The best chainsaws made in Russia: review, characteristics, prices, reviews

It is difficult to imagine in a modern economy associated with the harvesting and sawing of wood, the absence of such a useful tool as a chainsaw. The unit significantly speeds up and facilitates the work process both on an industrial scale and at home. Chainsaws produced in Russia on the domestic market compete with foreign analogues due to their excellent characteristics, low price and adaptation to work in harsh climates. To understand how to choose the right tool, consider the main categories of chainsaws and selection criteria.

Species and types

Chainsaws are divided into three main categories:

  1. Household models. They have low power, a limited range of options and are not designed to operate for more than one hour a day. Great for pruning gardens, cutting branches and other small jobs.
  2. Semi-professional modifications. They are used for felling small and medium-sized trees, in construction, sawing wood, and also in everyday life. They are practically universal, have a limited operating time - up to 10 hours a day.
  3. Professional chainsaws. Russia has made significant progress in their production. Such tools have a power of at least 2-3 kilowatts and are used in harsh climatic zones for all types of professional work related to wood. The units are made of particularly durable materials and can operate continuously for up to fourteen hours daily.

Which brand of chainsaws is better?

First of all, when talking about chainsaws, the most famous brands come to mind: Husqvarna (which, by the way, began to deal with chainsaws under pressure - the demand for mopeds was falling in the late 50s, so we had to look for a new use for low-volume two-stroke engines), Stihl . However, it is worth recognizing that in the affordable segment they have long gone down the path of cheaper prices, and not always useful ones - the same problems with oil pumps in budget Shtils have long become the talk of the town. So don’t forget about the Asian ones: if you have a sufficient budget, the Japanese Echo Daewoo and Hyundai – will fit into smaller amounts . Makita , while formally being a Japanese brand, actually just sells German Dolmar saws under it, which are also very interesting.

Chinese brands of the “lower echelon”, including those that mimic “Europe” (like Huter) are a choice only for rare use at home or in the country - yes, their chainsaws are cheap, but they cannot boast of a resource.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a chainsaw, you should pay attention to its power, bar length, operating chain pitch and manufacturer. Modern units, thanks to the use of durable but lightweight parts, weigh significantly less, which makes work much easier in difficult conditions. However, household chainsaws made in Russia are quite suitable for household use, and they are cheaper.

For an ordinary user, a thirty-centimeter tire and a power of up to two kilowatts will be enough. But you should pay special attention to the chain profile. If you have to work with hardwood or contaminated wood, it is better to choose a saw with a wide profile run.

Which brand of chainsaw to choose - a review of popular manufacturers

Even if lumberjacks at one time tried to automate production, the prototype chainsaw was originally developed for medical purposes.
Back in the middle of the 19th century, prosthetist Bernard Hein created a device consisting of a stationary tire along which a metal chain “walked”, on the links of which cutting teeth were attached. The chain was driven by a sprocket, which was rotated by a handle attached to it. For industrial use, this idea was modernized through the efforts of designers from Stihl and Husqvarna. If you need a tool from the pioneers of the industry, then you will have to choose a brand of chainsaw between these names, and this decision will often be quite difficult - both manufacturers are very scrupulous about the quality of their products. If you need to choose a workhorse “regardless of the faces,” then the market offers quite a wide range of products from European, American, Asian and domestic manufacturers.

The selection of manufacturers was carried out on the basis of reviews, opinions and ratings of users posted on various resources on the Internet. All information is taken from public sources. We do not cooperate with manufacturers and brands and do not encourage the purchase of certain products. The article is for informational purposes only.

Comparison of Russian chainsaws: characteristics and features

Next, we will review the main domestic brands that produce gasoline saws of all categories. Let's start with the domestic Ural-2TE unit. This is a purely professional modification. It has long been used for logging and sawing wood.

The saw is also used for cutting the root system both across and along the fibers. The vibration level is reduced due to the frame design of the handles, while productivity increases. In terms of ease of use and reliability, this model lags behind foreign and new domestic analogues, however, these parameters are compensated by its ease of maintenance and low cost.

