is not the same for all models and varies depending on their power.
- According to their mobile characteristics, machines are divided into portable and stationary. Moreover, some industrial designs are made in the form of a trailer for a car or tractor, and household models are equipped with wide and comfortable wheels.
- The maximum permissible diameter of the workpiece is usually indicated in the accompanying documentation. It is 350 mm for household models, and up to 500 mm for professional ones.
- The length of the split also varies depending on the model. For low-power electrical appliances, it does not exceed 52 cm. Industrial designs are often equipped with a length regulator and are capable of producing splits over 1 meter in length.
Product Features
A wood splitter is always useful on the farm; you can either buy it ready-made or make it yourself using available materials. Ready-made options have been improved; there are a number of additional functions that allow you to chop maximum firewood in a short time.
There are many installations operating in an automated format. This is good, because you can not waste time on work, but start a machine that will do everything itself. Experts identify several signs that can be used to classify mechanisms into categories :
- Depending on the method of stacking logs, machines can be vertical or horizontal. Sheer structures are considered more powerful and durable, since they can process even a thick deck in a short period of time. If the logs are crooked or have many irregularities, then it is better to give preference to the horizontal mechanism.
- Maximum amount of stacked firewood. Depending on this criterion, equipment can be divided into equipment for home use and for industrial use.
- Drive types. For home use, a machine with a low power electric type is suitable.
In this video we will look at a hydraulic wood splitter:
The mass of the unit also plays a role: the larger it is, the harder it will be to move the structure or carry out technical inspection during operation. It’s not difficult to create a machine for chopping wood with your own hands. The main thing is to find the right drawing of a wood splitter and apply it in practice.
Electric screw splitter
This wood splitter is the simplest among electric wood splitters. Because of this, it has gained popularity recently.
The principle of operation is based on splitting logs with a conical screw with a large persistent thread. This screw, when screwed into wood, splits it.
Wood splitter screw cone
Drawing of a wood splitter screw cone.
The screw log splitter has significant disadvantages. It is energy-consuming. Requires electricity. Compared to a crowbar splitter and a spring-mounted wood splitter, it is difficult to manufacture. To make it, you need a conical threaded screw, an electric motor, a gearbox, a chain with sprockets or belts with pulleys. Very traumatic
If handled carelessly, it can cause severe injury. There is a possibility of the screw jamming in the log due to lack of torque
Select the engine and increase the torque.
This type of wood splitter can be manufactured with several design solutions. The most important thing is to achieve high torque on the screw. This can be done in several ways:
install a powerful electric motor of 5-7 kW.
Use a heavy flywheel. The flywheel will make it more difficult to start the engine, but with it there is less chance that the screw cone will jam in the tree. Since when the flywheel spins, it gains a lot of kinetic energy, and to stop it you need to create a lot of force. In combination with a flywheel, you can use low-power electric motors of 2-3 kW. The flywheel must be installed on the electric motor shaft, and not on the intermediate shafts of the chain or belt drive. Only on the electric motor will the speed be maximum, which means the accumulated kinetic energy of the flywheel will also be maximum.
Screw wood splitter with flywheel.
Use a gearbox, belt or chain drive to reduce the speed of the cone screw and increase the torque. A chain drive is preferable to a belt drive as it eliminates slipping of the chain and sprocket. In this case, you can use electric motors of low power, but with high speeds of about 3000. By reducing the speed using a gearbox or chain drive by 5 times, we thereby increase the torque on the screw cone by the same amount.
The chain or belt drive must be selected in such a way that the speed on the cone screw is approximately 500-700 rpm. At too high speeds, the log can be torn out of your hands.
The height from the tip of the cone to the table should be 7-10cm. If you make it higher or lower, the logs will be difficult to split.
It is necessary to weld a plate under the cone; it will prevent the log from turning.
Cone wood splitter with belt drive.
Safety precautions when working with an electric screw splitter.
It is necessary to work with a screw wood splitter without gloves. You cannot work in them, as the screw can catch the glove and tighten your hand. There should be no belts or laces hanging from clothing that could get caught on the screw.
To emergency stop a screw log splitter, you need to provide an emergency stop pedal or a large emergency button. Moreover, it is not enough to turn off the power from the electric motor, since the shaft will still rotate by inertia after turning off the power. This is especially noticeable on machines with a flywheel. Therefore, for a quick emergency stop of the electric motor shaft, it is necessary to install an electromagnetic brake on the machine in a normally closed state. That is, without the supply of electricity, the brake is in a compressed state; when electricity is supplied, the brake releases the shaft. Therefore, if the power is turned off, the brake will operate and stop the motor shaft.
