How to soften a rubber gasket at home

Recovery methods

Rubber elements, under the influence of external factors, lose their original properties, become less elastic, and harden. Their continued use will not bring the desired effect; seals, for example, will not be able to make the system completely sealed. Purchasing new rubber elements is sometimes difficult due to the lack of products of the required sizes or their inflated cost.

The following substances can soften rubber:

  1. Kerosene. Allows you to make rubber parts soft, affecting the structure of the material. After processing, the rubber element becomes completely elastic. The recovery technology is as follows:
  • fill a small container with kerosene (select the container size depending on the size of the product to be restored);
  • place the part in a container with kerosene for 3 hours;
  • after the specified time, check the product for softness, if the result is satisfactory: remove the material and rinse with warm running water;
  • Dry the material naturally, without using a hair dryer or battery.
  1. Ammonia alcohol. The process for restoring old material is as follows:
  • dilute the specified alcohol with water in a ratio of 1:7;
  • place the rubber material in the resulting solution for half an hour;
  • after the specified time, remove the part and rinse with warm running water;
  • Allow the part to dry completely before using it.

Please note: you cannot keep rubber in a solution of ammonia and water for more than an hour. If the material is not elastic after 30 minutes, use another recovery method.

  1. Rubbing alcohol followed by glycerin. Technology for “reanimation” of rubber parts:
  • fill the container with medical alcohol;
  • place the part that requires restoration in alcohol for several hours;
  • after the specified time, check the condition of the product, if it is soft enough, remove the element from the solution and wash with warm soapy water;
  • rub glycerin into the surface of the part using a sponge (cloth);
  • remove any remaining glycerin from the surface of the product.

Instead of glycerin, it is allowed to use automobile oil; it is rubbed into the surface of the product, then the part is left for half an hour before use. During this period, the rubber becomes quite elastic.

  1. Castor oil and silicone. Let’s make a reservation right away - this method allows you to quickly “reanimate” old rubber, but the restoration effect will not last long; after a few days the product will become hard. For this method, follow the sequence:
  • coat the part with silicone;
  • wait 10 minutes;
  • After the specified time has passed, the part can be used.

Please note: a similar effect is achieved by using castor oil. It is rubbed into the surface of the part, after which it becomes soft and elastic.

We recommend watching a video about softening rubber using ammonia:


The scope of application of ammonia is wide. Softening rubber is one way to use this drug. Many experts explain in detail how to soften rubber using this method. You can make the product softer by following this plan:

  1. Choose a container of the appropriate size.
  2. Before softening the rubber, you need to dilute ammonia in the required amount of water (proportions 1:7).
  3. Soak the product in this solution for a maximum of an hour (in no case should you keep the rubber in ammonia for longer than the specified time; if after 30 minutes it was noticed that the material does not become more elastic, then you should try another method).
  4. After restoring the desired level of softness, remove the rubber from the bath and rinse with clean running water.

Refurbished products should only be dried at room temperature. Direct sunlight and high temperatures can negatively affect the condition of the material.

Medical alcohol has similar properties, but additional glycerin is required. If the rubber has hardened, logic will tell you how to soften it. The damaged product should be soaked in medical alcohol for several hours, then it should be removed and washed with warm running water and soap. After the surface has dried, you need to rub in the glycerin using a cloth or sponge. There should be a little glycerin, the excess must be removed. Instead, you can use car oil (in this case, you can use the product only after 30 minutes).

Heating is an effective method

There are situations when the rubber element, due to its hardening, is difficult to remove from structural parts. You can achieve the desired result by heating the rubber with a stream of hot air using a hair dryer. When exposed to high temperatures, the material will become softer and can be pulled out of the part.

An element that is too “stiff” is softened by boiling in salted water. The technology is as follows:

  • fill the container with salted water;
  • let the liquid boil;
  • place the rubber element in boiling water for 10 minutes;
  • remove the rubber and quickly use it for its intended purpose.

This method is quite effective, but has a short-term effect. Once cooled, the rubber will become hard again.

Application areas of heat-resistant silicone gaskets

Silicone rubbers are organosilicon polymer compounds made from siloxanes. Production is based on a polymerization reaction and subsequent vulcanization using organic peroxide compounds or γ-radiation.

Silicone gaskets are resistant to atmospheric influences, temperature changes, and reagents; demonstrates ablative stability. This means that heat-resistant rubber does not collapse under mechanical, thermal, and thermo-oxidative loads.

Advice website

Do-it-yourself tire restoration

I think I won’t reveal a big secret by saying that everything in the world deteriorates over time. Everything loses its original properties.

For example, rubber, over time it becomes stiff and loses its elasticity. But this is not a reason to thoughtlessly throw it away.

Everything can be fixed; restoring the elasticity of the rubber will not be difficult.

First of all, what is this for? For example, a rubber gasket has become stiff, so you can buy it in a store.

Or the rubber seals or cuffs have lost their softness, you can also buy them. The era of general shortages is long gone.

