Top 7 Chinese machines for business at home

Equipment for small businesses allows you to open your own business and earn good money. In this case, you can use ready-made ideas for doing business. For it to be successful, it is necessary to draw up a detailed business plan. Particular attention should be paid to the financial and production sections.

Small businesses can use different types of equipment.

Rules for choosing equipment for small businesses

To choose the right equipment for a business, you need to focus on the specific type and specifics of the planned business. At the same time, there are universal recommendations that allow you to buy high-quality machines.

So, when choosing equipment for business, you should focus on the following factors:

  • Price is considered the main selection criterion. The lower the cost, the faster the costs will pay off. Thanks to this, a businessman will be able to start receiving real income earlier.
  • Quality - neglecting this category in the pursuit of savings is strictly prohibited. Quite often, the low price hides the fragility of the product. This creates the need for expensive repairs, interruptions in production, and losses.
  • Functional characteristics - it is important to consider how well the machine performs its tasks.
  • Availability of spare parts - sometimes cost savings result in expensive repairs and maintenance.

Walnut oil

People who care about their health highly value natural essential oils, including walnut oil. This product is used in cooking, pharmaceuticals and cosmetology for the manufacture of shampoos, creams, gels, etc. The market for walnut oil is huge, so the idea of ​​mini-production of such products can be an excellent basis for a large-scale promising business.

Essential oil is obtained from walnut kernels. It is better to purchase raw materials during the season, when they are sold at the lowest prices, and store them in a warehouse. To do this you will need decent starting capital. In addition, you need to purchase special equipment. The best option is an automatic machine, but it is not cheap, more than 10 million rubles, so many novice entrepreneurs use semi-automatic equipment. To service it you will need one operator, and the cost of the machine is not so exorbitant. If you are limited in financial resources, you can make mini equipment for the production of walnut oil with your own hands. But it will not be able to provide high performance. When the production line is fully loaded, all your investments pay off in literally 1 season.

The production of walnut oil will bring good profits if you take care of the markets in advance. The profitability of such a business is 50–100%. Over time, when the enterprise begins to grow and develop, it is possible to enter foreign markets and thereby significantly increase the profitability of production.

Requirements for technical equipment

When choosing a machine for your home business, you need to consider that placing it can be quite difficult. It is best to allocate a separate room for this task or fence off space in a living room or utility room.

If you plan to produce at home, the equipment must meet the following criteria:

  • affordable price;
  • no noise;
  • efficiency;
  • safety;
  • compact sizes.

Attention! Semi-professional and professional equipment often cannot operate on a standard 220 V network.

It is important that the machines meet a number of criteria

Sewing shoes

Nowadays, there are no problems with choosing shoes, since they are presented on the market in a huge assortment. But despite this, sometimes it is very difficult to find the right pair, so you have to make shoes to order. If you know how to sew well and know how to please a client, why not open a small studio that provides such services.

The modern market offers a huge selection of different materials, so you can easily purchase everything you need for sewing shoes. For a business to be successful, you must master all the necessary skills. Before starting such a business, it is advisable to undergo an internship with an experienced shoemaker.

To produce shoes you will need the following equipment:

  • Sewing machine;
  • Bead stitching machine;
  • Die cutters;
  • Drying machines;
  • Heel nailing machines;
  • Staplers and more.

You will need 300 thousand rubles to purchase materials and equipment. In one season you can earn 250-300 thousand rubles. At first, your studio will bring 50-100 thousand rubles of net profit. If you want to increase your income, most of the money you earn needs to be invested in the development of the enterprise.

Variety of equipment for small businesses

You can use a variety of equipment to start your own business. It is important to take into account the specifics of your activity.

Production equipment

The organization of large production requires large investments. Not everyone can boast of them. Therefore, it is best to start with a small business. This will help significantly reduce costs.

Before purchasing machines for a small business, it is important to decide on the field of activity. This will determine the type of equipment you need to buy and how much money it will require.

One of the most convenient options is considered to be new technology from China. It has an affordable price, which is an indisputable advantage. However, such equipment is not always of high quality. Therefore, you need to be very careful when choosing it.

Note! Many large companies not only deliver equipment, but also install it. It is worth inquiring about the availability of this service in advance.

Home Business Equipment

Today there are many devices for home business. In this case, it is permissible to buy convenient machines or affordable tools. This equipment is easy to install, compact in size and takes up little space. This is perfect for home production.

