4 ways to cut paving slabs, cut processing

The question of how to cut paving slabs is relevant for everyone who is involved in arranging the local area, creating garden or pedestrian paths, and installing various types of coverings from this material. It is almost impossible to lay tiles without cutting - there will still be areas where you need to install an area that is smaller in size or of a different shape, especially when it comes to figured tiles.

Improper cutting of paving slabs can lead not only to considerable financial costs (the larger and more complex in configuration the area of ​​the pavement being laid, the more cut tiles and, accordingly, waste will be generated if the task is performed incorrectly), but also to a risk to health and life. Using the tool requires knowledge of safety regulations and specifics of the work.

The complexity of cutting is largely influenced by the shape of the tile: square and rectangular ones are easier to mark and cut than wave, hexagon, Z profile, etc. During the laying process, paving stones usually form certain patterns and ornaments that require careful adjustment of the elements to size. In addition, you need to be able to properly process the cut edge of the tile so that the coating is neat and aesthetically pleasing.

There are different tools used for cutting tiles; the choice depends on the skills of the master, the type of tiles, conditions and characteristics of the work. But first of all, you need to study all existing technologies.

Important points of the process

Essentially, paving stone cutting is the processing of durable concrete products of varying thicknesses. As a result of this procedure, elements of the required shapes and sizes are obtained. Moreover, their edges should be even and neat. It is possible to cut paving slabs in different ways: figuredly, across, longitudinally, diagonally. It is important to remember that concrete has a high density. It is achieved thanks to the peculiarities of its production: granite crushed stone is added to the composition, and the vibrocompression method is used. Therefore, all procedures should be carried out with a special tool, and the accuracy and correctness of such actions should be observed:

  • Mark the tiles.
  • Using the chosen method, cut the product.
  • Carefully process the cuts.

The volume of all work, as well as their complexity, largely depends on the desired pattern and the initial shape of the paving stones. Typically, square or rectangular products are cut crosswise (according to pre-made markings). To create multi-colored patterns from tiles with complex shapes, much more force is required. The corner cut, which ensures the insertion of elements into a single structure, is the most difficult to perform. It can only be done with a hacksaw.

Attention! Regardless of the cutting method used, you should definitely use personal protective equipment when making cuts.

Without cutting the paving stones, it is almost impossible to lay out a complex pattern on the site Source trotuar.biz

Sawing concrete without dust

At a construction site and during home renovations, you often have to cut concrete with a grinder. This very dusty procedure cannot be avoided, especially during the installation of hidden wiring. To get the job done, the tool is equipped with solid or segmented diamond discs of various diameters. In this case, the size of the circles depends both on the model of power tool used and on the required cutting depth.

To cut a small non-reinforced concrete block without dust or make a groove, proceed as follows:

  • marking lines are applied along the working surface with a construction pencil or marker;
  • The marked area with the nearby area is moistened with water using a spray bottle or brush (even a rag), which is then periodically watered over the furrow being cut;
  • saw concrete, regularly removing the disc and cooling it with water.

To saw concrete without creating dust, some craftsmen use a special homemade casing, which is practically airtight. Dust removal is provided by a vacuum cleaner connected for this purpose.

When cutting brick, glass, concrete, wood, plywood and other materials considered, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment: goggles, a respirator or mask, and headphones. Clothes and shoes should also be appropriate.

The angle grinder in use must be in good working order. High-quality cutting wheels should be used for sawing, free from defects. The discs and the power tool itself must be inspected before performing work. You need to perform sawing in a comfortable, stable body position.

It is prohibited to use drugs or alcohol while working. General health should also be normal. The grinder should be kept under control at all times, because very serious injury can occur. Moreover, the more powerful the device, the more attentive, careful, and careful you need to handle it.

