Safety precautions when working on a drilling machine

Safety precautions when working on a drilling machine

On a note! The employee must receive a special education at college and have a document that confirms his qualifications.

Induction training

Conversations with subordinates should be held not only when applying for a job, but also when the employee begins the work process. This procedure should be periodic. The instruction covers the nuances of work and features of using equipment. Special equipment in the workplace is a subject of operation, and the employee must be provided with detailed instructions on labor protection when working on a drilling machine or other production device.

Rules for drilling

Each master must have access and undergo certification before being officially hired. The instructions are considered standard documentation, must be drawn up according to the rules, certified by the signature of the head of the organization and a round seal. Below are the basic rules when working with metal, wood using a drill, welding machine or any machine:

  • a person does not have the right to start work without official registration and training;
  • documentation for the work contains the basic requirements for carrying out the work process. Its main points are stated in the job description;
  • newcomers must first undergo training;
  • A systematic test of knowledge is carried out, even if the employee is highly qualified and has been working in his specialty for many years;
  • the employee signs in a special journal and his signature confirms that he was given induction training.

Important! The employee must prepare before starting work. This applies not only to theoretical knowledge, but also to preparation of the workplace, provision of special protective clothing and compliance with regulations.

Necessary rules before starting work

First, before starting work, the worker must make sure that the machine is in good working order, there must be a protective guard for the drive belts, the machine must be grounded, and the working tool is in good working order. An employee is prohibited from working without special clothing or if it is not in proper shape, i.e.:

  • fastens with all buttons (if it is a robe, then sleeves are required);
  • There is a headdress (beret or headscarf), safety glasses and special shoes.

Driller's workplace and dangerous areas of the machine

It is forbidden to start working without making sure that the machine is working properly; to do this, you must start it at idle speed, without load, and if there is an obvious malfunction, immediately report it to the foreman or repair personnel.

Standard instructions on labor protection when working on drilling machines

Safety precautions when working on a lathe

The instructions have several subsections and each covers a separate stage of work. Safety precautions when drilling must be observed at all times. Not only when a person turned on the machine and began making, for example, a hole, but even when the machine was already turned off. Below you will find the security requirements at each stage of work, as well as general rules.

How to operate a drilling machine

Installation and change of tools

Install the tools when the machine is completely stopped, being careful not to cut your hands on the cutting edges. Monitor the reliability and strength of its fastening, as well as centering. Change tools without stopping the machine only if you have a special quick-change chuck.

Secure cutting and auxiliary tools firmly and firmly. Make sure that the shanks of tools and mandrels are carefully adjusted to the spindle taper. Before installing the tool, inspect and wipe the mounting surfaces. Gouges on these surfaces are not allowed.

When securing a tool in a drill chuck, the end of its shank should rest against the bottom of the chuck socket.

When cutting threads with taps, especially in blind holes, it is necessary to secure the tool in a safety chuck.

General safety requirements

Safety precautions when working with wood

Accidents at enterprises where they work on special equipment are not uncommon. Even the most experienced employee can be injured if he does not follow instructions. Basic requirements for the workflow:

  • undergoing induction training;
  • preliminary preparations: clothing, checking physical condition and workplace;
  • you need to pay attention to the operation of the machine and your actions;
  • in case of an emergency, you need to turn off the machine, and also protect yourself and others from injury;
  • If an emergency occurs, notify your superiors, production controller or special service employee.

Important! The drilling apparatus must undergo testing.

Safety requirements before starting work The machine operating manual should always be at hand so that a person can always familiarize himself with any section and make sure that his actions are correct and safe. Nuances of the preparatory process:

  • you need to wear a special uniform. Prepare protective elements;
  • First, the specialist must inspect the place where he will work all day. If something is not in order, starting work is prohibited;
  • check the drilling apparatus for malfunctions;
  • All buttons on clothing must be fastened, a hat, sleeves or gloves, safety glasses, and comfortable shoes must be worn;
  • a person should not be distracted by foreign objects: mobile phone, music, food or drinks.

It is prohibited to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The machine is first started in test mode, and then the parts are processed.


Actions in emergency situations

In the event of an emergency, the requirements are as follows:

  • immediately stopping the equipment and notifying a superior person about the malfunction;
  • in the absence of repair personnel and if the machine operator has special training, take measures to eliminate the malfunction and prevent a safety hazard.

If the equipment catches fire, immediately:

  • take care to notify others and the master;
  • inform the security service or, in the absence of your own fire department, call 112 to the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • if there is no threat to life, proceed with the initial fire extinguishing;
  • meet the firefighting team and ensure that strangers are not allowed into the fire; equipment must be freely accessible;
  • If there is a clear threat to health and life, leave the premises.