For a small business, a stove or boiler, devices for making tiles or artificial stone, and a specialized mixer are suitable. A good option would be equipment for the production of disposable tableware or bags, devices for the production of primer or putty.

Business equipment

At home you can produce different types of products. These include sausages, tiles, toilet paper. You can also make dairy products, tiles or concrete. Sometimes there are some kind of mini-factories that are focused on the production of alcohol or petroleum products.

Mini-machines for home business have the following advantages:

  • Affordable price.
  • Compact sizes. At the same time, there is no need to rent large premises. This provides significant savings.
  • Available raw materials.
  • Quick preparation for starting work. This technique is easy to install. Therefore, setting up the production process is not particularly difficult.
  • Minimum energy consumption. Many types of such equipment do not require additional ventilation. This provides savings on thermal energy.
  • No work experience required. To start production activities, a minimum number of personnel will be required.
  • Short payback period. The equipment is affordable and efficient. Therefore, its use allows you to quickly return the money spent.

Note! It is quite possible to buy a mini-factory on credit. Fast payback significantly reduces the period of debt repayment.

A mini-factory would be an excellent option for a home business.


Decoupage is a fairly profitable activity that does not require serious financial expenses.
Its essence lies in decorating furniture and other interior items with self-adhesive paper, fabric and other materials. Before you start looking for clients, you need to do some unique work. At first, you probably won't be able to receive many orders, so you can decoupage all the old furniture you have in your home. When talking with customers, focus their attention on the fact that making decoupage is much more profitable than purchasing new furniture. This activity can be done by both adults and teenagers with creative abilities. To work you will need multi-colored paints, brushes and rollers. Don't forget to equip your work area with air purification systems. It is better to buy varnishes and paints in bulk. In this case, they will cost you much less. But before purchasing a wholesale batch, you need to check the quality of the material. Restoring one piece of furniture costs at least 1 thousand rubles. If you decoupage a kitchen set from 5 items, you can earn 5-10 thousand rubles from this.

Examples and new equipment for small businesses

Business machines are varied. This allows people to engage in different activities.

Equipment for aerated concrete

Such equipment will cost approximately 40 thousand rubles. The production of building materials is considered a promising field of activity. At the same time, aerated concrete blocks are a relatively new word in this area.

The equipment set includes the following elements:

  • vibrating sieve;
  • forms for creating ready-made blocks;
  • raw material doser;
  • petrochemical components - include emulsions and substances for faster solidification.

The equipment is compact in size. It can be used to run a small business with a minimum cost of renting premises. To service such devices, 1-2 people per workshop are enough.

Equipment for aerated concrete is often used for small industries

Equipment for the production of suspended ceilings

Such equipment will cost 300 thousand rubles. A stretch ceiling is a film coating that contains impurities. They make the finished product more elastic.

To give the structure the desired shape, it is stretched onto a frame of profiles. Extraction is carried out using special calender equipment. At the same time, production technology requires equipment with HDTV.

Common models of such equipment include:

  • PWN-4000FA. This is a Taiwanese product. It includes 4 generators and 3 work tables. The line includes 2 welding units. They work directly with the film and with fasteners to secure it.
  • Setting "Style". This line is considered completely automated. It has a Russified control panel and can weigh 360 or 520 kg.

Note! Such equipment will require a room of at least 50 square meters. It is desirable that it has a utility network with the required power in the network.

Additional equipment includes tables for cutting and packaging, storage racks, and a device for supplying and receiving suspended ceilings.

A promising option is the use of equipment for the production of suspended ceilings

Waste recycling

When organizing such a business, the initial capital investment will be 2 million rubles. Moreover, this area of ​​activity is considered very promising in a crisis, since there is practically no competition. At the same time, waste recycling allows you to get a return of 200-300%.

In addition, this area of ​​activity enjoys support from the state. This allows you to save money on purchasing equipment using special environmental programs.

The equipment includes the following elements:

  • Waste sorting equipment. There are open and closed complexes that are designed for different premises.
  • Grinding devices. This group includes shredders, metal shears and other crushing devices.
  • Storage container. It is used for storing raw materials in the fresh air. Facilities can have different designs - it all depends on the storage features and type of waste.
  • Pressing equipment. It is used to compress solid materials into proper shapes.
  • Magnetic separator. It helps to screen out metal elements. Such substances cannot be recycled, so they need to be separated.

