How is the price of welding work calculated, factors influencing the numbers

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Every welder begins his journey by purchasing a welding machine. After this, he gains experience for several years. After a certain time, the master receives orders that must be completed according to the estimate.

At this moment, the welder is faced with the task of correctly calculating the cost of all work.

A welding estimate will allow you to clearly calculate the amount of consumables that needs to be used. In addition, you can find out your income.

The customer trusts the craftsmen because they are able to clearly declare themselves and their work. This is an advantage when it comes to professional tasks.

Our article will discuss what methods of assessing welding work exist. Let's talk about all the methods: from eyeball assessment to professional calculations.

It will become known how to calculate the volume in order to receive a decent salary. We will tell you about the factors on which it may depend. You will be able to carry out simple calculations.

  • Factors influencing price indicators
  • Methods for assessing the welding process Visual assessment
  • Mathematical formula
  • Calculation formula
  • Let's sum it up
  • How is the price of welding work calculated, factors influencing the numbers

    Every welder begins his journey by purchasing a welding machine.
    After this, he gains experience for several years. After a certain time, the master receives orders that must be completed according to the estimate. At this moment, the welder is faced with the task of correctly calculating the cost of all work.

    A welding estimate will allow you to clearly calculate the amount of consumables that needs to be used. In addition, you can find out your income.

    The customer trusts the craftsmen because they are able to clearly declare themselves and their work. This is an advantage when it comes to professional tasks.

    Our article will discuss what methods of assessing welding work exist. Let's talk about all the methods: from eyeball assessment to professional calculations.

    It will become known how to calculate the volume in order to receive a decent salary. We will tell you about the factors on which it may depend. You will be able to carry out simple calculations.

    Factors influencing price indicators

    In order for the estimate to be calculated correctly, a clear understanding of the factors influencing the cost is necessary. Everything from the weather to the materials you use can affect the price of welding procedures.

    But we will focus on those that really matter for welding.

    The first step is to determine the scope of welding tasks. The type of welding chosen is important, as is the volume of consumables.

    Arch welding using electrodes will be much cheaper than labor on a semi-automatic machine using tungsten rods and a gas structure.

    There is a special formula that can be used to correctly calculate the price of your work. Using it, you will be able to calculate the correct tariff for the customer. It is worth dwelling on the methods that are relevant when assessing welding tasks.

    Methods for assessing the welding process

    Before performing mathematical calculations, it is necessary to define methods that differ from numerical characteristics. In addition to formulas, there are other methods that will allow you to better understand the entire welding process.

    Information is needed not only by those who prepare estimates for their home. When working in production and independently calculating the price of your work, the information described in this article will be useful.

    In the 21st century, there is no single classification of methods for calculating the cost of welding work. It is important to know the main ones, which are used in 9 cases out of 10.

    Visual assessment

    This is the simplest and at the same time biased way of calculating the cost of welding work. It is called “by eye” and is calculated in the same way.

    This method is full of contradictions, but it does not require additional measuring instruments and special knowledge, unlike other methods. It is used in welding work by beginners and those craftsmen for whom welding is not the main method of earning money.

    The main criteria that are taken into account in the calculations are how much time, effort and materials were spent on implementation. In 8 cases out of 10, the price depends on what the client looks like.

    If the master sees that the customer has money, then the price will usually be high.

    Sometimes welders use a kind of hybrid calculation that involves combining a visual estimate and a formula.

    In this case, they take the price of the metal, which in 80% of cases is assessed visually. This indicator is multiplied by 2. The method is considered primitive, but it is acceptable if welding is not your main way of earning money.

    Mathematical formula

    In 9 cases out of 10, a special computer program is used to calculate the cost of welding work.

    This method is used by welders with 15 years of practical experience or more. To accurately calculate the price, you need to understand the difficulties of welding.

    Based on the experience of the craftsmen, a methodology for correct cost calculation was developed. It consists of breaking down all the components of the process into parts.

    The first step is to determine how much metal and consumables for welding cost. This is necessary both for home tasks and when welding production is established at the factory.

    Once you have identified all the components in numbers, you should add them. You will receive an amount that you need to write on paper or enter into the computer.

    This will be our main waste. After this, determine the complexity of the work. The price of conventional arch welding will be several times less. Resistance welding is a costly process.

    Determine the price according to the principle “the more complex, the more expensive.” Consider the overhead factor. We are talking about the labor intensity of the process and the time spent on welding.

