Do-it-yourself clay bricks: Significant construction savings

In this article we will tell you how to make a clay brick with your own hands. This building material can be easily and inexpensively made independently.

Many of you know that red brick is a high-quality building material, but it is not at all cheap. I’ll tell you a secret: you can quite simply make it yourself, without incurring any special costs.

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The machine for molding brick blocks RK_mini_01 “Russian swing” is designed for making bricks from clay, with the addition of cement (about 3-5%) and a binder (sawdust or microfiber).
Production is possible both at the construction site, which reduces the cost of delivering bricks, and in production conditions in a room of 20 square meters. Brick production on RK_mini_01 occurs under high pressure (about 200 kg per cm2, with a humidity of 7-9%), which significantly reduces cement consumption and thus allows bricks to be laid for drying immediately from the machine belt. And when making bricks directly at a construction site, the “dry laying” method is possible, that is, laying bricks on the wall is done without mortar, immediately after its manufacture. Bricks made on this machine have a greater advantage than those made by hand kneading. Firstly, the shrinkage of the wall is only 3-4%, due to the fact that when molding bricks with a machine, the clay contracts until the molecules begin to repel. When made by hand, shrinkage is 8-10%. Secondly, the smooth edges of the brick make it easier to make interior and exterior decoration. The outer part of the walls can be covered with a thin layer of Glinko mixture and then applied with SHUTTLE liquid waterproofing, which will protect the wall from moisture.

Advantages of the machine for the production of bricks RK Mini:

Short payback period, approximately 12 months. Production requires only two people and a minimum amount of work space. The design of the machine is designed in such a way that it can be easily moved and transported to construction sites. It is also possible to install additional options - a belt conveyor, a concrete mixer and a vibrating sieve.


  • Productivity (calculated) - 500 blocks per hour (about 1 cubic meter per hour)
  • Block size - 250x120x65mm
  • Operating mode: automatic
  • Molding machine power - 3.0kW
  • Voltage 380V. 50Hz (it is also possible to use a voltage of 220V)
  • Dimensions and weight of the molding machine: Length 1039mm, width 770mm, height 1301mm, weight 450kg.

Tel: +38 (098) 244 244 1

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Polymer plastic.

Probably the simplest, but not the most accurate way. The plastic is rolled out to a uniform thin layer, then cut into strips, then into bricks. Drying.

Difficulties may arise in accurate cutting, in the uniformity of the layer - it should be 2 mm thick everywhere. Have you decided to make a second batch? You will have to roll out the same pancake again and monitor the size of the minibricks. Terracotta clay like DAS works well for this (but it still has a weird pinkish tint when it dries...)

Polymer clay DAS

» data-medium-file=» 300×223.png" data-large-file=" -gr-980.png» /> Polymer clay DAS

Clay brick making process

Clay bricks can be made in 2 ways: semi-dry pressing and plastic molding. In small enterprises, it is the second method that is most often used due to its relative simplicity and minimal costs for manufacturing products. The technology for producing clay bricks by plastic molding looks like this:

  1. Clay raw materials are crushed and, if necessary, mixed with certain additives that improve the quality characteristics of the finished product.
  2. The resulting mass is moistened with steam or water, and then mixed again.
  3. The fully prepared mixture is fed to a belt press for molding. At this stage, manufacturers often use additional vacuuming of the clay mixture. This increases the strength of the brick.
  4. The compacted clay block is cut into individual bricks.
  5. The semi-finished product is dried. This can happen both in natural conditions and in special chambers. In the first case, the process will take 15-20 days. That is why it is more advisable to purchase a special drying cabinet.
  6. The dried brick is fired. But if you plan to produce bricks from clay without firing, then this stage can be omitted. Keep in mind that unfired bricks are less valuable on the market.
  7. The finished brick is stored and then sent to customers.


The most labor-intensive method at the start, which however I use when making small bricks in 1:35, 1:24, 1:18 and 1:12 scales. We make a master model, even for 100 or 1000 pieces at once, and cast a silicone mold. Then you can experiment with materials and technology.

I make it from a mixture obtained by trial and error, with the addition of plasticizers, dyes, etc. The mini bricks are strong; it takes effort to break them with your fingers. However, they crumble and break with tools just like real ones. Such miniature bricks have clear boundaries and are always the same size.

You can buy such mini bricks for dioramas in our VK group.

Mini bricks by casting method

Preparing clay to make bricks

The resulting clay must undergo certain preparation before being used to produce brick blocks. The following method is actively practiced. Clay extracted from the quarry is placed in concrete-lined creative pits. Here the raw materials are carefully leveled and left for about 4 days. And only after that it is delivered by freight transport to the production workshops.

