Chainsaws Makita (Makita) DCS4610 - device, characteristics

Disassembling the carburetor if necessary to check or repair components

To independently adjust the carburetor of a chainsaw, you do not need to be a professional motor technician.
However, you will still have to memorize some aspects of the carburetor’s operation regarding the process of preparing the fuel mixture. Walbro carburetor design: 1 - fuel inlet fitting; 2 - pulse channel of the membrane pump; 3 — inlet valve; 4 — fuel pump membrane; 5 — exhaust valve; 6 — filter mesh; 7 — air damper; 8 — throttle valve; 9 - fuel channel; 10 — idle speed adjustment screw; 11 - needle; 12 — idle jets; 13 - control membrane; 14 - fuel chamber; 15 - main jet; 16 — diffuser; 17 - main adjusting screw

The need for such a device is that the quality of the mixture should be different at idle and under load. At the same time, the channel through which fuel is supplied to the mixer at idle does not close completely when the engine accelerates, and vice versa - the maximum speed channel is slightly undercut at idle.

You can adjust the carburetor of a chainsaw without any disassembly at all; in rare exceptions, you only have to remove the air filter cover. There is a considerable amount of contradiction here: on the one hand, the chainsaw is designed for unhindered access to the adjustment mechanism, on the other hand, it is recommended to access it as little as possible.

True, experienced fellers and sawers always carry a flat-head screwdriver with a long blade and periodically adjust the carburetor. This is explained simply: during the manufacture of a chainsaw, its carburetor undergoes rough adjustments designed for a certain composition of air and fuel. It is clear that the conditions at the work site are different from those on the bench.

When changing the brand of gasoline or, for example, increasing air humidity, an experienced chainsaw user will always adjust the quality of the mixture for greater performance and less wear on the piston part. But this, we repeat, requires considerable experience in working with a specific chainsaw and knowledge of the peculiarities of its behavior. In addition, the adjustment is incredibly fine - the screws are tightened by only 1/10...1/20 of a turn.

Another reason for adjustment is carburetor repair or replacement. In any case, adjustment of the mixture quality should be carried out only if the serviceability of the carburetor is reliably known (no debris, gaskets are not poisoned), the air filter is clean, the spark plug, clutch and ignition system are in perfect order. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the malfunction will be eliminated in a moment and the adjustment will suddenly become incorrect, and the engine will begin to wear out.

The carburetor adjustment diagram and the recommended position of the adjusting screws are indicated in the instructions for each specific tool. When getting acquainted with a new saw, it is recommended to tighten the screws all the way, counting the number of revolutions, so that later you can return the factory settings. The general principles of adjustment are as follows:

  1. Before making adjustments, the engine must be warmed up at idle speed for 10 minutes.
  2. By rotating screw L, you need to achieve such a mixture quality that at idle the engine runs evenly at 1500–2000 rpm. In this case, acceleration (acceleration) when pressing the accelerator lever should be fast, but uniform. A dip in the speed increase indicates that the mixture is too lean; the screw must be unscrewed until this phenomenon disappears.
  3. After adjusting the mixture for low speeds, screw T is tightened until the chain begins to rotate, and then unscrewed 1/2 ... 1/3 turns. Here it is important to monitor the serviceability of the clutch mechanism.
  4. The H screw is not adjustable in makeshift conditions.

The danger of independently adjusting screw H is that too lean a mixture at high speeds, and especially under load, leads to rapid wear of the piston and failures in the ignition system. You can attempt to adjust high speeds only if three conditions are met:

  1. The chainsaw obviously does not produce the required power when cutting.
  2. The person performing the adjustment has general knowledge of carburetor engines.
  3. A means of measuring engine speed is available.

The latter can be either a tachometer or a multimeter with a built-in oscilloscope. To connect the multimeter, you need to wrap 3-4 turns of thin copper wire around the spark plug wire.

The main task of screw H is to compensate for over- or under-revving due to a change in fuel type, oil concentration or air composition. Also, the “upper” setting can be disrupted by insufficient precision in adjusting the low speed screw. The adjustment scheme is simple - the screw is tightened or unscrewed until the saw engine at maximum gas produces 14.5–15 thousand rpm or the value specified in the operating instructions.

If you use an oscilloscope, its readings (spark discharge frequency) should be in the region of 230–250 Hz. Take into account the accuracy class of the measuring instruments and the fact that under load the speed drops by 10–15%. It is better if the engine runs at low speeds than at high speeds, even if only slightly.

The carburetor serves to mix the flammable mixture with air while maintaining predetermined proportions. If clear doses are not followed, the proper operation of the engine is at risk. When a huge amount of air enters during mixing of the components, but there is not enough fuel, then such a mixture is considered “lean”.

Oversaturation should not be allowed, because with a larger amount of fuel compared to air, malfunctions or engine wear are also likely. Carburetor adjustment is needed not only before initial use, but also when any differences in its operation are detected. Before working with a chainsaw, do not forget to run it in.

