How to choose the right Chameleon welding helmet and what to look for

Welding seams must be of high quality in order to obtain a reliable, durable connection of parts and assemblies. During their creation, safety measures must be observed and the health of the welder must be maintained. The eyes are most exposed to the harmful effects of bright radiation and high temperatures that occur during such work. Their protection is provided by a light filter for the welding helmet.

The work of a welder is dangerous and special equipment is used for protection.

GOST regulating the characteristics of light filters

There is a special GOST 12.4.035-78 that regulates the requirements for welding helmets. Although it was developed more than 40 years ago, during this time the necessary changes were made to it, so it is still in effect today. Here we describe the basic technical requirements for welding helmets, goggles, shields, the light filters used in them and other important nuances.

There is a GOST with requirements for light filters.

List of markings

When indicating technical characteristics, the following designations are applied to the mask:

  1. The degree of shading is the main indicator indicating for what work the specified protective glass is suitable. In Russia, this parameter is marked with the letter C, and abroad – DIN. The higher the number, the lower the glass throughput and vice versa.
  2. Level of light dispersion. It characterizes the speed of the filter’s response to changes in the light flux, which increases with increasing welding current. This indicator is taken into account only for models with auto-darkening filters. There are 3 degrees, if the number 1 is indicated, then the protection works quickly, the image clarity is high.
  3. Uniformity of shading. In the production of colored glass, compounds of different metals are used. If the technology has been violated, they are poorly homogenized, so the material turns out to be heterogeneous, as a result, some areas of the filter will be darkened more, others less. The guarantee of high quality is 1st class.
  4. Optical view of glass. This indicator is influenced by the materials used for its manufacture. If the number 1 is indicated, then this filter provides darkness regardless of the angle at which the light beam hits it. The welder needs to think about the production process, and not about how to correctly turn his head in relation to the work site.

For high-quality eye protection, choose masks from reliable manufacturers with appropriate markings.

Table of correspondence between welding method and degree of darkness

According to international standards, the darkening level of filters is indicated by numbers from 9 to 13 DIN. They correspond to the Russian classification C4-C8. For example, 9 DIN = C4, and 13 DIN = C8.

Filter shades are indicated by numbers.

When choosing the degree of darkness, be sure to take into account the welding method.

To simplify this process, they act in accordance with the recommendations of international EN 379-2003, Russian GOST R 12.4.035-78.

Table: recommended shading values ​​depending on the type of welding used

Welding methodCurrent, A
Piece electrode89101112121314
Semi-automatic, in protective gases (carbon dioxide, nitrogen)89101112121313
Tungsten electrode in argon environment910101112121414
Semi-automatic, in protective gases (helium, argon)89101111121314
MIG/with light alloys99101112121414
Arc cutting1010101112131415
Plasma cutting10121213
Microplasma cutting8810111212

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Characteristics of welding glasses

When welding metals, powerful infrared and ultraviolet radiation occurs, and visible light rays are actively formed.
The higher the current in the working zone of the arc, the higher the flux intensity. Visible light exceeds the maximum norm by tens of thousands of times. Ultraviolet radiation from welding can be tolerated from 6 s to 45 s without harm to the eyes, depending on the distance and arc current.

The effect of infrared rays is not immediately noticeable, but they also cause great harm. Protective glass, the use of which is absolutely necessary for a welder, can reduce damage to health. The rules of safe work clearly remind us of this.

Dimming methods

The function of welding glass is to reduce the intensity of radiation entering the eyes. There are several options for achieving this result.

The easiest way is to darken the glass of the welding helmet. To reduce throughput, metal impurities are added to the glass mass during the production process: copper or nickel.

The method has long been known, but not very convenient for the welder. At the beginning of work, a person sees almost nothing at all through such glass. Then, when the arc flares up, visibility becomes good.

It is much more convenient to use a light filter that changes the throughput depending on the intensity of radiation. Welding glasses with the possibility of a light filter are light at the beginning of work, then, as the arc current increases, they gradually darken. A self-regulating filter is called a chameleon.

The action of "chameleons"

The possibility of using chameleon glass for welding is determined by its structure. Self-adjusting glasses consist of several layers:

  • polarizing film reflects the light radiation of the arc;
  • the main one is a liquid crystal layer, the molecules of which are capable of rotating at different angles depending on the intensity of the light flux;
  • the next layer reduces the intensity of UV and thermal (IR) rays;
  • external protective glass protects against mechanical shocks and fire, and has high fire-resistant characteristics.

With minimal lighting, the darkening of welding glasses is 4 DIN. After the electric arc flares up, the darkening can increase to 13 DIN. The darkening speed of different welding glasses differs.

For the best models, the time it takes for the filter to react is 10-5 seconds. The maximum time interval for a chameleon to react to welding is 0.033 seconds. This is also a good indicator, allowing you to significantly reduce the strain on the welder’s eyes.

Optical glasses

To perform particularly delicate operations or for routine work performed by a welder with poor vision, optical glasses are used. They enlarge the image.

The problem is relevant not because people with poor eyesight enter the profession, but because it deteriorates over time. As a result, an experienced virtuoso welder, who can do filigree work, has reduced visual acuity. The optics built into the mask come to the rescue.

The maximum capabilities of optical glasses for welding are 3 diopters. Welding glasses have a standard shape and size. They work well with all masks.

The market for protective glass for welders is constantly evolving. When choosing, you should take into account the specifics of the upcoming process and the employee’s level of vision.

Important information is contained in the marking of the welding product. Having delved into the essence of the designations, you can choose the optimal model that allows you to do the job efficiently and protect your eyes.

What do the symbols say?

National and international estimates of the degree of obscuration differ. In Russia, indicators vary theoretically from C1 to C13. In practice, welding glasses with designations from C4 to C8 are used, the capabilities of which are quite sufficient for all types of welding.

The situation is similar in international standards. Theoretically, there are indications for welding glasses from 7 DIN to 16 DIN. In practice, glasses with values ​​from 8 DIN to 14 DIN are used.

More information is contained in the labeling. It most often includes 4 digits.

The first digit determines the optical characteristics of the glass. They depend on the source and auxiliary materials. Belonging to class 1 means that the object through the glass is clearly visible without distortion.

The second number characterizes the ability of liquid crystals to change orientation in space in response to an increase in light flux. If 1 is indicated in the second place, a rapid darkening occurs during work, through which the work area is clearly visible without clouding.

The third number is an indicator of the uniformity of welding glass. The starting material is a mixture. With incorrect technologies, the mass may be poorly homogenized. The resulting glass will not be uniform. Roughly speaking, you can see well through it in the center, but worse on the sides or corners. 1st class – guarantee of excellent quality.

