Corded drill/driver: a universal device for screwing and drilling



A corded drill/driver is an electric tool used by home craftsmen for various types of work. This device combines the functions of a screwdriver and a drill, and can also be used for mixing liquid construction compounds, which is possible with a special attachment. To choose an effective and reliable device, it is necessary to study the features and operating principle of screwdrivers operating from the electrical network.

A drill-driver is a universal tool that is useful in every home.

Features of the electric drill-driver

Devices that operate from the electrical network are incredibly popular. The demand for such devices is explained by their indispensability and universal qualities. They can be used for completely different tasks. They operate from an electrical network with a voltage of 220 V.

Electric drill/driver has advantages and disadvantages

Helpful information! Network (or, as they are also called, wired devices) have a characteristic appearance. They include an oblong body and a handle for ease of use of the device. The handle has a special “Start” button, through which the device starts.

An electrical cord comes out of the bottom of the handle of a corded screwdriver, which is connected to the outlet while using the device. Such devices have one feature: they are equipped with a special magnetic holder included in the design of the gearbox.

Such a tool also includes a number of other components. The electric motor provides the rotation of the device necessary for operation. A special limiter located in the working part is designed to regulate the screwing depth.

The main components include the electronic unit, which is responsible for controlling the device, and the clamping chuck. Electric screwdrivers of this type include a half-coupling, which has one feature. This part is capable of relieving the torque force of the holder. This occurs when the maximum screw depth has been reached. Some devices belonging to the middle and higher price categories may have a speed control. The performance characteristics of such devices are much higher, so they are recommended by experts.

The tool consists of an electric motor, block, chuck, cord and other parts

Types of electric screwdrivers depending on the shape of the body

According to this indicator, two types of devices are distinguished. The ease of use of the device depends on the shape, so you should definitely familiarize yourself with its main options. So, today you can find the following models of screwdrivers on sale:

  • pistol;
  • in the shape of the letter "T".

Devices that belong to the first type are more budget-friendly. The body of such devices is made of plastic. In corded drills, the chuck is fixed directly to the motor shaft, so the quality and efficiency of the device depends on how much power it has.

Note! The main disadvantage of pistol devices is the rapid heating of the body during operation. This means that they cannot be used for a long time.

In turn, devices whose body is shaped like the letter “T” differ from pistol ones in the location of the handle. In such models it is shifted to the center. Electric drills and screwdrivers of this type can be purchased at a higher cost. The T-shaped body is believed to minimize the stress placed on the hand during operation of the device.

There are two types of devices in shape: T-shaped and pistol

Most often, models belonging to the second group are professional and are used by qualified workers. The electric motor of such devices rotates the bit more smoothly, which increases the efficiency of the device. The rotation speed in such screwdrivers is regulated by a special part - a planetary gearbox.

Classification of electric corded screwdrivers by operational area

This versatile and compact device can also be classified depending on the area of ​​use. Let's consider two options for corded screwdrivers, which can be easily purchased in a specialized store or ordered in an online store:

  • household;
  • professional.

Household appliances are purchased for private use at home. Such models, as a rule, are affordable and quite simple. In this case, there are practically no additional functions, since the products must perform simple work with large time intervals between them.

Household-type hand-held electric drills and screwdrivers are characterized by low motor power. Experts categorically do not recommend subjecting such a device to prolonged use. Despite all the disadvantages of the device, its cost is fully consistent with its functionality. If you follow the operating rules, then such a device will last quite a long time.

Drill-drivers are classified into professional and household

Professional models are used by craftsmen in various areas of the construction industry. They are used to perform work that requires high power. Such devices are resistant to overheating. Another advantage of such models is their long service life, however, professional screwdrivers require special care.

To select the model that is suitable for use in specific conditions, it is recommended to study the characteristics of individual drills/drivers. Reviews left on specialized forums also contribute to the acquisition of a reliable device.

There are also special compact devices that have minimal power. It is enough to perform simple operations. They can be used in both domestic and professional construction.

Corded drill-driver: advantages and disadvantages

Electronic devices of this type, operating from the network, have a number of advantages, due to which they have become widespread in the construction industry. Let us consider the positive characteristics of such devices in more detail.