Pros and cons of Asian chainsaw manufacturers

Household chain saws, which are represented on the Russian market by Chinese and Korean companies, are in high demand and popularity among domestic consumers. The main advantages of such devices are their relatively low cost, as well as an acceptable price-quality ratio.

Thanks to some engineering developments and technical innovations of Chinese manufacturers, their devices have good quality and reliability indicators. In addition, most Asian models are lightweight, which simplifies the work when cutting trees and branches.

Typically, Asian household type chainsaws are used for simple work in homesteads and gardens.

Some budget models of Asian-made saws are equipped with the New Pure Fire system, which saves gasoline and reduces the amount of emissions during operation of the device. Also, it is much easier to find spare parts for Asian chainsaws, especially Chinese-made chainsaws.

However, as most users note, Asian devices experience minor problems when attempting a cold start. Simply put, they are difficult to start up in low ambient temperatures. Also, the build quality and components of most Chinese models are an order of magnitude lower compared to European or Western-made analogues.

Popular manufacturers:

  • Partner;
  • Champion;
  • Hyundai.


Chainsaws produced in Russia under the Taiga brand are available in several modifications. Model 245 is distinguished by its impressive weight (about nine kilograms). This is due to the fact that most spare parts are made of metal. Nevertheless, the unit produces an output power of 2.6 kW, is reliable and has high performance. The 214 series model has similar parameters.

“Taiga Profi-4000” are professional chainsaws in Russia, the prices of which are significantly lower than their foreign analogues. At the same time, the tool has a high build quality due to the use of wear-resistant spare parts. The unit is equipped with a productive oil pump and a reliable Japanese carburetor. The weight of the saw is reduced to 5.5 kg, which, coupled with a power of 4 kW, makes it convenient for use in the most difficult conditions.

Operational advantages of Russian chainsaw equipment

In each new model, the number of Chinese and other imported parts is much less than the previous one. Thus, the plan for a complete transition to Russian-made components is being implemented.

The domestic chainsaw range compares favorably with most imported developments:

  • 100% adaptation to difficult weather and climatic influences;
  • moderate cost of chainsaw equipment, spare parts and consumables;
  • simple and time-consuming routine care;
  • developed service and repair network;
  • interchangeability of standardized removable equipment;
  • less sensitivity to the quality of fuel and lubricants.

Only in some technical and operational characteristics the best Russian chainsaws are inferior to products from well-known European brands. On the other hand, the real quality of previously popular foreign-made models has noticeably decreased after the transfer of production facilities to China.

This is evidenced by an analysis of the work of service organizations and reviews from ordinary owners of foreign-made chainsaw equipment.


The category “best chainsaws made in Russia” rightly includes products. The manufacturer presented its products in 2001. It was highly appreciated by both experts in this field and consumers. For many years, the Caliber brand continues to be among the leaders among domestic manufacturers of chainsaws.

The most popular modifications of this brand:

  • BP-1300.
  • BP-2500.
  • "Caliber BP-1800".

It is worth noting that the manufacturer focuses not so much on the design of the tool, but on expanding the range of use of the device and its safety.


Chainsaws produced in Russia under the Zubr brand are presented in a huge range. Their peculiarity is that they are equipped with a powerful power unit designed to operate in any weather, regardless of the terrain.

In addition, the devices in question are equipped with an anti-vibration system, auxiliary and inertial main brake. Also, all modifications of the Zubr have a soft start mechanism, a fuel pump, and additional exhaust gas cleaning. The company annually produces updated and improved chainsaws that meet European standards. Among the most popular models is TsZPB (370/450/490).

Patriot The one PT 445

Rice. 7 Patriot The one PT 445

Patriot The one PT 445

Small trees and firewood are cut with a Patriot The one PT 445 saw, equipped with a primer, which allows you to pump gasoline during a cold start of the engine, making it easier to start the engine. Convenience of grip is created due to the modernized starter handle. The side chain adjustment and tension system increases reliability and makes operation more comfortable.