Subsequently, already at the plant, the clay, in order to improve quality, is processed on so-called wet runners. This unit grinds it, as it were, eliminating all clots and lumps. At many enterprises, this stage is omitted, and the clay immediately after acceptance is sent to production.


  • cut rectangles from cardboard and stick on
  • base, cut from polystyrene, penoplex, polystyrene foam, wood, gypsum,
  • print with a mold or other form on clay, etc.

I’ll tell you later how it’s easier to put small bricks into masonry.

What methods of making bricks do you use?

There are many varieties of bricks, you can find out about this and see each type by writing on our website in this section. In this article we will introduce you to the most famous and popular types among builders, these are:

  1. Silicate is the most common and is made from lime and sand. Because it does not retain heat well and does not resist moisture at all, it is used in the construction of partitions and walls indoors. After pressing, this type of brick is autoclaved (pressurized with hot steam).
  2. Ceramic is obtained by firing various mixtures of clays in kilns at high temperatures. It is used everywhere, from the foundation to the cladding of walls in construction, when laying stoves, indoors and outdoors.
  3. Facing is used for decorative purposes and as paving slabs.
  4. Fireproof, capable of accumulating and slowly releasing heat, which is why it is used in the construction of stoves.
  5. There are also solid and hollow, double and clinker (they are the most durable because they are fired at higher temperatures than ceramic).

When making pressed bricks, a brick press is used. If anyone is interested in seeing or getting acquainted with the structure of the press, you can watch a video on working with a brick press.

Brick production technology was developed in the distant past. You can buy it today in different types, shapes and colors. But many builders were interested in the question: “ How to make homemade pressed brick with your own hands?” " Everyone would like to have a unique material of their own design and cladding. Not every brick that is made in factories can be made at home. The obstacles are high cost and complex technological processes.

If, for example, you decide on the production of silicate at home, then this is an empty matter. The best way would be to replace the brick with silicate blocks in the form of paving slabs.

But there are craftsmen who have developed the technology for making even silicate with their own hands at home.

The main tool in the production of pressed bricks is the press. Nowadays, the quality has significantly improved, the number of different shapes and types has increased, thanks to hydraulic presses. Units are used for high-quality products, such as a revolving press for sand-lime bricks.

Why did the brick get the name Lego?

Nothing surprising - just by looking at it, it is immediately clear that there is some similarity with a children's construction set.

Each Lego brick has 2 holes. Their tops protrude slightly above the entire surface.

It turns out that when laying bricks one on top of the other, the holes in the bottom brick fit tightly into the holes in the top one.

In the process of work, not cement mortar is used, but special glue.

As practice shows, this material has become in great demand among consumers in recent years.

Technical characteristics of the cutting machine

Proper use of the brick cutting device greatly increases the service life of this tool. It can be easily placed in a car, and transporting the machine does not cause much trouble. This is important not only for professionals, but also for beginners. The machine can be transported to any construction site.

Tests and testing of tools assembled at the factory make it possible to identify defects at the manufacturing stage of the machines. The results obtained allow us to judge the quality of the device, the performance of which must correspond to the declared parameters.

Slicing machines have the following capabilities:

  • perform 2 types of cutting: wet and dry;
  • the seams between the bricks are invisible;
  • work is performed at high speed.

Tools for cutting bricks of domestic and foreign production are supplied to the market. High precision equipment using the latest technologies is used to manufacture machines. If the quality level of the tool is appropriate, then it can rightfully be called world-standard equipment.

Modern machines for cutting bricks are divided into household and industrial devices. They have standard sizes and power. Thanks to their guaranteed performance, they can be used in small industrial enterprises, including private construction sites.

Industrial types of equipment that allow cutting bricks are installed in large factories that produce products in large volumes. Such devices have a large number of functions that allow high-quality processing of building materials. The main technical characteristics of the models are:

  • voltage 220-380 V;
  • power 2.2-3.0 kW;
  • cutting depth 65-200 mm;
  • cutting length 500-620 mm;
  • cutting disc diameter 300-620 mm;
  • equipment length 950-1225 mm;
  • machine height 1110-1370 mm;
  • device width 615-720 mm;
  • machine weight 57-109 kg.

You should choose a device for sawing stone or brick taking into account its power, operating mode, and equipment manufacturer. Devices from unknown or little-known manufacturers can lead to manufacturing defects or unit failure.

How much can you earn from the production and sale of facing bricks?

The question of profit will be of interest to everyone who has planned a business in this area. And calculating expected income is especially important for those who are raising capital to start a workshop from investors or banks.

The further profit of the workshop will directly depend on several factors - the number of products produced and variable costs. It is quite natural that the line for the production of facing bricks will pay for itself the faster, the more products that are ultimately sold.


Any production is much more complex than services or trade. Significant initial investments, the purchase of expensive equipment, and the hiring of qualified employees are required. And this is just the beginning.