    Put overhead and base costs together by adding them up. This figure will be the price of welding work. Additionally, you can add profit if you did not take it into account in advance when spending overhead.

    You will be able to calculate the cost correctly, even if you do not have such experience. No special knowledge is needed for this.

    We offer a simple formula that will help you find out the correct price for welding work.

    Calculation formula

    • trab. We are talking about the time spent traveling to the place of welding work. This item is optional.
    • ST. The cost of your work for 1 hour of time.
    • Zd. Expenses that are aimed at purchasing gasoline. An optional item in our calculations.
    • Zmat. The price of consumables or their quantity.
    • Ao. Accounting for natural wear and tear of equipment. Calculated based on the model of the welding machine.

    Let's sum it up

    Using our article, you can find out how to find out the price of welding work and estimate its volume. Using an easy formula, you will be able to read the price of any type of welding: both arch and contact.

    Are you just starting to understand welding? Then a visual assessment and a mathematical formula for calculation will be enough.

    But if you weld professionally, then we advise you to combine all existing methods and select them individually. You will be able to determine how much your welding work costs. We wish you success!

    Description of the cost of welding work for metal structures

    When the need arises for welding work, the first question that arises is the cost of this service.
    Prices for the use of welding services may vary depending on the type and volume of the order, and can be calculated on the length of the seam. Of course, you can carry out the welding process yourself, but in this case the quality is significantly reduced. Poor quality of welds is detrimental, because this can lead to instability of the structure or depressurization if we are talking about a pipeline.

    Cost of welding work

    Prices for welding services vary depending on the reputation of the company or the qualifications of the specialist.
    Basically, the cost of welding work on metal structures is calculated depending on the complexity and volume of the order. The price is usually taken per linear meter or per seam. In addition, sometimes we are talking about welding pipes or gratings, but not many companies have specialists to take on such complex tasks. On average, modern prices for such work are:

    • 100–600 rubles for welding one joint on pipes;
    • 25–60 rubles when using argon arc welding.

    Cost per linear meter of product:

    • 2800–3800 rubles blown grate;
    • 4400–5500 rubles swing lattice;
    • 2000–3000 rubles simple grille;
    • 8000–10000 rubles decorative grille.

    When ordering welding services to create decorative items, furniture, store shelves, not only the complexity of the work is taken into account, but also the order itself. Some clients may provide their own design sketches. Typically, when manufacturing standard structures, the cost per linear meter is 1800–2500 rubles .
    If you have to create a metal structure according to a sketch, the cost increases to 15,000–30,000 rubles per linear meter. The cost of welding work for the manufacture of one linear meter of fencing:

    • 1500–2500 rubles for simple fencing;
    • 1300–2000 rubles for portable fencing;
    • 3000–5000 rubles for decorative fencing.

    Using welding services for metal structures in production is comparatively cheaper.

    Here, as a rule, all work is done in bulk and the cost is calculated in tons of finished products . Wholesale work during the welding process ultimately reduces prices compared to the private market for providing services.

    The cost of welding work for the main types of rolled metal:

    • 400–800 rubles per ton of channel;
    • 20,000–50,000 rubles per ton of pipes;
    • 20,000–35,000 per ton of steel sheets;
    • 20,000–35,000 per ton of corners.

    Types of welding work

    The methodology for carrying out welding work is a very important point that should be taken into account when ordering a service. In particular, welding differs from each other in the degree of complexity and the use of different types of energy. Each type of welding has its own nuances, advantages in quality and application at different sites. For example, we can highlight arc welding, which is most often used in production. Gas welding is usually used on private projects.

    Welding using a semi-automatic machine

    When working with metals using arc welding, special electrodes are used. This is a material whose structure consists of wire coated with flux. During welding, the flux melts and forms a gas shell in the area of ​​the straightened metal, which ultimately prevents oxidation of the metal.
    In addition, special additives in the flux help strengthen the weld. A similar principle of welding work is used in the semi-automatic process. Semi-automatic welding machine is distinguished primarily by the use of a special wire, which is automatically fed into the work area. The wire is automatically unwound from the drum , and unlike the electrode, it is not coated with flux. Seams are protected by introducing any inert gas. Carbon dioxide is most often used, which protects the seams from oxidation. The use of this type of welding significantly improves quality, and as a result, the seams do not require mechanical cleaning.

    Cost of welding work.

