How to repair or solder a gold or silver chain at home

Silver soldering

The process takes place using a special solder, the structure of which is selected to match the sample of the precious metal. The action can be performed using two tools:

  • electric soldering iron;
  • gas burner.

Silver is placed on a flat surface with low thermal conductivity, which is not susceptible to temperature influences; brick is an excellent object for these purposes. The soldering area is treated with flux, and a piece of material for soldering of the required size is placed nearby. It is better to solder silver with a torch; with smooth, uniform movements, the metal warms up to the desired temperature.

At home, soldering requires certain skills and qualifications. Selecting the correct flux and solder requires practice, experience, and knowledge of component markings. It is not recommended to use scrap silver as a soldering compound. The melting point of the part must be lower than the precious metal, otherwise there is a possibility of ruining the segment.

Having melted the product evenly, you need to continue the operation until a high-quality seam is created. Solder can be placed in small quantities and then added as appropriate. At the end of the operation, it is necessary to clean the product from residual soldering substances and flux; this action is performed with fine-grained sandpaper to avoid scratches and other damage.

To lighten the compound, a solution of citric acid is used, and blackening occurs with iodine. When carrying out activities, it is important to remember safety precautions; the process must be carried out in a ventilated area, the operator must wear personal protective equipment.

When you need the help of a jeweler. Table: cost of services in your city

If you urgently need the help of a jeweler to repair silver jewelry, then it would be advisable to contact a workshop at the nearest address. A set price list is provided for each type of soldering.

Soldering prices vary depending on the type of work and region.


Type of solderingPrice
Soldering ironfrom 800 rubles
Gas burnerfrom 1000 rubles


Type of solderingPrice
Soldering ironFrom 1000 rubles
Gas burnerFrom 1100 rubles


Type of solderingPrice
Soldering ironFrom 1000 rubles
Gas burnerFrom 1100 rubles


Type of solderingPrice
Soldering ironFrom 600 rubles
Gas burnerFrom 900 rubles


Type of solderingPrice
Soldering ironFrom 700 rubles
Gas burnerFrom 900 rubles

The price is also determined by the complexity of the decoration and the amount of work.

What kind of solders are used?

Silver additives are produced in different types and are used when soldering objects made of steel, as well as other alloys common in industry. Various parts contain other elements, the composition is reliable and has good quality indicators when connecting components. The main feature is the corrosion resistance of the connected components treated with silver.

In production, the most popular compounds are the PSR-10 and PSR-15 brands.

Soldering silver solution has different characteristics, the number at the end of the marking indicates the amount of precious metal in the composition. If there are high demands on the anti-corrosion resistance of the seam, grades PSR-70 and higher are used, however, such substances are expensive and are used by large industries. Soldering of silver is carried out according to various requirements, so the choice of composition before production must be approached competently.

Solder PSR-10

The form of release of material for soldering can be different, depending on the purpose and content of various alloys. It is sold in the form of powder or pieces of 2 mm or more; there are variations from a single sheet, which is easily cut with nippers to the required sizes. When working with wires, an element disguised as a wire is suitable; it is easy to transport and add in small proportions.

Solder joint strength

Soldering allows you to join dissimilar materials. This is the main advantage of the method. But it is important to evaluate the strength of the solder joint, which is an indicator of the quality of work. This is affected by the size of the gap. At low values, the effect of capillary flow is best manifested, that is, the metal of the product dissolves in the solder. This effect increases the strength of the connection by 30-60%.

During work, we must not forget about safety measures. This applies to wearing gloves and a respirator. We must not forget about high temperatures, which can cause a fire.

Soldering tool

At home it is possible to repair any item, the main thing is desire. Silver parts are no exception; jewelry often breaks or develops cracks after mechanical stress. A trip to a jeweler can cost a pretty penny, and the quality of the work and the material used may be questionable.

Soldering iron

It’s not difficult to do it yourself; it’s important to carefully choose a tool. At home, you can use a soldering iron. It is important to note that not every electric heating equipment can heat the tip to a significant temperature. A regular soldering iron can heat the tip up to 350 ⁰C, which is not enough to melt parts.

Jewelry repair shops use a gas torch; it can heat the steel to the required level. It is possible to operate with heating equipment with increased power and a thin tip, however, such actions can only be performed with solders that do not have a high amount of mixture in the structure.

Preparation of materials

An electric soldering iron is included for soldering radio parts using solders containing silver in the structure. It will not be possible to connect a piece of jewelry with a soldering iron due to the lack of sufficient performance. For operations with such components, a thermal drill is used, as well as the following materials:

  • high-temperature-resistant raw materials – brick;
  • rosin;
  • acid solution;
  • tweezers, brush, nippers;
  • copper tongs, a small piece of rag.