The bar and chain are automatically lubricated, and the amount of oil supplied can be adjusted. The tank covers have an improved shape, distinguished by technological grooves. convenient for unscrewing with a screwdriver. The diagnostic process is simplified by securing the filter cover with easily removable clips.


  • ease of start-up
  • upgraded air purification mechanism
  • instant chain stop in emergency situations
  • if the chain breaks, the catcher will prevent dangerous situations
  • high performance due to powerful motor


  • Without a primer, cold starting does not occur at all.
  • Do not work at temperatures above +40°C, as scuffing will appear on the piston group


There are many subjective and objective criteria that influence the final choice of chainsaw. Lopper (made in Germany-Russia) from is one of the best for household use in terms of its combination of quality and affordable price. This company is mainly focused on the production of household power tools and is known throughout the world.

The main advantage of Zenit chainsaws is the use of wear-resistant components, which increases the productivity and reliability of the tool. In addition, the manufacturer installs bearings on its new products that meet increased requirements for accuracy and reliability.

Misconceptions about the technology of Russian brands

For a long time, domestic equipment for the population of one sixth of the landmass was Soviet products.
Factories located throughout the vast territory of the country provided all the necessary spare parts for two-stroke engines, supporting frames, centrifugal clutch cams, as well as saw bars and chains. All this was done carelessly, but efficiently: unlike the “poor Europeans,” they clearly did not spare metal for the products. This is how the image of Soviet technology developed: with a three-fold safety margin, the ability to repair it “on the knee,” and metal spare parts in those units where plastic was installed all over the world. Russian chainsaws are sometimes perceived as tools that continue the Soviet tradition of instrument making. They are expected to have a pleasant heaviness in the hand, a loud rumble and the ability to saw anything (like the old Gaz-69 “does” an expensive Kruzak off-road). Unfortunately, a lot has changed since Soviet times. Which manufacturer would you prefer?


With the spread of the market economy, everything began to have its price. And today, the full production cycle of any complex product is a very expensive pleasure. Even the vaunted Germans and Swedes can afford such luxury only for professional-level models with an appropriate price tag. It is much cheaper to assemble a unit from components that are produced in abundance in the most industrialized country in the world today - China. Don’t forget about the very easy opportunity to rent production facilities in China or even build your own factory. Low taxes, cheap labor and raw materials, as well as low transport costs for sea transportation will make such a product many times more profitable.

Finding a 100% Russian-made saw today is practically impossible. Even if the assembly shop is located somewhere in the Moscow region, many spare parts and components will still be Chinese. It's a shame? Perhaps, but this situation occurs with many manufacturers. Just as in the USSR, one enterprise without subcontractors could not produce a complex device, so today one country, even one like Russia or Germany, cannot do without Eastern help in production.

Other domestic manufacturers

The following brands also represent worthy chainsaws made in Russia on the global and domestic markets:

  1. offers a wide range of chainsaws, power tools, generators and other units aimed at professional activities.
  2. The developing company produces chainsaws that have proven themselves in domestic use and have received positive feedback from consumers.
  3. "Friendship". This brand has been known for producing gasoline tools for more than thirty years.
  4. "PTS Union". The company produces modern chainsaws in household and semi-professional versions.

Whatever brand you choose, you must follow the recommendations specified by the manufacturer in the instruction manual, as well as timely maintenance and cleaning of the tool.

Chainsaws in Russia: prices, reviews

Modern domestic gasoline tools can compete on equal terms with most foreign models. At the same time, its price is significantly lower. The following is a comparative table of the cost of chainsaws from some Russian and foreign manufacturers (indicating the main characteristics).