Electric drills have many advantages

Helpful information! The main advantage of such devices is the absence of a rechargeable battery. Of course, models that have it are more mobile, but they are not designed for long-term operation. The presence of uninterruptible power allows you to perform large volumes of work at high power.

Electric drills and screwdrivers are also more convenient to use, as they have less weight. This is due to the lack of a battery. Thanks to the ability to perform work at high speeds, significant time savings occur. All operations are performed several times faster.

Another positive point, which is very important for those who use screwdrivers not only at home, but also outdoors, is the resistance of the wired device to weather conditions. At low temperatures, devices that are not connected to the network lose their charge much faster, which leads to the need to constantly change batteries. The price of electric drills that are frost-resistant is higher than the cost of standard analogues.

Network devices are lighter in weight compared to battery-powered ones

Corded screwdrivers also have disadvantages. The most significant disadvantage is the limited range, which depends entirely on the length of the power cord.


To find differences between tools, a comparative analysis should be carried out. You can evaluate the characteristics of devices and the types of work that can be performed using them. Only after this the master will be able to determine which tool will be best for him.

According to technical characteristics

Each device has individual characteristics. More expensive models have high power, while budget options are often not able to drill holes of sufficient depth. But the instruments also have common characteristics that are common to most popular models.

Device specifications:

  • Screwdriver. Models for private use most often have a torque of 16 Nm and a rotation speed of 600 rpm. Professional tools boast 130 Nm and 1300 rpm. There are several types of batteries. Nickel-cadmium can be fully charged and discharged up to a thousand times. Lithium-ion does not have a memory factor, so it can easily be recharged at any time. There is also a nickel-metal hybrid battery. Its capacity is enough for 500 full charges, but it will not be possible to use the tool at low temperatures. Also, a screwdriver can have two types of chuck: key (or cam) and quick-clamping, with one or two clutches.
  • Drill. Classic tools have a power of 0.6 kW, as well as the ability to regulate speed. The device has a clamping chuck, as well as a wheel for setting the number of revolutions and a mode switch. Also often present are electronic controls and a holder for attachments. To protect the mechanism from damage and loosening of screws, there is a reverse mechanism. Its location allows you to use the function using the finger of your working hand.

This information suggests that the speed of the drill is much higher than that of a screwdriver. Therefore, with its help, large amounts of work can be completed faster.

By type of work and purpose

Using a drill and a screwdriver, various tasks are performed. Their differences are as follows:

  • The screwdriver is designed for installing or dismantling bolts, self-tapping screws, nuts and other threaded hardware. The main distinguishing feature of the tool is the ability to adjust the torque. This helps to deepen the screws to the desired position in the work surface. The screw head will not go inside the wall, but will remain flush with it. In addition, some modern models provide the function of grinding and drilling holes when using additional equipment. Of course, performing side tasks with a screwdriver will be less effective than with specialized equipment.

  • The drill was invented for making holes in various surfaces (wood, metal, plastic, concrete). It differs from a screwdriver in that the main indicator of performance is the rotation speed. This tool is also capable of performing additional functions: grinding, cutting metal or wooden parts. It can be used as a drill, but this should be done carefully. The design of the device does not have a screw depth limiter, so it is easy to tear off the splines or press the hardware too deeply into the surface.

Important! To perform some types of work, it is enough to use one of the tools. However, if you have no experience in the construction industry, it is better to stock up on all the devices, otherwise the end result will be disappointing.

A drill and a screwdriver have external similarities, but their design and functionality differ. If the main task that a person plans to perform after purchasing a tool is tightening screws, then you should simply choose a screwdriver. If he needs the tool as a device for drilling holes, then it would be better to opt for a drill.

Electric drills and screwdrivers: types of devices by operating principle

All such devices can be divided into groups according to their operating principle. The operational characteristics of these devices depend on the features that appear during operation. Models with an engine brake are quite popular. The brake operates by closing the motor. In order to stop the device, simply release the “Start” key. You can also find devices on sale that have a mechanical brake.

Another modification of the wired device is shock. An electric drill of this type creates impulses that help screw in a metal product. In this case, the engine of the device begins to rotate in jerks, which are distinguished by high power. This allows you to complete even the most difficult work.

