Miracle shovel device for earth or snow - how to choose according to characteristics

What is a miracle shovel for digging earth?

A shovel for the lazy (as the described device is often called) is a kind of ripper, because... She not only digs, but also breaks the clods. This tool does not have a shovel as such, but the differences from the classic bayonet version do not end there. Its handle is located much higher - it should ideally reach the shoulder. Digging the surface of the earth with this tool is much easier than using a classic ripper. A super shovel for digging a vegetable garden performs the following operations:

  • loosening the soil;
  • breaking up clods;
  • “harvesting” weed roots with minimal damage;
  • digging potatoes, carrots and other root vegetables.


If you are interested in a self-digging shovel, then first familiarize yourself with its structure and operating principle, otherwise the purchase you make may not suit you. A miracle shovel for digging and loosening layers of earth consists of one or two strips with pins that are movably connected to each other. Some models have a back stop in the design, which makes digging dense and heavy soil easier, reducing the load on the lower back. In addition, the design is equipped with forks and a lever mechanism.

How does it work

The miracle digger significantly facilitates work in the garden or on a country plot, and the main load falls not on the back, but on the legs (when pressing the forks into the ground) and hands (when the forks are turned out of the ground). The back is almost not loaded during work, especially since it is in a vertical position. It will take less effort to plow several hundred square meters of land (whether black soil or another type of soil) than when using a shovel. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Grasp the handle, place the miracle shovel, resting it on the front ripper.
  2. Next, bend the forks into the ground until the back stop touches the ground. If necessary, press down on the front fork crossbar with your foot, as the soil may be heavy and compact.
  3. Pull the handle of the hand cultivator towards you. With this action, the forks rise, pass through the forks of the front stop and break up all the clods of earth.
  4. Pull the device back a little, then repeat all the steps from the beginning.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, the miracle shovel is much more convenient than other analogues, however, even it has its drawbacks. To understand the advisability of purchasing this tool, let’s consider the relevance of its use in more detail.


  • reduction in physical activity,
  • increased digging speed due to channel width,
  • ease of use,
  • multitasking (suitable for any soil),
  • reliability.


  • for productive work you need a weight of at least 80 kg,
  • Quite a complicated repair
  • impossibility of figure digging,
  • inability to dig holes.

Considering all the pros and cons, the conclusion suggests itself that the tool is ideal for arable work. Depending on the length of the bayonets on the main forks, the pothole is used either for loosening or for sowing. A depth of 15-25 cm (depending on soil freezing) is enough for potatoes, corn, cabbage and most vegetable crops. Since peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers are planted not as seeds, but as seedlings, you will have to make separate holes for them manually. If we are talking about a garden, then the miracle shovel becomes useless. It cannot be used to dig up trees, make neat holes, etc.

As a summary, such a shovel will be needed by owners of vegetable gardens that are used for growing vegetables. In this case, the area of ​​the site must be no less than half a hundred square meters, otherwise the work is easier and faster to do with an ordinary shovel.

Types of miracle shovels for digging earth

If you are interested in such a smart shovel, then check out what options you can find on sale. You can buy the instrument you are interested in in Moscow, St. Petersburg or any other city in the country in a specialized online store with delivery by mail. Be sure to replenish your gardening tools with such a wonderful device; you will appreciate it in the midst of gardening work. To make it easier to process the beds, you can purchase one of the following options:

  • Digger;
  • Mole;
  • Archimedes' shovel;
  • Plowman;
  • Tornado;
  • Miracle potato shovel.


The sharp teeth of the forks of this type of device easily penetrate the soil, making it easier to loosen and cultivate the garden. Miracle forks increase digging speed and eliminate excessively heavy loads. The depth of tillage depends both on the length of the bayonet and on the efforts of the gardener. If you have not decided on a purchase, the miracle shovel “Digger” may be a suitable option for you:

  • model name: Zemlekop-6;
  • price: 1366.1 rubles;
  • characteristics: material of manufacture – metal, dimensions – 490x540x150 mm, processing width – 48 cm, teeth – 6 pieces;
  • pros: designed for deep digging of 25 cm;
  • cons: the tool cannot be used for processing virgin soil.

Purchasing another equally high-quality design of the same category will cost you slightly less:

  • model name: Super Zemlekop-7;
  • price: 721 rubles;
  • characteristics: dimensions – 50x15x57 cm, 7 teeth, 2 handles, material – metal, total length – 55 cm, weight – 5120 g;
  • pros: cheap, good build quality;
  • Cons: It’s hard to walk on trampled ground.


To dig up and facilitate the processing of vegetable gardens and suburban areas, you can order such a miracle device as the Mole shovel. It has a bayonet depth of at least 25 cm. The pothole can be immediately used for planting vegetable crops. Before placing an order, check out the offers of several retail outlets. Promotions or sales will allow you to buy the product you need at a discount. One of the variants of the miracle shovel Mole:

  • model name: KROT-B Forged;
  • price: 990 rubles;
  • characteristics: one handle, digging width of one strip – 550 mm, material – steel, loosening depth – up to 25 cm;
  • pros: reasonable cost, excellent loosening depth;
  • Cons: Suitable mainly for loose soil.