    1. The arc method costs 15–25 rubles per 1 cm of seam.
    2. The semi-automatic machine costs 30–50 rubles per 1 cm of seam.

    Spot and multi-spot welding

    Spot welding is extremely rarely used in private construction due to its high cost.
    Naturally, such prices for welding metal structures are determined by the high quality and complexity of the work. Unlike the arc method, spot welding uses several electrodes at once, which can melt and bond metal in turn or simultaneously. The simultaneous creation of seams throughout the entire welding area is called multi-point welding.

    The only difference here is that in the point model, the current is gradually supplied to one or two electrodes. In a multi-spot welding process , as a rule, current is supplied via an energy distributor to all electrodes at once. Placing seams on metal structures in this way requires special equipment and a highly qualified specialist.

    Spot welding combines two processes at once.
    Almost simultaneously, the metal melts and the pressure increases. As the pressure increases, the rigidity of the metal is overcome , due to which the required deformation is obtained at all the necessary points for creating the seam.
    Using this process allows you to obtain high-quality and reliable seams, which ultimately do not even require mechanical stripping. The cost of spot welding works ranges from 40 to 50 rubles. When using a multi-point process, prices are doubled.

    How to calculate a welder's work

    The price for welding work must be calculated before starting the planned activity. Where to download the price list for welding work - we’ll talk about this in the article.

    It is not possible to find a universal price list for welding work because the cost of materials and services depends on the region and on the prices of the company that provides these construction services.

    In the process of drawing up such a calculation plan, they focus on the types of materials and the individual product.

    You should also take into account the specifics of welding work on iron, aluminum and other materials and the intended type of final product.

    Selecting a Service Provider

    The price for welding work will directly depend on the following parameters:

    • range of services provided;
    • versatility of specialists;
    • high professional level;
    • flexibility in cooperation;
    • efficiency in solving work problems;
    • reasonableness and affordability of prices.
    • What items does this calculation include?

    What items can be used to compile a price list for welding work 2022?

    When you are faced with the question of studying such a document, we recommend that you consider the following fundamental factors:

    quality and characteristics of consumables;

    • degree of equipment depreciation;
    • delivery of products to the customer;
    • various types of welding: argon, electric or gas;
    • level of complexity of manufacturing the product.

    In order to determine how much welding work costs, a price list is drawn up, which indicates the cost:

    • Sutures for iron: spot, connecting, intermittent, 1 cm
    • Forged welded gate
    • Spot, butt, intermittent seam on stainless steel for 1 cm
    • Various types of seams for aluminum and its alloys
    • The cost of visiting a specialist and welding team, as well as a visit from a gas cutter, is taken into account
    • Outside the Ring Road, the cost of employee travel is determined based on each individual kilometer

    Features of manufacturing metal gates when required:

    • Replace their old worn out hinges;
    • Eliminate distortions in gates or frames;
    • Strengthen already installed gates;
    • Install security systems;
    • Cut a gate, cut a gate;
    • Perform various manipulations with locks;
    • Weld pipes and their joints, subject to determining the cost per 1 cm;
    • Replace all kinds of batteries or risers;
    • Make a chain-link fence, gratings and other fences, external and technical stairs, railings when taking into account the cost per 1 linear meter.

    Prices for welding work, price list 2022, may vary depending on how many tasks will be assigned to the builders. Moreover, the more orders, the higher the level of discounts provided. This is how the performers take care of the benefits for regular customers with the expectation of long-term cooperation.

    This type of activity can be carried out in two ways:

    • Using a semi-automatic device;
    • Point or multipoint method.

    The type of order depends on:

    • Degree of order complexity;
    • Its volume;
    • Seam lengths

    Information on how much welding work costs can be provided by a correctly compiled price list.

    about the use of magnetic angles for welding and their features, see here:

    Cost of welding work for pipelines and price list

    In order to install a pipeline efficiently, you cannot do without the services of professional welders who have the appropriate approval. Two methods: melting and pressure are the main ones in this process.

