Fish smoking technology: step-by-step description, process and methods

Since the conquest of fire, humanity has made a huge number of discoveries. Many discoveries made it possible to create weapons, other machines and equipment, and made it easier to grow crops. But as often happens in history, the names of the discoverers are often unknown, although it is their discovery that makes it possible to solve one of the most important problems of humanity, for example, the problem of extending the shelf life of food. It’s no joke, but smoking meat became one of the most significant inventions of mankind during the period of taming fire and smelting the first bronze ingot. And if back then this process was probably something similar to a sacred ritual, today a cold-smoked smokehouse built with your own hands will make it possible to easily turn an ordinary piece of meat into an exquisite delicacy.

Types of smoking

The technology of smoking fish at home allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties. The meat should separate easily. After smoking, fish can be stored for a long time. There are three main cooking modes:

  1. Cold smoking – carried out at temperatures from 15 to 35 degrees. The duration of the process is from twenty-four hours to two days.
  2. Warm smoking (or semi-hot) – carried out at a temperature of 35 to 60 degrees. The duration of the process is from three to six hours.
  3. Hot smoking – occurs at a temperature from 60 to 80 degrees. The fish takes from one to three hours to cook.


There is no point in comparing hot smoking with cold smoking, since the two completely different cooking methods differ in all respects. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, there are nuances in the high-temperature processing method that everyone must take into account.

  • A simple algorithm. Here we would like to emphasize not so much the triviality of the actions (for preparation it is necessary to carry out several stages, including preliminary salting), but rather the variability of their execution. Agree, it is much easier to maintain a temperature range of 30-40°C degrees than 2-3°C degrees (for cold smoking). You can also improvise with the amount of salt when marinating. Even if it turns out to be insufficient, this will not lead to damage to the product, because there is still a heat treatment stage ahead. That’s why hot smoking is recommended if you’ve ventured into self-smoking for the first time in your life.

  • Fast preparation. The time until readiness is determined depending on several parameters: the type of product, the method of salting, the method of cutting into pieces, the size of these pieces. But with all the variety of recipes, it is calculated in hours for meat and lard, minutes for fish and cheese products, which is radically different from the period of cold smoking, when you have to “keep a watch” for several days.
  • Reducing calories. Recently, it has become common to calculate the energy output of each dish. We will not judge the degree of effectiveness of this method. Let us only note that during hot smoking, a decrease in the calorie content of the product can sometimes be observed. This happens due to the melting of fats, which made a huge contribution to the energy value. The above should not be taken as a pattern. A reduction in caloric intake may be observed only in some cases.

Wood selection

The technology of smoking fish involves careful selection of wood. This gives the final product different flavors. Coniferous trees are not suitable for smoking due to their high resin content. This will give the fish a bitter taste. Juniper and alder are ideal for smoking. Also used:

  • maple;
  • beech;
  • oak;
  • hazel;
  • ash;
  • Apple tree;
  • cherry;
  • pear;
  • Rowan;
  • plum.

Each type of wood adds a special taste, shade and piquancy to the finished product. Some craftsmen use birch for smoking, but then the fish will acquire a tarry smell, and only a narrow circle of gourmets like it. Several types of wood can be used for the process.

Dry wood will give the product a golden hue and a delicate taste, while wet sawdust and coals will give the fish brighter colors and a tart aroma. The bark is completely stripped off before smoking.

The wood is then reduced to sawdust and chips. Material affected by mold or fungus should not be used for smoking. Otherwise, the release of harmful substances can cause human poisoning.

Smoke at home-2

After listening to all these “smoky” stories, our regular co-author and friend Ilya Lazerson, to whose help we resort in a wide variety of culinary situations, took out a frying pan with high sides, foil, some jars from the cabinet and declared: “Smoking - so smoking! » By the way, once in Texas, Ilya smoked pork belly with Tom Perini himself, the famous chef, restaurateur and President Bush’s ranch neighbor. Tom became famous for his unique smoking throughout America (the secret is simple - the brisket is smoked over mesquite coals at a temperature of 100 ° C for 12 hours). This time it was like this.

Ilya poured a layer of oak sawdust on the bottom of the frying pan, covered it with a sheet of foil, made holes in it with a fork and put the structure on the fire. When a light smoke began to curl over the foil, I placed chicken wings on it, sealed the “smokehouse” with a heavy lid, sealed the cracks with a wet napkin and screwed on the “wick” (burner). “That’s it,” said Ilya, “we’ll wait about ten minutes.” And he opened the window... Soon the simple device was removed from the heat, and under the lid a completely smoked chicken was discovered, which he deftly fried until cooked in another frying pan and put it on the table.

