Power tools
Centrifugal clutch The work is based on the transmission of torque due to petals that provide clutch from
The structure and principle of operation of the pendulum of a jigsaw Figure 1 - The structure of a jigsaw Electric jigsaw
Consumer reviews form an unofficial rating of chainsaws in terms of quality and reliability, which helps potential buyers navigate
Electric planers have become one of the main working tools of builders and craftsmen who work with wood.
Transistor tester / ESR meter / generator Multifunctional device for testing transistors, diodes, thyristors… Read more
Chains for the Stihl MS 180 chainsaw One of the most frequently asked questions about the chain for
From compressed air | 11/29/2016 After a man invented the nut, he encountered
Hello dear subscribers and readers of Andrey Noak's blog! Every summer resident or village resident working
Why does the walk-behind tractor stall when the air damper is open? The carburetor air damper, in other words “choke”, is necessary
Angle grinders (grinders) from Interskol are very reliable and durable. They do a good job