    The price list for pipe welding includes the use of services:

    • Manual;
    • Manual-electric arc;
    • Gas;
    • Semi-automatic;
    • Automatic and submerged;
    • Electric contact;
    • Stykova;
    • Wire types of welding

    Each of the above types of welding work on the pipeline will be preceded by a preparatory process, which must be carried out strictly according to the instructions, since the safety of many people subsequently depends on compliance with these rules. A welder without the appropriate permit is not allowed.

    on the specifics of welding work on pipelines can be viewed here:

    How to calculate the cost of welding services

    For many specialists, purchasing a welding machine and eventually learning welding at a professional level is not the least difficulty. And subsequently, many come to provide welding services or simply do “hack jobs” in addition to their main job. And here many people are faced with the question of how to calculate the cost of welding work, adhere to production and factory pricing standards, or determine it “by eye.” In this article I will provide a formula and a few tips that may be useful to you and will help you initially decide on prices for types of services related to the welding process.

    Main pricing factors

    Let me start with the fact that you can determine a number of factors that will directly affect the cost of a product or service created by the hands of a welder, namely:

    • Scope of work carried out
    • Complexity of work
    • Type of welding
    • Type of consumables required during the welding process

    And these are not all the points, but I still want to convey a simpler price formation formula that almost every welder can use, even if he has never dealt with pricing and is far from humanitarian economics.

    twork – time spent on work

    td – time spent on the road

    ST – welder hourly rate

    Zd – travel costs (fuel)

    Zmat – costs of consumables

    АО – equipment depreciation

    Thus, the cost of work = (time spent on work + time spent traveling to the client) * specialist’s working rate + (travel costs + material costs + equipment depreciation)

    I gave the simplest formula for calculating the cost of services, from which it will be somewhat problematic to express the exact cost of a centimeter of a weld or a welded pipe joint, the standards that organizations and services often use. But, using it to calculate the cost of not very complex simple work is quite practical.

    How to gain a foothold in the welding services market

    You need to advertise yourself! You are a welder, your clients should know about your capabilities. Advertise yourself wherever possible, on websites on the Internet, in local advertising newspapers, on fences, poles, trees. Your advertising should be everywhere where people go. A friend of mine is engaged in digging wells, he writes his advertisements with a marker on plastic, hangs them on trees in dacha cooperatives, near bus stops in private sectors. He says that this type of advertising works fine until someone removes it. A few tips that will help you gain a foothold in the welding services market in your region and attract more clients:

    1. Always be aware of welding service prices in your local market. Start using the Avito website. You should offer your welding services on the Avito website, on the From Hand to Hand website, as well as in advertising newspapers in your city. Look at prices from advertisements on the Internet, ask familiar welders and clients. This will help you create your own hourly rate, depending on your professional skills.
    2. If there is quite a large demand for your services, and there is not enough time for all clients, you should think about an assistant or raise your prices. It is more priority to provide a discount to the client so that he will contact you next time than to work for a low fee.
    3. Sometimes, to simplify the assessment of the cost of work, you can calculate the approximate consumption of materials for the work and ask the client to purchase them himself. Thus, the cost of the final product of work for the client will become more clear.
    4. You can increase the hourly rate by 1.5-3 times when performing welding work in cramped conditions, at heights, in trenches, pits, etc., etc.

    Technological features of welding metal structures

    Before welding, the parts are delivered to the assembly site, where further preparatory work is carried out - moving the structural elements, their temporary fastening to each other using a jig and secondary fixation of the parts.

    Welding aluminum using an electrode

    Welding metal structures without high-quality preliminary assembly is impossible. The durability and reliability of the entire project will directly depend on the quality of work. The slightest inaccuracy can lead to disruption of the entire structure of connections, and this is a direct failure of the engineering project.

    1) How to organize the process correctly?

    Based on operational time standards, about 70% is spent on assembling the structure for welding. Experienced welders have a couple of techniques in stock that can reduce the time spent on welding, but this requires a person to have experience in the niche + standard skills in working with a conductor.

    Welding cast iron at home

    Recommendations for assembling metal structures for welding:

    1. Provide for the displacement of elements, leaving a little space for this process. This should be done before using the conductor.
    2. The parts must be located strictly in their places according to the welding map. The position must be adjusted before the element arrives on the slipway.
    3. To avoid disrupting the functionality of the assembly, the elements must correspond to the design. Replacement with homemade or cheap analogues is unacceptable.
    4. The gaps must be optimal - no more and no less than the standards specified in the design documentation.
    5. Pay special attention to the corners of the assembly. If the project provides for a bevel of 45, it should be 45, not 48-50. Perpendicular guides must be at 90 degrees, otherwise the integrity of the structure will be at risk due to misalignment.