If the described products do not suit you, check out the characteristics of another option:

  • model name: KROT-M;
  • price: 1152 rubles;
  • characteristics: dimensions – 52x38x11cm, packaged weight – 2 kg, digging width – 420 mm;
  • pros: strength, speed;
  • disadvantages: only previously cultivated soil can be easily dug.

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Archimedes spade

Self-excavating forks and a miracle shovel make processing easier, speeding up the process of preparing the soil. In this case, the speed will be affected by the width of the forks. The “Archimedes shovel” is very popular among land owners, which has a small foot lever compared to its bayonet counterpart. When you press it with your foot, the blade of the device throws up a certain amount of earth. Detailed description:

  • model name: Archimedes shovel;
  • price: 1200 rubles;
  • characteristics: weight - about 1.8 kg, there is a double reduction foot lever, the handle has a lower part with a cone 38 cm long;
  • advantages: lightness of construction, strength;
  • cons: it costs a little more than some analogues.


The miracle shovel Plowman, an indispensable garden tool made in Russia, has become widespread. Working with it is based on the principle of a lever system. Thanks to the lever, you can get more force on the short end with significantly less force applied on the long end. Shovel Plowman is an effective assistant in the garden. One of the product options:

  • model name: Plowman 350 mm;
  • price: 990 rubles;
  • characteristics: loosening depth – up to 20 cm, working width – 35 cm, length of soil processed at a time – 20 cm, material – hardened steel, weight – 4.5 kg;
  • pros: high performance, no back strain;
  • Cons: heavy, difficult to transport.

Another miracle shovel “Plowman” has a larger loosening width, but also costs a little more:

  • model name: Plowman 430 mm;
  • price: 1150 rubles;
  • characteristics: loosening depth – 15-20 cm, processing width – 55 cm, frame length – 93 cm, width – 43 cm, weight – 6 kg;
  • advantages: large processing width, excellent strength;
  • cons: difficult to transport, bulky.


A hand cultivator such as the Tornado shovel is very popular. Its presence will help to permanently solve the problem associated with annual tillage. The main thing is to choose the best purchase and decide on the appropriate length of the cutting, which in most cases is purchased separately. This option might be a good buy for you:

  • model name: miracle shovel Tornado;
  • price: 1488 rubles;
  • characteristics: packaged size – 90x40x14 cm, weight – 4825 g;
  • pros: build quality, ease of use;
  • Cons: bulky, heavy weight.

To save time and effort, as well as reduce stress on your back, check out the characteristics of this cultivator:

  • model name: Tornado cultivator;
  • price: 1339 rubles;
  • characteristics: packaged size – 60x20x20 cm, weight – 2385 kg, deepens to a depth of 20 cm;
  • pros: easy to use, pulls out weeds by the roots;
  • cons: does not loosen compacted soil well.

Miracle shovel potato digger

Harvesting potatoes is a very tedious and labor-intensive process that requires a lot of time and effort. A special miracle shovel will come to the rescue; the main thing is to adapt to its principle of operation. After this, the work will be accelerated several times. Familiarize yourself with at least a couple of tools to ensure you get the one you really need. First, pay attention to this product:

  • model name: Harvest 280mm;
  • price: 590 rubles;
  • characteristics: 7 teeth, 1 handle, furrow width – 280 mm, loosening depth – 25 mm, dimensions – 280x120x410 mm, weight – 3 kg;
  • advantages: speed of digging, low cost;
  • cons: a little bulky.

Another multifunctional and convenient tool for a summer cottage that will simplify its processing:

  • model name: Farmer;
  • price: 1359 rubles;
  • characteristics: you can dig to a depth of 5-25 cm, length of teeth - 25 cm, weight - 2.9 kg;
  • pros: efficiency, you can dig without bending over;
  • cons: higher cost compared to analogues.

Rules for using garden equipment

Any tool must be used skillfully so that it lasts as long as possible. The operation of a hand cultivator is based on the principle of leverage. By pressing the foot pedal, a person helps to drive the working teeth into the soil. By lowering the lever with his hands, the summer resident forces the earthen layer to rise. In this case, the soil layer is broken by opposing teeth. Without turning over the entire layer, the device loosens the soil without depleting its fertile layer.

The peculiarity of the tool is that it can only be used on wet soils. It will not loosen dry soil. The best time to use unusual equipment is considered to be the beginning of spring and mid-autumn. But too moist soil is difficult to work with a miracle shovel. During the period of preparing the soil for planting, large areas are dug up with tools.

Caring for the tool is the same as for gardening equipment. It is stored under a canopy, protecting it from rain. For the winter, clean the teeth from soil and wipe all parts of the structure with a dry cloth. You can lubricate the metal parts of the shovel with machine oil to prevent rust.

