Folding machine: what is it for, machine capabilities, selection and prices

Folding machines: purpose, design.
Modern folding machines are used to create blanks for various types of folds. Seam-rolling machines will be indispensable for arranging seam roofing, as well as for the manufacture of roofing accessories, which are auxiliary. This includes elements from the drainage system, end and front elements,

...and with its help you can make a ventilation duct from galvanized metal.

About the origins of technology

The spread of seam roofing began in the Middle Ages. At that time, the roofs of wealthy people's houses were usually made of lead; thick lead plates were joined by hand. With the development of technology, new sheet materials have appeared; today you can find roofing made of copper, aluminum-zinc alloys; a popular variety is galvanized steel with a decorative and protective polymer coating.

The elements of the first seam roofs were connected with simple seams using an angle and a mallet. Today, when installing roofs, more complex seams are used. To do this, sheets of roofing material are pre-prepared using special equipment for standing seam roofing in a workshop or directly on the construction site. The processed blanks (the professional name is roofing pictures) are connected with a reliable seam with a high level of tightness; folded ribs increase the rigidity of the roof and serve as guides for rain and melt water.

Modern seam roof Source

Advantages of our machines for the production of seam roofing:

  • minimal operating noise;
  • increased productivity;
  • economical use of material;
  • low power consumption;
  • low cost of high-quality profile;
  • Possibility of use when working with metal sheets with polymer coating;
  • the possibility of using galvanized steel or other metal in the manufacture of picture panels;
  • simple and reliable design;
  • system for preventing malfunctions and protecting operating personnel from injuries.

Folding machines: technology overview

In country house construction, seam roofing has a reputation as a practical and beautiful design, and therefore is in steady demand. Technologically, a fold is a seam, a connection of two adjacent sheets by twisting (bending) along the edge. To perform the bend, a folding machine is used, which prepares the material and allows you to make two types of joints:

  • Single fold . The original and still widespread method involves twisting sheets in one turn. Such a connection can be standing (rack and pinion) or lying when it is necessary to connect the workpieces along the length.
  • Double fold . A complicated type of single, in which sheets are twisted in two turns. There is a recumbent connection option, when the seam is additionally turned to one side.

Methods for forming connections Source
For roofing installation work, mechanical and automated devices are used; the use of the latter is preferable, since it allows you to achieve high quality seams with less time. The use of roofing (seam) machines when arranging a roof allows you to organize work as follows:

  • Blanks . Sheet metal is used in rolls, from which blanks are cut to the required length. The use of rolled materials saves money, since roofing iron in rolls costs much less than sheets. An additional benefit is that the number of trims is reduced, which also reduces consumption.
  • Operating principle of the machine . The unit is equipped with a number of crimping shaped rollers, installed in pairs and bending the metal sheet as it moves through the unit.
  • Preparation of roofing paintings . It is advisable to install the machine at a facility under construction, this allows you to quickly prepare the required number of paintings of a given length (installation is carried out without unnecessary joints).

Prepared paintings Source

  • Nuances . A folding machine is used only for bending the edges of sheets to a certain shape. Next, the machine for seam roofing gets to work - a seam-folding (seam-rolling) tool (also called a bending press), which completes the work - crimps the joint and forms a double seam.

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in roof repair and design.

Machine design and requirements for it

To ensure the required quality of folding, the working rollers must be installed on short rigid axles in bearing units. The machine table must also have sufficient rigidity. The overall dimensions of the equipment are calculated for the most common profile of the original workpiece. The machine consists of:

  1. Bed (to increase the mobility of the machine it can be mounted on wheels).
  2. Desktop.
  3. A set of interchangeable plates for different rebate configurations (although at a minimum one will be required; in this case, the necessary grooves must be made on the table in advance, the dimensions of which must correspond to the size of the rebate and the thickness of the metal).
  4. Support frame with sliding bearings under the axes of the working rollers. The cantilever arrangement of the rollers, with the frame along the longitudinal axis of the machine, will reduce the overall rigidity of the device, although it will reduce its overall dimensions. An alternative solution is a box frame with axles placed in two supports. In this case, it is possible to provide seats for the installation of additional pairs of working rollers. The frame is mounted on four spring-loaded axles.
  5. Guides along which the workpiece will move during the rolling process
  6. Chain transmission of torque from the drive handle to the working rollers. The first pair of rollers will rotate from the handle, and the rest will rotate from the frictional forces of the rollers gripping the source material.
  7. A cam camshaft, which will press the material against the working rollers, and, if there is a waste cutting mechanism, control the action of the roller knives.
  8. Protective casing (necessary if the folding machine will be installed outdoors).

Diagram of a folding machine

Benefits of use

The use of folding tools is beneficial for the following reasons:

  • The use of roll technology allows paintings to be cut and processed along the entire length of the slope . At the same time, the reliability and service life of the roof increases, since there are no horizontal (transverse) connections, and the total number of joints is reduced.
  • Thanks to the compact size of the tool, rental can be carried out both on the construction site and on the roof, which is much more convenient and increases the speed of work.
  • Productivity increases significantly : the speed of roofing production increases tens of times (when compared with the manual method). Two or three large orders allow you to recoup the funds spent on purchasing an automatic machine.

Manual method of preparing paintings Source
The folding tool has several possible uses, as it allows you to make connections, which include:

  • Basic connection: double standing seam for roof installation.
  • Single standing seam . The simplest design, suitable for roofs with a slope of at least 10°. Increases rigidity, used for longitudinal connections.
  • Recumbent longitudinal fold . The seam is used when connecting edges running across the slope, as well as the closing and longitudinal ones in the manufacture of drainpipes and ventilation pipes of any cross-section.
  • Corner (L-shaped) standing seam . Allows you to reliably connect shaped sections. Creates a volume effect, which allows it to be used for decorative purposes, for finishing large surfaces.
  • Rack and pinion A type of connection that is more characteristic of European housing construction; resembles a double vertical fold.

Preparing paintings at the installation site Source

Main characteristics of roofing machines

The modern market offers models of profiling equipment with various characteristics. The main characteristics include the following parameters:

  • Type of drive . Typically electric (electric motor). Sometimes there are models with a manual drive, but you can’t call it professional; performance suffers greatly.
  • Metal thickness . In roofing work, metal with a thickness of 0.5 to 1.2 mm is used, which is within the capabilities of an average tool. A good machine is designed to work with sheets with a thickness of 0.3 to 1.5 mm; Such equipment allows the production of additional roofing elements (for example, ridge caps) and blanks for gutters and air ducts.

How to assemble the machine yourself

Not every person can afford to buy a folding machine, so very often people try to manually assemble such a device. A self-made folder is unlikely to have the same functions, but it will cost you only 2,000 - 3,000 rubles.


The self-made machine is designed for use in a home workshop. Such a device is screwed to a workbench made of wood, but if you make legs for it by welding, then such a machine can be easily moved.


The structure as a whole consists of three parts. Everything is usually welded and screwed onto the base part.

  1. So, take a metal corner with a wing of 7.5 cm (minimum), and if you take a wing of 10 cm, then the device will only benefit from this.
  2. At the top, on the supporting corner, weld 4 garage-type hinges. There will be movement of the crimping punch on them.
  3. Screw the limiting shelf in front, but a folding tooth must be inserted between the base corner and the shelf, which helps form the folds.
  4. Both the shelf and the crimping punch make their corners 7.5 cm, and in addition, a handle needs to be welded to the crimping punch, which can be made even from the simplest pipe

Please note that the most difficult thing is to find perfectly even corners. The easiest way is to give them to a milling machine, since if this is not done, the folds will be crooked.