But it turns out that this is not entirely true. In small towns, not everything can be purchased, and I’m not even talking about villages.

And besides this, it can be difficult to buy tires of the desired shape due to the fact that there are many rare, almost unclaimed products that are sometimes difficult to buy in a store.

So how does rubber restoration work? And kerosene will help us in this matter.

For small products, for example, let's take rubber cuffs (sealing), rubber gaskets, various rubber seals, etc. and prepare them a kerosene bath.

Pour kerosene into a small container and place the objects to be restored there for a couple of hours.

If the rubber is large, then first you need to carefully roll it up and place it in kerosene.

It would not be amiss to say that reclaimed rubber will regain its former softness and can be reused.

But still, the new is better than the old.

If sooner or later you come across a new rubber cuff or rubber gasket, then it would be right to buy new products and replace the old ones.

Several ways to fix the problem: the toilet cistern is leaking through the flush valve

Any malfunction associated with leakage of liquid in the toilet causes discomfort.

A thin stream of water creates constant noise, gradually spoils the toilet cover and increases the owner’s costs for water supply services.

This happens because the drain valve has failed and cannot hold liquid inside the drain tank, allowing it to leak into the bowl.

How does a drain valve work?

The drain valve is a mechanism that keeps a mass of water inside the tank when it is not in use. It also releases liquid into the toilet bowl when flushing.

The drain valve design is based on the action of pressure and traction force.

When the tank is full, the water pressure allows the membrane or bulb covering the flush hole to be held in place, preventing leakage. When a lever or button is pressed, the mechanism is activated, opening the hole and allowing water to flow into the bowl.

Why is water running through the inlet tank, it leaks and does not hold it

The valve will leak if the rubber gasket material to which the locking mechanism is attached has dried out.

If the mechanism does not hold water, the reason may lie in damage to the membrane. If a rubber bulb plays the role of a regulator, it may have lost its elasticity.

Is water constantly flowing in the tank? This is also possible if the float is broken, which should stop supplying water as the container fills.

Attention! The water supply may not stop due to the displacement of the lever that controls the correct position of the drain mechanism inside the container.

How to repair a leaking toilet drain if it's broken

In most cases, it is quite possible to repair a leaking tank yourself.

It is not necessary to seek the help of plumbing experts. First, the plumber turns off the water.

Then you need to empty the container of the liquid in it that is flowing.

Depending on the type of malfunction that occurs, certain actions are taken.

Replacing the gasket for the mechanism

To carry out repairs, you will have to remove the container from its place by unscrewing the fastening screws (in compact models). Next, you need to remove the drain mechanism, remove the old shut-off membrane (rubber gasket), and install a new part of the same diameter in its place. Additionally, you can lubricate the junction of the gasket with the tank with a special sealant.

What is needed to restore the elasticity of rubber?

Rubber is a fairly elastic material from which various sealing products are made, however, unfortunately, over time this material gradually begins to lose its properties. In this case, the rubber becomes very hard, loses its original properties and gradually begins to crack. And if there are no replacement parts at hand, then a person has to face the question of how to restore the former elasticity of the rubber. By the way, the sale of rti is carried out on the website

Small rubber parts that have lost their original elasticity can be easily restored using kerosene or ammonia. In this case, long and too narrow parts should be rolled into a spiral. After this, prepare a weak solution of ammonia and put the product in it for half an hour. However, if you do not have ammonia and you use kerosene, then the rubber product should be in this solution for at least two hours. It just follows that during this time the rubber will not only become much softer, but will also significantly increase in size. After this, you should treat the product in warm water and soap, and then you need to wipe the rubber dry.

Rubber extraction

The process of obtaining rubber is extremely simple. Hevea trees begin to produce resin at the age of 7-8 years: it is then that the first cuts are made in them, from which white thick milky sap oozes. Each tree produces about 200 grams of sap during the day, which is collected in small cups tied to the tree. In the evening, the collected juice is poured into large containers and sent to processing factories. The milky sap is collected daily until the tree is about 30 years old, when it dries up. The plantation is completely cut down and young shoots are planted in its place.

In fact, the juice collected and cleared of branches and insects can already be considered a finished product, since it quickly thickens in air and turns into a dense rubber mass, but to speed up the process, special thickeners are added to it and placed in flat small trays of square or rectangular shape. Then the resulting dough-like adhesive mass is rolled with a press, squeezing out the remaining moisture from it, and dried. Thus, you can get natural rubber almost by hand, giving it the desired shape and evaporating all the moisture.

The last step of the primary treatment is to smoke the resulting rubber sheets in order to get rid of ants and other insects. It is smoking that gives the sheets a brownish-yellow color, which is considered classic for natural rubber.

Latex sleep products (pillows, mattresses) are currently produced from natural rubber.

Has it ever happened that the elastic band around the cards simply broke due to age, your favorite sneakers became hard as a rock, or the vacuum cleaner failed due to the fact that a small gasket, belt or cuff had hardened in it? If the answer is yes, you know that rubber becomes hard over time. Natural rubber loses its properties and hardens under the influence of temperature, oils and even oxygen. Because of this, one way to slow down the hardening of rubber products is to limit exposure to heat, oils and oxygen. At the same time, the correct use of heat and oils can partially restore the softness of rubber products, although it is impossible to completely stop hardening.