The last fourth digit is a specific glass indicator for welding helmets. If the number 1 is indicated, it means that the glass will begin to darken when a light beam hits it from any angle. This is important for stable operation. The welder should not think about what position, at what angle to the work area he should stand so that the glass darkens.

If you need high-quality eye protection, you should purchase labeled products made by well-known manufacturers. In this case, special experience is extremely important. There is no place for amateur manufacturers in the protective products market.

Additional designations

Particularly punctual manufacturers sometimes indicate additional information in addition to the basic information on welding glasses. This marking contains letters and numbers:

  • U is the first letter of the word “hardened”. If there is such a letter on the welding glasses, then they will withstand the mechanical impact of solid particles flying with an energy of up to 0.6 J;
  • G-1 designates glass for both welders and his assistants when performing electric welding in open spaces;
  • G-2 is written on products for gas welders when working at medium power;
  • G-3 informs about the purpose of glass for welders performing powerful welding;
  • The letter D denotes glass for blast furnace workers. But this is a separate topic.
  • P denotes products for rolling mill workers;
  • B - 1 says that the glasses are intended for auxiliary work not related to welding, which is performed in bright sun;
  • B-2 says that welding glasses are used for auxiliary work in all types of welding, performed both on the street and in the workshop.

Taking into account all the information provided, and having received additional advice from a representative of the manufacturer or supplier, you can wisely select the necessary protective glasses.

Selecting automatic filters

Protective welding glasses have been produced for decades. Generations of welders have used these and were happy with them, welding the hulls of spaceships and nuclear submarines. Modern glasses are more advanced and much more convenient to use.

However, professionals choose masks with automatic light filters. The possibilities of this equipment are great, the advantages are undeniable.

The automatic light filter is securely fixed on the mask. Fastening is done simply with a screwdriver and 2 screws. The energy source is solar or conventional batteries, which are always commercially available. Models with two types of batteries built into one mask are popular. The presence of 3 regulators greatly simplifies control.

On the outside of the mask or at the top left of the filter itself there is a dimming intensity control. The second regulator can set the required sensitivity - the value of the intensity of the rays from which the dimming will begin.

For working outside on a sunny day, you can choose one indicator, for night welding - another. The third knob allows you to set the time after which the darkening will begin.

The combination of all the capabilities of the automatic light filter provides convenient conditions for safe work.

To successfully select a model, you need to evaluate all potential loads and possible types of work; Check the welder's vision level.

Safety glasses should be comfortable. Incorrectly chosen parameters of darkness and dioptres can provoke a gradual deterioration of vision; lead to a violation of welding technology, in the worst case – cause damage to the retina and cornea of ​​the eyes.

Types of protective welding masks

Now there are many different welding helmets on sale, so before purchasing you need to understand their purpose and select a model in accordance with the type of work being performed.

With fixed filter

Such models were popular before. They have a simple fastening system. To assess the condition of the seam and the overall result of the work, the welder must constantly raise the mask by hand and lower it by nodding his head. The advantage of this solution is the simplicity of the design. But when the mask is lifted, the eyes remain completely unprotected.

Models with a fixed filter used to be popular.

When removing slag, there is a danger of damaging your eyesight, so you must wear protective glasses separately.

With rising glass

This is a more convenient model. Manufacturers have taken care to provide better protection for the welder. After the filters for the masks are lifted, a plastic shield remains, which protects against the possibility of damage by scale while cleaning the seam from slag.

Welding helmet with rising glass.

Chameleon masks

It uses liquid crystal filters that automatically change the dimming level in accordance with the power of the light flux. The chameleon masks are adjusted taking into account the brightness and other characteristics of the welding arc.

They consist of the following elements:

  • several layers of crystals, between which there is polymer protection;
  • power source (batteries or solar cells);
  • arc detection sensors - in most models there are 2 of them, but in expensive ones there are more;
  • control panel - with its help you set the degree of darkness, sensitivity, time.

Chameleon masks use liquid crystal filters.

This light filter is attached to the shield with screws; if necessary, it is easy to replace.

Masks with filter and air supply system

If work is performed in difficult conditions and a lot of harmful gases are released, it is better to use masks equipped with an air supply system. Outwardly, they resemble a gas mask. Some of them can be used for underwater welding. Due to their complex design, they are more expensive than other models.

Welding mask with air supply system.

Choosing a light filter for a welder's mask

The “Chameleon” welding mask got its name thanks to the filter, which automatically darkens as the intensity of the light flux increases. This significantly facilitates the welding process and makes it more comfortable than with old-style masks.

Until welding begins, the filter is almost transparent, but as soon as the welder ignites the arc, the mask automatically darkens, protecting vision from burns. The characteristics of this mask largely depend on the light filters used for welding masks.

Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Types of filters

The main purpose of light filters for a welder's mask is to protect the eyes from ultraviolet and infrared radiation, thermal effects and metal splashes during welding. Various filters cope with this:

  • Colored glass;
  • With automatic dimming;
  • Polymer.

They differ in a number of characteristics and, of course, price.

  1. Tinted glasses are protection with a fixed tint and are characterized by low cost. To prevent the glass from transmitting harmful radiation, various impurities are added to it, the amount of which determines the darkness of the filter;
  2. Auto-darkening filters for welding helmets, or so-called chameleons, are based on a liquid crystal screen. When the brightness of the light changes, the liquid crystals rearrange, allowing the dimming to change. Modern glass contains 1-3 layers of such screens.
  3. Welding filters based on polymer materials can be darkened due to the special plasticity of polymers.

Light filter "Chameleon"

The light filter for the Chameleon welding helmet represents a symbiosis of the latest achievements in microelectronics, optics, liquid crystal technology and solar panels. This filter is a multilayer element, which contains the following components:

  • Liquid crystal cells. The more there are, the better the quality of the glass;
  • Filters that do not transmit ultraviolet and infrared radiation;
  • Polarizing film;
  • Welding arc location sensors. As a rule, there are 2-4 of them. A filter with a large number of similar sensors is preferable;
  • Protective glass;
  • Power supplies. These can be lithium batteries, solar panels, or a symbiosis of these sources.

An important advantage of this filter is that if the arc detection sensors do not have time to operate and darken the mask, harmful radiation will still not penetrate the glass. Therefore, when choosing such a mask, it is important to pay attention to the quality and availability of such filters.

