Sherhebel - carpentry tool: device, photo, purpose

Types of hand planes and their purpose

Tools for wood processing are divided into the following types according to their intended purpose:

  1. Finishing
  2. Shaped cutting
  3. Rough processing or for general use

Finishing planes include the following:


  • A sander is a tool used for finishing wooden surfaces. With its help, the master removes irregularities and defects that remain from the use of the previous tool. The device is based on two sharp knives, the sharpening angle of which is 60 degrees. An additional element of the grinder is a chipbreaker. The chipbreaker is a support plate that is located above the cutting insert
  • Tsinubel is a device that belongs to the category of finishing tools. This device is used to impart roughness to wooden surfaces. This roughness is similar to a ground surface (adhesion), which is necessary to improve the quality of adhesion, for example, when applying varnish. The incisors are positioned at an angle of 80 degrees and have grooves. The design of the tsinubel uses single knives with a blade that has serrations at the end
  • End plane - used when it is necessary to process small-sized wood. The name of the device does not speak about the design, but about the application, that is, it is used for planing the end surfaces of workpieces
  • Single - used for repeated processing of wood. The use of the device allows you to obtain clean chips without kinks, but at the same time chips and burrs form on the material being processed. That is why, after using a single plane, you will need to refine it with a sander.
  • Double planer - equipped with a cutter and chip breaker, which improves the quality of planing work. After this device you will also need to treat the wood with a sander.

If there is a need to perform finishing processing of woodworking materials, then a complete list of such devices is presented above. They are also called flat planing devices. After treating the surface with a sander, proceed to the use of sandpaper, through which sanding is carried out.

Planer and its purpose

The final processing of wooden blanks is carried out using a jointer. According to the processing method, they are divided into two types: manual and electric. The second category includes the so-called jointing machine. With its help, finishing is carried out and imparting the desired quality to flat, shaped, and complex products.

The jointer is always equipped with two knives. They are installed one after another. Each of them is located in a special hole in the housing and has an individual fastening system and depth adjustment. The presence of two knives allows you to improve the quality of processing, reduce time, and reduce worker fatigue. Jointer knives have a larger sharpening angle compared to a plane. Consistent passing over the surface ensures high-quality processing.

The length of the body is three times longer than that of a conventional plane. The cutting block of the jointer has a special chip breaker or chip breaker. Together with an extended body, it is possible to significantly increase the degree of finishing. A handle is attached to the body of the jointer, ensuring ease of operation and uniform distribution of pressure over the entire cutting surface of both knives.

The types and sizes of joiner jointers are determined by the following criteria:

  • purpose;
  • linear dimensions;
  • geometric shape of the workpiece (flat or complex);
  • angle of inclination of knives;
  • body material.

To solve some problems, a shorter jointer is used. The length of its body does not exceed 50 cm. Such a tool is called a semi-joint. Each of them is assigned an individual number. The number determines the scope and characteristics of the tool.

Half jointers, numbers 5 and 6, are recognized as popular. They are characterized by a difference in the width of the blade. It is ten millimeters. In appearance they are very similar to standard planes. This similarity is especially characteristic of the width of the cutting knife. A distinctive feature is the angle of inclination. It is installed depending on the tasks being solved. In the capable hands of the semi-jointer number five, the semi-jointer copes perfectly with the posed problems. Thanks to its size and thoughtful design, its blade cuts the surface layer more easily. This jointer can handle any type of wood. It is quite easy and convenient for them to level wooden products that have a large area. This is possible thanks to the long block when jointing edges.

The semi-joint with number 6 has more compact dimensions. The body length is significantly shorter than a standard jointer. Small dimensions made it possible to obtain a lighter weight tool. This made it possible to carry out work for a long time, reduce fatigue, and help maintain the high quality of the resulting form. This circumstance refers to the first advantage of this semi-jointer. The second advantage is the ability to ensure fairly even planing of the workpiece surface. Its small dimensions allow it to be considered a tool for use outside the home workshop.

Convenient design, small dimensions are especially suitable for planing large-area panels. The location of the cutting tool and its angle of inclination allow processing not only along the direction of the wood fibers, but across it, that is, at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the original direction. The semi-jointer number six is ​​considered the first tool with a relatively wide blade. The wider blade provides good surface coverage, hence a smoother surface. With this jointer you can easily and efficiently process the flat surfaces of any molded products.

Sherhebel in the carpentry workshop

Sherhebel and plane. The Scherhebel has a rounded knife with a width of 35 mm, while the plane has a straight knife of 50 mm.