Would you like some oriental fish? For her, Ilya mixed rice, dry black tea and sugar in a bowl (for 2 tablespoons of tea - 1 tablespoon of white rice and a teaspoon of sugar), sent the mixture to the bottom of the “smoking” frying pan (instead of sawdust) and exactly repeated the whole process (foil, holes, burner, smoke, pieces of salmon, lid, wet napkin, 10 minutes, regular frying pan)... The result was unexpected - fish with an unfamiliar (but very pleasant!) taste and aroma that no one dares to name not "eastern".

By the way, the Chinese also use something similar for smoking, calling this process “xun”. A piece of hot iron or hot charcoal is placed in a metal dish, covered with a layer of sawdust, a thin layer of granulated sugar is poured on top, a metal sieve is placed (it should not come into contact with sawdust), food is placed on it and the dish is covered with a heavy metal lid. Peanut shells, dry tea leaves (after brewing), bamboo leaves, coniferous tree branches, fennel, and cinnamon are often added to sawdust.

Special smoking packages that have appeared on sale are also designed according to the “Chinese” principle. Alder sawdust is placed in the double bottom of such a fairly capacious “bag” made of foil with holes. Place the fish or meat in a bag, seal it tightly and place it in an oven preheated to 275–350 °C. In about an hour everything will be ready (instructions on the package). Anyone who wants to get a drier fish can try inserting a small grid with short legs inside so that the juice drips down and the fish does not “swim” in it...

Preparing for smoking

The technology of smoking fish in production and at home begins with the preparation of carcasses. They are thoroughly washed and sorted by size. Fish up to 700 g are usually smoked without gutting or removing scales. Individuals up to three kilograms are deprived of their entrails. The scales remain to protect against soot. Large fish are gutted, large fins and heads are cut off.

After this, the prepared carcasses are washed and dried to remove excess moisture. Then the fish is rubbed with salt and pressed under pressure for three hours. If frozen carcasses are taken for smoking, then it is left at room temperature for several hours to get rid of the cold. Then the above-described actions are repeated with it, but the carcass must remain under the yoke of the carcass for a day.

Work methodology

It is imperative to choose the most suitable place for the smokehouse; there should be no flammable objects nearby. The master should take into account the distance from neighbors who may not like the smoke. In the process of arranging the chimney, you need to use cords and pegs. Initially, it will be necessary to carry out markings along which the trench is dug. You need to install bricks along the walls of the latter, placing them on the edge. During the work, you should use a solution that is prepared from sand and clay.

Cold smoking

Cold smoking of fish is a simple technology, but it takes a long time. Carcasses are processed at temperatures from 16 to 40 degrees. The duration of smoking can be from three to four days. This process requires a special large unit with an inclined chimney of seven to ten meters.

If you wish, you can build it yourself, but this requires a lot of space. Therefore, the technology for producing cold smoked fish is mainly used in large industries. Salted carcasses are strung on wooden or iron twine through the eyes. Large fish are additionally attached through their tails.

The fish is hung out to dry in the fresh air. After 2-3 days, the carcasses are moved to the smokehouse (large barrels can be used for small areas). Fish should be treated with cold smoke. Smoldering sawdust is used as a heat source. It is necessary to constantly maintain a certain temperature regime.

Video description

This video shows how to make a smokehouse from sheet metal

  • The pallet, which is called a reflector . It is designed to collect fat that comes out of food during smoking.
  • A thermometer is not an entirely necessary element, however, it is very desirable. Without the ability to adjust the temperature, it will be quite difficult to control the smoking process.

Principle of operation

The operating principle of the smokehouse is two-factor processing of products. In addition to fumigation with smoke, their qualitative change occurs due to the high temperature, which reaches 100 degrees or more in the smoking chamber. Products acquire their characteristic taste by actively absorbing smoke components.

When smoking, to achieve the best quality result, you must follow several basic rules:

  1. Smoke for smoking should be “light” - with a good oxygen content and free of harmful impurities.
  2. Smoke treatment of products should be uniform.
  3. Air circulation in the smoking chamber must be ensured at a good level.

