How to choose equipment for sand block production

The production of cinder blocks is an attractive type of business due to the simplicity of the technology and the low threshold for entry. Cinder block is a building material that is made using the vibrocompression method. To open this type of activity, it is enough to find a raw material base and purchase a cinder block machine.

Own production of sand blocks as a business

And what materials are not used today to build houses.
And if contractors, as a rule, choose “standard” bricks or panels, then private builders are more inventive in this regard and have recently given preference to new materials that are cheaper and sometimes superior in properties to many others. One such material is sand concrete blocks. For private builders, they have become synonymous with quality and reliability, and for beginning entrepreneurs - a source of stable income. If you buy a machine for producing sand blocks, set up your own workshop and sell the finished product at a favorable price, all investments in the business will pay off in just one construction season. Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 1,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The difficulty of starting a business is 4/10.

The basis of a business that will generate income is good equipment. And even if you plan to launch a home business, you cannot do without certain machines to produce quality products.

Technology for producing sand blocks in a mini-workshop

The production of sand concrete blocks is not the case when the production process consists of numerous high-tech stages. On the contrary, the technology for producing sand blocks is so simple that even a person far from the industrial sphere can master it.

In general, the process can be represented as follows:

  • dosing of components,
  • mixing the components according to the recipe,
  • filling the molds with the resulting raw material mixture,
  • pressing of semi-finished products,
  • aging of products,
  • removing the finished block from the mold,
  • sending the finished product for storage.

The semi-dry vibrocompression technology used is similar to the manufacturing technology of some other building materials, for example expanded clay concrete.
Therefore, nothing prevents an entrepreneur from producing different types of products using the same equipment. And it is precisely the simplicity of the technology that makes making sand blocks at home so realistic - many craftsmen took up this not even as a way to attract profit, but in order to build a house from the material they made themselves.

This business is also good because the production of products requires quite affordable raw materials, which can be bought without problems in every region of Russia.

What components are used here?

The final composition of the sand block mixture will depend on the developed recipe. And in order to select the ideal proportions of all components used, it is better to consult with a qualified technologist.

Having selected the optimal recipe, you can think about the assortment. Thanks to technological equipment, the entrepreneur has the opportunity to change not only the size of the sand block, but also its color. Also, it makes sense to produce, in addition to standard, solid blocks, also hollow ones.

Financial plan

The production of cinder blocks, like any other business, must bring profit to the entrepreneur, defined as the difference between sales revenue and production costs.

Based on data on production and costs, we will draw up a financial plan for 1 month and for a year of work.

Indicator name 1 month plan 1 year plan
Volume of production in physical terms, pcs. 20 000 240 000
Sales price, rub. 38,00 35,00
Revenue, thousand rubles 760,00 9 120,00
Cost, thousand rubles. 527,20 6 326,40
Profit 232,80 2 793,60
Tax 15% (if you choose a simplified system with a calculation base of income minus expenses) 34,92 419,04
Profit after tax 197,88 2374,56

Sales are made in cubic meters: 1 cubic meter. includes 72 cinder blocks, average cost: 2800-2900 rubles. The financial plan includes a selling price of 2,736 rubles. for 1 cubic meter.

Here is a sample financial plan for a small business - a limited liability company. In reality, many indicators can change upward or downward. It depends: on the cost of raw materials in the region, on rental rates, average wages, etc. In addition, various unforeseen expenses may arise in the course of business activities.

What equipment will be needed to produce quality products?

In order for the profitability of the planned business to be high, it is necessary to equip the workshop with good machines.

Basic requirements for equipment in a mini-workshop:

  • ease of maintenance,
  • small dimensions,
  • possibility of producing hollow and solid sand blocks.

Despite the fact that the demand for machines of this format is still low, you can see a lot of offers for their sale on the market. So what equipment will you need to buy for sand block production?

The standard line includes:

Similarity in configuration does not make all lines similar to each other. Each of them differs in power, degree of automation, and dimensions. And all this ultimately affects the cost of the purchased equipment.

An important advantage of this field of activity is inexpensive production lines. The price of equipment can vary in a wide range - 500,000-4,000,000 rubles. And when choosing the appropriate option, it is worth starting not only from the available starting capital, but also from other factors, the main one of which is the availability of sales channels for large volumes of production. Most of the equipment is brought to us from China - it is cheaper than European analogues.