Carburetor components

The carburetor design contains a standard set of parts, but may vary little depending on the manufacturer. Components:

  1. The basis. This is a special tube that is visually similar to an aerodynamic design. Air passes through it. In the transverse direction, a damper is located in the middle of the pipe. Its position can be changed. The more it is extended into the passage, the less air enters the engine.
  2. Diffuser. This is the constricted part of the tube. With its help, the air supply speed increases precisely in the segment from which the fuel comes out.
  3. Channels for fuel supply. The fuel mixture is contained in the float chamber, then passes into the nozzle, from which it flows into the atomizer.
  4. Float chamber. It is a separate structural element, reminiscent of the shape of a tank. Designed to constantly maintain the optimal level of fuel fluid before entering the channel from which air enters.

Don't know which chainsaw to choose? Read our article.

Are you looking for cheaper models, but reliable and time-tested? Pay attention to Russian-made chainsaws.

Or explore foreign chainsaw manufacturers such as Shtil.

Need to do a little research. Acceleration of the device is initiated. It is necessary to evaluate the proper operation of the engine during maximum speed. When the engine is functioning correctly, it means that when you press the accelerator, the speed quickly increases to 15,000 rpm.

If this does not happen or the increase in speed is too slow, you must use the screw marked L. It turns counterclockwise. Moderate movements must be observed, since the turn cannot be more than 1/8 of a full circle.

The design of different carburetor models is almost the same, so when working with them you can use the standard scheme. All elements must be removed carefully and then laid out in the order given below so that you can successfully place the items in place after the completion of the repair work.

Removing the Top Cover

  1. The top cover is removed. To do this, you need to unscrew the 3 bolts holding it in a circle.
  2. The foam rubber is also removed, since it is the upper component of the filter that conducts air.
  3. The fuel hose is removed.
  4. The drive thrust is output directly to it.
  5. The cable end is disconnected.
  6. The gasoline hose can be completely removed if you systematically pull it off the fitting.

To finally prepare the carburetor for major repairs or replacement of the smallest parts, you need to carefully disconnect it from the main system. Sometimes further disassembly is required. You should unscrew the components carefully and put the fasteners in groups, as these small parts are easily lost.

The design of the Makita DCS4610 branded chainsaw is distinguished by its high density and stability. The internal parts and working mechanisms of the model are placed as close to each other as possible. At the same time, they do not contact each other, which eliminates the risk of friction and overheating of individual elements.

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Features of setting up a Makita carburetor

The Makita chainsaw carburetor works on the same principle as carburetors produced by other manufacturers. This important part is responsible for mixing fuel with air. To ensure that there are no problems with the operation of the device, the Makita chainsaw is adjusted. This will help protect the equipment's motor.

By adjusting you can:

  • eliminate the risk of the carburetor creating a “lean” mixture;
  • minimize the risks of creating a supersaturated mixture, which negatively affects the operation of the engine, causing rapid wear.

If you need a new carburetor for a Makita chainsaw (you will set it up based on the standard instructions), choose one that is identical in structure to the original.

  1. The basis is a tube for air passage, which is connected to the damper (in the middle). The location of this part affects the amount of air that flows to the engine during operation.
  2. Diffuser. It is not difficult to identify it by carefully examining the components of the carburetor. This part looks like a narrow tube, the main function of which is to regulate the speed of air flow.
  3. A channel supplying fuel from the float chamber (connected to the nozzle).
  4. A separate design that stands out from the others is the float chamber, which looks like a standard reservoir for fuel liquids.

Screws for adjustment

Adjusting the Makita chainsaw carburetor is carried out with a set of adjusting screws, which are located in the body of this design:

  • screw marked L – corrects low speed;
  • a screw marked H, which is used to adjust high speeds;
  • Screw T for adjusting carburetor idle speed.

Preparing for adjustment:

  1. The engine is left to warm up (run the chainsaw for 10 minutes).
  2. Checking the air filter and cleaning this part.
  3. Stop the chain by turning the screw marked T (turn until it stops).

Carry out the following settings:

  • place the chainsaw on a flat surface;
  • After removing the chain, set it aside.

To diagnose carburetor problems, use a tachometer.

Important! Experts advise listening to the sound the screws make when turning. A "squealing" sound may indicate that the mixture is oversaturated.


The Makita 4610 chainsaw belongs to the semi-professional class - it successfully copes with a wide range of work in the country, on personal and farm property. Tidying up the garden, pruning branches, cutting down trees, preparing firewood, filing parts during construction - the saw’s capabilities are truly limitless.

In addition, using special attachments, the functions of the saw change. It simply transforms into a winch, ice drill, wood router and a number of other necessary tools.

The introduction of unlicensed attachments is not recommended.

Instructions for the Makita DCS 4610-40 chainsaw

Before starting the saw, it is necessary to check how the cutting set is adjusted, namely the bar, chain, sprockets, etc. This is necessary for good grip.

When using the device for the first time, it is necessary to initially “break it in” at idle. For this, 20-30 minutes of operation at minimum speed is enough. many people asked to make a video of adjusting the carburetor of a Ural chainsaw. Watch a video on how to break in a chainsaw here.