    The rules specified above are applicable at the stage of receipt of metal structure elements on the staple. It is irrational to change something during manual welding. If a robotic system is involved in the work, it will not make any adjustments by default, and all the mistakes will remain in the foreman’s sight.

    Temperature conditions during welding:

    • -18 C is the minimum permissible temperature of the part for welding work. Preheating is allowed;
    • when welding parts made of different grades of steel, a larger indicator is taken into account when calculating the heating temperature;
    • +21 C is the optimal heating temperature for the part before welding.

    Depending on the location of the workpieces, type of seam, technology, conditions, thickness and grade of material, there is a division into types of welded joints. There are 4 types of welding joints classified - butt, overlap, corner and T.

    When welding metal structures, in 75% of cases, butt and corner joints are used. The first type is performed through direct full penetration over the entire thickness of the parts, or the lead strip method is used. The corner connection is subject to heavy loads, which is why special requirements are placed on it. They are usually prescribed in the technological documentation of the service provider company, but general recommendations can also be found on the Internet.

    What is TIG welding

    2) Consumption of electrodes when welding metal structures + process optimization

    Any production process must accurately calculate consumables for welding - this is the basis for savings and rationalization in the distribution of finances. When working with metal structures, it is necessary to take into account the configuration specifics and the required number of electrodes, which is consumed per 1000 kilograms of MK.

    A) Methods for calculating electrode consumption

    If you are not involved in welding metal structures on an industrial scale, then further information will not be so relevant for you. In domestic use, welding equipment consumes up to a pack of electrodes per month, depending on the intensity of its use.

    What affects the consumption of electrodes:

    • Weight of surfacing along the seam. The peak value is one and a half percent of the mass of the entire part on which the work will be performed;
    • seam length. Sometimes, for greater reliability, it is necessary to make 2-3 seams along one line, which accordingly increases the consumption of electrodes;
    • what type of welding is used;
    • standards for surfacing consumption.

    The consumption of electrodes when welding metal structures can be calculated in two ways - in theory and in practice. Theoretical calculation involves the use of highly specialized formulas and tabular values ​​of equipment + metal construction materials.

    Methods for theoretical calculation of electrode consumption:

    • by coefficient (reference information in the picture above);
    • on the physics of electrodes and metal structures.

    To practically determine the consumption of electrodes, the welder needs to carry out the same type of welding several times (5-10). To avoid inaccuracies, the external parameters of the environment and the welding angle should be as close as possible between passes.

    After each test, a person must:

    1. Measure the length of the cinder.
    2. Take into account the current strength and voltage produced by the device.
    3. Measure the length of the weld.

    You need to understand that both theoretical and practical methods cannot provide 100% accurate consumption of electrodes when welding metal structures, and therefore when purchasing materials, a person must take into account the error (defective rods) and purchase 4%-8% more from the calculated values.

    B) How many electrodes are in 1 kg?

    Let's assume we know the consumption of the electrodes. The second question arises - how many electrodes fit into a pack when purchased. 80% of consumables manufacturers have information on their website, but what to do if your wholesale supplier is one of the 20% who do not calculate this in advance.

    What affects the number of rods in 1 kg:

    • electrode radius;
    • Dina;
    • specific gravity of the electrode;
    • how thick and airtight the packaging is.

    The higher the values ​​specified above for electrode rods, the smaller their number will be located in the package. Some manufacturers may take a workaround and sell the material without packaging (by weight). In such cases, there is less work for the buyer.

    GOST - 94 466 - 75 also serves as an assistant in resolving the issue. It indicates the maximum permissible values ​​for various sections of electrodes in relation to their number of packs and the weight of each rod.

    Prices for welding work

    Every welder should know the approximate prices for performing a particular welding job. Of course, we won’t dare to give exact figures, but still, if we take the average cost of work, then we can get approximate figures.

    In many ways, everything here depends on the qualifications of the welder, as well as on the complexity of the welding work. Some companies offer a fixed price for labor, while some work according to a different scheme. Be that as it may, below is a price list for welding work in Moscow and the region in 2022.