The best option for “young” workshops is a low productivity line (up to 100 blocks/hour). Thus, there will be no problem with the sale of manufactured products.

We are talking about a small workshop. Everything will be even simpler if you plan a home business in the literal sense of the word - for example, within the walls of your own garage. The costs here are minimal - a machine for making sand blocks with your own hands costs no more than 100,000 rubles. But in this case, one can hardly expect high profits, since such equipment is only suitable for meeting one’s own needs for building materials. But on the other hand, why not earn some extra money in the summer and make a batch of material for your neighbor, from which he plans to build a house?

Popular publications:

Product consumers

According to Rosstat, during the period from 2010 to 2015, the volume of individual housing construction in the country increased significantly: from 25 to 35 million sq.m. Then, as a result of the crisis and economic instability, there was a decline in this indicator. Currently, the market has revived, experts predict an increase in construction volumes to 40 million sq.m. by 2022.

The emergence of new areas with cottage development and the renewal of private housing stock can be observed in any locality. People prefer to provide their own housing. Declining household incomes force us to look for ways to reduce the cost of construction. Therefore, cinder block manufacturers can occupy this niche and gain a foothold in the market.

A small business entity must clearly understand: its buyer is a private developer or a small construction company. Large construction companies work with reputable enterprises that produce materials using advanced technologies.

To attract consumers, it is necessary to provide for the following points:

  • production premises should not be located too far from the sales market, preferably within the boundaries of a populated area;
  • it is necessary to arrange delivery of products to the consumer; To do this, you can cooperate with an individual entrepreneur engaged in transportation;
  • to quickly and easily place an order, you can rent a small office in the center of a city or village;
  • conduct an advertising campaign in the media (radio, television, Internet). A good way to promote a product is to set up a Yandex advertising service.

How much profit will the business bring?

Even a small production of sand blocks with your own hands, with the right approach, can bring profit. In a home business you can earn up to 50,000 rubles/month.

It will take about 1,000,000 rubles to organize a full-fledged workshop. This amount will include the purchase of a line, the purchase of raw materials, and the rental of premises. Costs can be reduced by purchasing used equipment or by not removing production space, but by using your own suburban area as a production site.

It is quite natural that in the case of more powerful equipment and a full-fledged workshop, the net profit will increase. An inexpensive hyperpress for sand block can produce up to 50 blocks/hour. And with an average selling price of finished products of 25 rubles per piece, working 8 hours with a couple of days off a week, you can earn up to 150,000 rubles per month. But this is provided that all produced products will be immediately sold to customers.

Production of sand blocks - how profitable is the niche and what is needed to start

There are countless business startup ideas. But one of the most profitable niches is construction. Innovative building materials are quickly replacing their predecessors, which for a long time occupied the leading positions in consumer demand. Buying a machine for producing sand blocks will help you open a profitable business, but let's look at how true this statement is.

What do you need to start?

You should first give a little publicity to the material itself. Sand concrete blocks are durable and reliable building materials, which, despite their short stay on the market, have already managed to win the trust of large developers. To begin, you will need a machine that produces finished products. According to experts, with active business promotion, such activities can pay off during the first construction season.

According to experts, market saturation is low. This means that if you buy equipment for sand block production and start a business now, there is every chance to quickly break into the TOP of your region and securely gain a foothold here by expanding the network of industrial enterprises.

The difficulty in terms of opening is below average - according to experts, it is 4 points out of 10 possible. For comparison, opening your own car service center with a stand and diagnostic equipment is already 6 points out of 10 possible.

But getting started will require investment. They cannot be called large; the price of equipment and all components for a mini-plant will be 1,000,000 rubles. The same car service requires a little more than 1,500,000 rubles to start developing the enterprise.

The key to a successful start is the correctly selected equipment, which will provide you with uninterrupted production of finished building material. The key tool will be a sand concrete production machine.


There are several types of block machines that can be purchased in hardware stores or secondhand in existing factories. When choosing, you should focus on the ultimate goal of purchasing such a unit - independent use, commercial activity, or something else.