There are highly specialized models used for drywall. Their design includes a special limit coupling. It is used to regulate the depth of screwing in screws that are quite long.

The most popular drill-drivers are impact and with a brake motor


A screwdriver can only be used for tightening screws, since it only has a hexagonal seat for bits. Although it should be said that there are also drills with a hexagonal fit, like bits, but usually they only come in small diameters, and they are not on sale everywhere.

Thus, based on this tool, we conclude that it can only be purchased for tightening self-tapping screws. At the same time, we remember that it is tied to the network, which means you won’t be able to work with it autonomously.

It is most convenient to use this unit in any assembly shop, where work on screwing in self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws is carried out at one specific workplace.

Types of chucks: choosing the best drill/driver

Network models differ from each other in one more indicator - the structure of the cartridge. The design features of this part determine how reliable the device will be during use. Let's consider which devices are most often found on sale today.

Models equipped with serrated chucks have become widespread. In such devices, the nozzle is secured using a special key. The time spent on this procedure is the main disadvantage of such devices. However, they are highly reliable, which is why they are so popular. The price of networked screwdrivers of this type is quite affordable.

The next subspecies are screwdrivers that have quick-release chucks. The speed of replacing tips in this case is significantly higher than that of other devices. It is recommended to purchase such devices to perform simple work. This is due to the fact that the reliability of fixing the nozzle in this case is much lower.

Note! Devices with quick-release chucks are not suitable for screwing metal products into highly hard surfaces.

The most popular chucks are quick-release and serrated

The most effective, allowing you to perform complex tasks are impact drills and screwdrivers. Network devices of this type are more expensive than standard ones, but their price is fully consistent with their performance characteristics. The power of the nozzle depends primarily on the diameter of the cartridge. Devices intended for domestic use have a cross-section not exceeding 20 mm.


If you are thinking about which screwdriver to buy, which company will be better and what qualities you need, look at the equipment included with the device. If you understand that the device includes everything you need or even more, and you are satisfied with the price, then, of course, without a doubt, purchase this tool. Please note that the screwdriver must:

• stored in a small suitcase that will protect it from shock and contamination;

• have a special strap that can be easily attached to your hand for safe operation;

• have several replaceable attachments for different types of surfaces;

• have a replaceable battery that can be charged. This way, work will not be interrupted due to a suddenly discharged battery.

So, as you understand, choosing a screwdriver is not an easy and rather delicate matter. You need to clearly understand for what purpose you are purchasing a tool in order to choose the optimal set of device characteristics for yourself. Then the repair will bring only joy and will go very quickly.

How to choose a drill/driver: main characteristics

When choosing a power tool used for drilling, you need to pay attention to several of the most important characteristics that determine its suitability for use. Let's look at the key indicators of network devices.

Power. When choosing a tool for drilling and screwing metal products, you must first consider what power it has. This indicator affects the functionality of the device. As a rule, budget options have little power, but you can find good inexpensive screwdrivers.

The power range can vary from 100 to 900 W. For household use, it is recommended to purchase models in which this figure is approximately 400-500 W. The amount of electricity that the device will consume during operation depends on the power of the device.

If the device is purchased for domestic use, it is recommended to buy models with a power of 400-500 W

Torque. This parameter determines the force that will be applied to the metal product and the drill itself during rotation. Knowing this value, you can determine for which material a particular tool is suitable. It is measured in newtons per meter (N/m).

For devices that will be used for economic purposes, 10 N/m is sufficient. Professional devices must have a stronger torque - at least 30 N/m. The most reliable models, characterized by high efficiency, are considered to be German screwdrivers from Bosch, which combine quality and stylish design.

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Rotational speed. This parameter is optional if you need to select a household model. But in the construction industry, rotation speed is very important, since the accuracy of drilling and the speed of work depend on it. Corded impact drivers are the most efficient and have a high RPM.

Reverse. For network devices, the presence of this function is a mandatory rule. The ease of use of the screwdriver depends on where exactly the switch is located on the body of the device. Most often, the switch is located in close proximity to the Start button.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the rotation speed and torque

Speed ​​shifter. This function is important only if the device will be used not only for screwing in metal products, but also for drilling holes. The switch is located on the body of the electrical wired device.