, less often shershebel

(corrupted German: Scharfhobel,

from scharfen - sharpen, sharpen and hobel - plane, planer

) - a woodworking tool, similar in appearance to a plane, but smaller in width and longer in length

(not necessary)

with a rounded blade. The angle between the cutter and the machined surface is approximately 45°. Designed for primary, after a saw or ax, hewing (planing) of wooden boards. In accordance with the shape of the cutter and block, it removes thick but narrow (2-4 cm) chips. After the sherhebel, the carving is carried out with a plane and then with a jointer.

Pioneer for wood workpiece

When considering what a sherhebel is, attention should be paid to the fact that such a tool is intended for initial rough surface treatment. It is worth considering that the design allows only the creation of a certain shape; the dimensions and smoothness of the surface are achieved by using other tools. It is worth considering that the design allows only the creation of a certain shape; the dimensions and smoothness of the surface are achieved by using other tools

It is worth considering that the design allows only the creation of a certain shape; the dimensions and smoothness of the surface are achieved by using other tools.

An example is various planes, which are also very common and in demand today.

  1. Design features allow cutting to greater depths.
  2. The blade can cut even significant irregularities. That is why the surface can be processed with almost any defects.
  3. Externally, the tool is similar to a common plane, but it has its own specific features that allow you to remove previously unprocessed material.
  4. Compared to other tools, this one has a blade sharpened at an angle of 45° to the sole. This indicator largely depends on the hardness of the material being processed. As an example, for soft rocks the indicator chosen is 25-30°. In the manufacture of such an element, hardened steel is used, which can withstand long-term use. However, even with this, you still have to periodically renew the blade.
  5. The standard blade version has a width of 35 mm. In some other models, the size of this structural element may differ significantly.
  6. The width of the main part is 15 cm larger than the blade. Taking into account the fact that Scherhebel is intended for rough processing, the hole for chips is increased to 3-5 mm. Due to this, the procedure for removing waste from the work being carried out is significantly simplified.

Rough processing when using Scherhebel causes rough stripes to appear on the surface.

That is why subsequent actions involve the use of other tools that allow achieving the required accuracy and roughness.

Carpentry sherhebel

Let's figure out what to do when there is a crooked, untreated board. As soon as a piece of wood falls into your hands, and especially if it is wide, like a board, you should take a woodworking tool called a sherhebel. It is used first. To put it simply, a sherhebel is a plane for rough roughing. It is necessary for planing raw wood to give it the required shape and size. It will not be possible to obtain greater accuracy or a smooth surface. There are other types of planes for this. Or rather, a sherhebel is not even quite a plane. But its appearance and operating principle, which is extremely simple, are similar to a plane.

When to use an electric planer

The advantage of an electric planer is that it can perform various woodworking jobs with minimal effort. An electric planer can be used for rough, finishing and shaped finishing of surfaces. The tool is effective when it is necessary to perform large volumes of work in carpentry workshops or when carrying out repair and construction work. The main disadvantage of the tool is that it is quite expensive, and therefore it is not profitable to buy it for home use if you plan to use the device only once.

Structurally, the tool is a massive plane, which is equipped with an electric motor, as well as special knives. The knives are driven by an electric motor through a gearbox. The electric tool has the function of adjusting the planing depth, the maximum value of which reaches 82-100 mm, depending on the brand and power. The electric planer also has some disadvantages:

  • Noisy operation
  • Dusty - this drawback is easily eliminated by using a special bag or connecting a hose from a vacuum cleaner

However, against the backdrop of such advantages as fast and efficient removal of chips from the surface of the workpiece, the devices in question are popular. An alternative replacement for an electric planer is a grinder with a special attachment. This attachment is called a plane for a grinder for wood processing.


As already mentioned, the sherhebel is the very first tool when working with an untreated piece of wood. But there is one more thing that is unusual for a person far from a locksmith workshop. Its name is jointer. In its essence, it is much closer to planes, since its movement occurs only along the fibers, along the cutting of boards or bars. There are also differences in appearance. The most important difference between a jointer and all similar tools is that it has not one, but two knives. Also, its length is much longer than that of the others, not counting extremely precise planes, in which the sole area remains strictly one plane. The difference is significant, but it was necessary to figure it out, because the jointer is also an unusual woodworking tool.

Types of figure planing planes

Figure planing is also carried out quite often. The following planes can be used for this:

  1. Zenzubel.
  2. Federgubel.
  3. Falsebel.
  4. Headquarters.
  5. Tongue and pile pile.

Not all versions are used in wood processing; some are characterized by special performance characteristics.