The simplest option would be machine models for the production of one block. They weigh only about 20 kg and produce up to 25 products per hour. This is the optimal solution for those who need a machine to perform small or one-time non-scale work. The motor power is about 200 W. The cost of such a device is in the range of 7,000-10,000 rubles.

Semi-mechanical machine

The next level option already produces up to 60 blocks per hour. The cost of such construction equipment will vary markedly depending on the number of matrices and other technical characteristics. On average, the price of a new machine is in the range of 15,000 - 25,000 rubles. If it is possible to pick up a used device, the cost will be slightly lower.

In addition, there are machines with increased power in order to relieve the operator as much as possible during the work process. They have a special pressure cover, which is one of the most important components of semi-mechanical machines. The weight of the machine is approximately 200-22 kg.

Attention! To install such a machine, you need a specially prepared room with a flat floor.

Depending on the configuration and other parameters, machines of this type will cost 40-60 thousand rubles. Operate from a network of 380 W.

Semi-automatic concrete block press

Such machines are suitable for a whole range of complex but in-demand construction work. Such as the production of curbs, sidewalk tiles, composites for building cladding, etc. The specific purpose will depend on the preinstalled matrix on this device.

However, the cost of such devices is quite high - in the region of 200,000 - 500,000 rubles, depending on the model, production date, manufacturer and operation. Vibropresses belong to the category of large-sized machines with a large weight (about 800 kg), it is advisable to purchase them only if there is some kind of storage room for finished blocks and the press itself.

Semi-automatic concrete block press

Main characteristics:

  • engine power is approximately 5.2 kW;
  • production of up to 850 products per hour of continuous operation;
  • installation of 3 to 7 matrices;
  • vibration compactor interval is 25 seconds.

Such machines are controlled by a lever control panel, which is controlled by the operator. Due to the automatic operation of the machine, the quality of the finished product remains consistently high.

How to choose the right equipment to start your business successfully?

Before you start, you should analyze the market supply on the topic of a machine for producing sand blocks with your own hands from a dealer or manufacturer. It is best to ignore cheap machines, because they are most often made in semi-handicraft conditions, and the manufacturer or dealer cannot give any guarantee on them.

Consider offers in the mid-price range.

To work you will need:

  • Palletless;
  • Pallet vibration processor;
  • Portable version of the vibration processor.

The latter option has minimal weight, and performance remains at the same level. There is equipment with manual or semi-automated control. Be sure to ask about the warranty card and the service life without breakdowns. If such equipment works, it must constantly produce raw materials, and in the meantime you are looking for a field for selling building materials.

This is interesting! In the early stages of your business, it is best to use equipment with a single block type shape. Once you find buyers and establish sales, you can move to multi-mold machines to diversify your product range.

If you are going to run a business involving people to do the grunt work, then the best solution would be to use equipment with simple control modules. Within an hour, workers will get used to actions that will help organize the production of building materials.


A distinctive feature of the blocks is their increased level of sound insulation. They protect people in the building from the negative effects of external factors. The products meet the requirements for construction raw materials and are combined with other materials, including insulation materials. They are durable, reliable, tough. Let's take a closer look at the positive aspects:

  • application for external and internal construction activities;
  • increased strength, allowing for the construction of foundations;
  • high coefficient of sound insulation provided by cavities;
  • low weight of hollow blocks;
  • long service life. The material is not subject to rotting, retains performance characteristics at high humidity, and is not susceptible to temperature changes;
  • high resistance to elevated temperatures;
  • environmental friendliness, which is based on the use of safe raw materials;
  • low price is a plus that customers appreciate;
  • savings during construction due to the fact that the dimensions allow using one sand block instead of three bricks. The result is the use of less mortar and bricks. The construction of buildings from sand blocks reduces costs by 40% compared to brickwork;
  • reduction of construction time;
  • simplicity of masonry, allowing you to build a building yourself without hiring hired builders.

Having these advantages, this material has a number of minor disadvantages.

Sand block production technology

The technology for producing sand blocks is quite simple, but it can still cause difficulties for the user of the equipment. It is noteworthy that affordable and cheap materials are used as raw materials, which can be purchased in any volume, anywhere in Russia. This means that even if you have a small town, you can still make a profit when using machines for the production of sand blocks with your own hands.