Light filters for welding helmets: markings

The darkening of the filter is measured in indicators. There are domestic and international markings, which relate to each other in a special way:

International classification (DIN)Russian classification (C)


You often find filters marked with the letter “E”. Their selection must be made based on the strength of the welding current:

MarkingWelding current strength

E4More than 400A
E5More than 400A in protective gas environment

When choosing a filter, you may encounter various other markings. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the main ones, as this will help you choose the best filter for a particular situation:

  • “U” means that the glass has been additionally strengthened with minerals. They protect the filter from solid particles that may enter it during welding;
  • “G1/G2/G3” - this marking indicates that the glass is designed for gas welding of low/medium/high power;
  • “D1/D2/D3” is placed on light filters that are designed for use near blast furnaces, glass melting machines, and forges;
  • “P1/P2/P3” - metallurgical work at temperatures of 1200/1500°C;
  • “B1/B2” for auxiliary work in open areas.

Selecting a filter

The modern market offers a wide variety of filters with different parameters. Our instructions for choosing a mask can help you determine the right filter:

  1. The first step is to decide on the type of filter. If welding is carried out regularly, then the choice should definitely be made in favor of the Chameleon;
  2. It is important to keep the filter size in mind. The larger it is, the better the visibility and the more comfortable the welding work;
  3. The chameleon light filter for a welding helmet has such an important characteristic as response time. It can range from 0.03 to 0.0001 seconds. It is worth remembering that at lower temperatures this value will increase;
  4. It is better to opt for a universal filter with shading 9-13DIN. Please note that many models present a maximum dimming value of 11;
  5. Smooth adjustment is more comfortable to use than step adjustment;
  6. An important characteristic of a filter is its optical class, that is, the clarity and purity of the glass.

Let's take a closer look at what the optical class of a filter is and how it is marked. This indicator is marked with four numbers separated by a slash. Each position can contain a number from 1 to 3, where 1 is the best option and 3 is the worst.

Let's consider all positions in order;

  1. The optical grade of a filter is an indication of how clear the vision will be through the glass. This indicator depends on the quality of the materials used and workmanship;
  2. Dispersion depends on the liquid crystal elements. The possible turbidity of the image depends on this indicator;
  3. Homogeneity indicates uniform darkness of the filter. Uniform dimming is the most comfortable;
  4. The angular dependence indicates the viewing angle.

Thus, the highest quality and most comfortable filter to use will be a filter marked 1/1/1/1 or 1/1/1/2, which is also approved for use by professional welders. Amateurs are recommended to purchase filters with optical characteristics of at least 2 units for each parameter.

Features of operation

Modern Chameleon type filters require special handling, as they are quite fragile:

  • The filter is afraid of sudden mechanical influences. You should not throw the mask or knock on it;
  • Glass is cared for using a soft cloth, which, if necessary, can be moistened only with clean water;
  • It is important to note that these filters have the ability to “slow down” at sub-zero temperatures. As a rule, at temperatures below -5°C, the filter response speed noticeably decreases. This must be taken into account when using the mask in winter.

Let's sum it up

At the moment, there are various light filters for welding helmets - from cheap tinted glasses to ultra-modern automatic filters like Chameleon. Depending on the quality of the mask, the quality and comfort of the welding work performed mainly changes.

The selection of a welding filter should be made taking into account its characteristics, which are presented in the form of special markings. It indicates for what welding and current strength a particular filter is suitable.

An important characteristic of protective glass is its optical performance. When purchasing a welding helmet, it is also recommended to familiarize yourself with the relevant quality certificates.

This will help you make the right choice and get high-quality protection for welding work.

Types of filters

Initially, simple tinted glass was used to protect against negative factors arising during welding, but they were ineffective and made such work more difficult. New technologies are constantly emerging, so filters have been invented that reliably protect the eyes and provide sufficient visibility.

Constant dimming

During production, copper and nickel are added to the composition of such glasses. This allows them to reflect most of the ultraviolet and infrared radiation. When purchasing such glass, take into account the model of the mask, because seats have different parameters. Based on the marking, a product is selected that corresponds to the type of work being performed. If the type of welding changes, you have to insert another light filter into the mask, and this is time-consuming and inconvenient.

When making permanent darkening filters, copper is added.

Chameleon screens

A professional welder has from 1 to 3 such glasses that can regulate the darkening. Making the settings does not take much time, it is easy to do. When changing the type of welding, there is no need to rearrange the glass, just reconfigure it. This is convenient, but the cost of such screens is high.

Many factors influence quality work. Chameleon screens are sensitive to:

  • temperature changes;
  • vibrations;
  • shock loads;
  • cleanliness of the outer glass;
  • long period of non-use.

Chameleon screens are capable of adjusting dimming.

There is no need to remove such a mask after welding work. Without bright lighting, the glass becomes transparent and does not interfere with the view when removing slag.

Glass with diopters

To work with small parts, special magnifying lenses are installed. They are also needed in cases where the welder has poor eyesight. It is inconvenient to wear glasses under a mask, so he selects glasses with the necessary diopters. Such elements cannot protect the eyes on their own; they are installed together with other light filters.

Glass for welding helmet with diopters.

Light filter for a welding helmet: what determines the choice?

During the electric welding process, the arc and melting metal emit heat and strong light. Only light filters for welding masks can protect a worker’s eyes.

They transmit a small part of the radiation, allowing you to see the weld pool, the electric arc and control the process of joining the metal. The eyes are protected from harmful radiation.

For each type of welding work, a different type of filter is selected.

Types of filters by purpose

Different types of welding differ in the type and intensity of radiation. In addition to the main worker, an assistant is often involved in the process, who is also in close proximity to the arc and burning gas. Depending on the type of work performed, glass for a welder’s mask is divided into types:

  • electric welding and electric gas welding, E1 – E5;
  • gas welding and gas cutting, G1 – G3;
  • for auxiliary workers, B1 - B3.

For the chameleon mask, the filters are designated C3 – C8. They are used for different types of welding.

Protective glasses can be inserted with masks, goggles and visors . Goggles can only be used when welding with gas; they do not protect the face from burns. You have to hold the shield with one hand, which limits the ability to work intensively.

Why use filters

It is enough to look at a burning incandescent light bulb for a few seconds, and its shape will be reflected on the retina. When a person looks away, he still sees this spiral everywhere for a long time.

Hot molten metal glows and emits more eye-irritating rays than an incandescent light bulb. As a result, the cornea and lens are damaged.

They suffer severe burns, which over time can lead to blindness.

Using a welding filter allows you to preserve your vision and see the most necessary elements of welding.

Types of light filters for electric welding

The first protective means for the organs of vision were dark glasses that did not transmit light. With the development of technology, convenient light filters have appeared that can change the degree of darkness depending on the radiation.

Each type has its own characteristics with positive qualities and disadvantages.

With constant

Nickel or copper is added to glass during its manufacture. They significantly reduce the amount of ultraviolet and infrared rays, reflecting them like a mirror .