How to make rubber elastic?

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Gasoline and oil resistant rubber becomes hard when left dry for a long time. Wetting with oil helped restore elasticity (in particular, the O-rings on the bumblebee primus stove).

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Posted 05 Nov. 2007 17:35

With the onset of the autumn-winter season, I began to understand that in order to maintain visibility at a normal level (especially in the dark, of which there is a lot in winter), it is necessary to change the wipers.

Old windshield wiper blades practically ceased to perform their function - they jumped on the glass, squeaked, and left streaks.

After previous replacements, I was left with 5 pairs of old wipers with the same symptoms. Each of them had already served its purpose and was sent into retirement with the above symptoms (creaking, jumping on glass, etc.). Moreover, among them there are SWF, Champion, and noname.

Before purchasing new windshield wiper blades, I decided to experiment with old wipers. After reading on the Internet what car owners advise, I conducted an experiment.

1. Take an old windshield wiper blade. We check the rubber for mechanical wear - the presence of breaks and other obvious defects in the wiper rubber. If everything is OK, go to step 2.

2. We check the frame (all hinge joints, the place of attachment to the lever) for the presence of play. If nothing hangs above the permissible limits, go to step 3. If the wiper itself has already become loose, then most likely it will go into the firebox.

3. Thoroughly degrease the gum.

Someone recommended wiping it with anti-bitumen, maybe it helps.

I had white spirit and a clean rag on hand, with the help of which the rubber band was carefully wiped off everything that had accumulated on it during the period of use, and there was a lot of dirt on it.

4. Spray/smear the rubber band with silicone grease.

This should restore elasticity to the elastic.

5. After rubbing the rubber band with silicone grease, leave it in this state for a while. (several hours, days, etc., whoever cares). I waited 2 hours because... I had to go.

6. Before starting use, wipe the rubber band again with white spirit (carefully, and not as in step 2), thereby removing any remaining silicone grease from it, so as not to smear it on the windshield, because This clearly will not improve visibility.

If the silicone grease remains on the rubber band, then the wiper will also glide well, but not only on the glass, but also on the water that is on the windshield, on the dirt stuck to it, and on frozen ice - it’s generally excellent. There won't be anything to wipe off.

7. Let's try. My wipers wiped the glass without squeaks or streaks. After the experiment, 3 days passed - the effect of the new wipers did not disappear.

Time will tell how long these brushes will really last after the procedures performed.

I liked the result. The purchase of new windshield wiper blades has been postponed indefinitely, given my stock of used wipers (it’s good that I didn’t throw them away)

They also recommend turning the rubber band on the old wiper the other way around, but to do this you first need to pull it out, which requires a little effort. The above procedures were enough for me, without turning the gum over.

PS The ability of silicone grease to restore the properties of rubber is confirmed.

What is the danger of damage to the sealing tape?

The sealing gasket is a flexible multi-layer rubber strip along the contour of the door. It is she who is “responsible” for ensuring that the door is completely adjacent to the body. This creates a tight seal inside the device and allows you to keep the temperature lower than outside without consuming a lot of energy. The fact is that the built-in temperature sensors scan the heat level and, if the temperature rises above the set values, the compressor starts working and lowers it to the desired height. Usually from +3 to +6 degrees.

If the rubber band on the refrigerator comes off and does not fit tightly, warm air from the room gets inside the device. The temperature changes all the time. Heat sensors force the compressor motor to work constantly. This leads to several problems:

  • Products are stored in suboptimal conditions. As a rule, this leads to the fact that vegetables and fruits are stored not for 1.5 weeks, but for 3-4 days. Milk turns sour after just 3 days, and ready-made dishes become covered with mold within 24 hours.
  • Conditions are created for fungal growth in the chamber. When temperatures fluctuate, mold spores spread quickly and easily.
  • The snow coat is freezing on the rear panel. This creates even greater disturbances in the thermal regime in the chamber and provokes breakdowns of the capillary tubes.
  • The compressor motor wears out quickly. It is not designed for continuous operation, so in Whirlpool, Beko, Bosch models, after problems with the door, it is the compressor that quickly breaks down.

Despite the fact that minor damage can be repaired independently at the first stage, many people ignore it. And this leads to more serious damage to the refrigeration system, which will have to be repaired by professionals.

Read also: How to make guides for a machine

How to soften rubber at home?

In many cases, rubber products are completely irreplaceable. Various seals, belts, hoses and other parts are found in the design of household items and automotive equipment. But with prolonged use or overcooling, they can become hard and unsuitable for further use. How to soften rubber at home? There are substances and methods of influence that help achieve the desired result.

This substance is capable of changing the structure of rubber and restoring the elasticity of products made from it. The procedure consists of soaking objects until the desired effect is obtained. Large rubber can be carefully rolled before placing in a container of kerosene. After a couple of hours, the softened part should be removed and washed thoroughly.