The use of such equipment allows you to process the following types of waste:

  • Plastic - the result is flex. It is a recyclable material for the manufacture of various plastic products.
  • Glass crumbs are supplied to factories for the manufacture of glass containers.
  • Waste paper is a very promising area for small businesses.

Note! The highest quality equipment is considered to be Finnish, and Japanese is in second place. Chinese equipment will cost 30-40% less, but will be significantly inferior in quality.

For furniture production

To purchase such equipment you will need 1.5 million rubles. This direction cannot be called new, but such products are always in demand.

There are 2 areas of activity in the field of furniture manufacturing:

  • Products made from chipboard are considered an economical alternative to natural wood. The production process is simple and does not require a large number of workers.
  • Products made from solid wood are a more expensive option that allows you to obtain high quality products.

To engage in this type of activity, you will need the following equipment:

  • Format cutting machine. It helps to smooth out the edges of parts. The device is also used to apply a protective layer to the boundaries of particle boards.
  • Filler drilling machine. With its help, it is possible to drill neat holes for attaching parts to the edges. The device is also used for attaching fasteners. Chipboard is considered a very fragile material, so you need to work with this machine very delicately.
  • Milling machine. This equipment is highly accurate. It creates decorative details to decorate finished products.
  • Joining equipment. It is used for processing solid wood. With the help of such devices it is possible to give the finished product the desired shape.
  • Lathe. With its help, it is possible to combine wooden and metal parts. Thanks to this, you can increase the decorative properties of the product.

You can open a small furniture production workshop

Home production with average investment

The following activities will require large financial investments:

  • art printing;
  • laser engraving;
  • home studio;
  • Production of keys;
  • kvass production;
  • production of furniture, tiles, metal structures;
  • production of carvings;
  • production of dry construction mixtures.

In these cases, special production equipment will be required. For artistic printing you will need a color printer, for laser engraving - a machine, to open a home studio - sewing equipment, for making keys - special machines, and so on.

Key making machine

So, to start making keys, you will need machines costing about 15-65 thousand rubles. Additionally, you will need equipment for making duplicate keys. A markup for each duplicate can be made in the amount of 500-900%.

For home furniture production you will need tools, facades, countertops, chipboards and various accessories.

The production of metal structures is also considered a profitable activity, since there is always a stable demand for them. To start production, you will need equipment capable of cold forging structures. Having relevant experience in the field is important.

For such a large production, you will need a fairly large room, which can be garages and other premises adjacent to a private house. Manufactured products can be sold to construction organizations and teams.

Before starting the production of dry mixtures for home construction, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the market for these products in order to identify the desired demand for it.

Carving work does not require a lot of equipment. The master's main carpentry tool is a jigsaw.

A jigsaw is one of the main carpentry tools

This type of activity is highly valued for its exclusivity and quality, since the master devotes a large amount of time to the production of carved patterns.

Top machines for business

Home production has never been so accessible. The wide range of equipment for home production today is amazing. The top 3 devices are identified based on the ratio of time spent/price/received income:

  • A dehydrator for meat and vegetables is the simplest equipment in its design, which allows you to produce the final product of the highest quality without major investments. Vegetables, fruits or meat that have undergone such processing are incredibly popular among athletes, vegetarians, and fans of proper nutrition. The cost of equipment for dehydration does not exceed 10,000 rubles, but the product obtained from its operation costs a lot of money.
  • A machine for creating dough pieces is an excellent option for those who have started producing semi-finished products at home. The cost of this equipment is much higher than the previous one, but the emissions are much more serious.
  • A molder for the production of containers from recycled paper or cardboard - you can create what you see on store shelves every day. For example, egg cells or various boxes. We just have to find a market for the products we produce.

Handmade decorations

Many people don’t even think about the fact that their hobby can become a good source of permanent income. In particular, you can make good money by making handmade jewelry. Such a business has many advantages:

  • Low production costs;
  • Exclusivity of products;
  • Small starting capital;
  • Constant demand for products;
  • Wide purchasing audience.

Before you start making designer jewelry, you need to find suppliers of materials. The initial investment in such a business is approximately 50 thousand rubles. If you manage to organize sales of finished products, all investments will pay off in 6 months. After you reach a net profit, part of the money you earn can be used to purchase new materials and expand the range.

Video on the topic

Thermal imager

The study of houses and other buildings for heat leakage has become increasingly important recently, as energy prices are only rising. If you purchase such a device and undergo a little training, you can engage in similar research and draw up relevant conclusions for a fee.