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in the design and installation of stoves, barbecues and fireplaces - of any complexity and purpose

Semi-hot (warm) smoking

Half-hot smoking of fish is a technology for processing carcasses with smoke at an optimal temperature of 50 to 60 degrees. Before the procedure, carcasses are salted for 18 hours. If the individuals are small, the time is reduced to twelve hours. Then the fish is washed and dried with a towel.

For smoking, either a special apparatus or a regular potbelly stove can be used. The fish is suspended by the tail or eyes in a place where smoke and air mix. Carcasses are smoked for 10 to 12 hours. All this time it is important to maintain the desired temperature. This method is quite complicated and for beginner smokers it is better to use other processing methods.

Standalone models

Autonomous devices for hot smoking are equipped with built-in thermal elements: electric (heating elements) or gas (burners). Both options are for outdoor use only. Due to their significant size and high price, their purchase is justified either for large families permanently living in the countryside or in rural areas; or for small restaurants or cafes.

The most famous manufacturers of this category of smokehouses are Smoke Hollow, Masterbuilt, Chair-Broil and Camp Chef. Minimum price – 25,000-30,000 rubles.

Hot smoking

The hot technology of smoking fish differs from previous methods. This method requires light salting at the rate of 16 kg of initial product per 1 kg of salt. Large fish will definitely be gutted. An incision is made on the spine and sprinkled with salt. Small specimens are prepared whole, without cutting.

Fatty fish is rubbed with salt and wrapped in parchment or tracing paper to prevent oxidation. Then the carcasses are placed in an enamel container. The top of the fish is again covered with parchment. The container is pressed down from above with pressure. Small fish remain to be salted for a day, large specimens - from two to three days.

Then the fish is dried for 60 minutes. Then it is washed with clean cold water, hung or placed on a smoking rack. Sawdust and wood chips are poured into a layer of 20 millimeters at the bottom of the unit. Carcasses must be processed under strict temperature conditions from 65 to 85 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 2-4 hours.

During the smoking process, the lid of the unit must be tightly closed so that the wood does not ignite. At the very beginning of processing, a strong fire is maintained, but the fish should be at a decent distance from it so as not to burn. The carcasses are turned over periodically.

After half an hour, the desired temperature is set in the smokehouse, which is maintained throughout the entire process. The fish must be cooked completely through. This is determined by the color and density of the finished product. The meat should separate from the bones easily. The finished product has a golden or brownish crust.

How to choose the right products

There cannot be any rules in a generalized article, since the algorithms for selection, cutting and salting for different products can differ radically. There are only general established rules on the basis of which personal recipes are built. Everyone, even a novice master, must know these rules.

Regardless of what you decide to smoke, you need to choose the freshest product in the store. In particularly difficult situations, it is better to completely get rid of the purchase than to ruin the whole idea of ​​smoking.

  • If we are talking about fish, then it is advisable to opt for chilled carcasses, since after defrosting the fish will significantly lose its taste and beneficial properties. Pay attention to her eyes. They should not be covered with a cloudy film. The scales may contain mucus, but they remain transparent. Finally, fish that begins to spoil smells unpleasant. Even using these criteria, it is possible to select a quality product.

  • It is difficult to check poultry meat for freshness, because there are several not entirely legal ways to return a stale product to its former appearance. The whole carcass presented to the buyer to choose from will tell a lot. The skin should not be dry, but excessive moisture is also considered a bad sign. Bruising on the surface or darkened areas of the skin indicate long-term storage. Pay attention to the cut made along the joint (on the wing or on the foot). The joint should be moist and white. Dry and yellowed bone cannot indicate recent cutting.
  • When choosing meat, you need to evaluate its appearance and smell. It should be slightly damp, but not slippery. The color of the meat may differ and vary from pale to scarlet, but against any background, stains of blood stagnant in the vessels will be immediately visible. Fresh meat has an excellent aroma. Even those who do not like this smell can quite easily distinguish it from the smell of a spoiling product.

Industrial smoking

The technology of hot smoking of fish in production differs in its scale and processing methods. Initially, the carcasses are cut up and salted. Then they are placed on the grates. Fish goes through three stages of processing: drying, boiling and smoking. The finished product is then cooled and packaged.

Another peculiarity of industrial smoking is that after drying the fish, it is taken out of the oven and coated with a layer of sauce with a thickener. Then the carcasses are returned to the smokehouse until fully cooked. This method helps to significantly reduce moisture evaporation and produce new, varied flavors. Modified starches are used as thickeners.

