Spring. Types and application. Stiffness and load. Peculiarities

Resonant vibrations

A fairly high ductility index of the turns determines that there is a high probability of a resonant oscillation occurring. This situation is associated with quite a large number of dangers, as it can lead to a decrease in the strength of the mechanism. The features of this parameter include the following:

  1. Occurs in the absence of additional fastening elements.
  2. Oscillations occur when exposed to a variable load.
  3. Due to resonant vibration, there is a possibility that the force will not propagate along the axis. This situation causes displacement and deformation of individual turns.

Spring stabilization is carried out in a variety of ways. It is worth considering that resonant vibrations increase as the length increases. In this case, the greatest deviation is observed in the central part of the turns.

How to use springs according to their class

The car suspension must be equipped with springs that are of the same stiffness class. Many parts have yellow or green markers applied to them. In the first case, it will be a soft element, and in the second, a standard or more rigid one for difficult operating conditions.

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