Remember that you first need to test the saw under a light load, cutting small twigs and branches. After one tank of fuel has been used up, you should stop the saw and turn it off. In this mode, you need to check the tension of the chain, since oversight in this aspect can lead to injury! If the chainsaw does not start, the reasons and solutions can be found here.

In order to use the chainsaw correctly and not harm your health, you need to read the instructions for use and water for operation.

Chainsaw partner 350 operating instructions are quite simple.

First you need to remove the fuse and the tire cover. Then put on the chain and saws, turning the tension bolt until the weakest chain links touch the very bottom of the bar. Tighten the bar bolts securely. It is also important what kind of oil you use to lubricate the chainsaw chain.

To check the correct installation, you need to manually pull the chain - it should move smoothly along the guides. Chainsaw "Ural": carburetor adjustment, chainsaw power calm 180 video chainsaw. Next, you need to fill the chain oil into a hole specially designated for this and check the progress of the saw. Afterwards you can perform a test run of the device.

Remember that its further operation largely depends on the correct commissioning of the unit. Unlike the goodluck chainsaw, the Partner 350 requires a special approach to adjusting the ignition, since the power of a two-stroke engine, whose rating is 1.3 kW, often does not give a smooth start and “shoots” with an early ignition, which is not only inconvenient, but is also contraindicated for operation of the saw.

How to properly refuel a chainsaw:

  • To refuel, the tool is switched off.
  • It is not recommended to smoke or use open fire.
  • A running saw must be cooled and only then refueled.
  • When using gasoline mixed with solvents and chemical additives, protect your eyes and hands from contact with the aggressive substance. Put on gloves and change overalls after refueling. Do not inhale gasoline fumes.
  • Be careful not to spill fuel or chain lubricant onto the saw. In case of spillage, quickly clean the saw, avoiding contact with clothing and exposed areas of the body.
  • According to environmental safety rules, do not spill chemicals, including gasoline and oil, on the soil.
  • When refueling, ventilate the room.
  • Close containers with gasoline and oil tightly.
  • Turn on the loaded instrument at a distance from the refueling point.
  • Fuel has an expiration date. Do not purchase excess gasoline.
  • Transport fuel and chain oil in specially designed containers or containers.

The operating instructions for the chainsaw contain all the necessary requirements, fulfilling which ensures safe operation, proper maintenance and repair of the Makita chainsaw. Following its recommendations will extend the life of the saw.

The instructions describe in detail and illustrate only those maintenance and repair work that you can do yourself.

  • To refuel, the tool is switched off.
  • It is not recommended to smoke or use open fire.
  • A running saw must be cooled and only then refueled.
  • When using gasoline mixed with solvents and chemical additives, protect your eyes and hands from contact with the aggressive substance. When is it necessary to adjust a chainsaw carburetor? Huter bs45 chainsaw will not start. Put on gloves and change overalls after refueling. The Makita dcs4610 chainsaw meets everything in the saw; carburetor adjustment is allowed. Do not inhale gasoline fumes.

Each carburetor owner must have the necessary tools to adjust this system. There are three adjustment screws that are located on the body of the device. They have their own markings:

  • L - screw for correcting low speeds.
  • H - screw for adjusting high speed.
  • T - regulates idle speed, in most cases used for experiments.

Carburetor adjustment is divided into two main stages. The first one is called basic. It is performed with the engine running. The second is performed when the engine is warm.

To carry out the carburetor setup procedure successfully, you need to read the operating instructions for a specific model in advance to identify additional features of setting up the device.

To correctly configure the carburetor of a Chinese chainsaw, you must first remember the factory settings of the device, then turn on the engine. Subsequently, you will have to leave it running for several hours in order to accurately set your own parameters. Sometimes work is carried out only after ten minutes of engine operation, but many Chinese-made models require special handling.

Chinese chainsaw model

Adjustment procedure:

  1. Activities begin in idle mode. Using the adjusting screws, you need to achieve a systematic increase in engine speed, so you should first let it run at low speeds. A deviation from the norm is the movement of the chain along the bus. In this case, you need to adjust the outer screws to the optimal position so that the chain remains motionless.
  2. The transition to medium speed speed is carried out. Sometimes the engine starts to smoke. This defect can be eliminated by tightening the screw to supply a leaner fuel mixture.

In this case, the smoke will disappear, but the engine speed will increase. You need to adjust the settings until you reach a level where, when you press the throttle, the engine smoothly picks up speed, and no sudden jerks or interruptions are heard.

  • The device's engine is being checked. The chainsaw is switched to minimum speed, and then the lever is quickly pressed. When pressed maximally, it is held for 3 seconds. If there are problems with the engine, you need to gradually loosen the screw until the optimal position is reached.
  • The chainsaw should work for several hours in real conditions. You need to cut wood, and then inspect all the elements involved in this event. If there are deviations, they must be corrected using adjusting devices. When all defects have been eliminated and the optimal settings have been established to supply correctly concentrated fuel, the device setup process can be considered complete.

When is carburetor adjustment necessary?