Security measures

Before you start sawing paving slabs (by any method), it is important to ensure reliable protection for the worker: this will help prevent possible injury. In the process of cutting paving stones, you must strictly adhere to the following rules:

  • All work must be carried out in protective equipment, which includes a respirator, goggles, and protective clothing made of thick fabric. This applies most of all to cases where the cutting procedure involves the generation of a huge amount of dust.
  • It is advisable to use special headphones that will protect against excessively loud noise.
  • When using the selected tool, it is important to comply with the basic requirements for its operation: check the functionality of any mechanisms before starting work; change consumables on time; Avoid using improperly functioning devices; Do not place your fingers near rotating parts; Always use extreme caution when using power tools.

Each individual method of cutting paving stones involves its own set of rules. Therefore, it is extremely important to think through the sequence of all actions in advance and study the instructions for the devices that need to be used for such work.

In the process of cutting paving slabs, too much dust is generated: this requires the mandatory use of protective equipment Source i.ytimg.com

Cutting Features

Before cutting paving slabs, you need to carefully prepare. This refers to markings on individual concrete elements and the cutting area. For the latter, it is recommended to set aside an area away from other building materials, previously laid coverings, and all kinds of buildings.

Attention! The dust generated when cutting tiles is not easily swept away; it tends to eat into materials and spoil their color.

To ensure quality sawing of paving stones, you first need to take accurate measurements. As a rule, about ten percent of the margin is added to the obtained numbers. If necessary, the edges can then be processed to remove excess.

The tiles should be cut exactly along the pre-designated line. In this case, you should not put excessive pressure on the material, since the product may break into random parts or slip out of your hands.

Advice! If sawing with a grinder is difficult, the paving stones can be lightly sprinkled with regular sand. But since the latter can increase the sliding of the tool, it is important to be extremely careful in such situations.

When cutting paving slabs, you should not press too hard, as this may cause them to break into random pieces or slip out of your hands. Source i2.wp.com

Necessary tool

To prepare the required size pieces of paving stones, you should stock up on special mechanisms. This is especially true when it is planned to develop a huge area, which means that elements will need to be cut in significant quantities.

To cut paving slabs you need to prepare:

  • grinder with a set of diamond discs;
  • guillotine knife or circular saw;
  • chisel;
  • hammer;
  • file;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • sandpaper;
  • ruler;
  • roulette;
  • pencil.

Usually, the above tools are enough to properly cut the tiles and lay out the desired pattern on the area.

The saw for cutting Eibenstock paving slabs operates in dry mode and is equipped with a connector for connecting a vacuum cleaner, so during its use the workplace always remains clean Source promtovari.com.ua

Preparatory work

Even before cutting paving slabs with a grinder or any other suitable device, a number of measures should be taken:

  • Find a free place, remote from the warehouse of building materials and buildings.
  • Perform the necessary measurements, calculations, and markings of paving stones. It is worth noting that the latter can be done in advance only when laying simple-shaped concrete products. When a complex pattern is created, all designations are applied to the material for sawing when fitting the elements to one another on the site. Additionally, it is important to take into account the optimal technological gap (about 4 mm). It guarantees easy installation of each paving stone in its proper place, eliminating the need to close cracks and hammer in tiles.
  • Check the functionality of the equipment, the presence of the required number of replacement parts. Check the functionality of the equipment, the presence of the required number of replacement parts. Check the functionality of the equipment, the presence of the required number of replacement parts. Check the functionality of the equipment, the presence of the required number of replacement parts. Check the functionality of the equipment, the presence of the required number of replacement parts. Check the functionality of the equipment and the availability of the required number of replacement parts.

In addition, do not forget to prepare protective equipment: gloves, goggles, work clothes, a respirator.

If paving slabs are laid out in the form of a complex pattern, then the tiles are cut during the work process Source msc-plitka.ru

What tool can you use to cut a curb stone evenly?

05.09.2014 04:39 #0



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Cutting methods

Regardless of the chosen method of sawing paving stones, it is important to carry out all work using proper equipment, strictly observing safety regulations. Before you start sawing a durable tile product, it should be securely fixed. Often, a powerful grinder or guillotine is used to cut tiles. But with a minimum amount of work, it is permissible to use a hacksaw or a special power tool.