You can choose the right glass based on the work to be done, markings and shading coefficient. In addition, you need to know exactly the fit size on the mask. Because glass has different sizes.

With replaceable

Polymer films can be inserted into light filters, and they change their darkening depending on the brightness of the light falling on the surface . According to this principle, glasses for everyday use, nicknamed Chameleon, are created. The disadvantage of polymer filters is their response time. When welding begins, the first rays may enter the eyes.

Such filters are additionally equipped with a polarizing protective layer that cuts off UV and IR radiation.

Polymer filters with replaceable shading are convenient for use in gas welding and cutting, where the metal gradually melts.

Diopter lenses

Diopter lenses are installed on masks, but are not independent filters. They are used as a magnifying glass when working with small parts . If a welder has poor eyesight, he should choose glass with the appropriate diopters to constantly use, since wearing ordinary glasses under a mask is problematic.

For the chameleon mask

The light filter for the chameleon mask is an electronic mechanism powered by a power supply . The main filter element is liquid crystal film. When light hits it, the crystals change their polarization and do not allow certain rays to pass through. The activity of liquid crystals depends on the strength of the current supplied to the film.

The quality of the light filter in a chameleon mask can depend on many factors. The liquid crystal base is sensitive:

  • to temperature changes;
  • long-term non-use;
  • vibrations;
  • dynamic loads;
  • cleanliness of the outer glass.

The choice of mask depends on the type of work performed. Transparency adjustment is made within a certain range. The degree of protection is determined by the number of films in the filter, which can be from 1 to 3 pieces.

The filter is charged from a replaceable lithium battery or a built-in solar panel located on the front side of the mask above the glass.

The main advantage of the “chameleon” filter is that you don’t need to remove the mask to see the welding site and remove the slag. It becomes transparent in the absence of bright radiation.

How to choose

Light filters for welding masks can be selected by marking . It has 4 digits. Each of them characterizes a certain indicator.

  1. Optical class number. Determines the clarity of the image through the filter.
  2. Level of light scattering. As the value of the number increases, the image received by the eyes deteriorates, the picture becomes cloudy. Best seen with marking value 1.
  3. The level of darkness and the uniformity of its distribution over all glass surfaces.
  4. Angular dependence of darkening, its degree when rotated by 15⁰.

Welding glass markings indicate how well the arc will be visible and the degree of eye protection while welding, including turning your head slightly.

Criteria for selecting welding filters

To choose a product yourself, take into account the following characteristics:

  1. Appearance. There must be no damage. The documentation must include information about the optical class of filters and the manufacturer. If this data is not available, and you only learn the characteristics from the seller’s words, then it is better to refuse to purchase such a mask.
  2. Number of settings, their varieties. High-quality chameleon glass has 3 adjustable parameters: dimming level, light sensitivity level and shutdown delay time.
  3. Dimensions. In different models of masks, the size of the glass seat may vary, but most often it is 110x90 or 120x70 mm. This is taken into account when purchasing a replacement filter, otherwise you will not be able to insert it into its place.
  4. Glass type. Its dimming can be constant or change with fluctuations in the intensity of the luminous flux. If the same welding work is carried out, then a permanent darkening filter is used, because it is cheap, but can still protect the welder’s eyes. When working with frequently changing current strength, it is better to purchase a chameleon.
  5. Additional protection. A polymer film is glued to the glass, which protects it from mechanical damage resulting from impacts from various solid particles and objects.

We recommend reading Current regulator for a welding machine

To choose a light filter yourself, you need to consider the type of glass.

Light filters for welding helmets: how to choose the right one, types and types, their characteristics

When performing welding work, you can sometimes do without boots or overalls, but it is impossible to weld without a mask; its use is mandatory. A welding mask is used to protect the eyes from inflammation and vision impairment, and the skin from damage.

For such protection, special replaceable filters are used. Their choice is huge, and selection must be made based on work requirements and budgetary possibilities.

You will learn how to choose a protective light filter for welding and what types of filters exist.

Types of filters

There are only three main types of protective glass: with a constant darkening value, with variable darkening (they are also called “chameleons”) and dioptric filters.

Let's look at them.

Constantly dimming filters

This is the classic and simplest type. They are made from glass with the addition of special materials.

Their degree of darkening varies, and due to the fact that the darkening is constant, you will have to select filters separately for each type of welding work.

They are quite durable and can be purchased at a very reasonable price, but they are not easy to use. For example, in order to see something during pauses in welding, the mask will have to be removed.

And you will have to interrupt during welding quite often, for example, to check the seam, strip the metal or electrode.

Variable dimming filters

Models of this type, which are commonly called “chameleons,” are more convenient to use than conventional ones. The degree of their darkening is adjusted automatically depending on the type of welding performed. This is a definite plus, but this is achieved by complicating the design.

A component of this design is a liquid crystal screen, which requires power. Some models use solar panels for charging. Thanks to their design, they are functional and very easy to use.

The mask equipped with them can not be raised at all during the welding process. As soon as the welding arc goes out, the filter will instantly become lighter.

The disadvantages of this type are the relatively high price and the need to handle the filter very carefully during operation.

Diopter filters

Many welders use glasses in their lives. However, you most likely will not be able to wear glasses and a mask at the same time. In such cases, diopter filters will come in handy.

They are plastic lenses and are selected individually, like glasses in a pharmacy. They operate in the same way as a magnifying glass, so diopter filters are also used with normal vision when working with small details.

Let's start choosing

When choosing filters for welding, we must clearly understand what equipment and components we will use for welding. We also need to understand how much we can spend on this component.

If you are on a limited budget, we recommend choosing an inexpensive filter with permanent dimming. If ease of use is more important to you than financial savings, buy “chameleons”.

The cost of models may vary significantly, but we do not advise you to choose cheap “chameleons”. They are often of poor quality, are short-lived, and can end up wasting your money.

When selecting permanent dimming filters, the decisive factors should be the thickness of the electrode used and the current value. When welding with a thin electrode in very dark conditions, you risk not being able to see anything in the welding zone.

Therefore, the smaller the diameter of the electrode we use, the lighter the filter we need.

Welding filters are marked as follows: 9 -10 DIN and higher, or C4 and higher.

When purchasing filters of the type with variable dimming, first of all pay attention to the active dimming indicator. The recommended score is 9 and above.

The speed of darkening and lightening is also important. The higher these indicators are, the better.

When choosing diopter filters for welding, you need to consider your vision parameters. Never choose them at random. It is advisable to first consult a doctor, ideally get a prescription from him.

Another important point when selecting light filters is to check whether they fit your welding helmet. Some manufacturers use unique mounts, and the model you choose may not match the mount on your mask.