Before choosing a specific device, it is recommended to study the rating of network screwdrivers. It presents the tools most suitable for domestic as well as professional use.

Note! In order to screw in a metal product, a speed of 500 rpm is sufficient. In turn, for drilling it must be higher. To make an accurate hole, a minimum speed of no lower than 1500 rpm is required.

Additional functions of corded screwdrivers

Before purchasing a specific device model, it is also recommended to evaluate its additional functions. Some of them are very useful for domestic use. It is much easier to perform diverse work with a device that has a speed controller. With its help, you can control the speed of drilling and screwing, which allows you to effectively work on surfaces with different densities.

Some network device models are equipped with a speed controller

The best corded screwdrivers include the option of regulating the speed of the working tool. The cost of such devices is higher, but if necessary, you can choose a fairly budget model. It is also worth paying attention to devices that have the ability to lock the “Start” key. This function is most often found in professional tools. Such devices are charged with screws and are called tape devices. Their design includes a special coupling, which, upon contact with the screw, begins to unwind the cartridge with the bat.

For household appliances, the presence of a lock is not so important. This function may only be needed if the screwdriver has high power, which is sufficient for drilling holes in materials with high density. In other situations, its presence is not so important, so for business purposes it is recommended to purchase models that have a lower price. Electric screwdrivers can also be equipped with special lighting. This is convenient if work is done in a room that does not have sufficient lighting.

Some modifications of screwdrivers contain special compartments on the body that are necessary for storing additional bits. Modern models are equipped with locking devices for securing the device to the mounting belt. All of the above functions can be useful depending on the nature of the work, so it is worth deciding in advance on the operational purpose of the device in order to purchase a model that does not include anything superfluous.

Which corded screwdriver is better to buy: chucks and gearboxes

Chucks, also called spindles, are installed on corded screwdrivers and can be of several types depending on the design features. The first option for such a part is a three-jaw key. Such cartridges are classic and are installed on drills. They are characterized by a high degree of reliability when fixing the drill. This type is found quite often in ratings of networked screwdrivers.

It is better to give preference to models with a metal gearbox

Note! Three-jaw key elements are capable of fairly accurate alignment. It is also worth mentioning that their clamping force is higher than in devices equipped with other types of chucks.

The second type of cartridge is keyless, which is considered less reliable. However, manually fixed products are more appropriate to use if tips need to be changed frequently during operation. An example is the Whirlwind device. A drill-driver of this type has an acceptable cost.

Keyless chucks mounted on screwdrivers are less reliable, but they are great for home use. Professionals also actively use devices of this type, as they significantly increase the speed of work performed.

Gearboxes include polymer materials. This significantly reduces their reliability. Of course, the price of a drill/driver of this type will be lower, but it is not advisable to buy it for active use. Plastic parts are more susceptible to wear and have a relatively short service life. The presence of a plastic gearbox is permissible only in those models that are purchased for infrequent household use.

Keyless chucks are considered optimal for home use

Corded screwdriver Sturm ID2145P: best value for money

This device is manufactured by a German company whose products are distinguished by high quality components. The device in this series belongs to the budget range, so anyone can purchase it. It is perfect for home use.

This type of corded screwdriver includes a drill function. With its help, you can drill holes in materials that have not only medium, but also high strength. The model with a hammerless drill is equipped with a motor whose power is 450 W. For economic use this value is quite sufficient.

This device occupies a high position in the rating of electric drills also because its torque is 35 N/m. A similar device is used for screwing long metal products. The device has a quick-release chuck with a cross-section of 10 mm.

Among other things, this screwdriver can operate in two speed modes. The possibility of reverse rotation is also present. In order to protect the technician during work, this device has a “Start” key lock.

The German drill-driver Sturm ID2145P is characterized by high quality

The length of the network cable for the Sturm screwdriver of this series is 4 m. This allows you to carry out work without the use of extension elements. The gearbox in this device is made of metal, which is also a serious advantage that extends the service life of the product.

What is it and what is it for?

The impact screwdriver has already gained recognition in the professional community, but it is not yet so widely known in the mass market. In appearance, this tool is similar to a conventional electric drill, the difference lies in the principle of operation. Hammerless drills operate using a gearbox, while screwdrivers of this type are equipped with an impact mechanism that increases torque.