Initially, from the moment the tool is sold, all carburetors are adjusted and configured at the manufacturer. However, during operation, the settings are gradually lost, and the operating mode changes in accordance with operating conditions. Signs of a carburetor malfunction may include:

  • gasoline consumption is too high, thick smoke comes from the exhaust pipe;
  • the engine power is clearly not enough to perform normal tasks;
  • engine speed “floats”;
  • after starting, the engine stalls either immediately or after a few seconds;
  • the engine cannot be started at all;
  • the chainsaw “shoots”, sharp bangs occur in the tool’s engine.

Note! The cause of poor engine performance may be a worn-out piston group, then adjusting the chainsaw carburetor does not fully resolve the problem. Also, no adjustment will give the expected effect if the node is not simultaneously cleaned of small particles of debris. The most problematic elements are jets and filters, both gasoline and air.

It must be taken into account that during the break-in period of the new engine, the carburetor is adjusted to a reduced fuel supply in order to limit engine power. After the break-in is completed, the fuel supply increases to the nominal value. These adjustments are made using the adjustment screws on the carburetor body (usually two or three).


The saw is characterized by its small size and weight with a rather massive engine. This makes its use comfortable and reliable in any area where sawing of wood is required. More properties are given in the table.

The engine is two-stroke. It runs on a fuel mixture of gasoline and oil. Has easy starting at positive and negative temperatures. The electric ignition system facilitates this.

The anti-vibration system together with ergonomic handles make handling the Makita DCS 4610 chainsaw less painful.

The inertial chain brake installed on the saw operates in manual and automatic modes, which firmly ensures personal safety when handling a running chainsaw.

The chain catcher stops the movement of the chain when it breaks. This prevents damage to the saw and injury to the operator.

Tire and chain. Refers to consumables. Chainsaw "Ural", adjusting the carburetor Ural 2 electron. When replacing, these parts must be installed in accordance with the recommendations in the instructions for using the Makita DCS 4610 chainsaw. Particular attention is paid to maintaining the dimensions.

Currently reading: Stihl ms 660 chainsaw instructions

Automatic chain lubrication system. Oil is supplied to the bar only while the saw chain is rotating, which reduces overall oil consumption.

A more detailed review of the Makita 4610 chainsaw is presented in the video

  • Fuel consumed is gasoline.
  • Cylinder with a volume of 45.1 cm3.
  • Predictable motor power is 1.7 kW.
  • Tire length 40 cm.
    • Chain with 3/8" pitch.
    • Fuel tank 0.37 l.
    • Automatic oil pump.
    • Oil tank 0.25 l.
    • Chain links with a width of 1.3 mm.
    • The total weight of the tool is 4.75 kg.
    • The kit includes a tire, a tire cover, and a combination wrench.

    Why does a chainsaw shoot into the carburetor?

    If, during startup and operation of the tool, its owner hears sounds reminiscent of gunshots, this indicates a malfunction of the unit in which the fuel is mixed. The reason for this, most likely, is the following malfunctions of the chainsaw carburetor:

    • overdrawn ignition - in this case, the fuel does not burn out, which leads to specific sharp shots;
    • supplying a mixture with a low concentration of gasoline to the carburetor - to correct the problem, you will need to adjust the jets.

    If the shooting sound comes from the muffler, then the problem is the fuel mixture is oversaturated with gasoline. If there is too little air in the fuel, it will burn not only in the chamber, but also in the muffler. This will be evidenced by a large amount of carbon deposits on the inner walls of the muffler.

    Repair of Makita DCS 4610 (access to the oil pump)

    Disassembling the Makita DCS 4610 chainsaw. Replacing the oil pump. Access to the oil pump. Repair Makita DCS 4610.


    • Fuel consumed is gasoline.
    • Cylinder with a volume of 45.1 cm3.
    • The predicted engine power is 1.7 kW.
    • Tire length 40 cm.
    • Chain with 3/8" pitch.
    • Fuel tank 0.37 l.
    • Automatic oil pump.
    • Oil tank 0.25 l.
    • Chain links with a thickness of 1.3 mm.
    • The total weight of the tool is 4.75 kg.
    • The kit includes a tire, a tire cover, and a combination wrench.

    Makita(Dolmar).Interesting case

    The Makita/Dolmar chainsaw does not start. There is compression, the carburetor was changed. But an interesting case was discovered.

    The use of high-quality components when developing the chainsaw allowed the manufacturer to increase the initial operating parameters of the tool.

    These include:

    • ICE power – 2.31 liters. With.;
    • min./max. engine speed – 2600/12600 rpm;
    • fuel/oil tank – 370/250 ml;
    • recommended guide length – 35–40 cm;
    • chain tooth pitch – 3/8″;
    • weight with headset and filled tanks – 5.15 kg.

    With a relatively high rated motor rotation speed, the Makita DCS4610 model is distinguished by its low vibration level. When the internal combustion engine is operating under maximum permissible loads, this tool parameter is 6.1 and 9.1 m/s2 for the tubular and rear handle, respectively.

    The Partner 350 chainsaw is an example of an excellent workshop saw, suitable for various types of work in the garden, preparing firewood, etc. Carburetor adjustment. You can find out from the video on the Partner 351 chainsaw. Compared with the Shtil MS 180 chainsaw, the Partner 350 is very necessary when it comes to periodic use at low load levels.