For small amounts of work, you can use an ordinary hacksaw for cutting paving slabs Source polax.ua


The cutting part of such a device is a durable diamond disc. The power of the power tool must exceed 2 kW. Usually cutting paving slabs with a grinder is done quite quickly. It is important to adhere to the following sequence of actions:

  • Fix the element firmly.
  • Cut the concrete product along the marked line.
  • To facilitate the process, the paving stones can be periodically sprinkled with fine sand. The maximum permissible wheel rotation speed is 3500 rpm.
  • It is important to perform all movements on your own.
  • It is prohibited: to hold unfixed paving stones over a canopy; work without using protective equipment; sawing with a faulty tool.

Often, cutting paving slabs with a grinder is performed with an average amount of work. When you need to cut a significant amount of paving stones, it is better to use a more powerful device.

To cut paving slabs with a grinder, it is recommended to use combined or segmented diamond wheels Source plitkaplus.ks.ua

Types of tiles

Tile materials come in different types depending on the raw materials from which they are made.

Ceramic tile. The products are obtained by firing clay to which various impurities are added. Depending on the composition and structure of these substances, tiles can obtain strength, fragility, resistance to temperature changes and many other characteristics. To give the material a beautiful appearance, its surface is covered with special glaze and paints. Some manufacturers give the top layer a relief structure. The material is characterized by low strength and ease of processing. It can be cut with either hand or power tools.

  • Clinker. This type of tile also consists of clay. The manufacturing technology involves firing the mixture at very high temperatures. Clinker tiles are quite fragile, but at the same time they can withstand severe frosts, and also cannot be abraded or damaged by various aggressive solutions.
  • Plaster. Tiles made from this substance appeared relatively recently. It is used only as a decorative element. The material is flexible and easy to process, but at the same time absorbs moisture well. Therefore, it is better to use gypsum products only inside dry rooms with a minimum level of humidity.

Video description

Paving slabs: sawing.

Guillotine knife

A modern mechanism for cutting paving stones is a small-sized laying table with a knife, supporting parts, and handles. Its main advantages are the absence of dust during the work process, as well as the ability to process a significant amount of building material.

When using such a device, it is important to adhere to the following sequence of actions:

  • Place the tile in the hole between the legs and the table.
  • By pressing the handle, bring the knife into operation: the mechanism will lower, under the influence of its weight, as well as high speed, and cut off the intended part of the tile product.
  • You should press on the entire handle (not just on the end). Otherwise, it is possible to damage the element and be seriously injured due to a sudden split of the paving stones.

Using such a device, you need to periodically check the sharpness of the knife. If it is too dull, it will overheat, get stuck in the cut, and bend the cutting part. Sharpening is necessary in cases where specks form on the cut tiles and the cut turns out to be rough.

Using a guillotine knife allows you to easily solve the problem of professional paving of large areas Source stroy-podskazka.ru

Wall tile cutting options

Glazed tiles are most often used for wall decoration. Its base consists of baked clay, coated on the outside with a hard glaze. The main task is to cut it to size so that the cut line on the front side is as smooth as possible, without chips or nicks. At home, there are two options for solving this problem. The first method is to make a deep scratch into the glaze and then break the bottom layer of the base. The second way is to use a diamond wheel to get a clean and even cut throughout the entire depth of the tile. When using any tile cutting tool, the work must be done on an extremely level, hard and stable surface.

Video description

Cutting paving slabs.

Special devices

In addition to the above devices, a variety of tools and mechanisms can be used to cut paving stones. There are electric and diesel saws for concrete. As a rule, they work in the same way as an angle grinder, but are additionally equipped with a convenient laying table. The latter ensures strong fixation of the element and comfort of work.

Concrete products should only be sawed with diamond blades. You can purchase them in specialized stores. You can cut paving stones with this tool crosswise, lengthwise, or at any angle.

How to work:

  • Place paving slabs between the supports and securely fix them. It is first important to make sure that the parameters of the load-bearing structures correspond to the dimensions of the paving stones.
  • Turn on the saw and wait until the cutting element picks up speed.
  • Slowly lower the wheel onto the workpiece, and when it comes into contact with the workpiece, press the handle: sawing will begin at the same time.
  • After completing the cut, turn off the device, wait until the rotating disk finally stops, and return the handle to its place.