In conclusion, we note that there are a variety of types of tools on sale that can be used for working with wood. The right choice can often only be made by a specialist based on his experience. Also, many carry out the production of the structure with their own hands, due to which economic costs are significantly reduced.

Rules for working with a plane

You should use a hand plane taking into account the design characteristics of this tool. When planing, the force is transferred to the front part of the tool body with the left hand, while the right hand holds the back part

It is important to move the device along the fibers with long forward movements. The main nuance when finishing is not to reduce the force on the plane and not to remove it from the middle of the surface

During the roughing process, movements may be more frequent and smaller. The main sign of high-quality work is a continuous ribbon of wood chips coming out from under the knife of the device.

Planing, at first glance, does not seem to be a difficult operation, but it requires some skills. Before finishing the product, it would be a good idea to practice on substandard scraps of material to get better at it. Otherwise, the appearance of the finished product may be spoiled by snags, breaks or deep cuts in the wood fibers.

When working with a plane, as with any hand tool, it is important to follow safety precautions: always check the serviceability and accuracy of the tool settings, store the device in a specially organized place, maintain a stable body position and a safe hand position. After use, it is recommended to clean the device with a brush and soft cloth.

Operating principle of an electric planer

The main part of the electric planer is a rotating drum on which the cutting elements are attached. It is driven by an electric motor, rotation is transmitted by a toothed belt. The tool operates via an electrical cord from a 220 volt household power supply.

Planers are usually equipped with motors with a shaft rotation speed of over 1000 rpm and a power of 550 to 950 watts. The motor elements that require special attention are the carbon brushes. For convenient monitoring of their condition, cleaning or replacement, a special removable casing is installed above the motor.

Planing should begin only when the drum reaches its maximum rotation speed

You need to carefully move the plane from the end of the workpiece and begin to slowly move it forward. The sole of the tool should be directed parallel to the wood being processed

In this case, at the beginning of the workpiece, the force is slightly transferred to the front handle, and at the end - to the rear

Planing should be smooth, with an average processing speed of 150–200 centimeters per minute. This is important: you should regularly check whether the cutting knives of the tool are dull. If the blades lose their sharpness, the plane may bounce violently off the wood, creating a risk of serious injury.

How to use an electric planer correctly

First of all, you need to understand that planing with an electric planer is only applicable to wood. Before starting work, it is necessary to securely secure the processed lumber - the quality of the resulting wood and the safety of the work process will depend on this. The presence of play can cause the workpiece to be thrown to the side upon contact with the rotating drum, possibly resulting in injury to a person.

The lumber must be secured in such a way that the worker carrying out the planing has the opportunity to move freely with a plane from one edge to the other of the workpiece.

The difference between planing on a wide board

The difference between planing a wide board and working on a narrow board is that the process is carried out in several passes along the blade. This is due to the fact that the width of the cutting knives is not enough to process the surface of the workpiece in one pass. The main difficulty in this case is the exact parallel alignment of two adjacent processed lines.

This is important: in order to obtain higher quality material, professionals take a longer workpiece and cut the ends after planing

How to use the tool correctly?

There are quite a large number of recommendations regarding the work to be done when using such a tool. The area of ​​application of the scherhebel is in rough planing of wood during reciprocating movements. The key features of the procedure under consideration are the following:

  1. The blade is made in a rounded form, due to which it is possible to remove a large amount of material from the surface.
  2. Unlike other instruments, this one is characterized by quite large dimensions. This moment makes processing more difficult, since you have to apply significant effort.
  3. In order to significantly improve the quality of the processed surface, preliminary fixation of the workpiece should be carried out. An example is the use of clamps, which secure the workpiece to a flat table surface.
  4. When moving the Scherhebel forward, maximum effort should be applied; the backward movement is carried out without effort.

Do not forget that when planing a surface, a fairly large amount of chips is formed. When chips hit the surface being machined, they can create additional resistance.

Difference from surface planer

Also, many consider what is the difference from a surface planer. When considering a thicknesser and a jointer, it should be borne in mind that the first option is intended for drawing parallel lines on the surface. Both options can process wood; among the features, the following points should be taken into account:

  1. Flat surfaces can be obtained with a thicknesser, but the equipment is designed for finishing.
  2. Both tools work exclusively in conjunction. The jointer is intended for preparation, second final processing.

In general, we can say that there are quite a lot of differences. In this case, the structural elements differ insignificantly, but the thicknesser allows you to reduce the degree of roughness of the surface layer.