    It is important to note that the unit has a chrome-plated inner surface of the working cylinder, which allows the operating life of the device to be significantly extended. This chainsaw has a good air purification system, CCS marking. In other words, it will be said that the unit uses an air purification system, which is based on the principle of a conventional centrifuge.

    After cleaning, the air prepared for work will flow through special filters into the carburetor. If you are interested in setting up the carburetor of the Partner 350 chainsaw, then we inform you that you can easily disassemble and clean it on your own. To adjust the carburetor, simply add air to the system and let it run empty for a minute.

    If “failures” are observed in dynamic operation, then you will need to unscrew the L-screw L by ¼ of its turn and recheck everything again. As you can see, adjusting the carburetor of the Partner 350 chainsaw with your own hands is possible and is not particularly difficult.

    Chainsaw device PARTNER 350

    The design of the Partner 350 chainsaw is quite simple to understand. The Makita 4610 chainsaw belongs to the class of chainsaw carburetor adjustment. By adjusting the carburetor, you can repair the Shtil 180 chainsaw in the video about. If you are a beginner and don’t know how to cut trees with a chainsaw, go here. To fully understand the operation of this unit, we suggest you read the user manual in detail.

    Chainsaw partner 350 characteristics:

    • Household type saw;
    • Equipped with a two-stroke single-cylinder engine;
    • The specific power of the system is 1.8 hp. (1.3 kW);
    • Cubic engine volume - 36 cm;
    • Start type – manual;
    • Fuel volume - 400ml;
    • Oil volume – 200 ml;
    • Type of cooling system – air;
    • Characterized by maximum idle speeds of up to 4000 rpm;
    • Working length of the tire - 0.4 m;
    • Chain step - 3/8;
    • The type of fuel used for work is oil, gasoline;
    • Nominal weight is about 4.7 kg.

    How to set up a saw made in China?

    The design of the carburetor on Chinese chainsaws is no fundamentally different. The order and principle of setting also have no differences and are performed in the same order. The only difficulty that may arise during the work is determining the purpose of the adjusting screws. Typically the T screw is at the top and the H and L screws are located at the bottom of the carburetor body. There may be one more, additional screw.

    Figure 3 – Location of adjustment mechanisms

    Usually their purpose is determined experimentally, slightly changing the position and monitoring the result. Once the purpose of the elements is clearly defined, further configuration is not difficult and is carried out in the usual manner.

    Adjusting the carburetor of a chainsaw is an important and necessary procedure that must be performed periodically to restore the normal operation of the tool. This process does not create any fundamental complexity, but requires the user to be careful, attentive, and follow safety rules. The chainsaw chain is usually not removed, since you will need to observe its position. Therefore, it is important to constantly remember the possibility of its launch and exercise the necessary caution.

    The adjustment should be made smoothly, with small changes in the position of the screws, so as not to cause too sudden changes in the mode of rotation of the shaft. The result depends on the care and diligence of the user, and a properly configured carburetor will extend the life of the tool.

    Main adjustment screws

    There are only three organs for adjusting the carburetor; these are screws shunted by springs for a flat-head screwdriver. There is a pair of screws at the bottom, L on the left, H on the right. A little higher is the T (or S) screw. So here's what they are for:

    1. Screw L is the same valve that regulates the cross-section of the fuel channel when operating at low speeds.
    2. Screw H, by analogy with the previous one, is a channel flow regulator for high speeds.
    3. Screw T is the throttle valve adjuster. It determines its position when the accelerator lever is fully released.

    The design of the first two adjusting screws is extremely simple: at their ends there are needles inserted into spools of variable cross-section (cones). All threads are right-handed, so by tightening the screw clockwise, you drive the needle deeper and reduce the flow. When rotating counterclockwise, the exact opposite happens.

    In this way, the quality of the mixture is regulated in different operating modes. If the fuel content increases, the gasoline does not have time to burn completely and the engine develops less speed. When the mixture becomes leaner, the speed, on the contrary, increases, and at the same time the engine temperature increases. It is worth noting that even when the screws are tightened all the way, the flow of both channels is not completely blocked, unless there is a blockage.

    The adjusting screws for the highest and lowest speeds should be moved clockwise until the highest resistance is met. When the screws reach the stop, you need to move them in the opposite direction and leave them 1.5 turns.

    The engine is turned on at medium speed and warms up for about 10 minutes. The screw responsible for adjusting the idle speed should move clockwise. It is released only when the engine reaches stable operation mode. It is necessary to ensure that the chain does not move during this process.

    Design and operating principle

    A carburetor is a device in which fuel (gasoline) and air are mixed in given proportions, with the next supply of the prepared mixture into the engine cylinder. In fact, all models of chainsaws have type 1 carburetors, so their design and operating principle are similar.

    The main elements of the carburetor design are:

    • the body, which is cast from aluminum to reduce weight. Chainsaws constantly have to be moved from place to place, during operation they are held by hand, therefore reducing the weight of the tool is the primary task of manufacturers;
    • diffuser with an air damper, which are located at the inlet;
    • jets, which are valves for metered fuel supply;
    • a sprayer that provides gasoline injection into the chamber (in the diagrams it is designated as the main jet);
    • fuel (float) chamber.