There is another option - to bathe the product in a water-ammonia solution. The rubber should be placed in the prepared composition and left for about half an hour. Then the washed and dried part can be used for its intended purpose.

Silicone and castor oil

How can you soften the rubber, at least for a little while? Silicone will have a temporary effect on it. Having lubricated the surface of the object with it, you need to give it time to absorb, after which the product will be ready for use. A similar treatment can be carried out using castor oil.


In a situation where it is not possible to put a hose on a round part or pipe, immersing the desired part of the product in boiling water will help. After waiting a little, you need to remove the hose from the water and, without wasting time, install it in its proper place. This will be quite easy to do, since the high temperature will steam the material.

If the rubber has become very hard, it is recommended to boil it. A better result can be achieved by adding salt to the water. Boiling in the solution is carried out until the material becomes more plastic.

Sometimes a problem arises with removing rubber elements from some structural parts. In this case, air heating will be effective. A hairdryer is used. Under the influence of a hot jet, the material will expand, as a result of which it will be possible to twist and tighten the element that has become pliable.

Using these simple methods, you can soften hardened rubber, thereby increasing the service life of popular products.

Gasket for milk flask

It’s quite simple to make a silicone gasket for a milk flask with your own hands, which is characterized by special elasticity and resistance to elevated temperatures. To do this, it is recommended to follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Pull out the existing ring-shaped seal.
  2. The recesses in the lid must be filled with aquarium silicone to approximately a third of the depth where the previous seal was located.
  3. Leave the structure until the material is completely dry. This will take at least a day. Also, if the silicone has frozen only on the top part, and when pressing inside you still feel a jelly-like mass, leave the material to dry for another 1 or even 2 days.
  4. Such fillings must be done at least 3 times, and then make sure that the container is airtight when closed.
  5. Make sure that the can closes well; if this process occurs with great effort or it is not possible to do it at all, then the silicone should be carefully trimmed. It is also possible that after drying it turns out that the thickness of the seal is insufficient, in which case you need to add silicone material.

Advice! If the thickness is insufficient, you can refuse to re-apply a layer of silicone. It is better to solve the problem using a backing for the can clamp. This way, the lid will sit deeper, and the silicone seal will be able to tighten all the cracks.

Making such a seal for a milk flask takes a lot of time, since it occurs in several stages, but the quality of the original product will please you.

How to restore the elasticity of hardened rubber (rubber products), is this possible?

If, for example, the diaphragm has become rough and inelastic, is it possible to restore its elasticity?

Rubber differs from rubber - in composition. There is a short-lived one, crumbling into pieces due to temperature changes, and there is a soft and elastic one. But if you remember that in Soviet times old plastics were soaked in kerosene, then there are probably ways to renew rubber in similar solutions. The example is not the best, and we must take into account that such “rejuvenation” will be short-term.

Before answering the question posed, you need to understand what hardened rubber is. And so, in the process of aging, rubber becomes coarser, and this is primarily due to the fact that under the influence of oxygen contained in the air, macromolecules of the rubber included in the rubber are cross-linked and enlarged agglomerates are formed, which lose elasticity - the main property of rubber. So it will not be possible to restore rubber products to their original form. But it is possible to improve the properties and partially restore elasticity. For this purpose, plasticizers can be used. For example, ordinary machine oil, if you treat hardened rubber with it and let it soak in, it will become softer.

If we talk about physical sensations, then the elasticity of the rubber can be restored for a while. I did not conduct experiments with ammonia, but I dipped the membranes in kerosene, then soaked them in oil. But even the elasticity that appeared after these procedures did not restore the product for long; the rubber collapsed even faster.

This happens because the binding properties of the material throughout the product are no longer the same, and kerosene with oil restores only the surface layer and does not impregnate the inside.

Such restorations significantly shorten the life of rubber products.

By the way, if the part is new, but was not stored correctly, then elasticity can be restored by ordinary heating with warm air.

In most cases, ammonia helps. The rubber product is placed in a container with an alcohol solution for ten minutes. After this, it is wiped dry (I wiped it with ordinary napkins). I heard (but did not check it myself) that in the same way rubber can be placed in kerosene for an hour and a half. Those parts that cannot be pulled out can be lubricated with glycerin. However, this gives a short-term effect.

I know from my own experience that not all rubber products can be restored, i.e. give them their former elasticity and softness after it has hardened. In general, a small part of rubber can be brought back to life, if we are talking about rubber, and not about the latest polymers, which do not lose their physical properties at a certain operating temperature.

The whole difference is that rubber products, namely the “rubber” material itself, during its manufacturing process undergoes a process such as vulcanization, when the base of the rubber, rubber, turned into rubber when interacting with certain substances at a certain temperature. Rubber was a new material in which rubber molecules created a single spatial network, and it is due to this single network that rubber has its physical properties.