Brand Type Power, kWt) Cylinder (cc) Tire length(mm) Gas tank volume (l) Oil tank (L) Weight (kg) Price (in rub.)


station wagon 3,0 85 400 2,2 0,5 10,2 From 3100


professional 3,68 94 460 2,0 0,4 11,9 From 3500


professional 2,6 45 400 0,8 0,35 9,0 From 4200


domestic 1,8 39 360 0,5 0,2 4,7 From 6600
"Makita DSC-341" station wagon 1,4 33 350 0,4 0,25 3,9 From 10 thousand


semi-professional 2,3 49,4 375 0,5 0,25 4,8 0t 9500


domestic 2,2 45,4 350 0,5 0,3 4,6 From 8 700

Consumer reviews of Russian chainsaws vary; many like the latest variations, which have become more productive, lighter and more economical. It probably doesn’t make sense to compare outdated modifications weighing more than 10 kg with improved European or Japanese models. But they are designed to work in harsh conditions, are unpretentious in maintenance and are inexpensive.

Tips for choosing a device

The chainsaw you purchase must fully comply with the tasks being solved and the conditions of use. Advice to the buyer is extremely simple:

  1. The required model is selected from products of the appropriate class: household - for gardens and farmsteads, semi-professional - for intensive work, professional - exclusively for logging and industrial wood processing;
  2. The length of the bar must exceed the maximum thickness of the material being cut;
  3. If you need to work in an open area in winter, you will need a saw with a heated carburetor and handle;
  4. The tool should be comfortable for you and not overweight;
  5. STIHL chainsaws are not cheap. Beware of fakes. Find out in advance how to distinguish a real STIHL chainsaw from a crude Chinese imitation. It is better to make such a purchase in a specialized store.

Advantages and disadvantages

Russian manufacturers present chainsaws at a decent level, which can directly compete with leading European analogues, not to mention cheap Chinese copies.

Reliability and safety are the main advantages of chainsaws (manufactured in Russia). Prices for tools are also lower than imported analogues. In addition, the following advantages can be highlighted:

  • optimal combination of power, compactness and weight;
  • endurance and the possibility of long-term operation without interruption;
  • availability of consumables, which is due to the use of domestic spare parts, which are much cheaper and easier to find;
  • adaptation of the instrument to the peculiarities of the Russian climate.

The disadvantages of domestic chainsaws include the fact that some manufacturers use low-quality components, which leads to quick breakdowns and frequent repairs. In addition, while the additional functionality on Russian chainsaws is inferior to European models. This mainly concerns equipping the tool with anti-vibration protection, an inertia brake and an improved ignition system. Sometimes manufacturers, in order to reduce the cost of products, use low-quality plastic in the design of the case, which also cannot be considered an advantage.

“Made with us” and on Yandex.Zen

It is difficult to imagine in a modern economy associated with the harvesting and sawing of wood, the absence of such a useful tool as a chainsaw. The unit significantly speeds up and facilitates the work process both on an industrial scale and at home. Chainsaws produced in Russia on the domestic market compete with foreign analogues due to their excellent characteristics, low price and adaptation to work in harsh climates. To understand how to choose the right tool, consider the main categories of chainsaws and selection criteria.


Chainsaws produced in Russia under the Taiga brand are available in several modifications. Model 245 is distinguished by its impressive weight (about nine kilograms). This is due to the fact that most spare parts are made of metal. Nevertheless, the unit produces an output power of 2.6 kW, is reliable and has high performance. The 214 series model has similar parameters.

Types and Types of Chainsaws are divided into three main categories:

-Household models. They have low power, a limited range of options and are not designed to operate for more than one hour a day. Great for pruning gardens, cutting branches and other small jobs.

-Semi-professional modifications. They are used for felling small and medium-sized trees, in construction, sawing wood, and also in everyday life. They are practically universal, have a limited operating time - up to 10 hours a day.

-Professional chainsaws. Russia has made significant progress in their production. Such tools have a power of at least 2-3 kilowatts and are used in harsh climatic zones for all types of professional work related to wood. The units are made of particularly durable materials and can operate continuously for up to fourteen hours daily.

Let's continue with the domestic unit "Ural" . This is a purely professional modification. It has long been used for logging and sawing wood. The saw is also used for cutting the root system both across and along the fibers. The vibration level is reduced due to the frame design of the handles, while productivity increases. In terms of ease of use and reliability, this model lags behind foreign and new domestic analogues, however, these parameters are compensated by its ease of maintenance and low cost.