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Mini-feed mill – 9FH-500

Chinese mini-factories for small businesses are best suited for the production of compound feed. For example, a 9FH-500 machine from the supplier Argentum Amur will cost only $2,000. Its productivity is 1500 kg of feed per hour, power is 4-7.5 kW. Weight is 370 kg, and dimensions are 1.44 x 1.04 x 2.3 m. This will allow you to install the machine in a small room (70-80 sq. m along with a warehouse for raw materials, products and utility rooms), saving on rent. Such a plant does not require heating.

9FH-500 is suitable for crushing feed grains (rye, corn, wheat, barley, etc.) and processing sawdust, bran, husks, straw, hay. As a result, we get complete feed for birds and livestock.

Such a machine produces 350 tons of feed per month and allows you to receive a net income of $9,000 .

Laser cutter

This laser engraver is capable of both applying images and markings to metal products and processing wood. This laser is extremely powerful and is capable of cutting plywood, for example, for the production of construction sets. The price of the machine includes delivery and customs duties; the seller also has other more powerful models.

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Reduced start-up investment

To purchase, install and debug a traditional production complex, an investment of at least 3,000,000 rubles is required. A modern, technically advanced, innovation-based mini-line costs 1,500,000 rubles, while standard complexes can be purchased for half a million. Hand tools, including automated ones, the purchase of which begins the trial stage of many productions, can be found on sale for 15,000 rubles (depending on the industry).

Read also: Making jewelry at home

Soldering Station

And the last product in this collection is a professional soldering station, which can be an excellent assistant if you are repairing various electronics. The product can be ordered in different configurations, and delivery from the Russian Federation is also available. The station has very good characteristics and precise tuning, the device has proven itself well and has many positive reviews.

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See also:

Mini-factory for the production of canned fish - NPO "MINIPLANT"

A line from a Russian manufacturer, including a cutting machine, a dispenser and a device for sealing canned food. The price of this configuration is around 11 thousand dollars. It produces 800 cans per hour and requires an area of ​​​​about 90 square meters for the workshop itself. Such a machine must be serviced by 2-3 workers.

Even such inexpensive equipment for small businesses will allow the production of approximately 192 thousand cans per month. It is profitable for a small enterprise to produce a product in the middle price segment: tomato sprat, sardines in oil, sprats. Monthly net profit – from 10 thousand dollars.

Mini brewery – BlonderBeer 300 L

Optimal equipment for small businesses from the Slovak company Techimpex. Produces 300 liters of beer per day (restaurant-type brewery), the maximum number of varieties is 4-5. This volume is suitable for a small company supplying the product to cafes and draft beer stores. Ideally, you can open your own brewery store and sell beer at market rather than wholesale prices. The cost of the line is around $10,000.

Nuances of the organization

In addition to the set of equipment, you will need to separately purchase fermentation tanks (tskt - cylindrical-conical tank), since aging and fermentation last 10-25 days. In order to maintain the required production volumes daily, you will have to spend money on purchasing 10-15 centrifuges per 200 liters (costs from $8,000).

The microbrewery's revenue reaches $7,000 per month, net profit is $3,500-4,000.

Other profitable options

Where else can you buy a mini-brewery at a good price? The companies ZIP Technologies Ltd (Hungary), Impiantinox Srl (Italy), Miass Machine-Building Plant (Russia), BeerFactory (importer of Chinese brands).

It is possible to order a more productive device from China For example, a line from GEONETconsult Ltd producing 150 liters per hour (1200 liters per day) will cost around $20,000.

Cloud mining - the optimal format for cryptocurrency mining

For the vast majority of users, cloud mining remains the best option for bitcoin mining in 2022, due to the flexibility of contracts and more favorable working conditions than mining on your own equipment.

Cloud mining is a model for earning cryptocurrency that creates groups (mining pools) with one goal: obtaining more income, compared to conventional distributed mining, through the management of equipment by a contractor who resolves all issues regarding technical and software components.

TOP 3 reliable cloud mining services according to

ServiceGradeDetailed review
IQ Mining (editor's choice!)9.5Read review
HashFlare7.1Read review
Genesis Mining6.8Read review

The criteria by which the rating is given in our rating:

  • Profitability and profitability – we calculate payback periods, clarify the reality of mining.
  • Prices and commissions – we take into account the validity of tariff plans and compare them with competitors.
  • Deposit/withdrawal, discounts, reliability - we analyze reviews, test the correctness of accruals and withdrawals.
  • Convenience of the platform and website – we evaluate functionality, errors and failures when working with the service.
  • Features of the company are unique services and useful services, duration of work on the market.
  • The final score is the average number of points for all indicators, determines the place in the ranking.