If you witness an accident

If accidents occur (even due to the fault of workers who did not comply with safety measures), follow these rules:

  • provide first aid and call an ambulance if necessary;
  • take measures to prevent an emergency;
  • Before starting the inspection, try to keep the place of work in its original emergency condition, as it was before the incident.

When you finish work, do not immediately leave your workplace, be sure to remember:

  • disconnect the power supply to the machine;
  • put the tool in its designated place;
  • remove debris (chips) only with a brush with a tag;
  • take off and put away the protective clothing, do not throw it everywhere;
  • lubricate machine parts if necessary;
  • inspect the machine and if any deficiencies or malfunctions are found, notify the repair personnel or the person in charge.

By following these requirements (safe work practices) on the machine, essentially a set of rules for operating a drilling machine, you will protect yourself and others from work-related injuries.

Remember: you cannot start work without making sure it is safe and without knowing the basic principles and safety precautions. Do not be a non-performing and unscrupulous employee, know that the instructions were written to avoid injuries and force majeure circumstances.

Safety requirements during operation

Safety precautions when working with a PC: requirements for PCs

A person should not be distracted by anything. This not only slows down the work process, but can also cause an accident. Below are the nuances of the workflow. The employee must:

  • be focused, not distracted;
  • do not leave the machine in working condition;
  • do not take off your overalls;
  • in case of an emergency, act according to the instructions;
  • do not approach the equipment if it is not working correctly;
  • it is necessary to check whether the drill is securely fastened;
  • Do not use faulty equipment.

In the event of an emergency, you should not panic. First, the person must turn off the power to the device, and then notify the security service and the repair team.

Causes of emergency

Auxiliary processes to facilitate drilling

To increase the efficiency and safety of the operation, there are measures to regulate the process.


When processing metal, the drill, as well as the material itself, become very hot and can melt. Due to the increase in temperature, the cutting edges wear out faster and the holes are of poor quality.

To combat this phenomenon, cooling emulsions, cutting fluids, and even water are used. The composition can be supplied through channels on the drill. Some machine models provide cooling directly at the processing site.


This function of the hammer drill is used in finishing work (for drilling holes for sockets, channels for cables), in dismantling walls and ceilings.

The equipment of the device quickly penetrates into hard substrates due to the force of impact. The tip can simultaneously rotate and deliver shocks, destroying the material.

Safety requirements in emergency situations

Accidents and injuries at work most often occur due to equipment malfunction or employee negligence. Nuances in case of emergency:

  • if an emergency occurs, you first need to stop the machine and move away from it to a safe distance;
  • do not repair the machine yourself, but wait for a special team;
  • if someone is injured, then you must not touch the objects that caused the accident;
  • notify security about the incident. If such a team is not available, then call management;
  • If a person witnesses an emergency, he must act quickly: turn off all devices, call for help.

On a note! In production workshops, first aid kits are needed to help provide first aid.

Installation of workpieces and fixtures

Before installing the workpiece on the machine, check the condition of the base surfaces. Securely secure the workpiece on the machine, regardless of its overall size and weight; when securing, use only serviceable tools.

When installing a workpiece on a set of measuring pads, use as few of them as possible.

Fasten the workpiece in places that have solid supports; Such fastening eliminates the possibility of deformation and disruption of the workpiece during processing.

As fastening elements, it is necessary to use high nuts, the supporting surface of which is hardened. Do not use nuts with dented surfaces.

Safety requirements after completion of work

Nuances at the end of the work process:

  • you cannot leave the workplace until the equipment is turned off;
  • you need to remove the entire tool;
  • change clothes and put away your uniform;
  • remove trash;
  • carry out a visual inspection of the devices. If problems are noticed, report it to the repair department.

Important! A conversation with a security officer involves testing theoretical as well as practical knowledge.

General requirements

Labor safety instructions for students when working on a drilling machine

The Federal State Educational Standard includes basic safety requirements and is called an instruction. A schoolchild does not have the right to work in production, and an adult is obliged to receive an appropriate education. Below is a brief instruction on labor protection for those who are just learning the drilling craft:

  • Introductory briefing before training is mandatory;
  • knowledge of fire safety and labor protection conditions is tested;
  • knowledge of how the work process is structured is tested;
  • knowledge of theory and practice is tested.

Additional Information! A student at school cannot officially get a job that requires drilling or working with wood. First, he must reach the age of majority, and then receive a class of admission in a special institution.

Thus, the drilling machine is classified as dangerous equipment. Its use requires strict adherence to safety precautions. An employee or trainee starting to work at a machine must undergo training and instruction.

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