The shock mode does not have a constant tempo, but is triggered when colliding with an obstacle. This gives the device a noticeable advantage when working with hard and particularly hard materials, such as concrete.

The purchase of such a tool is relevant for both home use and professional construction. Craftsmen note that the impact principle of operation does not interfere with tightening fasteners and does not damage the elements.

Corded screwdriver Zubr ZSSh-300-2: the best combination of cost and power

This is a domestic device that has good power (300 W). The length of the cable in this case is a significant advantage. The device has a five-meter cord, which allows you to perform work at a considerable distance from the outlet. The device’s motor provides high torque when drilling and screwing, namely 35 N/m.

Helpful information! The cable of the device is covered with a layer of special frost-resistant rubber, which allows the device to be used outdoors in the winter season.

The maximum idle speed can reach 1400 rpm. The screwdriver of this series has two speed modes, which increases the scope of its application. Many users choose this particular model for home use.

Drill-drivers from the Zubr brand are produced with high power and at the same time have an affordable price

The device has the ability to reverse rotation. The Zubr corded screwdriver is capable of adjusting the rotation speed, which occurs thanks to an electronic control system. The cross section of the cartridge in this case is standard and is 10 mm. The quick-release tool increases ease of use when changing tips frequently.

Purchasing such a model allows you to ensure high operational safety, since it has a system that blocks the “Start” key. It is also worth highlighting that the device is lightweight, and its warranty period is 5 years.

Distinctive features

When choosing between an impact and hammerless drill, it is important to understand the pros and cons of each option:

  • Scope of application. Hammerless models are suitable for drilling metal, wood or plastic. When working with more durable materials (brick, concrete, stone), preference is given to impact tools.
  • Operating mode. A non-impact screwdriver works only in two modes: drilling and tightening. The percussion model provides the ability to enable a third mode - percussion. It allows you to cope with particularly difficult areas.
  • Accuracy of the result. According to this criterion, hammerless drills win. The spindle of the impact model is designed for work with heavy loads. Plus, most tools of this type do not have stops, which can lead to damage to the material.
  • Weight. Impactless models are much lighter than impact models, which is more convenient for long-term work. At the same time, the presence of a striking mechanism helps reduce the load on the operator’s hand.
  • Specifications. The main parameters are power and rotation speed. High twisting speed is typical for non-impact operation. Impact tools increase torque, making it easier to drill into surfaces.

Corded drill-driver Interskol DSh-10/320E2: a convenient device for the home

Products in this series are manufactured by a domestic manufacturer. The device has high torque, despite the fact that it consumes minimal power. Thus, it can be classified as an economical device. This device has a hammerless drill function, which allows you to use a screwdriver to drill holes in hard surfaces.

The characteristics of such a device determine its reliability. Such screwdrivers are often found in small workshops. The material from which the gearbox is made is plastic. However, the working elements in it are made of metal, so the tool is wear-resistant.

The Interskol network device DSh-10/320E2 is characterized by wear resistance and reliability

The Interskol corded screwdriver of this series includes a medium-power motor, namely 320 W. The torque of such a device is quite high and amounts to 35 N/m. This is more than enough to screw in fairly large metal products. The maximum diameter of screws that such a device can screw is 6-7 mm.

The quick-release chuck simplifies the operation of the device. The diameter of this part is, as in previous models, the standard 10 mm. This screwdriver can also operate in two speed modes. The first of them is recommended for screwing, and the second for making holes in surfaces of different densities. This model is quite often found in various ratings of networked drills and screwdrivers.

The length of the network cable for such a device is not the longest - only 2 m, but it is quite enough for domestic use. Please note that an extension cord may be required to operate the model. Additional functions of this device include reverse rotation and the ability to lock the Start key.