There are only 2 types of sand concrete:

Each of them has its pros and cons, and certain types should be used for different purposes. Monoliths are heavier and therefore require a stronger foundation if they are to be used for construction. Hollow ones are easier, but if you make a wall out of them, it will be impossible to drive a nail into it. Such a sand block will crack, which will lead to trouble and possible repairs.

These are real problems that people will face when they buy your products and if you decide to produce sand blocks, you need to take into account the problems of the consumer in order to build an offer for them. This will also help you better understand the advantages and disadvantages of the product in order to present it more advantageously during the commercial offer.

To make sand blocks at home, you will need sand and cement. And everything else will be done by the production machine. In its standard form, sand block is a gray building material similar to cinder block or foam block. But what gives it a competitive advantage is the ability to use dyes during production that give a particular shade to the room. If you use this for the facade, the consumer will be able to beautifully and, most importantly, uniquely decorate and highlight their home against the background of neighboring houses.

Enterprise registration

The creation of an enterprise begins with its registration with the tax office. An entrepreneur needs to choose a form of ownership - individual entrepreneur or limited liability company. Many people choose individual entrepreneurship, but creating an LLC has its advantages:

  • Any business involves risk. In the event of material problems, an individual entrepreneur risks the property that belongs to him (this could be an apartment, a car, etc.). The founder of a limited liability company risks only the share of the contribution to the authorized capital.
  • a company in the form of an LLC inspires more confidence among consumers;
  • Legal entities are also more willing to cooperate with LLCs than with individual entrepreneurs.

The minimum authorized capital of a limited liability company is 10,000 rubles. Equipment purchased for production can be taken into account as a contribution to the authorized capital. To optimize expenses, you can choose a simplified accounting and taxation system with the basis for calculating taxes “income minus expenses.”

To register an enterprise, you need to pay a state fee and send a package of documents to the tax office through the MFC: the decision of the founders in the form of a protocol, an agreement; application for state registration; the charter of the company and a receipt for payment of state fees.

Sequence of manufacturing building material

The sequence of work for sand block production is as follows:

  1. Correctly dosage the components by calculating the proportions.
  2. According to the recipe from the manufacturer, correctly mix the components for further processing.
  3. Fill the injection molds with the resulting mixture.
  4. Press the raw materials into a mold that will determine the dimensions of the sand block.
  5. Maintain products under pressure.
  6. Receive ready-made building material at the output.

Next, you only need to organize a storage area for the finished sand blocks.

What equipment should be used for making sand blocks?

In order to get maximum income from the production of sand blocks, you should take the choice of equipment seriously. You shouldn’t skimp on it, because only with good machines you can produce high-quality sand blocks. In this case, you should buy equipment on which you can produce both solid and hollow blocks.

In addition, if you do not plan to hire many workers who will maintain the sand block production equipment, you should buy simple and easy-to-maintain machines. In addition, you should choose equipment that is easy to install, otherwise you will have to shell out a considerable amount of money for its installation.

If you do not plan to rent a large workshop, you should choose mobile equipment or small machines. This way you can work outdoors or in a small space. This will give you the opportunity to save on renting premises at the initial stages of business development.

Product costing

Let's determine the cost of cinder block based on the above calculations. The monthly production volume is set at 20,000 products.

Name of expense item For the entire production volume, rub. Per unit, rub.
Materials 354 000,00 17,70
Wage 80 000,00 4,00
Salary deductions 24 000,00 1,20
Depreciation 9 175,00 0,46
Rental of premises 40 000,00 2,00
Electricity 5 000,00 0,25
5 000,00 0,25
other expenses 10 000,00 0,50
Total: 527 175,00 26,36

Other expenses include various small expenses: communication, Internet, cash management services at the bank. To maintain accounting and calculate taxes, you can use a special service offered by banking systems. In particular, the Sberbank Business Online system has developed a service for small entrepreneurs, “My Accounting,” the cost of which is 650 rubles per month. Similar services can be found in other financial and credit institutions.

Sand block production technology

The process of making sand blocks is not very complicated. In addition, available raw materials are used for its production, so the cost of the finished product will be low. But what is needed to produce sand block?

