Review: Small-sized household dial multimeter (tester) Sunwa YX-1000A - A toy for a beginner

Despite the predominance of digital multimeters, analog multimeters are still available on sale. Some radio amateurs prefer them. Possessing a generally higher error, fearing strong shocks, pointer multimeters also have advantages: they do not require a power source (except for ohmmeter mode), are insensitive to high-frequency interference, the deflection of the needle is often more comfortable and intuitively perceived by a person than flashing numbers on the display. In addition, dial multimeters are very simple and repairable. And one more thing: this is a tradition, this is the youth of electrical measuring technology, which is sometimes nice to remember. Therefore, having a dial multimeter in your arsenal and being able to use it is very useful even for a modern radio amateur.

So, the other day I saw this small multimeter in a radio store for 200 rubles and, remembering my childhood, I bought it. True, in childhood the multimeter was called SUNWA, and this one is a Ketai counterfeit of a Ketai handicraft: SUNMA. Almost like Adidas and Abibas

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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