Characteristics tables for accurate selection

When choosing a mask, be sure to take into account the type and purpose of the light filter installed in it. To facilitate this process, special tables are used.

Table: purpose of glass installed in the welding helmet

Title of worksGlass marking
Auxiliary processes when performing gas welding workB1, B2, B3
Welding workG1, G2, G3
Electric weldingfrom E1 to E5
For all chameleon glassesfrom C3 to C8

Don't buy a cheap product.

If you don’t have the money for a good chameleon glass, it’s better to buy a high-quality model with permanent dimming.

Even if the light filter for a welder’s mask has all the documentation, when purchasing it is better to check whether it is a fake or not. It is enough to point the glass at the switched on lamp. If the dimming level is C4, then the filament should be clearly visible through the filter. When marked C8, it will be almost invisible. If there is no difference, then it is better to refuse to purchase a light filter.

Glass sizes and material of manufacture

Most masks have a standard glass size - 110x90 mm, but sometimes there are non-standard sizes. Make sure that such masks come with spare glasses, then you won’t have to look for a non-standard element, which can be very problematic.

Welding helmets use polycarbonate glass. They have increased strength and can withstand high temperatures. Polycarbonate differs from ordinary glass in that it is less fragile and more resistant to various influences, including mechanical ones.

Possible faults

The design of glass for welding with automatic change in the degree of darkness is relatively complex, so some problems sometimes arise during the operation of the filter. Most of them can be eliminated with self-repair.


Do-it-yourself faults:

  1. Uneven dimming. It may differ on the left and right sides. To correct this problem, it is enough to adjust the distance between the glass and the welder’s eyes.
  2. Filter flickering or lack of dimming. If it is not damaged, then the reason is most often contamination of the glass surface. Cleaning fixes the problem. When working with low current, it is recommended to set the setting to “slow”. The batteries may run out, they will have to be replaced, and if they are solar cells, then they will have to be taken out into the light for a while.
  3. Low photosensitivity. Such a malfunction most often appears at sub-zero temperatures. For most masks, this threshold is -5°C.
  4. Bad visibility. The reasons for this malfunction are most often associated with dirty glass or incorrect settings.

Uneven dimming and flickering of the filter can be corrected yourself.


If the problems that arise during the operation of the light filter are related to its mechanical damage or manufacturing defects, then they cannot be eliminated. In such cases, the glass is replaced. This is not difficult to do, because... It is attached to the mask using 2 screws.

How to choose a light filter for a welder’s mask so as not to damage your eyes

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  1. Registration: 01/05/10 Messages: 127 Thanks: 7


    Live here

    Registration: 01/05/10 Messages: 127 Thanks: 7 Address: Vologda

    How do glasses for a welder's mask differ in darkness? And in what cases do you choose one or another darkness?

  2. Registration: 05.11.10 Messages: 40 Thanks: 30



    Registration: 05.11.10 Messages: 40 Thanks: 30 Address: Kyiv

    Which light filter to choose for a welder’s mask so as not to spoil your eyes? Well, if it’s a regular mask (not a Chameleon), then on the darkened glass there is an inscription like “S-4”. The dimming is selected according to the current strength. If you cook with three (80-130A), then C-3 or C-4 will be enough, but for four (150-180A) you will need C-5. If the glass is not very dark for your currents, then everything is clearly visible, but you can catch rabbits...

  3. Registration: 02.11.08 Messages: 1,058 Thanks: 250


    Do it yourself

    Registration: 02.11.08 Messages: 1,058 Thanks: 250 Address: North Caucasus

    Which light filter to use in a welder’s mask so as not to damage your eyes

    There are glasses marked E here is a plate for them

    The documentation for the Chameleon mask always contains data on the maximum permissible welding amperage.

    For marking C

    Welding current, A Designation of filters

    over 50 to 150 ———————C-5

    over 150 to 250 ——————- S-6

    over 250 to 350 ———————C-7

    over 350 to 500 ———————C-8

  4. Registration: 01/05/10 Messages: 127 Thanks: 7


    Live here

    Registration: 01/05/10 Messages: 127 Thanks: 7 Address: Vologda

    Which light filter to use in a welder’s mask so as not to damage your eyes

    Do the filters differ from each other in any way based on external features? I just decided to experiment with this matter and bought C6 glass, and C3 was inserted into the mask. So there is practically no difference between these glasses - if you look at the light bulb, you can see the same thing... they are the same in thickness. In general, some kind of fake glass...

  5. Registration: 10/01/09 Messages: 1,134 Thanks: 446


    tractor driver

    Registration: 10/01/09 Messages: 1,134 Thanks: 446 Address: Aktobe

  6. Registration: 01/12/07 Messages: 20,085 Thanks: 15,394


    Live here

    Registration: 01/12/07 Messages: 20,085 Thanks: 15,394 Address: St. Petersburg

    Gentlemen, opponents, do you want to say that the higher the number, the higher the light transmittance?

    As we have already found out, S-2 glass does not exist for electric welding masks, and I have not seen S-6 in stores.

  7. Registration: 01/05/10 Messages: 127 Thanks: 7


    Live here

    Registration: 01/05/10 Messages: 127 Thanks: 7 Address: Vologda

    And what... isn't it? In theory, it should be worse to see in my opinion.

  8. Registration: 12/26/08 Messages: 10,557 Thanks: 19,336


    Live here

    Registration: 12/26/08 Messages: 10,557 Thanks: 19,336 Address: Moscow

    If the filters are standard, and not a counterfeit, then S-3 is for domestic needs (you can weld with a maximum 4 mm electrode), with filter C-4 the weld pool is practically invisible, there is no point in talking about the other numbers, these are very dark filters. But it’s better not to bother with the last century, but to buy a Chameleon. Anyone who has tried it is unlikely to cook in a simple mask.

  9. Registration: 01/05/10 Messages: 127 Thanks: 7


    Live here

    Registration: 01/05/10 Messages: 127 Thanks: 7 Address: Vologda

    Chameleon - good, there’s just a small problem with this chameleon - there’s no money for it yet...

    Today I went to another store, found C5 glass there, and absolutely the same situation - If you look at the light bulb, you can see the same thing in C3 and in C5... Could this be the case or is it some kind of fake glass?

    And the thickness of these flows should differ somehow?

  10. Registration: 04/11/09 Messages: 10,264 Thanks: 16,725



    Registration: 04/11/09 Messages: 10,264 Thanks: 16,725 Address: Borovichi

    Today I looked in my store - there is a difference in the glass. And it’s very noticeable. A three is very different from a four. I'm not even talking about the top five.

    One does not differ in thickness from another.