Pioneer for wood workpiece

When considering what a sherhebel is, attention should be paid to the fact that such a tool is intended for initial rough surface treatment. It is worth considering that the design allows only the creation of a certain shape; the dimensions and smoothness of the surface are achieved by using other tools

An example is various planes, which are also very common and in demand today.

Another fairly common question is what the sherhebel is intended for. Among the features we note the following points:

  1. Design features allow cutting to greater depths.
  2. The blade can cut even significant irregularities. That is why the surface can be processed with almost any defects.
  3. Externally, the tool is similar to a common plane, but it has its own specific features that allow you to remove previously unprocessed material.
  4. Compared to other tools, this one has a blade sharpened at an angle of 45° to the sole. This indicator largely depends on the hardness of the material being processed. As an example, for soft rocks the indicator chosen is 25-30°. In the manufacture of such an element, hardened steel is used, which can withstand long-term use. However, even with this, you still have to periodically renew the blade.
  5. The standard blade version has a width of 35 mm. In some other models, the size of this structural element may differ significantly.
  6. The width of the main part is 15 cm larger than the blade. Taking into account the fact that Scherhebel is intended for rough processing, the hole for chips is increased to 3-5 mm. Due to this, the procedure for removing waste from the work being carried out is significantly simplified.

That is why subsequent actions involve the use of other tools that allow achieving the required accuracy and roughness.

Features of planing with a plane

Planing of a wooden workpiece is usually carried out along the grain or towards the grain of the wood.

Planing wood along the grain produces thin chips and a smooth surface. When planing against the fibers (“in a rush”), the cutting edge cuts deep into the wood and breaks off thick chips; the surface usually turns out uneven with burrs. Planing against the grain is beneficial when roughing a workpiece, since it requires less effort to plan the same thickness from the workpiece. Finishing must be done along the fibers. The direction of the fibers can be determined by examining the side surface of the workpiece.

In some types of wood with a complex structure and complex structure, the fibers on the surface of the workpiece change orientation over small distances and therefore planing towards the grain is inevitable. At the same time, to obtain a smooth surface, it is necessary to use a very sharp piece of iron, well adjusted to prevent distortion, and released to a shallow depth.

Planing across the grain, for example, of the ends of a workpiece, is sometimes called “transverse” planing. For such planing, it is effective to use planes with a large inclination of the cutting plane of the piece of iron to the cutting plane, usually about 12°-15° from the perpendicular to the processing plane.


SHERHEBEL is used for primary rough processing. The rounded knife is attached at an angle of 45° relative to the sole and protrudes beyond its plane by 1 mm. Thanks to the oval cutting edge, processing can be carried out across the fibers, eliminating their longitudinal tearing. When planing with a sherhebel, thick chips are removed, which allows you to give the workpiece the desired shape, but the blade leaves deep grooves.

SINGLE PLANE is used to level the surface after rough processing. To avoid scoring and unwanted marks when planing, the straight blade of the plane has slight roundings at the edges.

The SANDER is designed for finishing difficult surface areas: ends, areas with wood defects, around knots. The grinder is equipped with a chipbreaker and a double knife, which is installed at an angle of 60°.

MEDVEDKA is used for planing large areas of wood (ceilings, floors, boards for external cladding). A distinctive feature of the bear is the presence of two long handles, which allow two people to use this tool.

DOUBLE PLANE is used for final processing, cleaning burrs and twisted areas, that is, areas where wood fibers are randomly located. It differs from a single plane by the presence of a chip breaker (hump), which is installed parallel to the cutting edge at a distance of 0.2-2 mm from it. The smaller this distance, the cleaner the planing will be.

A END PLANE is necessary for processing the ends, as well as small surfaces with a tangled structure. It has an obliquely set knife, which ensures clean planing.

JOINTER is used for finishing large surfaces of wood, as well as for smoothing (smoothing) edges before gluing. The length of the jointer block is 60-65 cm, which is twice as long as a standard plane. The knife is equipped with a chip breaker; a handle is usually installed behind the knife to facilitate work. Planers are available with both one and two knives. A shortened jointer 40-45 cm long is called a semi-jointer.

ZINUBEL gives the surface the roughness necessary for reliable gluing of hard wood, as well as for veneering work. The single zinubel knife is fixed in the block at an angle of 80°, thanks to which even twisted wood can be processed without scoring. The cutting edge of the knife on the side opposite the chamfer is covered with a fine notch, which creates scars. When planing, these scars remove narrow (0.8-1 mm) chips.