    Sketch 1 – Chainsaw carburetor diagram

    The mechanism of operation of a carburetor can be described as a cycle consisting of the following actions:

    • When starting the engine, the air damper opens.
    • The stroke of the piston creates a vacuum in the air channel, as a result of which air enters the diffuser, the amount of which is regulated by the position of the air damper.
    • Gasoline flows from the gas tank into the float (fuel) chamber. The speed of its flow is regulated by jets.
    • In the diffuser, gasoline and air are mixed, resulting in the formation of a fuel-air mixture, which then enters the engine cylinder. The greater the amount of consistency that enters the combustion chamber of the cylinder, the higher the power and speed on the motor shaft will be.

    Pros and cons of chainsaws

    Like any mechanism, the Makita 4610 chainsaw has certain advantages and disadvantages. The positive aspects include:

    • safety at work;
    • high engine power;
    • economical fuel and oil consumption;
    • ease of maintenance;
    • light weight;
    • possibility of using nozzles.

    If you fill in the recommended oil and monitor its level, the oil pump will never fail. And the “plastic gear on the drive” is installed on all brands of saws. So the problem here is definitely not in the pump, and therefore not in the chainsaw. Makita chainsaw carburetor adjustment video review of the makita chainsaw.

    Currently reading: How to properly adjust carburetors on a Ural motorcycle

    Advantages and disadvantages of the Makita carburetor

    Based on reviews of Makita chainsaws, we can note the generally positive performance characteristics of chainsaws in general and the carburetor in particular. But there are also negative reviews that speak of “capriciousness” when setting up the carburetor. Another disadvantage is the difficulty in finding original spare parts.

    Makita chainsaws are very reliable tools compared to Chinese ones. The service life of a new saw is very long and the need to adjust or repair the carburetor arises only after a long period of operation, when natural wear appears in the parts.

    Chinese Zama carburetor. Today everything is produced in China, their quality is lower in comparison with Japanese ones, but still it is at a fairly high level, thanks to quality control of the products produced.

    How to dilute oil and gasoline

    The Makita 4610 chainsaw engine runs on a mixture of gasoline and oil. In order to prepare it correctly, take 50 parts of high-octane gasoline (for example, AI-92) and 1 part of special MAKITA oil for two-stroke engines. Chainsaw patriot 3816. Fuel supply. Those. Carburetor and for adjustment or cleaning. These components are mixed together in a clean container. To do this, you can use a canister or any similar container.

    First, the oil is poured into half of the required fuel, everything is mixed well, then the remaining fuel is added and everything is mixed well again. As an example, the following proportion is given: 1 liter of gasoline requires 20 cm³ of oil.

    In a desperate situation, when it is not possible to purchase MAKITA oil, it can be replaced with any other for two-stroke engines. In this case, the mixture is prepared in a ratio of 40:1. In digital terms, it looks like this: 1 liter of gasoline requires 25 cm³ of oil.

    To accurately measure the oil, you can use disposable medical syringes.


    As a conclusion, we will describe typical malfunctions associated with incorrect carburetor adjustment and methods for eliminating them:

    1. The engine does not start or starts and stalls after a few seconds. Obviously, the reason is the incorrect adjustment of the mixture quality at low speeds; it is too lean. If the carburetor is working properly, you need to enrich the mixture a little by unscrewing screw L 1/2 turn, and then complete the adjustment with screw T.
    2. The engine noticeably loses power under load. In this case, the carburetor produces a mixture that is too rich at high speeds. Screw H needs to be tightened 1/8 of a turn; if the engine load is still not sufficiently supported, but progress is noticeable, tighten it a little more.
    3. The engine “sings” at maximum acceleration without load. The mixture at high speeds is too lean, the speed is too high.
    4. The engine stalls if you apply gas after idling. The mixture is too lean or rich, or more precisely, you can tell by the condition of the candle.

    Please note that carburetor settings may be lost due to strong vibration. For this reason, a successfully selected adjustment must be remembered by counting the turns and position of each adjustment screw. If you have determined the best type of gasoline and oil ratio, save a small portion of this mixture so that in case of problems you can check whether the problems are related to the quality of the fuel and incorrect adjustment, or whether the cause is a malfunction of the chainsaw.


    Situations in which adjustment is necessary

    New chainsaws are supplied from the manufacturer with already adjusted carburetors. This is called standard adjustment . But for the normal running-in process, it is necessary to reduce the maximum engine speed and adjust the carburetor. After break-in, the chainsaw needs fine tuning to achieve maximum engine efficiency.

    Also, a signal for cleaning and adjustment is increased fuel consumption, which negatively affects the operation of the exhaust system. Simply put, the chainsaw begins to smoke heavily and the muffler becomes clogged with carbon deposits, which in turn will lead to a decrease in power. If there is not enough fuel in the mixture, engine parts are poorly lubricated and premature wear occurs. Also, a poor quality mixture can cause the engine to jam due to overheating (this is one of the reasons why the chainsaw will not start).

