DIY trolley repair: causes of trolley malfunction, how to repair them, maintenance tips

Frequent use of warehouse equipment leads to its breakdown. Then downtime occurs and the company suffers losses. In the video you will see how to repair the hydraulics of a rotor with your own hands. A broken transporter can be quickly and cheaply put in order without the help of a technician.

The hydraulic trolley is a device for servicing supermarkets and warehouses. It is used in loading and unloading activities and smooth transportation of luggage over short distances.

The principle of operation is that the structure is inserted into the space under the pallet (pallets) using two front beams (forks). The operating personnel presses the handle 10-12 times, while fluid is pumped into the hydraulic unit. Using levers and rods, the fork platform lifts the goods to the required height in order to transport them to a specific place. The jack lowers the pallet at the selected point by pressing the hook. The trolley releases the load and moves out freely.

Main types of malfunction

With proper use, the cart can last 6-7 years. If you handle the equipment carelessly, the service life will be sharply reduced and the hydraulic rocker will need to be repaired. To do this, you should study the technical data sheet of the equipment and understand the design features.

Manufacturers produce different modifications:

  • • with single and double wheels;
  • • with electric drive;
  • • with rolling rollers;
  • • with foot brakes;
  • • with electronic scales.

To avoid damage, it is advisable to inspect the cart every day before work and after completing the shift. It is necessary to make sure that no debris gets between the wheels, that there are no cracks or other defects on the body, and that all mechanical components must function properly.

Once a month, be sure to lubricate the bearings, pistons and additional elements that are indicated in the technical data sheet of the model.

Malfunctions and repairs of the waterworks

First, let's figure out why the hydraulic lifter does not lift the load and what is the reason. Such a breakdown occurs very rarely. It occurs due to overloading of the cart or failure of hydraulic equipment.

You can fix the problem yourself at your workplace. But before you start repairing, think about whether you can disassemble the unit yourself. After all, this requires knowledge, experience and special tools. Repairs will become difficult and costly. If you have decided to repair the breakdown yourself, we will give you some tips for successfully completing the matter:

  • • Look at the stem. It can bend and jam due to overload. You will not be able to make it yourself, since it is made of special steel. There is only one way out - buy a new one.
  • • If you store the cart horizontally, the working fluid may leak out and air will take its place.
  • • To prevent oil from flowing and leaking in the assembly, look for blockages in the bleeder device. O-rings can also wear out.
  • • Hydraulic fluid leakage is caused by mechanical damage to the integrity of the unit or penetration of a foreign body onto the rod (sand, dirt, dust, metal or wood filings).

Before you begin disassembling the system, drain the spindle. Then remove the stem, shut-off valve and inspect the parts for malfunction. Carry out a thorough inspection for rust on the stem. If there is one, clean the part. But this is a temporary measure. Without proper polishing, the rod will quickly damage the cuffs. The solution is to buy a new part.

O-rings cannot be repaired; it is better to replace them. Since it is visually impossible to determine their wear. Moving parts suffer the most from dirt, which will subsequently leak oil. Just clean them with a rag.

Before installing all parts, wash the inner surface of the assembly several times with a special liquid. You can use thinner, gasoline or diesel fuel. Then bleed to ensure there is no air in the system.

Handle repair

Due to careless handling of equipment, the handle most often breaks. If it is cracked, then a specialist can resort to welding. In some cases, the spring or stepper arm is changed. If the handle cannot be restored, then it will have to be completely replaced.

Repair of wheels and rollers

These parts are consumables. Due to constant contact with the floor covering, they wear out first (like car tires).

Breakdown occurs very often due to excess load weight and careless operation. It is impossible to repair them. Therefore, replace the old wheels and rollers with new ones. In this case, take into account the design features of the cart. Improve its performance by installing metal-polyurethane, metal-rubber or polyamide wheels.

You can order spare parts in the online store is the largest manufacturer and seller of wheels, rollers, cuffs and other necessary products.

Valve repair and replacement

If lifting does not occur, then you should pay attention to the locking device. A sign of such a malfunction is a leak from the hydraulic injection unit. In this case, it is time to replace or repair the valve.

It is enough to rinse it with a stream of oil. We raise the villas as high as possible. Next, simultaneously press the lowering hook and pump the lift.

Fork repair

Under the influence of a large load, they can become deformed. This problem can be solved in a mechanical workshop using welding work. By correcting the geometry of the part and welding the cracks, you will bring the equipment into working condition.

Chassis malfunctions

It consists of elements that do not require precise tuning and adjustment. Therefore, it is advisable to replace the wheels and bearings with new ones. You can repair rods, shafts, brackets and other suspension parts yourself without contacting a service center.