Types of planes and their purpose

Even now it is difficult to imagine performing any private carpentry work without the use of specialized tools, such as a plane, jointer, sherhebel and other special devices. Each of these types of instruments has its own unique character. Yes, now this tool is becoming a thing of the past, it is being replaced by mass production, where everything is run by automated lines, I doubt any of you are making stools in your garage, but it’s time to remember the lessons of labor and pay tribute to the good old planes! The main parts of the plane are: a piece of iron (knife), a block and a wedge. Depending on the size, purpose and equipment with additional devices, planes can be divided into many subspecies and types.

Among the existing modifications are:

  • manual (mechanical) - made from plastic, metal, wood or combinations thereof - are not much different in their functionality, but the technical characteristics directly depend on the material used to make the body of the construction tool;
  • electric – thanks to the additional equipment with an electric motor, they allow you to perform large volumes of work at high processing speeds.

Wooden planes have become the most popular when processing wood at home.

Types of hand planes for wood and their names

The plane is one of the main carpentry tools and comes in many models. Simple devices are intended for rough work, others are used in finishing. Before choosing a tool, you need to study the types of wood planes and their names.


The single hand plane is a simple design with a straight blade. The edge of the knife is slightly rounded, so when processing a workpiece, no grooves are formed on the surface of the workpiece. The device is used mainly for planing wood after cutting or using an ax.

A single plane helps remove rough edges, humps and other irregularities in wood.


The design of the double plane is almost identical to the single one. But its distinctive feature is an additional knife for breaking chips during the planing process. The tool is used in finishing workpieces; with its help, you can achieve good smoothness of the wood and minimize the subsequent use of sandpaper.

A double plane can be used to clean the ends of workpieces from burrs and other irregularities.


This type of device is equipped with rounded blades set at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the side of the sole. It has a wide clearance for chip removal, suitable for fast rough processing of wood. It does not provide a perfectly smooth surface, but it allows you to plan workpieces not only along the grain, but also across it.

After using Sherhebel, the wood is additionally sanded to remove nicks and rough spots.


The jointer has an elongated block and is especially effective at removing protruding parts of the workpiece. Used for treating large surfaces. The cutting edge of the tool does not touch the recesses when moving, so it can be used for finishing grinding.

The effectiveness of a jointer directly depends on its length; the longer it is, the better.


A plane of this type is equipped with a single knife, the blade of which, on the side opposite the chamfer, is covered with small notches that form teeth. During the planing process, the moving edge of the tool creates grooves on the surface of the wood.

Tsinubel is used for rough processing of workpieces before finishing cleaning. The tool also helps prepare hardwood elements for gluing, since grooved surfaces adhere much better to each other.

Most often, tzinubel is used together with other types of planes.

If the plane blade becomes dull...

Not only the workpiece must be prepared for work, but also the tools and devices used. The knife must be sharpened at the required angle (depending on the hardness of the wood being processed). The position of the knife in the body of the carpentry tool must be carefully adjusted. Sharpening of the cutting blade is carried out on a block mounted on a workbench or table. It is necessary to move along the block with the lower edge of the knife (chamfer). The pressure is applied when moving away from you, while the chamfer should be completely adjacent to the stone.

You cannot change the sharpening angle, as the chamfer will acquire an uneven width and may become humpbacked. Planing done with an incorrectly sharpened knife will be of poor quality. During sharpening, burrs are formed on the surface of the chamfer, which can be easily felt by touch. To eliminate them, the knife is turned over with its front side and moved along the surface of the stone with light straight and circular movements. After this, a burr is formed on the chamfer side. The knife turns over.

End cleaning

To clean the ends, it is necessary to carry out the planing “from yourself”, with short pushes. Thanks to this processing principle, the wood fibers will be cut crosswise and less effort will be required.

The blade no longer deteriorates even during operation, but during its interaction with other objects, when not in use. During breaks, it is necessary to lay the plane not on the blade, but on its side. During long-term storage or during transportation, the knife must be pushed inside the block.

Interesting articles:

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  4. What is a moulder? What is a moulder plane? How to use a moulder plane

How does a wooden and metal sherhebel work?

The carpentry sherhebel in question is characterized by a fairly large number of different design features. These include the following points:

  1. The block is the main part of the structure, so the dimensions are quite large. Wood and metal can be used in production.
  2. Depending on the type of material used, Sherhebel can have different sizes.
  3. According to established standards, the sherhebel is represented by a combination of a rectangular body, a special horn for resting the hands, a knife, a sole, a cork, and a clamping wedge.
  4. The surface of the wooden element of the product is coated with a special varnish, which greatly simplifies the movement of the sherhebel on the surface.