    Prices for welding work

    First, let's look at the approximate prices for pipe welding:

    • The nominal diameter of the pipe is 15 mm (1/2″) - the cost of one joint is 210 rubles, the cost of welding one centimeter of pipe ranges from 20 to 25 rubles. The length of the weld seam is 6.69 cm.
    • Conditional diameter of the pipe is 20 mm (3/4″) - the cost of one joint is 265 rubles, the cost of welding one centimeter of pipe is 26 rubles. The length of the weld seam is 8.42 cm.
    • The conditional diameter of the pipe is 25 mm (1″) - the cost of one joint is 315 rubles, the cost of welding one centimeter of pipe is 26 rubles. The length of the weld seam is 10.52 cm.
    • Conditional diameter of the pipe is 32 mm (1 1/4″) - the cost of one joint is 380 rubles, the cost of welding one centimeter of pipe is 26 rubles. The length of the weld seam is 13.28 cm.
    • The nominal diameter of the pipe is 50 mm (2″) - the cost of one joint is 440 rubles, the cost of welding one centimeter of pipe is 23 rubles. The length of the weld seam is 17.9 cm.

    In many companies that provide welding services, the above prices for pipe welding also include consumables. These primarily include electrodes.

    That is, if you order pipe welding, then in most cases you do not need to buy electrodes yourself. Read about how to choose electrodes for an inverter on the website

    However, the prices are approximate and may differ depending on the complexity of the work, as well as other welding features. Here, everything depends on the so-called complexity coefficient of work.

    What is welding of metal structures: the essence of the work + its types

    The term welding refers to a method of joining parts made of pure metals and alloys. The concept has gained the greatest popularity in such industries as industrial/domestic construction and mechanical engineering. In the 21st century, 90% of construction infrastructure uses welding as the main method of connecting components of structures.

    1) A few words about metal structures

    As is clear from the term, this is the general name for metal-type structures. In regulatory documentation, metal structures are designated as “MK”. Until the 20th century, construction used cast iron, but now structures made of steel and light alloys of non-ferrous and ferrous metals have come to the fore.

    At first glance, it seems that metal structures are the standard of quality, but, like any material, metal structures also have their own characteristics and disadvantages, including. The table below will help you evaluate the material objectively.

    Advantages of metal structuresDisadvantages of MK
    Relatively light weight. Thanks to optimal weight and strength characteristics, MKs have conquered the construction world. Low corrosion resistance. Although alloying components are added to the alloys, which reduce the rate of manifestation of the corrosion process, it is still not possible to completely slow it down. Structures made of pure zinc or aluminum can solve the problem, but another problem arises - high cost and low strength.
    Industrialism. The production of the material takes place in factories with a semi-automatic or fully automatic manufacturing process. Elimination of manual labor has a positive effect on the purchase price of MK
    Reliability. Alloying additives allow peak levels of load resistance to be achieved.
    Low permeability. Steel and other alloys of metal structures do not allow gases and liquids to pass through. Welding helps avoid leaks. Weak fire resistance. Yes, MKs don’t burn directly, but melting is easy. In order to reduce the risks, metal structures are coated with special fire-resistant solutions and fire-resistant cladding is added to the walls.
    Recycling. 95% of used metal structures are melted down at specialized plants. After which new parts are poured from them.

    Any structure needs proper maintenance, and these are additional costs that are borne by 1% of 99% of customers of such work. Salt, wastewater, aggressive gas environments and other negative factors reduce the operating life of the MK by 3-7 times, and instead of a 40-year guarantee of the strength of some MKs, we will get no more than 5.

    The table below will tell you about the classification of MK.

    Classification parameterComponents
    Assembly + manufacturingWelding
    Cast iron

    If we turn to the nature of the connection of elements of metal structures, then there are 3 - welded, threaded and rivet. It is advisable to repair metal structures by welding - this is the only effective method to achieve optimal strength parameters in a short repair time.

    2) Types of welding of metal structures

    Now you can count about 120 types of welding of metal structures.
    Welding joints have become widespread due to their low cost and speed of repair work. The basic condition for use is the need for a strong connection of structural elements, including a tight fit of parts to each other. Achieving water-gas tightness using rivet or thread repair is more difficult, longer and more expensive. The table below will tell you about the main types of welding.