Change of oil

This procedure must be done more often if leakage occurs. To do this, drain the waste and fill the cart with a new spindle through the filler bolt. Car oil cannot be used as it has different viscosity characteristics.


The final stage of any repair is painting the product. Using a brush or spray bottle you will not only give the device a beautiful and well-groomed appearance, but also avoid corrosion of metal parts.

Why did the baby stop lifting?

After the warehouse equipment has been working properly for several years, the cart may break down. You pump the handle all the way, and your tray only rises a little and does not get stuck at a certain height, instead it inevitably falls back to its original place. This condition is not critical; everything can be repaired yourself, without resorting to the services of a specialist.

It is necessary to understand the causes of the breakdown. We will help you with this and point out the most common problems.

Lack of fluid in the waterworks

The cart cannot perform its loading and unloading duties because it left the factory without oil. Also the culprits of the breakdown are worn rubber seals of the pressure piston. They can be replaced.

If the leakage is insignificant, then simply top up the spindle periodically. Then the gaskets will serve you for a long time. You can buy hydraulic fluid (VMG3 or I20A) at any automotive store. Then lower the rod to the minimum level, unscrew the fill bolt and slowly introduce oil using a bulb or injection device. When the liquid overflows, close the filler hole and test the equipment.

Bypass valve is always on

In this case, the pressure that is created by the master cylinder is released back through the pan lowering system. You need to check the serviceability of the mechanism. There should be a gap between the plunger and the lever. If it is impossible to set the clearance with a nut, then you will have to change the repair kit or the entire assembly.

The safety valve has failed

To prevent hydraulic failure, many carts are equipped with a special device. When the pressure in the working cylinder exceeds a critical level, the liquid is automatically discharged. This protects the device from excessive loads.

If the relief valve remains open (due to dirt and foreign bodies), you will not be able to generate the pressure needed to lift a certain amount of weight.

Your actions:

  • • Check the shut-off device for contamination and clean it if necessary.
  • • If it cannot be washed, then install a new repair kit.

Wear of parts

To create pressure in the injection and working pistons, the seals must fit tightly to the metal parts. Over time, rubber seals become damaged due to friction and cease to perform their functions. This can also happen from long-term storage. Products lose their elasticity. The only way to eliminate the problem is to replace the seals.

Repair kits are produced and sold in the city of St. Petersburg. You can find out information on the website

Broken spring inside the valve

In this case, the oil will be discharged freely. You must tilt the cart on its side to prevent the liquid from leaking out. Unscrew the back cover and check the condition of the cone spring. If possible, stretch it. Otherwise, you need to install a new one.

Mechanical valve wear

Careless and prolonged operation, contamination in the working fluid and corrosion can lead to loose fitting of the assembly parts. The only way to repair the product is to replace the spare part.

How to remove a bearing race from the housing. How to disassemble a bearing.

Sometimes unpleasant situations occur when the bearing falls apart and its outer race remains in the housing. Moreover, at first glance, it is simply impossible to remove this clip. Ordinary pullers will not help in this case, since there is simply nothing to hook them onto. It won't be possible to knock it out either, since there is simply nowhere to hit it.

But not everything is as hopeless as it seems at first glance. There is a way. It consists in the fact that it is necessary to assemble a whole bearing on this cage. That is, take the missing parts from another bearing and install them on this race. After this, the ring can be knocked out of the case.

First of all, we need a similar old bearing. To do this you need to know his number. If the old one is out of stock, you will have to buy a new one. You can buy the cheapest Chinese one. He will only be needed once as a donor.

Once a donor has been found, it must be disassembled.

How to disassemble a bearing

If the bearing is closed, then first remove the protective side cover with a sharp object.

The second step is to remove the separator. As a rule, separators come in two types - plastic and metal. If you have a plastic separator installed, then simply push it out to the side with a screwdriver.

Metal separators consist of two parts that are riveted together. Therefore, if you come across a metal separator, you first need to break a couple of rivets so that you can pick it up with a screwdriver. To do this, you need to use a screwdriver or any thin and durable object to hit between the balls until the parts of the separator separate. Then use a screwdriver to pick up one of the parts and pull it out with force.

What to do if the rocker does not lower and how to repair it

The cart tilts down under its own weight. If this does not happen, then one of the factors must be identified.

Reason 1. The bypass valve lever does not work correctly

When pressed, the locking device does not open to the desired level. The problem can be solved using an adjusting nut. If this does not help, then you need to check all the levers and rods for serviceability and ensure that the rod moves in the desired range. To check the functionality, the cart must be lowered without load.