Like the Scherhebel knife, other elements of the tool can be made using certain materials. In this case, the standards specified in GOST must be taken into account. Let's take the following as an example:

  1. The block is made of hard wood. They can last for a long period.
  2. The purpose of the sole is direct contact with the surface being treated. That is why maple, beech, ash and other similar dense materials are used in production.
  3. The pad of the block is made of birch and elm. The sherhebel's skin should be smooth and free of significant defects.
  4. Today, a two-layer blade is installed. In most cases, tool steel is used, as well as some alloying alloys. In some cases, other alloys characterized by increased wear resistance are used.

The Scherhebel is adjusted depending on the operating conditions. You can often encounter a situation where a version with a metal body, which is made in cast form, is used. A special handle is required to support your hands while working. Unlike common wooden versions, metal ones are characterized by increased wear resistance. This is due to the fact that wood reacts to changes in humidity and temperature.

Rating of the best models

Today, manufacturers produce a huge number of hand planes of various designs and designs. To prevent your eyes from running wild when purchasing, it is worth listing the top 5 popular models of planes, with the help of which you can efficiently process a wooden surface.

Stanley 1-12-034

A popular model that is actively used on construction sites. The company has been manufacturing working processing tools for more than 170 years, so there is no doubt about the quality of the equipment.

The planer copes with the task perfectly. It can be used to treat the surface of any type of wood, including hardwood. The design of the tool provides for the installation of a special mechanism. With its help, it is possible to achieve precise adjustment of the blade angle, which allows you to quickly solve a specific problem.

Pros of the model:

  • robust design;
  • long service life;
  • molded and comfortable tool handles.

The plane is literally created for comfortable work.

Pinie 51 mm

The peculiarity of the model is the use of first-class wood species in the manufacture of the plane. The tool is intended for finishing processing, as well as for jointing the edges of various parts.


  • increased blade strength;
  • ergonomic handle, comfortable to use;
  • Chip remover

"Stankosib sherhebel 21065"

The tool is designed for initial or rough surface treatment. Its peculiarity lies in the extended blade. Together with a comfortable sole, the plane allows you to achieve high-quality removal of the primary layer of wood and eliminate any unevenness or defects.

Pros of the model:

  • reliable design;
  • no deformation of the unit even under heavy loading;
  • Blade angle adjustment for quality processing.

The design uses durable blades made from billet steel.

Sparta 210785

The special features of the planer include the ability to remove excess wood from the surface. Through this processing it is possible to obtain smooth planes even on the smallest parts. The tool body is made of cast iron, so it does not deform in any way even under heavy workloads.


  • the presence of a customizable knife centering function;
  • use of high quality steel for the blade;
  • the presence of a small false knife.

"Stankosib 21043"

The plane is small in size, so it is popular among both professionals and amateurs. The main purpose of the tool is the final cleaning of the folds that go to the end of the obstacle.

The plane body is made of high quality steel. The manufacturer uses the St3 grade, which ensures resistance to any loads and reduces the risk of deformation. The design includes a mechanism that allows you to adjust the cutting angle.


  • compact dimensions;
  • the ability to process hard-to-reach places;
  • durable knife.

The blade is made of high-speed steel. Therefore, it remains sharp for a long time and removes the required layer of wood.

How to use a wood planer

If you need to plan with a plane, the question arises of how to use it. If labor lessons at school have already been completed a long time ago, then it will not be difficult to master the use of a planing device. However, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. Before using a plane, you need to prepare it. The preparation is as follows:

  1. Disassemble the tool to check the flatness of the sole
  2. Then you need to remove the protective coating from the sole. For this, acetone and cloth are used to thoroughly abrade the varnish from the sole and side surfaces
  3. It should be noted that not all planes are varnished, but only high-quality tools from well-known manufacturers. Varnish is applied to prevent corrosion on the surface of gray cast iron.
  4. Check the quality of the blade sharpening. To do this, you need to remove the piece of iron from the tool, and then try it on a piece of wood
  5. The plane of the sole is checked. It should be perfectly smooth. To do this, apply a metal ruler to the surface of the sole and point it towards the light. There should be no gap between the sole and the ruler. If it is present, then the sole has unevenness. It will not be possible to carry out high-precision processing with such a device, but for home use it is quite suitable
  6. If necessary, level the sole. For this purpose, metal sandpaper with a roughness of P1000 or more is used. The paper must be placed on a perfectly flat surface (for example, glass), and then move the plane in one direction away from you
  7. Check the blade for nicks. If any, the blade is subject to additional processing
  8. After this, assemble the tool. How this is done is described in detail in the video material.