To begin with, you should screw the front part of the structure to the base corner:

  1. Place a gasket on the fastening bolts; for this you can use a metal strip with a thickness of 0.1 cm.

  2. Next, put a crimping tooth on the gasket, which will be made from a band saw. Since the working length of the device is 1.2 meters, it is desirable that the sheet have the same parameters, but it is better to make it for a standard sheet of 1.25 meters. Before installation, the blade must be chamfered.
  3. Lastly, we put the support shelf on the bolts, and then tighten everything.

It was not in vain that a band saw blade was chosen for the crimping tooth, since the manufacture of a folding machine requires a strong and inflexible metal.

Main parameters

To get a high-quality fold, you should set two main parameters:

  • There should be a distance of 0.6 cm from the lining to the crimping upper tooth.
  • The distance from the upper crimping tooth to the supporting shelf should be 0.8 cm.

With such dimensions, the seam allowance will be 2 cm, i.e. 1 cm should be set aside on the edges of adjacent sheets.

Operating principle

How to use the device:

  • To make a bend on metal at a right angle, you should place the workpiece in the groove and bend it until the workpiece rests on the shelf.

  • To create a full rebate, you need to push the crimping punch all the way until it contacts the support flange.

The work of the folder is in the video.

Tool selection

When manufacturing and installing a roof, the minimum required set is a roofing rolling machine and a folding machine. To choose a machine for standing seam roofing, you need to decide on the following factors:

  • Volume and type of work , type of material being processed.
  • The need for automation . The machine with an automatic control system (automatic control system) is designed for serial production of paintings. The automated control system allows you to adjust the rolling speed, number and length of panels. The automatic machine will allow replacing 5-7 roofers while maintaining productivity.
  • Advanced features . Many models are equipped with additional capabilities: a kit for forming semicircular or trapezoidal stiffeners. The presence of additional rollers improves the quality of crimping, which can also affect the choice of folding tool.

Features of the machine for seam roofing "MOBIPROF"

A characteristic feature of our roofing unit is its versatility and mobility. That is, panel paintings can be created directly on the object. The offered roofing machines are well adapted to the operating conditions traditional for Russian construction sites. They are equally resistant to mechanical stress, weather conditions, and construction pollution.

We are confident in the excellent performance characteristics of our seam-rolling products and in the high quality of seam joints of copper or steel sheets, therefore we provide a two-year guarantee on the entire range of roofing machines. You can find out the price of a seam-rolling machine for roofing from our consultants by calling our hotline.

Tool prices

There is a common misconception that, since all the machines offered on the market are similar in design, this means that the result of their work is not qualitatively different. It is concluded that purchasing a unit at the lowest price (often from a newly formed company or a handicraft production) is a reasonable way to save money. As a result, the quality of performance inevitably suffers; the finished roofing covering (often made of expensive metal, patinated copper) looks chewed up and after a short time begins to leak.

Well-known manufacturers make sure that the models they produce ensure the production of profiles of the required quality. Such machines are equipped with well-thought-out components and parts that allow them to maintain the required height and configuration of the fold.

Profiling machine made in Poland Source

Currently, the market is replete with offers of equipment for seam roofing; the price for folding machines is as follows (average market prices):

  • KM 7.3 (3 folds) İLMAKSAN (Turkey). Designed for metal thickness 0.5-1.2 mm. 250-280 thousand rubles.
  • Metal Master MLC 12 DR - T (China). In addition to seam roof panels, it can be used for the production of ventilation pipes. 155-165 thousand rubles.
  • MetalMaster GLF A4C Universal , with different configurations. 170-180 thousand rubles.
  • Profiling machine SCHLEBACH QUADRO FALZ (Germany). Professional universal machine, profiling speed 14 m/s, 4.7-4.9 million rubles.
  • SBD4C (Taiwan). From 140-155 thousand rubles.
  • SPF 700 (MobiProf, Russia). Mobile model. 165-170 thousand rubles.

A seam roof can have any shape Source


I hope now it will be easier for you to choose a folding machine. As for homemade products, they are good at the amateur level, but for professional work it is better to purchase a factory machine. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to help.

Professional roofing work is not possible without the use of a seam rolling machine.

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