    Diffusion welding of metals

    Welding type MKDescription
    DugovayaThe electrode moves pointwise. Application medium: air and water. The electrode can be either melting (with argon as protection) or non-melting, and the process itself is divided into 2-arc and multi-arc.
    ElectroslagThermal energy passes through the slag, causing it to melt and join the metal elements. The welding method is often used when working with thick layers of metal.
    GasUsing gas, the edges of the connecting parts are heated and they are connected. It is rational to use on thin layers of metal (less than 0.5 centimeters). This type of welding is widely used in shipbuilding and mechanical engineering.
    TermiteThe process is organized through an aluminothermic reaction. Powdered aluminum is used as fuel. It works well when welding railway tracks, and due to the ability to work in a vacuum, thermite welding is also used in high voltage systems.
    ContactSynonym for combined. The current passing through the contacts of the parts being connected heats them, and the pressure connects them together. As a result of resistance welding, permanent joints are obtained, which makes it possible to widely use the welding method in industry, where high-quality connection of elements is necessary.

    If we consider the welding process in general terms, then we should distinguish 3 directions - thermal, thermomechanical and purely mechanical. The last type is the least effective, because it is based on mechanical processes of interaction between bodies (cold welding), and therefore the strength and impermeability of the resulting joints is several times lower than other connection methods.

    Important: to correctly select the type of welding, a person is required to take into account the grade of material, the operating conditions of the structures and the availability of equipment. When choosing the latter, it is necessary to take into account the spatial position + length of the seam, the type of current used and the parameters of the welding mode.

    Cast iron is considered a particularly difficult material to weld. The graphite inside the alloy is extremely unstable, and cracking during operation is common. The main method of welding cast iron parts in metal structures is an arc welding machine with TsP-4 or non-consumable tungsten/graphite electrodes.

    3) Standardization of time for assembling metal structures for welding

    When a person seeks a service from a welder or an organization working in a niche, he expects to hear exact deadlines for completing the work.
    Few people understand that there is no clear calculation for the standards under consideration. When considering deadlines, departments of organizations work with such a concept as operational time. Operational time is the period of performance of a labor operation for each unit of metal structure based on the average standards specified in welding technologies. For each method of connecting MC elements, the operating time is different.

    Each company independently calculates time standards for assembling metal structures for welding. In most cases, between 5 and 20 variables are involved in accounting.

    Basic parameters for calculating time per assembly unit:

    • design complexity;
    • weight;
    • dimensions;
    • number of connected elements;
    • tools and devices used.
    • things like that.

    The time standards for assembling metal structures for welding in 80% of construction organizations consist of 4 points. Each of them will be described in more detail in the table below.

    BasicsThe time allocated for coordinating the actions of employees, the process of directly connecting and fixing together the components of a unit of a part that will be sent for welding.
    AuxiliaryIntegrated, and more often including a sub-stage of work in the main preparation process. Used when work circumstances complicate matters - unfavorable weather conditions or special wishes of the customer. The time limit for the auxiliary stage is calculated
    Organizational and technicalAllotted for welders to rest and have a snack/smoke break. According to labor safety standards, this is 10% of operational time for the welding process of one unit of part.
    Preparatory - finalThe timing varies depending on the complexity of the parts that are sent for welding. The second important factor is the organization of the labor process on the part of the supplier of metal structures repair services. Eg. For a structural unit of 50 parts, 20 minutes are given.

    There are 3 ways to calculate operational time - timing, analytics and a combination of the two previous methods. The first definition option is considered optimal - timing. The assembler is tested for 1-3 hours on the speed of welding the same part. Sampling excludes the first 10-20 repetitions and the last 10 - this allows you to avoid inaccurate data associated with the addition of unnecessary steps and transitions on the part of the welder. After 20-40 minutes the process will be optimized intuitively by workers.

    What determines welding prices?

    Well, firstly, if the work has to be done in difficult and cramped conditions, in an unheated room, at a height, etc. Therefore, the cost of welding work may fluctuate in any particular case. Just as was said above, everything largely depends on the qualifications of the welder, since an experienced master of his craft will never go cheap.

    Now let’s look at the prices for welding the most popular metal structures:

    • To weld 1 m² of gate or grille costs about 1,365 rubles;
    • Welding a fence using chain-link mesh costs about 800 rubles per linear meter.

    When welding commercial and warehouse equipment, the price tag for welding work increases significantly. At the same time, the prices for welding gates and fences that were indicated above do not include the rolled metal itself. That is, the customer provides it independently.