The category “best chainsaws made in Russia” rightly includes products. The manufacturer presented its products in 2001. It was highly appreciated by both experts in this field and consumers. For many years, the Caliber brand continues to be among the leaders among domestic manufacturers of chainsaws. The most popular modifications of this brand: BP-1300. BP-2500. "Caliber BP-1800". It is worth noting that the manufacturer focuses not so much on the design of the tool, but on expanding the range of use of the device and its safety.



Chainsaws produced in Russia under the Zubr brand are presented in a huge range. Their peculiarity is that they are equipped with a powerful power unit designed to operate in any weather, regardless of the terrain. In addition, the devices in question are equipped with an anti-vibration system, auxiliary and inertial main brake. Also, all modifications of the Zubr have a soft start mechanism, a fuel pump, and additional exhaust gas cleaning. The company annually produces updated and improved chainsaws that meet European standards. Among the most popular models is TsZPB (370/450/490).

Other domestic manufacturers

The following brands also represent worthy chainsaws made in Russia on the global and domestic markets: it offers a wide range of chainsaws, power tools, generators and other units aimed at professional activities. The developing company produces chainsaws that have proven themselves in domestic use and have received positive feedback from consumers.

"PTS Union". The company produces modern chainsaws in household and semi-professional versions. Whatever brand you choose, you must follow the recommendations specified by the manufacturer in the instruction manual, as well as timely maintenance and cleaning of the tool.



Reliability and safety are the main advantages of chainsaws (manufactured in Russia). Prices for tools are also lower than imported analogues. In addition, the following advantages can be highlighted: optimal combination of power, compactness and weight; endurance and the possibility of long-term operation without interruption; availability of consumables, which is due to the use of domestic spare parts, which are much cheaper and easier to find; adaptation of the instrument to the peculiarities of the Russian climate.

The disadvantages of domestic chainsaws include the fact that some manufacturers use low-quality components, which leads to quick breakdowns and frequent repairs. In addition, while the additional functionality on Russian chainsaws is inferior to European models. This mainly concerns equipping the tool with anti-vibration protection, an inertia brake and an improved ignition system. Sometimes manufacturers, in order to reduce the cost of products, use low-quality plastic in the design of the case, which also cannot be considered an advantage.


Russian manufacturers present chainsaws at a decent level, which can directly compete with leading European analogues, not to mention cheap Chinese copies.

Consumer reviews of Russian chainsaws vary; many like the latest variations, which have become more productive, lighter and more economical. It probably doesn’t make sense to compare outdated modifications weighing more than 10 kg with improved European or Japanese models. But they are designed to work in harsh conditions, are unpretentious in maintenance and are inexpensive.

After the review, we can conclude that Russian chainsaws are presented on the market in a wide range for both professional and domestic needs. The use of new technologies and composite materials has made it possible to bring the quality of units closer to European and world levels. Leading domestic brands for the manufacture of tools are already known not only in the Russian Federation, the CIS, but throughout the world.


After the review, we can conclude that Russian chainsaws are presented on the market in a wide range for both professional and domestic needs. The use of new technologies and composite materials has made it possible to bring the quality of units closer to European and world levels. Leading domestic brands for the manufacture of tools are already known not only in the Russian Federation, the CIS, but throughout the world.

The important thing is that there is high potential for the development of this area. And since logging and woodworking are the leading sectors of the national economy in Russia, chainsaws of all levels will always be in demand here.

Brief overview of the Russian chainsaw range

Since relatively recently, Russia has been represented on the European market for household and professional chainsaw equipment with new developments, the list of which includes models of the Zenit, Zubr, Kalibr, Spets and a number of others brands.

Almost over the past few years, the quality and performance characteristics of domestic chainsaws have become as close as possible to the European level. The operation of these models provides valuable material for creating more advanced machines of a new generation.

This review presents the operating properties of the most popular universal chainsaw equipment of domestic production.

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