The main material for the production of sand blocks is a binder, such as cement. It is this component that makes the building material especially durable and dense. For the production of sand blocks, automatic vibrocompressing lines are most often used.

Sand blocks can be produced in two types - solid blocks and hollow ones. In addition, when using special dyes, it is possible to make the color range of building materials varied. Manufacturing technology allows us to produce sand blocks with a decorative surface.

Do-it-yourself cinder block production

If there are no problems with expanded clay in your region, you can consider yourself lucky: expanded clay concrete, despite its cheapness, is rarely found on sale, but this building material is characterized by a whole range of positive properties. To make expanded clay blocks you will need:

  • expanded clay itself;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • water.

The main material for creating the mixture will be fine expanded clay

When mixing the solution, it is important to adhere to a certain sequence: expanded clay is added to the water, then cement, and finally sand. The proportions of the solution are as follows: for nine liters of water, use 54 kg of expanded clay, 9 kg of cement and 27 kg of sand. The result will be a mixture weighing about 100 kilograms, with the yield of finished blocks in the amount of 9-10 pieces.

Basic equipment for sand block production

The most effective equipment used in the production of sand blocks is a brick making press. Sand blocks are produced by pressing and vibrating the mixture. Therefore, brick making machines are the main equipment for the production of blocks.

The hardening process of sand blocks occurs outside the vibropress. To do this, to make the process faster, the sand blocks must be steamed. If the technological process allows the product to be left to harden for a certain time, then the steaming process can be eliminated.

For the production of sand blocks of various shapes, as well as for the production of solid and hollow products in a brick press, it is possible to replace the matrices, which are responsible for the size and shape of the building material.

A brick press is a very efficient piece of equipment and pays for itself much faster than machines that you purchase separately. In addition, it is an almost complete production line, therefore, in addition to the cost of purchasing equipment, you can also reduce personnel costs.

This machine allows you to bring the sand block almost to a state of complete readiness, so the production of building materials will take a minimum of time.

Manufacturing technology of expanded clay concrete blocks

A concrete mixer, a standard piece of equipment in a builder’s arsenal, will help reduce time losses and reduce labor costs. If there is a shortage of time, the problem can be solved by using a vibrating machine; a simple model of such a machine can be made independently.

A modern cinder block has dimensions of 188x190x390 mm, a solid building material is characterized by sufficient strength for arranging foundations and multi-story construction, hollow ones are used in all other cases. The voids can be round, rectangular or square, the number varies from one to 8-10 voids, the voidness rate ranges from 25-50%. Almost equal in strength to monolithic products, hollow cinder blocks allow you to save expensive cement by almost half.

For quick and high-quality mixing of the mixture, it is advisable to use a construction concrete mixer

The following can be used as filler in production:

  • coal slag;
  • fine gravel;
  • crushed stone screening;
  • sand;
  • brick waste;
  • broken glass;
  • ash;
  • perlite;
  • gypsum;
  • sawdust;
  • wood chips.

When mixing the solution, the proportions will depend on the composition of the filler. The main condition is that the finished solution does not spread. Cement in the production of slag concrete is used at a grade no lower than M400; to improve the performance properties of the finished product, plasticizers can be added to the solution.

Portable machine for making cinder blocks with your own hands

A guideline for self-production of a solution for cinder blocks can be the factory recipe: for seven parts of blast furnace slag - two parts of coarse sand, one and a half parts of cement and up to three parts of water. The way to check that the consistency of the solution meets the requirements is simple: throw a handful on the ground, it should crumble. If you collect the solution and squeeze it in your fist, it should return to the shape of a ball.

Vibration presses

Vibropress is the main machine for sand block production. With its help, you can make sand blocks of various shapes, sizes and even colors.

The brick making press consists of a body, a mechanized lifting of the matrix, an electric switch, a vibrator and special shock absorbers. If you plan to produce several types of sand blocks, it is very important to purchase a brick making machine that will be equipped with several types of dies.

Selection of brick making machines

Depending on the production technology, you should choose a pallet or palletless brick making machine. If you do not plan to rent a workshop with a large area, pay attention to portable brick making machines. Such equipment will have less weight, however, its performance is usually lower than that of stationary ones. In addition, the vibropress can be manual or semi-mechanized.