DIY option

Building a hot smoke smokehouse with your own hands will not be difficult for people with even minimal plumbing skills. There are a great many manufacturing options. Simplest:

  • As the main container we use a small barrel, a bucket of sufficient size, or a tank for boiling laundry (which, by the way, almost no one now uses for its intended purpose).
  • A tray for collecting fat can be made from a pot that has become unusable, cutting it to the desired height.
  • It is easy to weave food racks yourself from metal wire of a suitable diameter.

Smoking with liquid smoke

There is also a technology for smoking with liquid smoke. This method is considered a new development. First, the wood is burned in the stove. The smoke that is generated is passed through the water. The result is a liquid rich in smoke aroma. Then it is cleansed of harmful compounds. The result is a solution containing several times less carcinogens than smoke from a regular fire.

You can make the product yourself or buy it ready-made in stores. The smoking technology is very simple. The fish is taken, cut into large pieces and salted. Liquid smoke is added to the same water. After a few hours, the fish is cooked on a grill over a regular fire.

Common mistakes when assembling a smokehouse

When starting work, you should first of all carefully familiarize yourself with the ready-made options for smokehouses. Many photos on the Internet show what the finished version will look like, without revealing all the details of the assembly. But even with this, you can see the design flaws - the location of the firebox too close to the chamber, the use of synthetic seals and connecting pipes, the lack of a chimney pipe to create natural draft in the structure. All these mistakes can be avoided by simply analyzing the location of the main parts of the smokehouse design.

DIY firebox

Quickly build a smokehouse oven? Nothing could be simpler. Even a beginner, ignorant of construction, can handle this.

At a distance of 2-3 meters from the barrel, dig a hole 50 cm deep for the future firebox, line the bottom with a sheet of tin. If you need a solid structure, it is advisable to make formwork and fill it with cement.

Cover the top with slate or other heat-resistant material that is resistant to atmospheric conditions. Leave space for the pipe and damper to exit.

You can also make open hearth from any iron tank. Bury it below ground level. Repeat the remaining steps as in the case of the pit, see above.

By connecting the firebox to the smokehouse via a chimney at an upward angle, we get the simplest smoking system. Insert the pipe into the recess of the firebox by 15-20 cm. Fill it with a trench.

If it is not possible to dig a hole, you need to assemble a simple labyrinth or spiral smoke generator for a smokehouse.

Both devices are very similar in appearance and, according to the principle of operation, provide slow smoldering of sawdust over a long period. The difference is in the way the mesh is laid inside the structure. Drawings and descriptions are posted on the Internet for free.


What hot smoker do you use?


Hot smoked smokehouses are divided into groups according to different criteria. First of all, it is customary to distinguish between stationary and portable devices. The first ones are installed at a specific location and operate continuously. As a rule, these are large installations for the industrial production of smoked products. Portable smokers are much smaller. They are used at dachas, they are taken with them on fishing trips in order to immediately process the catch if storage conditions are not available.

As a rule, portable smokehouses are made independently. They are simple, do not require power supply, all maintenance consists of periodic cleaning of dirt, soot, and grease.

According to the heating method, they are distinguished:

  • electric . Heating is carried out using a heating element;
  • gas . The primary source of thermal energy is a gas burner;
  • fuel _ These are traditional wood-burning smokehouses.

Electrical devices are considered the most capricious, but also durable. The heating element requires connection to a power line, which cannot be provided in the field. In addition, if fat gets in, it can burn out. However, the absence of open fire significantly increases the service life of the smokehouse body. This significantly distinguishes electrical installations from gas or fuel installations, where the lower part of the container is heated using an open flame. The metal burns quite quickly, weakened areas appear that quickly rust. The advantages of gas and fuel structures include efficiency and the ability to work in field conditions.

Expert opinion

Levin Dmitry Konstantinovich

Fuel devices are the most popular, since you can find firewood almost everywhere, and you will have to carry a heavy gas cylinder with you.

Expert advice

When cold smoking a home smokehouse, it may be necessary to cool the smoke. This issue can be resolved in one of several ways; one of them is extending the hose through which smoke is supplied into the structure. The length of this element should be such that the smoke gradually cools as it passes through it. Some experts advise using running water. To do this, you will need to assemble the simplest water-based cooler, which is made from copper and brass tubes. If firewood is used in the smoking process, a bend in the pipe can be used to cool the smoke.

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