Silver Soldering Tools

Colophonium is used as a flux for production. The purpose is to form a film to avoid interaction of the substance with oxygen during operation. For jewelry crafts, a special compound is used; if stores do not offer appropriate options, it is possible to make rosin yourself. Borax and potash are mixed in one to one proportions, powdered borax crystals are ground with potash, the result is flux.

Non-silvered solders

During production, it is highly recommended not to use products that contain lead. This is due to the fact that traces of lead are difficult to remove, and reliable fastening is obtained in isolated cases. Lead is also toxic, and jewelry is usually worn in visible places on the body. With prolonged wear, the skin may react to toxic lead, which can be absorbed into the skin.

Soldering silver at home using tin

Tin wires are used extremely rarely when working with silver metals; it is possible to fasten parts, but there are negative factors:

  • the seam is noticeable, different metals will give off a tint in sunlight;
  • Tin darkens when in contact with water or exposed to a high humidity environment.

For silver parts of printed circuit boards, a soldering element of the POS-60 brand, which contains a large proportion of tin, can be used. The release form often looks like a wire with a flux composition.

Why do silver chains break? Top 3 reasons

  • Defective product. But the store will not simply accept a broken chain back: an examination must be carried out to prove a manufacturing defect. If the examination confirms that the manufacturer is at fault, then the buyer will return the money spent - both for the decoration and for the examination.
  • Hollowness. Yes, chains are often made hollow - this is not very practical, but it reduces the cost of decoration. Heavy pendants cannot be hung on such chains, and they can also break from the slightest mechanical impact.
  • Wearing heavy pendants. To avoid putting too much stress on the chain, consider the weight ratio of the chain to the pendant.

How to solder silver with a soldering iron

Jewelry items are repaired using a gas torch or an electric soldering iron. Before soldering silver at home, it is important to determine the sample. High-grade metals are not exposed to the temperature of a soldering iron. If you have funds or a complex product shape, it is better to contact specialists.

It is prohibited to solder jewelry items with enamel or blackening, or hard soldering elements.

Fixed gemstones must be removed before soldering, otherwise they may crumble and deteriorate when exposed to high temperatures.

It is impossible to melt solid silver substances with a mains-powered electric soldering iron. For reliable fastening, high rates of melting of the substance are required; heating equipment forms a surface fastening of the elements.

Soldering silver with a soldering iron

Using an electric soldering iron, it is possible to fasten massive parts with silver solder; the tool is often used to work with lead-tin substances.

What to do if the chain is stretched

Since silver and gold are soft metals, the weave can stretch out if not handled carefully. First of all, this applies to products made from low-quality alloys or with complex filigree weave. Under severe external influence, a stretched silver chain or gold weave becomes irreversibly deformed.

Heavy gold chains in the Sunlight catalog

If a gold chain of simple weaving has stretched, you can independently remove some of the “extra” links to the previous length. If the weaving is complex and multifaceted, then regardless of the material, it is better to seek the help of a specialist.

How to solder with a gas torch

For high-quality and reliable fastening of elements, a gas burner is used. Using a tool, it is possible to heat the required section to 1200 ⁰C; soldering of silver at home occurs at around 960 ⁰C. The process is carried out as follows:

  • Before any soldering operation, the components are degreased and oxidation is removed using sandpaper.
  • After mechanical impact, the part must be washed and dried. Rosin, purchased in a store or made at home, is applied to the joining surface.
  • The product is secured with a vice or a special fastening device is used; during operation it will be impossible to hold a certain section with any tool. Heating requires the use of both hands; the product must be moved during the process.
  • Switching on occurs by moving the gas regulator to the appropriate position. The flame jet is regulated by supplying or reducing the amount of gas. It is important to remember that carrying out activities with gas is a fire hazard; it is necessary to organize ventilation of the room.
  • The designated soldering area is heated by a jet of flame, evenly distributing the size of the torch over the surface of the silver product. The flame must be controlled visually, ideally it has a dark core, the increased temperature is produced by the core of the torch. Activities for repairing jewelry items of various mixtures at home are carried out using an outer layer of flame, the performance corresponds to melting in all respects.
  • After the melting operation has begun, it is necessary to bring the wire to the seam. Under the influence of high temperatures, the metal intended for soldering will begin to melt and fill the seam by gravity.

Soldering silver with a gas torch

There are mixtures in powder form; they need to be mixed with flux and first applied to the joint. In this case, the heating device does not need to be directed at the substance, otherwise it may melt and spread or oxidize in advance.

Safety precautions for repair work

Since soldering is a process that involves the use of acids, a high-temperature soldering iron and a gas torch, it is necessary to follow basic safety rules:

  • work is carried out only on a fire-resistant surface;
  • When working with acid, you must use tight rubber gloves and safety glasses;
  • the gas burner flame must be extinguished whenever work stops;
  • A special stand is used for the soldering iron.