In order for production to generate income, the equipment must be of high quality. But this does not mean that you should buy the most expensive brick making machines. Nowadays, you can purchase a very high-quality, inexpensive machine for producing sand blocks - from China or produced at a domestic enterprise.

Classification of machines

In order to understand which machine to choose for producing blocks, you first need to clearly set the task for the machine itself: what products are needed at the output? Indeed, depending on the task, the design of the concrete block press itself also changes.

For the manufacture of bricks, tiles and curbs, a walking (mobile) brick making press is used - it will move step by step over a given area, leaving behind the finished product. It will require only two people to operate; the cycle of operation of the finished product does not exceed 30 seconds.

It works quickly and accurately, but only on a flat surface. Disadvantages: large production area, complex supply of raw materials, steaming operation excluded. Pros: there is an operation for lifting the finished product and storing it.

If work needs to be carried out not only on the floor, but also at a height, a stationary brick making press will come in handy - it produces high-quality products with an ideal shape and appearance. Cons: small range of products, caution when producing the following products (stacked on top of each other). Pros: height adjustment, minimum number of pallets, fast work cycle.

For individual purposes, a manual concrete block press will be an assistant - the disadvantage is that it is exclusively manual work, a small selection of goods produced, and non-compliance with GOST requirements (there is no proper compaction of the concrete mixture). Pros: affordability, ease of use.

Hydraulic vibropress - used for the production of high-quality and durable materials. The downside is the high cost.

A brick press with an electromechanical drive is used for work wherever there are no power supply problems. Cons: low performance.

In addition, brick making presses can be divided into specialized and universal - work with specific equipment and a narrow range of manufactured products. Detailed description of the vibropress.

Machine for making cinder blocks

Today, the building materials market offers a huge selection of building materials to suit any choice and budget.

Technologies have made great strides forward, and they have also affected building materials. The manufacturer uses all sorts of chemical compounds to speed up the production process, hence the abundance.

But you can make building material yourself. Ask how? Watch further and learn everything, make your own machine for producing blocks, build yourself a house, a garage, a bathhouse, whatever you want.


1. sheet metal 3 mm 2. water pipe 3. emery 4. wire 5. switch 6. professional square pipe 7. fittings 8. spring


1. grinder 2. welding machine 3. hammer 4. emery 5. set of wrenches 6. caliper 7. ruler

The process of creating a machine for producing cinder blocks.

So we should start with what is a cinder block? What is it made of and what are its characteristics.

Saving should be economical

After selecting tasks and studying the classification of machines for the production of blocks, it becomes clear what and from which concrete block press you can expect. But they all have one thing in common - they are quite easy to use. Producing products on your own machine significantly reduces costs from the very beginning: minimal costs for cement + use of waste materials = two problems are solved in one action. Manufacturing time is significantly reduced due to the possibility of stripping immediately after the molding process, and the influence of the human factor on the result is reduced. But that’s not all, savings can be seen in production time and ease of management.

The equipment can be changed independently, without contacting a specialist, which also has a positive effect on budget savings.

A brick press makes it possible to produce those products that are necessary, not only for the construction of the house itself, but also for decorative work.

But still, the most important question for a private developer is how profitable is such an investment? Various publicly available business plans provide market prices for semi-dry pressed products with cost figures. The approximate profit margin is on average 40%.


When calculating the number of hollow wall concrete blocks for the construction of a one-story house with an area of ​​100 square meters, approximately 15 blocks per square meter of wall will be needed, as a result, 1,500 units of blocks will be needed to construct the external walls. Let's round the figure to 2000 units of blocks (internal load-bearing wall - 300 pieces, construction of a porch, etc.) The market price of a block is 35 rubles, respectively, it will cost 2000 * 35 = 70,000 rubles for a house. If the blocks are made on our own concrete block press, the savings will be 35-40% - about 28,000 rubles.

We conclude: for 28,000 rubles you can buy a manual brick making machine, but its products can produce only one type of product, which is not entirely cost-effective.

For a higher-quality product, you need a machine for producing blocks that is more powerful and more expensive, you need to purchase more pallets and racks for it, but the payback on such a machine will increase significantly, since you can build a fence, interior partitions, outbuildings from stone, pave the yard with tiles, decorate with a variety of decorative items. The resulting savings will be significant.