  11. Registration: 01/12/07 Messages: 20,085 Thanks: 15,394


    Live here

    Registration: 01/12/07 Messages: 20,085 Thanks: 15,394 Address: St. Petersburg

  12. Registration: 11/11/10 Messages: 7,579 Thanks: 1,960


    Live here

    Registration: 11.11.10 Messages: 7,579 Thanks: 1,960 Address: Pskov

    Your friend needs to patent this method of eye protection. And also immediately protect the skin of the face and neck. It turns out that everything is so simple, and people are running around the shops, comparing filters by numbers.

  13. Registration: 01/05/10 Messages: 127 Thanks: 7


    Live here

    Registration: 01/05/10 Messages: 127 Thanks: 7 Address: Vologda

    How can I tell you... I know a person who cooks every day without a mask - this is our plumber. Before the welding process, he pours 200 grams of scorched vodka into himself and is no longer affected by any radiation... And yet he cooks...

  14. Registration: 04/11/09 Messages: 10,264 Thanks: 16,725



    Registration: 04/11/09 Messages: 10,264 Thanks: 16,725 Address: Borovichi

    Yes, everything is fine there, the guy won’t live to see complete blindness.

  15. Registration: 11/21/10 Messages: 2 Thanks: 0


Rules for using filters

To ensure that a welder wearing a mask is not only comfortable, but also safe, the following rules are adhered to when performing work:

  1. Before you start welding, you must check the functionality of the light filter using a lighter. If it gets dark, then everything is fine, in other cases the malfunction is due to damage to the glass or a breakdown of the power supply.
  2. You cannot use chameleon filters if they do not have an outer or inner layer.
  3. If there are scratches or cracks on the glass surface, use of the product is prohibited. This is dangerous for your eyesight.
  4. To clean filters for welding helmets from dirt, use only a soft cloth. This should not be done with abrasives or sharp objects.

Recommended reading: Choosing a chameleon mask

Before welding, you need to check the functionality of the light filter.

Malfunctions and solutions

Even the most reliable technology does not work forever. Likewise, “chameleon” welding helmets sometimes fail. Adding to the enthusiasm is the fact that the lion's share of breakdowns can be fixed without the involvement of expensive specialists from service centers. So, let's look in order at the main types of breakdowns and how to fix them. In addition to our recommendations, you can find numerous videos on the Internet devoted to the repair of such devices.

The mask completely “shows no signs of life”

Oddly enough, sometimes it’s the simplest fault. It is known that masks require power from solar or lithium ion batteries. Loss of signs of life may be due to lack of nutrition. The solar panels can be recharged by placing the mask in the sun or other brightly lit place. Even a good light bulb can charge a solar battery, but it will take a long time.

Lithium ion batteries can be charged using their standard charger. If this procedure does not bring the desired result, the batteries need to be replaced. If this also does not help, then we can assume that the power supply itself has failed. In this case, with some skill in working with electronic devices, you can try to replace it yourself.

No dimming

This phenomenon occurs most often in the case of mechanical damage to the filter. It is not difficult to notice these damages, just like replacing a damaged light filter. In this option, it’s disappointing that the cost of the filter is the lion’s share of the cost of the entire product. In addition, the replacement must be made with an exact copy, otherwise a “mismatch” with the electronics may occur.

Broken fasteners

Such a malfunction does not present any difficulties. Fastenings are either repaired using auxiliary means or replaced with others.

Electronic unit malfunctions

This is perhaps the most unpleasant type of malfunction. The worst thing is when you can’t do anything yourself and you have to turn to the services of service centers. It is always unpleasant, expensive and time-consuming.

In order for the mask to serve you faithfully for many years, you need to buy welding masks only from a trusted manufacturer on the website

The best manufacturers of welding equipment

If welding is rarely done at home, and the duration of such work is short, then you can limit yourself to buying an inexpensive Chinese light filter, but you should not count on its high quality. It is better for professionals not to save money and purchase products from popular, reliable manufacturers:

  1. 3M is an American company that produces not only light filters, but also shields, masks, and plates. All products are of high quality, so the manufacturer occupies a leading position in the Russian and world markets.
  2. Svarog is a popular Russian company that produces protective equipment and welding equipment. The advantage of their products is their affordable price and high quality.
  3. FUBAG is a German manufacturer that produces equipment and protective equipment for various industries and construction. Offers a large selection of replacement light filters and welding helmets.
  4. Quattro Elementi is an Italian manufacturer. It produces modern models with fixed filters and those that can change the level of darkness in accordance with the strength of the light flux.
  5. BRIMA is another German company popular in Russia, offering protective equipment used for welding by both amateurs and professionals.

The 3M company produces masks and light filters.

Chameleon mask how to choose

In addition to the filter parameters, there are many other settings and features that can affect the choice.

  • Number of arc detection sensors. There can be 2, 3 or 4 of them. They react to the appearance of an arc. Visually they can be seen on the front panel of the mask. These are small round or square “windows” on the surface of the filter. For amateur use, 2 pieces are enough, for professionals - the more, the better: if some are blocked (blocked by some object when welding in a difficult position), then the rest will react.

    Electric arc sensors are visible to the naked eye

  • Filter response speed. The spread of parameters here is large - from tens to hundreds of microseconds. When choosing a mask for home welding, drill one whose chameleon will darken no later than 100 microseconds. For professionals, the time is less: 50 microseconds. We sometimes don’t notice light impacts, but their result is tired eyes, and professionals need them all day long. So the requirements are stricter.
  • Filter sizes. The larger the glass, the more visibility you get. But the size of the light filter greatly affects the cost of the mask.
  • Smooth or stepwise adjustment of the degree of darkness. Better - smooth. If the filter darkens/brightens intermittently, you will quickly get tired. In addition, it may start to “blink” due to glare, which will not please you.
  • Initial shade level and adjustment range. The lighter the filter in its original state, the better you will be able to see before welding begins. It is also desirable to have two dimming ranges: to small degrees up to 8DIN when working with argon or when manual arc welding in poor lighting. Also, an older person may need less darkening. To work with inverters at high currents and in good lighting, a shading of up to 13 DIN is required. So it's better if there are two modes: 5-8DIN/8-13DIN.
  • Power supply. Most auto-darkening welding helmets have two types of power supply: solar and lithium batteries. This combined power source is the most reliable. But at the same time, the lithium battery compartment must be opened to make it possible to replace failed batteries. Some cheap masks have integrated batteries: you can remove them only by cutting the plastic (which our craftsmen sometimes do).

