What kind of cast iron is steel made from?
Basic information about foundry and pig iron
Characteristics of types of carbon metal The iron-carbon diagram shows what cast iron is made of. In addition to iron, there is
Special apparatus
What is extrusion welding and how is it performed?
Extrusion welding creates strong, permanent plastic-based joints. The procedure is carried out within
welding seams on pipes
Types of defects in welds and joints - their elimination
Home / Welding technique Back Reading time: 6 min 0 8757 Defects in
Plow for the Neva MB-2 walk-behind tractor: how to set it up, installation and adjustment, which one is better
Many people ask how to install plows for the Neva walk-behind tractor. Almost every summer resident has
Do-it-yourself spot welding - tips on how to make a welding machine at home (105 photos)
The principle of spot welding is to join two metals under the action of an electric arc created by two
Belt grinding machine
Belt grinding machine: study and do it yourself
A belt grinding machine is used in cases where it is necessary to perform finishing work on parts, then
Boat motor made from a chainsaw. How to make it yourself
It is difficult to dispute the fact that a chainsaw is a universal tool. In addition to the traditional tasks for which
Pros and cons of X12MF steel for knives, key characteristics
The best Russian masters of damask knives It is believed that the competition for damask knives in the modern market is
Construction rule for plaster: everything about choosing the shape, length and material of manufacture + tips on how to make the screed a rule
Characteristic features of the rule What is a building rule? The first models of the instrument were made of dense wood.
Calculation of the choke for DC welding. Welding choke
Almost every owner with the slightest bit of self-respect has a welding machine. As a rule, the last
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