Reason 2. Corrosion on the linkage mechanism

Under unfavorable external conditions and long-term storage without using the device, rust appears inside the moving components. This greatly impedes their free movement. Be sure to clean the rotation points from corrosion and dirt products and lubricate them with lithol. Difficulty lowering the pallet down may occur due to mechanical wear of the axles. In this case, it is necessary to restore or replace the lever-traction mechanism.

Reason 3. Deformation of the main rod of the hydraulic cylinder

This is a rare malfunction. Cannot be repaired in non-specialized workshops.

Reason 4: Changing the corner arm geometry

If the load is unevenly distributed on the forks, the two handles may become deformed. They must work in sync. Any changes to the parameters will result in the forks not being raised or lowered correctly. We do not advise you to try to restore them. The best solution is to replace the entire pair.

Reason 5. The main valve of the hydraulic unit broke due to mechanical stress

If it was not possible to restore the storage device due to the above factors, then most likely you have just such a malfunction. Try checking the valve; it may be clogged with abrasive particles.

Still have questions? Write!

Good afternoon. My ram works, but during lifting, when the maximum height is reached, the valve should bypass the working fluid, but it does not, which could be the problem. I move the handle to the transport position and everything works.

I don't quite understand the problem. Those. When the maximum height is reached, does the roach lower the load or what happens?

Is it possible to use a spindle and used oil for raking?

Work off cannot be used. You can add spindle oil or hydraulic oil, both of which are sold at auto parts stores.

Good afternoon. I don’t quite understand, if we are talking about looseness, then which chain is saggy? Perhaps we are talking about a manual stacker? If yes, then first check the condition of the fork carriage rollers; perhaps they are jammed due to wear and lack of lubrication. It would also be a good idea to lubricate the internal cavity of the mast well, preferably with molybdenum grease, but if this is not available, ordinary lithol will do. Then raise and lower the forks several times to distribute the lubricant. It should help.

Dismantling the hulk

After long-term operation, practice shows that the main types of malfunctions are as follows:

  • • the lifting and lowering lever jams;
  • • the roller fastenings break off;
  • • the spring for shock absorption breaks.

The linkage seizes when the bearings fail or there is not enough lubricant. It is necessary to free the steering part from the base. It is secured with bolts (4-6 pieces). Inside you will see a bearing. It cannot be repaired, just replace it.

Roller mounts fail due to too much weight. Remove the ski body, which is secured with four bolts, two on each side. Screw the repair kit in place of the unsuitable fasteners.

The shock absorber spring breaks over time. You can diagnose the breakdown yourself, as the handle makes a grinding noise when lifting the goods or simply does not rise. The spring should be replaced with a new one along with the bearings.


Anything can break in a hydraulic trolley. Many enterprises deal with breakdowns on their own, but there are cases when the intervention of experienced craftsmen is required. That is, a full-fledged repair of the rokla is necessary: ​​Kyiv, the PRO-STOCK service department, provides a full range of such services. In this article we will talk about malfunctions of the rocker, in which it does not lower the lifted load completely or does not lower it at all, and possible ways to eliminate them. Why does this happen?

Baby maintenance

Maintenance of warehouse equipment is very simple, since the design feature of the cart is simple. Its service life can be increased to 6-7 years if you follow simple instructions:

  • • Conduct a daily inspection of equipment to ensure the performance of mechanical parts (wheels, rollers, axles, forks).
  • • Lubricate moving parts once a month.
  • • Check the oil level, watch the steering wheel turn, check how the bolts and screws are connected.
  • • Inspect the main body for cracks and dirt.

Operating rules

The condition for long service life of warehouse equipment is its correct use. Follow these guidelines:

  • • Observe temperature conditions. Use the unit at temperatures from -25 to +55 degrees.
  • • Do not use it in wet conditions.
  • • Perform regular maintenance.
  • • If the cart has been idle for a long time, before operation it is necessary to check the functionality of all components. After that, try it without luggage.
  • • Fill with high-quality oil, regularly clean the filter and eliminate leaks.
  • • Replace wheels with a repair kit. The equipment stops working correctly if the rollers are of different diameters.
  • • Follow the storage rules described in the instructions.
  • • Avoid overloading.
  • • Use on a flat surface.

Repair services from Stella-Technic LLC

The company operates a modern service center where repairs and maintenance of any warehouse equipment are carried out. Thanks to extensive experience, the organization’s specialists eliminate trolley breakdowns in the shortest possible time. If restoring normal operation of the rotor requires replacement of components, specialists use spare parts from the world's leading manufacturers.

At the request of the client, craftsmen carry out modernization of the rokla. For example, they install rollers that can withstand higher loads than factory parts. Since the company has large stocks of components, customers do not have to wait long for spare parts to be delivered. Repairs are often carried out on the same day.

To find out the details of ordering hydraulic trolley repair services, contact the specialists of Stella-Technic LLC by phone number.


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