The action of the acid is neutralized by simple baking soda. You need to put it on a saucer next to you to remove the acid if it suddenly gets on your skin. Afterwards, the surface of the skin is washed with water.

Solder selection

The selection of the appropriate type of mixture when soldering steels is carried out in accordance with the structure of the raw material. Solders containing silver make it possible to produce strong seams with a uniform, dense cut. These types have increased anti-corrosion properties, which makes it possible to use them with substances exposed to aggressive environmental influences.

For home use and household needs, ordinary products are used, a mixture of which contains tin and a small amount of silver; soldering can be used for radio equipment and other household appliances.

To repair fittings, various pipes and other substances with a copper content of more than 57%, a structure marked PSR-12 is used. For structures with high requirements for reliability and strength, it is important to use more saturated materials. You need to know that there are products with a silver content of up to 70%.

Solder POS-40

POS-40 in packaging

As an alternative to tin soldering, silver-zinc is used. The price of such a product is high, but it pays off when used with steels of increased brittleness. Common solder in radio engineering is POS-40 solder, which contains 2.5% silver.

Do-it-yourself flux preparation

There are several ways to prepare flux at home. Basic tools and materials that may be needed during manufacture:

  • A gas stove heats the substance to a liquid state.
  • A spoon is used to dose the powder.
  • A steel container or mortar is used to grind solid rosin into small particles.
  • Sealed storage container.

After preparing the powder, it is necessary to prepare a solvent. The element is heated to the required temperature, usually a solution with proportions of 1 to 1 is used. The solution prepared at home is mixed with a spoon until all particles transform into a liquid state. During the process, the mixture acquires a yellowish tint.

Precautionary measures

Working with solders can be hazardous to health and therefore requires compliance with safety precautions. The procedure should be carried out in a well-ventilated area. While working, you must wear protective clothing and gloves. When performing direct soldering, use safety glasses or a mask. Heated parts and materials are held with tongs at a safe distance from the face. After working with flux, hands should be washed thoroughly, as even a small amount of this substance, if swallowed, can cause serious harm to health. For this reason, smoking is strictly prohibited during soldering. If your health worsens after soldering silver items, you should immediately consult a doctor.

With the right approach and some experience, soldering silver is not very difficult. Due to the widespread use of silver as a material for the manufacture of jewelry, household items and electronic devices, this procedure is becoming very relevant in our time. The ability to repair a silver item is always useful to the home craftsman.

Precautionary measures

Working with solders can be hazardous to health and therefore requires compliance with safety precautions. The procedure should be carried out in a well-ventilated area. While working, you must wear protective clothing and gloves. When performing direct soldering, use safety glasses or a mask. Heated parts and materials are held with tongs at a safe distance from the face. After working with flux, hands should be washed thoroughly, as even a small amount of this substance, if swallowed, can cause serious harm to health. For this reason, smoking is strictly prohibited during soldering. If your health worsens after soldering silver items, you should immediately consult a doctor.

With the right approach and some experience, soldering silver is not very difficult. Due to the widespread use of silver as a material for the manufacture of jewelry, household items and electronic devices, this procedure is becoming very relevant in our time. The ability to repair a silver item is always useful to the home craftsman.

Repairing jewelry in a workshop

Jewelers use a standard scheme for restoring the integrity of a product:

  1. Preparing the decoration: cleaning, fixing.
  2. Choice of flux and solder.
  3. Soldering. At this stage, workshops use special equipment - laser.
  4. Cleaning the seam, polishing the product.

To repair silver and gold jewelry, you should contact the jewelry workshop closest to your home. Salons in different cities:

CityWorkshop nameprice, rub.Contacts
Novosibirsk"Master Jeweler"from 350+7(953)877-05-55
Chita"Jewelry repair shop"from 2008(3022)31-59-76
Smolensk"Jewelry repair shop"from 250+7(920)324-68-69
St. PetersburgARTELfrom 850+7(812)982-88-78
Samara"Jewelers of Samara"from 1708(927)201-32-23
EkaterinburgShubin ServiceAfter preliminary assessment+7(343)361-35-11
MoscowNota-Goldfrom 900+7(495)135-00-10
Bryansk"Master Jeweler"from 250+7(910)337-65-51
BarnaulDiamond gold300+7(913)239-89-89

Advantages of laser soldering at a jeweler

Positive qualities of technology:

  • high accuracy;
  • small radius of the light point;
  • performing soldering in areas where access to the broken part is limited;
  • no metal stress effect;
  • increased corrosion resistance;
  • no need to use filler material;
  • the ability to solder coated products without the risk of damage.
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