In construction, brick is the basis of any project. There are two main types of bricks: for the construction of supporting and load-bearing structures and decorative, intended only for finishing. The starting material is natural clay. Its quality is selected depending on the amount of minerals it contains.

What do you need for a homemade brick factory?

homemade brick factory

Is it possible to turn this into reality?

Many argue yes. The production of sand-lime brick does not require high costs and high-tech equipment. Knowing that silicate is autoclaved in industrial conditions, one may doubt the reality of making it at home. But don't rush to conclusions. At home, the mixture for shaping can be obtained by long-term stirring with water. This method is called silage.

Let's try to figure out what is needed for this?

The first thing to start with is choosing and studying production technology.

brick factory

Next is an action plan and calculations of the profitability of such production. This includes:

  1. The place and room where the manufacturing process and drying of the finished product will take place. To do this, you need shelving and cover from rain, snow and direct sunlight.
  2. Purchase or manufacture yourself according to the drawings of equipment for pressed bricks or a mold for production at home.
  3. Where and in what quantities to buy firewood, sand, clay, cement, water and dyes.
  4. Think over and calculate electricity costs.
  1. Draw up a business plan and include initial capital investments, calculate payback periods and possible profits.
  2. You won’t be able to work alone as you need to monitor the operation of machines, fill mixers with raw materials, receive and deliver finished products, and then keep records of raw materials and the final product. You need helpers.
  1. We need to think about uninterrupted sales of products. These could be construction sites located in the district or the private sector.
  2. Do advertising in any way convenient for you.

The most accessible and simple method is pressing.

If you decide to make your own homemade brick press, you will need:

  1. Iron sheets with a thickness of 2mm to 8mm.
  2. Welding machine.
  3. Drilling machine.

Business plan for a mini brick production plant

You can create hundreds of typical business plans for the production of various products, but for some reason everyone cannot implement ready-made business ideas from the Internet.
This is due to the fact that it is necessary to produce a product that will be truly in demand. In this article we will talk about brick production. In order to start a business, we are exploring the possibility of producing either higher quality products or products at a reduced price. If we talk about the quality of bricks, this can be achieved by using new technologies for processing raw materials or using higher quality clay. Finding a source of high-quality clay is difficult and requires expensive research. Therefore, we have the opportunity to implement only one idea - establishing small production with the minimum possible investment.

Types of Shredders

There are different types of feed for livestock and poultry, succulent types of feed, grain and grass varieties. Each design implies manufacturing for convenient use and the production of a high-quality product.

Homemade grain grinder

The variety of designs makes it possible to use the device in various fields. We produce manual feed cutters with a track mechanism, straw cutters, as well as hand mills. Do-it-yourself mechanized feed cutters are, in most cases, equipped with electric motors for maximum productivity in household or industrial settings. There are universal devices that can grind various types of feed by replacing the cutting element.

Juicy feed chopper

Juicy feed is crushed using a grater with large notches. When the process requires mechanization, an electric motor is used, to which a bucket and grater are attached. The feed cutter is manufactured in accordance with a pre-prepared drawing, the bucket is reinforced by welded strips at the edging, with a width of 1 cm. Holes for the buddy are made across the entire area of ​​the bucket in the desired order.

To make the frame, a small table is used, which is installed a few centimeters below the rear part. Filling with food uses a homemade box, which is installed at an angle of up to 40⁰ relative to the main container. At the very bottom there is a tray for collecting finished products. The low-speed engine drives the chopper, which is located as close to the walls as possible for better grinding.

Cereal grinder

Grain crops are processed using a universal type of feed cutter. The main difference is the use of a different type of cutting element and engine speed. The presence of a mesh in the design allows you to regulate the degree of grinding of grain crops; the throughput is controlled by opening the door. For a reliable slave, a single-phase two-speed motor with a maximum speed of up to 3000 per minute is used.

Standard Electrical Equipment

Anyone planning to start a renovation or construction project should have standard electrical equipment that will help make almost every aspect of the job easier. A drill and a jigsaw will not help us, but we will have to resort to the help of an angle grinder. It is popularly called a grinder, if you didn’t immediately understand what we were talking about.

I’ll tell you about a few aspects that you need to know:

  • select the correct drive. To work with materials based on concrete, you need to use specialized diamond blades. Don't worry, they aren't made entirely of diamonds and don't cost millions. All that distinguishes them is diamond coating, which allows you to carry out work without damage to the tool,
  • get ready to clean up. Stoves, pipes and other structures that are made of heat-resistant bricks are mostly located indoors. It should be remembered that when working with an angle grinder, a lot of dust is generated. So either be prepared to clean for a long time, or go outside and do the work there,
  • do not forget about safety precautions. It is worth remembering that wearing protective gloves and glasses will help maintain your health.