It will not be practical to talk about all rubber products in one recommendation, since there are many types of rubber and each rubber has its own incoming properties, as well as the degree of saturation of the rubber, the ability to crystallize and orient, the strength of the chemical bond chain and the flexibility of macromolecules.

There are mainly 5 main factors that influence aging and loss of elasticity:

  • light exposure, during which the irreversible process of photo-oxidation of rubber occurs.
  • ozone exposure, which causes cracking of stressed rubber.
  • thermal effects destroy the spatial grid.
  • radiation exposure destroys the bonds of molecules.
  • vacuum action breaks individual sections in the product.

All this negative influence causes the rubber to become hard and/or brittle. If the product crumbles, then it will not be possible to give it elasticity, since the bond between the molecules is broken.

But if the rubber has become rough, but has not begun to deteriorate, then it can be brought back to life.

One of the misconceptions is that many people advise dipping or spraying the product with solvents, gasoline or alcohol. This cannot be done, since, firstly, there is oil-gasoline-resistant rubber that simply will not accept these liquids, and secondly, other rubber products simply dissolve partially or completely in these solvents, and the elasticity effect will only be temporary.

But one of the truly effective solutions that can “revive” rubber products is an ammonia solution with a 5% concentration.

The product should be kept in this solution for no more than 15 minutes, then, if possible, knead it using mechanical pressure and treat it with the following composition.

After softening, place the product in a water-glycerin solution with a 5% concentration.

The product must also be kept in this solution for no more than 15 minutes.

The temperature of the solutions should be within 40-50 degrees.

There should not be much time between the two solutions, since ammonia destroys rubber with prolonged exposure, and glycerin in water slows down this process.

There is no 5% ammonia solution on sale, for this reason you will have to buy 10% and dilute it with distilled water according to the formula (see chemical formulas, I personally may make a mistake)

A water-glycerin solution of 5% is also not commercially available, only pure glycerin or 85% is available, it also needs to be diluted to obtain the appropriate concentration.


What to do if the toilet is clogged: how to diagnose the clog and remove it

Clogs are the most common plumbing problem. It can be caused by deposits of hard water salts, organic sediments and other debris that gets into the sewer pipe, narrowing its internal opening.

In some cases, a clogged toilet is the result of the actions of apartment owners who dump leftover food, fermented household ingredients and dirty water into it after cleaning the room. How to diagnose a blockage and what to do if the toilet is clogged without involving expensive specialists, let’s try to understand this material.

Features of home sewerage

Sewage is an integral part of the drainage and water supply system. It is designed to remove liquid and solid products of human activity, to purify household water from contaminants and return them for further use or into a reservoir. A sewerage system is necessary for comfortable living in a house or apartment.

Residents of apartment buildings are responsible for the condition of sewer pipes in the apartment, and owners of private properties must independently install local treatment facilities, remove sewage, and maintain pipelines and equipment.

In order to avoid unpleasant problems in the future, you should comply with the requirements of SNiP regulations on water drainage and sewerage. Then the system will work normally, without requiring constant monitoring or adjustment.

The internal sewer networks include:

  • plumbing fixtures with water drainage;
  • a common riser to which sewer pipes are connected;
  • pipe layout that ensures the process of transporting wastewater from the drain hole to the riser.

Requirements for internal networks are specified in SNiP “Internal sewerage”, in GOST and SNiP “Sewerage”. The systems are installed inside the building and ensure the transportation of all wastewater from the place of its formation to the pipe exiting the building.

Basic requirements for internal networks:

  1. When installing plumbing fixtures on drains, a water seal is required.
  2. Cast iron or plastic pipes are used for laying networks.
  3. The diameter of the sewer system outlet from the house is at least 110 mm.
  4. When laying pipes, a slope of 2 to 2.5% must be maintained.

The internal networks of the sewer system must be equipped with ventilation. The process of ventilating the networks is carried out through common sewer risers - an exhaust part is installed, leading to the roof.

Due to the resulting blockages, normal drainage of wastewater becomes impossible, so it is necessary to immediately resume the full functioning of the sewer system. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences due to a blockage in the pipeline, you need to call specialists or clean the sewer yourself.

How is the sewage system arranged in apartments?

Sewage in modern apartments performs the task of removing human waste. For this purpose, a waste disposal line is installed from each point where waste is generated (toilet, sink and bathtub) to a common sewer riser.

Apartments located on adjacent floors are connected to it. The riser is a large pipe with a diameter of 0.1 m, located in the bathroom.

All sewer systems that are built in apartment buildings and private buildings must strictly comply with construction and sanitary standards.

Previously, only cast iron pipes were used for sewerage installations, but now mostly plastic ones are installed. In a plastic pipeline, the possibility of blockages is less likely, since defects do not appear on the walls, and “overgrowing” of the riser section occurs very rarely.

To make it easier to clean the riser in a high-rise, holes are made on each floor - sewer inspections.

The standard configuration of a plumbing fixture (toilet, washbasin or bathtub) looks quite simple:

  • device drain hole;
  • siphon (a curved elbow that is connected to the waste disposal line);
  • supply pipeline to the riser;
  • large pipe or riser.