    One of the models of the chameleon mask. Here you can also see the mask position regulator on the head and the neck protection shield

  • Weight. Masks can weigh from 0.8 kg to 3 kg. If you have to carry a three-kilogram weight on your head for seven or eight hours, by the end of the shift your neck and head will feel like wood. For amateur welding, this parameter is not very critical, although it is also not at all comfortable to work in a heavy mask.
  • Easy to attach to the head. There are two systems for attaching the headband and the shield itself, but for these masks they are almost unimportant: you don’t need to raise/lower the mask every time. It can be omitted throughout the entire work. What matters is how many adjustments there are and how tightly they allow you to fit the headband. It is also important that all these straps do not press or rub, so that the welder is comfortable.
  • There is an adjustment that allows you to move the shield away from your face. This is important if you need glasses for normal vision. Then the shield needs to be moved away from your face to accommodate your lenses.

Among the useful, but optional modes, there is also the ability to switch maki from welding mode to grinding mode. With this switch you actually turn off the power to the light filter, your mask becomes a regular shield.

Read about choosing a welding machine for your home or cottage here. You can try the purchased mask when making a metal barbecue.

The best models of masks with a light filter

It is impossible to say unequivocally which model is better: when choosing a mask, they are guided by the working conditions and the preferences of the welder.

Budget variations

Amateurs who perform welding work of low complexity and infrequently should not buy a professional model. It is enough to buy an inexpensive one. Among the most popular it should be noted:

  1. Brima HA-1005. This is a classic inexpensive model, in which there is a fixed light filter; the glass must be raised and lowered manually. The body is made of heat-resistant plastic and weighs only 800 g.
  2. Quattro Elementi Lambda. The glass has a fixed degree of shading level 11 DIN. Weight – 490 g, there is a shield for protection from smoke. The forehead pad has an antibacterial coating. The mask is made of heat-resistant plastic, so it is resistant to wear and does not burn through.
  3. "Burevestnik NN-U1". This model is made of polyethylene, has an adjustable headband, and is secured with a button. With its help, work is performed at temperatures from -45 to +40°C, so it is used both indoors and outdoors.

Professional protection

If the work is carried out constantly, and the mode and type of welding is often changed, you will need a professional mask.

The most popular models:

  1. 3M Speedglas 9100XX MP Air. Designed for comprehensive protection, allowing you to work in difficult conditions. The body is made of heat-resistant polycarbonate, an air supply is provided, and a filter is installed. Provides good visibility, reliably protects not only the eyes, but also the ears, face, and respiratory organs. The range of glass darkening is within 5-13 DIN, the filter is replaceable.
  2. "Fubag BLITZ 9-13 Chameleon." A modern filter can automatically change the darkening within 9-13 DIN. The screen provides reliable protection from light and heat radiation. The durable polyamide nylon body is impact resistant. The mask can be used at temperatures not lower than -10°C. The design is non-separable, so the filter cannot be changed.
  3. "Zubr Expert 11079". It is lightweight and highly durable. Provides dimming within 9-13 DIN. Powered by batteries and solar cells. Operating temperature range -5°С…+55°С.

When performing welding work, the safety of the welder is of great importance, so you need to choose the right mask. It must have high-quality light filters installed. Chameleons have many advantages, but they are not designed to work in the cold and are expensive. For non-professionals, it is better to buy a high-quality mask with glass that is permanently darkened than a cheap model with automatic adjustment.

Types of glass

A light filter for a welding helmet protects human eyes from thermal, infrared, ultraviolet radiation and splashes of molten metal.

When welding, cheap filters with a fixed degree of darkness (colored glass), expensive automatic filters for a welding mask (popularly called a chameleon) and polymer materials are used.

Tinted glass. To reduce light transmittance, impurities of non-ferrous metals (copper and nickel) are added to the material. Its light transmittance depends on the content of impurities in glass.

There are Russian and international markings for the degree of darkness. The domestic classification is marked from C4 to C8, which corresponds to the European 9-13 DIN. The table (below) will help you understand the correspondence of markings.

Glass Chameleon. Automatic windows use a liquid crystal screen. Liquid crystals change the construction sequence when the light voltage changes, thereby achieving different darkening. Modern filters have from 1 to 3 layers of LCD glass.

Polymer materials. They have high ductility and darkening ability.

Welding masks use combined materials, polymer film for protection against mechanical damage, and glass. Which, if necessary, are easily replaced.


Differences in glass darkness

The domestic industry supplies the market with light filters for welding marked C4-C8, corresponding to the European classification 9-13 DIN. Light-tinted glass C4 and C8 have no external differences. But C4 has less protection.

When choosing (purchasing), you can check the filter for counterfeit using a fluorescent lamp. Through glass C4 the filament of the light bulb will be clearly visible, but through glass C8 it will be difficult to see. If there are no differences, then it is better to refuse the purchase.

Pros advise having 2-3 filters with different protection for a welder’s mask. Then during welding work you can choose the best option.

The table (below) will help you select the degree of darkening of welding filters depending on the welding current and type of welding.

The table shows the recommended values. Depending on the weld, you can choose a shade that is one number less or more.

Sometimes, glass for electric welding marked E.1-E.5 comes on sale.

Chameleon light filter for welding helmet

Automatic liquid crystal filters have advantages over their fixed counterparts. Extensive settings adjust the dimming to any brightness and arc diameter.

Chameleon has several layers of crystals located in layers of polymer protection, a power supply and control unit, and arc detection sensors.

An automatic light filter is not a complicated device:

  • the device is attached to the mask with two screws;
  • Powered by a solar panel and replaceable batteries;
  • has 3 control devices:
  1. Shade control 5-13 DIN and 9-13 DIN. The location is external (on the left side of the mask) or internal (on the filter itself).
  2. sensitivity (moment of automatic dimming) is adjusted depending on the time of day (day, night).
  3. dimming time adjustment (long, medium and short).


Malfunctions of automatic light filters and solutions

  1. Uneven dimming. Adjust the distance between the glass and your eyes.
  2. The filter flickers or dims poorly. The protective glass is dirty or damaged (clean, replace). At low current, set the switch to the “Long” position (slow).
  3. Low sensitivity. It's getting colder outside, the thermometer is less than -5°.
  4. Bad visibility. Dirty protection glass. Bad light. Incorrect dimming level setting.


For your home, you shouldn’t buy a welder’s mask with an automatic light filter from a well-known brand. It’s stupid to pay 15-40 thousand rubles for a model that you will have to use a couple of times a year.

It’s better to buy a Chinese model (good), prices start at 3 thousand rubles. Well-known manufacturers are TECMEN (Tekmen) and Resanta.

PS Now you know about light filters for welding helmets - everything! If you missed something, add it in the comments to the article.