    Adjustment is necessary when the engine does not idle, stalls, or does not develop full power.

    Carburetor adjustment should be carried out with clean air and fuel filters.

    Setting nuances

    One of the nuances worth highlighting is that some adjustment points may differ depending on the model and year of manufacture of the chainsaw. One of the banal differences is the idle speed screw S can be marked with the letter T.

    When checking the operation of the chainsaw after adjustment, you need to start the saw according to the cold start scheme. That is, first let it cool, start it, see how it idles, and then let it work in normal sawing mode once it’s warmed up.

    Step-by-step adjustment algorithm

    Before adjusting the carburetor of the Makita DCS4610 chainsaw, it is recommended to replace the fuel and air filters. Adjustment is made with three screws. Screws L and H are responsible for the ratio of the mixture of gasoline and air. Screw L is the setting for engine operation at low speeds. H on high. Screw S regulates idle speed.

    READ Carburetor Adjustment for Husqvarna 137 Chainsaw

    Makita chainsaws, strongly recommends adjusting the carburetor only using screw S. Since it is stated that the chainsaw is set at the factory with air pressure in accordance with sea level and adjustment with screws L and H is not required.

    Makita chainsaw carburetor according to the instructions.

    Attention! To adjust the carburetor, you do not need to remove the covers or disassemble the chainsaw; the entire process is carried out through holes on the side, in the saw body.

    If this setting does not help and ignoring the manufacturer’s recommendations is not scary, you can adjust the carburetor using screws L and H. Setting begins with installing the screws. They are screwed in all the way, and then returned one and a half turns.

    Next, the setup is divided into several stages:

    • Adjustable at low speeds to achieve continuous operation. The engine needs to be allowed to warm up a little. Next, use screws L and S to ensure that the engine runs stably and the chain does not turn at idle. Screw L is turned until maximum speed is reached, then lowered by 1/4. Next, idle operation is brought to normal using screw S.
    • Adjustment at high speeds so that their number does not exceed the permissible level and there is no increased engine wear. According to the tachometer readings, by turning screw H, ensure that at full throttle the speed does not exceed the maximum permissible. Exceeding the maximum permissible speed is undesirable and can lead to increased engine wear and failure.
    • Fine adjustment of the carburetor using screw S as indicated in the instructions.
    • Checking the operation of the chainsaw in practice in all modes.

    Modifications DCS 4610-35 and DCS 4610-40

    The most popular brands in the line of chainsaws have proven themselves to be Makita DCS 4610-35 and Makita DCS 4610-40. Both models cope excellently with all work in personal and farming. The Makita DCS 4610-35 is most suitable for the dacha, since it is equipped with a 35 cm long bar. Small in size, with a powerful engine, the saw is very convenient when performing various jobs on a construction site.

    Makita DCS 4610-40 has a tire size of 40 cm. This configuration expands the possibilities of using the model. You can safely take the saw into the forest to fell trees, but only to satisfy your personal needs. You don't need a chainsaw to adjust the carburetor; just watch the video. Watch a video about how to adjust the carburetor of a Makita dcs4610 chainsaw. It is not intended for professionals.

    Details about the design of the Makita DCS4610 chainsaw can be seen in the video

    Maximum number of revolutions

    To limit this indicator, you need to use a screw marked H. To increase the number of revolutions, turn it clockwise, and to reduce them in the opposite direction. The maximum frequency should not exceed 15000 rpm.

    If you make this figure larger, the device’s engine will wear out, which will lead to problems in the ignition system. When rotating this screw, you need to take into account the ignition processes of the device. If the slightest malfunctions appear, then the maximum speed value must be reduced.

    How to properly adjust the carburetor with your own hands?

    After washing and completely cleaning the carburetor, it is assembled and adjustments begin. First of all, you should understand the purpose of the adjusting screws. The instructions will help with this, but some general points should be considered immediately. The most common designation for screws is:

    • H - adjusts the state of the main jet, i.e. adjusts the maximum rotation speed of the motor shaft;
    • L — adjusts the idle jets (responsible for the minimum shaft rotation speed);
    • T - regulates engine idle speed. It can also be designated by the letters LA or S; on some carburetor models it is completely absent.

    Turning screws H and L clockwise leans the fuel-air mixture, and counterclockwise turns it rich (the amount of gasoline increases). When screw T rotates, the shaft rotation speed at idle speed changes - clockwise it increases, and in the opposite direction it decreases.

    Figure 2 – Carburetor adjustment mechanisms

    Before you begin direct action, you should find and carefully study information about the position of the adjusting screws (the magnitude of the rotation angles when adjusting). This information is available in the instructions for the chainsaw. Then you need to prepare the workplace - lay the saw on a flat horizontal plane, pointing the chain in the direction opposite to you. Disconnect all covers, remove foam and air filter. At this point, the preparatory operations are considered completed, and the main part of the work can begin.