The blockage can be observed in any area, but it should be borne in mind that the cause of its appearance is man-made. If the plumbing fixture is used for its intended purpose, there should be no problems.

What to do if there are signs of blockage?

Every property owner should know what to do if the toilet is clogged in the bathroom. The first thing you need to do is warn your neighbors living on the floor above and ask them not to temporarily use the toilet, bathtub or washbasin. Then it is recommended to make a chop or kvach, which should be used to plug the drain hole.

Method for making the simplest chop:

  1. You need to take a wooden block about 0.5 m in length, the cross-section of which is 1 cm smaller than the toilet flush.
  2. The block should be wrapped in sheet foam rubber (1 cm thick) in several layers.
  3. You need to put several plastic bags on the “balda”, tying them with twine.
  4. The “buld” of the chop must be tightly installed in the drain hole.

After this, you can, with the help of your neighbors, find out the cause of the clogged plumbing fixture and determine the location of the clog.

If the water drains slowly from the toilet, and everything is fine with your neighbors, then the blockage occurred before the line entered the sewer pipe. If there is a local blockage, you can call a plumber to your home, or you can try to eliminate the cause of its appearance yourself.

If the water in your toilet rises when the taps are closed and the tank is not drained, then the blockage is located lower down the common riser.

In most cases, unclogging a toilet or cleaning a sewer pipe can be successfully done on your own. Chemical and mechanical methods are used to clean pipes. The methods for removing blockages in an apartment building or in a private house are not fundamentally different.

The main reasons for a clogged toilet

The main task of the home owner is to promptly identify the problem of clogged plumbing and urgently take measures to eliminate it. If water stagnates in the toilet, it is necessary to act promptly, but first you need to determine whether the water is draining in the remaining sewer units (sink, shower, bathtub).

The main reasons for a clogged toilet:

  • “overgrowing” of sewer pipes;
  • improper operation of plumbing equipment;
  • poor choice of model and errors when installing the toilet.

If the water gradually drains from the toilet, and everything is fine with your neighbors, then the blockage is located no further than the outlet of the main line into the sewer pipe. In case of local clogged plumbing, you can call a professional specialist, or you can try to fix the problem yourself.

The main reason for the slow drainage of water is the “overgrowing” of sewer pipes.

If the rules of operation of the sewer system are violated or due to sand, grease, hair and other insoluble substances entering the system, a blockage often occurs. The lumen of the pipe decreases and if the problem is not immediately eliminated, then compaction of the drain occurs, causing “paralysis” of the sewerage system.

As a result of clogged plumbing, the water stops partially or completely leaving, and an unpleasant odor appears in the bathroom. In order to eliminate this problem, it is necessary to clean the sewer.

Errors in the installation of plumbing equipment usually occur when choosing the wrong toilet model, which is not structurally compatible with the place where it is installed. The presence of this problem is indicated by an incorrect slope of the water drain line from the plumbing fixture to the riser. In rare cases, the design of the toilet contributes to the formation of blockages.

A clogged drain in an apartment building is a “public” problem, since it can be initiated by you or your neighbors, and collective participation is not excluded.

Clogging of liquid waste along the route within the apartment is your problem, so it is better to eliminate it yourself. Rags, cat litter, diapers, construction waste and other items that fall into the toilet are not considered liquid waste, so these blockages are quite difficult to remove.

We also recommend reading our other article, where we examined in detail the types of sewer blockages. If you are interested in details, follow the link.

Effective ways to clear a clogged toilet

A blockage often forms in the sewer system, as a result of which the water stagnates and it becomes impossible to operate the plumbing equipment. At the same time, an unpleasant odor appears in the bathroom, which cannot be removed.

Before you begin cleaning your sewer pipes, you need to identify the source of the standing water. Usually, a clogged toilet is a result of improper use of the drain hole.

There are several effective ways to get rid of a clogged toilet on your own.

Method number 1 - cleaning pipes with vinegar and soda

If the sewer pipes are clogged in the bathroom, in most cases there is no need to seek help from professional plumbers. First, you can try to clean the sewer system yourself using water, vinegar and soda. This is a simple and effective way to clear sewer pipes from simple blockages.

Before you begin removing the blockage, you need to heat a bucket of water to boiling temperature, after which you need to pour the water into the problem toilet, creating a strong pressure. To do this, install the bucket in such a way that hot water pours into the toilet as quickly as possible and at a right angle.

If after cleaning the liquid begins to gradually disappear, the procedure must be repeated. These simple steps will help you deal with light blockages.

An equally difficult option for cleaning a clogged toilet is using vinegar and regular soda. The ingredients are poured into the siphon in equal quantities (2-3 spoons). After about 20-30 minutes they can be washed off with hot water. Despite the simplicity of performing the steps described above, removing the blockage yourself requires strict adherence to safety measures.