Production of sand blocks

To start your sand block production from scratch, you do not need to make huge investments, and therefore this business can confidently be called highly profitable. Sand concrete blocks are considered today one of the most multifunctional and popular building materials. They are used for the construction of residential buildings, garages and other outbuildings. Due to their technological characteristics, sand blocks are in consistently high demand among consumers in the construction market. That is why their manufacture can become quite a profitable business. On the domestic market there are a number of both large enterprises producing them and small workshops aimed at private buyers. If you approach the matter wisely, you can easily occupy a niche in this area.

Sand block production technology

What is good about this business is that the production of products requires fairly cheap raw materials - sand, water and cement. By agreeing to directly source components from manufacturing plants in your region, you can save significantly on shipping costs. The sand block production technology itself is somewhat similar to the technology for producing expanded clay concrete and is carried out using the method of semi-dry vibrocompression. The process is simple and anyone can master it. That's why many people start with home production. Even in this case, you can make a profit (albeit small) by selling finished products in small batches. In general, the technology looks like this:

  • Dosage and mixing of all components.
  • Pouring the mixture into special molds.
  • Pressing of products.
  • Holding blocks in molds.
  • Removing the finished product from the mold and storing it.

By strictly following the technology, the output is a product that meets all quality standards. In order to offer customers a wide range of products, it is possible to produce not only solid blocks, but also hollow ones. And by adding a certain dye to the solution, the color range of the manufactured products will be much wider.

What equipment is needed to make sand blocks?

To guarantee your customers high quality products, you will need to buy equipment for sand block production. A businessman can purchase a universal machine or assemble a line from individual units. The appropriate option should be chosen based on the size of the available starting capital. What is included in the standard equipment of the line?

If you do not expect to spend a significant amount of money on opening a workshop, then it is quite possible to spend 500,000 rubles here. True, in this case, the productivity of the machines will be relatively small, and many operations will have to be performed manually. But making foam blocks at home with your own hands is quite feasible. There are also hand-held machines, the cost of which barely exceeds 100,000 rubles. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to ensure a large inventory with the help of these. But to manufacture the products you will not need to hire additional labor. And the indicated amount will be significantly reduced if you buy used equipment. But high-performance lines will cost the entrepreneur much more – up to 3,500,000 rubles. But even if you have found investors who are ready to invest any money in your enterprise, you should think several times about whether it is worth starting your own business by purchasing such expensive equipment, because any business is associated with certain risks. It is much better to start small and further develop your business.

Investments in business and possible profits from product sales

To start your own mini-shop for the production of sand blocks, you will need up to 600,000 rubles. This includes the costs of renting and preparing premises, purchasing equipment and securing raw materials. The amount may be reduced if you organize production, for example, in your own garage or on a country plot. An inexpensive sand block production machine is capable of producing up to 60 blocks/hour. The average selling price of products is from 25 rubles/piece. (depending on the type of product and raw materials used). That is, by releasing up to 10,500 blocks per month, your revenue can be at least 260,000 rubles, the net profit of which is 100,000 rubles. We are talking about low-performance equipment. Accordingly, if you have a more powerful line, your income will increase. But to ensure stable revenue, you need to take care of advertising your production and find sales channels for finished products. It’s better if you sit down and start selling wholesale quantities of goods. Then the income will be higher, and the goods will not accumulate in warehouses. Buyers of sand blocks can be both individuals and construction organizations.

Brief description of the production process

The production technology in a mini-enterprise consists of several stages.

  1. The raw materials, consisting of water, cement and filler, are mixed using a concrete mixer. Special additives are also added to the mixture of materials, which improve the quality of the product - strength, frost resistance, and reduce cracks in the finished product.
  2. The resulting mixture is loaded into the molds of special equipment - a brick press. With the help of pressure and vibration in special matrices, the blocks take their shape.
  3. Cinder blocks are unloaded from the molds and placed in a special place where they harden. The process lasts approximately 36 hours. If plasticizers have been added to the mixture, the drying process is reduced to 10 hours.
  4. After this, the products are stored. The drying process continues, ready for sale in a month.

The work is physically difficult, so the entrepreneur should establish a working and rest schedule for workers, and provide a room for rest and meals.

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