Attention! During operation, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the cutting element. If it loses the necessary sharpness, cutting productivity will immediately decrease and sparks will appear. The latter can injure the worker.

A special device for cutting paving stones is equipped with a laying table, which provides fixation of elements and makes work more comfortable Source stroy-podskazka.ru

Diamond crowns or how to cut a round hole in a tile

Diamond core bits are the ideal tool for cutting round holes not only in ceramic tiles, but also in porcelain tiles. They are installed on a drill and with the help of small revolutions they do their job. I would like to note right away that the rotation speed when working with them is of great importance - high rotation speeds of the drill will burn the diamond bit on the very first hole.

As a rule, a set with crowns includes five attachments of different diameters, which are easily installed on a special carbide drill.

How to properly cut a round hole in a tile

Cutting round holes with crowns is quite simple. To begin with, in order to avoid shifting the cutting tool relative to the marked center, the tile must be cored. After this, without installing a crown on the tool, drill a through hole in this place. Only after this can you install a diamond bit of the required diameter and drill a round hole with small turns of the drill.

If we talk about drilling porcelain stoneware, then during the work the crown must be additionally cooled - ordinary water is perfect for these purposes, into which the crown is lowered, as a rule, at intervals of 30 seconds.

Round hole in tile photo

An alternative to a diamond crown is the so-called “ballerina” - this is a kind of compass with a cutter. It is installed on a drill and has the same operating principle as crowns. Its disadvantage is that it does not cope with porcelain stoneware. And in general, the incisors of such “ballerinas” quite often chip, and the instrument has to be thrown away. It is inexpensive, and if we are talking about one-time work with soft ceramic tiles, then it will do just fine.

This is what the answer to the question of how to cut ceramic tiles looks like. There are many different devices designed for cutting ceramics, but you need to know how to use all of them. And the best way to learn how to cut tiles with the tools described above is practice. Until you get used to these tools yourself, nothing will work out, no matter how much theory you study before.

Author of the article Alexander Kulikov

Slice processing

After cutting paving slabs with a grinder is completed, the edges of the resulting elements should certainly be trimmed. This procedure will significantly improve the aesthetic appearance of the coating.

How to properly process an edge and get rid of flaws:

  • Small irregularities can be easily eliminated with sandpaper, a file, or a grinder.
  • Significant defects can be removed with a hacksaw or chisel.

Before cutting paving slabs, you need to take care of tools that will help process the cuts and improve the appearance of the sawn concrete elements.

Processing of paving slab cuts is mandatory, regardless of the cutting method used Source 1stones.ru

Grinder for cutting paving stones

The hand-held electrical device is designed for abrasive processing of various materials: grinding, cutting. In the process of carrying out each individual type of work, certain attachments are used. They are securely attached to the end of the device and perform the desired actions when rotated. Some power tools are equipped with a regulator that allows you to set the required disk speed.

A grinder is a popular tool that, in addition to its direct task of grinding surfaces, can perform other functions: cutting metal, ceramic tiles, stone Source postroika.biz


To understand how any angle grinder functions, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with its components:

  • engine;
  • angular gear reducer;
  • control unit;
  • frame;
  • protective casing.

Cutting paving slabs is carried out with a diamond wheel. It is made from small particles of artificial diamond that are pressed into a metal disc. Such consumables differ in the size of the particles and the density of their application. Inside they have slots designed to cool the circle: it heats up during the working process.

Thanks to a special attachment, you can use a grinder to cut even thick, durable porcelain tiles Source i1.wp.com

Recommendations for choosing an angle grinder

It is preferable to use a small grinder with adjustable speed. Light weight will allow for more accurate operations. Great cutting power is not required. For any operations with tiles, a power of up to 1 kW is sufficient.

But in some operations it is desirable to be able to reduce the rotation speed. Reducing the rotation speed will reduce the likelihood of chipping and cracking of the tiles.

When choosing an angle grinder, it is recommended to pay attention to the possibility of adjusting the speed. The figure shows a close-up example of a speed controller.