Additional functions

In screwdrivers, as in other equipment, the more functions, the better and more comfortable it is to work with the device. In addition, the result of the work very often depends on additional functions. Therefore, you should pay special attention to them. Let's list some of the most important ones:

• impulse - this function is used if it is necessary to remove an old screw or self-tapping screw from wood that is already very rusty. Regular scrolling does not help in such cases, and the impulse unscrews the unwanted screws with strong jerks;

• impact - used in light finishing work, so, of course, a full-fledged hammer drill cannot be replaced here. But with foam concrete or red brick, a tool with this function will cope with a bang;

• number of speeds - if there is only one speed, then the range of work is significantly narrowed. But two speeds allow you not only to screw in screws, but also to drill holes with ease;

• reverse - in other words, counterclockwise torsion, which allows you to unscrew a screw or other fastener;

• lighting - people can work without it. However, after trying a backlit tool once, everyone understands how convenient it is.

Makita 6805BV corded screwdriver: a popular model for home and work

A Makita device of this type is distinguished by high build quality and is often used by professionals. The model is equipped with a special chuck that supports the function of changing bits without tightening. This allows you to replace attachments without extra effort, which increases the convenience and speed of work.

Tools from Makita are appreciated not only by amateurs, but also by professionals

The Makita corded screwdriver of this series is capable of adjusting the depth of recessing of the head of a metal product. This is achieved due to the special design of the cartridge. The power of this device is high (510 W). The rotation speed of the working part can reach 2500 rpm.

Note! Using a Makita drill-driver allows you not only to quickly screw in metal retaining elements, but also to unscrew them. The 6805BV's torque is lower than many of the devices presented in the rating. This figure is only 26 N/m, but it can be adjusted.

The “Start” key is also locked in this device. It is produced by a mechanical system, which increases the reliability of the device. This screwdriver has a power cord, the length of which is 2.5 m. Among the disadvantages of this model, one can highlight its large mass, which leads to rapid hand fatigue during operation.

The Makita corded drill/driver is certainly one of the best devices, but it is not without its drawbacks. It is recommended to buy such a device when reliability comes first, ahead of ease of use. The body and internal parts of this device are highly durable and resistant to wear.

The torque indicator in the Makita 6805BV device is 26 N/m

Corded screwdriver Bosch GSR 6-25 TE 2011 Case: high-power device

This device is distinguished by the presence of a powerful engine and a rich set of equipment. A wired model from a well-known German brand is most often purchased for professional use, but it can also be purchased for home use.

The use of such a device allows you to perform work of any complexity. With the GSR 6-25 TE 2011 Case you can screw in long metal products. When answering the question about which corded screwdriver is the best inexpensive one, this model should not be taken into account. The cost of a German device is significantly higher than the price of domestic analogues.

The engine power in this case is 701 W. The maximum rotation speed of the working tool is 2500 rpm. This device includes in its design a special cartridge, the configuration of which does not require tightening when installing tips. The auxiliary functions of the screwdriver are very extensive. Of these, it is worth highlighting the following: reverse rotation, locking the “Start” key, as well as the presence of a magnetized bit holder.

Electric drill/driver Bosch GSR 6-25 TE 2011 Case has high power

If we take into account all the characteristics of such a device, it is worth noting that it resembles the previous device. The Bosch electric drill/driver also has some disadvantages. The main disadvantage of the device is its large mass. It is also worth saying that the process of changing tips is quite labor-intensive. Otherwise, reviews about this device are mostly positive.

Prices for screwdrivers

The price of a screwdriver largely depends on the selection parameters. For the so-called ladies' models they ask from 500 rubles to 1500. Powerful network devices for large-scale construction projects and difficult tasks cost 100,000-140,000 rubles. For household tasks, standard finishing, furniture production and low-rise construction, a tool for 3,000-15,000 rubles is sufficient.

Experts have compiled a rating of the best screwdriver brands. The favorites were: Bosch, Dewalt, AEG, Metado, Makita and Hitaschi. Their proposals were divided into the best offers for different areas.

For home use, the Bosch GSR 1440li took first place. The model is networked and, apparently, is not adapted to the cold. Among the screwdrivers for working in extreme conditions, experts singled out the Makita 6271DWPE.

The general list of needs and proposals is extensive. Every leader has his downsides. They fade only when taking into account the tasks assigned to the instrument. So you need to choose a screwdriver wisely.

You should NOT rely on the sales consultant's comments alone. Experience shows that the knowledge of construction store personnel is, in most cases, superficial. It is better to take a knowledgeable person to deal with the transaction, or study the issue yourself.

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