Do-it-yourself tire restoration

All materials lose their performance properties over time. You can often encounter a situation where the rubber becomes too hard and loses its elasticity. If desired, you can restore the basic properties of the material; it does not have to be thrown away. You can soften rubber using a variety of methods. Among the features of this issue, we note the following points:

  1. Rubber cuffs and seals of some devices lose their basic properties over time. In this case, you can buy new consumables, since their cost is relatively low.
  2. Some elements are difficult to find on sale due to their unusual shape and properties. In this case, softening can be carried out using various common technologies.


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What is needed to restore the elasticity of rubber?

Rubber is considered one of the most elastic materials. It is for this reason that it is used in the manufacture of various seals. After the load stops acting on the seal, it is able to return to its dimensions. This moment determines the spread of the question of how to restore the elasticity of rubber. Over time, this property is also lost. If the surface wears too much, cracks appear, due to which the insulating qualities are significantly reduced.

You can soften rubber at home using common substances. The most commonly used substances are:

  1. Kerosene can easily restore the elasticity index. This substance is ideal for processing small products; it can be softened by soaking them.
  2. Ammonia can be used to soften the structure. To do this, it is enough to create a small bath in which the product is lowered for several hours.

When soaking rubber in a restoration liquid, it is worth considering that the material can significantly increase in size. To remove the substance from the surface, the product is thoroughly washed with soap and water.

In some cases, you can use hot water to soften the rubber. This method is used to restore the insulation of the refrigerator doorway. The achieved effect can be enhanced by wetting the surface with silicone.

Seals made from the material in question are also used in the production of windows. To improve the insulating qualities of the rubber bands, they are wiped with silicone and glycerin from time to time. Such substances can be purchased without any problems.

Making your own gasket

Today in stores you can find a huge assortment of special silicone parts for sealing a moonshine still. It is possible to immediately purchase a set of seals and equip all the unreliable parts of the structure, but notorious moonshiners prefer, like in the good old days, to build the entire moonshine unit on their own, without using store-bought innovations.

If you can’t find a suitable part, you can make heat-resistant silicone food sealant for a moonshine still at home.

To do this, you need to have several necessary items available:

  • aquarium silicone, not suitable for plumbing purposes;
  • sheet of paper, pencil;
  • two pieces of transparent cling film of the required size.

Sequence of steps for making a silicone gasket:

  1. Draw an exact sketch of the required part on a piece of paper; this can be done by attaching an old seal. An object with a tin surface, such as a beer can lid, should be used as a base for extending the gasket.
  2. After placing cling film on top, fill the lower part of the pattern with silicone.
  3. Cover with another layer of film and place an object with a flat surface, such as a board, on top. Leave to dry for a day.
  4. After the specified time has elapsed, you need to remove the film and check the degree of polymerization by slightly pressing the material with your finger. Silicone polymerization occurs at an average rate of 2 mm per day.
  5. Gradually build up the material piece by piece in layers, waiting until the previous layer has completely cooled.

Advice! To make the gasket dry faster, you can place it near a heater or periodically dry it with a hairdryer, moving the device far away.

Before using a homemade gasket, you should boil the product to get rid of the characteristic unpleasant odor and only then use it to harmonize the installation for distilling moonshine.

How to make rubber elastic?

Experts recommend considering each specific case, which can significantly increase the efficiency of the work being carried out. You can soften the rubber as follows:

  1. Hardness increases if the rubber is kept dry for a long time. Elasticity is restored by wetting the surface with oil. Softening is recommended to be carried out periodically to achieve the desired result.
  2. Car wipers can be lubricated with silicone grease, which softens the surface. Of course, it is possible to restore an old structure only if there are no mechanical defects.

In addition, you can find special compounds on sale that can soften the structure after application.

Purpose of silicone sealant

A car engine is a sealed structure that uses several dozen sealing elements, including head and valve cover gaskets, pan, water pump, oil filter, various sensors, etc. The same applies to the gearbox, drive axles and other mechanisms. Today, gaskets made of various materials, including composites, are used. However, other means of sealing joints in components, assemblies and mechanisms - silicone sealants - are also widely used.

How to soften rubber at home?

At home, you can soften rubber by using various materials. The most widespread are:

  1. Ammonia.
  2. Kerosene.
  3. Castor oil and silicone.

Restoring rubber at home

High temperatures also cause the rubber to become softer, but wear resistance decreases.

When considering how to soften rubber, many people pay attention to the possibility of using kerosene. Such a substance can restore elasticity.

Features of the application are that the product is soaked in a special bath, after which the surface is thoroughly washed and dried. If the length of the product is large, then it can be rolled up. It is kept in kerosene to soften for several hours, since kerosene does not act immediately.


This substance is widely used and can also make the product softer. The procedure looks like this:

  1. Select a container of suitable volume.
  2. Ammonia is diluted in water to obtain the required solution.
  3. The product is placed in the solution for an hour to soften.
  4. After this, the softened element is removed and washed with clean water.

Drying is carried out at room temperature. It is worth considering that high and low temperatures always have a negative impact on the condition of the rubber.

