Injection or pressure sandblasting?

KSO sandblasting chambers

This section of the sandblasting equipment catalog presents sealed stationary blast cleaning chambers or CSOs.
They are used in enterprises where the size of the parts to be cleaned does not exceed one meter. The main advantage of KSO chambers is that during sandblasting there is no release of dusty air and by-products of abrasive cleaning into the workshop, so other employees can work without protective suits and additional breathing filters. It's also a very good option for replacing a habitable sandblasting booth, provided you don't have large parts to clean.

We will carry out a comprehensive selection of equipment to suit your needs

We will install and commission the sandblasting chamber

We will carry out service work on the sandblasting chamber after commissioning

Recommendations for making a sandblasting chamber

Before you start making a sandblasting chamber with your own hands, you need to decide on its dimensions and draw up a simple drawing, which will allow you to correctly select and prepare all the necessary materials. The dimensions of the chamber depend not only on the size of the products that you plan to process in it, but also on the area of ​​the space intended for its installation.

Main dimensions of the chamber for processing small parts

Particles of sand, as well as any other abrasive material, moving in the chamber at high speed, will ricochet off its walls, which does not have a very good effect on the quality of the processing performed. That is why it is undesirable to make the internal size of such a device too large (or, if you need a large chamber, you can line its internal walls with soft material, such as technical rubber plates).

A sandblasting chamber used at home is, in fact, an ordinary box, the inner walls of which are lined with metal sheets. Such a camera, if its dimensions allow, can be placed in any utility room or even in the garage, making it stationary or mobile.

A version of a homemade sandblasting chamber with a convenient retractable tray. The photo below shows the stages of manufacturing and assembly

Differences between KSO cameras and habitable chambers

In the KSO sandblasting chambers, only the operator’s hands are located, which means there is no need to buy a special uniform and additional protective equipment to ensure the safety of his work. While inside the habitable chamber there is a person in protective equipment and with a breathing filter.

Prices: differences between expensive and cheap sandblasting cabins

We will consider the dependence of cost on functionality using the example of several ejector models of jet cleaning chambers of the same type and direction: AE&T T06305, ECO-E-100S, ECO-100SF.

The internal dimensions of the ejector cabins AE&T T06305, ECO-E-100S, ECO-100SF are almost the same. The units have approximately the same productivity and are equipped with an abrasive gun, hoses, and lighting. This is where the identical sides end.

FunctionalEjector stationary sandblasting chamber AE&T T06305 (inexpensive model)Ejector cabin ECO-E-100S (mid-price segment model)Ejector chamber ECO-100SF (expensive model)
Abrasive recovery (automatic collection and subsequent use in the second round)++
Cleaning abrasives from large flakes and contamination++
Ventilation to suck dust out of the work area, filter to keep dust removed from the work area+
Automatic dust filter cleaning+
Filter for keeping dust removed from the working area+
Sandblaster gloves (quality)Low quality glovesHigh quality seamless rubber gloves with cotton liningHigh quality seamless rubber gloves with cotton lining
Work area lightingWeakgoodgood
Protection on walls and sight glass against shot ricochet++
Description of functionality and suitability for workThe sandblasting cabin is empty and is not suitable for continuous continuous operation; it requires modifications and additional investments for further use.The sandblasting cabin requires independent production of exhaust ventilation and a dust collection system.The unit is ready for use and is suitable for installation indoors without additional modifications, including indoors where there are people without additional respiratory protection.

Inexpensive cameras are empty, require additional investments and modifications to the installation, and are not suitable for continuous operation without stopping. Suitable for hobbies and amateur use in the garage. Medium options are suitable for both hobby and production, but will require modifications and investments. Fully equipped cameras are suitable for continuous production.

KSO chamber air purification and abrasive reuse system

Parts are cleaned inside the KSO in a sealed chamber. Dust from broken particles of abrasive material and dirt knocked off the workpiece quickly fills the chamber and reduces visibility. That is, after some time the operator experiences difficulties in visually assessing the cleanliness of the workpiece, and loses the accuracy of his actions. The greater the dust content, the lower the final sandblasting productivity will be.

Filtration system

The dust problem can be easily solved with the help of a filtration system. At your request, we can equip the KSO chamber with a special filter, thanks to which the chamber will not need to be connected to the existing workshop ventilation system. Using a filter, abrasive dust is drawn out of the chamber, which improves visibility inside the chamber, and the filtration system cleans the air without polluting the room in which it is installed.