    Your Welding

    Prices for welding sheet metal.
    thickness of welded partsCost of weld per cm.
    1-3mm15 rub.
    4-6mm20 rub.
    7-10mm25 rub.
    10-14mm35 rub.
    15-20mm50 rub.
    Prices for pipe weldingPrices for pipe installation
    Pipe diameterNumber of seam passesCost per jointCost per mp.
    21.3 mm (15)1950 rub.140 rub.
    26.8 mm (20)1200 rub.150 rub.
    33.5 mm (25)1250 rub.180 rub.
    42.3 mm (32)1320 rub.200 rub.
    48.0 mm (40)1340 rub.250 rub.
    57 mm (50)1380 rub.270 rub.
    76 mm1500 rub.300 rub.
    89 mm1600 rub.340 rub.
    102 mm1620 rub.370 rub.
    108 mm1660 rub.400 rub.
    133 mm1800 rub.470 rub.
    159 mm1960 rub.500 rub.
    219 mm22700 rub.800 rub.
    273 mm23400 rub.960 rub.
    325 mm24000 rub.1100 rub.

    Prices for manufacturing and repairing gates

    Lock repairPrice
    Replacing a lock - installing it instead of the old one without disassembling the doorfrom 1000 rub
    Replacing a lock - installing it instead of the old one with dismantling the doorfrom 2000 rub
    Replacement of the lock with modification of the seat for a new lockfrom 2500 rub.
    Replacing the lock cylinder (cylinder)from 800 rub
    Installing a security guard (for padlocks)RUB 1,500.00
    Replacing locks
    Inserting a lock into a metal doorfrom 1500 rub.
    Gate valve installation1000-1500 rub.
    Installation of armor plate1500-3500 rub.
    Installation of boltsfrom 500 rub.
    Gate repair
    Locking the loopsfrom 1500 rub.
    Eliminating skewed gates or framesfrom 3000 rub.
    Gate undercutfrom 2500 rub.
    Inserting a gate into a garage doorfrom 4000 rub.
    Gate reinforcementfrom 2000 rub.
    Installation of security systemsfrom 8000 rub.
    Gate manufacturing
    Metal garage doorsfrom 12,000 rub.
    Automaticfrom 30,000 rub.
    Swingfrom 5,000 rub.
    Specialist visit
    For consultations500 rub.
    For consultations with subsequent execution of workfor free
    Departure of the welding team (with equipment)from 3,000 rub.
    Departure of a gas cutter (with equipment)from 3,000 rub.
    Departure of a specialist outside the Moscow Ring Road25 rub/km
    Price increase factors
    Laying pipes at a height from the floor of 1.5 to 3 m1.1
    Laying pipes at a height from the floor of 3 to 5 m1.3
    Laying pipes at a height from the floor of 5 to 10 m1.5
    Laying galvanized pipes in confined spaces1.4
    Working in cramped conditions1.3
    Working in unheated rooms in winter1.2
    Departure of a welder with equipment from RUB 2,000.
    Contact numbers: 8 (999) 834-06-27 8 (919) 724-24-51 WhatsApp or leave a request directly on the website email:

    When ordering a set of works, there is a flexible system of discounts !

    Dear clients, we ask you to pay your attention! When a welder or welding team goes to the site and does not perform welding services, for reasons beyond the welder’s control (lack of access to the place where welding work is carried out, the customer revises his plans, lack of necessary parts, etc.), the cost of a specialist visit will be 1,500 rubles .

    The cost of visiting a specialist to carry out measurements and consultations is negotiated separately. In most cases, the cost of measurements is included in the cost of work.

    For a more detailed and accurate calculation of welding work and services, use the form below.

    Send an online request for cost calculation

    IT IS IMPORTANT! Ladies and gentlemen! We ask you to draw your attention to the fact that the cost of welder services cannot be lower than 2000-2500 rubles . This is the minimum acceptable cost of work by FIELD SPECIALISTS! According to many years of experience, in 9 out of 10 cases of welding work, a second specialist, in addition to the welder himself, comes out. This is due to the fact that alone it can be extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible to PERFORM QUALITY WELDING WORK ! It is impossible to have four arms or three legs! In 90% of cases, two people are required. Precise positioning, holding and preparing the surfaces to be welded is the job of a second person. You need to do your job either WELL or NOT !!! It is no coincidence that in some companies the minimum cost of welding services in Moscow starts from 6,000 rubles. This is not a manifestation of greed or greed, but the need to pay for the work of TWO specialists . When calling an “inexpensive” welder, you risk encountering amateurs or fly-by-nighters! Countless times we had to go out and REDO the work of such “specialists” . CHEAP IS NOT GOOD!!! Think about it... We are waiting for your questions by phone
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