Silicone and castor oil

A short-term effect can be achieved by using silicone and castor oil. Among the application features, we note the following points:

  1. Silicone has only a temporary effect. It can be purchased in specialized stores.
  2. After lubrication, you need to wait a while. The silicone can be absorbed into the structure, making it more flexible.

After half an hour the rubber will be ready for use. It is worth considering that the achieved effect will be temporary. When considering what can be used to soften such material, you can pay attention to castor oil.


In some cases, only temporary softening is required, for example, when putting a hose on a pipe. The problem in this case can be solved by temporarily lowering the product into a hot bath. After some time of exposure to high temperature, elasticity increases.

With prolonged use, the rubber may become hard. Problems can only be solved if the product is boiled. The effectiveness of the procedure can be significantly increased by adding salt to the composition. Boiling is carried out until the surface becomes elastic.

If difficulties arise when removing tubes and hoses, then heating is carried out by applying a warm air flow. A construction or regular hair dryer can be used for this. When the high temperature air flow is concentrated in one place, the plasticity increases significantly.

In conclusion, we note that only in the absence of defects can the material be restored. Some recommended methods may reduce some performance characteristics. That is why you need to follow all recommendations.

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Silicone and castor oil

These home remedies to restore elasticity have some disadvantages. One of them is a short-term effect, which is not always convenient. But there are still some advantages:

  • availability (silicone can be purchased at any specialized store, and its cost is low);
  • does not require prolonged exposure (the product is ready for use within 30 minutes after the start of the procedure);
  • there is no need to look for large containers for soaking products (you do not need to do this before softening the rubber with silicone).

These features also apply to castor oil. The substance is able to penetrate the rubber structure, thereby changing its properties. But it is also easy to wash out.




Stage two: update

Not only a person, but also all objects around him age over time. Rubber bands in the refrigerator are no exception. From light, moisture, temperature changes, mechanical stress (slamming the door), the seal gradually collapses.

On average, sealing bands in a refrigerator last 3-5 years. Then they gradually become compressed, and the door no longer closes tightly.

Rubber contains synthetic rubber and polymers that absorb light and heat energy. Chemical processes occurring inside change the seal externally. All rubber becomes dense over time. At the same time, it loses flexibility and breaks easily. Microscopic cracks appear on the surface in which moisture accumulates. This further accelerates the destruction process.

Is it possible to somehow rejuvenate the tires? At the initial stage of aging - yes. There are several proven methods for this.

Method number 1 - using lubricant

Many people know that plastic windows need periodic lubrication. The rubber bands around the sashes are lubricated twice a year. This increases their service life by 2-3 times. So the window seal is not much different from the one in the refrigerator. When lubricated, the rubber remains elastic longer. Lubricant protects it from the negative effects of the environment, and to some extent softens it.

To lubricate the sealing rubber bands of the refrigerator, you can use:

  • care product for plastic windows;
  • silicone grease;
  • machine oil;
  • VD-40.

The lubricant is applied to a clean, dry surface. It is best to rub it in thoroughly with your fingers (wearing gloves). You need to process all the folds and leave the sealant for half an hour. Then excess lubricant is removed with a dry cloth.

Method number 2 - using ammonia

If a suitable lubricant is not at hand, you can use ammonia. It acts rougher and is able to change the structure of the rubber for both the better and the worse.

It is important to strictly adhere to the recipe and exposure time:

  1. We dilute ammonia in warm water in a ratio of 1 to 7.
  2. We wipe the rubber several times for half an hour.
  3. Wash off the solution with warm, clean water.
  4. Dry it.

It is most effective to soak the seal in ammonia solution. But not all refrigerators have it removed. You need to see if the elastic is simply inserted into the groove or is additionally glued.

Method number 3 - using a hair dryer

It is known that when heated, any rubber softens. A household hair dryer will help heat it up quickly. However, heating alone is not enough. After cooling, the seal will become the same as it was.

The hairdryer is held at a distance of 20-30 cm. To increase efficiency, the rubber treated with lubricant is stretched. At the end, the seal is heated again. Without allowing it to cool completely, close the door and press it with your hands for 3-5 minutes. This is necessary so that after cooling it becomes uniform in thickness.

Method number 4 - using boiling water

The most barbaric method, but sometimes it is the only one that helps solve the problem with an elastic band that comes off. Boiling water instantly softens the material. But its destruction may also occur. The fact is that the composition of the seals is very different: natural, synthetic rubber, a mixture of different polymers. Therefore, in each specific case the result is different. If you decide to take a risk, the procedure is carried out as follows:

Option #1. The door is opened. A large basin or tray is placed under it. Boiling water is slowly poured onto the gum on top (it’s most convenient to do this from a kettle). Then quickly, while it has not yet cooled down, stretch the folds with your hands. Close the door tightly. After 3-5 minutes, wipe off the moisture and dry everything thoroughly.

Option #2. The seal is removed from the grooves. Heat 3 liters of water with the addition of a glass of salt (or without). After boiling, pour the boiling water into a plastic bowl. Lower the seal for 10 minutes. Take it out and level it by hand. Set in place.

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