What to look for when choosing

The degree of darkness and its change

The degree of darkening of the filter is selected based on the illumination of the workplace and the strength of the welding current.
The more light and higher the current, the darker the glass should be. For masks with conventional light filters, when working outdoors or welding with a current of 300-400 A, glass number 5 is required. Indoors, it is changed to number 4. Welding at low currents of 50-120 A requires filter number 3. In chameleons, the degree of darkness is indicated in DIN. Argon, semi-automatic and manual welding with coated electrodes requires the following values:

  • at currents of 40-80 A - 10-11 DIN;
  • 100-150 A - 12 DIN;
  • 200-300 A - 13 DIN;
  • 400 A - 14 DIN;
  • 500 A - 15 DIN.

Grinding mode and mask design options

If you not only need to weld, but also process metal (cutting, grinding edges, sanding the top layer of a seam, etc.), buy a mask with a grinding mode. Such PPE is equipped with a switch with “welding/grinding” positions. In the latter, the filter stops responding to sparks from the angle grinder, always remaining in a cleared state. Through it, the cutting line is clearly visible and the eyes are protected from scale. Masks with a grinding mode save time by not requiring you to regularly replace your helmet with goggles. This is very useful when working independently, when you need to weld a joint, make a cut and weld again.

Another option for grinding is masks with a convertible top, such as PREMIER Favorit SOMZ or ESAB ECO-ARC II 110*90. They have a filter with a constant degree of darkening, but it is located in a cassette that folds up. Then the welder’s eyes remain protected by ordinary glass, through which it is convenient to look while cutting or beating slag.

Number of sensors

Sensors or light sensors are responsible for detecting the electric arc flash and turning the crystals around. Budget masks usually have two sensors located under or above the viewing window. This is enough for correct operation when welding small parts in the lower or vertical positions.

If you have to weld pipes or large parts, then the sensors can be covered with the product itself, after which the crystals are rotated to make the filter clear, although the arc is still burning. Such work will lead to “catching bunnies” and retinal burns. In this case, buy a welding helmet with 4 sensors. Even if some of them are closed, the dimming will work adequately. There are even models with 5 sensors, but their price is much higher.

Connection to turbo unit

Harmful fumes and smoke when welding outdoors are blown by the wind, and indoors - due to exhaust ventilation. When you have to cook inside a large boiler, container, or other closed structure, buy a mask with a turbo unit. She has a sealed helmet, a flexible tube and a belt unit. It has a multi-stage filtration system and forced supply of purified air into the welder’s mask. This allows you to safely carry out work in specific conditions. When the battery of the ventilation unit is close to discharge, the helmet beeps, warning in time that it is time to call it a day and leave.

In this article:

Welding masks are made from fiberboard and fire-resistant plastic. The first option is easier and cheaper. But the cardboard gradually loses its shape, the helmet warps, and may come apart at the corners (assembled with brackets). Cardboard is able to absorb moisture if the personal protective equipment is stored in a room with high humidity of 70-80%.

Plastic masks differ in material thickness and composition, which affects weight. Cheap models may melt or stick if accidentally placed on a hot surface (such as a newly welded seam). Expensive plastic masks are completely non-flammable and can withstand high temperatures. They are resistant to moisture and do not deform during use. For infrequent use, you can save money and buy a cardboard shield. If you plan to cook regularly, choose a plastic option.

View window size

The size of the viewing window for welding helmets can be minimal - 89x39 cm or maximum 110x90 cm. There are many intermediate options: 100x60, 90x60, 110x60, etc. If you have to weld small parts only in the lower position, any viewing window will do.

It is more convenient to carry out work on large structures that require numerous seams in masks with good visibility. Then you won’t have to twist your neck, but just turn your eyes slightly to see the joint clearly. Such masks are useful for welding pipes close to a wall, floor, and making ceiling seams. In this case, pay attention specifically to the size of the light filter, and not the outer glass, since the outer screen can be much larger than the viewing window itself.

Filter type

The filter, which protects the eyes from harmful radiation, can be permanently darkened for conventional welding helmets or automatic. In the first case, black glasses are used, each of which is assigned a number indicating the strength of the darkening. Almost nothing is visible through them until the welding arc is lit. This makes it difficult for the electrode to accurately hit the joint; you can miss and leave marks nearby on the front side, which will then have to be cleaned up. After welding, the quality of the seam is not visible through the light filter and the helmet is raised to inspect the connection.

Automatic darkening is implemented in chameleon masks. They use liquid crystals and sensors that respond to an electric arc flash. In the cleared state, the crystals are located across the cross section of the glass and provide acceptable visibility to the welder. Using the mask, you can accurately point the electrode or torch at the joint, examine the quality of the seam, assemble simple structures and immediately proceed to tack welding.

Selecting automatic filters

Protective welding glasses have been produced for decades. Generations of welders have used these and were happy with them, welding the hulls of spaceships and nuclear submarines. Modern glasses are more advanced and much more convenient to use.

However, professionals choose masks with automatic light filters. The possibilities of this equipment are great, the advantages are undeniable.

The automatic light filter is securely fixed on the mask. Fastening is done simply with a screwdriver and 2 screws. The energy source is solar or conventional batteries, which are always commercially available. Models with two types of batteries built into one mask are popular. The presence of 3 regulators greatly simplifies control.

On the outside of the mask or at the top left of the filter itself there is a dimming intensity control. The second regulator can set the required sensitivity - the value of the intensity of the rays from which the dimming will begin.

For working outside on a sunny day, you can choose one indicator, for night welding - another. The third knob allows you to set the time after which the darkening will begin.

The combination of all the capabilities of the automatic light filter provides convenient conditions for safe work.

To successfully select a model, you need to evaluate all potential loads and possible types of work; Check the welder's vision level.

Safety glasses should be comfortable. Incorrectly chosen parameters of darkness and dioptres can provoke a gradual deterioration of vision; lead to a violation of welding technology, in the worst case – cause damage to the retina and cornea of ​​the eyes.

Why use filters

When welding, the electric arc gives off a very bright glow that simply blinds a person. A flash of light of such intensity can cause burns to the surface of the eye (as welders say, catching a “bunny”), prolonged or frequent repetition of such glare leads to very painful irritation (“sand in the eyes”). If light of such strength constantly affects the cornea, it will lead to complete loss of vision. This is the first reason why protection is used when welding.

Also, without the use of light filters, it is impossible to simply control the welding process, and with sufficient darkness, you can clearly see what is happening in the weld pool.

During welding of parts by electric welding, other radiation is also released in the ultraviolet and infrared spectra. They, just like bright light, “harm” vision, although not as intensely.

And finally, splashes of molten metal and hot slag also pose a danger to the eyes.

Protective glass for masks differs mainly in the degree of darkening.

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