    Launch of the Makita DCS 4610-40 chainsaw

    According to the requirements of the Operating Instructions, the saw must be fully prepared and checked before starting. The preparation includes operations for assembling the chainsaw after purchasing it. The Makita dcs 4610 chainsaw is ideal; the saw allows for carburetor adjustment. This includes mounting the bar and saw chain, refueling with fuel and oil.

    After completing this work, the functioning of all components and parts of the chainsaw is checked. Particular attention is paid to the absence of fuel and oil leakage, the reliability of all fastenings, and the integrity of parts. Then the engine starts. The instructions describe in detail how this is done.

    • Before starting, all the main components are checked, the condition of the gas tank, its fullness of fuel, and the presence of oil to lubricate the chain. Particular attention is paid to the braking system, proper sharpening of the chain teeth, chain tension, fastening the brake cover, smooth operation of the throttle lever and the locking system. Secondly, the operation of the tool on/off switch is checked.
    • After a thorough check, the chainsaw is started.
    • Before starting, you should take a stable position for support.
    • Track. So that the chain blade and chain do not come into contact with foreign objects and the body.
    • Don't forget about the effect of inertia. The chain continues to move for several minutes after the lever is released.
    • The chainsaw must be held against the wind to avoid inhaling fumes.
    • Replacing the chain, adjusting its tension, and troubleshooting are carried out with the tool turned off.
    • If the chain suddenly comes into contact with stones, nails or other dense materials, it is necessary to stop the tool and check the integrity of the working blade.


    • After a thorough check, the chainsaw is started.
    • Before starting, you should take a stable position for support.
    • Track. Watch a video about how to adjust the carburetor of a Makita dcs4610 chainsaw. Chainsaw Ural 2 - carburetor adjustment and. So that the chain blade and chain do not come into contact with foreign objects and the body.
    • Don't forget about the effect of inertia. The chain continues to move for several minutes after the lever is released.
    • The chainsaw must be held against the wind to avoid inhaling fumes.
    • Replacing the chain, adjusting its tension, and troubleshooting are carried out with the tool turned off.
    • If the chain suddenly comes into contact with stones, nails or other dense materials, it is necessary to stop the tool and check the integrity of the working blade.

    Carburetor chainsaw friendship device. Chainsaw design Friendship 4

    “Friendship” is a chainsaw model. Developed at ZMKB "Progress" named after. Academician A.G. Ivchenko in November 1953 Manufacturers - Machine-Building Plant named after. Dzerzhinsky (Perm) and State Unitary Enterprise PA "Sibpribormash" (Biysk). Produced in mass production since 1955. In 1958, at an exhibition in Brussels, she was awarded the Gold Medal. In the 90s, small private enterprises in various cities of Russia also mastered the production of saws and spare parts for them.

    The name “Friendship” was given in honor of the tercentenary of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia, celebrated in 1954.

    Design features

    MP-1 engine designed by ZMKB Progress named after. Academician A.G. Ivchenko - single-cylinder, two-stroke, carburetor, air-cooled, displacement 94 cm3, power 4 hp. The engine and the sawing apparatus are made in the form of independent units and are connected to each other using a flange connection, fixed with a clamp (which is attached to the handles of the saw). This arrangement allows you to rotate the saw unit to any angle and, if necessary, quickly replace a failed unit. Due to its functional completeness and ease of mounting, the Druzhba chainsaw engine was used to drive walk-behind tractors (Kumir, Sadovod), water pumps (Skif, TsBN-1, TsBN-2, PMP-4), and DC generators ( GZ-106A) for charging batteries in the field, mechanical winches for skidding forests, in the Kama outboard motor, in lawn mowers. This engine was also popular among those who liked to build equipment with their own hands. In the 60s, attempts were made at the Moscow Aviation Institute to boost this engine and install it on ultra-light aircraft. Light helicopters X-3, X-4, X-5 were manufactured, each of which was equipped with propeller-motor units of 4 Druzhba engines operating through a common gearbox on the main rotor. None of the devices passed flight tests due to low engine reliability.

    Chainsaw reviews

    Users note the ease of working with the saw, ease of maintenance, high engine power, reliability and endurance in operation. Almost all reviews are positive.

    There are a small number of negative reviews, but all of them are caused by non-compliance with the requirements of the “Operating Instructions”.

    The Makita DCS 4610 chainsaw is an amateur tool. Powerful enough, it allows you to perform all sawing work in the country, in the garden, at a construction site. Video. Excerpts from Japan chainsaw Makita dcs 4610 found carburetor adjustment. With timely and correct maintenance, the owner will never say “won’t start” to her, and she, in turn, will work conscientiously for many years.

    How to properly adjust the carburetor on a chainsaw with your own hands?

    A chainsaw is a useful and sometimes simply necessary tool for the owner of a private home. It has a high degree of autonomy and can be used in field conditions where there is no possibility of connecting to the power supply network. For some craftsmen, a chainsaw is one of the main devices that perform large volumes of work almost every day. Such loads disrupt the factory settings that were set for all important engine components.

    The operating mode most often changes at the carburetor, which has to be adjusted again. Without an idea of ​​the design and operating principle of this element, it is impossible to adjust it correctly. The issue concerns many users who use chainsaws closely, so it will be useful to consider it more carefully.

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