The full rating of cloud mining services can be found here.

Bitcoin farms - ready-made solutions for bitcoin mining

These complexes are not cheap, but they are already fully equipped with compatible elements, configured and ready to work.
Let's look at the five most popular and interesting solutions for mining bitcoins. Attention: prices and performance of equipment are current at the time of writing, but since the cryptocurrency exchange rate and the complexity of the Bitcoin network are changing rapidly, check the information before you decide to buy a particular device.

CoinTerra TerraMiner IV

CoinTerra's TerraMiner IV is a water-cooled Bitcoin earning machine from CoinTerra that is equipped with ASIC chips, GoldStrike I. TerraMiner IV is made using the 28nm process technology, and comes with a 4U addition with a power supply, which is considered a rarity in Bitcoin earning circles.

TerraMiner IV is equipped with 4 ASIC chips, each of which outputs up to 500GH/s, which means that the total power of TerraMiner IV is 2TH/s. At the moment, earning Bitcoin is quite difficult, and this system will allow you to mine up to 1.1 Bitcoins per day. CoinTerra also claims that TerraMiner IV is energy efficient, although these claims have not yet been backed up by any statistics or evidence.

Price: $5999 (check current price with equipment suppliers)

Hashfast Sierra

Hashfast's Sierra is a high-power, water-cooled Bitcoin earning machine. The machine's performance is based on Golden Nonce ASIC chips. The machine is built into a 4U rackmount housing and comes with two built-in Seasonic power supplies.

Sierra offers a nominal rate of 1.2TH/s, which works out to approximately 0.66 Bitcoins per day. However, it should be noted that the Sierra does not have a built-in controller, so you will have to connect the machine to the main control center via USB. The control center can be anything with CGminer software installed.

Price: $6300 (check current price with equipment suppliers)

Fast-Hash One

Fast-Hash One series consists of 3 machines for earning Bitcoin: Silver, Gold and Platinum versions. These are 19-inch Bitcoin machines, the difference between which lies in the expansion capabilities and power of the installed modules. All three machines are equipped with one earning module, but the capabilities allow you to increase them to 6.

The Silver version is equipped with a 64GH/s module and allows you to increase the power to 384GH/s. The Gold version is equipped with a 128GH/s module, and can be expanded to 768GH/s. The Platinum version is equipped with a 256GH/s module, and it is possible to increase the power to 1.536TH/s. Overall, if you get to the maximum power, these machines will allow you to mine between 0.2 and 0.85 Bitcoins per day.

While the Silver version does not support expansion packs, the Gold and Platinum versions support up to 6 expansion packs, with each pack capable of holding up to 16 modules, allowing for a greater degree of power. Fast-Hash One machines are available for pre-order.

Price: $2499-$5999 (check current price with equipment suppliers)

Black Arrow Prospero X-3

The Black Arrow Prospero X-3 is equipped with 20 Black Arrow Minion ASICs built into a 19-inch rackmount housing. ASIC Minion chips are based on 28nm process technology. The Prospero X-3 is also equipped with an LCD screen that displays statistics and diagnostics.

This configuration of Prospero X-3 allows you to get power up to 2TH/s, which mines up to 1.1 bitcoins per day. The system also supports the lightweight Stratum protocol.

Price: $6999 (check current price with equipment suppliers)

KnCMiner Neptune

KnCMiner Neptune can be said to be the great-grandfather of Bitcoin earning machines. Neptune consists of 4 modular 20nm ASIC boards, designed in such a way that the machine will continue to operate even if one or more boards fail. Neptune inherits a lot from the previous system, Jupiter, which was based on 28nm process technology.

Neptune allows you to achieve a minimum power of 3TH/s, which translates to mining up to 1.66 bitcoins per day. This is a pretty solid upgrade to Jupiter, which allowed you to earn only 0.6 bitcoins per day. KnCMiner also state that they plan to increase power in the near future, so it may end up that miners will have more powerful systems on their hands.

KnCMiner Neptune is currently available for pre-order. The batch is limited to 1200 units.

Price: $12,995 (check with equipment suppliers for current prices).

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