After this, you can begin to carry out the relevant work. After the tool is prepared for use, it needs to be configured. To configure, perform the following steps:

  1. The procedure involves placing the iron from the sole at the appropriate distance
  2. Initially, it is necessary to connect the chipbreaker with the iron. To do this, the ends of the elements are aligned exactly with each other and secured with a tightening screw.
  3. After installing the adjusted cutting elements in place, you will need to fix them using a pressure plate
  4. Carry out a test pass with a plane over the workpiece. Based on the results obtained, make more precise adjustments using a special adjustment lever
  5. Make more precise adjustments to the protrusion of the iron from the sole. The cutter must protrude equally on both sides to ensure efficient chip removal from the workpiece.

After this, you can begin to use the tool for its intended purpose. To do this, it is necessary to fix the workpiece with clamps or in a vice, which depends on the size. After this, begin performing manipulations. To do this, you need to hold the plane with both hands and apply the same force from start to finish. After this, you need to return to the starting position and perform the passage again.

To summarize, it should be noted that the plane is a unique tool that is popular in the field of woodworking and furniture construction. It makes no sense to buy a whole set of different types of planes for your home, unless you plan to make furniture, etc. But novice carpenters will be interested to learn about the purpose of certain types of wood planes.

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It is recommended to start setting up the jointing machine by checking the sharpness of the cutting elements. The blades should have a 40° bevel along the edge.

If the knives are sharpened, they need to be secured to the planing shaft. Before this, you need to lower the front and rear plates. When installing knives, it is necessary to control the parallelism of the blades. It should not exceed 0.1 mm per 1 m. To facilitate the process of installing knives, it is recommended to purchase an indicator device. After securing the cutting elements, you need to check:

  • protrusion beyond the edge of the steel plates – 2 mm;
  • protrusion beyond the edge of the planing shaft - no more than 22 mm.

After installing the knives, you need to set the height of the work tables. The distance between the cutting edges and the jaws of the plates should be no more than 3 mm. Otherwise, indentations may form on the part during processing. After setting up the desktops, you need to determine the location of the guide. The distance between the ruler and the left edge of the knife shaft should be greater than the width of the wooden workpiece. The guide is installed using a template and secured with screws.

After setting up the jointer, you need to check its performance by performing a test run. If there are no malfunctions or external defects, the boards can be processed using the jointer. If deviations are detected, it is necessary to re-configure the machine, replace or repair its faulty components.

General purpose devices or how to rough finish a part

A separate category of planes are universal devices for rough and final cleaning. With their help, you can perform not only rough, but also fine finishing of surfaces. One of the most important tools for a carpenter is the sherhebel. With its help, the master carries out the initial planing of wood, that is, removing the bark. We will consider in more detail what types of general purpose planes there are below.

  1. Sherhebel - looks like a regular plane in a metal case. The main task of the tool in question is to give the workpiece the necessary shape for its subsequent processing. The tool allows you to remove edges up to 3 mm thick. It is almost impossible to obtain a smooth surface using Scherhebel, so after work you will need to perform finishing work with other tools. The sherhebel differs from a regular plane in that the cutting part with a rounded blade is located at an angle of 45 degrees. The presence of a rounded blade makes it possible to plan wood in the transverse direction
  2. Medvedka - got its name due to its similarity in shape to the insect of the same name. The similarity is due to the design of elongated handles with side protrusions. Used for leveling large surfaces. Special protruding handles ensure easy use of the tool, which is equally convenient for both right-handers and left-handers. The bear is also intended for use in pairs by two people. The metal cutting tool is fixed with a wedge. The cutter protrudes from the sole by 1 mm, which allows the removal of the corresponding layer of wood
  3. Planer - the device is equipped with two cutters, therefore, unlike the Scherhebel and Medvedka, it is used for finishing or final leveling of the corresponding wood surfaces. A distinctive feature of the jointer is its long length, which allows you to remove chips from a large surface area in one pass. The design of the tool can use not only two, but also one blade
  4. A semi-jointer is an analogue of a jointer, which has a shortened length of up to 60 cm. The design uses a double cutter and serves as a tool for finishing the surface of small-sized material

Using these four tools, you can carry out complete processing of the material from start to finish, that is, from removing the bark to manufacturing the required size and shape of the part. It is worth understanding that these tools will not produce a perfectly flat surface, so if necessary, you will need to use additional devices for finishing and shaping.