Abrasive recovery system

In addition to air purification, we supply special units for collecting and reusing abrasive material. Thanks to it, the used abrasive circulates through the sandblasting chamber and can be reused.

Choice between ejector and pressure cabins

In the sand-blasting cabin, the surface to be treated is cleaned using a special abrasive material fed into a sandblasting gun under pressure. But for ejector and pressure installations, the method of forming the air-abrasive mixture is different.

To help you make your choice, we have compiled a visual table of the differences between the two types of equipment.

PeculiaritiesEjector cabinPressure cabin
Design differencesThe abrasive blasting gun is connected to the air supply system and to the abrasive blasting hose. The sleeve connects the gun and the abrasive reservoir. Air and abrasive mixture are fed into the gun separately. When the sandblasting chamber is launched and begins to operate, a negative pressure, or vacuum effect, is created in the gun. Under the influence of pressure, the abrasive blasting material is sucked from the tank, goes along the hose and enters the gun, in which air is mixed with the abrasive. The resulting air-abrasive mixture is fed through the nozzle of the gun. In pressure sandblasters, the pressure that facilitates the supply of the air-abrasive mixture is created directly inside the reservoir with the abrasive. Compressed air pushes the abrasive material, moving it first into the sandblasting arm, then into the gun and nozzle of the sandblasting cabin.
Compressed air requirementA powerful compressor is not needed; a unit with a capacity of 500 liters per minute is sufficient.Requires a powerful source of compressed air.
PurposeWorking with delicate materials that require soft processing - glass, thin metal, engraving. Not suitable for quickly cleaning surfaces from coarse materials. Industrial sandblasting works, quick cleaning of large areas of surfaces from dirt, paint, scale.

How to buy a KSO sandblasting chamber. A price that's right

If you decide to buy sandblasting equipment, then price is not the only factor that should determine your choice. The most important thing is whether the purchased equipment will cope with the assigned tasks. We offer the following purchasing algorithm:

  1. Determine what surfaces you need to clean. For example, for parts with dimensions up to 1 meter, a KSO sandblasting chamber is suitable, for cleaning facades - a mobile DSG unit, for rolled metal - a shot-blasting chamber, and for large-sized products - a habitable chamber.
  2. Select installation performance. The sandblasting chamber is equipped with nozzles of different diameters, and the larger it is, the greater the number of square meters. meters per hour it will be possible to process, but you will also need a more powerful compressor.
  3. Determine the required sandblasting power. If you need to clean complex contamination, then choose a more powerful pressure-type sandblasting chamber; its price will be higher, but the productivity is several times greater than that of an injection chamber.
  4. Select compressor. It is the compressor that is the heart of the sandblasting chamber and brings it to work. It is impossible to use a sandblasting chamber without connecting to a sufficiently productive compressor station.
  5. Additional options. The price of a sandblasting chamber can increase by up to 50% depending on the choice of consumables, spare parts and auxiliary systems. For example, an increased capacity of an abrasive hopper, remote control keys, a sandblaster suit, nozzles and sleeves can increase the cost of the purchase, but without these components it will be impossible to work. And also in the future, the cost of purchasing, for example, a recovery system will help you save on abrasives and the absence of equipment downtime.
  6. Make a purchasing decision. Now, before you buy a sandblasting chamber, you can calculate whether this will be the most inexpensive solution. It may be cheaper to outsource the order
  7. Contact us. If it was not possible to calculate something from the previous points or figure it out on your own, then we will be happy to help and advise you.

To get advice, contact our manager in one of the following ways:

  • By phone: 8-800-555-95-28 (free call)
  • By email
  • By filling out an application in our online chat.

Popular models of sand-blasting cleaning chambers

Contracor's CAB and ECO series cabs, introduced on the market ten years ago, are popular. During this time, flaws and shortcomings were corrected and improved. When working with Contracor ECO series equipment, the loading door periodically becomes misaligned, which leads to dust leaking from the chamber into the work area. The loading door of ECO abrasive blasting chambers is located frontally and has a large and geometrically complex door. The CAB package, regardless of model 110 or 135, is complete. It is possible to additionally complete the interior with rubber lining of the walls, or walk-through windows (for cleaning long items). The cabins are equipped with an abrasive recovery system, ventilation to remove dust from the working area, and air filtration from abrasive dust. ECO series models have a less efficient dust removal filter and a separate filter chamber (which increases the space occupied by the chamber). In the basic configuration, the filter chamber is not equipped with pulsed dust filter cleaning, which makes working with the equipment less comfortable.

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