Logs should only be fed vertically to the cone wedge.
The diagram demonstrates why logs should not be fed horizontally.
What is a hydraulic wood splitter?
So, a hydraulic wood splitter is a mechanism placed on a frame, where firewood is split by compressing chopped logs with a hydraulic cylinder towards a splitting ax fixed to the frame.
Diagram of a hydraulic wood splitter with a horizontal layout.
Diagram of a hydraulic wood splitter with a vertical layout.
The best vertical type devices
The device is compact in size and does not take up much space. It can be placed in a small room. However, during operation it is necessary to strictly observe safety precautions. The stump should be placed evenly on the work surface.
Nylga Mechanical Plant SDK-1
The frame of the product has impressive dimensions. This makes it possible to split large logs, large stumps and bars on the machine. The belt drive drives the conical drill, which tears the fed workpieces into pieces. Many users upgrade the unit themselves. To do this, they improve inertia and reduce the load on the engine. A car wheel is attached to the hub. It performs the function of a flywheel.
Powerful legs are attached to the wide body. They add stability on flat surfaces. The base is covered with high-quality paint, which will protect the metal surface from corrosion and ensure a long service life of the product. The unit is suitable for quickly preparing firewood for the winter. It will quickly split stumps and logs into logs of the required size.
wood splitter Nylginsky mechanical plant SDK - Advantages:
- ease of assembly and durability;
- sufficient power;
- ease of use;
- wide bed.
high price.
Champion LSV6000
The device is equipped with an adjustable bed position, which can be changed depending on the size of the logs. The function ensures high productivity of the wood splitter. The machine is convenient to work with because it contains a minimum number of controls.
The volumetric frame is equipped with legs that guarantee the stability of the structure during operation. The handles do not slip in your hands. The unit is equipped with wheels of impressive diameter, which ensures easy movement of the structure from one place to another.
The base is made of durable iron that is resistant to deformation. This guarantees a long service life of the product. The machine can split workpieces up to 107 cm in length. It is suitable for large-scale procurement work.
Champion LSV6000 wood splitter Advantages:
- sufficient power of the power unit;
- the device is convenient to move around the territory;
- The frame is made of durable steel, which ensures a long service life.
very noisy work.
Greenween GW-DR1-T
The steel body is treated with a special paint that is resistant to moisture and temperature changes. The coating will protect the metal from the appearance of corrosion. The product can be used in any conditions. It has small dimensions (350x280x280 mm). For storage and transportation, the kit includes a special case made in the form of a tube.
The machine can feed workpieces no longer than 450 mm. The frame has holes with which the device can be secured for safer operation. All cutting elements move. The limiting circle helps during operation. All this makes it possible to carefully split the stumps. The unit is ideal for collecting firewood in a country house or country house.
Wood splitter Greenween GW-DR1-T Advantages:
- the machine is easy to transport;
- has high safety;
- there are additional holes for fastening to the surface;
- long service life.
instability of logs.
Kolundrov “Stiletto”
The operating principle of the machine is based on the concentration of impact force in one place. During operation, the load on the user's spine and lower back is reduced. A person can chop wood for a long time without getting tired. The unit separates the supplied workpiece into 4 parts. The design is made in such a way that it will protect the worker from injury. The upper ring of the device will prevent the scattering of chopped logs. It also protects sharp knives from accidental mechanical damage.
The wood splitter is lightweight. The device is made of iron grade St3. It has an anti-corrosion coating, which consists of 8 layers. The device is equipped with a unique system of wedges that separates raw hemp with large knots into sections. The blades are sharpened very sharp. The frame is made monolithically, therefore it has a long service life. There is practically nothing to break. The impact-inertial system allows you to tear wood of any tree species.
Kolundrov “Stiletto” wood splitter Advantages:
- the handles have a coating that doesn’t glide well;
- small weight;
- high-quality protective paint and high structural strength.
rapid wear of the working gasket.
Types of wood splitters
Wood splitters differ from each other in several ways. Depending on the work performed, there are 2 large classes of installations:
- wood splitter (also often called a cleaver) – it can only be used to split large logs into small logs; these mechanisms are mainly used at home;
- a wood splitting machine, which, along with the function of splitting logs, is capable of trimming blanks; more often used in industrial production.
According to the scope of application, wood splitters are distinguished:
- household (it is these wood splitters that are easiest to make with your own hands);
- industrial.
Mechanisms can operate due to different types of energies, according to which they distinguish:
- gasoline;
- electrical;
- on tractor traction (the working part is connected to a special tractor unit, which produces the movement of the mechanism);
- combined (combine several energy sources at once).