Distinctive features of the Scherhebel

View gallery So what is the difference between a plane and a scherhebel? As mentioned earlier, it is intended for roughing. Also, a sherhebel differs from a plane by the semicircular sharpening of the protruding part of the blade. In addition, the blades differ in their width. In Sherhebel they are somewhat thinner. The position of the blade also differs: in the Sherhebel it is fixed at an angle of forty-five degrees to the sole and protrudes from behind it by two to three millimeters. This means that they can remove a surface of a couple of millimeters, making a round groove in the wood. It is also much simpler than a plane. The knife is attached to the body using only one clamping screw. If you tighten it correctly, the knife will not go anywhere during the cutting process.

Types of tools

The classification is very extensive and is associated with various properties. There are two main types:

  1. A hand jointer can be found in almost any workshop. Its peculiarity lies in the prostate of the device, as well as its low cost.
  2. Recently, an electric jointer has often been purchased. This is due to ease of operation, as well as fairly high efficiency in use. The only drawback is the fairly high cost.

The materials used in the manufacture of the main part may differ significantly. Wooden tools are more common, as they are simple and much cheaper. It is suitable for a home workshop. There are also metal structures designed to work in extremely difficult conditions.

The classification is carried out according to what the task is. Examples include the following devices:

  1. For working with wooden workpieces that have not been processed in any way before. This variety is called Sherhebel. In most cases, a metal is used that can withstand significant impact.
  2. If finished parts need to be glued together after processing, then tsinubel is used. This design option is characterized by the fact that the knife has serrations. After planing, small grooves appear on the surface. As practice shows, such a surface is best suited for gluing.

If the resulting products do not need to be glued together in the future, you can use a double or single jointer. The main types of carpentry tools include the following:

  1. The grinder is represented by a type of design, which is characterized by a shortened body and an increased rake angle, as well as a reduced slot for removing chips. The scope of application is to align the ends and remove various burrs.
  2. In some cases, a semi-joint is used. It is characterized by a reduced length, but the required width remains. Used when working with large parts.
  3. The folding belt is used for sampling and quartering. It has a design that has a removable sole. The tool differs from others in width and is a specific design option.
  4. Zenzubel has a double-sided knife made using high-quality steel. The width of this element is 33 mm.

Mini jointers are also available for sale. It is often used in domestic settings, as it is small in size and has sufficient performance. In addition, all devices can be divided into two main groups:

  1. Household is characterized by low cost, as well as reduced performance characteristics. It is widespread because it costs less.
  2. A professional jointer is used for work in industry. Its main qualities include increased productivity, as well as the ability to work for a long period.

The production of the instrument in question is carried out by a variety of companies. There is also an industrial jointer that can be used for a long period.

Scherhebel selection

Its cost is no more than four hundred rubles. The average person, visiting a site with good tools, will probably choose it. So, its length is 250 millimeters, the width of the sole is 43 millimeters. With these dimensions, its weight is also small: just under eight hundred grams. If the width of a little more than four centimeters seems quite small, then the width of the knife is even smaller. This Sherhebel has a knife width of three centimeters. For those in the know, let us define that the knife is made of 9HF steel, this is an alloy tool steel with increased corrosion resistance. In simple terms, the knife will not rust too quickly, which is a common problem in indoor workshops where it can be very humid. In principle, the main thing is to look for tools not by cost, but by reviews or personal experience. If you know that it is more convenient to work with a tool from a particular company than from another manufacturer, then it is better to take that one. This way the tool will last much longer and will be much more enjoyable to work with.


A plane is a carpentry tool designed for processing wood parts and consisting of a block, a wedge and a knife. With the help of the latter, layers of material are removed from the part. There are a huge number of types of planes, but they can all be divided into two main types: mechanical and electrical.

Mechanical planes are made of steel, wood or even plastic, and the quality of the tool largely depends on the material of manufacture. Electric planers, compared to their mechanical counterparts, are faster in operation and allow you to process more material per unit of time.

Setting up the plane

The rib, which is the working surface of the knife edge, has a slight radius of curvature. To reduce it, it is important to sharpen the knife blade in several stages using a sharpening wheel and a fine-grained grinding stone. A blade sharpening angle of 30° is considered optimal and universal for working with hard and soft wood.

Correct adjustment of the knife position will reduce the physical and time costs of processing the product. A slightly protruding tip will simply slide over the surface of the product. And if the blade is pushed far out of the block, it will grab fibers that are too thick and tear them. The cutting part should extend above the sole evenly and parallelly, protruding by 0.2-0.3 mm. These parameters can be observed using a ruler or by eye. Make adjustments with weak hammer blows, giving the blade the required position.

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