In terms of seating, an angle grinder for 125 mm discs is optimal. In general, you can cut a circle with any diameter. Reducing the rotation speed is critical in certain situations, as will be discussed below. The smaller the cutting wheel, the more jewelry operations can be carried out; on the other hand, it is ineffective to use a small cutting wheel for a large amount of work - the wheel will quickly grind down. A powerful, heavy tool quickly causes muscle tension and, as a result, reduces accuracy and precision.

To summarize, a medium-sized tool with an adjustable rotation speed is best for tile work purposes.

How to choose a cutting disc

In order to process high-strength materials with high quality, at minimal cost, it is necessary to select the right diamond wheel. A poorly selected element leaves chips, breaks tiles, and quickly deteriorates.

Important! To cut paving stones with a grinder, it is better to use steel discs that have diamond coating (more than 2 mm). Thin cutting elements are usually purchased for special machines.

Today there are several types of diamond wheels:

  • Segmented. They are used for dry cutting; the surface of such products is divided into equal segments. In this case, diamond coating is present only on the cutting edge. The holes provide partial cooling of the element.
  • Solid. Full discs with diamond chips on the edges. Their use involves the use of water cooling. This product is extremely convenient for processing uneven paving stones; segmented paving stones are not suitable for this purpose.
  • Combined. Suitable for dry and wet cutting of paving stones. In terms of cooling, they are worse than segmented ones; in terms of quality, they are slightly inferior to solid ones.

To reduce chipping, the spraying height should exceed the thickness of the material being processed. During operation, you must monitor the disk. Damage to the latter can cause destruction of the tiles and injury to the technician. Sparking often indicates the presence of wheel defects. It occurs as a result of touching the metal base. In such a case, it is recommended to replace the damaged disk with a new one.

The peculiarity of the discs is the presence of diamond chips in the form of sputtering located on the cutting part of the product Source stroyday.ru

Advantages of tiles

Tile has many advantages - it does not burn, does not emit toxic substances, it is resistant to temperature changes and chemicals, and does not conduct electricity.

Quite often, tiles are used for interior and exterior decoration of premises. This is due to the fact that it is a highly durable material. Properly installed tiles can withstand pressures of approximately 30,000 t/m², making them even stronger than reinforced concrete. Consequently, the tile is practically not subject to deformation

Another important advantage of tiles is that they are hygienic, easy to care for, dirt can be easily removed from them, and their surface does not promote the development of bacteria. Tile is not afraid of moisture

That is why it is often used to decorate bathrooms, showers, and toilets.

Tile does not ignite, does not emit toxic substances when heated, and is not subject to destruction upon contact with highly toxic chemical elements. The tiles are resistant to different weather conditions - snow, rain, direct sunlight - this makes the tiles a wonderful material for exterior decoration. A particularly significant advantage is that it does not conduct electric current, so its use is safe in any conditions.

The disadvantage of tiles, perhaps, is their high thermal conductivity, making them cold upon contact. The tiled floor is unpleasant to walk on bare feet. However, this drawback is easily corrected by combining tiles with heated floors.

How to cut with a grinder

A grinder is a very dangerous tool. It is important to install the circle with the pattern facing up, then tighten it with a special nut. The worker must hold such a device by the handle with his right hand. Then the disk will be located on the left, the protective casing will cover it from above. High-speed rotation occurs in such a way that during the cutting process, sparks fly directly to the master. Therefore, if subsequently the mechanism jams, the power tool slips out of your hands, it will fall at a safe distance from the cutter. The left hand should hold the device by the handle on the body.

When using an angle grinder, it is important to use personal protective equipment: a mask, goggles, and a thick work suit.

How to cut straight

To ensure that the cuts made with the grinder are as even as possible, it is advisable to make the correct markings in advance. For example, before cutting a piece of pipe, you need to mark the required size on it with a marker. Then you should wrap a sheet of paper along the applied mark. As a result, the paper tube will be located on top of the metal one, and its border will indicate exactly the trajectory along which it is necessary to cut. For such purposes, it is also possible to use construction tape; it is much more convenient and easier to use.