There are wood splitters based on the characteristics of the workpiece supply:
- vertical;
- horizontal;
- mixed.
Depending on whether the device can be moved, there are:
- mobile wood splitters (designed for small production volumes, as well as for household tasks);
- stationary (used on an industrial scale).
Finally, according to the principle of operation of the mechanism, they are distinguished:
- mechanical wood splitters;
- rack-type (a rack with a special tip hits the log);
- hydraulic (they work the same way, but use a hydraulic pump as an energy source, which allows them to handle heavier logs);
- conical, screw (the block is affected by a so-called screw, which penetrates the surface of the tree, due to which it breaks up into its component parts).
Wood splitter for tractor
Basically it is more suitable for business. Since the productivity of such a system is significantly higher than domestic needs.
There are two types.
- Suspended from the tractor
- Stationary, connected to the hydraulic system.
For those who understand, the diagrams above helped to make such a device yourself.
It is worth considering that the tractor power required is from 20 hp. With.
And here’s how a wood splitter made on the basis of MTZ-82 works.
And here is another option: vertical hydraulic wood splitter Dragon:
A tractor-mounted wood splitter is a design that has found wide application in farms where large quantities of wood are regularly harvested. The presence of attachments of this type allows you to split the largest wooden logs, saving a lot of time and effort for the farmer.
Wood splitters designed to work in tandem with tractors are divided among themselves according to several criteria. The first of these is the method of placing logs into the structure during splitting.
Based on this factor, attachments are divided into 3 types:
- horizontal - in such wood splitters, logs are placed on a niche provided in the design, after which they move to the splitting element or, in the case of some models of units, the splitting element moves towards the wood;
- vertical - in devices of this type, the piercing element splits the log, moving towards it from above. To work with such wood splitters, wooden logs must be fixed. In this case, the latch may be provided by the design of the wood splitter, or the log will need to be held by hand;
- mixed - the operating principle of these wood splitters is selected depending on the type of wood. The main advantage of such equipment for a tractor is its high productivity, which allows the use of units of this type in large woodworking enterprises.
As a rule, horizontal structures are less efficient than their vertical and mixed counterparts. This explains the low demand for them and the possibility of using them only for harvesting small amounts of wood.
Depending on the principle of operation, wood splitters for tractors are divided into the following types:
- hydraulic - have a simple design and high performance parameters. Each hydraulic wood splitter has a great advantage - a smooth collision of the splitting element with the log;
- screw or cone - these devices are equipped with nut-screw connections, the advantages of which include reliability and high power. The screw wood splitter for a tractor has a long service life and does not require special maintenance.
This kind of classification of wood splitters for tractors allows you to select equipment that is suitable for different volumes of wood and operating conditions.
Types and principle of operation of a hydraulic wood splitter
It’s worth noting right away that the process of obtaining firewood can be mechanized in another way - for example, by using a screw cleaver with an electric or even manual drive. However, the hydraulic drive makes it possible to pre-press the log, which makes working with the wood splitter safer and guarantees better splitting. The pumping unit is usually powered from an electric motor with a power of 3...6 kW, or from a gasoline engine.
The drive of a hydraulic wood splitter can have two designs - horizontal and vertical. Both are applicable, everything is determined by the availability of free space on the site of utility rooms, and - in the case of making a hydraulic splitter with your own hands - by the availability of the existing pumping unit that is supposed to be used.
Note that the vertical unit is equipped with a frame with wheels, which allows it to be moved around the site. The presented design can be improved by using a tool with an X-like blade instead of a conventional flat knife, which would make it possible to divide the cormorant not into two, but into four fragments.
The vertical type hydraulic splitter can be easily controlled by one person, although the height of the initial log is limited by the dimensions of the frame. It is believed that the longitudinal stability of the drive with this arrangement is reduced, therefore, in terms of power, vertical-type hydraulic wood splitter models are inferior to their horizontal “colleagues”. To drive the device, you can use the hydraulic system of any wheeled tractor, and the circuit diagram will differ little from the one shown in the figure.
Advantages and disadvantages
Like any equipment, the Gorynych wood splitter has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the following:
- one log splits in two seconds;
- The productivity of the unit can be increased by adjusting the height of the knife;
- the design contains a copper radiator, thanks to which the wood splitter can work without stopping in two shifts;
- the knife is made of high-quality hardened steel;
- the manufacturer has thought out a comfortable workplace for the operator;
- a varnish coating is applied to the surface of the product, which is resistant to adverse weather conditions;
- all components and spare parts are on the market, so there will be no problems with repairs;
- the unit is patented and supplied for sale with a quality certificate.