How to choose a miracle shovel for digging earth

Decide on the design. If you are looking for a less bulky option, then choose a model without a front stop. True, its presence increases stability during operation. Pay attention to the width of the working part. The optimal option is considered to be 45-60 cm - you shouldn’t choose more, because... this will complicate the digging process and productivity will decrease. The length of the working pins should be 220-300 mm, and the distance between them should be 70-80 mm. Before purchasing, make sure that all structural elements are durable and their connections are secure.

Alternative drawings or “what can be replaced”

Above we described a drawing of a ripper, but there are also very practical models of shovels that can significantly simplify work in the garden.
Such a tool will be especially relevant during harvesting, where you need to turn the soil over, and not loosen it. If you need just such a miracle shovel, its drawings and dimensions will differ significantly. Firstly, the working area will be a metal plane, rather than pointed segments for loosening. The counters are removed. All that remains is the mechanism itself for reducing the effort to turn over the earth clod. That is, its advantage will only be in the absence of back strain - the earth is lifted by pulling the handle of the shovel.

Another very popular miracle shovel design is a tool with a triangular support. Its essence is to significantly reduce the effort when digging out a clod of earth. Its subsequent transportation is carried out using the spinal muscles, which will not satisfy the requirements of many builders. This design is perfect for working in very hard soil, where it is necessary to apply very high pressure precisely in the process of undermining the coma.

Beware of fakes!!!!!111

During the advertising campaign for miracle shovels (like any other miracle crap), caution was mentioned almost everywhere, because you could buy a fake and become a sucker (but buying an original and becoming a sucker is kind of impossible), but this was only just a publicity stunt, because:

  1. Not a single fake was found, but there were samples of the originals (especially “Plowmen”) that couldn’t even be called a fake—a crooked hack.
  2. Any fake of this miracle shovel will be exactly the same if you use the same materials, of which there are plenty everywhere, because no one makes special materials for this rubbish.
  3. Everything was calculated on the fact that someone would fall for the idea that “if this crap is faked, then it is very good and popular and, therefore, it should be taken


Load distribution on a square profile: a) Along the stiffeners, b) Perpendicular to the stiffeners, x) Torsion

Both the “Plowman” miracle shovel and the “Mole” miracle shovel use inappropriate material as the main carrier - for torsional dynamic loads, a square profile is used, intended for static loads - that is, if you make a ladder or bench from it, then it will serve for a long time, since the load will not only be dynamic, and even in unsuitable planes.

You can conduct an experiment that can show how these forces operate:

Take an ordinary empty metal cola can. If you place it on a flat surface, you can put several kilograms on top of it. However, if you lightly squeeze it with your hands, simulating a load, and turn your palms in opposite directions, the can will very quickly crumple.

The same thing will happen with this same miracle shovel. Yes, it won’t happen right away, yes, not so abruptly, but it will happen.

Why do manufacturers use such a poor profile?

Very simple - Profits. Developing a special profile for such stray parts that resists torsion, organizing its production, monitoring quality - these are production costs that no manufacturer really needs. And besides, the old grandmothers, for whom this production is in most cases designed, not only do not know the strength of materials, but those who know it ignore it to reduce costs...

Welding failure due to crookedness

Operating procedure

It is necessary to point out the great conveniences that can be achieved by using a miracle shovel. With its help, you will not need to perform various bendings, and therefore the risk of back injury is reduced. Making such a shovel is especially important for those people who suffer from radiculitis. With the help of a miracle digger, you can reduce physical effort, and this will speed up the work.

The operating procedure for the miracle shovel is as follows:

  1. You need to press your foot onto a specially installed pad. This way the shovel will go deeper into the ground.
  2. The foot still remains on the court, and the other foot takes one step back. In this case, the shovel should be tilted to the back, and the soil will end up on its teeth.
  3. Next, you should make small shakes with your left and right hands. In this way, soil will be removed from the surface of the implement and loosening will be carried out.
  4. To turn over the soil, you need to make a sharp upward movement and move the shovel about 15 cm to the rear. After several approaches have been completed, you need to take a regular rake and use it to break up the stones in the area.

Previously, this type of shovel was called a “spade.” This word was formed from actions during work. It was necessary to step or step on the shovel. In this way it was possible to press on a metal bayonet. The principle of operation has not changed at all since then.

There are also factory models of similar shovels. But they have a certain drawback: the earth will very often stick to the moving parts. Because of this, the work will take much longer and become more complicated. In addition, the shovel is equipped with a wooden handle, which often breaks. The cutting must be inserted into special sockets.

If you want to make a homemade tool, then you should make sure that all the parts are very securely connected. That is why various jams and breakdowns are practically excluded. But this does not mean that the miracle digger has no shortcomings at all. You can accidentally deform the weld seams and break plastic parts, if any. But usually such malfunctions occur only after several years of active use.

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