Then, along the edge of the adhesive tape or paper, you need to draw a cutting line, remove the surface material, securely clamp the tube in a vice, and cut it with a grinder. Similarly, it is allowed to cut a profile or a corner. It is important to remember: during the cutting process, it is prohibited to change the position of the power tool. Skewing the circle will certainly lead to breakdown of the mechanism. Also, do not press hard on the disc, especially if it is thin. The machine must penetrate the material on its own; it only needs to be supported.

Marking a profile pipe using a paper sheet helps to indicate the most even cut line Source sdelaysam-svoimirukami.ru

How to cut a circle

Using a grinder to form a round hole inside any material is quite difficult. When working with tiles, it is important to adhere to the following sequence of actions:

  • On the selected surface, draw a circle of the required diameter.
  • Place the power tool at an angle to the center.
  • Make a contour cut at low speed, trying to go as deep as possible. It should be done with continuous movements so that there is a minimum of angularity later.
  • Divide the circle into segments and cut through the tile completely.
  • Turn the material over and cut it from the reverse side.
  • Carefully remove the “slices”.
  • Trim the edges with parrot pliers or sand them with a grinder.

Attention! When sawing tiles, too much caustic dust is generated. Because of this, it is better to do such work outdoors.

The smaller the required radius of the circle, the more difficult it will be to do all the work accurately and beautifully Source pol-spec.ru

#4 Using an angle grinder

Another tool you can use is an angle grinder with a stone disc. The cuts will not be as clean as with a water-cooled saw, although they will still be of decent quality. With this tool you can make rough cuts for doorways and vents quite easily.

The cutting procedure with a grinder consists of several steps:

  • Draw lines to mark the area that will be cut out
  • Apply tape parallel to the cut line to prevent chipping.
  • Gently press the grinder's trigger and cut along the surface of the drawn lines
  • By holding the blade horizontally to the edge, you can make rounded cuts
  • Holding the blade vertically at the edge allows you to make straight cuts

Never operate power tools without appropriate safety equipment. While a dust mask is sufficient to protect against large particles, so are work gloves. Wear a long-sleeved shirt and work pants to avoid accidental cuts from shards of ceramic that break off during the grinding process. Hold the tool firmly with both hands while you cut the tile pieces.

Angle cut using a grinder

Use an angle grinder to make angled cuts:

  1. Draw the cut lines using a marker, and a ruler. Equip your angle grinder with a diamond blade.
  2. Nail two wooden guides on a wooden board: the distance between the two guides should correspond to a drop of ceramic.
  3. Place the ceramic between two guides to prevent it from moving while cutting.
  4. Tilt the grinder slightly and run the ceramic, holding the grinder with both hands.
  5. Make a back and forth motion to cut the ceramic. Follow the lines you drew.
  6. Sand the edges of the cut ceramic tiles to remove any rough edges caused by cutting.

Video description

How to cut a round hole in a tile with a grinder.

How to cut without dust

Before sawing paving slabs with a grinder, you can build a useful device for it. It looks like an ordinary dropper.


  • Place a straw in a plastic bottle (2L).
  • Make a hole on the grinder casing corresponding to the diameter of the tube.
  • Insert another transparent dropper into the opening.
  • Connect two tubes, pour water into the container, and open its supply to the system.
  • Adjust the fluid flow rate. The latter will extinguish the dust generated during cutting.

This homemade device can be used when processing any materials that, when sawed, emit a lot of dust into the atmosphere.

Drill with attachments

Strictly speaking, a drill is not suitable for cutting a strip. A drill and various attachments can cope with drilling holes of various diameters in tiles.

Small diameter holes for dowels are made for fastening shelves, cabinets, and decorative elements. Large holes are needed to bypass pipes, meters, etc.

To work with ceramics, it is better to use not an ordinary drill, but a spear-shaped tile drill, colloquially called a “feather”. It easily passes through the glaze layer and the top layer of ceramics and bites into it so that it passes through the tiles without chipping the surface.

Once you've gone through the ceramic, replace the "feather" with a concrete drill bit and continue working.

Diamond-coated bits are excellent attachments for drilling holes for sockets, switches, and meters.


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