Once, being still an inexperienced, but already adequate person, I came to work and saw this picture. An “experienced” man of about forty was sitting and screwing a milling cutter for cutting wood onto an angle grinder.

I asked in bewilderment what he wanted to do with it, since we were doing masonry. He said that you need to cut off a small piece. I was shocked, but all I heard in response to all my objections was that I was still young and didn’t understand anything in this life.

In the end, as soon as he touched the clay brick with the disk spun at high speed, the cutter began to break, and the teeth, one by one, stuck into the board on which the work was being done. For this imaginary builder everything turned out to be a fright, for me it was a grin, but it’s good that everyone remained safe and sound.

How to use the cutting machine

Working with the equipment is quite simple. To do this, you need to prepare a workplace, assemble and install the machine. Before sawing a brick wall or individual elements of building material, it is necessary to mark the surface that requires processing.

To install the work surface before cutting, it must be secured at the desired angle. After this, a cutting circle is brought to the marked area. Next, you can turn on the power, select the rotation speed of the diamond disk, as a result of which the brick should be cut smoothly.

Despite the fact that the device for cutting bricks has many advantages, it will not always be advisable to use it. Its cost is quite high, so cutting material in small quantities is best left to a grinder or circular saw. It is better to cut fireclay bricks with a special gas cutter. It is recommended to purchase machines for specialists who constantly perform similar work in large volumes.

A stationary machine that allows processing of building materials is an alternative to a grinder used for cutting fireclay bricks or facing stones. Any devices for processing workpieces must be supplied to the market with instructions. Work on the machine is carried out in stages:

  • the workpiece is marked;
  • the product is installed at the required angle;
  • the circle of the device moves towards the workplace;
  • the engine is turned on, the rotation speed is selected;
  • the cutting element is set into rapid motion and the cutting process is carried out.

Fire bricks can be cut using a machine fitted with a segmented diamond blade. The main advantage when working with a brick processing machine is that the craftsman needs to be in a position that allows him to closely observe the cutting process. The material must be processed correctly, so the accuracy and quality of the work must be constantly monitored.

Production equipment and mixture recipe

After the above actions, in order to implement a business project, a material base should be formed, which takes into account one manual machine for the production of Lego bricks (press), for example, LSO-2 (price 70,000 rubles) and a matrix. Or you can use the Bulava hydraulic press (price around 500,000 rubles). Here you will also have to think carefully about which unit to choose - a manual version of the machine or an electric model. Naturally, in the first case, the press means working with your own hands.

Precautions when cutting on the machine

When choosing how to cut sand-lime or fireclay bricks, you should not forget about safety measures for working with various types of tools. Special care must be taken when servicing precision construction equipment.

Compliance with safety regulations requires the use of discs of a certain model that corresponds specifically to this cutting element. Work should only be carried out when the equipment is reliably grounded. To avoid possible injuries, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Maintain a stable position.
  2. Do not use a facing brick cutting machine when processing wood.
  3. Use personal protective equipment for vision, breathing and hearing (carry a respirator, headphones, glasses, etc.).
  4. Do not use a partially disassembled device, do not use an old unit without insulation or without grounding.
  5. Cut facing bricks using suitable diamond blades of the highest quality.
  6. Do not use the device if there is a water source nearby where moisture comes from.
  7. Do not suspend the cutting device. Even if it is a homemade machine.
  8. Before work, ventilate the room well.

The market offers a large selection of brick cutting equipment. The cost of machines varies. Choosing it is a responsible matter, so you should not save money when purchasing a device. It is better to buy a high-quality machine with a guaranteed service life.

Using an Angle Grinder

How to cut bricks with a grinder correctly? To carry out the operation, you need to take a model that is designed to use a disk with a diameter of 230 mm . The use of grinders with smaller circle sizes will lead to a decrease in work accuracy and productivity. The cutting element will not be able to penetrate the entire thickness of the product; the blocks will have to be turned over. Recommended power of the tool is 2 kW.

When choosing the type of disc - abrasive or diamond , you need to consider the pros and cons of their use. The first option is cheaper, but loses in safety and durability. Diamond wheels are made on the basis of durable steel, so they are reliable, do not crack, and are characterized by a long service life.

Solid brick crossbar format

The product is used only for cladding, has an unusual shape - length more than 29 cm, width - about 4 cm . You can cut such bricks with a saw, grinder, electric jigsaw and other tools mentioned above.

Facing hollow brick

The building material is distinguished by the presence of internal voids , which often make up about half of its mass. In terms of shape, you can find various options on sale (with ready-made bevels or roundings), so craftsmen often do not have to cut. If such a need arises, then any tools with diamond cutting elements will do.

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